Why is the Webalt start page in the browser? How to remove Webalta? How to remove Webalta from browser

Webalta is a search engine that spreads through file exchanges and with the help of special Internet services, penetrates the system, changes browser settings, and is deeply registered in the registry. In fact, it is not even a search engine, but the Trojan.StartPage virus, which a regular antivirus cannot detect.

Remove Webalta from your computer

In order to remove malicious software from your computer, you must follow these steps. Click "Start", "Find", enter the name of the program into the search bar and delete all the values ​​associated with it.

A registry window will appear in front of us. Select "Edit", "Find" and enter "webalta".

After that, we delete the results of the issuance that relate to the program, as well as the shortcut on the desktop.

It is worth warning that it is not always possible to get rid of Webalta the first time, therefore, after completing all the above steps, it is recommended to scan the PC again.

How to remove Webalta from Opera

In order to get rid of Webalta in the Opera browser, you need to delete two malicious files operaprefs_default.ini and operaprefs_fixed.ini located at C: \ Windows \ system32 and restart your computer.

If the search engine has not disappeared, we are cleaning the registry.

Remove Webalta in Mozilla Firefox

Removal method search engine Webalta in the Mozilla browser is slightly different from the cleaning in Opera. We go to "Help" and select "Information for solving problems."

A page with information about the browser will appear in front of us. Click "Open its folder".

This will open the Mozilla profile folder. It contains two files: prefs.js and user.js. You need to open them and see the code that changes the start page.

It will look like this: user_pref ("startup.homepage_override_url", "http://webalta.ru").

In the prefs.js file, only the code needs to be removed, but user.js can be removed completely.

Warning: you don't need to remove prefs.js. It is required for Mozilla to work correctly.

Removing Webalta from Google Chrome

To clean Chrome from a malicious file, do the following. Start Menu, Run Menu and command line prescribe for Windows XP:% appdata% \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default

For Windows 7:% appdata% \ ... \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default

A folder with a browser profile will appear. In it you need to find the Preferences file.

We open it with any editor. We look for the values ​​of the search engine and delete.

We reboot the computer.

How to remove webalta if after installing any program the utility appeared in the browser?

Secrets of cleaning your computer from unnecessary program further in the article.

What is Webalta and what is it for?

Webalta search is a complete viral program, which is presented simultaneously in several modifications: as a toolbar of all browsers installed on the computer, as a search engine and start page browser.

The search engine was created as an analogue of Yandex and Google services, the project was launched in 2005.

However, the site webalta.ru did not receive the expected popularity among users, and the developers decided to make the system viral content - a program that is installed in operating system along with any other utility.

Malicious program may not uninstall and reinstall Webalta on your computer.

If your antivirus software detects on personal computer adware.webalta item, quarantine it immediately.

This method allows you to permanently remove the service page from the browser.

How to erase Windows XP control

Repeat all the steps that were described in the process of removing the service from the Windows 7 operating system.

You should also add a few more actions that need to be performed due to the peculiarities of the operating system.

Go to the My Computer window and use the search field to find the user.js file and delete it. Also look for the file prefs.js.

It may not be on the system, but if you find it, open the file using the standard notepad utility and go to line 50-60 of the document.

In the area of ​​these lines there will be text browser.startup.homepage or _http // webalta .ru... Delete both options and save the file. Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Also try searching for the file operaprefs_fixed.ini... Remove all found by given request files.

Following all the instructions above, you will remove the virus from the operating system directories, however, the search engine may remain in browsers, so you need to clean all Webalta components from each browser installed on your computer.

Remove virus from browser

For IE (Internet Explorer) follow these instructions:

  • Turn on the main Start menu and go to the Run window or the Win + R combination;
  • Enter the regedit command in the window that opens

  • Open the registry search as described in the instructions above;
  • Enter webalta.ru into the search bar and delete all items. Repeat the action several times.

For Opera, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the main directory of the system called C: \ Windows \ System32;
  2. In this package, find the operaprefs_default.ini file and open the files with notepad;
  3. The file contains malicious code that prevents Vebalta from being removed from the browser. If you find the line Home URL = http: //webalta.ru, change the address to the search engine you need and save the changes. Only then launch the browser;

Advice! If you open a browser and nothing has changed, perform a registry cleanup.

