Install flash player on mobile phone. Install flash player for android tablet

The capabilities of modern touchscreen gadgets are growing, and they have long reached the level where it became possible to watch videos from YouTube or similar resources on the tablet. Sites broadcasting various television on-line channels are also widely distributed on the Internet and are popular. In order to be able to view all this on a tablet, Flash Player is required.

Purpose of Adobe Flash, general information

Adobe Flash is a universal multimedia platform created by Adobe Systems. Flash player can be used not only to view streaming video, but also use it to create presentations and web applications. Flash Player is used in many games, banner ads, it is used to create and view animations. Sometimes a flash player is also required to play audio on Internet pages. So, the importance of a flash player in the world of interactive technology is incredibly high. Tablet users should know how to install Flash Player on their touch device.

Adobe Flash Destination List

In general, Flash is an interactive web animation technology developed by Macromedia. Adobe Flash is designed for the following tasks:

  • Watching videos on the Internet;
  • Listening to music on some web pages;
  • Work with raster, vector and 3D graphics;
  • Running SWF files;
  • Launching Flash movies (FLV);
  • Running games on web pages.

Adobe Flash Installation Process

The process of installing a flash player does not require programming knowledge or any other technical knowledge! If you follow the instructions, the installation will complete successfully. So, to start, open the tablet’s settings, and then visit the “Protection” section, where check the box next to: “Unknown sources”. By this action, the user makes it clear to the Android device that he allows the device to download and install any applications from the Internet freely (if the checkbox is not checked, the tablet will block attempts to install all Internet applications except for programs from the “Play Market”).

Next, go here, scroll to the very end, and there you will find files for Android devices. Click on the top file below the heading: “Flash Player for Android 4.0 archives”. Since versions are constantly being updated, new items may appear on this list over time. Immediately after the click, the apk application starts loading.

When the download reaches its completion, run the file you downloaded. In the window displayed on the screen of your gadget by the Android system, confirm your consent to the installation by clicking the "Install" button. Installation on any modern tablet, as a rule, does not take much time. Installation speed depends on the processor power of your tablet.

Attention: if the Internet does not work on your tablet, then the file must be downloaded via a desktop computer!

In order to download the necessary file via a desktop computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site from a desktop computer;
  2. Download the necessary apk-file on your PC;
  3. Copy this file to the tablet’s memory card using a card reader, or via a USB connection;
  4. Open the file on the tablet and install it (if the built-in file manager of the tablet does not suit you, you can download another file manager,

After the installation is successfully completed, the user will be able to appreciate all the benefits of Adobe Flash on the tablet.

Pay special attention: in Google Chrome, the flash player will not work, because Google no longer supports it; also in some browsers to work with "flash" you will need to enable this option in the settings after installation.

You can use any browser except Google Chrome. Mobile browsers and their advantages are indicated in the table.

Browser name Benefits disadvantages
Opera High speed, excellent navigation, similarity to the `PC version` (Opera for desktop computers today is one of the most stable and fast browsers) Some users believe that the interface of this browser is too simplified, and many functions that could be useful to an "advanced" user are simply cut from the mobile version of the browser
Uc browser Ergonomically located interface elements; convenient navigation; acceptable speed Negative feedback about the browser: users indicate problems in the work (tabs do not open; it is impossible to switch from one web page to another)
Firefox Bookmark sync support Overly simplified interface, therefore, many useful functions are missing
Dolphin More versatile than competitors; has a nice color scheme (green) Many users complain that in recent years they began to load pages for a long time; there is a problem: the keyboard does not open where it is needed; because of this, you have to close the tab

So, the installation process for Flash Player is really straightforward. Any novice user can handle this.

Alternative sources for download

The player can also be downloaded from alternative resources. Follow the link, click on the “Download” button, and on the page that opens under the inscription “Download Adobe Flash Player 11”, click on: “Source 2 (APK file)”. Download will begin instantly.

The second alternative resource offering to download the player for free: After clicking on the link, click the "Android 4.0+ v11.1.115.34" button, located under the caption "Download the Adobe Flash Player." You will be redirected to the page - there, after confirming the download, the player will begin to download.

Download from the second resource

Download and install Flash Player

A program that allows you to watch videos and animations on the Internet, as well as play games based on Flash technology. Provides access to many web applications.

As you know, Adobe has stopped the official supply of Flash Player on Google Play. Flash is also not provided for as standard on Android. Of course, with modern developments such as HTML5, CSS3, Java and Abobe AIR, the need for it often disappears. But not always, since a number of web-applications and video services are “tailored” precisely for the technology we are considering. What to do in this case? Those users who have installed apk files more than once can download Flash Player to their phone or tablet. However, it should be borne in mind that for the application to work correctly, you will have to choose one of its two versions (depending on your OS): either Flash player for Android 2.1 and higher, or Flash player for Android 4.0 and higher.


