Which wristwatch to choose - mechanical, quartz or electronic? How does a quartz watch differ from a mechanical one?

In order to understand well the question of quartz and mechanical watches, one must deeply penetrate the essence of the issue, starting with the history of the emergence of these mechanisms.

The history of mechanical watches

It all started with a sundial. This simplest mechanism arose so long ago that the exact time of its origin has not been established. Modern sundials took only the direction of movement of the arrow. The shadow in the northern hemisphere was in the direction of modern watch movements.

The very first clockwork that has come down to us dates back to the second century BC and was invented in Ancient Greece. Although, it is called a clockwork conventionally, since it counted the cycles of passage of the constellations, the position of the planets and the time of the year.

The popularity of mechanical clocks in the usual sense for us, spread in Europe, when they began to be installed on almost every town hall or church. This happened around the Middle Ages. Such a watch had a counterweight, and at that time it was the best technical solution. The dimensions of such mechanisms were, of course, very huge. It was not possible to carry them with you.

As it improved, the watch became smaller and more compact. The kettlebell mechanism turned into a spring one. A spring is now used as a balancer instead of a pendulum. By the 19th century, the mechanisms have acquired such a size that they can already be carried in the pocket of a jacket or trousers. Such watches were often worn by men and always on a chain. The cost of such items was very high. Only very wealthy people who wanted to emphasize their status could afford to wear a pocket watch. In those days, wristwatches were common only among ladies and were primarily an adornment with many precious stones. The clockwork itself was not very accurate and reliable then. Ladies in general had such a clock often just stood.

Mechanical wrist watches were widely used during the First World War in Germany. Martial law has shown the convenience of wearing a watch on the wrist. Over time, the manufacture of wrist watches from Germany was taken over by Switzerland, which supplied its watches throughout Europe.

Clockwork became more accurate and compact. This is how chronographs with chronometers appeared, where the date changed, and the second hand could measure a certain period of time. This did not affect the work of the watch, that is, they did not stop, but continued to go in their usual mode.

The history of quartz watches

In 1927, the first quartz movement was born. The purpose of such mechanisms was to accurately measure time, more accurate than mechanical watches. But because of its bulkiness, these watches were not widely used at that time.

The first mass-produced quartz watches went on sale in Japan after the Olympic Games in Tokyo, where for the first time such a watch acted as an accurate stopwatch. It was in the sixties of the last century. Since then, quartz wristwatches have become very widespread, primarily due to their low cost. Swiss and European companies, in order to avoid ruin, were forced to establish the production of quartz watches. From that moment on, almost everyone could afford to wear a watch.

How mechanical and quartz watches work

In mechanics, the winding mechanism compresses a spring, which then slowly unfolds and, with the help of a whole system of gears, triggers a trigger that converts rotational energy into oscillatory energy. Every day or every 90 hours, as on some modern models, it is necessary to wind this movement by hand. The time error of a mechanical watch depends on the quality of the movement and is up to 10 seconds per day. For a month, this can be, respectively, from five minutes or more. Therefore, at least once a month, it is also necessary to correct the time on the dial. From this we can conclude that mechanics are not suitable for more accurate measurement of time with fractions of a second.

The quartz movement uses electrical impulse energy of a compressible quartz crystal... The crystal itself is powered by an electric current source, that is, a simple battery. The stepper motor of the watch works from the electric impulses of quartz, so there is no need to wind up such a watch. You just need to change the battery. Here, too, everything depends on the quality of the battery, but on average, the service life is 1-3 years. The error of a quartz watch is 3-5 seconds per month, which is incomparably less than that of a mechanic.

You can distinguish a quartz movement by its impulse sound exactly every second, while mechanical ones have a constant-continuous sound, several impulses per second.

Variety of mechanical and quartz watches

All mechanical watches have almost the same movement. Differences can only be in design. There are many transparent and translucent cases, dials and hands.

