The iPhone 4c charges only when it is turned off. Charge iPhone from the USB port of a laptop or legacy computer. Reasons if the iPhone won't charge

Smartphones have become life companions, no matter can be solved without the help of these electronic assistants. Calls, internet, useful applications, all on them. Sometimes it happens that time autonomous work devices begin to shrink rapidly. Turning from 20 hours to 9, then 3, and in the end, the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why this is happening and what to do to return the device to combat readiness, we will tell in this article. Let's start with the methods that you yourself can do at home, if it does not help, then the uncle master from the nearest service center will help.

How can you tell if your iPhone is charging when it is off? It is easy to do this, if you see such a picture, it means that energy gets to the device board, but it does not mean that the battery is being charged.

If you see this picture, most likely with a charger, cable or lightning connector, something is wrong.

Below we will analyze what steps to take and how to reanimate the gadget with minimal cost... Let's get started.

Checking the memory

To begin with, if the iPhone charges in the off state only up to 4-20 percent, it is worth checking the charger on another device. It is possible that:

  • The wiring in the cable is broken - the current in this case is significantly reduced, not allowing the battery to be charged to the prescribed 100%.
  • The electronics in the charger unit has burned out, again, the current will be significantly reduced. Repair is powerless here, it is better to immediately buy a new charger for iPhone 6.
  • The lightning plug is loose or the chip on the cable is damaged (yes, yes, there are chips in the iPhone laces).

It is quite simple to check whether a working charger is working, we take a working charger from friends / neighbors / lovers and connect it to our unfortunate device. The iPhone chimed happily, notifying about the energy entering the battery, then we run after a new, preferably original charger.

You can also buy Chinese ones, but not the cheapest ones, there is a chance you will find yourself on high-quality products. But there remains a large percentage that you will get counterfeit, for big money, not able to fully charge the battery of the gadget. Among other things, fakes can damage the power controller of the device, and this is 100% hit on the services of service centers.

We clean the connector

You can try to clean the connector, it often becomes the reason that the iPhone boots up and only works on charging. To do this, take an ordinary cotton swab and carefully, without fanaticism, clean the place where the lightning plug is connected.

We inspect the cable

Now let's take a closer look at the cable itself. There should be no kinks and bends on it, if they are present, we try to change the wire, taking it from a neighbor for a while. in 80% of cases, the culprit is he, if so, feel free to send the lace to the trash bin, repair is not advisable, even if it is an original accessory that comes with the phone.

The screen says "Accessory is not supported or not certified"

  1. Try to reconnect the lace with the other side, it sometimes works.
  2. Broken or interrupted wire.
  3. You have neglected the advice to clean the connector.
  4. You have a cheap Chinese fake, throw it away and go to the store again.

Close and uninstall applications

After several years of work for the benefit of the user, the smartphone battery may no longer provide the required amount of energy. Then a situation arises, the iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus can only be charged when it is off. Before opening the case of the device, we will try to turn it on while charging, even if the iPhone is not charging while it is on. In this mode, we will close and remove the "energy eaters" - applications that consume energy in background... Let's reboot the device and see the reaction.

If it helped, great, you have to replace the battery, it didn't help - it doesn't matter, read the article further. But in any case, you ended up at least to replace the battery, at worst, to replace the power controller and everything that will be sentenced to replace the master.

Reset iPhone to factory settings and update iOs

This measure will allow you to restore working capacity in 20% of cases, most likely the case is different, but as a measure before replacing the battery, it is worth trying, at least 100% be sure that it is in it.

How to properly reset to factory settings, read in this article, how to update, read here.

Why can the iPhone only charge when it is turned off? This question remains to be asked to the moderating battery, this will be the final and saddest part of the article. Sad because you have to leave the house and spend money on smartphone repairmen.

Reanimate the battery

Battery problems are familiar to all owners cell phones, iOs or Android, it doesn't matter. Over time, the battery substance begins to "deteriorate" than more cycles charge-discharge, the less the electric capacity becomes and the faster the smartphone sits down. Usually, the "death" of the battery occurs at 3-4 years of operation, the number of cycles exceeds 500-700 and problems begin. One of them is that the iPhone can only be charged when it is turned off. Now, in order, what is worth checking and where to put your hands.

