All about processes in android and working with task killer. The best task managers for Android, iOS and Windows

Management of current processes is one of the most powerful and at the same time the most weak points Android. Assuming that by breaking all running programs into separate processes, the system will decide for itself how and when to close them, Android developers did not provide users with a standard equivalent of Ctrl-Alt-Del. Than gave the ground for work for many third party developers... So, the ProcessManager program is one of those whose name speaks for itself. This is a manager of current processes for Android, with which you can manage running applications, select several processes from the list at once and "kill" unnecessary ones.

To avoid accidental termination of the process when you unintentionally click on it (for example, in transport when jerking), when you click on the process, it is not stopped, but it is marked with a tick. To terminate the selected processes, you need to press a special button. And in general, the program interface is very advanced. For example, there is an opportunity "in one fell swoop with seven kills" - to mark several processes in the list with checkboxes at once and terminate them with one button. It is possible to view both all current processes in general, and only system processes or only custom applications... The program also has its own "ignore list" in which you can add some applications that you do not need to kill. This is a kind of development of the startup manager (the list of programs that are loaded automatically, by the way, can also be set using ProcessManager).

For applications that have already gotten out of it, ProcessManager also has more radical ways to deal with: adding them to the list of periodic automatic completion or complete removal. "The final solution to the software issue" he produces using the built-in uninstaller, in many ways superior to standard methods. With the help of ProcessManager, you can find out the state of the smartphone's memory (and, if necessary, unload it right there!) There are already a lot of similar programs for Android (a holy place is never empty!), But not all of them are stable, reliable and have a pleasant interface. ProcessManager is one of the best representatives of its class of programs. There is an unofficial crack for the program interface, which can also be downloaded a little below.

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Title: ProcessManager
Software version: 1.5.0 + 1.32 Rus
Platform: Android 1.6 or higher

Download 1.5.0:
Download 1.32 Rus:

The ProcessManager application (task manager) is supposedly suitable for smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S II I9100, HTC EVO 3D + Incredible S + Desire HD, Motorola Atrix 4G + Milestone 2 + XT701, LG Optimus 3D P920, HTC Sensation, Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S, Google Nexus S, Acer Liquid, Garmin-Asus A10, Huawei Ideos U8150 (and other models).

Today we want to tell you about such programs as task killers, how, with their help, it is possible to speed up the work of the system and whether it is worth doing it at all.

Among android users, there is an opinion that the more random access memory busy, the slower the entire system will run. It would be nice to install a program that will simply jam, or kill in the bud the processes we do not need that load the phone or tablet. But let's not jump to conclusions, but let's take a closer look at all this. Let's start with how applications and processes work.

How applications and processes work in android

Google, namely, it is android developer, did a lot to make the use of the system as comfortable as possible. It was based on the Linux kernel. So Linux ’perceives the launch of the application as an involved process and after closing the application there is no rush to complete it. After all, the appeal to him may be repeated again. I think you often noticed that, without having to close the application (for example, VK) and again clicking on it, it pops up instantly. This only happens because the process has not yet been stopped and is in memory. virtual machine (random access memory).

How does the system decide which ones should be closed and which shouldn't? For this there is built-in OOM Killer utility.

OOM Killer (out of memory killer - lack of memory or lack of it) deals with the fact that it frees up RAM on your device.

But it does not do this right after you close the application, it does it when there is not enough memory on the device and turns off unused processes. After all, if they did not end at all, the phone or tablet would simply hang or overheat. But this is not happening, since smart Linux '- Android will not let this happen. The Linux slogan was that all RAM should work.

OOM Killer works according to a special algorithm, which disables only those processes that you really do not need, thereby minimizing disruptions in the operation of the device and in no way harming you, but on the contrary maximizing the usability of the system.

Process priorities in android

Each process is determined by OOM Killer in several categories, that is, the system understands which one is more important and which one is needed to successfully complete the work. Each of them is assigned a category of importance. Here are the main ones:

  1. Foreground applications... These are the applications that are always in the foreground. These include the so-called permanent programs, such system services like "Phone" or a status string launched in foreground mode. Applications in this category have the highest priority. They practically never close.
  2. Visible applications... These are the applications that you see. Suppose you are in the browser and you received a call, the browser application moves from the foreground to the second and from the Foreground category will go to the Visible category. Which will not significantly lower its priority. And it will reduce it so that you can then easily return to it.
  3. Secondary Server... This category contains services. You cannot see them and they have hidden processes... Such processes are stopped extremely rarely, and even if it happened with a critical lack of memory, then as soon as the memory is filled up, they will be immediately launched. Such running services do not consume the energy of your favorite battery at all, since they are almost all the time waiting and begin active activity only after some manipulation has been performed that affects this very process. But as soon as you stop using it, it will go into hibernation waiting for the next command
  4. Hidden applications... This category includes programs that do not have specific services due to which they become invisible. Let's say you are working in a program and you clicked the Home button. Such an application remains in the device's memory. Indeed, according to Android criteria, a person who has pressed the "Home" button is not going to close the application, so he will definitely return to it. When you press the "Back" button, you exit, respectively, the program can be closed.

