Social network lists. List of Russian-speaking social networks. Public - what is it

Continuing the topic of social networks, which I raised the other day (by the way, if you have not read the post about Russian social networks,), I offer you the translation of the article “33 Hanging Places in the Era of Social Networks” published on the blog. The article presents an impressive list of overseas social networks and provides a good overview of this rapidly growing market. Over the past two years, the popularity of social media has increased markedly. Everyone can find a network to their liking, there are networks for dogs, parents, book lovers and shopaholics. In my opinion, social networks are very useful and interesting to spend time. It is because of the growing interest in social media that I created this list... I think it will come in handy for those who, despite their existing MySpace or Bebo profiles, are ready to look for something new and interesting.

Please note - I did not include in the list services focused on social bookmarking, as well as systems "with a hint" to social networks (YouTube or Flickr). I also divided the list into two categories - general and specific. The list covers only those services that are available to a wide range of users (no closed beta by invitation).

MySpace is the largest social network in the world. It conquered the United States with great speed; now MySpace has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was acquired by Newscorp for $ 580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the way of development of social networks.

Bebo - Unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is targeted at other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Bebo is very similar in function to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to carry out communication between friends, but later the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users.
Recommended for: teenagers, young people

Tagworld - founded in the fall of 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent Web 2.0 implementation (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a music search engine and an IM client with video chat capabilities.
Recommended for: teenagers, young people

Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his spare time (You know, every Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the United States, but later became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users).
Recommended for: Brazilian youth.

AIM pages - The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to push MySpace into the social media market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but it still has everything ahead.
Recommended for: teenagers, young people

Hi5 - has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of distinctive features system is that you can download music from iTunes for money, add it to your profile. On free account you can upload photos for a whole gigabyte. On Hi5, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, Tyra Banks have profiles.
Recommended for: teenagers, young people

Panjea is a social network with an economy founded this year. Offers several ways to get paid for your creative work. there is unique system points.
Recommended for: teenagers, young people

Cyworld - originated in Korea and has grown to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about $ 300,000. Cyworld is now gradually expanding in the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), as well as each user has his own "minihompy" (profile). Users can decorate their "minihompy" and keep in touch with each other.
Recommended: Teenagers, Young People, Koreans

Tagged - designed mainly for teenagers. The main idea is to be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagged is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the United States, but compared to MySpace, it is always secondary.
Recommended: for teenagers

Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and in focus. Offers users a large number of open functionssuch as the ability to integrate with other social networks.
Recommended: for teenagers

Friendster, one of the first networks to launch as a “social experiment,” recently acquired a patent for “social media”. The network has grown very quickly, but by now it has completely dropped and currently occupies less than 1% of the social networking market.
Recommended: for teenagers

Tribe - This network was recently acquired by NBC. The main task of the Tribe is not so much dating and communication, but rather to unite users' own social networks. Provides the ability to create so-called "clans", as well as very well localized due to these very clans.
Recommended: for teenagers

Facebook - a startup from Silicon Valley. Widespread among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the US. This network is not yet available in many countries, but it is developing and growing steadily.

ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. Also designed for college and university students. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world.
Recommended for: college and university students

Yahoo! 360 - Launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those who are over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users.
Recommended for: adults

PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out a niche in social media. Based on open standards and functionality. One of the distinguishing features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can later be purchased.
Recommended for: adults

MommyBuzz - launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz - was created to enable moms to chat online, share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A great place for such a target group.
Recommended for: moms

MuslimSpace - Created by a former computer science student at the American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to become a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims.
Recommended: Muslims

Stardoll - Would you like to dress celebrities like paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll allows you to do just that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of children and adolescents in much the same way as Neopets a few years ago.
Recommended for: children / teenagers

Imbee - There are so many teen sites out there, but what about kids? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for kids. So now if your older brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing that you can't have one, go to Imbee!
Recommended for: children

Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: Post Dog Photos, Tell Dog Stories, Make New Friends (Dogs)!
Recommended for: dogs and their owners

Catster is practically the twin brother of Dogster, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Do I need to explain more?
Recommended for: cats and their owners