After checking the charger and the accessories adjacent to it, perhaps even replacing them with new ones, removing all required applications and generally turning off the smartphone, but still, the iphone is charged only when it is off, then we proceed to a more difficult stage.

The ideal option would be to purchase a new battery and install it instead of the damaged one (I will attach a video on how to replace it), but this is not always realistic due to circumstances and the user's lack of repair experience.

The only option is to leave the unhappy iPhone turned on all night, this is unlikely to help restore the device and the battery in it, but it's worth a try.

It is advisable to reanimate a non-removable iPhone battery not at home, but even better, it will be given to experienced people who know a lot about the safety and high-quality repair of mobile phones.


To summarize, I can say that if the first sections of this article did not help you, then you will not be able to find the answer to the question of why the iPhone charges only when it is in a disconnected state on your own. I recommend contacting service center, where for adequate money they will help to revive an electronic friend. Your intervention is likely to increase the cost of the repair. Be careful and careful and everything will work out.

Smartphone owners often have problems with charging batteries. There is no charge indication, the battery does not accept a charge, there are difficulties with connecting the plug to the socket. Owners of Apple devices often have a different problem - the iPhone charges only when it is turned off. Why is this happening and how to deal with it?

It should be noted that some breakdowns can be dealt with on their own, while others will have to go to a service center.

Checking accessories

Why does the iPhone only charge when it is turned off? It is possible that the problem is related to a malfunction of the charger used - they often fail, stopping charging user gadgets. How to check the health of the charger? To do this, you need to try to find another charger and connect it to your iPhone. If the charging has started, we try to turn on the smartphone - if the charger is working properly, the charging should also go on.

If the charging process has not started, then the problem lies in the smartphone itself - there is a high probability of a breakdown in the charge controller... In this case, the iPhone should be taken to an authorized service center, where service specialists will take care of it.

Another way to test the health of your smartphone is to connect your charger to another iPhone - if it starts charging, the problem is with the iPhone. When going to the nearest communication salon for a charger, you should take care of purchasing an original accessory. The thing is that if you use compatible chargers, you can lose the warranty on the iPhone. Sometimes their use becomes the cause of related breakdowns. The low quality of non-original accessories is compensated by their cost, but we recommend overpaying and purchasing an original charger.

As practice shows, the probability of iPhone breakdown as a result of using non-original accessories is very high - batteries and charge control circuits often fail.

Battery and software check

Does your iPhone only charge when it is turned off? It is possible that the problem is related to rechargeable battery - this often happens after prolonged use of the iPhone, as a result of which the battery loses its properties. The only thing we can do in this situation is to leave the iPhone to charge overnight, in the off state. This can sometimes restore the functionality of the battery.

If the battery does not begin to take charge while the smartphone is on, remove unnecessary applications - sometimes their number is so great that the power consumption exceeds the charging current. As a result, normal charging is disrupted, and in the off state, when nothing interferes with it, it works well. Uninstall infrequently used programs and try charging again.

If your iPhone only charges when it is off, you can try the following:

  • Perform a factory reset - sometimes this helps to eliminate serious errors that make normal functionality impossible;
  • Refresh software - after such procedures, smartphones begin to work in the same mode;
  • Check the serviceability of the cable - often charging problems are associated with it;
  • Checking the availability of charging from the computer is another way to check the health of the iPhone.

Didn't the above instructions help? Then the problem is related to the breakdown of the smartphone itself. It is best to return the warranty device to a store, and if the warranty has already expired, you should contact any service center (preferably an authorized one).


Owners of tablet PCs devote almost all their free time to work and entertainment with them. The result of continuous tinkering in the settings and active passing of games is the rapid discharge of the device. But oh, how I don't want to part with their favorite tablet, so most users connect the charger and continue to "stick" on sites or in games.

In addition, charging high temperature lithium batteries quickly shortens their lifespan, and in the era of smartphones in non-removable batteries is not a desirable side effect. This makes the charging controller on the phone simpler, since most of the work is done by the chips in the charger, and this comes with less heat generated by the phone. That's why I had to come to terms with half the measure. There are many myths about how to charge your cell phone, and especially what you should avoid when its battery is not working.

