Recover dead pixels on your phone. Eliminate dead pixels on TV

Today every family can afford to buy a computer. In view of the rapid progress of computer technology, they become , and they are being replaced by more powerful and updated models. Therefore, everyone can afford to buy a computer or laptop now. Moreover, most of them already have a couple or more computers.

For example, a friend of mine has a computer that is installed in the kitchen so that it is not boring to cook and, in fact, have dinner. A computer of average power, but very good for home use. But using it in the kitchen, in the summer heat, and even with the oven or oven turned on, the problems were not long in coming. Broken pixels began to appear on the monitor. While there are only a couple of them, it is urgent to take measures so that the problem does not worsen. Today I will teach you how to remove dead pixels, fix them.

For those who are not familiar at all with such a term as dead pixels, I tell you - these are non-working dots or parts of a dot on the monitor. They can also be observed on the phone. But most often they are visible on computer screens.

If the pixel does not work at all, then it will be black and you will be able to notice it only on white or light colors of the monitor. This kind of dead pixel is considered the most harmless. But, despite this, nothing can be fixed here.

The most popular and at the same time the most noticeable dead pixels are dots of bright red, blue, green, yellow, turquoise or magenta. These dead subpixels are also called stuck pixels.

If any of these pixels appear in the middle of the screen, it will particularly annoy you if it is red. Such a broken pixel is immediately noticeable.

One of the features of broken pixels is that they not only appear unpredictably, but can also disappear unpredictably. For example, on my old monitor, when I first started using it, there were already three dots of different colors. Maybe I didn't notice them when I bought them, or they appeared on the very first day of use, I don't know anymore. But at the expense of these points, I did not bother at all, since they did not interfere with viewing the picture on the monitor at all. I have been using this monitor for five years. And during this time, the dots did not bother me at all and observed them very rarely, despite the fact that they were clearly in the middle of the screen.

Most likely, the points were not captured due to the fact that the monitor was on the MVA matrix, and not on the most popular TN. This matrix has one feature - small defects are not noticeable. Before writing this article, I decided to check whether it would be possible to remove dead pixels on my old monitor. I turn it on, but the pixels are fine. I did not find a single broken point.

How to remove dead pixels?

Naturally, we will not talk about methods using high technologies, since they are used only in special laboratories and with special equipment. But there is a treatment method that can help you remove dead pixels at home.

There are only two ways to remove dead pixels at home, this is a software way and a mechanical one. I'm sure you, like me, were also not aware that there are such programs that can fix dead pixels. At the moment I have managed to find only two such programs.

Software method for recovering dead pixels

This method became possible due to the technology of rapidly changing the colors of adjacent pixels. Through this process, a large amount of energy is supplied to the sub-pixel, which makes it come to life. Using this technology, you can resurrect from 55% to 80% of already dead pixels.

But, using this method, you need to be patient. Since it will take a lot of time to restore some of the pixels. You will have to get out and experiment if you can't immediately recover the dead pixels. Experimentation will consist in changing the speed of changing colors and the running time of the program itself.

The recovered pixels can befade away. Hot weather often contributes to this. But, the repeated recovery procedure and the dead pixels work again. But, there are times when the pixel cannot be restored.

Dead Pixel Recovery Software

As I said, I found only two programs that can recover dead pixels. One of them is "Bad Crystal". By downloading the free version, you can use it for 30 days, but with limited functionality. By downloading this version, you will not have access to advanced technologies. But there is the option of using an older version of Bad Crystal 2.6. works without restrictions, but after the first minute of operation, the program window is completely darkened. But you can solve this problem using a hardware tablet. You need to move the program window with the mouse and then do not release the left mouse button. You can hold it in this position using a circle. In this position, you will constantly observe the program window.If someone finds a version of the program already with treatment, then do not forget to do it before installing, because the downloaded file may contain very unpleasant surprises.

Having installed the program, we launch it. You will immediately need to select the device with which you will need to work: screen, computer, mobile phone, console or plasma panel.

