Player update. Outdated Adobe Flash Player, plug-in blocked. How to update flash player

Very often for normal operation video content in the browser, you need to update the flash player. This procedure is very simple and there is nothing complicated in it. If you want to know how you can update your flash player for free at any time of the day or night, in this case, be sure to read this article.

What is Adobe Flash?

Surely, you have heard such a phrase as Adobe Flash more than once. It is a multimedia platform that is actively used both for creating all kinds of web applications and for creating multimedia presentations. If to speak in simple words, then the Adobe Flash system has the widest application in creating various animations, advertising banners, games and much more. Also, without it, it is impossible to play audio and video files.

Especially for playing all kinds of audio and video files on browser pages, Adobe was created Flash Player, whose advanced technology allows you to do this as simply and as efficiently as possible. Modern browsers quite strongly depend on this player, for example, if it is not installed or its required version is not installed, then half of the possibilities of the Internet will simply become inaccessible. That is why it is important to update the adobe flash player for free on time so as not to encounter such a problem.

You can check it yourself, disable or remove Adobe Flash Player from your browser, then try to go to, for example, or Facebook, you will immediately notice how half of their functions do not work without it.

Since Adobe Flash Player is a necessary thing for the Internet, it is installed on most computers by default. Also, this Player was initially installed in some browsers, a well-known Google Chrome browser can serve as a vivid example of this. However, the player versions are updated periodically, and if the latest version of the player is not installed on the computer, this can lead to a number of problems. Therefore, it is important to always update the flash player for free for Windows 7 on time.

If you are interested in how to update the flash player on your computer? In this case, everything is very simple. In most cases, the flash player tries to update itself. This program has access to the Internet, it periodically visits a certain server, where it searches for the latest versions. In the event that it finds such a version, it prompts the computer user to update the adobe flash player.

As for the update process itself, it can take place both in full automatic mode, as well as with certain manual interventions. In most cases, you should not use the fully automatic mode. The thing is that there are a huge number of viruses on the Internet, and sometimes it happens that, together with updating Adobe Flash Player, a computer gets malware. Most often, all kinds of programs for the distribution of advertising are encrypted in this way. Such programs do not harm the computer, however, they can significantly complicate life. ordinary user. The thing is that if you pick up such a program, then on any web page a large number of all kinds of ad browsers and other not-so-pleasant things. Moreover, it is very difficult to remove such advertising, it practically cannot cope with it.

That is why, if you decide to update the adobe flash player, it is best to do it in semi-automatic mode.

How to update the flash player on the computer in this case? Everything is very simple, when the flash player finds a newer version on the server, it will inform you about it using a special window. In the future, all you need is to carefully read the recommendations and follow them. At some point, it will be necessary to close all browsers, because without this the player simply cannot be installed. When the installer says to close the browser, close it. After installation, you may need to restart your computer, if it is done, then the flash player should start working. Usually there are no problems during the installation process.

In the event that for some reason auto-update does not occur, you can update Adobe Flash Player yourself. It is very easy to do this. All you need is to go to the official website of Adobe. Then click on the big yellow button that says Download, before that you should select your type of operating system. After downloading the program, open it and complete the installation process. Thus, the new version will replace the old Adobe Flash Player.

We hope this article has given you the answer to the question of how to update the flash player on your computer.

Let's tell you how to update the flash player on your computer? was last modified: April 29th, 2016 by MaximB

For these browsers, the Flash Player plug-in is installed separately, which means that the plug-in update will be performed somewhat differently.

Open the menu "Control Panel" and then navigate to the section "Flash Player" .

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Updates" . Ideally, you should have the option highlighted "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" . If you have a different item set, it is better to change it by first clicking on the button "Change control settings" (requires administrator privileges) and then ticking the required option.

If you do not want or cannot install automatic installation updates for Flash Player, pay attention to the current Flash version Player, which is located in the lower area of ​​the window, and then click next to the button "Check Now" .

Your main browser will launch on the screen and will automatically redirect you to the Flash Player version check page. Here you can see in table form the latest implemented versions of the Flash Player plugin. Find yours in this table. operating system and the browser you are using, and to the right you will see the current version of Flash Player.