This is a valid course of events, but in some cases the tablet is charged only when it is turned off. Which causes violent indignation of users.

To begin with, I would like to note that this is not a breakdown. Any device is fully charged when it is turned off. After all, you, too, restore strength during sleep, when no one distracts you.

These include formatting the battery or warning you not to leave your phone overnight. Here are the top five common false cell phone battery myths! If we keep the phone charged for too long, its battery will suffer.

Probably most people have heard this myth: if you keep your phone charged overnight without it unplugged when fully charged, while the battery loses quality by loading it from ever fast. Technology experts assure us that the truth is exactly the opposite. Any smartphone today is smart enough to know when its battery is fully charged, and when it reaches that level, it stops the power supply itself.

1. Unofficial firmware

Custom firmware created by hobbyist programmers can in some cases cause charging problems. Contact a service center for - in most cases this will fix the problem.

2. Defective power supply

Try charging your tablet from your computer via uSB cable... If the charging is on, then there is a problem with the power supply. But there are some nuances here. The computer may not have enough power to charge a working tablet. Or the USB port is not working. Or this feature is not supported by the tablet.

It is preferable not to charge the phone until the battery is “completely dead”. This myth does not stand up to the analysis of specialists. Li-ion batterywhich powers those all phones, tablets and other smart devices today, do not face the so-called "memory effect" problems that characterize the previous generation of nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride, which they also needed to be formatted to work as close to optimal as possible.

The so-called "memory effect" occurs when we start to charge the battery before it complete discharge... Thus, users must reset the "memory" of the battery, and if you start charging the battery at 50% of its potential charge, the next time the battery will consume up to 50% of the power it will "think" that it is completely devoid of energy.

Insufficient mains voltage will also not pull the charging of a working tablet. A minimum of 220 V can charge the gadget without any problems.

3. "Non-native" charger

Most likely, you will not solve the issue if you charge your tablet PC with a universal charger or a Chinese counterfeit. There is not enough power to fully function the tablet and charge at the same time. Therefore, it charges when there is no energy withdrawal.

Over time, charging the battery affects its lifespan. This myth is correct, but clarification is required. These two days, when the battery has been recharged at 50% capacity, counts as one complete recharge cycle. In conclusion, it can be said that batteries lose their capacity over time, but not as easily as we might think. Do not use your phone while it is charged.

This myth states that if we use the phone while it is charging, there may be some risk of injury. electric shock... The only circumstances in which an electric shock is possible are those in which we use a telephone plugged into an outlet while we are in the bathroom or with an impromptu, manufactured charger. However, if we want to charge the phone as quickly as possible, it is best not to use it while it is connected. The longer the screen lights up, the more it consumes more power, and it will need to be connected for a long time before being fully charged.

4. Clogged contacts

Clean the connectors and contacts on the tablet and charger with alcohol. This method will also help if the tablet is not charging at all.

5. Other malfunctions

The power circuit may be out of order. It is enough to contact the service center to fix the problem. Also make sure the cable is intact.

Using a charger other than the one received when you purchased your phone may affect your battery. And this myth has part of the truth. If we buy a very cheap charger that is not approved for a particular type mobile phone, using it can cause problems with the battery, and even there is a danger of the phone catching fire. Instead, if we buy a generic charger made by a licensed company and specifications indicate that it is compatible with the phone, then there will be no problem.

The visit to the diagnostic center remains the best option solving the problem. If you are sure that it is not the mains voltage or a damaged cable, go to the specialists.

There may be many reasons why iPhone charges only when turned off or does not charge at all. Most often it is a faulty charger. To figure out whether this is so or not, you need to connect the iPhone to another - working original device, not necessarily from the phone. An iPad charger will also work. If the indicator on the phone screen lights up that charging has started, it means that the iPhone is charging, and the matter is in faulty contacts or a damaged cord. The same applies to the situation - you need to check the cord and contacts.

Why does the iPhone only charge when it is off

If the iPhone does not charge when it is turned on, but charging occurs in the off state, this can also be an indicator of a malfunction of the charger, namely, thinning of the wires inside it or damaged contacts. Thus, the switched on gadget consumes energy for its operation plus to replenish its charge. If the iPhone charges only when it is turned off, then all the energy goes exclusively to charging the device. The fact that the charge is not wasted to keep the iPhone running makes it possible to fully charge it when it is off.

