Computer wires couple repair. Crimp the network cable. Video: twisted pair cable crimping

Computers are mainly connected to the Internet using a special wire for the Internet with a connector fixed at the end of the wire. Such an Internet cable is called a twisted pair or patch cord.

Crossover Ethernet cable

Sometimes there are such cases that the crimping of the Internet cable in the connector weakens or the latch on it breaks and therefore the Internet stops working or the Internet seems to be connected, but the pages are still not available or an error appears network cable not connected. In this case, many do not know how to fix the Internet cable, and this will require the replacement of the Internet cable connector, but for this you will have to buy a new RJ-45 connector and re-crimp the network cable.

Internet cable crimping pliers

Crimping wires for the Internet can be done using crimping pliers for the Internet cable or with a screwdriver.

How to fork an internet cable

In order for you to have an example of how the pinout of the Internet cable was made in the connector, you need to bite off the old connector with wire cutters along with a small piece of wire. If you managed to evenly bite off the wire along with the old connector, then you need to use small scissors or a knife to clean the main insulation by about 2 cm. A network cable usually consists of four twisted pairs. This 8 core internet cable can support internet speed up to 1Gb/s.
Having made the cutting of the network cable, you need to draw up the colored wires in order, as on the old connector. Then you need to measure the length of 12 mm from the insulator from the colored wires arranged in order, and bite off the remains evenly with wire cutters. If you do not have an example of how the Internet cable was desoldered in the connector, then first you need to determine which wire you want to crimp.

How to crimp an internet cable

After inserting the wires into the connector, the common insulator of the wire should go inside the connector. When the wires are inserted into the connector, you need to carefully insert it into the corresponding opening in the network cable crimp and press firmly on its handles. As a result, the conductors on the collector will cut through the insulation of the colored wires and come into contact with them, and the common winding of the wires will be securely fixed by the connector.

You can correctly crimp the network cable with a screwdriver

If you do not have a special tool for crimping an Internet cable, then you can use a regular flat screwdriver and pliers. First, at the connector with inserted colored wires, you need to push all the contacts a little, and then use a screwdriver to press them individually. After pushing through the contacts, you need to press the latch with a screwdriver so that it fixes the wire insulator.

Life without the Internet is unthinkable for many inhabitants of the earth. It is necessary for work, study, leisure, it is used in offices and at home. There are three types of cable to connect a computer to the network: coaxial, twisted pair or fiber optic. The first one is no longer used today, the last one costs a lot, and the second one is used actively and everywhere.

How to conduct a twisted pair cable in a house or apartment

Twisted pair is a cable that is used to lay a computer network. The provider brings it into the room when connecting to the client's Internet. Cable routing inside is a more difficult task, because the wires should not interfere and spoil the interior.

To bring the Internet to buildings, fiber optics are more often preferred today, and twisted pair used for laying a communication network in the interior. This is due to the fact that it is cheaper, easier and more convenient to install.

A twisted-pair cable consists of one or more pairs of insulated conductors twisted together and covered with a plastic sheath.

To lay a cable in an apartment or house, additional investments are needed, so some try to do it on their own. But at the same time, you should remember the basic rules:

  1. Do not leave wires unprotected, let them hang freely along the walls or lie on the floor. Ideally, the cable should be laid under the plaster, but if this is not possible, then it is hidden in special plastic boxes.
  2. Do not bend the cables too much, as this may degrade the signal quality.
  3. It is forbidden to place electrical and network wires nearby. The distance between them should not be less than 5 cm for horizontal and 30 cm for vertical laying.

What is twisted pair crimping and why is it needed

The Internet cable is connected to the computer through a special connector. It's called RJ45. But in order to exchange data, the wire must not only be inserted into the appropriate hole, but must be crimped correctly.

An Internet cable is connected to a computer or laptop through a special connector called RJ45

A cable for connecting to the Internet, as a rule, consists of four pairs of copper wires of different colors and twisted together. Crimping a twisted pair means placing the conductors in the correct sequence and pressing them into the connector using a special tool that provides reliable contact for transmitting electrical signals.

