The desktop is not displayed on the screen. Labels have been marked as hidden. Modifying registry data

Good afternoon dear friends! An interesting situation came across the other day. A virus that prevents the desktop from loading. When the computer boots up, it reaches the desktop, a black screen appears without any entries and that's it.

The task manager is called, it seems like everything works, even the processes are started. You can even run the command line. Only there is no desktop.

It turns out that the fact is that the virus makes some changes in the registry, or rather rewrites the shell. Shell is a shell, the explorer is initially called, while the virus rewrites explorer to some left exe file.

Hence, when the computer is turned on, it is not a desktop, but some kind of blocking plate or a black screen.

What if the desktop does not load, only a black screen?

Solved this situation without much difficulty: first, press ctrl + alt + delete and call the task manager.

Then we start a new task: File -\u003e New task-\u003e Regedit-\u003e click "OK". With this action, we launched the registry editor.

Now we need to go to the branch in which the shell is registered and check that everything is there as we need it. On the left in the editor, select the correct path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon

After choosing the path, look for the Shell line in the right window and check that the “explorer.exe” line is in the “Value” column.

If there is something else, we fix it immediately.

After the actions taken, there are two options for the development of events: the first - everything worked. So after the reboot the desktop appeared, the problems disappeared. We use the computer as before.

The second case - after a reboot, there is again no desktop, a check of the registry branches showed that the lines have changed again. This suggests that we have a virus in our computer. This virus can be in services or task scheduler. In this case, it is recommended

Faced a problem that the desktop freezes or does not start at all. How it looks: the mouse cursor turns into a clock and nothing can be started from the desktop, or the desktop does not start at all.

The problem exists in windows 7 and windows XP, no difference. Let's figure out how to solve this issue without resorting to heavy artillery.

One-time fix for frozen desktop

The desktop can be closed like any program. Only now there is no such application in the task manager. But the process "explorer.exe" is responsible for it. We just need to restart this process. For this:

1. Open the "Task Manager" using the hotkeys "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" or "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" and select "Start Task Manager"

2. In the Task Manager window, go to the Processes tab and find the explorer.exe process there. If there is a lot there, then just press the letter "e" until you get to it.

3. Click on the process right click and select "End Process".

After this action, the desktop will completely disappear along with the taskbar. There will only be background picture and the task manager window. If after a few seconds the automatic restart of the explorer does not occur, then you need to start it manually.

4. Go to the menu "File -\u003e New task"

5. In the input field, write: explorer

And press "Enter". Everything, with such simple actions, you can bring the windows operating system back to life without having to restart. This whole process is demonstrated in the video below the article.

What if the desktop freezes too often?

This usually happens after installing some new program... Remember after what actions it started and try to delete the last installed programs... If it doesn't help, then roll back to an earlier restore point. Viruses may well be to blame.

In this case, we will try to cure the desktop, and for this we need:

1. Download the AVZ program. I talked about this program in this article.

2. Go to "File -\u003e System Restore", there check the box number "5. Restoring the desktop "," 16. Restore the Explorer Launch Key "and" 9. Removing debuggers system processes»

3. Press the button "Perform marked operations" and reboot.

If the desktop does not start

In cases where the desktop does not load at all and even the Start button does not appear, you need to do what is described above, and if it does not help, then something else.

Try starting the desktop through the task manager using the above method. If aVZ programs not at hand, then you will have to climb into the registry. But I have simplified your task and prepared a ready-made solution. Just download and run the shell.reg file. He adds required parameters into the registry and deletes unnecessary ones. To start it from the task manager, simply enter in the menu "File -\u003e New task" in the input field: \\ shell.reg, where the path is the location where the file is located. For example: "C: \\ Downloads \\ shell.reg"

If the task manager does not start, says that the file is missing or you do not have enough access rights, then you first need to enable it. We read how to enable the task manager and apply.

If when you try to start "explorer.exe" a message appears that such a file was not found, you will have to restore it. This can be done in three ways.

Method one: enter a command in the New Task window of the Task Manager:

Most likely, the program will ask you to insert the windows installation disc. If not, then the second method may suit you. The program restores damaged and replaced files to the original ones. Reboot at the end of the program. By the way, this method can help if the desktop freezes, and the previous tips did not help.

Second way: rewrite the file "C: \\ windows \\ explorer.exe" from a working machine with the same operating system, or download and unpack my versions:

For windows 7

For windows XP

To put the correct files in the windows folder without Explorer, enter the command in the New Task window:

copy C: \\ Downloads \\ explorer.exe c: \\ windows

where C: \\ Downloads is the file path and c: \\ windows is the OS installation path.

