Promotion in social networks using the referral system. Referrals from social networks. Creating your own group

Making money on affiliate programs is a pretty interesting form of earnings. But you can often see people post referral links on forums in spam posts. This is a dead method, no one registers for such links. Can't they think of anything more interesting? Let's discuss this topic, how you can calculate in what ways you can promote your referral link for free so that users register using it. Tell us about your experience (who has it), how did you promote referral links? In this thread, we discuss only free ways to promote and promote affiliate links.

Again Youtube. We make videos for the search queries of potential customers, bring them to the top for these queries and get traffic. It should be noted that if a video does not make it to the top, then it may not receive views at all and the result will be zero.

I posted my link on my page on social networks, I have a lot of friends and acquaintances, so I did not need much promotion. I just knew what they were interested in, bought this thing and showed that I myself use it, and when people liked it and they asked me where I got it, I pointed to the post with the link of the affiliate program. That's how I earned a little.

Of the free methods, I think the most effective is writing an interesting article (preferably a review) about this product and posting it on a thematic forum or on my blog with traffic.

If you have at least some small money, then you can try for a fee to post an article on someone else's resource. That is, we open, for example, the GoGetLinks link exchange and look for sites with good traffic, leave a request for posting your review with ref. link and wait for confirmation.

The most effective free way to promote a referral link, in my opinion, is Youtube. There is little effect from spam by mail, scattering links on various forums and message boards by spam methods, they are also not very effective. Slightly better, I consider in groups on social networks, but this is only where there are active members. And the best thing is to create a task on the box, and that's it!

Tasks on the box are not an option. Nowadays, almost no offer accepts motivated traffic. And I would like to know more about YouTube - should I put a link in the comments or create my own channel? And in social groups. networks how?

You can create topics on different forums and correctly talk about the project, tell all the pros and cons and what there is a real chance to earn. Well, just so that it does not look like spam, and that there are no promises to make big money in a moment - this also does not work, and so just an offer, if you are interested - welcome to register using the ref link.

So this is if you just click (and it’s better not to do that) and if the affiliate program pays just for someone to buy something.
I think if we are talking about physical goods, then it is better to have your own website, social networks, YouTube, and if about something else, then you need to use everything you can, forums, boards, etc., but to be honest I don’t believe that much will come of it.

If in doubt, then it won't work. You have to try. I recently looked on VK - you can find referrals. It is not necessary to create groups or post at home - just go through the thematic groups, postpone the ads and that's it.

The point is not that they do not accept motivated traffic, but that motivated traffic your affiliate links to one place, they will register for money, but they will not work. That's the problem.

Is it free? And how many days will such a link hang? Or are there groups who do not care what and who hung them on the wall? Please explain in more detail.
And why only VK? Can't post a link on Facebook or classmates for free? If so, how?
I became interested in affiliate programs. And since I have no experience, I want to try to promote an affiliate link for free. I want to explore all possible options.

It's more convenient for me. You can also search for "workers" on OK.
Yes, it's free. There are groups "Looking for a job", "work on the Internet", where you can post on the wall or in special topics. True, they are spammed, but still there are few responses.
This is if you post on special groups.
Better to look for thematic and unobtrusively offer to register.

prolisk, I'm still wondering how you consider a way to promote your affiliate program for free through Subscribe? I don't know, is it possible to send mailing lists to one-page pages there? Or can it fit into an already promoted mailing list? I can't imagine how this can be done, just thinking out loud.

Mega, I guess? I also looked for detailed instructions on how to work with Subscribe, but somehow I can't find anything sensible. Everything seems to be simple there, but at the same time there are pitfalls. Can you advise where to read about working with Subscribe? I want to try to promote one referral link for free.

I don't know, I remember looking at itself, where you can serve up to 10 thousand subscribers on a free plan.
Then make a one-page site and promote it.

