How to use avz. Cleaning the system from unnecessary files. How to create a restore point

Hello dear friends! Today I want to write another article about the security of our computers with you, and about the fight against viruses. Want to do overview of the antivirus utility AVZ and write how you can use it quickly remove the virus and cure the system from other threats.

About antivirus utility There are a lot of AVZ on the Internet good reviewsand it is not strange, this is a really cool tool that will help you quickly remove a virus from your computer. And before proceeding to the description of launching and working with AVZ, I will say a few more words about this miracle.

The AVZ utility is not an antivirus, or rather, it is not a permanent antivirus that runs all the time and looks for viruses in real time. This is a small utility that does not even need to be installed, you just need to extract it from the archive and run it on your computer. Another big plus is that AVZ does not conflict with other permanent antiviruses. For example, I have ESET NOD32 installed, and I scanned my computer without even uninstalling or closing it utility AVZ... Although it is recommended to disable the antivirus, it is not necessary.

When and why is AVZ used?

As I already wrote with the AVZ utility, you can quickly remove various AdWare, SpyWare, Trojans, etc. If you notice strange things in your computer, it starts to work slowly, or a virus has already made itself felt, then it's time to try AVZ. By the way, I forgot to write, it's completely free. Even for prevention, you can scan your computer with this antivirus utility, otherwise your antivirus will hardly be able to protect you from all threats.

In short, if something is wrong with the computer, then it is imperative to scan it with the AVZ utility, but if it does not help, then look for other solutions to the problem.

Where to download and how to scan a computer with the AVZ utility?

I used AVZ version 4.39 for testing. At the moment, this is the most a new version... So download it from my blog but link. For new versions and other information, see the author's website

Download the archive and extract the “avz4” folder from it (with the version change, the folder name may be different). To start AVZ, go to this folder and run “avz.exe”.

The program window will open. First, let's update the anti-virus database. To do this, click on the button that I marked in the screenshot. And click on the "Start" button. The program will inform you that everything is updated, click "Ok".

Now you can start setting up and running a computer scan for viruses, spyware and other nasty things.

On the start tab "Search area" set up like this:

  1. We mark the drive that we want to scan with checkboxes, I marked all three local drives.
  2. Check the boxes below "Check running processes, "Heuristic system check" and "Search for potential vulnerabilities"... We move to the right side.
  3. In chapter "Treatment method", put a tick "Perform treatment"... Everywhere we put the item to delete, just opposite “HackTool” we select “Disinfect”.
  4. Below we tick off all three items.

Go to the "File Types" tab and set the settings.

The settings in this section determine how long the program will scan our computer. If you want to do quick checkthen leave it as it is. But it is worth remembering that the longer AVZ scans the computer, the more chances it has to find a threat.

Therefore, for a quick search, we leave everything as it eats, for an average we mark the item “All files”, and for a very long scan we mark “All files” and uncheck the box. “Do not scan archives anymore”.

It is advisable to tick off two items, "Block RootKit User-Mode" and "Block RootKit Kernel-Mode".

That's it, the setup is complete. Click on the "Start" button, agree to the warning and scanning will begin. Better computer do not touch or press anything. Moreover, the utility itself will block almost all actions. After scanning is complete, close the program and restart your computer.

Having a utility like AVZ in stock and sometimes using it is very good. But do not forget about antivirus programs that allow you to protect your computer throughout its entire operation. Therefore, be sure to install a good antivirus for yourself.

More on the site:

Review and work with the AVZ antivirus utility. A great way to quickly remove a virus. updated: January 12, 2015 by the author: admin

Soon there will not be a single user on the planet who has not heard of a free antivirus utility for systems based on operating system Windows - AVZ. Thanks to the Russian developer Oleg Zaitsev, you can independently solve computer problems that have arisen due to viruses and trojans... It remains only to understand how to use AVZ, because it is a powerful enough tool for changing system settings, and improper user actions can harm the system even more.

Preparation for work

The AVZ program is a utility for Windows and troubleshoot the system resulting from the activity malware... Before using AVZ, you need to run an independent one-time anti-virus, for example, Dr.Web CureIt !, which will remove all viruses and other pests in the system. And the AVZ program will correct all violations in the system and delete the files that were created by the virus. In other words, the utility performs the final cleanup of the system after Now you can proceed to training on specific exampleshow to use AVZ 4. 43 version as the most stable will help with this. The AVZ program should be run only as an administrator, otherwise all actions in the system will be in vain.