Before that, you may have to end the "explorer.exe" process as described above.

The third method also requires installation disk, just get out of there desired file we will manually. If the drive has the letter "E:" and the folder operating system "C: \\ windows", then the procedure is as follows:

1. Install the disc in the tray

2. In the already known input field, write:

E: \\ i386 \\ expand.exe E: \\ i386 \\ explorer.ex_ C: \\ windows \\ explorer.exe


As another way, you can use tweaks in the Kerish Doctor 2015 system optimization program.

After solving the problem, you can embellish your desktop.

In this article, I tried to explain as simply as possible possible ways treating desktop freezes and gave an algorithm of actions in the case when the desktop does not start at all. In the video you can see how to restart the desktop. True, it is not visible there how I start the task manager using "Ctrl + Alt + Delete", because windows blocks video recording in this mode, but I think everything is clear.

What to do if the desktop does not load in windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Good day. Another instruction on the topic of eliminating the consequences of a virus attack on your computer. Today we have another problem under consideration - the desktop does not start. On modern operating systems, only a picture of the desktop is usually shown, in older operating systems it may already be just black on the whole screen. I will try to describe all the steps to try to restore your computer to work. If they do not help, then it is most likely necessary to reinstall the system. And yes, before following this instruction, you need to clear the computer of virus, otherwise all our treatment will be nullified by the virus, by constant changes in the direction it needs. For cleaning, you can use one of the LiveCDs: Dr.Web LiveDisk or Kaspersky Rescue Disk. They can be written to a USB flash drive or disk on a working computer and used to disinfect the computer.

1. We are trying to start the desktop.

Of course, the first thing we need to do is try to launch your desktop (and in some cases, the real desktop, since a certain category of pests can launch a modified desktop). And there are two options for that:

In the window that opens, click on the "File" tab and select "Run a new task".

In the window that opens, also enter explorer.exe or C: \\ windows \\ explorer.exe and click OK.

We look at the result, if the desktop has loaded, we breathe a sigh of relief, there is a little work left, go to step 3. If not, then the problem is more complicated, the pest replaced the executable file of the desktop with its own and we need to restore it, which means we read on.

2. We are trying to restore the original explorer.exe file

So how do you restore the executable file? The first is to try to restore using the command line and the sfc utility. To do this, we need a command line running as an administrator, so we use the second method of the first step, but in the task launch window, put a checkmark next to “Create a task with administrator rights”, and enter cmd in the field.

In the window that opens, enter sfc / scannow and press the Enter key.

We are waiting for the end of the check, restart the computer and see the result. If the desktop does not start, then you will have to restore the file manually and for this we again need a working computer with the same operating system (bit and preferably edition (Professional, base, Enterprise) and a flash card. Copy the file C: \\ windows \\ Launch "Run" or "Task Manager" → open "file" → "Start a new task"

  • Click on the "Browse" button
  • Go to the flash drive and copy the explorer.exe file
  • go to C: \\ windows and paste, agreeing to replace the file. (If he writes something about the impossibility due to insufficient access rights, open the file properties in the C: \\ windows folder, select "Security", at the bottom click on the "Advanced" button, at the top on the "Owner" line, click on "Change", click "Advanced", the "Search" button, select "Administrator" and click OK until all the properties windows are closed, then again copy the file from the USB flash drive and paste it into the system directory)
  • and now, we try to repeat the first point of the instruction, if the desktop has loaded, go to the third point, if not, we reinstall the system.

3. We work in the registry to restore the original values.

It remains to clean the registry, for this in the "Run" utility or the task manager, enter the regedit command and click OK.

In the window that opens, go to the directory:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon

And we are looking for the Shell parameter, it should have the value exolorer.exe as in the screenshot below, if this is not so, we fix it. If there is no parameter, you can create it (this is a string parameter) via the context menu.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ iexplore.exe

They need to be removed. It is the branches, not the parameters in them. With a high degree of probability, the virus wrote data in them so that your desktop does not start, and the system itself will create new branches when it starts, only with the parameters it needs.

4. Restart

We restart the computer and see the result, if everything went well. The system will start and will work as if nothing had happened. If not, then it is already easier to reinstall the system.


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Windows 7 desktop disappeared: what to do? We restore the system in 30 minutes

Labels usually appear after a short delay. But sometimes, even after a while, there is nothing on the screen except the splash screen. Why did windows 7 desktop disappear? What to do? Let's try to identify and solve the problem.