If you are using the program on a phone or game console, the video file will be generated at the selected resolution. It will need to be played in a repeating mode on a mobile device. For the plasma display, you can burn a DVD or HD disc with the finished video, or run it from a computer in the "Full Screen" mode. Since you are working with a monitor from a computer, so we need to select "Computer Monitor".

To open an additional menu, we need to move the mouse cursor to the top of the program window. You will see that only 4 modes are available to you: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM).

But even of these available modes in the free version, you can only use two, these are CCM and PPM. The rest of the modes provide a higher percentage of recoverable pixels, so they are only available in the paid version. The CCM mode is selected on the standard.

When we figured out the interface, click on the "Launch" button. After that, the working window of the program must be moved to the area of \u200b\u200bdead pixels. We wait for 10 minutes and check the result. If the points are still in place, then you need to increase the speed of the program. To do this, click button "Speed \u200b\u200bUp".

This button will not be visible until you hover over it. It is located in the upper left corner of the program window.

We also wait 10-15 minutes and check the result again. If, after increasing the speed, the dead pixel has not disappeared, we increase the speed of the program to the maximum and again check the result of the work. Thus, a lot of time can be spent on pixel recovery. It will eventually recover, but will you have enough nerve for this procedure. I learned about cases when such a recovery lasted for 10 hours.

To prevent pixels from getting stuck again, I advise you to turn on the automatic prevention mode - PPM. The operation of this mode is that colors on the monitor will change for some time. It is necessary to run this process a couple of times a month, at times when no one is sitting at the computer. In manual mode, you can also run this procedure. But I couldn't stop her. Maybe I waited a little, but when the program was running, it was written that there were 30 seconds left. In fact, the work continued all the time. To terminate the program, you need to end the process called "PPM.ex" in the task manager.

The next program with which you can recover dead pixels is JScreenFix. Although, JScreenFix can hardly be called a program. This is a Java application. Java must be installed on your computer for it to work. Most recently, this program was freely available and completely free, you can search for the old version.

JScreenFix is \u200b\u200bcompletely different from the previous one. The application will independently determine the place of its work. You just need to click on the "Locale" button. The program window will turn black and you will need to move this window across the screen of your monitor. Do not rush, because the program will have to determine all the dead pixels. In order not to search for points yourself, you need to select "Full Screen", to have the application scan the entire screen at once. The dead pixel check stage is completely free.

But the second stage of working with the program, namely the restoration of dead pixels, will already require payment for use. In this, the program is similar to "Bad Crystal". On the application site you can find ready-made videos showing the program's work. You can use them to restore pixels. But given that the resolution of the video is significantly different from the original work of the program, it is not effective You can use any player for playback, so the video can be played on both the phone and the computer.

The manufacturers of both programs recommend monitor prophylaxis. To do this, you need to start the "recovery process." Honestly, I will not tell you how much it is really necessary and whether it is worth spending time on it. But if we are talking about plasma panels, then such prevention will really be useful.

Mechanical way to solve the problem

If the above programs did not cope with the task, it is time to move on to more serious intervention. In fact, the method is ridiculously simple - you need to do some kind of massage to your monitor. Yes, you read that correctly. We take an ear stick in our hands and, with pressing, we drive along the place where the broken pixels were formed. You do not need to press hard, until stains appear. And in this way we massage the problem area on the monitor. You need to continue this massage for about 15 - 30 minutes.

If after this procedure the dead pixels disappear, then the problem was not serious. But, for prevention, you need to run "Bad Crystal" and process this very area. If the broken pixel has not sold, then you need to double-hit the problem, namely, run the "Bad Crystal" program and at the same time massage the problem area with an ear stick. The massage can be stopped after 15 minutes, and the program will have to be left running for at least 10 hours. Then you can certainly get rid of the dead pixels.

I hope this knowledge will not be useful to you and dead pixels will not visit your monitors. And if they do, they are imperceptible and will soon disappear.