Search for spies and Trojan horses

First, we will talk about how to use AVZ to eliminate malware softwarethat did not see disposable antivirus... After starting the program, the main menu with a search area will open in your eyes, where you need to check the boxes on all hard drivesthat are installed on the system. The field on the right offers to select a method for treating the detected malware. In the first four paragraphs, you can safely install the removal, but in the other two - only a report, since all modified programs, such as hacked games or unlicensed products, are included in these categories. You shouldn't delete them, it is easier to eliminate incomprehensible elements when viewing the report. The "File Types" and "Search Options" tabs allow you to set extra options to detect spyware, but to successfully learn how to use AVZ, it will be enough to know how to set the default settings. Pressing the "Start" button will start the process of eliminating viruses, upon completion of the scan, a detailed report on the work done will appear at the bottom of the window and possible problems with modified programs.

Restoring startup programs

It is because of the impossibility of launching programs that most users recklessly reinstall Windows from scratch, losing all settings, and sometimes important files, forgetting to save them first. Having figured out how to use the AVZ program to restore the launch of programs, the user will no longer have to install a new system.

Oddly enough, but AVZ also does not start? Then your path is "Start" - "Control Panel".

  • In the upper right corner in the "View" menu, you must set "Large icons".
  • In the list that appears on the page, select "Folder options".
  • After selecting the "View" tab, uncheck the box next to the "Hide extensions for registered file types" menu and click "OK".
  • Going to the folder with the AVZ program, change the extension (three letters to the right of the dot) of the executable file: "avz.exe" -\u003e "avz.pif".

Now it will start without any problems. aVZ utility... How to use the launch with administrator rights, the user must already know. But just in case: click on the AVZ shortcut right click mouse and select In the program window, click "File" and select "System Restore". Set checkboxes on points: 1, 5, 6, 9, 11 and perform operations by pressing the button of the same name.

Social networks won't open

You need to go back to the "System Restore" menu of the AVZ 4 utility. We have already figured out how to use the menu: you just need to set the correct checkboxes opposite the items. To regain access to social networks, you need to select items 2, 3, 4, 13. If all sites do not open, then you need to select item 14. The question immediately arises: "Why is it impossible to put all the checkmarks at once and eliminate all problems in one fell swoop?" When treating one disease, a person does not additionally treat all healthy organs with other drugs. So it is in Windows: do not fix something that is already in working order, otherwise you can only do harm. There is a desire to cure everything in one fell swoop - for health, only experts do not recommend ticking boxes 15, 18, 19, 20 and 21, as they edit global settings networks in Windows and can, in the hands of a beginner, destroy an entire system in one second.

from garbage

The AVZ utility helps not only in removing viruses, but also in the system and cleaning it from unnecessary files... Similar services are offered by CCleaner, a popular cleaner on the Internet.

It will not be difficult to figure out how to use AVZ to clean the system. "File" - "Troubleshooting Wizard". The category of the problem is "System cleaning", the danger is "All problems". Press the "start" button. The window that appears will display a list of recommendations, the implementation of which will free up space on the computer by deleting unnecessary files. Basically, to free up space on your hard drive, you just need to clear the Temp folder and the cache of all browsers. It is better not to touch the rest, as there is garbage, without which Windows cannot fully work.

System security

Useful enough software - this utility is AVZ. How to use its functionality, you can find out from the instructions. Computer security professionals run the Troubleshooting Wizard by setting the category Systemic problems". It is always worth setting the "severity level" at the "All problems" level. A list of loopholes in the system through which viruses can be infected will be displayed in the list that appears. Required to fix the problem with the resolved automatic start programs from removable media and optical drives... For the rest of the points, it is worth studying additional instructions. More detailed description each item will allow you to understand the principle of the process and not harm the Windows system.

Having figured out how to use the AVZ program, you can easily restore your computer to work without much effort. However, there are two points that are rarely mentioned in the description of this program:

  1. Before starting the AVZ program, you must close all unnecessary windows, including browsers. After pressing the "Start" button, do not perform any actions on the computer until the utility ends. Even when you move the mouse, a process takes place in the system, which can interfere with a high-quality search for viruses in the system.
  2. Having finished working with the AVZ program, it is imperative to restart your computer through the Start menu and immediately after rebooting windows startup clean the system registry, for example, with the CCleaner program.

Utility appearance

Where to get?
AVZ we will take from the Net. Specifically from here:
Version 4.3 is currently available.
Download zip, unpack ... and that's it. The utility does not require installation, it can work from any directory, even from removable media (flash drives).

Step 2

AVZ update

The utility is updated manually, but very easy. It is enough to press the most right-bottom button on the AVZ panel and press “start” in the window that opens. The utility will automatically go to the update site, download and install all the necessary elements.

Step 3

You should now enable the Advanced Process Monitoring driver. This allows you to track those processes that are going on in the system hidden and not visible the usual ways... This must be done once. In the utility menu, select AVZPM and in the drop-down menu, click "Install advanced process monitoring driver"

Step 4

Setting (continued)
Although AVZ is designed for a one-time scan of a computer for viruses, it can be installed in continuous monitoring mode. For this, there is the AVZGuard option. It should be selected from the same program menu. Attention, this option significantly slows down the computer.