How to crimp a twisted pair cable (Internet cable pinout)

For crimping twisted pair are used:

Pinout color schemes

There are two main schemes by which twisted pair can be compressed: straight and cross.

They differ from each other in the way the cable cores are arranged (pinout color scheme). In the first case, at both ends of the wire, the cores are arranged in the same sequence:

This method is used most often, for example, when you need to crimp a cable to connect devices of different purposes (computer, laptop, TV, etc.) with a router or modem.

If it is necessary to cross-pinout, the cable cores in the first connector have the same sequence as in the previous case, and on the second they are arranged according to the following color scheme:

Cross crimping is used when connecting devices of the same purpose, for example, two computers or routers. But today it is almost never used, since modern network cards and routers can automatically detect the cable crimping scheme and adapt to it.

Crimping instructions

Compressing a twisted pair is quite easy:

  1. Prepare the cable, RJ45 connector and crimping tool.
  2. Release the cable from the outer winding approximately 2-3 centimeters from the edge. To do this, you can use the crimper: it provides special knives.

    Using a crimper requires practice, as it can cut the twisted pair wires when the cable is released from the outer winding. Therefore, some prefer to perform this operation with an ordinary knife.

    You can remove the outer winding from the twisted pair using a crimper or a regular knife

  3. Unwind and align twisted-pair pair wiring. Arrange them in the correct sequence according to the selected crimp pattern. Attach the cable to the connector and cut off the excess. Open wires must be left long enough for the sheathed cable to enter the bottom of the connector.

    To measure the length of free conductors, you need to attach a connector to the cable

  4. Trim excessively long wires with a crimper.

    The crimper has a special knife that can cut long wires.

  5. Insert all the wires of the cable into the connector to the very end.

    The twisted pair wires must go into the connector to the very end, under the contact pads

  6. Crimp the twisted pair cable with a crimper. To do this, insert the connector into its socket until it clicks and squeeze the tool handles several times.

    It is very convenient to crimp a twisted pair cable with a crimper, as it has a special socket for the connector

I have crimped twisted-pair cables at home and at work more than once. It is very easy to do this with a special tool, the main thing is to correctly arrange the wires by color. But you need to carefully cut the outer sheath of the cable with a crimper. My experience shows that if you apply extra effort, then not only the outer insulation is cut, but also the inner cores.

After the twisted pair is crimped, the outer winding should partially enter the connector. If the cable cores peek out of the connector, then the crimping must be done again.

The outer sheath of the cable must partially fit into the connector

Screwdriver crimping instructions

You can compress the cable not only with a special tool, but also with an ordinary screwdriver. This method is more time consuming, and the probability of a poor-quality result is higher. But it will be the only possible one for those who do not have a crimper at hand. To complete the work you will need:

Crimp the cable as follows:

Video: how to compress a twisted pair with a screwdriver - visual instructions

Crimping a four-wire twisted pair

In addition to the eight-wire twisted pair, there is also a four-wire. It is used less often because it provides a data transfer rate of no more than 100 Mbps (on standard cable speed can reach 1000 Mbps). But such a cable is cheaper, so it is actively used in small networks with small and medium volumes of information.

The crimping process for a four-wire twisted pair is the same as for an eight-wire twisted pair: the same connectors and crimping pliers are used. But at the same time, only a part of the contacts is used in the connector, namely 1, 2, 3 and 6, and the rest remain empty.

Color designations of conductors in a four-wire twisted pair can be different, but two options are most common:

  1. White-orange, orange, white-blue, blue.
  2. White-orange, orange, white-green, green.

The first and second contacts are always inserted with white-orange and orange wires, respectively. And in the third and sixth there will be either blue or green wires.