If your current version of the plugin differs from the one shown in the table, you will need to update your Flash Player. You can go to the plugin update page immediately on the same page by clicking on the page link "Player Download Center" .

You will be redirected to the download page for the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. The Flash Player update process in this case will be completely identical to when you downloaded and installed the plug-in on your computer for the first time.

What to do if outdated Adobe plugin flash player? It's simple: it needs to be updated. Although, in principle, this is not necessary. But then you will not be able to listen to music on VKontakte, watch videos on Youtube and play games in the browser. And all because in this case special drivers are required. And all of them are just available in Adobe Flash Player. Therefore, whatever one may say, you still have to update it.

But I have 3 good news. Firstly, it is done literally in 2-3 minutes. Second, it's completely free. Third, below is detailed instructions How to update Adobe Flash Player on a computer or laptop.

How to update Adobe Flash Player correctly?

Let me explain one first. important point which you absolutely need to know. While working in the browser on any site, the message "Adobe Flash Player is outdated" (or "The obsolete module / plug-in Adobe Flash Player is blocked") periodically appears. In principle, the text may differ slightly, but the essence remains the same. What does Adobe Flash Player out of date mean? It's simple: the developers have released a new version, and your current one is no longer relevant. Therefore, it needs to be updated.

You may also be reminded of the need for an update:

  • antivirus;
  • an online player on some site;
  • Flash Player itself (for example, in the tray).

In no case do not agree to this reminder and do not click the "Update" button! Just read the message and close it. The fact is that it can contain viruses. Especially if the message appears on an unknown site.

Adobe Flash Player must be updated from only one source - the official website of the developer. Otherwise, you run the risk of infecting your computer or laptop with all sorts of viruses (most often this is a ransomware banner that blocks the PC).

Is everything clear with this? Then we pass to the main thing.

Below I will show an example for Windows 7 (in Firefox). However, this procedure is universal. That is, in the same way you can install Adobe Flash Player for Opera browsers, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Yandex and all operating systems (Windows XP, 8 or 10).

So, to properly update the outdated Adobe Flash Player to the latest version:

  1. Go to the address - (this is the developers' official site and you only need to update it here!).
  2. Pay attention to the first column. Here is the OS version and browser. If they are correct, go to step 4.
  3. If the OS or browser is not detected correctly, then click on the line "Need Flash Player for another computer?". After that, you will be able to manually select Windows version and installed browser.
  4. The second column lists additional applications that will be installed with Adobe Flash Player. Usually, few people need them, so it is recommended to uncheck them here.
  5. In the third column, click on the "Install" button.
  6. After that, a small window will appear in the browser, where you need to click the "Save file" button (save to any place - for example, to the desktop).

Hide the browser and run this file. The Adobe Flash Player installer will open, where you need to select the update settings. There are 3 options to choose from:

  • automatic update Adobe Flash Player;
  • notify before installing updates;
  • never check for updates.

After that, the installation of the plugin of the latest version will begin. In this case, you need to close the browser. If you do not do this, the following message will appear during installation:

Close the browser and click Continue.

After Adobe updates Flash Player your browser will automatically launch and open official page developers.

It will say something along the lines of "Thank you for using our product." You can ignore it - just close this tab.

But there may be one problem here. Updating the plugin to the latest version periodically goes sideways. And as a result, videos, music, and games still don't work. Or they work, but badly: the video slows down, the browser is buggy, sites freeze, etc. It happens sometimes. In this case, you need to roll back Adobe Flash Player to the previous version, and then install it again. That is, a complete reinstallation of the flash player is required.

How to uninstall Adobe Flash Player?

There are no difficulties here. To uninstall Adobe Flash Player:

Done - the plugin is completely removed from the computer (or laptop).

If you have already deleted setup file on the desktop, then you need to download the Adobe Flash Player update again from the office. site and install it from clean slate. Usually this should help. After that, games, videos and music will play normally.

Sometimes the standard removal procedure does not help fix errors with sound or video in the browser. In this case, I recommend reading:


To update Flash Player, open your browser and enter the following in the address bar - Follow this link.