The variety of quartz movements is much greater. In the 70s of the last century, they invented a quartz watch on liquid crystals, called electronic. Such watches are already a kind of multifunctional devices with an alarm clock, calculator, some with a notebook, stopwatch and many other functions. Nowadays, with the use of digital technologies, the possibilities of electronic watches are beyond counting. This is both heart rate measurement, and position on the map, and the ability to synchronize with a smartphone makes it possible to receive SMS messages, notifications about incoming calls and much more.

It's believed that mechanics are more durable, since the end of the service life of such a watch means the complete erasure of all gears and mechanisms. This may not happen very soon. And the case and all the details of such watches are made of metal. Owners of quartz movements are much more likely to change their watches for new ones, not because the old ones have already worn out, but because of their cheapness and constant desire for something new.

In conclusion, a few words about the cost of the watch. If you do not consider expensive models made of precious metals, decorated with diamonds, the cost of mechanical watches will still be much more expensive than quartz ones. The latter in a plastic case, and even Chinese-made ones, can cost only 200 rubles... It depends on the production technology (manual or robotic assembly), the materials used (metal or plastic) and the manufacturer itself (Swiss watches will always cost more than their Chinese counterparts). Mechanical watches, due to their cost, serve as a confirmation of their high status and solvency, individuality for the owner. Quartz is more readily available, literally anyone can purchase them.

Summing up all the differences, it can be noted that quartz and mechanical watches have their positive and negative sides. It is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the advantage of any one type of watch. Everyone decides for himself what will be a priority for him.

Nowadays, a wristwatch is a must-have accessory for most people. The modern seething world requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. True, at present the functional component of wristwatches has given way to design, style, prestige.

Undoubtedly, when choosing a watch, every person has ever wondered which mechanism is better and more durable - quartz or mechanical? After all, the mechanism is the first thing to pay special attention to when choosing a watch. The movement is the heart of the watch, in which all elements must work harmoniously, with the most minimal errors.

What is the difference between quartz and mechanics?

All wristwatches can be divided into two main groups: mechanical and quartz.

Someone has been using a quartz movement all their lives, someone prefers mechanics more, but, of course, each movement has its own advantages and disadvantages. So what is the difference between quartz and mechanics?

The main difference between a quartz watch and a mechanical one is that it is used as a source of energy to ensure the operation of the watch mechanism.

In a quartz watch, the energy source is a battery that powers the electronic unit of the quartz watch and the stepping motor. The electronic unit sends a signal to the engine once a second, which in turn turns the arrows. The quartz crystal provides a very high stability of the frequency of the generated pulses and, therefore, high accuracy of the movement (on average, the discrepancy with the exact time is 15-25 seconds per month, and the best quartz watches show a deviation of 5 seconds per year) due to which the watch got its name. In addition, the battery is designed for several years of operation, so the quartz watch does not need to be wound.

Mechanical watches use a coil spring located in a drum with a toothed edge. When winding the watch, the spring is twisted, and when it is unwound, the spring sets in motion a drum, the rotation of which sets the entire clockwork in motion. The main disadvantage of the spring motor is the unevenness of the unwinding speed of the spring, which leads to inaccuracy of the watch.

Which watch is more accurate?

In mechanical watches, accuracy depends on many factors, such as ambient temperature, position of the watch, wear of parts, adjustments. In a quartz watch, everything is simpler: the frequency of the pulses generated by a quartz oscillator is almost constant. And the engine and arrows are just an additional device, their job is to rotate on command.

Therefore, for mechanical watches, it is considered the norm for a discrepancy with the exact time of 15-30 seconds per day, and the best result is 4-5 seconds per day. And if for a mechanical watch a deviation of + -20 seconds per day is considered a good result, of which + -5 seconds is almost limiting, then the bulk of quartz watches provide an accuracy of about + -20 seconds per month, and the best ones - up to + -5 seconds per year.