Summer has begun, heat and new fun. I have a one-room apartment and, think for yourself, I decided to put a second computer in the kitchen with a 19-inch TFT monitor! And what does summer have to do with broken pixels? And here's where. 36 degrees outside, the stove, oven and high humidity did their dirty work - a couple of dead pixels appeared on the monitor.

Dead pixels are constantly glowing or vice versa - non-working dots or parts of dots (subpixels) on the monitor. If the pixel does not work at all, then it always looks black and is noticeable only in white and light colors. This is the most harmless kind of dead pixels, but it is practically impossible to treat.

The most common broken subpixels are when a bright red, blue, green, yellow, teal, or magenta dot is constantly lit. They are also called "stuck" pixels (stuck pixels). If such a pixel comes out in a conspicuous place, it is very annoying, especially the red one. If all three subpixels are buggy at once, then a white dot will glow on the screen.

By the way, defective pixels can both appear and disappear by themselves. On my main monitor from the purchase itself, there were three multi-colored dots in the middle of the screen. When buying, I either did not notice them, or they appeared already at home, I do not know. But I did not bother on this score, because they were absolutely invisible to the eye, if not peered. For 4 years of working with this monitor, I have never noticed them, although they were in the middle of the screen.

I think this is due to the fact that my monitor is on the MVA matrix, and not on the common TN. Probably, the specificity of the matrix is \u200b\u200bsuch that small defects are not noticeable. So, I recently decided to check if these pixels can be removed in a new way. Began to check - but they are not! We all went somewhere in formation

Dead pixel recovery software

There is no need to talk about high-tech methods used only in laboratories. Is it possible, in principle, to get rid of multi-colored dots at home? Yes it is possible! And I was convinced of this myself. There are two ways to eliminate dead pixels - software and mechanical.

Restoration occurs due to the rapid change of colors of adjacent pixels. Thanks to this process, a large amount of energy is supplied to the subpixels and they come to life. This technology promises to recover from 55% to 90% of "stuck pixels". True, each case may take a different amount of time, you will have to experiment if you cannot remove the damaged pixels with a raid. Experiments mean changing the speed of changing colors and the running time of the program.

The recovered pixel may get stuck again after a while, especially in hot weather. Then the treatment process will need to be repeated. In some cases, such a pixel cannot be completely cured.

UndeadPixel will fit most

Go to the official website and download the program installer. I recommend the installation version, not the portable one.

In the main window of the program, it is suggested to begin with finding dead pixels by filling the screen with solid colors: red, lime, blue, white, black and yellow. Different broken pixels will show up on different backgrounds. If you already know where your pixels are, then immediately proceed to restore.

UDPixel works like this: a square appears in which the colors change quickly, i.e. there the pixel recovery algorithm works, and we need to move this square to the problematic place of the screen. In the "Undead pixel" section, you need to set the parameters:

  • Flash windows - the number of squares, i.e. how many problem areas are you going to treat at the same time
  • Flash size - the size of one square in pixels 1 × 1 or 5 × 5. Since it is very difficult to set a 1 × 1 square to exactly 1 pixel, a 5 × 5 area is suitable for restoring even one pixel.
  • Flash interval - pixel refresh rate by algorithm. The shorter the time, the faster the speed. Maximum speed for 3 ms.

Click Start and move the flickering square (s) to the defective spots, watch the video below. When the pixel starts blinking, then this is already an application for victory, just leave it for a longer time. If everything is unchanged, then select the maximum speed and wait until the pixel disappears. In the worst cases, it can take 10 hours, there is no point in waiting any longer.

The peculiarity of UDPixel is that during pixel recovery, you can continue to work if the squares are not large and do not interfere.

JScreenFix for browser

This is not a program, but just a website, a free service on the Internet. Thanks to this, JScreenFix can be run on any device with the Internet: computer, laptop, tablet, MacBook or LCD panel.

Scroll down the page and click the Launch JScreenFix button. The JScreenFix script restores dead pixels similarly to UDPixel, but without the ability to change the parameters, and it will not work at this time to work at the computer.