Photo gallery: four core twisted pair crimping color scheme

4-wire twisted pair is easier to crimp than 8-wire When crimping a four-wire twisted pair, orange conductors most often occupy the first and second contacts When crimping a four-wire twisted pair, green wires can be used in the third and sixth contacts The crimping scheme for a four-wire twisted pair with blue and brown conductors is very rare

Video: twisted pair crimping on 4 cores

How to extend the internet cable

Getting the Internet into an apartment or house, the provider leaves a small supply of cable. But if the computer needs to be moved to another room, problems can arise. There are several ways to extend the wire :

  1. Replace cable. To do this, you usually need to contact your provider, who will change it. But first you need to buy a twisted pair cable of the required length, and then pay for the services of a technician.
  2. Install a network switch. Solving the problem in this way is not the cheapest option, but in addition to extending the cable, it makes it possible to connect other devices in the house to the network.
  3. Use wifi router. Wireless transmission data will eliminate the need for a cable altogether. You can connect to the Internet anywhere in the apartment.
  4. Buy a special extension adapter. It is easy to use, small in size and inexpensive. This is the most popular way to increase the length of the Internet wire.
  5. Twist the wires by hand. This method will allow you to increase the cable to the desired length at no additional cost, but the signal quality is often reduced.

Photo Gallery: How to Connect and Extend an Internet Cable

Twisting the cable reduces the quality of the transmitted signal. Using an adapter is the easiest and cheapest way to extend your internet cable. You can use a switch to extend the Internet cable, but this will be the most expensive solution.

How to twist the cable

Since twisting wires does not require any additional costs and special tools, many people use this method to lengthen the cable at home. This can be done in different ways.

  1. If you do not want to re-crimp the cable, then the twisted pair cable already brought into the house or apartment must be cut in any convenient place and inserted into a piece of wire of the required length. But it is important to remember about a significant minus: there will be two places of twisting on the way to connect to the Internet, and this cannot but affect the data transfer speed. And the longer the wire, the worse.
  2. If you're ready to re-crimp the cable, cut off the crimped end, lengthen the wire, and attach a new RJ45 connector. This way, your cable will only have one twist point.

It is necessary to connect the cores of the same color to each other, and the junction points must be well insulated.

Video: how to twist an internet cable

How to split an internet cable

Often netizens wonder how to split an Internet cable. Such measures may be required in several situations:

  • when moving a laptop around an apartment / house, i.e. the need to connect it to the Internet in different rooms;
  • if you have several computers / laptops and need to connect them to the Internet.

The problem is solved in different ways.

  1. In both cases, the easiest way out is to buy a Wi-Fi router. But not everyone wants to connect to the network in this way.
  2. If it is required cable connection, then the most reliable option is a switch. Its advantage is that all devices connected through it access the Internet at the same time. Moreover, there can be as many such devices as there are ports in network equipment.
  3. A splitter adapter is another convenient and inexpensive option. But connect to world wide web through it you can only two computers, no more.
  4. Some netizens suggest manually branching the internet cable. To do this, you need to wind two of the same color to each core, insulate everything well and separate the wires in the room. But this method does not guarantee the quality of the connection, so experts do not recommend using it. In addition, you can only connect to the network with such a cable one by one, two computers will not work simultaneously in such a situation.

Photo gallery: ways to connect two or more devices to the network

The RJ45 splitter adapter is the simplest and most convenient way connect two PCs to the internet at the same time Twisted pair branching by twisting cores does not guarantee good signal transmission and high-quality Internet WiFi connection give a chance wireless connection to the internet A network switch allows you to connect as many devices to the network as it has ports

When conducting a local network in apartments and private houses, quite often there is a problem with crimping a network cable. Sometimes even when there are all necessary tools this operation cannot be performed correctly. And all because RJ-45 has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when carrying out such work.

And today we will look at how to properly crimp the Internet cable with your own hands. To do this, you will need to prepare certain tools and carefully read the instructions provided.