Step 5

Beginning of work.
AVZ can work both in monitoring only mode, reporting to you about found malware, and in disinfection mode. To do this, in the upper right part of the program window, check the “perform treatment” box.
Go to the left side of the program window. There we will select the drives we want to scan, the types of files to scan, and search parameters. Let's dwell on file types in more detail. By default, “Potentially dangerous files”. This means that documents, archives, etc. will not be examined. The changes greatly affect the speed of the utility. Below we see the sections “including by mask” and “excluding by mask”. If you have PuntoSwitcher or something like that, you should add a folder with this program to the "excluding by mask" section. Something like this: C: \\ Program Files \\ Punto Switcher \\ *. Pay attention to the asterisk at the end. It means “any file name”. That is, this folder will not be checked. What for? It's just that PuntoSwitcher tracks the keystroke sequence and naturally, any antivirus program will be mistaken for a keylogger.

Each user has encountered system problems related to the activity of viruses and malware. Problems from them are very serious. Sometimes you have to completely reinstall the system, or the equipment may fail. But you do not always need to seek help from specialists. Many problems are solved on their own. Here AVZ antivirus will come to the rescue. Let's consider in detail how to work with it.

What is this program

AVZ does not work in real time like antiviruses installed on a PC. You don't have to install it. Utility in Russian. Does not conflict with antivirus software installed on the system. I have Smart Security... In this case, the utility works great. No need to disable persistent antivirus.

When to use it

AVZ removes viruses such as AdWare, SpyWare and Trojans. If you notice that the PC does not work as usual: freezes, software loads slowly, does not turn off, try working with AVZ. Even if everything works as it should, periodically scan your PC with this utility.

How to download and install

Download the latest version from the official website:

IN latest version support for windows 10 included

We extract the downloaded archive into the "avz4" folder. Change her name to something else if you like. Next, launch it by clicking on the avz.exe file.
Update the databases before starting work. In the window that opens, we find the "Update" icon.

For windows 7/10, for AVZ to work correctly, run it as administrator. To do this, right-click on the avz.exe executable file. Next, select the appropriate item.

What to do before work

AVZ is a utility for eliminating problems caused by viruses. Therefore, before starting work, run, for example, a one-time utility. It will get rid of viruses, and AVZ will fix violations and delete files created by the virus. Performs system cleaning after uninstallation.

How to use

We launch the utility. The main window of the program consists of three tabs:

On the first tab "Search area" select what to scan to HDD. There are three options below. Check the boxes next to them. This will allow you to perform heuristic analysis, scan running processes, and identify malicious software.

File type

In this tab, choose what to scan. If there is a simple check, check the Potentially Dangerous box. If there are many viruses - "All files". Utility except simple documents works with archives. In this tab, configure this check. Uncheck the checkbox opposite to check the archive.

Search options

A slider appears at the top. Slide it up to enable keyboard hooks testing. The end result should be like in the picture.
Next, configure what action to take if a virus is found:

The check will start and the result will be displayed in the area called "Protocol". After a short period of time (depending on the amount of information being checked), the scan will end. Next, the program will indicate the scan time and threats found.
If threats are found, look at them by clicking on the button marked in the figure below.
If there are suspicious objects, the program will write the path to them, description, type. Here you can move it to quarantine or delete it.

System functions

In addition to checking for viruses and malicious software, AVZ performs many functions. Let's talk about the most useful ones. To access them click on "File". Will open context menu with all functions.
Let's consider the most important ones.

System investigation

The function will collect information about the system. This is the technical and hardware part. This includes: system files, protocols, processes. By clicking on the "Research" link, a new window will open, where you can tell the utility what information you need to collect. Having installed everything you need, click on "Start".
In a new window, the program will offer to save the document. It contains the selected html-format information. Opens with any browser. Then click "Save".
Scanning starts. After its completion, you will be able to view the selected information.


These functions can return OS elements to their initial state and remove settings. The malware wants to deny access to the Registry Editor or Dispatcher. Tries to append parameters to system file "Hosts". The restore option will unlock these items. To start, click on it, and check the boxes for the actions you want to perform. I marked option 11, 13, 17. Then click on "Run".


In the list of parameters, located in the File menu, there are functions that work with scripts. These are "Run", "Standard".
By clicking on "Standard" a window with a list of ready-made scripts will appear. Check the boxes you want. Then click on "Run".
Another option will launch the editor. Write the script yourself, or download from your PC. Then click the "Run" button.

Quarantine and Infected option

By clicking on this item, view the potentially dangerous elements detected by the utility during scanning.
Delete files (if found), or restore if not dangerous.
To quarantine potentially dangerous software, check the appropriate boxes in the settings.


