The procedure for replacing the clock battery in a Samsung computer. How to change the battery in a watch. What is the battery in the motherboard for?

When did mobile phones, people gradually stopped wearing watches. The time could be seen on the phone. But over the years, they have returned to hand as a stylish and fashionable accessory. A wide variety of wristwatches can be found and bought on Chinese sites for mere pennies. In Russia, branded watches are mainly sold for a lot of money.

If your watch is running on a battery, then sooner or later it is expected to run out, and the clock will stop. In this article I will tell you how easy and simple it is to change it yourself. Before you is a Chinese watch of an unknown manufacturer Dalas, even most likely it's just their name.

They are easy to understand. I took it apart with an ordinary construction knife, maybe a clerical one or something thin. We are looking for the joint between the back cover and the watch case and gently hook the cover with the blade and try to squeeze it out. You can try from several sides, it should work.

The cover is removed, we see the mechanism and the battery in it. We bend the metal clip that holds the battery and remove it.

You can buy a new battery at an electronics store or watch dealer. I bought a Varta V377 Watch, a dedicated watch battery. Better get a couple for the future.

We insert it in the reverse order, bending the retainer. We close the lid and press it tightly from all sides so that no water gets into the mechanism.

As you can see, nothing complicated, you can do it easily and easily yourself. Replacing the battery in others quartz watch is similar, the most important thing is to figure out how to remove the back cover.

A wristwatch is an accessory that everyone has modern man... Quartz devices are very popular. When using them, you have to periodically change the battery. The cost of such a service on the territory of Russia costs from 50 to 2000 rubles.

What is it?

Replacing the battery in wrist watch understand removing the old power supply from the device and installing a new one. The procedure can be performed on your own. But it is better to trust expensive brands to specialists: it is not easy to change the battery in them, you can ruin the accessory. Good source food should be enough for a year or more.

A person can understand that it is time to change the battery by the following signs:

  • The device shows the wrong time.
  • Periodically, the minute hand stops.
  • The second hand moves 4 divisions at once.

Service looks like this:

  1. The device is diagnosed.
  2. The old part is removed.
  3. The accessory is being cleaned.
  4. The oil seals are treated with silicone grease.
  5. Replacement of certain parts is carried out if necessary.
  6. A new source is being established.
  7. The performance is checked.

Battery replacement does not take long: the procedure takes from 10 to 35 minutes... Repairs can be carried out in front of the client. If the watchmaker is provided with a rare brand watch with a non-standard opening, then it may take longer to change the battery. Difficult to repair watch devices with a case that opens through the glass of the dial. For this, a special syringe is used.

What does the price depend on?

Companies and private craftsmen who repair watch devices set different prices for work. The cost depends on such factors:

  • Brand.
  • Elite accessory.
  • The complexity of parsing the device.
  • The cost of the device.
  • Accessory making material.
  • Battery power.
  • The type of battery used.
  • The price of a new part.
  • Watchmaker experience.
  • Availability of additional elements (calendar, chronograph).
  • The prestige of the company, its pricing policy.

Replacement types and their cost

There are two ways to change the power supply:

  1. On my own... In this case, the costs will be associated only with the purchase of a new battery. The disadvantage of the method is that it is possible to carry out the work poorly, then the power supply will quickly fail. There is a risk of breaking the watch mechanism (especially for expensive brands). Dismantling elite models requires a set of certain tools, accuracy.
  2. With the help of a watchmaker... In this case, the purchase and installation of the battery is the responsibility of the master. In addition to the purchase costs, you will have to pay a certain amount of money for the service to a specialist.

Many people choose the first method and then remain unhappy with the result. A quality replacement is possible only by a competent and experienced watchmaker. Therefore, you should not save on repairs.

Approximate prices

The cost of changing the battery in hours in Russia varies from 50 to 2000 rubles... Sample prices are shown below:

  • Simple quartz grades with access to the block through the back cover - from 600 to 1200 rubles.
  • Quartz chronographs with access through the case back - from 800 to 1500.
  • Custom grades with dovetail head, with front glass access - from 1000 to 1800 rubles.

Battery replacement is the most expensive in Harry Winston, Louis Vuitton, Franc Vila models. The cheapest procedure is for Armany, Appella, Grovana brands. In models of little-known manufacturers, the price of a change can be 50 rubles.