You need to move the iridescent square to the problematic pixels, and if they are outside the browser window, then switch to full screen mode by clicking the green button. Watch the video of how Undead Pixel and JScreenFix work:

The manufacturers of these programs recommend doing prophylaxis to your monitor, occasionally starting the "recovery process". I don't know how justified it is to spend your attention on this, but for plasma panels it can be really useful.

Bad Crystal - all-in-one harvester

On the site you can both download the program and buy. The free version works for 30 days in limited functionality mode, which does not work with more advanced technologies. You can find an unlimited version on the Internet

The work of the program begins with the choice of a device: a computer screen, a mobile phone, a game console or a plasma panel.

For mobile phones and game consoles, a video file is generated for the selected resolution. It will have to be played in a repeating mode on a smartphone. For a TV, you can burn a DVD or a USB flash drive with a finished video, or run it in "Full Screen" mode.

If you have a regular monitor or laptop, choose "Computer Monitor". To display an additional menu, you need to move the mouse to the top of the window. There are four modes available here: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM). Only CCM and PPM work in the free version. The other two modes should provide a higher percentage of recovered pixels. CCM is selected by default.

Press "Launch" and move the window to the area of \u200b\u200bdead pixels. We wait 5-10 minutes and check. If the point remains, then we increase the speed using the "Speed \u200b\u200bUp" button, which appears if you move the mouse to it, and wait another 10-15 minutes.

The developers claim that their algorithms allow not only treating pixels, but also removing spots on the screen and. But this is in the case when these are simply clusters of pixels that are not working correctly. Watch the video:

Further, to prevent pixels from getting stuck again, it is recommended to turn on the automatic prevention mode - PPM. In this mode, the colors on the monitor change over time. The process is launched 2-3 times a month when no one is working at the computer.

Mechanical method

I have not tried this method, but I have seen many reviews in its favor. If the programs could not cope, then it's time to massage the monitor. That's right. Take an ear stick and start to massage in place of the broken pixel. Just do not press very hard, but so that stains appear, and massage the causal place. Business requires perseverance, as it may take from 10 to 30 minutes of work.

If you succeed - hurray! I congratulate you, you can "polish" this case with Bad Crystal. And if the pixel stubbornly does not want to recover, then you can try to run the program and simultaneously massage the place for 15 minutes, then leave the program to run for 10 hours.

I hope this article was very useful to you. Your friends will be very grateful if you share this information using the social media buttons below the article.

The appearance of a dead pixel on a phone, monitor or TV is a guaranteed spoiled mood. You may not notice it for months, when suddenly an epic horror in the form of a dot appears on the solid fill of the screen with a single color!

The pixel remains a thorn in the eye, even if it is in the corner and is generally difficult to distinguish by those who do not know about its existence. But we know!

Dead pixel versus dead pixel

Dead pixel does not "burn" at all. Never in any color. It is black on any background. There is practically no chance of its recovery.

Dead pixel (stuck) displays two colors out of three, less often one of three. This distorts the white. The point will be black on a red, blue, or green background. Such defects have every chance of returning to their original state.

A stuck or broken pixel takes some effort and wasted time. And no, you don't have to disassemble the smartphone. Let's see what can be done with LCD (TFT-TN, IPS, VA) or AMOLED matrices.

Dead pixel on iPhone or iPad. How to remove?

Correction programmatically

1. You can open the web page in Safari without downloading anything and click "Launch JScreenFix".

2. This will launch a small window with a stimulating effect for a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe screen.

3. We expose it so that it covers the place with the broken pixel and wait at least 10 minutes (the longer, the more chances for correction).

4. We do a test for broken pixels. If that doesn't work, then try a few more passes.

Mechanical correction

1. If software stimulation does not help, then you should try to fix the defect mechanically (do not rush to throw your iPhone into the wall!).

2. Clean the display from dust and hair and turn it off (using a lock, for example).

3. Take a lint-free cloth (so as not to scratch the protective glass) and gently massage the affected area with your finger or eraser for 3-10 minutes.