Even a cheap quartz watch is more accurate than a mechanical chronometer.

The cost of mechanical watches is usually higher than quartz ones, as mechanical watches require fine manual adjustment during assembly. While most of the operations for the manufacture of parts and assembly of the movement of quartz watches are entrusted to automation.

Stones in the mechanism? Why and what are they for?

All parts of a mechanical watch are most of the time under the load created by the mainspring, and only at very small moments in time, when the balance and the fork allow the escape wheel to turn, this stress drops. Heavy loads, high contact pressure require the use of hard materials such as steel, brass, ruby. In a quartz watch, the opposite is true: most of the time, parts are free. It is only when the stepper motor turns the wheels that the parts are loaded for a short time. This avoids placing stones in the mechanism. In addition, the power developed by the stepper motor is many times less than the power developed by the mainspring.

In mechanical watches, stones are used only because the ruby \u200b\u200bis harder and better withstands contact pressure (and does not reduce friction, as some believe). If a stone is installed, then it is usually the bottom support of the stepper motor rotor.

In quartz watches, the specific pressure is very small, and therefore, in some mechanisms, stones are not installed at all or 1 stone is installed - in the lower support of the stepper motor rotor. The fact is that the stator of the motor “attracts” the rotor quite strongly, and this support is the only place in the watch where the contact pressure is relatively high. In more expensive large-caliber mechanisms, the installation of stones allows you to reduce friction in the stone supports and reduce the current consumption, as a result - an increase in the autonomy of the mechanism.

How long will "quartz" last?

It is widely believed that mechanical watches are more durable than quartz ones. This is not entirely true. All moving parts of a quartz watch movement have the same resource as a mechanical watch. The resource of electronic components has not yet been fully explored, but it is probably also large. Therefore, a good quartz watch is likely to last as long as a mechanical one.

But, unfortunately, statistics on the "longevity" of quartz watches have not yet been collected, because they appeared only 30 years ago.

Mechanical watches are classics of watchmaking, therefore, in terms of prestige, mechanical watches are higher than quartz ones. In addition, many people like the smooth movement of the second hand on the dial and the fascinating rotation of the automatic winding rotor.

But, according to forecasts of foreign experts, in the coming years the situation will change dramatically and in 4-5 years the share of quartz watches will be at least 80% of the market.

Quartz watches are more convenient to use, there is no need to wind them up or worry that they might stop after lying on the shelf for a couple of days. Quartz is much more accurate than mechanics.

Even 100 years ago, watches were inherited because they were extremely rare and expensive. But today more and more often we buy a new thing not because the old one has deteriorated, but because it is morally outdated or simply out of fashion.

So wear the watch you like. Wear the watch with pleasure, try to follow the operating rules, because it was not just invented and the watch will serve you for a very long time.

Oh, if you only knew what discussions are being started about this among the watch fans! In fact, there is nothing to argue about: as is often the case, each side is right in its own way.

Let's check which camp you belong to! We count the facts!

Fact # 1:

Quartz is more precise than mechanics... This little robot keeps the possibility of failure to a minimum. The exception to the rule is a mechanical watch with a super-mechanism Spring Drive from Seiko. These even fly into space!

Fact number 2:

Reputation. Mechanics - an indicator of high status... Quartz is just an indicator of time. Although well-deserved brands like Patek Philippe or Omega are allowed to be quartz and remain at the top.

Fact number 3:

Beauty is defenseless against the onslaught of the elements and everyday troubles... Mechanical watches are too expensive, they are worn a little breath and are afraid for the safety of precious property. And quartz is unpretentious. This, of course, does not mean that it can be constantly dropped and drowned in the seas. Although sometimes you can - Casio G-Shock withstands and not so! They even write jokes about this legendary brand:

The Japanese corporation Kasio undertook to repair the clock on the Spasskaya Tower. Now they play 16 tunes and you can dive to a depth of 300 meters with them!