How, where and from whom to order the service?

There are two options for how you can change the power supply:

  1. Do the job yourself.
  2. Contact a watch repair company.
  3. See a private watchmaker.

The first option is suitable for those models that are easy to disassemble. Complex brands should be trusted by specialists. You should contact specialized firms. It is important for the company to have a license, a certificate, issue a warranty certificate, work on the market for a long time and have good feedback... Private masters do not give warranty card and can perform poorly. Therefore, you should contact them only on the advice of friends.

I will continue what I wrote above \u003d)
Of course, the messages and required keystrokes may differ - this is normal and depends on the specific type of BIOS and its manufacturer, but the essence does not change.
Typically, the user writes on the screen which of the keys must be pressed for a particular action.
These can be the keys Tab, F1, F2, F6, F8, Del, etc.
Also in the manual for motherboard all the keys that are used in the BIOS are indicated.
Most the best option - this is to go directly into the BIOS by selecting Press Del to Enter Setup. Then we find the Load Default Settings item and press Enter - this is similar to the Press F2 to load default Setting item, then we slightly change the settings.
By bIOS default activates some unnecessary functions for modern iron
1. Num Lock for Booting - a light on the keyboard comes on when the system boots.
2. Floppy disk drive (sometimes also called FDD, Floppy or 1.44), what if you don't have one?
3. Floppy Seek (search for a floppy disk drive) is also not needed in its absence.
4. The primary boot device (First Boot) - floppy disk drive.
5. Show Logo Screen (may or may not be - depends on the manufacturer)
If the parameter Num Lock for Booting is ENABLED, the light on the keyboard is on, if it is DISABLED it is not.
And so in more detail - if you do not have a floppy drive (and most likely you will not have one, because a 1.44 mb floppy disk will not surprise anyone), turn off items 2 and 3 - set DISABLE.
A modern computer can boot from the following devices - Floppy, CD ROM, Hard Drive, USB.
According to paragraph 4 - In the Boot (Boot Devaces) column, the primary boot devices can be arranged as follows.
Option 1
1. First Boot - CD Rom
2. Second Boot - Hard disk
3. Three Boot - Disabled
Option 2
1. First Boot - Hard disk
2. Second Boot - CD Rom
3. Three Boot - Disabled
Option 3
1. First Boot - Hard disk
2. Second Boot - Disabled
3. Three Boot - Disabled
Either way, the system will boot, but the BIOS spends some time looking for the boot sector.
In the first case, the BIOS will try to boot from the CD if it is inserted into the drive.
If there is no bootable CD, it tries to boot from hard disk.
In the second case, the BIOS loads the contents from the hard disk, if there is a problem on it, it boots from the CD.
The first and second options are good for old motherboards where you cannot call boot menu.
In the third case, the BIOS immediately loads the contents from the hard disk, if there is a problem on it, then we will see something like Read Disk Error. This option is good for modern motherboards with a boot menu - holding F8 when I start the PC, this menu appears, in which I can immediately select from which device the BIOS will boot the system. Since we usually need to boot the system from the hard disk, this option is the most optimal because the BIOS spends the least amount of time starting Windows.
If we have more than one hard drive, then in the Hard Drives section, set system disk first.
The time and date can be set either in the BIOS or in Windows by double-clicking on the clock in the tray.
After changing the settings in the BIOS, we save the parameters by selecting the Save and Exit menu

How does the BIOS generally work when starting a PC.
1. Bootloader verifies BIOS checksum
2. If it matches - BIOS gets control
3. BIOS polls all devices (also called POST)
at this moment we see the type of video card, memory count and other messages
4. BIOS searches the boot sector in the list boot devices... (Floppy, CD Rom, Hard Drive, USB)
5. If it finds the first available one, it picks it up once and transfers control to it.
6. System with this device starts loading

At the expense of the blue screen, it is also called the Blue Screen of Death. Despite the formidable name, it is not so scary. And it is not clear what is written because the text in this window was originally written in English, and the pirates translated it into Russian without thinking. Usually, when an error occurs in a program, Windows automatically closes it and gives you a message like - The application was closed due to unknown error... And when Windows cannot cope with such an error, it appears blue screen... Usually, the code for this error is written at the very bottom - and you can find out what caused it in the reference book.