4. Turn on the display and check the result. If it doesn't help, then try the same operation with the screen turned on without overdoing it with pressing force (you can damage neighboring pixels this way).

The method with heating also saves from the broken pixel

1. If mechanical action does not help, then we will resort to heating.

2. Heat water to near boiling point (when it starts to bubble).

3. Take a lint-free cloth and place it in a plastic bag, backing it up with an extra layer.

4. Being careful not to burn your hands, pour some hot water into a plastic bag soaking the fabric.

5. Knead the problem area for about 5 minutes using an impromptu "heating pad" in a circular motion.

Broken pixel on a smartphone or tablet. How to fix?

Get rid of programmatically

1. In the same way as in the case of the iPhone, go through the Google Chrome browser to the site and follow the step-by-step instructions indicated above.

2. But you can also use a special application from the Google Play Store called Dead Pixel Detect and Fix with advanced functions.

3. Using a special tool, check the color against which the dead pixel will be black.

4. Press the "FIX IT" button for the selected defective area.

5. The default app runs for 30 minutes - make sure your smartphone or tablet is charged.

6. Check for dead pixels with the same program.

Mechanical way of getting rid from the broken pixel and temperature effect instructions for iPhone are completely identical.

Nowadays, the phrase “broken pixels” does not cause anything but a headache and bad mood for any user of modern household and computer equipment. But what is it in reality and how scary is it to be a "happy" owner of technology with these very broken pixels?

To begin with, let's see how modern TVs and monitors work. they form an image using a plurality of points, which are called pixels. When they change their color, the image on the screen also changes, and we see the picture formed from these points. In modern monitors, a matrix called active is installed - in it a separate thin-film transistor is responsible for controlling each pixel (that is why such screens are called TFT, from English If one of such transistors fails for some reason, we can observe the phenomenon, which is called a dead pixel on the monitor.

Due to a technical malfunction of the transistor, such dots do not change their color when the image on the screen changes and represent a black dot. Although it should be borne in mind that broken pixels can be not only black - on a black background such a point is usually white, and there are also red, blue and green faulty pixels. Such a malfunction in our time can be corrected in a specialized workshop. To do this, it is necessary to replace the corresponding failed transistor, and it will again be able to perform its functions.

But it so happens that the broken pixels on the monitor are formed not due to the failure of the transistor, but due to the so-called stuck dots. Usually, jamming is accompanied by the appearance of a light point on a dark background, which does not change color under any circumstances. Such a defect, in contrast to the "black point", can be corrected at home with the help of some physical or software manipulations.

It should also be noted that the world's leading manufacturers are currently setting specific standards allowing a certain number of defective pixels in various standards. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the percentage of defects among matrices operating on liquid crystals is quite high. You should pay attention to this nuance if you are going to contact a repair shop under warranty. A defective pixel table is included in a standard called "ISO-13406". It can be easily found on the Internet on the websites of many leading LCD monitor manufacturers.

Many users often have a question: how difficult is it to see broken pixels with the naked eye? It is hardly possible to answer it unequivocally. This is due to the fact that when buying a monitor, sellers very often show us bright changing images, thereby not allowing us to properly examine the display in various For example, it so happens that a defective red point can be seen only on a green background a certain shade. Therefore, you should check your purchase very carefully. This can be done using special programs. One of the best such utilities is Nokia Monitor Test, which allows you to test your monitor for various defects, readability, moiré, and damaged pixels.

Do not forget that the so-called stuck dead pixels (not black dots, but colored ones), you can try to "cure" at home. To do this, you can use either special programs (one of the best such utilities is called "ScreenFix Deluxe") or try to massage the defective area of \u200b\u200bthe display with a cotton swab. The main thing is not to overdo it during such a "massage", since the chance of further damaging the display or its anti-reflective coating is quite high.

Dead pixels are one of the most pressing issues, often becoming the reason for a stormy showdown with suppliers of LCD monitors, tablets and smartphones. Managers of fashionable stores are often in a hurry to disown this problem, referring to the regulations of official manufacturers. We will focus on what “broken” pixels are and how to deal with them “one-on-one” in this article.