The player download page will open. Click on the link "Another operating system or browser?". On the next page, specify your operating system, as well as the version of the player.

Click the download button. The download will start automatically - you just have to choose where to save the file. Close all browser windows and run the downloaded player installation file. Accept license agreement.

Flash Player has been updated! You can continue to work on the Internet through your browser. Adobe Flash Player is a free and widely used player. This component is needed for the correct opening of Internet pages, for playback directly in the browser window. But like any other program, Adobe Flash Player needs to be updated. If you do not update this application in a timely manner, you will not be able to take full advantage of your browser.

Close all active Internet browsers before installation. Double click on the setup file right click mice. A window will appear. In this window, click Run. Next, the player installation procedure will begin. Wait for the operation to complete. A window will pop up notifying you that the installation was successful. Now you can launch your web browser. Flash Player has been updated.

Also, from time to time after starting the Internet browser, a window with a notification about Flash update player. To update the program in this window, click on "Install now". Then the download will start updated version player. Once it's finished, select the "Start Installation" option.

If you have an Internet browser running at this time, a window will appear in which there will be a notification that you must close the Internet browser in order to continue installation. After closing the browser, the installation will continue. Upon completion, you will receive a notification. The program has now been updated.

In some cases, the ability to install and update Adobe Flash Player may be blocked by the computer administrator. It often happens on work computers. This restricts access to many Internet entertainment resources that use the Adobe Flash Player. In this case, you need to obtain the necessary rights from the computer administrator.

Download "Flash Player" only from the official website of the developer. Otherwise, you expose your computer to the danger of a virus attack.

On most Adobe computers Flash Player is installed by default. It is also preinstalled in some browsers, such as Google Chrome. Flash Player is usually also updated automatically. The program has access to the network and from time to time checks for updates and new version on server. If any, you will be prompted to update the program. You can set parameters with which your participation in the update is not required at all. It will take place in a fully automatic mode. If you want new hardware to be downloaded to your computer only with your permission, set the appropriate options. Update requests will not bother you all the time, they will come no more than once every few days.

If auto-update does not work, you can download the new version of the player yourself. To do this, go to the official Adobe website and click on the big yellow "Download" button. Before that, you will need to select your operating system. Download the utility and install it. The newer program will be loaded over the old one.

To check which version you have, go to During Flash settings Player was also installed special. It is he who will continue to update the program automatically. The user will only be required to confirm the request. You can update Flash Player by simply reinstalling it. After installation, it will update to the latest version.

Adobe Flash Player automatically for a number of reasons. For example, a ban on automatic updates is set, there is a conflict between installed plugins, the program was originally installed. It may be due to problems with the Internet connection (or it is not available). When these issues are fixed, the auto-update feature should return.

Adobe Flash Player is a free and widely used player. This component is needed for the correct opening of Internet pages, for playing videos directly in the browser window. But like any other program, Adobe Flash Player needs to be updated. If you do not update this application in a timely manner, you will not be able to take full advantage of your browser.

You will need

  • - A computer;
  • - access to the Internet.


One of the most simple ways, which is suitable for all Internet browsers, is as follows. Go to the official Adobe website. Download the latest version Adobe Player flash player. After the download is complete, you will have the installation file of the program. Also note - to update Adobe Flash Player under Internet browser Explorer uses a separate version of the program distribution. You just need to download it. For other browsers, the standard distribution of the program is suitable.

Good day! Today we will show you how to update Adobe Flash Player… for many years they have been talking about abandoning this technology (even the developers themselves admit it). The process is underway, we see it less and less on the Internet, but we are not yet able to completely abandon it (at least on familiar computers).

Adobe Flash Player is probably familiar to everyone due to its extreme instability and gluttony to the resources of your computer. It is worth noting that it is thanks to flash technology that we often expose the system to the risk of infection - this plugin has eternal security problems and I highly recommend always using the latest and most up-to-date version.

Flash technology is quite old and it gained its popularity due to the ease of creating animation and the relatively small weight of the final projects. It is thanks to Adobe Flash that we know the legendary Masyanya (and if you don’t know, be sure to look who it is, it’s quite possible you will like it). And how many toys were based on this technology - do not count!