What a good forum! I just moved to a small town where there is no work at all and decided to start earning money through the Internet. I started with affiliate programs and this is how I do the promotion of a referral link.
So far I have done the following work:
- message boards (zero result)
- articles in article directories (result zero)
-article on subsribe (there are conversions, no sales)
- replies mail ru (there are transitions, no sales)
-video on youtube (almost no views)
Somehow I don't want to start spamming in the VK and Odnoklassniki groups, but it looks like this should become the logical next stage of free promotion.

You don't have to spam. Write to people who are interested in similar products. Chat with them, and then offer a product.

Leta, Look by groups. In discussions, it is often asked on the wall. Sometimes they put likes on some product (if they do not wind up), you can see who liked and unsubscribe whether it is still relevant.

I also think that you need to be active among potential clients. If an affiliate program, for example, is for learning a language, you probably need to surf the forums where students sit. Or some kind of forums on emigration. And in social networks to do the screening by the same parameters. I myself am passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking money on affiliate programs, but the problem with the promotion of affiliate links stops me. Unfortunately, eating for free is not effective.

Hello dear friends! I am sure that many of you who decided to take advantage of my advice and went headlong into building referral networks, faced the problem of finding new users in your projects. Therefore, I decided to tell you about earnings on referral links, which will be truly effective. We will also learn how to involve only active followers in your programs.

Ways to attract referrals

I must say right away that there are a lot of methods that allow you to attract new referrals. I'll tell you about the most effective and I'll start with those that are completely free and do not require any investment from you, except for temporary ones:

  1. Reach out to your friends and family... As I have already said, in your environment there will certainly be a couple of people who will be interested in the possibility of additional income.
  2. Don't neglect the power of social media... If you know, you can boast of a large number of virtual friends and subscribers, God himself told you to tell them about an amazing project with a very profitable affiliate program.
  3. Scratch thematic forums.
  4. Place your affiliate link on social bookmarking services.
  5. Try it in action active advertising systems... Personally, I know that ATS gives a very decent and tangible return in terms of increasing the number of referrals.
  6. If you can boast of eloquence, then your way out is conducting webinars... This lesson is simple, but very effective. Having once explained to people how to become your regular partners, you will get active and profitable referrals forever.

How to attract first referrals

If you are already thinking about how to properly start attracting referrals, then you need to consider a few important things:

As for the last point, I advise you to spend some time on creating an advertising message to your future referrals and repeat the following algorithm:

  1. Search the internet for suitable videos about registering with the service to which you want to attract new users. To do this, simply enter the appropriate phrase in the search bar of your favorite search engine and select the video you like.
  2. Download video... This can be done using free services like Ummy Video Downloader, or whatever.
  3. Upload a promotional message to your Youtube channel.
  4. Copy and paste into line descriptions video shortened referral link.
  5. Copy link on the uploaded video, supplement it with a small but very attractive ad, and set off to surf the Internet, advertising your service in parallel.

About affiliate links and their correct use

Since today affiliate programs are not uncommon and some kind of amazing gimmick, it is very important not to get lost in this variety and choose the one that suits your particular resource. It is very important to take into account when choosing a program site specifics, the topic of the affiliate program itself, number of targeted visitorsthat are an integral part of any website made for people.
Everything that I will describe below will not allow you to build a huge referral network if you cannot choose the right affiliate program.

But let's not pull the cat by the tail, but get to the heart of the matter. I think it would be superfluous to make theoretical digressions, since in previous articles I have already done a detailed excursion into the terminological world of referrals. If this article is now being read by beginners who are completely at a loss, I advise you all to go back a few lessons. There you will understand what it is for, what it is in principle, how it works and what to do with it.

In the meantime, I want to tell you that many companies that offer earnings on affiliate programs, quite often, in addition to referral links, offer webmasters to place various kinds on their resources. banners and informers.

