Why the computer does not see the wai file adapter. Is there a Wi-Fi on your laptop? Why the computer does not see the network

One of the most common problems with working with routers is its inaccessibility to the computer through network cable. This, most often, can be found right after the purchase of this device. You can solve it even without contacting a service center or calling a computer master at home. Let's look at what to do if the computer does not see the router over the network cable.

Connecting the computer and the router is extremely easy. You need to insert the network cable into the special connector on the device, and then find exactly the same on the rear panel the system unit, then insert its other end there. If nothing has changed after this operation, you should search for the cause and try to fix it.

Basic Errors

One of the main mistakes of users during the connection is the wrong choice of the connector into which the wire is inserted. Usually there are several holes in the back, but we only need to connect the network cable to the socket that is highlighted in yellow. If there are several, you can choose any.

Another popular problem is a network cable fault. Try to connect the router to the computer with another cable and look at the result.

Computers and laptops have such a property as to break down. Sometimes network cards fail, which leads to the inability of the computer to distinguish the network. In this case, you need to contact the service center where the fault is detected and replaced.

Check operation network card   you can use the Device Manager. If you see some foreign characters in front of the network card, like exclamation or question marks, then there is a certain malfunction.

You should also check for drivers for the network card. If they are not on the computer, then there is a possibility that the router will not be recognized by the PC system.

If all the above methods have not helped, it is worth paying attention to the indicators of the router. Usually they all burn in green.

Otherwise, without contacting the service center, you still can not do. There may be other problems, such as poor performance, which can not provide power to some of the components of the system unit.

Here we are trying to answer the question why the computer does not see the router, even if everything was connected, as it should. Usually, you are advised to do the following: reset, press "F5" to refresh the page in the browser, just wait. We will not consider these well-known things. There are situations in which the router really can not communicate with one of the PCs on the network, but the main thing is that the PC itself and the router are fully functional at the same time. Do not know what is at stake - read on.

Cloning MAC, Archer C-8

Let's say we have one computer and a router with gigabit LAN ports. Then, once you clone the MAC address in the web interface, the connection between the router and the PC will be lost (and completely). This is the peculiarity of gigabit routers - they can not work with a subscriber PC, if the MAC address was cloned from this computer. You will have to reset or replace the network card or its MAC. How to perform the latter, we will consider right now.

Managing MAC addresses of computers

Let's say we need to change the MAC address of a wired network card. No programs are needed for this, you can get by windows tools. The sequence of actions will be the same for both XP and Win 7:

  1. Right click on the connection icon in the tray
  2. Select the "Status" line, then click the "Properties" button
  3. In the window that opens, we need the "Configure" button (click it right away).

Access to network card settings

A set of tabs opens, where you will go to the "Advanced" tab and select the "Network Address" property:

Change the MAC of the network card

As you can see, now the value is missing, but you can set it, then set the selector to the upper circle and press "OK"

The question is what exactly is to be asked here. First, let's find out what the default MAC value was.

Close the currently displayed window (click the cross). Where we clicked the "Properties" button, click the "Details" button (valid for windows users 7):

How to view a valid address

In the "Physical address" line, the required value is displayed, write it to the leaf. In Win XP, we would need to switch the tab (it was "General", you need "Support") and click the "Details" button. In general, you will need a different sequence, similar to the value used, but different from it by a single digit. Successful settings!

Assume, after trying everything, the user comes to the conclusion that the router is faulty.

In fact, it is not necessary to hurry with such conclusions. Maybe the problem lies in the network interface of the PC, in a faulty signal cord, etc. This cord, the so-called patch cord, is fraught with surprises. Even when the LAN light is on the router (including, in front of the port being used), this does not mean that the patch cord is working. Try ringing the pins on the connectors using an ohmmeter, or simply replace the patch cord.

Windows presents strange surprises

The speech will go like you guess, that's what: the computer can not establish a connection with the router thanks to the operating system. It happens that it is useless to set the value of IP and DNS explicitly - although with fixed values, although the settings for "auto" interface can not be opened.

Configuring the PC: IP address, DNS

According to reviews, in these cases helps reinstall Windows, after doing what everything starts to work immediately. Experts, however, recommend trying to reinstall the network card driver. This is done so.

First of all, you need to make sure that the driver can be reinstalled after the deletion. It may be necessary to have the installation disk   (or download the driver from the Internet). The name of the device, more precisely, the name of the chip, you will see if you open the "Device Manager". The steps for doing this are: "Control Panel" -\u003e "System" -\u003e Hardware Tab -\u003e Device Manager Button.

