How do mechanical watches differ from quartz models? Automatic or quartz, whichever is better

Electricity, increasingly invading all areas of human life, could not bypass watchmaking. With the advent of quartz technology, high-precision watches became available to every inhabitant of the Earth, and the quality of watches began to depend not so much on the skill and experience of people as on the accuracy of the automatic lines. Today, the vast majority of watches produced in the world are precisely quartz. How do they work, how do they work, and why more and more people prefer quartz watches?

In a nutshell

The main elements of a quartz watch are an electronic unit and a stepping motor. The electronic unit sends an impulse to the engine once a second, and that turns the arrows.

1. Coil
2. Starter
3. Rotor
4. Tribe rotor
5. Magnets

The very high stability of the frequency of the generated pulses, and hence the high accuracy of the movement, is provided by the quartz crystal, from which the watch got its name.

The battery that powers the electronic unit and the engine is designed for several years of operation and eliminates the need to wind the watch during this entire period. The result is a unique combination of high precision and ease of use.

Sometimes a digital display is used instead of a dial with arrows. We usually call such watches electronic, but all over the world they are called quartz watches with digital display. This name emphasizes that, firstly, the basis of the watch is a quartz oscillator, and secondly, information about the time is displayed in them in the form of numbers.

Essentially, a quartz watch is a mini-computer. Having programmed the microcircuit accordingly, they can be easily turned into a multifunctional device: chronograph, stopwatch, add an alarm clock to them, etc. Moreover, unlike mechanical watches, their cost does not increase so much.

Why does a watch need a crystal

A quartz crystal has unique properties: when compressed, it generates an electrical impulse, and when exposed to an electric current, quartz is compressed. Thus, the crystal can be made to contract-unclench, i.e. fluctuate under the influence of electric current. By selecting the size of the crystal, a resonance frequency of 32768 hertz is achieved.

The electronic block of a quartz watch consists of two parts. One part, the generator, generates electrical vibrations that are stabilized by a quartz crystal at its resonant frequency. Thus, we have a generator of electrical oscillations, and the frequency of these oscillations is very stable. It remains to transform these uniform vibrations into a uniform movement of the arrows.

The generator generates 32,768 electrical vibrations per second. This is about 10,000 times the number of balance fluctuations in a regular watch. No mechanical device can operate at this speed. Therefore, another part of the electronic circuit, called the divider, converts these vibrations into 1 hertz pulses. These pulses are applied to the winding of the stepper motor.

The motor consists of a stator, a coil with a winding fixed to it and a rotor - a permanent magnet mounted on an axle. When an electric pulse passes through the coil, a magnetic field arises, which turns the rotor half a turn. The rotor rotates the arrows through the gear system.

How long will "quartz" last?

The wheel mechanism of a quartz watch has the same resource as a mechanical one. The stepper motor will also serve for a very long time. Today you can find workable radios from the 1920s, i.e. the resource of electronic components is also great and has not yet been fully studied. And, theoretically, a good quartz watch should not be inferior to mechanical ones in terms of longevity.

Statistics on the "longevity" of quartz watches have not yet been collected, because they appeared only 30 years ago. But many electronic balance watches, released 40 years ago, still run perfectly to this day.

On the other hand, 100 years ago, a watch was inherited because it was an extremely rare and expensive item. Those days are long gone, today more and more often we buy a new thing not because the old one has deteriorated, but because it is morally outdated. And the time required for moral obsolescence, quartz watches are nursed, giving the owner a minimum of trouble.

In our country, mechanical watches are still more popular than quartz ones. But, according to forecasts of foreign experts, in the coming years the situation will change dramatically and in 4-5 years the share of quartz watches will be at least 80% of the market.

The main difference between quartz and mechanical watches lies in the applied energy source, which ensures the performance of all elements of the movement.

In mechanical watches, for this purpose, a coil spring is used, which is located in a drum with a toothed edge. During the "winding" of the watch, the spring is twisted, and when it unwinds, this action causes the drum to rotate, which, in turn, sets the entire watch mechanics in motion.

The main flaw of the spring mechanism is that the unwinding of the spring is uneven, and this affects the accuracy of the watch. The correctness of the movement of a mechanical watch is also influenced by other moments, for example, various environmental factors, wear of watch elements, the location of the clock, etc. As a result, the norm for such watches is a deviation from the exact time per day by –20 ... + 60 seconds, the best option is a difference of 4-5 seconds.