I want to warn you right away: if you are worried about how to get a lot of referrals, but you completely ignore simple links, relying on the effectiveness of ad units, your efforts are doomed to failure. If you are really thinking about how to attract as many referrals as possible for free, make the use of banners a taboo for yourself. Most likely, many of you are now a little discouraged and do not understand why I am talking about categorical prohibition.

Everything is very simple. The fact is that readers perceive extremely negatively any information that, at least from afar, but looks like an advertisement... Even if your banner is professionally and stylishly designed, the text for its information block will be composed competently and temptingly - this still will not force random users to use your link and go to the project page. Most likely, having seen an ad image, readers will automatically scroll through your ad without even bothering to read it.

Ad blockers

Another reason why I cannot advise you to use ad informers is the presence of banner cutters. For example, banner advertising of referral links in a contact, classmates or any other social networks will be taken by surprise by the presence of a user Adblock or FlashBlock.

That is, your attractive banner will most likely simply be cut out of the overall page design, which will make your proposal to join the project simply invisible for interested users.

Thus, we can come to a completely logical conclusion that you can only send users to a partner project if you know where to place a link to attract new referrals. It is very important that she has purely textual view... In order for your work to bear fruit, the link was effective, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Never put a reflink in front of an ad that is meaningfully associated with an affiliate program.
  2. Do not insert a link in blocks dedicated to introducing the user to the content.
  3. Complete your ads with referral links, draw a concise and organic conclusion from everything you said.

Since you already know how negatively explicit advertising affects the attraction of referrals, it is extremely important to do everything so that your referral link does not give away your real intentions. Alternatively, you can describe to the reader the importance and usefulness of your proposal, tell them that clicking on the link will not affect his earnings in any way, but in reality it will not bring any effect.

Therefore, do not forget about such an important event as hiding referral tails... This is done very simply, but the effectiveness of an affiliate link devoid of a tail increases several times. To shorten links, you can use, for example, a service from Google

Paid methods of posting links and attracting referrals

Since I have already talked about free ways to attract users to projects above, it would be quite appropriate to tell you about those methods that involve investing a certain amount of money in the promotion of the referral network. So, the most effective search options for active referrals money can be considered:

  • Advertising in specialized services.
  • Advertising in teaser networks;
  • Promotion of your site on social networks

  1. - similar to the above, Smmka is designed to promote pages in social networks, the only difference can be considered a wider range of sites
  2. - an excellent service on which you simply cannot fail to please the presence of a three-level referral system
  3. - this is your service if you are promoting a channel on YouTube or are interested in expanding your audience on a page on a social network
  4. - encourages the activity of its users with worthwhile bonuses, strictly monitors bots, punishes violators

Registration in the excellent service vktarget

Teaser networks

Well, in conclusion, I present to you a list of the best teaser networksto help you place your ad message to all potential referrals:


Register in

The main advantage of these sites can be considered a penny for placing ads, which, nevertheless, do not in any way affect the effectiveness of services in general. Simply put, for little money, you can attract a whole armada of people here, which will really work for you.

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More than 120 thousand people daily visit social networks - Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and many others equally popular. Each social network gathers its own unique audience, which are formed into small groups and communities.

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools, and not using it means missing out on huge opportunities. Creating groups and communities, promoting targeted advertising, tags and advertising in communities - these are the most effective and simple tools that we can use for our business every day.

Today we will show you how to promote a link on social networks for free and in case you have at least a minimum budget.

From the article you will learn:

We promote links on Vkontakte

Promotion of links using hashtags works great on Twitter and Vkontakte.

As everyone knows, hashtags have long appeared on Vkontakte on Twitter. All you need to do is write small posts with a link and a hashtag. You can do this even from your page, account. But before starting work, look at which of the tags are "live" (this means that you can find a large number of posts on this topic and they constantly appear, which means the tag is popular), and which ones do not make sense to leave, because in the search you could find only 23 records and then for the last year. To help you, a small article with links to services that will help you choose hashtags for Twitter. For Vkontakte, use its native search:

However, do not get carried away - a large number of tags in one post will only scare you away, and it does not look very nice visually.