All devices present now

Well and to remove the driver, do everything that contains steps 1-3 from the previous chapter. Then go to the "Driver" tab, and click on the "Delete" button (it's there - the latest one). We wish you success.

Output the router from the stupor

If the computer and the patch cord are all right, you can try to "torment" the router itself. Perhaps this device is now in the firmware recovery mode. This mode can be used either by the user himself or automatically (in case of spoiling of the firmware). How do you know if the router is in recovery mode? Now we will answer this question.

Any D-Link device that does not have an ADSL module in the recovery mode is always available at this address: But as a result of the fact that the DHCP server does not work in this mode, the PC does not receive IP automatically. So we put IP "", the mask with the last "0" and go to the web-interface. The browser should open the recovery page:

Firmware restore page, D-Link

All "Asusov" symptoms of being in non-standard mode will be different. Firstly, you will notice that even after loading the "Air" indicator does not light up, and the "Power" lamp flashes all the time (slowly). We also note that ASUS routers do not have a recovery page, as in D-Link. There is no it and the routers of ZyXEL, and the "Power" lamp starts flashing with a period of 2 seconds.

If you come to the conclusion that the device remains in recovery mode, it is better to take it to a service center.

The procedure for restoring the firmware looks difficult, if we talk about any routers except D-Link. But the main thing is that the firmware itself, which will be used for recovery, still needs to be selected correctly (not all firm image files are suitable).

As you understand, you can not just return the device from the emergency mode to the normal one - you need a file-image with a suitable firmware. There are no other options.

  • Introduction
  • 2 basic situations where you can not connect to wi-fi
  • Reasons why a laptop might not see a wi-fi network
  • Ways to fix the absence of wi-fi
  • Conclusion

Greetings to you friends. In this note, let's look at why a laptop might not see a wi-fi network. To begin with it is necessary to understand (albeit briefly) what wi-fi is, what its principle of operation is and what it usually requires.

So, if you say it in an accessible language, then wi-fi is nothing but a wireless way of connecting digital devices.   It is important to understand that with the help of it you do not necessarily have to go straight to the Internet, it's just a way of building wireless networks (like, for example, bluetooth).

In order to enter the Internet you need to wi-fi network   was connected to a router (a special modem), which, in turn, provides access to the global web (via telephone, network cable or any other way).

From this it follows - if there is a Wi-Fi connection in your device (laptop, phone, tablet), this does not mean that it will immediately connect to the Internet (some may seem obvious, but some users may think so ).

2 basic situations where you can not connect to wi-fi

  1. Reason in your device
  2. The problem is in the wi-fi network (that is, in the modem on which this network is created)

In order to exclude a problem in your laptop, you need to connect to an existing wi-fi network from another device, for example, from your friend's phone. To do this, as usual, take from him a smartphone (tablet, "beech"), search for available Wi-Fi networks and connect to the right one.

In the end, if your router is configured correctly, a friend's smartphone connected immediately and without problems, then you should look for the reason in your device (more about this later).

In the second case, you sit alone (or with the company) and can not connect to the wi-fi network, for example, in a public place. It's right, it's probably just turned off or limited access (for example, to the number of simultaneously connected devices). In this situation, you need to contact the administrator. Or, if there are problems with the modem (yours, not your neighbor), then you need to either reboot it or reconfigure it.

That is, the first thing to do is determine where the malfunction is, and then go deep into its solution.

Reasons why a laptop might not see a Wi-Fi

Now we will consider in more depth the main points, why there is no connection to the Wi-Fi network:

  • To begin with, it is worth noting whether Wi-Fi is included in the "beech". Check it easily, at the bottom near the clock click the corresponding icon. If there are no available networks, then, most likely it is disabled.
  • The connection was lost. This can be most often due to modem errors. You can simply reboot it or reconfigure it. To do this, just watch your modem and find the wi-fi indicator - it should be lit.
  • Is the driver installed and what is its version on the laptop. Very often, if the "beech" is new or on it reinstalled the operating system, then you need to install the driver you need   on wi-fi. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to enter the network.
  • On the "laptop", wai-fi stopped working. The cause may be the failure of the corresponding adapter inside the device. Here only repair with its replacement.
  • Finished money "on the Internet." In this situation, by itself, wy-fay on the Internet does not work. You just need to put money on the account and the problem will be solved.


As you can see, there can be quite a lot of reasons, we considered only the most simple and popular ones. Do not be frivolous about simple ways   solutions such as checking the funds on the account or restarting the laptop, very often they help solve the problem.

