What does a tablet mean. What are the operating systems of tablets. Tablet - why you need it: Video

In this article, we will tell you abouthow it works tablet PC (he is a tablet or tablet pc). Nowadays, quite a few novice users do not know what a tablet is. After all, this device appeared on the shelves of our supermarkets relatively recently. For this very reason, not everyone understands how to use it. Therefore, in this review, we will tell youwhat is a tablet computer and what is it for.

What is a Tablet PC?

Tablet PC ( tablet) is the new kind modern computers mobile type. home distinctive feature any such device is a touch screen. It takes up most of the tablet area. In addition, the screen carries the function of an input device. Since tablets are not equipped with a mouse and hardware keyboard, control various programs and typing is performed exclusively with your fingers on the touch panel.

What are the operating systems of tablets

Now in electronics stores you can find tablets that run on the following operating systems: Windows 7, Android and Apple iOS.

1. Apple iOS is the operating system for the iPAD 2 and iPAD tablets.

2. Android is the operating system that runs most of the iPAD rival devices. For instance,most popular tablets with this OS - Acer Iconia Tab A501, DELL Streak 5, Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 and HTC Flyer.

3. Windows 7 - there are not many tablets with this OS. The main advantage of such devices is compatibility with all applications that have been developed for this OS. The most popular Windows 7 tablets are ASUS Eee Slate, Archos 9 PCtablet Atom and Acer Iconia Tab W500.

What is a tablet computer for?

Firstly,tablet is a device designed to work with digital content. Using a tablet, it is convenient to read eBooks, view various sites, photos and videos, presentations and documents. You can also play on your tablet. Hundreds of high quality games have been developed specifically for tablets. One of the main advantages of a tablet over conventional computers is its compactness. This device can be taken to work or on vacation without any problems.

In addition, it consumes less electrical energy and runs more of the laptop offline. And finally, low price compared to the same laptops.

So we talked about what a tablet computer is. We hope that you have made the right conclusions for yourself and decided whether you need this device or not.

By definition, which can be found on the Internet, tablet computers are IBM PC-compatible mobile devices with touch screen and full-fledged operating systems installed on them, which allow you to use all software applications available on a desktop computer.

What are Internet tablets

All other tablets, which we are used to calling by experts, belong to the class of Internet tablets. These tablets have gained the most popularity among buyers, due to their lower price, longer duration autonomous work, compactness and lightness. But the main thing is the availability of an operating system that is more tailored to the user's needs, specially created for mobile devices.

The tablet craze began after the introduction of the tablet computer in 2010 Apple iPad. Distinctive feature devices of this class (Internet tablets) are incompatible with the IBM PC and installed on them mobile oS, the same ones are installed on smartphones.

In view of the above, Internet tablets are less functional than IBM PC compatible devices, but their "hobbyhorse" is the possibility of various ways of wireless Internet connection. The ability to travel through the Internet, view multimedia files, work with by email and cloud services - this is a small list of what Internet tablets do perfectly well. In addition, specially for such tablets, various useful applications, games.

What to look for when buying a tablet

When purchasing a tablet, first of all, you need to pay attention to the price that we are willing to pay for it. The cost of tablets varies widely: from two to three thousand rubles to twenty to thirty thousand rubles. It is clear that for the highest price you can buy the most top models from well-known manufacturers, which today include Apple and Samsung.

All of these tablets are of great design and quality, as well as high functionality. Apple and Samsung use different ones in their products: iOS and Android, respectively. For any of these operating systems, there are online stores of useful applications.

If you think that you cannot master the abundance of functions of expensive devices and for a start it is enough to purchase an inexpensive tablet, then the choice is simply huge. But here you need to be careful, since inexpensive models may lack various convenient devices, for example, there may be no 3G Internet connection, which is a big disadvantage for an Internet device.

Before buying a tablet, you need to decide on such characteristics as: the most convenient screen size and its resolution. The screen resolution, as well as for any other screen, is determined by the number of displayed pixels horizontally and vertically on the screen. The quality of the picture on the tablet screen directly depends on this indicator: the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture.

Just like on any computer, the most important components, on the functioning of which the speed and reliability of the device depend, are the processor and RAM. No less important characteristic the device is the amount of its internal memory, as well as the ability to connect external card memory. The rule applies here, the higher the value of the indicator, the better.

A plus for tablets should be considered the presence maximum number ways wireless connection to the Internet. A tablet must have Wi-Fi and 3G, which allow you to connect to the Internet where there is a Wi-Fi source and where there is a 3G cellular network.

Thus, the tablet devices we are used to belong to the class of Internet tablets, which differ from the actual tablet computers by a lower price and a special mobile operating system. And when choosing which tablet is better to buy, you need to proceed not only from the price of it, but also take into account the indicators of the quality and functionality of the device.