NE Features

Most often, RJ-45, which is used when connecting a computer to a local network, is called twisted pair. This cable consists of 4 or 8 small wires twisted together in pairs. Each of them has its own dense shell. Why exactly Everything is very simple - such a structure of the cable allows you to reduce interference during the passage of electrical signals. By the way, if this is an Internet connection with a speed of up to 100 Mbps, it is enough to use only two twisted pairs, that is, four wires, to conduct electrical signals. However, to build faster gigabit networks, you have to use cables with 4 pairs. Experts say that the use of such conductors will become more common in the future. But so far in most houses where cable internet, uses RJ-45 with four wires.

Crimping methods

In total, there are two methods of crimping the network wire:

  • Straight.
  • Cross.

You can see the diagrams for both in the photo below.

As we can see, with the straight version, both ends of the cable have the same arrangement of conductors in the connector. The cross method involves crimping a pair on different sides cable. In this case, a different order of connecting conductors is used.

What method to apply to connect a home network? Everything is very simple - the direct method is used in cases where one computer connects to the Internet. Cross is used only when there is a need for each other. That is, having one laptop or PC at home, it is better to use the direct cable connection method.

How to crimp an internet cable at home? Cooking Tools

In fact, you can deal with twisted pair and with my own hands even if you don't have much idea about local networks. As for tools, you can buy them at any computer store in the city, and for a small price. So what do we need to buy:

  • 1.5-2 meters of RJ-45 cable.
  • Special connectors.
  • caps.
  • Scalpel or side cutters.
  • LAN tester.
  • Well, and most importantly, a tool that will allow you to compress a twisted-pair cable in a few seconds. It's called the Crimper. It can be purchased at a price of 500 to 2 thousand rubles, depending on the modification, as well as the number of functions performed. With it, we can fix the connectors and crimp the cable. Externally, this device is a pliers-type mechanism.

How to crimp the Internet cable "4 cores"? Getting Started

Having prepared everything necessary materials and tools, you can get started. Before crimping the Internet cable, you must first remove the outer insulation layer from it. As for the length, it is enough to remove 2.5-3 centimeters of wire insulation to connect. You can remove the thick plastic shell either with a knife or with the crimper itself. Now almost all crimping tools have a special blade for stripping excess insulation from twisted pair. After that, a thin nylon thread will be visible near the wires - it can be safely cut off.

By the way, when stripping the cable, the length of the twisted-pair cable should not exceed 1.25 centimeters. To make it more convenient, it is advisable to use special "pliers" that have knives with a limiter.

How to crimp the internet cable now? We untangle two twisted pairs of conductors and align them for the following operations. After preparation, you can proceed to the crimping procedure. It is done strictly according to the scheme.

Please note that before processing the twisted pair with a crimper, it must be as even as possible, and the wires must be parallel to each other. If necessary, you can shorten the conductor placed in order twice. This is done with a blade on a crimper.

Working with a crimper

Next comes the most important part of the work. So, we put on the connector and carefully crimp it with a crimper. To do this, we introduce the conductors into the RJ-45 network cable connector. It is important to remember that all colors must match each other, that is, white is connected strictly to white, blue to blue, and so on.

But here it is necessary to note one small point. Before crimping the Internet cable, keep in mind that the network will work even if different shades of wires were connected to the connector. True, this applies only to a few types of elements. For example, instead of blue, you can connect white-blue, instead of orange - orange-blue, etc.

Also make sure that the conductor fits exactly into the designated hole on the connector. Otherwise, data transfer and, accordingly, the operation of the Internet on the PC will not be possible. After making sure that the colors and the location of the conductors are correct, we take the crimper and crimp the network cable. This is done as follows: the cable and connector are inserted into the device and the handles are compressed on the latter. note that given element has multiple openings different types wires (4Р2С, RJ-12 and many others), namely three. Specifically for the RJ-45 cable, this hole is in the middle.