  • watching online videos and animations;
  • listening to music through a browser;
  • access to web applications;
  • internet TV;
  • full work with multimedia content;
  • rendering and effective graphics acceleration;
  • optimal versions of Flash Player for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, S3 and other popular models.

Principle of operation:

To install this software, a user just needs to have a few simple skills and a little understanding of his device.

This issue is discussed in more detail in the article: “How to install Flash Player on Android”.

At the same time, there is no need to configure the application after its installation, since all parameters designed for maximum productive work will be determined by default. Keep in mind that Adobe Flash Player may not work in browsers like Opera and Chrome. Guaranteed only support for the native web browser from Android. According to user reviews, pretty stable performance is also observed on the Dolphin browser.


  • versions are available both for models with Android OS 2.x-3.x, and for 4.x;
  • plays video and audio online perfectly;
  • Flash Player for Android can be downloaded for free.


  • lack of official support for stable updates;
  • new devices with Android from 4.1 may have problems displaying Flash content.

Flash Player for Android will provide pleasant surfing on the Internet, without any "white spots". Indeed, despite the fact that such monsters among video resources as Youtube switched to HTML5, a number of services still require Flash player from the user.

When buying a mobile device, be it a smartphone or tablet, we want to use its resources at full capacity, but sometimes we encounter the fact that our favorite site does not play video or the game does not start. A message appears in the player window stating that the application cannot be launched because there is no Flash Player. The problem is that there is simply no player in this player, what should I do in this case?

To play Flash animations, browser games, video streaming in Android devices, installation is required. But since 2012, its support for Android has been discontinued. Instead, in mobile devices based on this OS, starting with version 4, browsers use HTML5 technology. Nevertheless, there is a solution - you can install Flash Player from the archive on the official Adobe website. This will require some manipulation. Just follow the step by step instructions below.

Stage 1: Android setup

First of all, you need to make some changes in the settings on your phone or tablet so that you can install applications not only from the Play Market.

Stage 2: Download Adobe Flash Player

Next, to install the player, you need to go to the section on the official Adobe website . The list is quite long, since all issues of Flash Players are collected here, both desktop versions and mobile ones. Scroll to mobile editions and download the appropriate version.

You can download the APK file directly from your phone through any browser or to your computer, and then transfer it to your mobile device.

Flash Player will work in all supported browsers and in a regular web browser, depending on the firmware.

Step 3: Install Flash Browser

Now you need to download one of the web browsers that support flash technology. For example, Dolphin Browser.

But remember, the higher the version of the Android device, the more difficult it is to get the Flash Player to work properly.

Not all web browsers support working with flash, for example, browsers such as:, Yandex.Browser. But in the Play Store there are still enough alternatives in which this feature is still present:

  • Dolphin Browser;
  • Puffin browser
  • Maxthon Browser
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Boat Browser;
  • FlashFox
  • Lightning Browser
  • Baidu Browser;
  • Skyfire Browser.

Doesn’t play video in browser? Then hurry up for free to download Adobe Flash Player (Flash Player) for Android - an application developed for the ability to watch videos on smartphones.

Adobe Flash Player also needs to launch the Internet resources used by the Flash device. Any user of a personal computer knows that in order to watch online video on the Internet, it is necessary to install Flash. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the program updates created by the developers.

Adobe Flash Player for Android functionality

Mobile platforms that have the Android operating system, like a PC, are capable of playing online videos, but for this, like on a PC, you need to install a personal Flash Player. As you can see, the functionality of the player for the computer does not differ from the version for mobile devices. This application is necessary to unleash the potential provided for the use of devices when connected to the Internet. This application is also used to play all applications for the creation of which Flash graphics were used. At the same time, the application serves as a plug-in for using most of the programs and applications used in many versions of mobile browsers.

The Flash Player for Android player also serves to play files used in the SWF format. At the same time, if the player version smoothly plays files with a similar format, then it is not necessary to experiment with installing updated versions, as problems may arise during the operation of the application related to the playback of files of this format. In order to prevent this trouble, the user needs to follow the product updates himself. It should be noted that Adobe did not develop a strict schedule for updating versions of the player for the Android operating system, as happened for personal computer operating systems.

Features of the mobile Flash Player regarding the PC version

Unlike the version of Flash Player used for personal computers, the version for mobile devices does not significantly affect the workflow of a mobile device. At the same time, the installation time for this application will take less than one minute. Also, the mobile version has a smaller footprint. It is worth considering that the modern version of the player for mobile devices is designed for certain versions of the operating system. To be precise, this product is suitable for versions of Android 2.2 and subsequent versions.