Fuzzster - Being somewhat a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown to become a fairly large community of animal lovers.
Recommended for: furry animals and their owners

BookCrossing - In the real world, bookcrossing is done like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to pick up and read, and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing website is to start the same process in the virtual world.
Recommended: book lovers

Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly many of them on the Internet. The goal of the network is to become your online garage. Motorists can show off their cars here, find recommendations for their improvement, meet other motorists, watch videos and photos, and much more.
Recommended: for car enthusiasts

Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for moviegoers. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other moviegoers. Spout is a good place to visit before renting a movie.
Recommended: for moviegoers

MOG is a Silicon Valley startup whose goal is to bring together music lovers with similar interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, and here you can also discover new musical directions that you did not know about before.
Recommended: for music lovers

Gusto. There are websites about cars, movies, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is precisely the place that brings travelers together based on their lifestyle (expressed in terms of preference). You can also find tons of travel information, recommendations and reviews here too. - combines social networking and shopping. The goal of is to enable sustainable shopping on the Internet. The system is used " cash back"when, if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. An interesting way to make purchases.
Recommended: lovers of (online) shopping

Yelp (from the creators of PayPal) - This site is a lot like Yub, created to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on businesses and services than on a consumer-oriented product. Currently only available in the US.
Recommended: Anyone in the United States (especially in big cities)

- according to surveys, the most popular business network, LinkedIn's goal is to unite colleagues and business partners, to help find new ones. With around 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular with business audiences.
Recommended for: Mercenaries and Businessmen

biddingBuddies - Often times on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with a lot of people. BiddingBuddies will help you with this. It is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in an auction, why not make friends with opponents.
Recommended: eBay users (buyers and sellers)

Faqqly - There are so many things you would like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other about anything.
Recommended for: curious - teenagers, young people

Currently the Pension Fund Russian Federation (PFR) pays 60 types of social charges due to pensioners and other privileged categories of citizens. When they are credited to an account (deposit) in Sberbank, you can receive a certificate of the types and amounts of pensions and other social payments paid to you by the PFR.

A certificate of the types and amounts of pensions is:

  • detailed information about all types of PFR social payments due to you and their amounts for the period you need
  • efficiency of receiving data on pension payments

You can get a certificate of the types and amounts of the Pension Fund's pension credited to the Bank account free of charge at the Bank's branches, ATMs and Bank terminals.

The main types of paid FIU payments are:

    Insurance pension:

    Insurance pension- a monthly cash payment to compensate citizens for wages or other income that they received during their employment, as well as compensation for income that disabled family members of the insured person have lost in connection with his death.

    A fixed payment is established for the insurance pension, which depends on the type of insurance pension. The amount of the payment is annually indexed to the inflation rate for the previous year.

    • old age

      Old age insurance pension Is the most widespread type of pension in Russia. Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 have the right to it, provided they have the necessary insurance experience and a minimum amount of pension points (taking into account the transitional provisions of the pension legislation). Certain categories of citizens may be eligible for an insurance pension earlier. Lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an early retirement pension is assigned, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      Terms of appointment.

      Three conditions must be met to award an old-age insurance pension.

      The first - reaching the generally established age: 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

      It is worth noting here that some citizens may retire earlier. Lists of jobs, industries, professions, positions, specialties and institutions (organizations), taking into account which an early retirement pension is assigned, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      Second - insurance experience of at least 15 years. The increase in seniority requirements is taking place gradually: in 2015 it is 6 years and over 10 years gradually, 1 year at a time, by 2024 it will increase to 15 years.

      Third - 30 individual pension coefficients (points). The requirement for the presence of 30 points is also being introduced gradually: in 2015 - 6.6 with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until the specified value is reached by 2025.

      on disability

      Disability insurance pension assigned to disabled persons of I, II or III groups in the presence of insurance experience, the duration of which does not matter, and regardless of the cause of the disability and the time of its occurrence. It also does not matter whether the disabled person is working at the moment or not.

      Terms of appointment.