It is impossible for a modern person to hide from technology. Newfangled gadgets are stepping on us from all sides, designed to make life easier. The tablet is one of them. Such a device has touchscreen, has high performance and wide functionality. The huge advantage of these products is their portability - you can easily take it with you on the road, placing it in a small bag. Many people know that this device allows you to read documents, watch videos, listen to music. But what else might you need a tablet for? Let's try to figure it out!

A tablet PC can greatly simplify many tasks

Experts highlight a lot of advantages of this portable gadget. Let's consider the most important of them in more detail.


With this miracle of technology, you can conveniently use various multimedia files. We are talking about videos, photographs, pictures, music. Having graphics tablet, you can conveniently and easily show your photos to your friends. In addition, this option will come in handy at work, especially if you are a salesman, insurance agent, architect, artist or decorator. Such people often have to give important presentations to a small audience, and with the help of a graphics tablet, you can show your portfolio without carrying a pack of paper or a heavy laptop.

In addition, these products often help out on the road to keep a bored child busy - show him a funny cartoon on YouTube or download an educational game.


Another advantage of tablets is ease of reading. Of course, it is very difficult to replace books because their smell and touch are invaluable. But, using gadgets, you can solve many practical issues, regardless of the "aesthetics" of the process. One device can fit a huge amount of printed materials, and this, you see, is a significant advantage.

Planning, work

A graphic tablet computer makes it possible to distribute plans and various tasks, make a schedule, work with postmen, etc. Today, the role of a personal assistant can also be mobile phone, but it is tablets that provide real comfort in this area.

The device is also great at work - in particular at all kinds of meetings. Its participants will pay more attention to you with such an assistant; any question can be described more interestingly and demonstrated visually. Using various programs, you can seriously facilitate your work.

To understand why you still need a tablet, you can ask designers and architects - such equipment is simply irreplaceable for them. With the stylus (special pen for touch screens), you can draw a real masterpiece! It is used to create layouts, sketches, cartoons, to make calculations and create drawings.

Parameters and price

Many users argue that a graphics tablet is a more profitable device than laptops (the latter look very bulky compared to compact gadgets). In addition, tablet computers can work with a large amount of information, they provide an opportunity to use the latest games and utilities.

At its cost, such equipment is cheaper than a laptop. To purchase a modern, powerful graphics tablet, $ 500 is enough (for a similar amount, you are unlikely to find a laptop with

Tablet computers are no longer news these days. They have firmly established themselves in the electronics market and continue to gain popularity among users, primarily because of such an important advantage as compactness. Manufacturers (and these are not only well-known brands) release more and more new models of tablets, as they are popularly called. To navigate the choice, you need to take into account many criteria so as not to get confused when buying and not be upset if your choice does not meet expectations.

What is a tablet computer? First of all, it should be noted that its main difference from other computers is the touch screen, with the help of which the tablet is controlled. That is, the owner of the tablet does not need a mouse or keyboard. Technological progress does not stand still, and now there are models that can be controlled with several fingers (multitouch gestures).

Of course, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that in terms of its capabilities, the tablet is inferior to an ordinary stationary computer or laptop. However, it can be useful too:

    1. If you need to view pages and websites on the Internet (web surfing).
    2. If you need to work with programs and applications that require an Internet connection.
    3. If you read e-books.
    4. If you are viewing graphic files, photo albums and galleries, etc.
    5. If you want to listen to music or watch videos, the tablet plays multimedia files.
    6. If you like electronic games.
    7. If you use email.
    8. If you want to be always available for communication, for example, in ICQ, Skype, M-agent and other similar messaging programs.
    9. If you use IP-telephony and video communication.
    10. If you are not only viewing, but also editing electronic documents, graphic and multimedia files.

How to choose a tablet computer?

Before making a choice, you need to know that a tablet computer means several types of devices. The most common options are two: tablet personal Computer and an internet tablet. The first is an almost full-fledged computer, that is, if necessary, you can connect a keyboard and mouse to it, and it will not differ in any way from a laptop. In addition, a familiar, full-fledged operating system is installed on a tablet personal computer: Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

And the second is nothing more than a symbiosis of a smartphone and a laptop. It is compact and designed primarily for browsing websites and working with various web applications. Unlike the former, it is incompatible with IBM PC computers. Operating systems on Internet tablets are installed the same as on mobile devices: Android, Apple iOS or other systems that are suitable for working with web applications: Google chrome OS, Jolicloud.

Naturally, Internet tablets are inferior to tablet personal computers in terms of their functionality. Typically, users perceive a tablet computer as an Internet tablet. And if they are wondering how to choose a tablet computer, they mean the second option. The popularity of tablets is growing for several reasons: because of their low cost, convenient and uncomplicated interface, because of the focus on the Internet, and also because of the possibility of long battery life.