Disabled display of icons

In all new versions of the OS, the personalization settings allow you to completely disable the display of shortcuts. If you are not the only one using the computer, chances are that someone accidentally did it. This is the simplest and most harmless reason why the Windows 7 desktop disappeared. What should I do?

Right-click anywhere on the screen. Find in context menu the "View" tab. Make sure that the display of labels is turned on - there should be a check mark next to the corresponding item.

Labels have been marked as hidden

It is almost impossible to do this by accident, so in this case, most likely, someone decided to play a trick on you. Icons and folders marked as hidden are still in place, but not visible by default. If you have lost the desktop, shortcuts and icons in windows 7 for this very reason, first of all you need to enable the display of hidden elements. To do this, go to "Control Panel" and open "Folder Options". In the list on the "View" tab, you need to scroll through the list of parameters and turn on the display hidden files and folders (there should be a check mark next to the corresponding item). If the shortcuts appear, it remains only to remove the "hidden" attribute in the properties.

The system moved the items to the "Unused Shortcuts" folder

This is another possible reasonexplaining why the desktop went missing. windows 7 is able to automatically clean up the desktop and, at regular intervals, remove from the workspace those icons that you do not use.

By default, the "Unused shortcuts" folder should be displayed on the desktop (if not, you can find it through the search). If this is your case, it will be enough just to move the desired shortcuts back. After that, you should disable cleaning. To do this, open display properties, find the "Desktop" tab and click "Settings ...". You just need to uncheck the box next to "Clean every 60 days" and save the changes. Although the advice to check the "Trash" may seem silly to many, we recommend that you do it. In practice, it often happens that labels have been trite removed.

The explorer.exe file is missing

Now let's talk about more difficult optionswhen it becomes unclear why the windows 7 desktop disappeared. What if the above tips did not help? Most likely, when the system boots, explorer.exe, the process responsible for the external display of the system, does not start. To check this, go to Task Manager\u003e Processes (Ctrl + Shift + Del) and try to find explorer. Sometimes nothing happens when you try to open the dispatcher. In this case, start windows in safe modeby pressing the F8 button during boot and try again.

In the manager menu, select "File", click "New task" and in the window that appears, enter cmd command... In the window that opens, you need to register the path to the file (by default, it lies in the windows folder located on the C :) drive. If after that the shortcuts appear, then the file is on the computer, and you just need to fix a few registry errors.

What to do if explorer.exe is missing from the computer and cannot be launched? In this case, you will need your Windows installation disc.

  1. Open the disk from another PC and find the file explorer.ex_ in the i386 directory.
  2. Copy it anywhere you want and then change the extension to .EXE (you just need to rename it to do this).
  3. Write the finished file to a USB flash drive and connect it to your computer.
  4. Run the command line cmd through the "Task Manager".
  5. Go to the files on the flash drive. To do this, you need to enter the name of the drive (E :, D: or other).
  6. Copy the file to the system folder using the copy explorer.exe C: \\\\ windows command. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear stating that the operation was successful.
  7. Reboot your PC.

If there is no installation disc, you can copy explorer.exe from another computer to windows 7.

Explorer.exe disappeared from the registry

Let's talk in more detail about what to do if the windows 7 desktop disappears due to registry errors. In this case, when the process is started through the "Task Manager", the shortcuts appear, but after restarting the computer they disappear again. This means that the conditions for launching explorer.exe are incorrectly registered in the registry. Launch the Run application and type regedit. The Registry Editor will open. Find the following directory:

The Shell line should contain explorer.exe. If some other file is registered instead, or nothing at all, change the parameter value. Is it done? Go ahead. Now we need to open another folder from the same directory.

If there is an item explorer.exe (or iexplorer.exe), you need to remove it, and then restart the PC. If the icons still do not appear, the file is most likely damaged and will need to be replaced.

System settings have failed

Sometimes, even after adding a file to the registry, the problem persists. This may indicate a failure in the system settings. Fortunately, the "seven" has a special application - "System Restore", which returns the computer to an earlier state. You can run it using the same Run program. To do this, you need to enter the command shown in the screenshot below.

The computer was infected with viruses

A commonplace option is when exactly because of malware your windows 7 desktop disappeared. You probably know what to do in this case. To open the antivirus, you can enter the full address of its executable file (for example, C: \\\\ Programs \\ Antivirus \\ antivirus.exe) in the "Run" window. It is recommended to scan your PC in Safe Mode. After scanning, delete all infected files and restart your computer.