If the matter is not in the health of the charger, then the reasons for this "behavior" of the iPhone can be anything: from damage to the cable to problems with the synchronization of the iPhone.

What to do to charge your iPhone

In any case, you can try to charge the phone from a computer using a cable, but remember that in this case the charging speed will be many times slower than through an outlet.

There are also times when the charging indicator shows that power is being consumed, however, the phone is still low. In this situation, you should pay attention to the number open applicationsthat can consume energy faster than the iPhone can charge, and, if possible, close or remove them. But this should be done carefully, otherwise then you will have to or do other unnecessary work that could have been avoided.

In addition, you can try to replace the original phone battery with a new one, as often the reason for the "reluctance" of the iPhone to charge is the outdated battery. If the reason that the phone charges only when it is turned off cannot be determined, it is better to visit a service center and get qualified assistance.

I welcome everyone! After buying a new smartphone, the user is inevitably faced with minor inconveniences and difficulties. First of all, these are the nuances of getting to know the hitherto unknown interface. Over time, of course, you get used to everything and orient yourself, as they say, on the machine, but at first, many happy owners of Apple gadgets do not even understand - is their iPhone charging?

It is about how to understand that the iPhone is charging, no matter what state it is in, whether it is on or off, that I will tell you today. And believe me, the answer to this question is not so obvious as it might seem at first glance - this problem has some important nuances... Okay, let's not talk further, it's time to start!

Let's go, let's go, let's go! :)

We turn on the iPhone for charging

  • the smartphone is connected to the USB cable through the appropriate connector;
  • the free end of the cable connects to an AC adapter, computer, or an appropriate accessory (hub, docking station, etc.).

Everything is very simple and it is impossible to make a mistake. For those who still doubt whether they did everything right, there is a special instruction -! Read, learn a lot of interesting, unusual and useful things.

How do I know if my iPhone is charging?

Provided that the above steps are performed correctly, the smartphone battery will start charging. You will find out that the iPhone is charging by - it will be displayed next to the battery icon in the upper right corner.

In the locked state, that the charging has successfully "gone", you will be informed by the illuminated screen backlight and a large battery emblem that appears in the middle of the display.

If the iPhone is completely discharged and turned off, then the situation here is a little more interesting and it is possible to determine whether charging is in progress, although more difficult, but still possible. There are three options:

In the latter case, you should still wait a while, and if, after the lapse of it, the iPhone has not started to charge, follow the instructions below.

Possible iPhone charging problems

In most detail, all charging problems iPhone battery have already been described in one of the blog articles (by the way, and). If you are too lazy to follow the links, then we will briefly go over the main problems with charging the iPhone, the most common are these:

  • The charge is too slow or does not go at all.
  • The display shows the No Charge message.
  • A notification appears indicating that the accessory is not supported or certified.

Let's take a quick look at the procedure for each situation.

If the iPhone battery does not charge or the charge is very slow

  1. We check the condition of the adapter and cable for any kind of damage. If gaps, bent contacts and other similar phenomena are found, we purchase a new accessory to replace the broken one.
  2. We clean the charging socket and directly the cable plug from dirt. We do this without using metal devices, otherwise we risk damaging the contacts.
  3. We make sure that the outlet is working, if the charging connection is made to it.
  4. We are convinced that the charger is working - just connect the charger to another iPhone.

That's all you can do on your own.

If iPhone says No Charging

This notification indicates that the power output from the charging adapter / USB port is too low to fully charge. iPhone battery... Low-power computers are unable to charge the iPhone when done via a USB cable. Doubtful accessories without appropriate certification have the same problem.

There is only one solution: use original components and modern equipment.

If iPhone says an accessory is not supported or certified

There are several reasons for the appearance of the above notification:

  • Broken / dirty charger port.
  • Faulty charging adapter / USB cable.
  • Lack of Apple certification of the charger.

And these are just the most common options. What to do?

If your iPhone does not charge, then now I will try to solve your problem.

Especially for you, I have prepared 7 reasons why the iPhone may not charge, and now I will tell you about them!