Now let's figure out what parameters you need to consider when choosing a tablet computer.


Quite often, when choosing a tablet, people attach the greatest importance to its appearance, but the most important thing in a computer is the processor. It is clear that a tablet computer has a processor not as powerful as a stationary or laptop, but it does not need much power. If you are planning to use it for web surfing, then you are quite processor will fit from clock frequency 600 MHz, but it would be nice, nevertheless, to have some margin, for example, 800 MHz. But if you want to watch video files in good quality or playing video games, you will need a processor with a frequency of at least one gigahertz. However, the more the better.

It should be noted that the processors installed on tablets consume less power than on conventional PCs. It is best to buy a tablet with a new generation processor, since the newer the processor generation, the more relevant the operating system it supports. That is, the choice of a processor for a tablet should be based on its novelty and frequency.


This is the second important selection criterion. Now we are talking about two types of memory: operational and built-in. From random access memory (RAM) depends on the speed of your computer and the number of applications that you can run simultaneously. So: 512 MB is the minimum amount of memory at which the tablet will work, but slowly and sadly; from 768MB to 1 GB - the amount of memory for trouble-free work with several programs at the same time; more than 1GB - the amount of memory at which your tablet will cope with tasks that require a lot of resources, for example, next-generation video games. But, as a rule, one gigabyte is enough.

Built-in memory is the memory of the computer itself, that is, it is the determining factor in the amount of information that you can store on it. This indicator is also, in general, the more the better. But it is worth clarifying that the tablets have a slot for an additional memory card, so if you missed the mark when buying, then this is fixable, the amount of memory can be increased. Modern tablet computers accept memory cards up to 64GB inclusive.

Operating system.

The operating system installed on the device is also quite an important point. You will not find the Windows familiar to all of us here. On tablet iPad computers installed, of course, the Apple iOS operating system, which has a huge disadvantage, namely: all Apple devices are much more expensive than other, similar devices, in addition, for many programs that you need to install, you will have to pay extra. The operating system is installed on the bulk of tablet computers Google android, also used on various mobile devices... When choosing it, try to purchase the version from the most new firmware.

There are a number of other operating systems for tablets, but they are much less common. This is Windows RT, a member of the Windows 8 family, designed specifically for tablets. And Windows 8 itself, the most demanded operating system for stationary computers and laptops. The listed operating systems differ in the interface and organization of work with the tablet.

Screen size and resolution.

After all of the above, you can pay attention to the appearance, that is, the screen. Tablets are available with screens ranging from 4 "to 11", but the most popular are from 7 "to 10". The larger the screen diagonally, the more convenient it is to work with it, that is, the image quality will be better, and the interface elements will be larger. However, as the diagonal of the screen increases, so does the size of the tablet. If you do not plan to carry it with you all the time, then for you the best choice will be a diagonal of 9 to 10 inches. For those who need to keep the tablet close at all times, it is better to choose a model with a screen diagonal from 5 to 7 inches. Such a device is not only compact, but also much cheaper in price.

The next parameter of the screen is its resolution, that is, the number of vertical and horizontal points, of which, in fact, it consists. These points are called pixels, and screen resolution is measured in pixels. For example, if the documentation states that the tablet screen is 800x600, it means that the vertical is 800 pixels, and the horizontal is 600. The higher this value, the better the image you can get, the easier it will be to read small text.

Screen size and resolution must be considered at the same time. For example, if the screen diagonal is 7 inches, and its resolution is 800x600, then such a combination will be comfortable for work, but if the diagonal is larger at the same resolution, the image will be somewhat blurry, and the text will be less readable. Another point that I would like to mention: the higher the screen resolution of the tablet, the less time it can work without recharging.

Touch screen.

As mentioned above, all tablets have a touch screen, which is of two types: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive touchscreens are very sensitive and respond to light touch with a finger, but not touch stylus. On the other hand, resistive touchscreens respond to styluses, and if you use your finger, the pressure on the screen should be decent. The choice of the screen here depends on how you prefer to work with the tablet: with your finger or with a stylus.

Autonomous work.

It is clear that battery life, that is, battery life, is also an important indicator for a tablet, because, as a rule, you take it with you. If we compare two tablets with equal battery capacity, then with the same operating mode, the one with a smaller screen will last longer. Stop your choice on a battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh or more. The weight of your tablet matters too, as it's a portable device. For tablets with a screen diagonal of 7 inches, the optimal weight is considered to be up to 300 grams, and for 10 inches - up to 700 grams.

Additional devices.

