What gives the turbo mode in the Yandex browser. What is "Turbo" mode in modern browsers: Chrome, Yandex, Opera. What it is

The so-called Turbo mode is implemented in Yandex Browser. It helps not only save traffic, but also speed up page loading. This is possible due to the fact that the content of the site page is compressed on Yandex servers and only then is transmitted to the browser to the user. Some page elements do not load at all. This is a very convenient mode if, for example, you have a low internet connection speed.

By default, Turbo mode is turned on if the download speed drops below 128 Kbps, but you can always turn on this mode for permanent operation.

Browser for computer

Start Yandex Browser. At the top of the window, click on the icon consisting of three stripes. After the menu appears, select the "Settings" section in it.

A page with settings will open. Find the "Turbo" subsection on it and put a checkmark next to the "Always on" item. I also recommend checking the box next to the "Compress video" item.

Now you will always see the rocket-shaped icon in the browser bar - this means that Turbo mode is running.

Mobile Browser

If you use Yandex Browser on your phone or tablet, you can also use Turbo mode, which is especially important, since the mobile Internet in many cities does not differ in its stable speed.

Launch your browser. There is a button in the form of three dots in the upper right part of the screen. Tap on it and a menu will appear. Select "Settings" from the menu.

On the settings page, select the subsection "Turbo Mode" and click on it.

Check the box next to Enabled and also next to Compress Video.

You don't need to do anything else. Open any site and see a rocket that confirms that Turbo mode is on.

If you, friends, have limited Internet traffic, or pages load slowly, then it's time to download the Yandex browser with turbo mode, which is already built into it by default. You just need to customize this function to suit your needs. By the way. it saves traffic very noticeably.

Turn on Turbo mode in Yandex browser for Windows

We launch this web browser, click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select the "Settings" item from the drop-down list:

We go down the page and find the line "Turbo". We put the switch in the "Always on" position. We also check that the checkbox is installed next to the "Compress video" item.

By default, the switch is in the "Automatically turn on on slow connection" position, but I don't really like how this function works, because if I need to save traffic, and the Internet is fast, then Turbo mode will not turn on.

It is also not difficult to guess that in order to turn off the turbo mode in the Yandex browser, you just need to put the switch to the "Off" position:

To make sure you've turned it on, look at the address bar and make sure the rocket icon appears on it. You can click on it and see how much traffic you saved:

Also, if we go to YouTube and want to watch a video, then it will not appear to us in order to save traffic. In order to fix this, you need to click on the "Show content" button.

This applies not only to YouTube, but also to all services and sites that display multimedia:

How to enable turbo mode in a mobile browser on Android

We launch the browser. Click on the settings button, in the form of three dots in the right corner, and from the drop-down menu select the "Settings" item:

Today Yandex (browser) is among the most popular web browsers. High speed of loading pages (if necessary, you can turn on the "Turbo" mode), useful built-in plugins, user-friendly interface and attractive design - this is a brief characteristic of this browser.

If you are a novice user, then we can recommend choosing the Yandex web browser for your journey across the Internet. Of course, some "users" will object and advise working at Google Chrome. But here, as they say, the taste and color ...

So, after reading the material in this article, you will learn how to enable the "Turbo" mode and configure it. However, it's still worth starting with the installation of the Yandex browser.

How do I download and install a web browser?

In order to download Yandex (browser) to your computer, go to the developer's official website and click the Download button. In this case, the system will independently determine your OS.

Open the folder with the installation file and run it. A small window will appear where you will be prompted to make Yandex the default web browser and send statistics on the use of the program (anonymously). If you wish, you can mark these options with checkboxes. Otherwise, just click on the "Get Started" button.

That's all! The browser from the Yandex search engine has been successfully installed on your computer. Now you can customize it by selecting the appropriate section in the menu, and also enable the "Turbo" mode to test it. However, it is best to first understand how this tool works. This will be discussed further.

How it works?

So, the main function of this mode is to save traffic, which is very useful for users who have not yet connected unlimited Internet. The principle of operation is based on transferring data to the Yandex server, where the information is compressed and submitted to a web browser in a lighter form.

In other words, if you enable "Turbo" mode, then some (heavy) site elements will not load. Conduct an experiment: activate "Turbo" and go, for example, to the video hosting "YouTube". Have you noticed that instead of the video there is a kind of stub? You can remove it by clicking the "Show Content" button.

Thus, when visiting various Internet resources, on the pages of which there are "voluminous" videos, the content will be blocked. Of course, if you are not satisfied with this course of events, you can simply deactivate the "Turbo" mode. But keep in mind that if you have a slow internet connection, this will not be the best solution.

Turbo mode in Yandex: how to enable and configure it

Have you realized that you really need the technology in question? Then let's run it, which will allow the web page to load much faster.

Open the Yandex web browser and access its menu. You are interested in the "Supplements" section. Here all plugins are divided into categories, you need the "Tools" block. This is where the "Turbo" mode is located.

To turn it on, drag the toggle switch to the "ON" position. As a result, this add-on will function continuously. If you set the toggle switch to the "Auto" position, the browser automatically activates the "Turbo" mode when the need arises.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. This is why this browser has been recommended for beginners.