      To award a disability insurance pension, the following conditions must be met:

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person and the establishment of a disability group (carried out by a federal institution of medical and social expertise);
      • having at least one day of insurance experience. If there is no insurance record at all, then a social disability pension is assigned.
    • on the occasion of loss of breadwinner

      Survivor's insurance pension assigned to disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him. Exception - persons who have committed a deliberate criminal offense that resulted in the death of the breadwinner and established in court.

      Terms of appointment.

      For the appointment of an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, the following conditions must be met:

      • the deceased breadwinner's insurance experience (at least one day);
      • the death of the breadwinner is not connected with the commission by an incapacitated family member of a deliberate criminal offense that entailed the death of the breadwinner and established in court.
  1. State Pension Pension:

    State Pension Pension - monthly state monetary payment to citizens in order to compensate them for the earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination of the federal public service upon reaching length of service upon retirement (disability); either in order to compensate for the lost earnings of citizens from among the cosmonauts or from among the workers of the flight test personnel in connection with their retirement for the length of service; or in order to compensate for harm caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the age established by law; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

    • for the length of service

      State pension for seniority appointed by federal civil servants, military personnel, cosmonauts, and flight test personnel.

      For federal government officials:

      Federal state civil servants with at least 15 years of experience in the state civil service and holding a position of the federal state civil service for at least 12 full months are entitled to a seniority pension upon dismissal from the federal state civil service on the grounds provided for in clauses 1 - 3, 7 - 9 of part 1 of article 33, paragraphs 1, 8.2 and 8.3 of part 1 of article 37, paragraphs 2 to 4 of part 1 and paragraphs 2 to 4 of part 2 of article 39 Federal law from 27.07. 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

      For military personnel:

      A pension for the length of service to servicemen (with the exception of citizens who have served in the military as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen) is assigned in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Pension Provision of Persons Who Have Served Military Service, Service in Internal Affairs Bodies, State the fire fighting service, the bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families.

      For astronauts:

      • length of service in relevant positions for at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, of which at least 10 calendar years for men and at least 7.5 years for women are employed in the flight test unit.
      • when leaving work for health reasons (illness) - the length of service for at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, for men and women, of which at least 10 calendar years for men and at least 7.5 years for women are employed in the flight test unit ...
      • leaving work in positions that give the right to a seniority pension: from the number of test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, instructor-test cosmonauts, instructor-cosmonauts-researchers, in detachments (groups) of cosmonauts that are flight test (flight research ) subdivisions of scientific testing, research centers and other organizations of federal executive bodies and other organizations.

      For flight test personnel:

      • employment in flight tests (research) of experimental and serial aviation, aerospace, aeronautics and parachute equipment.
      • length of service of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, of which at least two-thirds of the specified length of service falls on the periods of work in positions that give the right to a seniority pension (excluding periods of military service in positions of flight personnel and periods of work in positions of civil aviation flight personnel).
      • when leaving work for health reasons - the length of service of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively, for men and women, of which at least two-thirds falls on the periods of work in positions that give the right to a seniority pension (excluding periods of military service in the positions of flight composition and periods of work in the positions of civil aviation flight personnel). Establishment of an old-age insurance pension (for disability).
    • old age

      State old-age pension assigned to citizens who have suffered as a result of radiation or man-made disasters.

      Terms of appointment.

      The conditions for the appointment of a state old-age pension differ depending on the status of citizens exposed to radiation, and on the nature of the work they performed, on the time, place and duration of residence in the territories exposed to radiation pollution, and on the establishment of a causal relationship between developed diseases and disability and catastrophe or with the consequences of other radiation or man-made disasters.

      In addition, it will be common for all categories to have at least 5 years of insurance experience.