a lion
Your experiment with replacing double beep batteries at startup does not surprise me. When you remove the battery, the BIOS settings are erased and the first time you start, you hear a double beep, because it has not yet been configured. And after loading the default settings, there will be no double beep after reboot.
I do not quite understand this - Speccy does not stop when turned on.
If we are talking about a black screen with a flashing strip in the upper left corner, then you most likely have a BIOS
trying to find the boot sector on the floppy drive and you don't have one. Maybe there is no beep from this.

You wrote that when you select the Load Default Settings parameter, when you start the PC, instead of text on a black background, it sees the manufacturer's picture - this is called a boot image and it is on some motherboards like ASUS. If the Show Logo Screen parameter is ENABLED, the picture is displayed, if DISABLED, we see the familiar text on a black background. Moreover, there is a program on the disk to the motherboard that allows you to change this picture to your own.

Perhaps you have a cooler with automatic rotation control from temperature - when you turn on the processor is cold, so the cooler stays in place until the processor heats up. Or perhaps when you take out the battery and reset the settings, the fan spins, and when booted, it turns off by default. Find the FAN item like the SmartFan function is responsible for auto-adjusting the fan rotation.

Most likely you have a transitional motherboard model with two ATA and two Sata controllers. When resetting Sata, the controller is disabled by default - find and enable it.

If your cd / dvd-rom does not read discs, then there may be several reasons
1. Burned out laser
2. The laser went astray
3. The problem with the loop - it may have come off or damaged
Check if it is detected in the BIOS and in the device manager. Does your cd / dvd-rom drive.

Comrade admin correctly described CMOS - (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
but many do not quite correctly understand what CMOS is - CMOS - in Russian CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) is a technology for manufacturing a microcircuit on field-effect transistors, which are characterized by low supply voltage, and not the type of memory.

Most likely the problem is in the power supply unit - perhaps it did not pull the iron and eventually died. Did you periodically feel the smoke or burning smell or was it overheated? To make sure the power supply
at least somehow works - disconnect it from the motherboard completely - and close the black and green contacts. If the fan is spinning in it, then it is still alive. It would not hurt to check the voltages on it

Your new battery may be deadlier than the old one. If every time you are asked to press F1 and you enter the BIOS, then most likely the problem is in the battery.

Of course nothing happens The BIOS is waiting for you to press the correct key. He clearly hints to you to press F2 to reconfigure. Perhaps you have a floppy drive first in the boot list, the second and third boot items are disabled. And the Try Booting Other Devices command is also disabled, then perhaps this should lead to this situation. Alternatively find boot menu and specify in the First Boot submenu your hDD... Also, it will not be superfluous to check whether the BIOS detects your disk.


Prepare your computer properly for the battery replacement procedure. Shut down operating system, wait for shutdown. But this is not enough. On many motherboards, even in the off mode, some of the nodes continue to operate from the standby power source. This can be signaled by located on board LED, but even if it is not there, there is no full guarantee that it is completely de-energized. Therefore, it is also necessary to physically disconnect the power supply with a special switch on it, or by pulling out the power cable from it.

Examine the board to find battery ... If you can't see it, try removing the power supply - it might be underneath. Do this carefully so as not to drop the unit onto the processor fan (and it happens). If you find battery still fails, try to find a small black rectangular knot with an alarm clock and "DALLAS" written on it. This is a non-separable real-time clock with a battery inside. It is impossible to change it without breaking this module, you have to put up with the time and date every time you turn on the computer. Fortunately, this solution is rarely found and only on old boards. On very old boards, a special rechargeable battery is used instead of a battery. It is necessary to change it not due to discharge, but due to wear. Without the skills of soldering multilayer boards, it is better not to undertake such a replacement yourself.

The battery holder has a lock. It is he who holds her in place. Pull this latch to the side and the battery rises. It remains to pull it out.