Use thematic groups on Vkontakte, Facebook and Google +

Find relevant groups and communities in the search, post your comments and posts with referral links there. The main thing is that your answers are to the point and informative, help the user find the answer.

Please note that sometimes you will not be able to leave comments just like that until you subscribe or join the group.

Creating a group and community on Vkontakte

You can independently create a Vkontakte group and leave posts there with links and hashtags. Before creating a group, you are given the opportunity to choose the type of community. This can be a public page that people are subscribed to, a group, and an event. In our case, you can choose the "public page" view and start designing the community.

The design will not take you more than an hour if you are an active user of graphic editors. There are also many sites on the network with ready-made free templates for groups and communities.

It is better to leave several ready-made thematic messages in the group at once. An empty group raises doubts and distrust. If you have created a public in which you will write about new products in IT technologies, then leave a couple of jokes on this topic, write an interesting post in which you tell when the first domain was registered. Run a couple of promotions and contests - our company offers assistance to all registered partners and provides all the conditions necessary for this.

This method is quite laborious and time-consuming, because every day you can add only 40 new people to a group, and send messages only 20. Try creating a group and advertising to the community. This method will quickly bring you new subscribers and registered users.

Targeted advertising on Vkontakte

If you want to reduce the time of promotion and are ready to pay for it, use the possibilities of targeted advertising on Vkontakte. The advantage of this method is (although it is paid) that Vkontakte advertising is much cheaper than the same advertising on Facebook.

Especially for you, we present several principles for creating targeted advertising on Vkontakte:

1. Choose a catchy title and description. Don't be short, use all symbols. The following can be used as titles: “”, “”, “where to buy”, “”. And in the descriptions it is worth giving a little more information - what kind of hosting, what are the advantages of an affiliate program, etc.

2. Choose a bright picture to attract attention. You can adjust the corresponding parameter and choose the image size from three options (image and text, large image or exclusive format).

3. Fill in as clearly as possible the target audience settings based on the portrait of a typical user. In our case, this is a 25-35 year old man who is interested in IT. At your discretion, you can add more interests, choose a city or university.

5. We advise you to choose a payment method for referrals (clicks). This means that you will pay exclusively for clicking on the link you need and not spend anything extra. If a person is not interested in the ad, he will simply pass by, and your money will remain with you.

6. Set the transition cost less than the recommended one (it can be adjusted at any time). This way you can save money and show your ads for longer. Also, if you want to show your ads for longer, set a limit on impressions, this will help you not to spend your entire budget in one day.

Targeted Facebook Ads

The principle of setting up a campaign is almost the same as in Vkontakte. You can also customize the parameters of the target audience as clearly as possible (indicate age, location, interests, etc.).

Take advantage of advanced settings. Specify the optimization parameter "Clicks to the website". This means that you will be charged exclusively for clicking on your link. In the “Pricing” column, select the second item and indicate how much you will be willing to pay for one transition to the site.

Finally, here are a couple of successful Facebook ads:

Write in the comments which of the listed methods did you like the most and which really helped you?

The possibility of passive income on the Internet attracts people all over the world. At the same time, many understand that it is impossible to do without attracting partners who would register for your account on a specific resource. Therefore, the question of how to attract referrals will remain relevant.

It is clear that attracting referrals can only bring profit if the site or service presupposes the presence that allows you to expand the number of system participants. You just have to post your reflink on the Internet by any available means.

The promotion of referrals can be carried out in two ways - free of charge and with the attraction of a certain amount of money.

How to get referrals for free?

Before you learn how to recruit referrals for free, it is worthwhile to understand that some free referral methods do not always bring results. However, you should not neglect them, because any of them can be quite effective.

Your website is the most successful tool. On its pages, you can invite referrals not to one, but to several projects. In addition, your site allows you to advertise projects well. By compiling a number of benefits, you can motivate and increase the effectiveness of referrals.