      Retirement age and conditions for granting pensions

      Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster 1986-1987

      Citizens evacuated from the exclusion zone

      Upon reaching 50 and 45 years of age (men and women, respectively)

      Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster of 1988-1990

      Citizens who have received or have suffered radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl disaster or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster

      Citizens employed in the operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and work in the exclusion zone

      Citizens who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster

      Upon reaching 55 and 50 years of age (men and women, respectively)

      If you have work experience of at least 5 years

      Citizens displaced from the resettlement zone

      Citizens permanently residing in the resettlement zone prior to their relocation to other areas

      Citizens employed in jobs in the resettlement zone (not living in this zone)

      The generally established retirement age is reduced by 3 * years and an additional six months for each full year of residence or work in the resettlement zone, but no more than 7 years in total.

      If you have work experience of at least 5 years

      Citizens permanently residing in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence with the right to resettlement

      Citizens who voluntarily left for a new place of residence from the zone of residence with the right to resettlement

      The generally established retirement age is reduced by 2 * years and an additional 1 year for every 3 years of residence or work in the specified zone, but not more than 5 years in total

      If you have work experience of at least 5 years

      Citizens permanently residing in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence with preferential socio-economic status

      The generally established retirement age is reduced by 1 * year and an additional 1 year for every 4 years of residence or work in the specified zone, but not more than 3 years in total

      If you have work experience of at least 5 years

      Citizens who become disabled as a result of other (not Chernobyl) radiation or man-made disasters

      The conditions for granting an old-age pension are established in the manner prescribed by the regulatory enactments that regulate the provision of pensions to these citizens.

      * The initial amount of the reduction in the retirement age is provided for citizens living (working) or living (working) in the territory exposed to radioactive contamination during the period from the moment of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to June 30, 1986, regardless of the time of stay in the specified territory until the moment of resettlement (departure) from this territory or before the RF Government makes a decision on changing the boundaries of radioactive contamination zones.

      on the occasion of loss of breadwinner

      State survivor's pension assigned to disabled family members of dead (deceased) military personnel; citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters, cosmonauts.

      In what cases is the state pension granted in the event of the loss of the breadwinner:

      1. In the event of the death (death) of military personnel during the period of military service by conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or no later than three months after dismissal from military service or in the event of death later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injuries or diseases that were received during the period of military service.

      2. In the event of the death (death) of citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters from among:

      • citizens who have received or have had radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation exposure due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or work to eliminate the consequences of this disaster;
      • citizens who have become disabled as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
      • citizens who took part in eliminating the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the exclusion zone;
      • citizens who have suffered as a result of other radiation or man-made disasters (except for the Chernobyl accident), in the manner prescribed by regulations governing the pension provision of these citizens. The conditions for granting pensions to citizens affected by other radiation or man-made disasters, as well as to members of their families, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      The specified pension is assigned regardless of the length of the insurance period of the deceased breadwinner.

      3. In the event of the death (death) of citizens from among the test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, test cosmonaut instructors, research cosmonaut instructors who had the title of "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR" or "Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation".

      4. In the event of the death of citizens from among candidates for test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, from among test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, instructor-test cosmonauts, instructor-cosmonauts-researchers, in the performance of official duties related to the training or performance space flight.

      on disability

      State disability pension assigned to the military; citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters; participants in the Great Patriotic War; citizens awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad"; astronauts. The fact of paid employment does not affect the payment of the state disability pension.

      Conditions for granting a pension under the state pension for disability.

      For military personnel who served on conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

      • the onset of disability during the period of military service by conscription.
      • the onset of disability no later than three months after dismissal from military service.
      • the onset of disability later than three months after dismissal from military service, but due to injury, concussion, injury or illness that were received during the period of military service.

      For citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters:

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person (with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster or with the consequences of other radiation or man-made disasters) and the establishment of a disability group;
      • having at least one day of experience.

      Citizens who have become disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster can receive an old-age pension instead of a disability pension.

      For participants in the Great Patriotic War and citizens awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad":

      • recognition of a citizen as a disabled person of any of the three groups, regardless of the reason for the disability.

      In the event of disability due to the commission of unlawful acts or deliberate damage to their health, a participant in the Patriotic War and a citizen awarded the sign "Resident of besieged Leningrad" is assigned a social pension.