A quartz watch uses battery energy to power the stepper motor and electronics. The hands of such a clock are turned by a motor, which receives an impulse from the electronic unit every second. Thanks to the quartz crystal (that's why the watch got this name), a high accuracy is achieved due to the stable frequency of the supplied pulses. The average deviation of a quartz watch from the exact time per month ranges from 15 to 25 seconds, and for the best, this deviation is only 5 seconds per year. In addition, the warranty period of the battery is several years, so there is no need for a constant "winding" of the watch.

Mechanical watches are more expensive than quartz ones - this is due to the fact that when assembling such watches, careful manual adjustment is also required. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of operations related to the manufacture of mechanisms and the complete assembly of quartz watches are carried out by automation.

It is believed that mechanical watches are much more durable than quartz watches. However, this is not entirely true. All moving elements of the movement of both quartz watches and mechanical watches have the same resource. The life of electronic components has not yet been fully understood, but, most likely, it is quite long and therefore a high-quality quartz watch will have the same service life as a mechanical one.

It is difficult to give an answer to the question of which of the watches is better - quartz or mechanical.

Mechanical watches are, of course, classics that emphasize the style and image of a person. Many people simply like to feel a pleasant weight on the wrist or the gentle movement of the second hand.

Quartz watches are much more practical to use, they do not need to be constantly wound, and therefore you should not worry about them stopping after lying without action for several days. Also, a quartz watch is characterized by a more accurate movement than a mechanical watch. And due to the peculiarities of the quartz movement, they can be made thinner and lighter.

Which one to choose a quartz or mechanical watch is up to everyone's individuality.

The chronograph is an extra, insanely popular movement in watches for setting time intervals.

In this article, we will not delve into the history of the creation of wristwatches and the details of their device, but we will try to disassemble and compare such basic qualities of watches as: reliability, accuracy, cost and ease of use.

What is the difference and what are the main differences between quartz and mechanical watches?


Compared to quartz watches, mechanical wristwatches are more sensitive to all kinds of external influences and are easier to damage. Parts of quartz watches experience significantly less stress in comparison with mechanical ones. Due to the simplicity and reliability of the movement, quartz watches are more resistant to shock and other damage.


Quartz watches are much more accurate than mechanical ones. Thus, the accuracy of ordinary quartz watches is + 20 / -10 seconds per month, while for good Swiss mechanical watches this error is + 45 / -20 seconds per day. The accuracy of a quartz watch is ensured by a quartz crystal, the vibration frequency of which is precisely adjusted during its production. The pulse frequency of such a crystal is practically unchanged. The accuracy of a mechanical watch depends on many factors: operating temperature, degree of spring winding, hand position, temperature, degree of wear of the movement, adjustment, etc.

The cost of hours and their operation

The cost of mechanical watches is much higher than quartz ones. The higher cost of mechanical watches is due to the use of expensive materials and high labor costs in their production. However, it is often not so much the materials and complexity of the movements that account for the high prices for mechanical watches. The main component of the price of luxury brand mechanical watches is the payment for the opportunity to join the "story" and celebrities participating in advertising campaigns.

Ease of use

All you need to do with a quartz watch is to change the battery in time, the capacity of which, on average, lasts for 1-2 years. The device of a mechanical watch is much more complicated than a quartz one and, accordingly, it is more difficult and more expensive to maintain its performance. In addition to constant winding, which is necessary for a mechanical watch, it is important to take into account the fact that, in the event of a breakdown, repairing a mechanical watch will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than repairing a quartz watch.

A clock is one of the most essential items in everyday life of a modern person. Although it would seem that technology has taken over the whole world, and you can see the time on a brand new iPhone, the passion for wristwatches has not gone anywhere. Today we will talk about the common types of mechanisms that are found in wristwatches - mechanical and quartz.

The history of the creation of watch movements

The first of these types (mechanical) is not in vain considered a symbol of time, since the invention of their predecessor, the Antiker mechanism, dates back to the 2nd century BC.

The very invention of mechanical watches dates back to 725 AD, China became the country of creation, then their idea was borrowed by the Arabs. The device was based on an anchor mechanism.

Naturally, there were also intermediate stages. If we talk about a clock with a pendulum, then it should be noted that at the time of invention, in 1000, they were not widely used.