It is not difficult to attract referrals through your own website using a link for free, but it involves investing a certain amount of funds for promotion, design and design, buying a domain, etc. That is why, first, you should register the site on free hosting. Perhaps the best option is Ucoz, Wix or, with their help, you can create a resource quickly enough.

It is worth remembering that these platforms will place their ad unit on the site you create. But there are a few more nuances. On some hosting services, bans have been introduced on the creation of sites advertising various HYIPs and pyramids, there are restrictions on the language of the pages, etc.

Free classifieds boards

The essence of the method is quite simple: you write an ad in the categories "Jobs" or "Vacancies", where in the message you place your referral link. The difficulty lies in the fact that such message boards are moderated, so there is a high probability that your ad will simply be removed. And the number of registrations from such resources is small.

You need to be able to write short catchy phrases that would induce a person to follow your link. Do not overdo it with promises, otherwise the user will be disappointed and you will not receive an active referral.

Your friends

Usually everyone starts with this method, but I deliberately put it in the third position, since this is not the best way. First, a good referral is an interested person, and if you have to convince your friend, nothing good will come of it. Secondly, if the project is risky or, even worse, sinking, there is a risk of losing the relationship. If a person is dear to you, do not become a surety for him in financial matters. And thirdly, if everything goes well with the project, but your acquaintance is disappointed for other reasons, your reputation has a chance to get wet.

Think twice before attracting friends or relatives to referrals. But if you have already decided, then talk about real income and do not promise "mountains of gold". Think about who would be interested in it and do not offer it to everyone.

From forums

You can get referrals using the forums. Moreover, the largest number of people looking for partners are here. The main advantage is free registration on the forum, so the referrer does not need to spend his precious funds on this.

  1. Create new topics on the forum.
  2. Leave comments on already created popular topics.
  3. Place the reflink under your author.

It is very important to read the rules of the resource here, because if you neglect this, your message will be banned. On some forums, it is allowed to create topics of the same type, and somewhere they strictly fight against such spam. Therefore, before creating a topic, search for similar ones through the forum search.

There are several forums where the promotion of referrals for free is really effective:

  • - this forum is considered one of the most popular resources dedicated to making money on the Internet, but the moderation here is quite strict;
  • - a forum dedicated to making money, but its popularity is not as high as that of the previous resource;
  • The forum is over 6 years old. Contains many topics (sections) about earnings.

This is not a complete list of forums where you can recruit referrals. It is enough to write in the search line the query "forum about earnings", and at least a hundred different options will be presented to your attention. Moreover, there are such types of forums where you can create topics without directly registering as a user.

Another important advantage of posting on forums is the ability to create your own signature, which will be displayed under each post you write. The advantage is that here you can specify your affiliate link, and use Photoshop to make a small banner that is perceived by users better than plain text.

Attracting referrals from Ucoz-forums

There are also Ucoz forums, where you can also post messages about attracting referrals. Ucoz is a special platform where various forums, sites and other resources are created.

Searching for partners on forums turns out to be very effective, but you need to understand that this is a permanent job. You will have to write messages on various resources as often as possible, trying to distinguish them from the general row, supplement them with pictures, banners, etc. The work is dreary, but you cannot do without it.

Social networks

Social networks have long become a place of accumulation of a huge number of users, so they have become full-fledged advertising platforms where companies and individuals are looking for potential customers. The same can be said for referral search. There are many social networks, ranging from Odnoklassniki to Facebook, but the most popular network in our country is Vkontakte.

Attracting referrals for free using this social network can be done in several ways:

You can make a whole bomb by combining all these methods. Create your own group and direct the entire stream to it through comments, invitations and even spam.

For this purpose, you will need another, new Vkontakte page, otherwise you will suddenly overtake with an onslaught and they will block you.

Now, in more detail about each separate method of attracting referrals through social networks.