If you really want to quit using the application, press the Back button, not Home. Then the memory of your device will expand significantly. 90% of Android users make this mistake.

Task killers as a way to remove processes

But this system is not perfect either. There are programs that install themselves, do not required download from the network and similar actions, and accordingly are stored in memory. It is with such processes that we must fight.

This can help process managers or as they are also called tax killers from the English Task killer. Task Killer and similar utilities allow the user to terminate processes when he needs it. And indeed on old phone models, they showed a good effect... Performance increased and memory was freed.

But now, these unwanted applications are reloading processes into memory. And accordingly, they must be deleted again. Constant deletion, reloading, this is an extra load on the processor and increased power consumption.

therefore greatest effect in modern phones to clear memory and improve performance can be achieved with cleaning programs... They have a comprehensive approach to this procedure. And dachshund killers have already faded into the background.

Conclusions. Modern phones do not need to manually manage the processes of RAM (task killer). The android system itself will properly dispose of it. The most effective way to clean your phone from required programs using specialized.

Task managers are programs designed primarily to monitor activity running applications... On mobile device this function takes on a special meaning. By detecting and shutting down unnecessary background programs, you can significantly save battery power and extend your phone's operating time.

The ES Task Manager application, although called that, in fact, has more extensive capabilities. The program allows not only to extend the operating time of the phone, but also to increase its performance by freeing up some of the resources involved.

By launching the application, in the window that opens, you will find the most important information about what's going on in your system. Here you will see the number of running applications and the amount of memory they are using; the number of applications with entries in the cache and the total size of the cache; sources of energy consumption and their number. This data will help you navigate and evaluate how your Android device is performing.

The main window of ES Task Manager, in addition to general information about processes, contains tools for managing them. The first of them is the Kill All button, by clicking on which you will stop the work of all currently running programs. The next tool is the Clean button, which you can use to clear cache entries for all applications. The last one is the Optimize button, using it, you can drastically limit the energy consumed by the device and extend the battery life.

ES Task Manager consists of four main sections: Task Manager, Clear Cache, Sources of Consumption and About Phone. There are two ways to switch between sections. The first is flipping movements, they only serve to switch between the main sections. The second is to open the pop-up menu in the ES Task Manager main window. Here you can go either to one of the main sections of the application, or to some of their subsections, as well as take advantage of additional functions.

As you may have noticed, the actions that are performed when you click the buttons located in the main window are quite radical. In order to take advantage of finer control, you need other sections of ES Task Manager.

The first section is directly the Task Manager, which is responsible for the processes occurring in the system. You can activate it by touching the button of the same name in the pop-up menu. After scanning the system data, a list of all currently running applications is displayed on the screen, as well as the amount of free RAM.

You can close the work of any application by clicking on the button next to its name. To stop several applications, you should sequentially select them by clicking on the name, and then click the End button.

You can stop all processes by selecting them by clicking on the button, and then clicking on the End button. Second, more simple option, is to use the above Kill All button.

Any program can be added to the exclusion list. This will keep it from ending if you use the Kill All button. Typically, applications that are frequently used are added to the exclusion list. Terminating such applications is inconvenient because you have to restart them every time you need them. For example, you can add a calendar, planner, or email client to such a list.

If you have to add too many programs to the exclusion list, or if you only want to close certain programs quickly, it is easier to create an auto-complete list. The applications that need to be stopped will be collected here. The auto-completion feature can only be implemented if the ES Task Manager widget is used.

You can view the contents of both lists by calling the pop-up menu and selecting Settings. Here, in the sections of the same name, you will find the desired lists. Here, by checking the box for the position of the CPU / RAM, you can display data on the processor and RAM load in the list of processes in the task manager. This will allow you to better estimate how much a particular program loads the system.