Removing a service from this browser is quite difficult. Follow the instructions below:

  • Launch your browser and find the Help menu. Open it;
  • Now enable the troubleshooting information field and navigate to the main directory of your browser. In this folder, find the user.js and / or prefs.js files;

  • As a rule, in these files the virus changes the text to become home page in the browser. Open each of the files you find with notepad and look for the lines that mention the name webalta.
    You can search the document using the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut. Then enter the word or phrase you want to find in the text box.

After completing the above steps, clear the registry as described in the previous instructions in this article.

Google chrome

  • First, go to the browser settings and remove Vebalta from the field of the browser start page.

Hello everyone who has caught the Webalta virus! Since we are asked questions about how to remove webalta.ru, we decided to disclose the topic of removal this virus and describe the most effective ways eliminate this crap from your browsers and computers.

Webalta infects everything popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer... There is one good piece of news. Since Vebalta tries to gain publicity through viral marketing, most antiviruses look for and remove this infection. The bad news is that it is not always possible to remove webalta using antiviruses, but it is worth starting with them anyway.

What is Vebalta and where did the virus come from

Vebalta.ru is considered a viral page, or rather a search engine. Earlier, back in 2005, Webalta was an ordinary search engine. The owners of the resource predicted a wonderful future for her and promised to compete with such search engines as Google and Yandex... In general, it's funny and nothing more.

In 2010, the site webalta.ru was sold to other owners, thanks to whose strategy you are now reading this article. The fact is that they decided to promote the search engine using a virus. Moreover, a strong enough virus. After infecting your computer and browser. In the address bar, in which the default home page usually appears, the user discovers a line of the type: http://home.webalta.ru/.

Usually the virus gets to the computer from the downloaded file archive that you download from social networks or file hosting. Once launched, Webalta changes the shortcuts of all browsers and writes itself to the Windows registry. The virus itself belongs to the Trojan.StartPage.Win32 family, we have already written the article. We advise you to read, perhaps it will help to remove Webalta from the system.

How to remove webalt from a computer

Before you start removing webalte, you can simply try to roll back the system to a restore point. For example, to try to uninstall webalta in Windows 7 in this way, you need to go to "Start", find the "System" folder and select "System Restore". Also, we recommend the entries related to the virus.

It's simple. Downloading antivirus CureIT by Doctor Web or similar Antivirus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab, which can be found at this link, and scan the entire system for viruses with a disabled Internet channel. It is important to fulfill full check computer, at the same time you may find some more malware. Unfortunately, these antiviruses may not completely remove webalta from your computer, it is painfully corrosive.

Therefore, further we will use another antivirus. Unversal Virus Sniffer, a link to which can also be found on the page useful programs... Launch UVS and go to the Start and Launch UVS sections. Next, you need to go to the "Internet / Windows Explorer" tab.

You need to put the cursor on "http://webalta.ru/search" and click right click mouse on this inscription. In the menu that appears, select "Delete all links to the object".

We also do with the "Other browsers" tab.

After removing webalta in UVS, you need to clean the browser shortcuts or redo them.

What is he doing this way? Removes webalta.ru from the Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers. In addition to the above, you may have to dig deeper into the settings of the browsers themselves. There are two files you need to find in Opera:

  1. operaprefs_fixed.ini find in the following path: C: \ Windows \ system32
  2. operaprefs_default.ini we find in the folder with the browser: C: \ Program Files \ Opera

You need to change the start page, which may look like this:

  • http://webalta.ru/
  • http://start.webalta.ru/

To your favorite search engine, for example http://google.ru/. In addition, an executable java script remains in Opera, which can start the process of infecting the browser anew. Therefore, you need to remove it. Through the search for files, you need to find user.js, most likely there will be several of them. We delete them all. In the browser Google chrome the situation is similar:

To permanently remove webalta from Chrome, you need to find the settings file in the folder where the browser is installed. To do this, you need to open it with a notepad, find the cherished word and change the start page to the one that suits you the most. Find the file prefs.js and open the file with notepad. Pressing the combination "Ctrl + F" start the search and again enter the favorite word "webalta". In the line with this word, you just need to delete the word itself, and not the entire line. You will find the following:

user_pref ("browser.startup.homepage", "_http // webalta.ru");

Accordingly, after deletion, the line will look like this:

user_pref ("browser.startup.homepage", "");

You can immediately replace the search engine and put your favorite one, for example Google.ru:

user_pref ("browser.startup.homepage", "http://google.ru");

Unfortunately, the virus can return, so we will try to finish it off.