The removed battery should never be charged as it is a lithium battery and not a lithium ion battery. An attempt to charge it even with a small current or short-circuit it threatens with fire. Try battery voltage. If it is equal to about two volts, quartz crystals will be able to work from it for quite a long time. wall Clockdesigned for 1.5 V. Do not try to heat it up with a soldering iron - use the holder removed from the faulty motherboard. When the battery is completely discharged, take it to a recycling center, if there is one in DEZ.

If you are not sure you can choose the right new one battery , take the old one with you to the store. Please note that some motherboards accept two types of elements: CR2025 and CR2032. The second is preferable: it usually costs the same, but lasts longer. Don't look for expensive batteries as they last the same size as cheap ones. Hewlett Packard computers may use non-standard batteries. In this case, you will have to put up with the high price of a new battery.

To install a new element, place it with the positive terminal towards you and place it under the stop located in the holder opposite the lock. Press on battery and it will be under the retainer.


  • battery for motherboard

Batteries and accumulators are now used by most portable devices: phones, laptops, remotes remote control, cameras, mp3 players and so on. In each of them, the battery is removed in a different way.

You will need

  • - screwdriver.


To remove the battery from your phone, open the battery cover on the back of the phone by pressing lightly at the base. Please note that some covers are held with special latches, in this case, find special buttons in the device design.

If you want to remove the battery from your laptop or netbook, turn it over and find a special lock on the right side, the position of which needs to be moved in the opposite direction (the required positions are marked with special icons). On the left, slide and hold the other battery lock, then lift the battery out of the computer bay.

Many novice computer users do not know how to change the battery on the motherboard, and many do not know that it is there at all. Therefore, today we will look at the process of replacing the battery on the motherboard, using the example of my computer.

And let's start with why a motherboard battery is needed at all.

Why do you need a battery on the motherboard?

The main and probably the only reason is the storage of BIOS settings in CMOS memory, and since this requires energy resources, albeit quite insignificant, there is an additional power source, a simple lithium battery. And this power source for these needs is enough for about 3-5 years, after which small problems in the operation of the computer will begin to appear.

The most common problem, and I'll say right away that this is the most common symptom, which will indicate precisely that your motherboard battery is dead, it is a constant reset of the current date and time after each computer shutdown. And if you notice this, then know that you definitely need to change the battery on the motherboard. Looking ahead, I will say that this is not at all difficult and almost anyone can cope with it, since it is no more difficult than simple replacement sim cards in your phone.

Replacing the battery on the motherboard

And first, let's figure out which battery to buy to fit your motherboard. And oddly enough, everything is just as simple here, since almost all motherboards are equipped, so to speak, with standard batteries, and they are marked like this - lithium battery cr2032 3V... Their price is usually 10 - 100 rubles, I think that this is of course mere pennies, given that it will serve you, as I said, for 5 years.

Outwardly, it looks like this:

And so let's start, let's say you bought a battery and want to change it on the motherboard, we will proceed in steps.

Step 1

Turn off the computer, open the cover system unit, usually it is attached to special fasteners that are easy to open, but also quite common, especially in "Old" system blocks, fasteners based on bolts that will have to be unscrewed with a screwdriver. And in the end, in the worst case, you need a battery and a screwdriver, and at best, just a battery. I advise you to immediately prepare a small screwdriver, even if you do not need to unscrew the bolts on the system unit, it may be useful to you in order to remove the battery itself from the motherboard, since the fasteners of the batteries themselves on the motherboard differ and there are some of which are not so and it is easy to pull out the battery with your finger. Therefore, you have to resort to using a small screwdriver.

Step 2

Finding the place for attaching the battery on the motherboard is quite simple, since you already know what the battery itself looks like, and you cannot be mistaken, since it is alone there. For example, on my motherboard (Asus p5q), the battery is located in the following location ( indicated by a red arrow):

In my system unit, it looks like this

Step 3

Take it out of the fasteners, then insert a new battery, and that's it! After that, close the lid of the system unit and turn on the computer. The time on the computer, of course, will be wrong, you set it manually.

Note! If you changed any bios settings, they will be reset and should be set again. If you initially remember that the configuration bios settings changed, I advise you to look at them and write them down before replacing the battery in order to restore them later. For example, my fan speed control settings went off, and they had to be set again. And if you don't even know what bios is, then just don't think about it!

That's all! I hope this material will help you change the battery on the motherboard, bye!

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