Weakly catches the Internet cellular modem. Causes of poor communication in MTS, megaphone and Beeline

3G Internet has come to Belorechensk. The availability of the Internet has increased, but many users have experienced reception instability and connection instability. Moreover, the quality of the connection depends on many parameters, some of them are beyond our control (for example, moving an apartment to another place or demolishing shielding buildings), and some can be solved by improvised means. We hope the following tips will allow you to increase the speed of Internet access and connection stability.

Sometimes, 3G networks- The only option for comfortable access to the Internet. But the high-speed UMTS / HDSPA access is far from the base stations, especially in the concrete jungle. Therefore, most often you have to be content with GPRS / EDGE and travel around the Web at the speed of a sleeping turtle.

If 3G still “finishes” to your home, but the connection is there, then no - you can get a stable connection. For example, in my house on the second floor 3G is caught, while on the first one it is not. After a small upgrade, the 3G network was caught with a bang and on the first floor. We will describe how to teach a gadget to see the 3G network using an antenna assembled from handy materials in this article.

Immediately discard the decisions associated with the purchase of industrial manufactured antenna. It is costly and not worth mentioning already because not every modem has a connector for connecting an external antenna. Moreover, the cost of the antenna adapter for a modem may be comparable to the cost of the modem itself.

Further, it should be emphasized that the criterion of the effectiveness of a decision should not be considered the number of decibels or percentages displayed by the modem's control program, not the number of sticks on the indicator, but the real increase in access speed, that is, by connecting the 3G mode. The above screenshot demonstrates the relativity of standard indicators.

Although as an indirect confirmation of the correctness of the choice, these indicators are quite suitable. It is also worth noting that the very possibility of connecting to the Internet at 3G speeds depends on very many factors (the distance to base station, weather, employment of slots, activity of subscribers), and we are trying to improve only one of them.

The effectiveness of the antenna was checked as follows: the “only 3G” mode was turned on. Accordingly, if 3G is not caught, then there is no data transfer. At the same time, the "Palcometer" can show both an excellent signal level, 4-5 rods, and a weak one - 1-2. In the first case, this means that there is only 2G connection.

Wire, pots and extension cord

First, consider the simplest option: three or four turns of copper wire wound on a modem. Experienced experts advise to wind the wire at the very end of the modem, where the built-in antenna is located.

In our case, both the “palecometer” and the level indicator in the “modem information” boldly showed an increase in the signal level. At least, with unstable -107 dB (decibel signal-to-noise ratio), it has grown to confident -101 dB. Strictly speaking, such a “wire solution” is more like art: the thickness of the wire, the number of turns and the length of the free end of the antenna must be selected for each specific location and modem. For example, an extra round or 5 cm of wire may not improve, but, on the contrary, worsen the signal.

The second option is a saucepan or colander. Fans of experimenting, driven to despair by low access speed, or even its absence, make exotic designs in the form of screens, pans, and even satellite dishes. Catching 3G with a pan is easier than with a wire, but it takes longer to install.

The third option - "gadgets" of industrial production. If you do not mind spending from 50 to 500 rubles, you can experiment with such toys. But the quality of such a unit is not distinguishable from the wire.

By the way, an extension cable of 3–5 meters with a piece of double-sided tape for fastening to a window or wall often comes bundled with a modem. This option is described by the operators themselves in the manual. The quality of the extension cord is comparable to wire. But I personally find it easier to twist a piece of wire to “catch” 3G than to mess around with an extension cord.

Canned antenna

The idea of ​​canned antennas migrated to mobile communications from wi-Fi networkswhere, with their help, craftsmen "stretch" the network for kilometers distance between hot spots. In the classic version, a canned antenna looks like this.

There is an empty can and calculation is done.

In our case, for a coffee can, the following happened: D (can diameter) = 100 mm, Lo (wavelength) = 143 mm, Lo / 4 = 36 mm, Lg (wavelength) = 261 mm, Lg / 4 = 65 mm. At a distance of Lg / 4 from the bottom of the can, a hole is made and a standard antenna socket is fixed in it with a waveguide Lo / 4 soldered to it from 2 mm copper wire.