So, when you understand the principle of this technology, you have the opportunity to turn on the "Turbo" mode and evaluate its advantages in practice. Of course, if your Internet speed is high enough, then there is no need to use the mode.

However, if you decide to save traffic, then activate this option and use the capabilities of "Turbo".

You can turn on a feature called "Turbo" mode. Let's see what this means, how to enable or disable Turbo mode. It is available in Yandex, Opera, connects to Chrome, but Firefox and Vivaldi do not have such a function, you need to download add-ons.

Turbo is useful on low speed connections. Thanks to him, the speed of loading pages increases significantly.

To save traffic and increase download speed in browsers, there is a Turbo mode

This plugin appeared in 2009 thanks to the creators of the Opera browser. Many users in those years went to the World Wide Web through telephone modems; Turbo mode allowed not only to speed up the process of obtaining information, but also to save money, since the tariffs provided for payment for each received / sent megabyte. Today, in the era of unlimited access, download acceleration is still relevant for mobile connections, also in public places for Wi-Fi.

Principle of operation

This feature works in a similar way across browsers. With a normal user uploading information, it comes from the site directly to the computer. When Turbo is activated, the pages are initially uploaded to the browser developer's server, for example, Opera Software, where multimedia is compressed, then everything opens to the user in the browser tab. This facilitates faster loading. Of course, the quality of pictures and video is deteriorating, but the volume is smaller, and it is possible to view the material on mobile devices with a slow connection, for example 2G.

Also, due to the connection to sites indirectly through the Software server, it becomes possible to view the global network resources blocked by Roskomnadzor. Usually, access is blocked precisely at the level of the Internet provider, which does not allow subscribers to view certain sites. In the case under consideration, with the entrance through Opera Software, the connection is made through the server of the browser developer, which means that the entrance to the pages prohibited by the provider is not recorded, accordingly, it is not blocked.

Please also note that on websites that determine, when the function is enabled, the data will be displayed incorrectly, since the service will determine the address not yours, but the server providing the Turbo function.

Let's take a look at how to enable Turbo mode in Opera and other browsers.

"Turbo" on Opera

Enter Opera in the browser menu (top panel, left). In the list that opens, find "Opera Turbo", put a tick there.

The second way to enable is to click on the icon depicting a speedometer at the bottom left of the window, then click on "Enable Opera Turbo".

The mode produces excellent compression, excellent traffic filtering, and facilitates unhindered access to sites prohibited for Russia.

How to turn off Turbo mode in Opera if you want to watch videos, pictures in good quality? To turn off media compression, click on the picture, select "Reload image in original quality" from the menu that appears.

Turbo activation on Yandex

Consider the Turbo mode in Yandex, how to enable it for permanent work or for certain resources of the global network.

Yandex Browser loads pages most quickly, even with the slowest connection, compared to other browsers.

The mode works similarly to "Opera Turbo", it is activated automatically during a slow connection. Compression uses the same servers. It is possible to configure the plugin to work permanently.

In the settings, it is possible to put the plugin on for all visited pages. If you need it only for certain sites, to activate Turbo on a specific page, click on the rocket in the address bar. Or you can go to Settings and select the parameters you need there. Helps to bypass browsing bans.

Connecting in Chrome

Google Chrome does not contain a built-in "Turbo" mode, for faster page loading, download, then install the official add-on "Saving traffic". Turbo mode turns on in Google Chrome like this:

  • Go to the Webstore online store.
  • In the search box, enter "Save traffic".
  • Once you've found an extension from Google, add it to your browser.
  • Close the browser, restart it.
  • An extension icon will appear in the upper right corner. To activate it, you need to put a tick there in the "Save traffic" item.

This mode compresses up to 70% of unnecessary media. But the entrance to prohibited web resources does not open.

Summing up, we note that the download speed is higher than that of Yandex. Provides access for Russians to blocked pages in the most efficient way Opera. Google Chrome is the best at reducing the weight of loaded pages.

Turbo is a traffic saving mode that turns on when a slow Internet connection in a browser. Thanks to Turbo mode, you can quickly download pages via USB modems or in places with public Wi-Fi and save money, which is especially important when roaming or when your tariff limit is almost exhausted.

When you turn on Turbo mode, the download indicator turns blue.

  1. Automatic switching on
  2. Disable video compression
  3. Disable mode

Automatic switching on

Limitation. In Turbo mode, only data from web pages that you open in a browser are sent to Yandex servers. Personal data entered during electronic payments and in authorization forms do not reach Yandex servers, since Turbo mode is not applied to pages protected by the HTTPS protocol.

There are two thresholds for enabling and disabling Turbo:

    Turbo mode turns on when the connection speed drops below 128 Kbps, and remains on until the growing speed exceeds 512 Kbps.

    When the connection speed is higher than 512 Kbps, Turbo mode is automatically disabled (and the icon in the Smart bar disappears). Turbo mode will remain disabled until the speed drops below 128 Kbps.

    Limitation. The speed thresholds at which Turbo turns on and off cannot be adjusted.

Disable video compression

By default, when Turbo mode is on, the browser compresses the video. The compressed video starts playing when you click on the plug. Compressing video saves up to 70% additional traffic, but video quality degrades. To view videos without loss of quality, disable video compression for the tab or completely.

To turn off video compression:

Disable mode

  • In the Protect panel
  • In settings
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