Verification of work results

But on this question, how to compress a 4-wire one with your own hands, has not yet been fully resolved. Next, we have to check the correctness of the work carried out. This is done not by the "poke method", but with the help of a special device - a LAN tester. How to use this tool? First you need to insert the cable connectors into the tester. Next, the device is connected to power. If the tester does not detect any errors, all indicators on it will light up in turn, one after another. If you notice that the tool “missed” one of the conductors (one indicator did not light up), then there is a loose contact in the socket. In this case, the network cable is re-crimped and tested again.

What should I do if re-crimping does not solve the problem?

In this case, the problem may be hiding in the connector. It happens that at the entrance the cores can twist in it, and then it is simply impossible to guarantee the tightness of the connection of the contacts. Try replacing the connector with another one. In most cases, this helps when connecting a local network.


Everything, at this stage, our cable is ready to go. Similarly to the above case, we process the second end of the wire. After that, you can safely bring it to the computer. The main thing here is not to forget the order of connecting the conductors.

So, we figured out how to crimp the Internet cable with our own hands. As you can see, the whole procedure is very simple and straightforward, and it only takes a few minutes.

The advent of the Internet has changed the lives of many families. Most of them are connected to the Internet, especially since you don’t need much for this, it’s enough to have Personal Computer or the most common mobile phone. In turn, each family member can be connected to a separate line. Local distribution of the Internet resource is carried out wirelessly using a special Wi-Fi protocol. Yet many prefer wired distribution because it is much more reliable, simpler, and cheaper. In addition, the presence of additional electromagnetic waves adversely affects the well-being of a person.

As a rule, they try to hide all the wires in the walls so that they do not interfere. Internet wires are no exception. This is mainly carried out during the period of repair work. For this, there are special sockets, called computer or information. Basically, sockets with RJ-45 connectors are used. You can do all the installation processes yourself if you know how to do it, especially since there can be more than two wires and you need to know which contact to connect to. The procedure is performed not by twisting or soldering, but by crimping, using a special tool for this.

The Internet cable that enters the apartment is called a twisted pair cable and is connected to a plastic connector. A similar plastic connector is called a connector, under the designation RJ-45. Professionals call such devices "Jacks".

Basically, the plastic connector is made of a transparent material through which all the colored wires are visible. Absolutely the same details are used to connect computers, a modem to a computer, and other computer hardware. In this case, an unusual arrangement of colored wires is possible. It is this connector that is inserted into the information outlet. Here the most important thing is to figure out the order of the location of all the wires and then the problem with the crimping of the connector will be solved.

There are two connection schemes: T568A and T568B. We do not practice the first connection option, and the connection is carried out according to the “B” scheme. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the arrangement of colors, according to this scheme.

Very important point is the number of wires in the twisted pair. As a rule, cables with 2 pairs or 4 pairs of wires are used. 2-pair cables are used for data transmission at speeds up to 1 Gb/s, and 4-pair cables are used for data transmission at speeds from 1 to 10 Gb/s. Internet wires are brought into private houses and apartments, where data transfer is carried out at a speed of up to 100 Mb / s. Despite this, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the speed of transmission of Internet resources. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and install a 4-pair cable with the expectation of the future. Moreover, connectors and sockets are produced for connecting a 4-pair twisted pair.

When using a 2-pair cable, after laying the first 3 wires according to the “B” scheme, the green wire is connected to the sixth pin, skipping two pins. This can be seen in the corresponding photo.

To crimp the ends on the connector, special pliers are used, which can cost from 6 to 10 dollars, depending on the manufacturer. When using such a tool, high-quality contacts are obtained, although this can be done with wire cutters and a screwdriver.

First, you need to remove the protective insulation from the cable, at a distance of 7-8 cm from the end of the cable. The cable has four pairs of wires of different colors, twisted in pairs. There are cables where there is a thin shielding braid. It is not needed, so you can simply bend it to the side. All pairs are untwisted, and the wires are aligned, bred to the sides and laid out according to the "B" scheme.