But the experiments continued. The first half of the second millennium is a time when European engineers were actively involved in the reconstruction of tower clocks, assigning them all new functionality. In general, on this, the mechanical mechanism has not undergone any special changes and has survived to this day with already minor changes.

Quartz watches are more modern movements than their mechanical counterparts. The release of the first units dates back to the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. We will describe in more detail quartz and mechanical watches below.

Mechanical mechanism - structure, advantages, disadvantages

A mechanical watch has the following structure: a wound spring acts as a source of energy, a trigger mechanism is responsible for the accuracy in the readings of the device, moreover, these two components are connected by angrenad, which is simply a system of gears. Also among the components is a pendulum, a remontuar, which allows you to bring and transfer hands, and a dial, which makes it possible to recognize the time.

It should be noted that this type of watch is inferior to quartz in accuracy. What is the sum of this error? It is the result of the uneven unwinding of the spring that drives the rest of the mechanism. In addition, the air temperature, wear of individual mechanisms of the device can affect the accuracy of time values. Devices with automatic time adjustment are more accurate and convenient to use. Among the advantages, it should be noted that watches of this type do not fail for a long time and can serve their owner for more than one year, in addition, they have a good move. Mechanical movements are more expensive than quartz movements. This is due to the use of manual labor in the assembly of devices and the presence of more parts. Therefore, watches are more expensive and more prestigious - after all, both one person and several dozen can work on their creation. In replica watches, by the way, the mechanical type of watches is also most often used.

Quartz movement - structure, advantages, disadvantages

Quartz-type watches were created on the basis of an oscillating mechanism represented by a quartz crystal. Their main components are a power source, a counter that keeps track of the oscillation frequency, a generator, a gear system that transmits the movements of the electric motor to the clock hands. Also, the mechanism is equipped with a detail that allows you to translate the arrows - a friction clutch.

There is an opinion that quartz movements are short-lived, since the main source of energy for them is the battery, and it has a short service life. However, it is important to remember that watches also require some attention from the wearer. That is why their owner must, firstly, purchase a high-quality battery, and secondly, change it every two years. Quartz-type watches are convenient in that when using them, you do not need to set the time manually every time.

Why Choose Mechanical Watches?

Many people love the classics and only recognize the experience that has been accumulated over the centuries. Therefore, they choose mechanical watches from the whole variety. After all, it is mechanics that has been known since ancient times and is a generally recognized "trend" - for centuries, engineering thought has sought to improve these devices, and today a lot has been done in this direction. Some models of mechanical watches are expensive and are indicators of the prestige, level and special class of their wearer.

Why choose a quartz watch type?

Quartz movements are one of the youngest members of the class.... They are loved by many for their practicality and convenience. Firstly, they do not need special "care": you do not need to let them down every day - you can forget about it altogether. The main thing is to replace the battery every two years.

Also, these mechanisms are distinguished by their accuracy, which is suitable for people who value punctuality and structuredness in everything.

So what's the bottom line?

So, having considered two types of watch movements - quartz and mechanical, their principle of operation, components, pros and cons, we can draw some conclusions:

Firstly, the presented types of devices have different costs, and in most cases it will be higher for mechanical watches due to more significant material and physical costs during production.

Secondly, the first type of mechanisms has an error in determining the exact time, and it is greater than that of the second type of watches.

Third, the service life of mechanical devices is longer than quartz ones, while the latter require much less maintenance.

In any case, watches are always selected individually, according to the taste and requirements of the buyer himself. At the same time, with their help, the owner of the watch can be easily identified in terms of income and position in society. Take a look at our blog and choose for yourself exactly those hours that emphasize all the best in you.

A stereotype prevails in men's minds: the highest quality and most durable are quartz watches. In part, there is some truth in this, it is not for nothing that the quartz movement has been popular for more than a decade, in demand all over the world. For those who are not in the know, you need to find out the differences between such an irreplaceable accessory, the main advantages and the principle of operation. Ideally, Swiss quality is recommended.

What is a quartz watch

This device is outwardly similar to a mechanical clock, and the main differences are in the features of the oscillatory system, the source of energy. In the modern world, they have learned to combine such mechanisms, and at the exit, hybrid modifications are available for sale. At the same time, the development of quartz watches was carried out in the USA, Japan, Switzerland. These versatile models were meant to supplant costly and laborious mechanical mechanisms. In modern times, quartz movement is successfully combined with electronic and mechanical watches.