To view the list of services offered by the program, click on the corresponding line "Service".
Let's consider the most used ones.

Process manager

All executable files running on the system are displayed here. In a new window, look at their description and the path to them.
Complete the process if necessary. Select it from the list and click on the button with the black cross. Located to the right of the window.

This is a replacement for the dispatcher installed on the system. It is especially valuable if it is blocked by a virus.

Service and Driver Manager

The second service on the list. By clicking on which a window will open where select a service using the switch: services, all drivers. Select the desired item and then disable it, stop or delete it.

Startup manager

Use it to configure the parameters of programs that start with the system. To disable, uncheck the box next to the selected item. The entry can be completely deleted. To do this, press the button on which a black cross is drawn.

After deletion, it will not be possible to restore. Therefore, check carefully so as not to erase important entries.

Hosts File Manager

If the virus has registered its values \u200b\u200bin this file and has blocked access, use this option. A new window will display its contents. Nothing can be added. Delete only. This is done using the button with a black cross.

Running utilities

The program allows you to work with popular applications. To do this, go to "Service" - "System". By clicking on the system utilities, you can:


If you get a virus that cannot be removed, use the AVZGuard function. It adds malware to the untrusted list that cannot be performed. To activate, click on the line AVZGuard.

I want to note that this function and AVZPM does not work for me, since these technologies are not supported by 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. Read more about this in the official technical documentation at:


I recommend all users to download AVZ. Run the virus scan utility periodically. Its main task is to remove spyware, Trojans and SpyWare. But this does not mean that you do not need to use antivirus software that protects your PC in real time.

It is not an antivirus, or rather, it is not a permanent antivirus that runs all the time and looks for viruses in real time. This is a small utility that does not even need to be installed, you just need to extract it from the archive and run it on your computer. Another big plus is that it does not conflict with other permanent antiviruses. For example, I have ESET NOD32 installed, and without even removing or closing it, I scanned my computer with the utility. Although it is recommended to disable the antivirus, it is not necessary.

The program window will open. First, let's update the anti-virus database. To do this, click on the button that I marked in the screenshot. And click on the "Start" button. The program will inform you that everything is updated, click "OK".

The AVZ utility has a good set functions. Today I want to present to you the most frequently used ones in my opinion.
File. Here, the most interesting for us will be the lines "System Restore" and "Troubleshooting Wizard".
System Restore- here we are offered 21 points (problems and malfunctions) that she can fix. For example, cleaning hosts file and unlocking the task manager. Agree, quite often malicious code does not allow us to get to the task manager in the usual way. here AVZ comes in handy. Principle of operation - put a tick next to the desired item, and press the button "Perform marked operations".
Troubleshooting Wizard - diagnostics of PC problems and vulnerabilities, followed by their correction. There are 4 categories of problems, and three degrees of danger (from low to high). With this function, you can see that your PC is allowed to run from removable media, and prohibit it. Or, for example, clear the cache of frequently used programs.
Service. The only interesting function I consider here is “ open ports TCP / UPD ". With its help, you can see which program has opened this or that port, and which remote host is connected to us (or we are connected). The rest of the features from the "service" menu can be replaced with more convenient third-party programs.
AVZGuard. Enabling and disabling the AVZGuard function - it blocks all executable processes. It is recommended to enable it before starting scanning. After enabling this function, the programs that you need to work can be launched by clicking the line "run the application as trusted" in this menu.

Now you can start configuring and running a computer scan for viruses, spyware and other vulnerabilities.

On the "Search Scope" start tab, configure the following:

1.Select the checkboxes of the drive that we want to scan, I marked all three local drives.
2. Below we mark the checkboxes "Check running processes", "Heuristic system check" and "Search for potential vulnerabilities". We move to the right side.
3.In the section "Treatment method", put a tick "Perform treatment". Everywhere we put the item to delete, only opposite "HackTool" we select "Disinfect".
4. Below we mark all three points.

Go to the "File Types" tab and set the settings.

The settings in this section determine how long the program will scan our computer. If you want to do a quick check, then leave it as it is. But it's worth remembering that the longer AVZ scans your computer, the more chances it has to find a threat.

Therefore, for a quick search, we leave everything as it eats, for an average we mark the item "All files", and for a very long scan we mark "All files" and uncheck the box "Do not check archives more".

It is advisable to tick off two items, "Block RootKit User-Mode" and "Block RootKit Kernel-Mode".

That's it, the setup is complete. Click on the "Start" button, agree to the warning and scanning will begin. It is better not to touch the computer or press anything. Moreover, the utility itself will block almost all actions. After scanning is complete, close the program and restart your computer.

But the AVZ utility can not only search for and remove viruses, but also has many more in its arsenal. useful function... Click on the "Service" menu, a list will appear with the ability to run different managers, which may be useful in solving various problems.

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