The divorced wires are clamped between the thumb and forefinger. At the same time, it is necessary to control that the wires are even and tightly pressed one to the other. If the wires are of different lengths, then they can be aligned with wire cutters, leaving a total of 10-12 mm in length. If you take the connector and try it on, then the insulation of the wires should start slightly above the latch.

This can also be seen in the photo. After that, the prepared wires are brought into the connector.

It is very important that each wire falls into a special track, while each wire must rest against the edge of the connector. Holding the cable in this position, it is inserted into the pliers. Crimp the cable in a smooth, gentle motion until the handles of the pliers come together. If all prepared operations are performed correctly, then there should be no problems. If it is felt that additional effort is needed, then it is advisable to suspend the crimping process and check everything again. The main thing is that the connector is in the correct position. After checking and adjusting, crimping is continued.

During the crimping process, the tongs push the conductors to the micro-knives, which push through the insulation and establish contact with the conductor.

The result is a reliable connection with excellent contact. If the first time did not work, the crimping process must be repeated. To do this, the wires with the “jack” are cut off, stripped, a new “jack” is taken and the process is repeated. The main thing is to stock up on "jacks", because the first time is unlikely to succeed.

Video tutorial: crimping the RJ-45 connector

Thanks to the advent of the Internet, many problems are solved quite quickly, especially after reviewing videos. Therefore, before proceeding directly to crimping the wires, it is advisable to review the video, and very carefully. It shows how to properly handle ticks and how you can do without them. And yet, it is better to play it safe and use the tool for better work.

How to connect an internet cable to a power outlet

To begin with, it should be noted that there are two types of Internet outlets, like electrical outlets: for outdoor installation and for indoor installation.

At the same time, it should be noted that all sockets are collapsible and consist of three parts: half of the socket body serves for fastening, the inside of the socket is designed for connecting wires, and the second part of the body serves as a protective element. There are both single and double Internet sockets.

Computer outlets may vary appearance but the principle of operation is the same. All of them are equipped with microknife contacts. As a rule, they are designed to cut through the insulation of conductors, after which a reliable contact is established, since the process is carried out under a certain gain.

Connecting a computer wall outlet

Almost all manufacturers of computer sockets place a connection diagram inside, indicating the order in which the wires are placed, based on their colors. As a rule, both scheme "A" and scheme "B" are indicated. Scheme "A" should not be taken into account, and focus on the scheme "B".

First of all, they begin to install the case on the wall, positioning it so that the cable inlet looks up and the computer connector looks down. Although this installation option can be changed, depending on the specific conditions, the outlet can be installed horizontally.

As you can see, connecting an Internet outlet is not a complicated operation and anyone can handle it. This may take only a few minutes. In this case, once is enough, although the first time it may not work, especially if there are no skills in handling wires.

In order not to suffer too much, it is better to watch the corresponding video, which shows and tells how to connect a computer outlet with 4 wires and with 8 wires.

Despite the different number of wires, the connection technology is the same.

Connecting an internal internet socket

The main task of the connection is to be able to properly disassemble the Internet outlet, since each manufacturer solves this problem in its own way.

The most important thing is to disassemble it so that there is free access to contacts with microknives. It is in this part that the connection is made, after which the housing cover with the contacts is closed. Each model of such an outlet has its own way of assembly and disassembly.

If we take, for example, a Legrand computer socket, then in order to get to the place where the wires of the Legrand Valena RJ-45 socket are connected, you first need to remove the front cover. Inside the case, you can see a white plastic panel with an impeller, where an arrow is drawn (see photo).

The handle on the panel is turned in the direction of the arrow, after which the front panel is removed. On the surface of the panel there is a metal plate with a pattern, by which you can determine which contacts and which wire should be connected to. The color marking of twisted pairs is also indicated here. Before starting the connection, wires prepared for the connection process are threaded into the hole located on the plate.

To make it more clear, it is better to watch the prepared video.