The collaboration between Adobe and Android developers helped minimize the error tolerance found in previous parts of Adobe Flash Player. This fruitful cooperation allowed the user to fully enjoy the process of using the Internet on a mobile device, evaluating all the capabilities of modern browsers and using a significant number of Internet applications.

In this article I will tell you why the flash player for Android is notable. You will learn how to quickly install or update a player plug-in, such as Google Chrome or Opera, as well as where to download a flash player from Adobe on an Android phone.

If you went to a web resource with flash animation on your gadget, and it does not start at all, or is partially displayed, there can only be one problem. Since the summer of 2012, Adobe completely abandoned and stopped supporting Flash technology on mobile products. Since AdobeFlashPlayer for Android absent in the Play Market, and no one can guarantee the successful launch of sites with flash content. The reason for this is a large number of bugs and frequent crashes of the flash player on Android 4.1. If until this moment interactive graphics on websites were processed using the WebView engine, then since then, a completely different Chromium mechanism has been used to render web pages on mobile.

Undoubtedly, flash is very heavy and requires a lot of hardware. With security here, too, not everything is going smoothly. Other alternatives to this technology are intensively developing - HTML5, Java Script (AJAX) and SVG. But for a web developer, switching from Flash to analog can be a real curse. If you have a ready-made website written in Flash, it will take a lot of time and financial costs to completely rewrite the source code and scripts. What, most likely, as a result, you get a little different in comparison with what was at the beginning.

Despite the irrevocable departure of technology from the mobile market, it is still possible to launch interactive flash-animation on sites from a mobile. And in this article we will talk about several ways to launch and interact with Flash.

How to install flash player on Android 2.x, 3.x and 4.0 OS?

Despite the fact that there is no Flash Player’s in the official store, you can search for the installer of the player on the Web. For example, the portal has all the necessary files for installing flash in a browser. Separately, it is worth noting that flash animation in a web navigator will work only if the application for surfing supports Flash technology. The fact is that many developers are simply abandoning the standard, once widely promoted by Adobe.

But we offer the best way to download Adobe Flash Player for free. This can be done via the link.

How to install flash player on Android 4.1 and later

In older versions of the Android operating system, running Adobe Flash Player is a bit more complicated than in earlier ones. You can download the player for these systems here (we will need the application version under the number Support for flash technology is present in a standard browser in the Android OS and in several third-party web navigators.

The list of browsers with flash player for Android includes:

  • Firefox ()
  • Uc browser
  • UC Browser HD
  • Dolphin browser

In addition, first you need to manually activate support for Adobe Flash technology in the settings menu of these browsers, if this option is present (for example, in the Dolphin browser you need to set the option "Flash Player -\u003e Always On").

As for Chrome, Opera and Yandex.Browser, alas, it is not possible to work with Flash-interactive in them. The same applies to all other browsers based on the Chromium engine.

How to activate flash player on Android 5.x

In the latest versions of Android, you have to look for workarounds for working with Flash animation, since all the methods for installing Android Flash Player described above, alas, are not valid.

First installation method

If you need to run Flash-animation, you can use a third-party application Flashfox. This is a full browser with flash player for Android. Flashfox provides the ability to fully interact with interactive videos, videos and games based on flash-interactive. The only fly in the ointment is the banners that pop up on the tabs, which you can get rid of by buying a pro-version of the product.

   Display dynamic content in Flashfox Flash Player

Two more mobile applets process flash via the cloud - these are Puffin Web Browser and Photon Flash Browser. They have native Flash support, i.e. The ability to play animations is built-in at the engine level, and not through plug-ins or extensions.

You can find all three programs in the official Google Play store.

The second way to enable Android Flash Player

The last remaining loophole to install Adobe Flash Player on Android is downloading the Adobe AIR add-in. This application is a professional environment for the deployment, testing and transfer of software projects for the web from Adobe, using dynamic objects and interactive graphics. In addition to Flash, Adobe AIR supports the languages \u200b\u200bFlex, AJAX and Java Script. Although first of all this environment is of great interest to developers, launching games when using it is also quite affordable.

Summary. In the future, the transition from Flash technology to HTML5 and AJAX is almost inevitable (and not only on mobile platforms, but also on personal computers). Judging by the announcements from the largest companies in the development and implementation of web standards and, in particular, animated content, the era of Adobe Flash has come to an end, and its further promotion is, in fact, a dead end. If you are attached to a game or animated videos based on this technology in Adobe Flash Player for Android, you should take a closer look at applications created on the basis of more modern standards.

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