We look for files and delete them from the system

First, you need to uninstall the Webalta Toolbar if it's installed. On the Windows example 7: go to "Control Panel"> "Programs and Features" and look for a toolbar, as in the picture:

But the hassle with the removal is not over, you need to remove webalta from the Windows registry.

How to get rid of webalta in the Windows registry



  • Dima

  • Andrey

  • Lazy person

    Here is a really working method that has been personally tested on many machines and operating systems.
    If Webalta is in the list of installed programs, then the uninstallation process should be carried out according to the following scenario:
    We remove the program itself using any uninstaller or through the "Add or Remove Programs"
    We clean the registry Start - Run - regedit - Edit - Find - Webalta. We can safely delete what was found as a result of the search (and there will certainly be)
    In the shortcuts on the desktop Desktop - Browser shortcut - Properties - \ after.exe remove the start.webalta.ru add-on (it is at the end of the properties of the shortcuts of each browser)
    In each browser, in the search engine settings, delete the Webalta search engine. For Internet Explorer, you need to specify the default search for Google or Yandex, only in this case it will turn out to be deleted. Restart your computer and breathe a sigh of relief. The situation when Webalta was installed with some downloaded application and it is not in the list of installed programs is solved as follows: Go to My Computer. We enter webalta in the Search line and as a result we get this or a similar picture. Delete everything that is found. Then we proceed according to the scheme outlined above or read on. We clean out each browser. Desktop - Browser shortcut - Properties - \ after.exe delete the postscript of the following type start.webalta.ru Go to the search settings and delete webalta from the list of search engines. In IE, only after installing another search, by default, it turns out to delete. Clear the registry from this filth. Start - Run - regedit - Edit - Find - Webalta Restart the computer and rejoice at the result. If, as a result of the measures taken, webalta has not disappeared, you should remove the shortcuts of infected browsers from the Desktop and replace them simple drag and drop from the Start-All Programs menu.

Webalta is a Russian search engine, the creators of which at one time seriously planned to squeeze the recognized leaders of Internet search - Yandex and Google. Various means have been used for this purpose, including the annoying installation of the Webalta start page in browsers that many users want to avoid.

Despite the fact that the peak of activity of this problem has long passed, on the Internet, computer users still often come across programs that contain a special code (toolbar) for installing Webalta as a start page in browsers. Having installed such a program on a computer, many immediately wonder how to remove Weblata.
First, check if you have installed programs in the list. next line Webalta Toolbar. If there is, then you are in luck. In this case, you can remove the intrusive application using standard delete programs from the Programs component in Control Panel.

If in installed programs there is no toolbar, then you will have to work with the computer for a longer amount of time.

  1. Close all open browsers.
  2. Click the "Start" button and in Windows XP select "Find" from the menu that appears. In Windows 7 and Vista, do not click anything, but type in the search box that appears under the Start button and enter the query webalta in it. Delete all found files that contain the given word.
  3. Start Registry Editor. To do this, in Windows XP, click the "Start" button, select "Run" in the menu that appears, enter the word regedit in the field that appears, and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
    In Windows 7 and Vista, simply click the Start button and type the word regedit in the box immediately above the button and press the Enter key.

    In the Registry Editor window in top menu click on "Edit" and select "Find" in the menu that appears. Enter webalta in the search query window and press the button next. Delete the found value from the registry by pressing the Delete button. To continue the search, press the F3 button. In this way, you delete all entries from the registry that mention webalta. On average, you will need to delete from three to nine records.

    In browsers, the start page you need.