If even this did not help, the best solution would be to simply reinstall windows. The necessary files can be copied to a USB flash drive via the command line (of course, if you can remember their location).

PC users can observe the problem of non-execution of the command to turn on the Windows desktop, that is, when the operating system boots, a black screen appears, on which only the mouse cursor is visible. The screen may freeze during the boot phase or on the desktop background with missing shortcuts and bottom panel. The cause of such a problem can be a system failure, a banal virus or incorrect operation of the registry cleaner. If your desktop starts, but nothing is displayed on it, then you.

In our article we will try to explain how to cope with the problem of not loading the desktop in Windows 7, 8, 10.

Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 desktop does not load

If your desktop does not load, then the explorer.exe task is not running on your computer. It can be enabled using the task manager. The procedure will be the same for all versions of Windows.

Clamp at the same time Ctrl + Alt + Delete... Windows 7 will immediately open the Task Manager window. On later versions of the operating system, the corresponding item will need to be manually selected from the proposed menu. In the window that appears, in the File tab, select the "Run new task" item. A window will open with an empty line, where you need to enter the explorer.exe command. If you have administrator rights, it is advisable to check the box next to the "Create a task with administrator rights" option. After you click OK, the system should react and start.

Editing the registry

Most often, the actions described above are one-time. Thus, the shenanigans have to be repeated every time the system is started. To deal with the error, you need to restore the registry.

There are several ways to open Registry Editor. You can start a new task with the regedit command in the Manager or open the menu Start - Run and register the same command there. In any case, the register opens in front of you.

In it you should find the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon

In the folder that opens, find the indicator Shell... The command should be indicated next to it explorer.exe... Near UserinitC: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ userinit.exe.

If the actual values \u200b\u200bdo not correspond to those described, they must be changed by clicking the right mouse button. It may be that there is no indicator at all. In this case, it should be added. Click on free space in the window with the right mouse button and Create a string parameter. Give it the required name and data. Restart your computer.

If this does not help, try deleting the keys from the registry explorer.exe and iexplorer.exe... They can be found in the section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options

Follow the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\

and make sure that the Winlogon folder (the intermediate path is the same) does not contain indicators Shell and Userinit... If you find them, delete them. Try restarting your PC again.

System Restore

Another way that can help is system restore. Create a new task in the "Dispatcher" rstrui.exe (it can also be run from Command lineby writing the data in the black window). System recovery mode is automatically enabled. Click "Next", by date select the save point at the time of normal windows work and click "Return to restore point".

If this option did not help, try using BIOS. Press F8 during startup. On the black screen that appears, look for the Restore Last Known Good Configuration option. The system will try to start.

In case of failure, you will have to use boot disk or a USB flash drive. Removable media must be connected to your computer. In BIOS, you must select the boot from your removable device. If you are using a disc, select CD-ROM Drive.

A Windows Setup window may appear on the screen, prompting you to select Yes / No. You have to give up in order to fulfill clean install... The installation window will open, in which you select the language. Click Next. The next step, instead of "Install", click System Restore. We select the item Troubleshooting.

The "Reset computer to factory settings" option will delete all data from your PC. That is, your car will be absolutely clean, just like when you bought it. Option Extra options will give you the opportunity to make your own changes. You can restore the system from an image if you have ever saved it before. If not, then restore the system from a restore point. In the next window, you will see the system that you need to restore directly, and then you will be able to select the point itself.

Desktop actions

Sometimes drastic measures can be avoided. Let's say the desktop starts up, but nothing is displayed on it. Try right-clicking on the screen. In the "View" menu, find the item "Show Desktop Icons". There should be a check mark next to it.

Users often complain about the disappearance of shortcuts. The fact is that the system periodically removes unused or damaged shortcuts from the desktop. To cancel this function, open the "Control Panel". In the "System and Security" tab, find the item "Troubleshooter". In the "Support Center" section, select the submenu "Remove typical problems"And in the left panel find the item" Settings ". Windows Maintenance must be disabled.

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Faced a problem that the desktop freezes or does not start at all. How it looks: the mouse cursor turns into a clock and nothing can be launched from the desktop. There is a problem in Windows 7 and Windows XP, no difference. Let's figure out how to solve this issue without resorting to heavy artillery.

One-time solution to the problem

The desktop can be closed like any program. Only now there is no such application in the task manager. But the process "explorer.exe" is responsible for it. We just need to restart this process. For this:

  • using the hot keys "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" or "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" and select "Start Task Manager"
  • In the Task Manager window, go to the Processes tab and find the explorer.exe process there. If there is a lot there, then just press the letter "e" until you get to it.
  • Right-click on the process and select "End Process".