Fact # 4:

There is no romantic soul in punctual quartz... But the mechanics happily turns it inside out. In models with transparent parts of the case, the operation of a complex mechanism is visible from all sides.

Here, by the way, there is also an exception. The Bruno Sohnle quartz watch has a transparent back cover - and there, in addition to the battery, a decent finish is visible.

Fact # 5:

The mechanic needs to start (even self-winding models, if they lie on the shelf for a long time), but in quartz you need to change the battery. But, for example, Citizen has Eco-Drive technology, thanks to which neither one nor the other is needed - the watch is charged from a light source!

Well, now everything fell into place!

All watches are good and your personal preference is critical!

Want to buy a watch but don't know which one? Let's take a look and answer the questions that most often arise when buying: what are quartz and mechanical watches. What are their pros and cons.

How does a mechanical watch work?

The main difference between a quartz watch and a mechanical watch is the energy source that powers the movement. In a mechanical watch, a spiral spring is responsible for this. It is in the drum and has a scalloped edge. During the winding of the watch, the spring is twisted, and during its unwinding, the drum is activated, which launches the entire watch mechanism.

What is a quartz watch?

A battery that powers the entire electronic unit, as well as a stepper motor, is responsible for the operation of a quartz watch. The engine receives an impulse from the electronic unit once a second, as a result of which the arrows turn. The high stability of the frequency of the generated pulses is ensured by the quartz crystal - hence the name of this accessory. Such a watch is wound once (the next factory will be carried out only when the battery has to be changed). Quartz watches are highly accurate and comfortable to use. Most often, we call such a watch electronic, although in fact it is a quartz watch with a digital display.

Modern manufacturers offer quartz wristwatches, which are mini-computers. Thanks to the programming of the microcircuit, they can be easily equipped with a stopwatch, chronograph, alarm clock or calendar. There can be many additional functions.

Mechanical watches appeared more than four hundred years ago, but quartz ones entered the market only in the second half of the twentieth century. To date, there is a constant debate: which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. But they all have their pros and cons, which we will discuss.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches

One of the main advantages of "mechanics" is that there is no need to constantly change the battery. This means that such wrist watches do not need additional service, there is no need to buy batteries, which means there are no additional cash costs.

Mechanical watches are highly maintainable. Today any watchmaker can make a broken part. And even in spite of the fact that such watches could have been made a very long time ago, they are subject to repair with the possibility of preserving the original mechanism. They have a long service life. All details of such accessories are made of metal, which certainly prolongs the life of the movement itself. That is why mechanical watches, both for women and men, are considered more prestigious.

The disadvantages of watches of this type include: sensitivity to shocks, inaccuracy of the watch, as well as high cost - only manual labor is used in their assembly.

Although it is still worth giving money for such a jewelry work of a watchmaker. In addition, today you can find a decent model in a more budgetary price segment. Moreover, one does not need to go far. Here, look at an excellent mechanical watch for a reasonable price.

Pros and cons of quartz movement

The main advantage of a watch with a quartz movement is its precision. The difference in time per month can be up to twenty seconds, and for the best watches, this deviation can be up to five seconds in one year.

Such wristwatches are much more reliable than mechanical ones, since they have fewer parts (just an electronic unit and a stepping motor).

A watch with a quartz movement does not need to be wound daily. Today, models are produced in which the battery is changed every three years. There are also quartz watches with a battery designed to last up to ten years.

The assembly of watches with this type of movement takes place with full automation, which is certainly cheaper than manual labor. Therefore, the cost of models with a quartz movement is several times less than that of mechanical ones. You can afford such a watch for any budget. Perhaps even a few. For different styles and occasions.

But the disadvantages include:

Small but regular cash costs for buying a battery.

Low maintainability. If the manufacturer has stopped producing spare parts, then such a watch can be repaired only if the mechanism is completely replaced.