      For citizens from among astronauts:

      The state disability pension is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation from among the candidates for test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, from the number of test cosmonauts, research cosmonauts, instructor-test cosmonauts, instructor-cosmonauts-researchers who have become disabled due to injury, concussion, injury or illness associated with the preparation or performance of a space flight, regardless of the length of service (work).

  2. Social pension

    Social pension assigned to disabled citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

    Conditions for granting a social pension:

    • permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;
    • belonging to the category “disabled citizens”.
  3. Funded pension

    Funded pension is a monthly lifelong payment of pension savings formed from employers' insurance premiums and income from their investment.

    The amount of the funded pension is calculated based on the expected payment period of 19 years (228 months). To calculate the monthly payment amount, the total amount of pension savings, recorded in the special part of the individual personal account of the insured person, must be divided by 228 months as of the day from which the payment is scheduled.

    The amount of the funded pension will be higher if you apply for a pension later than acquiring the right to the specified pension. For example, if you apply for a pension three years later, then the amount of pension savings will be divided by 192 months.

    Monthly cash payment

    Monthly cash payment - paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the federal budget to certain categories of citizens from among veterans, invalids, former juvenile prisoners of fascism and persons exposed to radiation as a result of radiation accidents and nuclear tests.

    If a citizen has the right to receive a monthly cash payment on several grounds within the framework of one law, the payment is established on one basis, which provides for a higher amount of payment. If a citizen simultaneously has the right to payment under several laws or other regulatory legal act, he is provided with one monthly cash payment on one of the grounds provided for either federal law, or other regulatory legal act at the choice of the citizen.

    An exception is made by citizens who have the right to receive payments in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 05.15.1991 No. 1244-1 "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster." They may establish payment at the same time and on another basis.

    Citizens who have the right to receive a monthly cash payment are obliged to immediately inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia about the circumstances affecting the change in the amount of the payment, as well as entailing the termination of the monthly cash payment.

    Additional monthly material support (DEMO)

    From May 1, 2005, additional monthly material support (DEMO) by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2005 No. 363 "On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 years "established

    in the amount of 1,000 rubles:

    • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
    • participants in the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans" (see Appendix);
    • former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

    in the amount of 500 rubles:

    • servicemen who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 at least six months, as well as servicemen awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
    • widows of servicemen who died during the war with Finland, the Great Patriotic War, the war with Japan, widows of the deceased invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
    • persons awarded with the sign "Resident of the besieged Leningrad";
    • former adult prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, prisons and ghettos.

    Receive in Sberbank a CERTIFICATE ABOUT THE TYPES AND AMOUNTS OF PENSION PFR and you will know everything about your pension.

There are special sites on the Internet whose purpose is to bring people together. Through them, you can correspond, share photos, listen to music, watch videos, play games and much more. These resources are called social networks.

Such sites can be either of a certain orientation (for example, only publishing your own poems), or without it.

We can say that their meaning is so that even an inexperienced user can solve some problem. For example, post your photos or post a video on the Internet. But this is too simplistic.

For example, I recently went on vacation to the sea and brought back a lot of cool photos. I want to show them to my friends, relatives, colleagues. Social networks allow me to do this very quickly: I just add photos there and those to whom I wanted to show them see them immediately.

How it works

First you need to go to such a site and register. This is a free procedure - you just need to answer a few questions.

Immediately after registration is issued personal page... Well, then, as they say, it's a matter of technology - we publish information and exchange it.

I would like to start this article with a message that from today / from the next New Year / from the moment Ukraine entered the EU (underline the necessary) I am leaving Facebook and completely returning to real life... But, alas and ah, I, like many others, have a whole list of reasons not to do this - work in an online magazine, friends and family scattered around the world from Los Angeles to Bali, etc. etc. In my defense, I can say that I have already deleted the pages in other social networks and I try to minimize the freeze on the FB. And now about the reasons according to the list:

1. My friends, we are getting dumber

Yes, yes, without exaggeration! We are getting dumber and degraded on social media. Funny pictures, fake news, comments of friends and acquaintances of acquaintances effectively cope with their task of bringing the level of our intelligence closer to absolute zero.