It is worth starting with the information presented above, and then moving on to deeper and more individual solutions to your question. On this, we finish the solution of the question, why the laptop can not see the wi-fi network, what to do first of all in this situation. Thank you for your attention, if you have any questions, then write them in the comments.

Does not find wiFi network - with such a problem it was necessary to encounter the owner of almost every mobile device. No matter what device you have, a phone running on an android or iphone, a laptop on which Windows 8 or Windows 10 is installed. Anyone can face this trouble. Thus it is not necessary to panic, first of all it is necessary to determine the cause. And our instruction will help in this.

The phone does not find a WiFi network

Of course, you already checked that the service itself is connected, and the gadget should catch a network or a crash occurred while working. The simplest methods try to determine the cause of the problem, for which you need to do the following:
  1. Reboot the router that is sending the signal. The unreliability of these devices is quite high, so the cause can be eliminated at this stage. If this did not help, we proceed to the second step.
  2. It's simple, we reboot the phone itself. In many cases, after a router fails, it can not find the network, and a restart is required to resume work.

If these measures have not helped, then there may be several reasons for the problem. First of all it is:

  • You are out of range of the router. This situation is typical for low-power devices. Sometimes it's enough just to move around the room to find a network.
  • Often, the cause of failure in the work of vayfay is the installation of new applications. This situation is typical for devices that work on Android. Determine which of the new applications have been installed, and try to remove them.
  • Regular failures may indicate that the problem lies in the phone settings themselves. The output can be a complete reset to the factory settings. Typically, you will need to go to Settings and open the Security tab. After rebooting the phone, try to find the network on a new one.
  • In many cases, you can solve the problem by removing the network from the list by performing a second search and connecting with the password.

If these methods have not helped, contact a specialist.

Laptop does not find a WiFi network

The algorithm is the same as for the phone. First of all, we check the location within the range of the router, reset it and the laptop, turn off the wifi or go to the "on the plane" and try to find a network. If there is no result, the following reasons may influence:
  • Incorrectly installed driver module. Even after a banal software update, a software incompatibility problem may occur. Try to roll back the database to the nearest recovery point or install the driver yourself. This option works only if you have installed new version   Windows. Remember, drivers that worked fine on Windows 7 may not be suitable for Windows 10 version.
  • Settings can go wrong not only on the router, but also on the laptop itself. Enter the "Network settings" folder and check the correctness of the entered data.

If these methods do not help, then still have to turn to specialists who will find out the cause of the problem.

In the modern world, laptops are very popular among users. Advantages of a laptop in front of a desktop computer are obvious, especially since there is an opportunity to access the Internet via Wi-Fi. Modern models are equipped with built-in modules for Internet access via wireless router. Many users sooner or later face a problem when their laptop does not see WiFi. The reasons for this problem can be several. In most cases, it's enough to find one of them to understand why the laptop does not see WiFi.

Let's look at each of them so that you can understand exactly in your situation.

The reasons that the laptop does not see WiFi, can be very different. The router in your apartment or office has failed. Check the settings, call the ISP, call a specialist.

If you are sure that the router is OK, then we are looking for a reason in the laptop. In older models, it's usually easy to switch Off to On. Sometimes it happens that the OS of your laptop with the Off button turned on shows that the Wi-Fi is in working order. Check this option and before taking any more serious measures it will not be superfluous to look at the documentation, maybe, this problem   has already been provided by the manufacturer of your laptop, as well as its solution. If your laptop is newer, press FN + F2. In most cases, this is the solution to the problem.

Try to overload your router. Probably, the reason will be eliminated after reboot. Also check all the settings of your router. Perhaps the settings are lost. In this case, you must always contact your provider. The independent solution of the problem in this case is impossible and fraught with various, more unpleasant, consequences.

Perhaps the laptop does not see the WiFi router because of the drivers. Reinstalling the drivers will help to bring the Wi-Fi module in working order. When downloading drivers from the Internet, please contact the manufacturer's website only! Otherwise, you can get a lot of other problems with the work of the laptop.

One of the reasons for the module's inoperability is the absence on your laptop ancillary program, which should be in its composition software. Check the disc that was sold with your laptop. If it does not have this utility, download it, only from the manufacturer's website.

If your devices on the laptop show that there is a connection, but you can not access the Internet, in that case the problem is in the incoming signal, it is weak enough to connect the network. This may be due to the fact that the router is far away from the laptop or there are any problems with its transmitting antenna.

If all of the above reasons do not fit, and the laptop does not see, the built-in wireless module may be faulty. Contact the store or the service center where you purchased your laptop. If the expiration date has not expired, you can correct the situation, and even if it has already expired - you in any case have no other option, but how to turn it in for repair.

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