We will consider the situation when there is no antenna jack in the modem. You can, of course, open the modem and, finding a measuring socket on the board, solder to it a thin shielded wiring with a connector, thereby making an adapter for connecting an external antenna.

However, this procedure requires considerable soldering skills and can result in both losing the warranty on the modem and its breakage. There is another way. A hole is made in the can so that the modem itself fits tightly into it.

It is necessary to experimentally select the length of the protruding part close to our calculations (Lo / 4 = 36 mm). Naturally, you will have to “circle” with a can around the house to find a place where the signal level is maximum.

Kharchenko aerial for 3G

Unfortunately, the solutions proposed above do not always lead to the desired result, which means it makes sense to try a more advanced solution - to make a simple but effective loop antenna. According to reviews, a very good result gives Kharchenko antenna, which represents two square elements. Calculation at a frequency of 2100 MHz gives the following results: at a wavelength of λ = 143 mm, the side of the square is 53 mm. We take a thick (3.5-4 mm) copper wire and bend it as shown in the photo.

It is very important to keep the frame dimensions.

In addition, to reduce the internal resistance of the antenna, it is recommended to make not square elements, but diamond-shaped ones with an angle of 120˚.

A high-frequency cable must be soldered to the antenna, and here a surprise in the form of a braid can be expected. The braid of most inexpensive cables is not soldered with rosin. Output in the use of a conventional feeder, which is screwed onto the cable.

A piece of copper wire is soldered to it, and the entire structure is soldered to the antenna.

To increase the efficiency, the Kharchenko antenna is supplied with a reflector, a metal plate that can be made from foil-coated textolite.

The distance between the reflector and the antenna should be 36 mm. We used a plastic cap from deodorant. In principle, the further process of creativity is well illustrated by photographs.

We assemble the assembled construction using hot melt glue.

It remains to connect the antenna to the modem and adjust to the maximum signal level. Since in our case the modem is not equipped with a connector for an external antenna, we simply wrap 3-4 turns of the central core around the modem.

Contactless adapter

If there is no connector in the modem, the task of connecting an external antenna becomes a cornerstone in the fight for 3G speed. On sale you can find the devices described above, which are a whip antenna with contactless connection to a modem. In fact, this is the same piece of wire wound on a modem, only encased in plastic for rigidity and ease of use. Often these products are called contactless antenna adapter. This is not true. Non-contact antenna adapters are used to connect any antennas to both phones and modems and look like this:

The work of a contactless antenna adapter is based on the principle of “antenna-antenna” or re-radiation of a signal from a modem antenna to the antenna of the adapter and vice versa. The loss of signal depends on the following factors: the distance between the built-in antenna of the modem and the antenna of the adapter, on their relative position, signal frequency and other factors.

With other things being equal for the range of 900 MHz, the loss with such a connection reaches 2.5 dB, whereas for the 2100 MHz range the signal is already damped by 7 dB. If you add to the losses on the connections (1 dB) and attenuation in the cable (up to 3 dB per 10 meters), then the additional 10-12 dB received from the antenna when operating in the 2100 MHz band will simply be lost. Therefore, the contactless adapter will bring the greatest benefit only when operating in the 900 MHz band.

The effectiveness of contactless adapters is no better than a few turns of wire. And if for the range gSM frequencies  (900 MHz) is not critical, then for UMTS (1900-2100 MHz) the losses will be very serious and the effect of such an adapter may not be.

Which option to choose the 3G antenna, you decide. Probably have to try several to find the best. My modem does not have an adapter for an external antenna, so I simply insert the modem into the slot of the can and connect it to my PC via a USB cable. This is enough.

The antenna in the form of a wire does a good job too, but is inconvenient in transportation. The best option for quality is Kharchenko's antenna, but, alas, the option is exclusively stationary, whereas I need mobile access to the Network.

I also advise when choosing a modem to pay attention to the presence of a jack for the antenna. If there is no suitable model with an antenna jack, then it makes sense to go to a cell phone repair workshop and ask for soldering internal antenna  modem homemade adapter.