Checking and treating dead pixels
We buy a monitor, like a personal computer, for more than one year. But, unlike a PC, which can always be upgraded if desired, there is no opportunity to improve the quality of the image with hardware. That is why, when evaluating the functionality and picture quality of a potential candidate for the position of a home monitor, we approach the issue of choosing a model extremely responsibly, investing in a novelty to the maximum and for a long time.

And now, all the accents are finally set, a brand new monitor is bought and connected, it shows all the signs of life, pleases the eye with image quality and color depth. You are certainly happy with the purchase and everything would be fine, but something confuses, distracts your attention and does not allow you to perceive the picture in its entirety and spectacularity. Every now and then the gaze slides to a dark, light or colored point, which retains its color regardless of the broadcast picture. Well, meet, gentlemen, you are extremely lucky: before you is His Majesty "Broken Pixel"!

The image that we see and perceive on the LCD monitor as a whole is actually formed from many points-clusters called "pixels." In turn, the full color gamut can be achieved due to only three subpixels - red, blue and green. In models of LCD monitors with an active matrix, an individual thin-film transistor (TFT) is attached to each pixel, the damage of which will appear on the screen as a black inactive dot, which is called a “broken” pixel. And in this case, the problem can be solved only by replacing the transistor in the laboratory, and an alternative here, alas, is not intended.

If you see a light point on a dark background - do not rush to despair! Quite often, the reason for the appearance of broken subpixels is their "freezing" in some intermediate position, which externally manifests itself in the absence of their reaction to the changing picture. You can solve the problem at home, without fear of harming the monitor, you can programmatically, or by performing some physical manipulations.

Why amateur performance if the monitor is under warranty?
An absolutely normal question that asks itself to everyone who has already managed to get acquainted with our problem, but is not yet familiar with the likely reaction of the store. It turns out here, even despite the warranty obligations of the service, nuances and disagreements are very likely.

Defective pixels? - Complain to Stockholm Arbitration!

The real reason for the dispute is the manufacturers themselves, who have officially established a tolerance for a certain number of “allowed” dead pixels on monitors of the corresponding standards - ISO-13406 regulation.

In accordance with accepted tolerances, monitors are divided into 4 classes:
1st class - broken pixels are practically excluded, warranty repair and replacement if detected is mandatory and carried out immediately;
2nd class - the most common variant, allowing the presence of 2 defects of types I and II;
3rd class - budget models that allow the presence of 5-bit type I pixels, 15 - type II, 50 - type III.
4th class - monitors of low quality, allowing the presence of 50, 150 and up to 500 (!) Defects of I, II and III types, respectively.

Type I - white pixel visible on a black background;
Type II - black pixel on a white background;
III type - red, blue, green pixels.

It becomes clear that despite the warranty, the annoying single white pixel in the center of the 2nd class monitor screen remains your problem, and the best way to avoid this situation is to connect and test the display before calculating or within the time available for exchange in accordance with consumer protection law.

Monitor check
A visual assessment of the quality of the picture in the cabin often does not allow making an unambiguous conclusion about the presence of broken subpixels, and even more so, determining the presence of moiré, assessing the readability of moving text, the response rate of the matrix and other significant parameters. And why, if it is much more reliable, easier and more efficient to check the monitor using specialized utilities that will allow you to get all the data in full, and most importantly, on time. Fortunately, the choice of free programs that allow us to achieve our goal without spending any money is off scale today.

IsMyLcdOK is a portable universal utility with a simple, intuitive interface that allows you to check a TFT liquid crystal monitor or an LCD monitor with LED backlight for dead pixels in a few minutes.

The program does not require installation, runs on any portable devices and computers running Microsoft Windows: Servers 2000/2003/2005 Win 98 / XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 x64 / x86 from removable media. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary disputes with the store manager, who is not always interested in the test results.

The working menu is available immediately after the test launch of the program. Switching between test modes is carried out by selecting the corresponding to the description of the number keys.