Section Clearing the cache. Here you can find information about which applications have entries in the cache and how much space they occupy. The only action you can take in this section is to clear all records. In order to remove data from one application, use the button. This will open the system section of the device Application Information, where you can find the Clear Cache button. A cache is an area of \u200b\u200bdevice memory that has quick access and is intended for temporary storage of data that are used by the application most often. Typically, the cache contains data about saves in games, browser history, etc.

The Consumption Sources section displays data about all functions and tools that consume battery power and are not related to the operation of applications. In order to make it easier to navigate in the section, all information is systematized into three subsections: Wireless, Display and Others. Switching between sections is carried out using the buttons on the bottom panel.

The Wireless subsection is responsible for the battery power consumed when connected to the network. To save energy, you can turn off all modules here. wireless connection or just some of them.

The Display subsection allows you to adjust the three main power-consuming screen parameters: brightness level, auto-off time and auto-rotate. Optimal for comfortable work and at the same time, to save energy, the parameter values \u200b\u200bare: Auto brightness, the screen auto-off time is about 1 minute and the Auto Rotate screen function is disabled. These settings are the most convenient for most users.

In the parameters of the Others subsection, you can configure the power consumption of other sources of the device. Here you can turn off Haptic feedback and Vibration, adjust the volume of all types of sound alerts (Volume), as well as turn on and off the autonomous mode (Auto airline mode).

Almost all the parameters in the Sources of consumption section, except for adjusting the brightness and volume levels, are controlled by the On / Off switches. Brightness and volume are adjusted using scales. The required values \u200b\u200bare set by dragging the slider or by touching the desired part of the scale slider.

In case you don't want to tweak each parameter individually, the Optimize button has been created. By clicking it, you will automatically set in each section such settings that will ensure minimum costs energy. Please note that using the Optimize button drops the connection to wi-Fi networks and 3G / 2G, and the device auto-sync is disabled.

The About phone section also has three subsections. Here you can learn about the usage of different memory pools and device data. The first one is Phone - contains data on the remaining battery charge (Battery), the use of the operational, built-in (Internal storage) and external memory (External card).

The System section contains information about operating system, processor parameters, connected networks and IP address. You can find out such characteristics as device model, processor model, resolution and screen density in the Hardware section.

As mentioned above, in addition to the main sections, ES Task Manager contains additional toolsthat allow you to more deeply explore the state of the device. These include Screen Checker and SD Card Analyzer.

The Screen Check utility allows you to check the screen for dead pixels by sequentially filling the screen with different colors. You can switch the fill colors with scrolling movements.

The SD Card Analyzer utility displays a list of files and folders contained on the memory card, calculates the amount of free space and shows statistics on memory usage for audio, video, graphic files, applications and documents. The SD Card Analyzer is only available if ES Explorer is installed on the device.

ES Task Manager and ES Explorer are applications from the same developer company. When used together, applications can expand and complement each other's functions. Therefore, it is possible to switch from one application to another, provided both are installed on the device. You can navigate using the Applications and ES Explorer buttons in the pop-up menu of the main window. The Applications button will direct you to the directory containing the installed programs. The ES Explorer button will open the directories with files and folders available on the device.

The ES Task Manager widget has already been mentioned above. It has a small size - 1 × 1 and serves to optimize the operation of the device, freeing it from some of the running processes. The widget is configured in the Startup Manager section, which is accessed from the pop-up menu of the main window. You can also customize the widget in the Settings menu in the Widget settings section.

Using the Widget Actions button in the settings, you can specify what action will be performed when you click on the widget. This Can be, for example, Kill All, completion by the auto-complete list, invoking the full-size Task Manager application, and more. By customizing the widget, you can also choose the appearance for it and determine the refresh rate, that is, collecting information about the processes in the system.

Overall, ES Task Manager is quality useful application, it contains most of the tools needed to track the device. By installing ES Security Manager and ES Explorer additionally, you will put together a real complex that will help you comprehensively monitor the operation of the device, ensure its security and maintain the file system.

The Android operating system is the most popular in the world. The number of its users totals a record one billion. This result has never been achieved by any company that produces software for smartphones, tablets and communicators.

What is Task Manager used for?

Applications of this type allow you to view all running processes and applications in real time. An overload of the device's RAM can cause freezes and braking. Every gadget owner should have a task manager for android.

DZ also allows you to control the phone memory, cache level, unwanted calls and SMS. Some types of such software able to scan the device for viruses and other spywarethat can steal personal user information (passwords, credit card numbers, site logins, etc.).

for "Android". Property overview

The development team of the most popular explorer in the store has released their new project - ES Task Manager. The application has a very simple interface, which allows even a novice user to understand the essence of work and monitor the state of the system and the RAM of his device.