How does a quartz watch differ from a mechanical one?

Such a mechanism is considered universal, multifunctional, and is often supplemented with many functions that are in demand in practice. Alternatively, it can be an alarm clock, a timer, a chronometer, and the buyer is notified of this during the purchase. Hence the overpriced, which takes some by surprise. Such designs can be equipped with a liquid crystal display or a classic dial, and in the first case, the watch is called electronic. To understand the difference between a quartz watch and a mechanical one, you need to study the mechanism of action of each model.

Principle of operation

If everything is clear with a mechanical watch, then how a quartz wristwatch works, it is important to understand in more detail. This mechanism is equipped with an electronic unit that sends pulses to the stepper motor to move the hands along the dial. Quartz maintains the pulse frequency, and the motor is driven by a classic battery. There is no need to re-wind the watch, since such a battery maintains a long service life. This is the main difference between quartz and mechanical watches.


Such a watch does not need to be constantly wound, which means that the risk of unwanted breakage and the need for repairs is reduced. Therefore, analog models remain in the distant past, and preference is given to high quality, long service life and budgetary service. Having studied the device of a quartz watch, you can highlight other significant advantages of such a purchase:

  • monthly time difference does not exceed 20 seconds;
  • simplicity of design;
  • reliability and durability of such an accessory;
  • the duration of the action starts from 3 years;
  • a large assortment of quartz models for free sale;
  • increased resistance to temperature changes and mechanical stress;
  • reasonable prices for the entire model range.


The disadvantages of such a necessary acquisition are almost completely absent, with the exception of the need to replace the battery. The charge runs out at the wrong moment, the battery needs to be updated. Otherwise, the bracelet and its lock are durable, and most of the selected models are distinguished by their water resistance, shock-resistant dial or display, and a quality guarantee from the manufacturer. Knowing the principle of operation of a quartz watch, there is no doubt that such an accessory will serve for a long time with lies and truth.


These are products from a world renowned electronics manufacturer that offers high quality and innovative technology in every model. There are inexpensive accessories on sale, but there are also exclusive quartz watches at a high price, for example, with a gold strap or an LCD display. Below is an overview of the most popular models that will serve faithfully for more than a year. It:

  • model name - CASIO EFA-120D-1A;
  • price - 4,100 rubles;
  • characteristics - men's wrist watches, hands and numbers, steel case, stainless steel strap, water resistance;
  • pluses - affordable mechanics, self-winding, long service life, high time accuracy, they will not rush;
  • cons - high price.

The second version of quartz watches, also relevant among modern youth, is described in detail below:

  • model name - CASIO GA-100-1A1;
  • price - 8 800 rubles;
  • characteristics - male version, hands and dial, case with steel and plastic elements, rubber bracelet, shock resistance;
  • pluses - original design, long service life, high quality, quality assurance from the manufacturer;
  • cons - the complexity of the repair due to the lack of spare parts, the high price of the watch.

Some buyers choose an electromechanical watch, while others prefer a mechanic from a Japanese or Swiss manufacturer. However, domestic proposals are no worse than the Sputnik trademark. These are time-tested products of domestic production, presented for the first time in 1957 simultaneously with the first launch of a satellite into orbit. Currently, the watches are still in demand and continue to go on free sale. Here are some good examples for every day:

  • model name - Sputnik NL-82434/8 black;
  • price - 6 400 rubles;
  • characteristics - women's version for every day, leather bracelet, analog, wrist, black;
  • pluses - stylish design, original dial, high quality, plant life, battery change - once every 3-5 years;
  • cons - high price.

You can choose an inexpensive modification of the Satellite, and the quality of the product itself, depending on the cost, does not decrease at all:

  • model name - Sputnik NL-1M731 / 8.3;
  • price - 5,200 rubles;
  • characteristics - dark brown leather strap, format 12 o'clock hands, battery operation, waterproof;
  • pluses - stylish dial in the color of the strap, large Arabic numerals, long-term winding, quality assurance;
  • cons - not everyone has an affordable cost.