Since a tablet computer is most often used to surf the Internet, it must have Wi-Fi and 3G adapters. To be able to connect external devices, eg, USB stick, it should have USB connectors for them, and to increase memory - a slot for a memory card. There are other useful devices, maybe not so important, but sometimes necessary, these are a webcam, a GSM receiver, Bluetooth, an Ethernet connector and an HDMI connector for connecting a monitor.


Pay attention to the material from which the tablet case is made. If the case is metal, then it is more durable, there are fewer scratches on it, and it looks solid. On the other hand, models with a plastic case weigh less, and Wi-Fi works better in them. Actually, plastic is also different, depending on the model. Regardless of the material of the case, the tablet needs a cover to avoid damaging the screen.

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A separate class of computer devices called tablets, which in size more smartphones and fewer laptops have firmly conquered markets in recent years. Tablet computers are among the best-selling devices today.

What are tablet computers

If we briefly define what a tablet computer is, then we can say that a tablet is a touch screen device that has the size of a regular book and which performs the functions of a computer.

These devices include the tablets themselves, Internet tablets, e-books, transformer laptops, which can take the form of both a laptop and a tablet, are called differently.

Tablet PCs are smaller and lighter than laptops, making them easy to carry with you. Due to the size and processing power of tablets, tablets are smaller, but the battery life is longer. And in comparison with smartphones, they have a larger screen size, which is better when watching video or text information for a long time.

Tablet pc device

Today, tablets outwardly look no longer like a book, but like a thin notebook. The entire area is occupied by a touch screen, and the thickness is several millimeters (about 1 cm). But today's development of technology allows you to fit in such a volume all the hardware modules that are in a regular computer. The tablet computer includes:

  • CPU - may have 1-8 cores, and the operating frequency is within 1-2 GHz;
  • RAM - volume from 512 MB to 3 GB, DDR2 and DDR3 technologies;

These two parameters (processor and memory) directly affect the tablet's performance, therefore, the higher the characteristics and the larger the parameters of these modules, the better.

Other modules:

  • Built-in memory - analog hard disk in pc, usually the volume ranges from 4 GB to 128 GB;
  • Internet communication modules: Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G - (4G is only planned for now, there is 3G coverage, but not everywhere, Wi-Fi can be at everyone's home or in places of access);
  • Additional hardware modules: front and rear camera, a set of connectors (USB, HDMI, etc.), navigation systems (GPS, GLONNAS, etc.), sets various sensors (illumination, approximation, compass, etc.), card reader.

Tablet functions

Tablet PC functionality is affected by screen size and performance, depending on processor and RAM.

Since today's tablets are mostly devices for consuming content, not creating it, the functions performed are determined by this.

Tablet features:

The functions of tablets can be expanded by installing additional applications from app stores from Apple, Google, Microsoft. The companies created these stores for their operating systems, so depending on who has which store you choose.

It is worth remembering that a tablet cannot completely replace a personal computer due to performance limitations. Rather, it is an addition to the PC that you can always take with you on the road or travel. It is mobility that is one of the main advantages of a tablet computer.

History of tablets

The first tablet computers were also called Tablet PC and Slate PC. Tablet PC differed from other tablets in that the operating system was already installed on them from computers (Windows XP, 7). This made it possible to use and regular programs on your tablet. But the problem was that such systems were not designed to work with touch screens and therefore were difficult to operate. Usually these were transformer laptops, in which, when turning, you can put the screen on the keyboard. This was the very beginning of the 2000s.

And already closer to 2010 appeared and Slate PC (thin pc). They were smaller and still compatible with the IBM PC, which allowed software from ordinary computer... They already had operating systems redesigned for touchscreens. Using computer programs allowed not only to consume content, but also to create it.

In parallel with this, tablets that were not compatible with the IBM PC were developing. The use of the operating system not from a computer made it possible to make it as convenient as possible for working with a touch screen. Many add-ons have been created to work with such operating systems. Such devices were then called Internet tablets. This emphasized that they were created to consume content, not to create it. That is, on such tablets, you can listen to music, watch videos or photos, visit the Internet. Of course, you can use them to print texts and work with tables, but the small screen and the absence of a hardware keyboard impose restrictions on such work. Therefore, attention was not focused on such work, and it was the content viewing services that were developed.

The year 2010 can be called a revolutionary stage in the development of tablets. It was this year apple has released its first internet tablet called the iPad.

Then everyone saw the benefit of the opinion that tablets should consume content, not create. Tablet PCs and Slate PCs are a thing of the past, and since then Internet tablets have firmly conquered the market. Since that year, all touchscreen devices ranging in size from 7 "to 12", without hardware keyboards and mice, are called tablets or tablet computers. It is possible only to single out e-books in a separate class, which in size also fit this description.

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