Comments on sites through the Vkontakte widget

Referrals from sites where there is a Vkontakte network widget. The essence of the actions is quite simple: you post your messages with a referral link on those sites where there is a Vkontakte widget. People comment and their posts are broadcast on the social network. The owners of these sites are quite loyal to such messages, but remember that they should look natural, and not like spam from a bot.

Find people in groups

Search for people in Vkontakte groups. This method is almost identical to the previous one, but the work is already being carried out directly in the social network itself, and not on third-party sites. You need to find groups that correspond to the topic of the project to which you are inviting people. Finding them is easy because the site has a convenient search for people, groups, etc.

Spam via messages

The next method is outright spam. The bottom line is to send a mass message to your friends, which will contain. For such actions, the Vkontakte administration quite often blocks users, so get yourself a second page "for work", from which you can send out such information.

The effectiveness of this method can be high only if the fake page is sufficiently promoted, that is, it has a lot of photos, posts on abstract topics, a large number of friends and subscribers.

Some still use special programs for spam VKontakte, or, as it is also called, "a program for attracting referrals", but be prepared for the fact that your page will be blocked after a while. And if your link is blocked by a social network even when sending, then you can read it like another social network.

Creating your own group

Perhaps the most powerful method is to create your own group or community for a specific project to which you want to invite people. Of course, the promotion of the group will be worth not only your efforts, but also a certain amount of money, but it's worth it.

Video hosting

The most popular video hosting in the world is Youtube , therefore, we will consider this particular resource as a means of attracting referrals. There are also several ways to get referrals quickly and, most importantly, for free.

The first way is to post comments to various videos with the content of your referral link. It is important that the subject of the video and channel coincides with the subject of the resource or project you are advertising, but this rule is considered common for many ways of attracting.

  • Compose a new comment every time;
  • Do not use various symbols in comments, for example, smilies;
  • In the text of your comment, use words from the description for the video;
  • Avoid certain words, such as "registration", "on this site", "my channel" and the like;
  • Don't write a lot in one day.

For obvious reasons, Google will not reveal the secrets of how the spam filter on Youtube works, but from observations it is clear that following these recommendations, the chances are much higher.

The second way to attract partners is to create your own YouTube channel, where you already advertise the project in which you participate. This is not to say that this method is simple, because you will not only have to create the channel itself, but also upload your own videos of the relevant topic, in which you talk about certain advantages of participating in the project, etc. In addition, so that the channel is not “ dead ”, you need to post the video on a regular basis - at least two or three times a month.

The promotion of the channel is the main guarantee of the success of this method. This can take more than one month. But if you pay more attention to the process, then the result can be achieved faster. There have been cases when on the promoted channel some videos had an explosive character with millions of views. It's worth a try.

Leave your comments on blogs

Another way to get referrals is to comment on various blogs on the Internet that correspond to the topic of the project. The method is not much different from similar commenting on the forums and YouTube channels, so we will not focus on it.

It is important here that your message does not look like outright spam, so you need to approach posting with a certain amount of creativity, competently building sentences. Users should have the impression that a person who has experienced all the delights of participating in an advertised resource or project is really communicating with them.

Attracting referrals in a paid way

If you have already tried the free methods, but the question of how to attract referrals to the project remains, you should definitely pay your attention to the paid methods of this process. Below are some effective techniques that have proven to be effective in practice.

Attracting referrals through tasks

There are many sites on the Internet where you can post paid tasks for users ( Seosprint, Wmmail , Socpublic etc.). Such cooperation turns out to be beneficial for all parties, because a person receives the agreed amount for registering using your link, the service receives its commission, and you get a referral. But here you need to correctly reflect the essence of the task so as not to work at a loss.

Or here's an example of a motivating task, when a performer can, after passing a certain threshold of activity, get paid again and again.