  4. Reboot your computer. Open any browser. If Webalta reappears, remove the browser icon from the desktop. Go to the folder with the name this browser, which by default should be located at C: / Program Files /. Right-click on select in context menu item "Send" and then "Desktop (create shortcut)". After that, Webalta should be removed for good.
How to remove the Webalta start page from Firefox
V Mozilla browser Firefox, you may also need to do the following additionally.
  1. Open your browser and click the "Firefox" button in the upper left menu. In the menu that appears, select "Help" and then "Information for solving problems". On the page that opens, in the "Application Information" table in the "Profile folder" line, click the "Show folder" button.
  2. In the opened folder with browser user profile settings, find files named user.js and prefs.js, open them in any text editor and remove the lines containing webalta from them.
    Our files contained the following lines:

    user_pref ("browser.search.defaultenginename", "Webalta Search");
    user_pref ("browser.search.selectedEngine", "Webalta Search");
    user_pref ("keyword.URL", "http://webalta.ru/search?from=FF&q=");
    user_pref ("webalta.startup.flag", "1");

If something remains incomprehensible to you by remove Webalta, then along with the question of interest, indicate in the comments the operating system used, the name and version of your browser. We will try to help you remove Webalta from your computer.

Today we will talk about how to remove Webalta from browser... Typically, Webalta appears after downloading and installing software from unverified sources.

Perform the following steps in sequence. Unless otherwise specified, the above procedures must be performed with the browser closed.

1. Check the programs installed on your computer.

Open the list of installed programs.

  • In Windows 7: Start? Control Panel? Programs and Features.
  • In Windows XP: Start? Control Panel? Installation and removal of programms.

Wait for the list to load.
Look in the list for programs related to the page that is causing the problem (for example, a browser toolbar). If such programs are found, remove them.

2. Check your browser extensions.

Open the browser that is experiencing the problem.
Open and view the list of installed extensions:

Mozilla Firefox: Tools? Add-ons / Ctrl + Shift + A.
Google Chrome / Yandex.Browser: Browser settings menu? Settings? Extensions.
Opera: [Options]? Extensions? Extension Management / Ctrl + Shift + E.
Safari: Edit? Settings? Extensions.
Internet Explorer: Settings? Add-ons management.
If among the extensions you find applications associated with an unwanted page, remove them.

3. Check properties of shortcuts (for Webalta.ru).

If the problem is related to the Webalta.ru page, you must also check the properties of the shortcuts that open the browser (including the shortcut on the taskbar).

For Windows XP / Vista:

Select ‘Properties’.
Check the value of the 'Object' field. If the address http://webalta.ru or http://home.webalta.ru is added to the end of the path to the executable file, delete it.
On Windows 7:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut.
  2. Select the item corresponding to the name of the browser.
  3. Right click on the name of the browser.
  4. Select ‘Properties’.
  5. Check the value of the 'Object' field. If the address http://webalta.ru or http://home.webalta.ru is added to the end of the path to the executable file, delete it.
  6. Additional recommendations
  7. Check browser service files

Some browser settings are stored in files. Unauthorized changes to these settings may lead to problems with the installation of the home page. Look in the settings files for mentioning the page causing the problem, and delete its address or change it to the desired one.

List of files and their location in file system depends on the browser.

Removing Webalta in Mozilla Firefox

The settings are stored in the prefs.js and user.js files. To go to the directory containing these files:

Open your browser.
Go to the Help menu? Information for solving problems.
Find the line Profile folder and click the Open its folder / Show its folder button.
user_pref ("startup.homepage_override_url", "http: //badvisite.rf");
user_pref ("browser.startup.page", 1);
user_pref ("browser.startup.homepage", "http: //badhoisite.rf");
The directory may not contain a user.js file. If the file is found, and all of its content belongs to the unwanted page, you can delete it.

Removing Webalta in Opera

The following two files need to be checked:

The operaprefs_fixed.ini file is located in the C: \ Windows \ system32 directory.

The operaprefs_default.ini file in the browser installation directory (for example, C: \ Program Files \ Opera).

The code that changes the home page will most likely look like this:

Home url = http: // badhoisite.rf
Startup Type = 2

Removing Webalta in Google Chrome / Yandex.Internet

Check the preferences file. To edit, open it in the text editor Notepad (Notepad).

To go to the directory with this file:

In Windows XP: Start? Run and enter the following address: "% appdata% \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default".

In Windows Vista / 7: Start and enter the following address: "% appdata% \ .. \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ User Data \ Default".

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