Task manager for android keeps your tablet or smartphone running smoothly and reliably. The memory should be cleared every few hours. The main properties of the ES dispatcher:

  1. Cleans up temporary files and obsolete system cache data.
  2. The program is able to analyze which utilities the user does not include at all. If there are such applications, the manager will offer to get rid of them in order to free up space in the phone or tablet memory.
  3. The utility is able to clean up a large number of running programs at the same time by dividing them into groups.
  4. ES Task Manager for Android analyzes the status of the device's memory card.
  5. Displays information about the battery power and the approximate time until the end of the charge.

The best task manager for Android. Other app options

There are tons of useful applications for Android. Every day they help us in all your endeavors. But all good things have a darker side to things. Often, applications continue to run in background, and this work in most cases is useless and, moreover, wastes precious resources of RAM and processor, which in turn entails less autonomous work... How to deal with it, what to do? For this, there are task managers, to which our collection is dedicated!

Attention: neither the author of the article, nor the administration of the Treshbox is responsible for your actions! Many of the presented applications, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the device! You do everything at your own peril and risk! It is recommended to make a data backup.

What are Swapps? This is quite a useful application that will help you not only control your running programs, but also easily switch between them using a convenient menu - an excellent analogue of the button "Recently launched". But here you don't need to press the buttons - just swipe from the edge of the screen to open the list of applications for quick launch and already running applications.

Unfortunately, the program has its drawbacks. Firstly, it already eats up RAM by itself, and secondly, it cannot take care of the processes in the background. Swapps, although not the most serious task manager, will be a good alternative for the tools already built into Android.

Quick System Info is an application that will help you cope with your unnecessary tasks. Despite the boring interface, the program will set the heat on RAM-hungry applications. It can control all your applications in general, as well as running tasks in any state.

Also, Quick System Info can show the load on your processor, battery temperature, accelerometer status and much more. useful information about the device so that you can draw conclusions about the operation of the system. By the way, when you uninstall an application, this utility can, if you wish, compose backup - a trifle, but nice.

Startup Manager is also a good task manager. However, its main feature, perhaps, is the ability to edit the list of programs that start their work at system startup. Well, with such a utility unnecessary programs will run whenever you want.

The typical functionality of the task manager is present both with background processes and with active ones - remove from memory unnecessary garbage... Despite tears, the outdated look of Startup Manager may well become best friend your smartphone.

Clean Master is an application that got to the TOPs for a reason Google play... This toolkit contains many functions for cleaning the system, including working with processes hanging in memory. Thanks to a very, very good appearance the application will not let you get lost in yourself.

With this tool, you can easily clear your memory from unnecessary background processes, besides, the developer provides a special widget for cleaning directly from the desktop. And besides, the built-in memory should also be controlled, so CleanMaster has many functions for working with ROM and installed applications.

All-in-one Toolbox is the brainchild of the developer Startup Manager and is one of CleanMaster's competitors. In addition to all the available functions for clearing memory, the application also provides a powerful task manager with the ability to regulate the work of many processes, among which unnecessary ones can be frozen or simply removed, regardless of the type of process.

Among other functionalities, one can highlight cleaning internal memory from various garbage, removal installed APKs taking into account statistics and even a download manager. But the main trump card of this toolkit is, of course, a simple interface that is clear to everyone, coupled with useful widgets for controlling memory from the desktop.

Greenify can also be called a task manager because it also helps you deal with background processes. The program shows you applications that are potentially consuming energy in the background. Thanks to Greenify, you can hibernate programs that are "hibernating", which will keep pests on a leash until you, of course, want to use them.

The tool has a good intuitive user-friendly interface in trendy Material Design that will help you navigate Greenify. “Greenify” your smartphone or tablet and live without unnecessary tasks!

The next tool is somewhat similar to the "STAMINA" function in devices from Sony. The program will put your Android device to sleep and back, while blocking system and user background processeswhen the aforementioned Greenify only stops the apps of your choice - to everyone's taste and lifestyle.

Unlike the same "STAMINA", DS Battery Saver is able to adjust the frequency of awakenings, synchronizing mail, VKontakte, Twitter and other installed "garbage" while awake. All this is customizable using the same bright and intuitive interface in Material Design.

That's all, readers! Know another, no less interesting utility - let us know in the comments, where you can also express your opinion on the options already mentioned. See you soon, stay on our mobile portal Treshbox.Ru, so as not to miss anything interesting!

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