On sites with tasks, it is possible to add already registered users for yourself but who do not have a referrer. For example, on Seosprint there is a special category of tasks, which is called "Seosprint Referral Invitation".

Buying ad space on websites and blogs

If you do not want to waste time building your website, you can purchase ad space on a third-party resource. Naturally, you must study its popularity, the level of daily traffic, so that your investments bring you profit.

It is more efficient to buy places closer to the top (header) of the site, they, however, are more expensive.

Enter in the search engine a query close to your topic and open site after site. In each you should find the section "Advertising" in the menu and find out how you can order it there. To save money, it would be nice to draw up a table of the ratio of attendance to price and choose the optimal value.

Order newsletter

Online referrals can be boosted by sending them to users' e-mail addresses. Collecting them yourself is not always possible, so many resort to using third-party services - or sendpulse.comproviding their own address database. Naturally, not free.

contextual advertising

Many people ask the question - how to quickly attract referrals? In this case, you can use contextual advertising from Yandex Direct. However, this method is relevant only when the advertised project involves investments from the side of the person who registered using your link, because the cost of advertising from Yandex is quite high. These projects include binary options, Forex, PAMM accounts, etc.

However, some affiliate programs prohibit the use of this method of attracting partners, so you should carefully study all the terms of the affiliate program.

The undisputed leader is You can see this line on many sites, usually it is at the very top of the page.

The rental process has been simplified to elementary. You can order a line directly on the site where you saw it, or you can select others from the list by clicking on "Select sites for advertising". And then, using two filters, choose a suitable site for advertising.

Order banner

Answering the question of how to wind up referrals, we can single out one of the forms of advertising on the Internet - banners. Here are some services that offer this type of advertising:

  1. - here you can buy space to place your banner. At the same time, you pay immediately for a monthly period, and not separately for impressions or clicks.
  2. - has a convenient functionality that allows you to choose a theme, adjust the banner size and other settings.
  3. - for the convenience of work, the site contains a detailed video instruction on how to place ads, work with the site's functionality, etc.

Please note that if you attract referrals to a long-standing project, there is a possibility that standard banners have already pissed the eyes of Internet users and do not attract attention. Then you should work hard and draw your simple banner with catchy text.

Your site to attract referrals

If you still do not know where to get referrals, then creating your own website will certainly help you with this. Moreover, this method is much more effective than others. In terms of performance, it can be safely put in first place.

Of course, success depends on the popularity of the site, so it will take a lot of work on it, but the result exceeds all expectations. If you have your own resource, you can simultaneously attract partners to several projects, which will significantly increase your profit.

Do not be lazy to write more or less detailed reviews of the sites where you want to attract referrals on the pages of your site. Firstly, it will increase the activity of your referrals, since they will already have instructions for action (your article), and, as a result, your earnings on referrals will increase. Secondly, as practice shows, it is from such articles that most referrals are registered in the project.

You can also combine several ways to attract referrals using your website. For example, order a newsletter not for a specific referral project, but for your site where you offer several referral links. In this case, there is a possibility that in one shot you will receive a referral for each of the projects.

Buy referrals on the exchange

You can buy referrals on specialized services - Wmmail, Wmzona and others. The price tag here is very different - from 10 - 30 rubles to 1 yew. and more for one referral. The disadvantage of this method is that the probability of a decrease in the activity of the purchased referral is high, which, of course, will affect your earnings.

Referral rent

There are sites on the Internet, mostly axles, with referrals rent. This method cannot be called automatic, as it requires constant intervention, otherwise you will waste money. A striking example is foreign books Neobux... The bottom line is that you rent several referrals for a certain period, if they become inactive, you can replace them. And in cases of their activity, you will be in the black.