You can also find a socket for connecting the Internet from Lezard. Here the design is completely different. The front panel is designed with screws, so to remove it, just unscrew the screws. As for its insides, everything here is fastened with latches. To pull the insides out of the case, you need to pick up a regular, small screwdriver and squeeze out the clamps.

To get to the contact group and remove it from the case, you need to press the latch, which can be found on top. As a result of such actions, a box may be in your hands, from which you will have to remove the cover to get to the contacts. To remove the cover, it is enough to pry off the side petals with a thin object. You will still have to make some effort, since the latch is quite elastic. At the same time, you need to remember that in the hands of plastic and, if everything is not done carefully, then you can break it.

For more clarity, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the video lesson.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the presence of an appropriate video on the Internet simplifies the process of mastering various actions or carrying out work related to connecting computer sockets. Despite the fact that each model of the outlet is arranged in its own way, the connection process is the same for everyone. The most important thing is to master the connection process itself, associated with certain features. It would seem that it would be easier if the connection was carried out using twisting or soldering, which would be available to almost everyone. But at the same time, it would not be possible to ensure the compactness and accuracy of the connection itself. But such connections have their advantages: you wouldn’t have to stock up on “jacks”. Although on the other hand similar way connection is more designed for professionalism, simplicity and speed, especially if you use a special tool.

And, nevertheless, if there are at least some skills in working with electrical wires, then such a connection does not contain any difficulties. Without inviting any specialists, it is really possible to wire a computer network around your apartment or private house. Moreover, such specialists will take a considerable amount for this.

Good day, dear visitors! I then remembered that I had not yet written about how to compress a network cable and how it can be compressed. What is a network cable, I think you know. This is the cable through which you most likely get the Internet, connect a computer to a router, or two computers directly by simply connecting a network cable to the network cards of two computers.

And you probably know that the network cable is sold without connectors. Connectors, this is such a thing at the end of a network cable that plugs into network card, router, etc. Why is that? Can you imagine what holes would have to be drilled in order to push the connector through :). And so, a network cable is laid and after that RJ-45 connectors are crimped on it, everything is very convenient and thought out. Well, here we come to the fact that the network cable needs to be crimped, which means that you need to put a connector on the cable and fix it.

I just have a network cable, several RJ-45 connectors, a special tool and a phone with which I will photograph all this so that my instructions are clear, and you quickly learned how to crimp a twisted pair.

To crimp a network cable, we need:

  1. Myself network cable, immediately measure the required amount of cable.
  2. Connectors. According to the idea, you only need two, but I advise you to buy more, well, just in case :). They are not expensive, and you can buy in any computer store, in fact, like a cable.
  3. Crimping tool. There are several options, ideally you need to buy a special tool, crimper. Like the one I have in the photo above. I bought mine for 75 UAH. (300 rubles). If you do not have such a thing, then you can use a screwdriver, but I do not advise.
  4. If you crimp with a screwdriver, you will also need a regular knife in order to strip the cable.

Well, let's get started.

Crimping the network cable

There is one more nuance, we need to decide which of the two options we will use to crimp the cable.

Straight- such a cable is suitable for connecting a computer to a router, for a regular Internet cable, etc. We can say that this is a standard.

Get to the point.

We take the cable and remove the top insulation. Just stepping back from the beginning of the cable about two centimeters, we make an incision in the upper insulation, in a tool like mine, there is a special hole into which we insert the cable and simply scroll the crimper around the cable. Then we remove the white insulation by simply pulling it off the cable.

Now we unwind all the wires so that they are one at a time. We clamp them with our fingers and set them in the order we need, depending on which cable you are crimping. See diagrams above.

When all the veins are set correctly, they can still be cut off a little if they turned out to be very long, and it will not hurt to align them. So when everything is ready, we very carefully and slowly begin to insert these cores into the connector. Make sure that the wires enter the connector correctly, each into its own hole. After the cable is inserted into the connector, check again for correct placement of the cores, then insert the connector into the crimper and squeeze the handles.

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