2. Don't be a rag - put a time limit!

Admit it honestly, who has ever worked the principle of half an hour a day? This is when you quickly, for 15 minutes, "ran" in the morning to your page - looked through all the news, unsubscribed to friends - and plunged into work. And then in the evening (you have to see what your friends answered) for another 15 minutes and that's it! You flip through War and Peace with one hand, with the other you make an appointment with your friends, glancing triumphantly at the switched off laptop. Ha!

Maybe, of course, I'm so weak-willed and all my acquaintances are like that, only no time restrictions work with social networks. They add interesting news to you, lure you with photos of beautiful landscapes, and distract you with engaging links.

3. Set an example for your children

This point must be read by future and present parents who shout about how harmful it is for a child to sit in front of the computer all day and tell them what a wonderful childhood they had with yard games and climbing trees. And now everyone went to their laptops, iPads and other devices with Internet access. We went to our pages on social networks and with an unwavering hand deleted them to hell. Because children need to be taught by their own example and only in this way!

4. What about the right to privacy?

On social networks, everything is for show - where you were, with whom, what did you eat, where you rested, are you dating someone or have already broken up. All your personal space is bare and presented to the public in some eerily simplified form. Not a single post about how you liked an event, trip or movie can fully convey all your feelings and sensations.

Social media is pushing our privacy computer game times of Tetris or snake. The user's goal is to navigate the virtual space, collecting likes and leaving comments. But what about the right to privacy?

5. With what post will you leave this world?

No one knows when his life will end. Will it be in a ripe old age, surrounded by children and grandchildren with the last photo posted on Facebook with a shaking hand with the caption "grandmother's centenary." Or, your last virtual presence will be marked with an unsightly status or bad comment. Against the background of a global reluctance to suddenly leave for another world, this is, of course, a mere trifle.

But, all the same, it becomes somehow uncomfortable that you will never be able to consciously write your last post, putting the point that you yourself would like.

These are the serious reasons for leaving the virtual space. I hope that in time I will be able to write a "Done" comment on my own article.

Some users regret that no one has yet invented social networks without registration. Such projects would have many advantages, but there are also many disadvantages. And most importantly, no one would be able to maintain their page. It is for this reason that no one creates them, but if necessary, you can use it without registering.

You can use any such networks. Of course, the functionality will be limited, but it's easy to find a person, check when he was online or watch a video. This does not require programs and browser extensions, open access provided to everyone.

How to enter Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki without registration?

If the main task of switching to social. networks without registering - this is a search for people, it is much easier to use a special service from Yandex. Follow the link and you will be taken to a special search for people. It is enough to indicate the name and surname to get a list:

To make the search accurate, you can enter additional data, as well as select specific social network... On Odnoklassniki, and in many other social networks, pages are not hidden from unregistered users, so open any profile:

Similarly, you can search in any other social media. networks. When using Vkontakte, you don't need to switch to Yandex.People. There, user search is open to everyone. Enter in the address bar and the page you need will open:

In the main line, you can specify the first and last name, and through the sidebar, additional data is indicated:

Some people have pages hidden from general access, but most often they are open. Therefore, you can easily view photos, videos, posts on the wall, status and much more.

Classmates without registration

Just go to this site and to home page you will see popular posts and videos:

Without registering, you can go to any community and watch posts. When you try to write a comment or join a group, you will be taken to the authorization page.

Visit social networks, despite the limited functions, you can still view profiles and almost all content. If this is not enough for you, but you do not want to use your profile, then the best option Is the creation of an additional page. Don't have a free phone number? Buy a ready-made account at This online store sells profiles from almost all social media. networks:

The cost depends on how full the account is and how many friends there are. You can pay by any means, with bank cards, electronic money and even transfer from the phone balance (via Robokassa). After spending some money, you will receive a profile and can use social networks without registration.

Sites such as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter are used for various purposes, but we must not forget that they are all suitable for remote work. Find out and use them, following the simplest steps, you can easily get a little money to buy your own accounts or pay for mobile communications.

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