In conclusion, I want to highlight a few basic rules of attraction that will be effective regardless of the attraction method. So to say a short repetition of the main points:

  1. Speak the truth about the advertised projects. Avoid slogans like “earn 1 yew. $ today! ".
  2. Place your ads on thematic resources.
  3. Try not only to send the reflink wherever possible, but also try to train the referral. Offer your help if the project provides for a connection with your referrals.
  4. If you have already formed a small referral base, send them a mailing list to other similar sites. Just don't spam, write softly and unobtrusively (only works if such advertising is not prohibited by the rules of the site).
  5. Help your partners to attract referrals. For you, these will be partners of the second level. For example, you can link to this article.
  6. In many cases, it makes sense to shorten the reflink through special services, which are described in detail.
  7. Do not get hung up on one method, combine several. For example, make a website and advertise it on forums. If the site tells about several projects, there is a chance that a person will choose what he likes.
  8. When using paid referral acquisition methods, don't waste your entire budget on one thing. Better distribute it and add as the result.

As we can see, there are a lot of ways to attract partners for any project. This is not surprising, because attracting active referrals allows you to make money on the network most efficiently. And although it is considered passive, it is important to understand that working on the Internet is not much different from the usual work for which people leave in the morning and return in the evening. Therefore, efforts - both monetary and mental - are expended in full.

Hello dear partners.

In this video podcast, I tried to answer the question that all members of our referral system are asked: What method of promoting referral links gives the greatest return?

I also touched on a huge number of other issues that were not previously disclosed. I've covered over 40 questions in this video!

I spent more than three days collecting, analyzing and preparing this material, I hope you will gather for yourself a lot of interesting and practical information, because when making any conclusions, I start solely from statistics and facts!

Questions and topics covered in this video podcast:

1:55 Why partners who post links on the same social network can get completely different results?

3:15 The first criterion that will allow you to quickly receive an order: Forget about spam methods!

3:33 The least efficient way to post ref. links

7:00 Effective Social Sales Tactics networks by referral link

8:35 How to increase the credibility of posted referral links on social networks

9:47 When is it profitable to place a ref. links in your feed

16:23 Why there is more target audience in discussions and communities than among those people who view your feed

16:38 Who is it easier to sell and start a dialogue, using the example of the market. We understand who your target audience is!

18:50 If you have a lot of partners in your friends, then placing a referral link in the feed can be effective.

19:43 Preliminary summary

21:50 You can get completely different number of clicks from the same number of posted links, what's the catch?

23:26 Example 1: Registered 12 months, 3256 unique. clicks, 1 kazaz (~ 61 $)

23:55 What is "No" in Traffic reports

27:53 Banned a partner in all official groups of our project, why? It is important to know what to post ref. links in the office. project group NSP Club and NSP World - FORBIDDEN!

30:05 Summary for Example 1

30:40 Example 2: Registered 11 months., 379 unique. clicks, 3 orders (~ 424 $)

34:40 Example 3: Registered 10 months, 1786 unique. clicks, 2 orders (~ 105.66 $)

38:27 Example 4: Registered 4 months., 1676 unique. clicks, 3 orders (~ 110 $)

38:54 In what 2-3 questions do you need to be well oriented in order to receive orders on a regular basis!

41:17 Example 5: Registered 4 months., 1012 unique. clicks, 9 orders (~ $ 1849)

42:35 YouTube traffic - how the videos from Example 5 were optimized.

44:00 How to get 1 order for every 100 unique clicks.

45:50 Why posting links to official sites is a road to nowhere and wasted energy!

48:15 What should be the order of thoughts in order to correctly write the surrounding text for ref. links.

50:10 An example of the actions of a person who switched to the office. website of the company by link under any video.

50:34 The negative impact of the placement of ref. links to the execution of the Partnership Agreement of the company wherever possible

51:19 The image of a client who signs up for a company following a freebie (free registration with a company, 40% discount) + BONUS to these actions - devaluation of the offer of the company and the business as a whole

52:38 For what referral links were created for registration of the Partnership Agreement. The correct model for using ref. links for registering partnership agreements!

54:12 Selling your business at a high price. The image of the ideal client!

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