Fragility - quartz watches, which were released at the end of the twentieth century, will not work today for the simple reason that modern batteries will not work with them.

All of these disadvantages are, of course, relative. Few people will be scared by the prospect of changing the battery when a stylish and fashionable watch accessory is at stake. Moreover, when it has the best price-quality ratio, and thanks to modern technologies, the quality is often even higher than the established price. Here are three super models for example.

Based on the foregoing, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which wristwatch is better - quartz or mechanical. When choosing this or that type of mechanism, you should proceed from your individual preferences. Which of the listed advantages are valuable to you? Think and feel free to make a purchase.

A wristwatch is the most important attribute of a modern person, which allows you to coordinate time and keep pace with the dynamic rhythm of life. In addition, they are a wonderful addition to the owner's style, indicating his status and impeccable taste.

As a rule, when buying a watch, they first look at the design and price, and only then at the type of power supply and overall functionality. That's when a lot of questions arise. How are quartz devices different from mechanical ones? Which is better to buy? To determine the choice, it is worth considering in more detail the characteristics of each species.

Pros and cons of quartz watches

In such a watch, the power source is a regular battery. In combination with quartz crystals, it generates signals to the electric motor, which sets the arrows in motion at a certain interval. Thanks to this principle of operation, the device has the following advantages:

  • high accuracy (average stroke error is +/- 20 seconds per month, in premium models - up to 5 seconds per year);
  • lack of everyday plant (average battery life from 2 to 10 years);
  • reliability (the mechanism contains a minimum number of parts);
  • lightness (some of the components of the mechanisms are made of high-quality plastic);
  • availability of additional functions (alarm clock, calendar, barometer, altimeter, compass, etc.);
  • affordable price (automated assembly reduces the cost of the product).

The main disadvantages of quartz products include:

Small cash costs for the purchase of a new battery;

Low maintainability (in the event of a breakdown, the entire mechanism is often changed, since the range of spare parts is small).

Of course, these disadvantages are relative. Changing the battery is not a problem today, and the affordable price allows you to buy such watch models relatively often.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches

Unlike quartz, mechanical devices operate on the basis of a spring. Each time the crown is turned, the spring begins to gently rotate and set in motion the wheels of the device, which, in turn, provide the movement of the hands.

The main advantages of "mechanics" are:

  • long service life (all elements are made of metal);
  • high maintainability (any part of the "filling" can be made in the workshop without changing the original mechanism).

The disadvantages of these models are much more. Among them stand out:

  • high stroke error (-30 / + 40 sec. per day);
  • the need for a daily plant;
  • weightiness due to the presence of many parts made of metal (including the case and strap);
  • high sensitivity to shock, temperature and humidity changes;
  • high price (manual labor is involved in the assembly).

Despite such disadvantages, mechanical watches remain in demand for a long time. In addition, today you can find models with an acceptable cost.

Which model should you choose?

Based on the foregoing, it is impossible to confidently answer the question of which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. When choosing the type of mechanism, you should focus primarily on individual preferences.

If you want to emphasize your status as a business and wealthy person, then you should rely on fashion mechanical watches. They are more aesthetically pleasing than quartz ones and reflect the tradition of watchmaking. But keep in mind that most of these accessories are in an expensive price range and are often inaccessible to a common man in the street.

If practicality and convenience are important to you, choose a wrist watch with a quartz movement. They are affordable for everyone, and the variety of shapes, functions and color variations will allow you to choose an accessory for any occasion.

Speaking about shortcomings, you need to remember that they are all conditional. Manufacturers today are introducing improved models, minimizing bugs. For example, there are high-end mechanical devices of leading brands - models marked CHRONOMETR (COSC), where the error is reduced to -4 / + 6 sec. per day. Some models of quartz watches are equipped with additional protection against moisture and shock (CASIO G-SHOCK).

Summing up, it is worth noting that all quality watches are good in their own way. But only your personal preferences and the size of your wallet play a decisive role.

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