But the most important thing is their size. For example, a video about Masyanya longer than 3 minutes could easily take no more than 2 megabytes, and the vast majority of toys were generally measured in kilobytes.

Where is Flash used? - As a rule, now these are various players on web resources (YouTube switched to HTML5 not too long ago) and often seen in webinar rooms (flash allows you to conveniently interact with your peripherals, such as a webcam or microphone).

It is imperative to update Adobe Flash Player on your computer - your safety on the network directly depends on this. However, there are some subtleties in this seemingly elementary process. The nuance lies in the differences of the plugin depending on the browser you have installed. A couple of years ago, everything was more complicated, but some simplifications played a cruel joke on users, and now we will deal with these nuances.

Update the Adobe Flash Player plugin for Firefox or Opera

The flash player on browsers other than Google Chrome is updated as it was many years ago, as a separate application. Many do not even suspect that you can find it in the control panel.

In the "Control Panel" go to the "System and Security" category and open the flash player settings by selecting "Flash Player"

You and I are interested in the "Update" tab ... we came here for updates. So, in order for the plugin to be updated, you should have, as in the screenshot below, "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)".

If something else is selected, then you have probably already understood why some sites do not work correctly and ask you to update this hated Flash Player. Click on change settings and set the recommended parameters (requires admin rights).

If the plugin has not been updated for a long time, then it is not a fact that it will be able to correctly upgrade to current version- for these cases, you can force it to install through the web installer. This window contains the version of your copy installed - by clicking "Check now" you will be redirected to a page with the latest releases of Adobe Flash.

If you have installed Adobe version Flash is lower than on the page with current releases, you can go to the download page simply by clicking "Player Download Center" ...

…and get to the plugin download page. Here we select the version for your operating system and browser and click "Download". Please note that Adobe Flash Player may be installed with left program, do not forget to uncheck the extra checkboxes (so for example you can get acquainted with the program)

Run the downloaded file and follow the prompts of the Adobe Flash Player installer (well, the parameters of future updates can be configured here, of course, it is very desirable that this all happen automatically).

It remains only to wait for the current version to be downloaded and installed on your computer. Browsers must be closed at this point, otherwise the installation will be interrupted until you close them.

From myself I want to add ... as my practice has shown, in case of problems with the adobe flash plugin, you need to immediately go to the official website and download the installer, which will do everything you need. If the version is up-to-date, then it will simply write that the update is not required, which means that the problem is most likely in the browser. It is necessary to update or reinstall the browser to solve problems with sites that require updating with the current version of the plugin.

Update Flash Player in Chrome browser, Yandex.Browser and similar

The situation with Adobe Flash Player in Chrome-like browsers is slightly different. IN latest versions browser, this plug-in is already embedded in the browser itself and it is updated along with it (no need to update it separately).

Consider the example of Yandex.Browser (it is essentially the same Chrome, only with its own modifications). If on any of the web resources (classmates do this) you write about the need to update Adobe Flash Player, then in the case of Chromium browsers, you need to update the web browser itself, thereby fixing our problem.

In Y. Browser, go to "Advanced Settings" item "About the browser".

The new version will be checked on the server and the browser will prompt you to update, agree and install the update. Along with the update for the browser itself, Flash Player will also be updated. PROFIT!

Unfortunately, the web browser may not always update automatically. There can be many reasons for this, such as installing from unofficial sources or using portable version. In this situation, installing over or completely reinstalling can help (you can read more about this in a note on how ... all this applies to Google Chrome - take it into service)


So we figured out how to update the adobe flash player - there is nothing complicated about it, the main thing is to understand for what reason it does not update automatically. In general, if you are a fairly advanced user, then the whole essence of the note can be fit in one sentence.

To update Adobe Flash on your computer, you need to go to the plugin download site and roll it over the existing one. If it doesn’t help, we update the browser or use another one with an integrated extension from Adobe (for example Yandex.Browser).

P.S. In case you are using an exotic browser (Orbitum or something similar), then it is likely that the developers abandoned it and it will not be possible to update to the current version, only the transition to an adequate browser.

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