Software glitch

The first common reason why an iPhone won't charge is a glitch in the system itself. Maybe something in iOS is stuck, and the controller, which gives the go-ahead for the transfer of current to the battery, simply does not work. The easiest way to get rid of freezes in iOS is to do hard reboot... It is easy and simple to do. We simultaneously hold down the Home key and the lock button and hold them for about 20 seconds.

At the same time, please note that when you restart, we will light up white screen with an apple.

At this point, you do not need to release the keys yet. We hold Home and lock for another 5-8 seconds (until the whole thing goes out).

After such " hard reboot»Turn on the iPhone again and check if the iPhone is charging or not.

Problematic firmware

If your iPhone stopped charging after updating the system, then there was some kind of glitch with the firmware. Of course, this does not apply to any specific version of iOS. What's on the 11th, what's on the 6th, in principle, at all iOS versions, iPhone is charging :)

Another thing is that sometimes after updating the firmware, the smartphone stops charging. Although everything worked fine before the firmware. What to do in this case?

1. Rollback

If before updating to new version You made backup your device (backup), then it will not be difficult to restore the device via iTunes. This is done very simply. AT iTunes there is a special button for this " Recover from copy...»

2. Restore factory settings

If you did not make a backup copy, then this is very bad: (Since in this case you will have to. complete reset all information from the iPhone is deleted. Including all photos, videos and music will be deleted.

Faulty charger

If the iPhone won't charge, then a very important point when looking for the cause is to check the charger and cable. In the next paragraph, we will talk about the Lightning cable, and now, in detail, about charging.

This block here can also fail:

Simply put, sooner or later it may burn out. Especially when it comes to a cheap Chinese charger. In general, you cannot charge the iPhone with the "left" charger. There can be very, very severe consequences. At best, the battery will wear out much faster, and at worst, something will break in the iPhone or it will simply explode.

Okay, okay, don't take words with an explosion very seriously. After all, not many iPhones have exploded in the entire world.

Try to take another charger, and if you do not have one, then try putting the phone on charging through a computer. If it works, then well, we are looking for another exercise and use it for health. If it does not charge from the computer, then we continue to look for the reason!

Defective Lightning cable

Earlier, I said that in the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, because they also fail and even more often than the charging block.

This one here original cable from Apple, if used carelessly, fails after 1 year:

It costs dofiga, but it breaks faster than some left one.

If possible, test the charging performance using a different cable. Because even if your old cable is appearance looks great, this does not mean that he is a worker.

If you don't have another Lightning cable, you'll need to buy a new one. I have already said that non-original charging cannot be used, but fortunately this does not apply to Lightning cables.

You can easily buy cables on Aliexpress. Another thing is that they are not always worthy in terms of quality. But if you take it from a trusted manufacturer, for example, in the UGREEN store, then the cable will work much longer than the original Lightning, and it will also cost 5 times cheaper. You can buy.

Nobody canceled cheap wires either, I took a beautiful Lightning cable in denim braid. Costs less than $ 3. You can buy.

Lightning port is buggy

We figured out the Lightning cable, and now let's touch on the question of the port itself where this charger is inserted. Now I'm talking about the port where we insert the Lightning cable.

In the worst case, something could break there, but in the best case there is simply a lot of dust, debris, seeds and other rubbish, and because of this, the contacts with the cable will not come into contact.

Look in the port and if there is dirt, take a small stick like a toothpick and gently clean the port.

USB port does not work

If you charge your iPhone from a computer or laptop, it may not work corny USB port, or else provide insufficient food. Try a different port, preferably a charger or PowerBank.

Defective parts (battery, ribbon cable, drowned man, etc.)

If all else fails, and the iPhone still won't charge. Then most likely the problem is a malfunction of any components. It can be "killed", time or poor charging, battery, broken cables from falling, some other damage and the like. In addition, if your smartphone is "drowned" or moisture just got into it, then this can also cause breakdown.

In this case, there is only one option - to carry the iPhone for diagnostics to specialists. Let them watch.


I hope this lesson helped you somehow. And if you managed to solve your problem, the iPhone did not charge, and now everything is okay, then be sure to write in the comments what kind of breakdown you had.

That's all. Bye everyone!

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