Program window

The program allows you to evaluate the speed of image processing, the refresh rate of the screen and the stripes painted in different colors - rectangles. Tracking alternately changing color and monochrome images and following the simplest instructions, you can accurately and easily detect dead pixels on the reference colors, determine their type and number.

Available colors allow you to easily find dead pixels or make sure they are absent

One of the most popular utilities in this category, which has advanced capabilities for checking the quality of an LCD monitor, including a test for the problem of dead pixels that interests us, as well as templates that allow us to evaluate such parameters as: resolution, moire, contrast, focus, brightness, readability text, geometry accuracy, color rendition, and more.

Program window

Using Nokia Monitor Test, you can test not only the image quality of monitors, but also the latest generation video cards. The advantages of the program are the power of functionality, simplicity of the interface, the miniature size of the distribution kit, the ability to run from removable media. To get all the data required for analysis, you just need to move the left mouse button over the active buttons of the main screen menu.

System requirements: Servers 2000/2003/2005 Win 98 / XP / Vista Windows7 Windows8 x64 / x86. No installation required. The size of the distribution kit is 1.15 MB. The Russian version is available.

PixPerAn 1.011e
The developers of this program cannot be denied originality. Unlike more or less ascetic or, on the contrary, colorful static interfaces, here the key parameters of the monitor's performance are checked on a dynamically changing picture. The utility contains a series of unique tests to identify problems associated with the inertness of the LCD matrix. Among them is such a common one as multicolored trails that appear when viewing a dynamic picture.

Program window

PixPerAn tests allow you to adjust the color palette, size and speed of movement of objects, while monitoring the response of the matrix, the speed of drawing and the number of dropped frames, CPU load and screen parameters. The "game" test will allow you to play a funny simple game with cars and reveal imperfections in the image in the rapidly changing dynamics.

An original gaming test that allows you to evaluate the image quality in dynamic scenes

Thus, by installing this miniature (68kb) utility, you get the opportunity to simulate on the display conditions under which hidden monitor problems will manifest themselves explicitly.
Platform: Windows. The interface is in English.

All of these programs are absolutely free and do not require registration in the registry.
The patient is rather alive ...

So, the software diagnostics allowed us to accurately determine the presence, location and type of dead pixels. We will assume that we are lucky, and the pixels that we see on our screen are "stuck", that is, light.
Paradoxical as it may seem, but it is often possible to carry out the operation to “set” the pixel to its place by massaging the injured area with circular movements. This should be done not with your finger or with hard and sharp objects, but with a cotton-tipped stick, gently, slowly, with the monitor turned off. And in order not to "miss", mark the dead pixels detected by the program until the moment you turn off the monitor.

Manual therapy or how to get rid of stuck pixels surgically

Repeat the rotating movements for two to three minutes, then start the monitor and appreciate the fruits of your labors. If there are none, repeat everything again. The method does not guarantee 100%, but the chances of getting rid of the problem increases many times.

The “civilized” way
Unlike the first method, which requires a certain amount of caution on your part, the alternative - programmatically - is completely safe. The easiest way is to use a specialized program to deal with stuck pixels in a few minutes. You can launch it directly from the site by following the link: and clicking on the Launch ScreenFix button at the bottom of the page.

After starting the program, you will see a window with flickering pixels, which must be aligned with the problem area. In the process of “shaking” the colors of individual pixels change at an increased speed, which at some stage allows the frozen culprit to “unstick” and return to a working state.

Jscreenfix at work

As practice shows, in 20 minutes of operation, the program deals with the vast majority of problem points. If the result is not achieved, the developers recommend leaving the computer in this mode for 5-10 hours. Note that the cured pixels do not acquire immunity and with the onset of the summer heat they have every chance to stick again. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the course of treatment.

Well, now you are armed with knowledge, and if necessary, you can deal with stuck pixels without the help of computer gurus and intractable managers. Better yet, use the knowledge gained when buying by testing the monitor of one of the programs at the store's counter, then the problem of "stuck" and fatal black pixels can be avoided! Add tags

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