In conclusion, I note that a positive result in improving the access speed can not always be achieved. By tuning the antenna and achieving a stable connection, after some time, you can detect the absence of a signal. The fact is that with a heavy load on the network, the modem is automatically reconfigured to other base stations, which, alas, it no longer sees. In this case, again, you will have to do dowsing in search of 3G.

Tell friends:

When choosing a cellular operator, any person pays attention mainly to two factors - the democratic rates for communication services and the stability of signal reception.

If the tariffs are completely dependent on the pricing policy of the cellular company, then the sustainability of reception is absolutely impossible to guarantee. The so-called "bad connection" is not a technical miscalculation or a flaw in the operator, but has a completely different nature.

Why is cellular communication unstable?

The fact is that the mobile signal is a radio frequency electromagnetic wave transmitted in coded form between two base stations. Even with a large coverage area and powerful repeaters, this wave is not able to penetrate obstacles.

Such walls can be attributed to the walls of buildings made of solid building materials, for example, from cement, concrete, a variety of wood. And what can we say then about those areas where poor communication with a beeline or mts is due to incomplete coverage and difficult terrain!

If so, and "shows signs of life" mobile connection  in such buildings, it is only due to signal penetration through windows and doors. Thus, it is possible to scold as many times as a bad connection of a megaphone or another operator, but there is no fault of the company in such reception instability.

Modern cellular companies are actively increasing the capacity of their networks, expanding the coverage area, increasing the list of services provided, but they cannot eliminate the causes of communication instability. Physics dictates its own laws.

Reasons bad cellular communication  and signal improvement techniques

Repeater - the best solution to problems with cellular communication.

In cases where poor communication from a mobile or other cellular operator complicates work or communication, you can resort to technical tricks - install a cellular amplifier or otherwise cell repeater.

The functions of this device include optimization of reception and expansion of cellular coverage. As practice has shown, the use of cellular repeater is advisable in many cases. For example, when a business center, restaurant, office is located in the basement or parking the car is located underground.

How does the repeater work?

A cellular repeater receives a radio frequency signal from a base station, and then amplifies it to a certain level and directs it towards subscribers. In addition, he does the reverse operation, i.e. receives a signal from the subscriber’s mobile phone, and then sends it to the base station.

To carry out such operations, two antennas are used: one donor - one that is directed towards the base, and the other service panel or pin - one that is directed towards the subscribers. As a result, the problem of bad communication is solved.

Reception of signals remains stable in all situations. In this case, the repeater does not limit the number of subscribers conducting a communication session simultaneously. Of course, such a device is an excellent solution to problems with poor communication of biline, megaphone and mts.

Repeater - convenient, safe, affordable.

The repeater is a low power cellular amplifier and therefore it is safe. Even if the subscriber is at the point of weak reception or absence cellular signalthen thanks to the amplifier it doesn’t have communication problems. BUT mobile phone  It is not necessary to work in the "active database search" mode. This means that instead of 1000 - 2000 mW, characteristic for such a mode, the phone will emit only 50-100 mW. Thus, the radiation from the phone is reduced.

The principle of operation of the repeater is similar to the concept of transmitting a cellular signal by a repeater tower. The main thing when choosing a repeater is to choose a version of the equipment, which is characterized by a combination of functionality, reliability, and relative cheapness.

Quite often, those who are not satisfied with the poor communication of MTS or another cellular operator are interested in - what is the greatest distance a cellular repeater can transmit a signal to. There is no single answer. This indicator largely depends on:

  • from the current signal power coming from the base station;
  • from the installation site of the external repeater antenna;
  • from the gain of the repeater;
  • cable length between antenna and amplifier;
  • from the range of frequencies used.

In cases when bad communication of a megaphone or another operator is annoying, it is advisable to use equipment from CJSC "Moscow Microwaves". This company has been on the market for more than 20 years and its Picocell cellular signal amplifiers have proven to be reliable during this time.

It should be noted that the selection and installation of repeaters should be conducted by experienced specialists. Otherwise, with an illiterate installation, the repeater will create significant interference towards the base, which will lead to signal distortion and reduce the quality of the network in the surrounding area.

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