When choosing the properties of watches, many buyers place special emphasis on high quality, long service life, and when studying photos in an online store, they pay attention to colors and constructive design. You can choose and order products of the Tissot brand, which has proven itself in terms of the highest quality and not all affordable prices. Here are great options for all generations:

  • model name - Tissot T055.417.16.057.00;
  • price - 23,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - black strap, silver case, dial, Arabic numerals, hands, case material - stainless steel, leather strap;
  • pluses - a stylish model that looks catchy and expensive, long service life, long charging;
  • cons - high price.

It is not required to start such an elite quartz watch, it “runs” without interruption for several years, and attracts everyone's attention. Autoquartz is especially in demand, which is presented in the following position from Tissot:

  • model name - Tissot T035.617.16.051.00;
  • price - 27,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - black leather bracelet, silver dial, steel case, water resistance, shock resistance;
  • pluses - the difference with cheap analogs is colossal, the highest quality, unique design, stylish design;
  • cons - very high price.

In addition to Sputnik, the Luch trademark has been popular for many decades, which is a classic of the genre in the field of watch movements. The brand name alone implies high cost, product quality and durability. Such a purchase will not cost cheap, but a long period of time remains in service. Here are the optimal positions for today's shoppers:

  • model name - Luch 374387851;
  • price - 3 800 rubles;
  • characteristics - brass case, beige leather strap, dial, Arabic numerals and hands;
  • pluses - a practical quartz watch for every day, which lasts more than a year without a planned battery replacement;
  • cons - absent.

The following quartz watches are considered a competitor, which are also in significant demand in the domestic supply market:

  • model name - Beam 728727914;
  • price - 3 300 rubles;
  • characteristics - plastic case and bracelet, water resistance, shock resistance, quality assurance from the manufacturer;
  • pluses - original design, rich color, large numbers, affordable cost, the opportunity to get a discount or take part in a promotion from the manufacturer;
  • cons - absent.


That brand presents military watches that are ideal for strong and strong-willed men. The products are intended mainly for the stronger sex, have a stylish design, have passed a number of strength tests. You can order your favorite model from catalogs, and receive it by mail from the manufacturer's website of quartz watches. Here are some good options for all occasions:

  • model name - AMST Watch
  • price - 5 400 rubles;
  • characteristics - a massive stainless steel case, a wide strap, durable fittings, a large dial;
  • pluses - watches for strong and self-sufficient men who continue to work even in extreme conditions, the presence of additional functions;
  • cons - not everyone has an affordable price.

Here's another interesting suggestion from the manufacturer:

  • model name - AMST Watch green;
  • price - from 5,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - stainless steel case, genuine leather strap, large dial, manufacturer's warranty;
  • pluses - shock resistance, water resistance, long battery life, men's stylish design;
  • cons - absent.

Relogio masculino

These are large batch products of a Chinese manufacturer, which are especially popular in the world market. The brand presents a wide range of watches with good performance at an affordable price. All budget models are waterproof and have varying degrees of protection. Here are the optimal positions that are so beloved by modern buyers:

  • model name - Megir Relogio Masculino (men);
  • price - 3,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - metal case, leather strap, large hands and numbers, simplicity of design;
  • pluses - compliance with any men's clothing style, affordable price, original design;
  • cons - a short service life, the complexity of replacing spare parts.

The competing position is the following wristwatch, which is ideal for any style of dress:

  • model name - Relogio Masculino Self-Wind;
  • price - starts from 5,000 rubles;
  • characteristics - multifunctionality, metal case, leather strap, water resistance, luxury category;
  • pluses - a stylish accessory for every day at an affordable price, delivery in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • cons - completely absent except for the price.

How to choose a quartz watch

When buying such an irreplaceable accessory, it is important to pay increased attention to quality and technical characteristics so that the watch will serve well for a long period of time and will not break prematurely. In order not to miscalculate with the purchase, true professionals give beginners such valuable recommendations that are relevant in the final choice:

  1. Quality. The case should be metal, and the strap should be leather, otherwise the watch will not last long, but will collect dust in the box as unnecessary.
  2. Manufacturer. Trust only proven electronics brands, which additionally provide a quality guarantee for several years.
  3. Design. The watch must correspond to the usual style of clothing, otherwise it will fall out of the general ensemble.
  4. The mechanism of work. Better these will be quartz modifications, since they do not require a permanent factory to work, unlike mechanical competitors.
  5. Price. In this matter, you should not save on hours and rush to participate in sales, since the purchase is made for more than one year.


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