After this action, the desktop will completely disappear along with the taskbar. Only the background image and the task manager window will remain. If after a few seconds the desktop does not automatically restart, then you need to start it manually. Go to the menu "File -\u003e New Task"

In the input field, write: explorer

And press "Enter". With such simple actions, you can return the operating room windows system to life without having to restart. This whole process is demonstrated in the video below the article. This method works for Windows 10 too, but if it doesn't help, then you need to complete the "Desktop Window Manager".

If the desktop freezes too often

This usually happens after installing a new program. Remember after what actions it started and try to remove the last installed programs. If it doesn't help, then roll back to. It may well be to blame. In this case, we will try to cure the desktop, and for this we need:

  • Download the AVZ program. I talked about this program
  • Go to "File -\u003e System Restore", There check the boxes №" 5. Restoring the desktop "," 16. Restore the Explorer Launch Key "and" 9. Removing system process debuggers "
  • Press the button "Perform marked operations" and reboot.

If the desktop does not start

In cases where the desktop does not load at all and even the Start button does not appear, you need to do what is described above, and if it does not help, then something else. Try starting the desktop through the task manager in the above way. If the AVZ program is not at hand, then you have to go into the registry. But I have simplified your task and prepared a ready-made solution.

Repair explorer.exe

If when you try to start "explorer.exe" a message appears that such a file was not found, you will have to restore it. This can be done in three ways.

First way: enter the command in the New Task window of the Task Manager:

Sfc / scannow

Most likely, the program will ask you to insert the Windows installation disc. If not, then the second method may suit you. The program restores damaged and replaced files to the original ones. Reboot at the end of the program. By the way, this method can help if the desktop freezes, and the previous tips did not help.

Second way: rewrite the file "C: \\ Windows \\ explorer.exe" from a working machine with the same operating system, or download and unpack my versions:

To put the correct files in windows folder without a conductor, enter the command in the "New task" window:

copy C: \\ Downloads \\ explorer.exe c: \\ windows

where C: \\ Downloads is the file path and C: \\ Windows is the OS installation path.

Before that, you may need to "explorer.exe" as described above.

Third way also requires an installation disk, only we will manually retrieve the required file from there. If the drive has the letter "E:" and the operating system folder is "C: \\ Windows", then the procedure is as follows:

  • Installing the disc in the tray
  • In the already known input field, write:

E: \\ i386 \\ expand.exe E: \\ i386 \\ explorer.ex_ C: \\ windows \\ explorer.exe


Another way you can use Kerish Doctor.

After solving the problem, you can.

In the video you can see how to restart the desktop. True, it is not visible there how I start the task manager using "Ctrl + Alt + Delete", because Windows blocks video recording in this mode, but I think everything is clear.

Problems with loading the desktop in Windows happen during the start of the operating system or when it resumes from hibernation. This problem can be easily resolved using one of the following methods. Any user will be able to personally follow all the instructions and restore the desktop. This does not require additional knowledge or skills. Let's take a closer look at each method.

The process is responsible for loading the desktop explorer.exe... If this task does not work correctly or does not start, the problem in question arises. It is solved by manually starting the process or changing the registry parameters. Before performing all the manipulations, you should make sure that the display of shortcuts is enabled. You just need to right-click on a free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop, select the tab "View" and put a tick next to Show Desktop Icons.

Method 1: Manual start of the explorer.exe process

Sometimes the OS has problems that lead to the fact that Explorer stops responding, was stopped, or did not load at all. In certain windows cases itself restores its activity, but it so happens that you need to start it manually. This is done very simply:

Thanks to this manipulation, the Explorer will open. In cases where this did not happen, you should check the correctness of the registry settings and try to start the process again.

Method 2: Change registry settings

If the launch of Explorer was unsuccessful or the desktop disappeared again after a system reboot, you will need to edit the registry settings, since very often the problem lies precisely in file configuration failures. Follow the instructions below and you should be able to get it right:

Method 3: Virus cleaning

Infection with malicious files is a common cause of Windows system crashes. This may also apply to the work of the desktop. If the above methods did not bring any result, scan and remove the found threats on the computer with any in a convenient way... Read about the fight against viruses in our article at the link below. In it you will also find the necessary instructions.

As you can see, restoring your desktop is easy. We have detailed three ways in which this task is accomplished. The user just needs to follow the recommendations and everything will definitely work out. It is only important to carefully follow each action.

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