Download the plugin for android. Adobe Flash Player plugin for Android

Many users of gadgets running the Android operating system would like (for one reason or another) to have the ability to use a flash player on their phone or tablet. Unfortunately, the authors of Flash Player and Android have stopped (starting with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean) the development and integration of a flash player into this popular mobile platform.

However, if you really need to install a flash player on Android, there are still some ways to do this. But keep in mind - the higher the version of Android, the more difficult it is to achieve normal operation of the flash player on it.

Note 1: You perform all of the following manipulations at your own risk.

Note 2: To install distributions not from the playmarket, you must enable the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings of your device. As a rule, the system will offer this on its first installation, but if this did not happen, then enable the installation in the device settings (as a rule, “ General» -> « Security» -> « unknown sources»).

Installing a flash player on Android 2.x-4.x

If you have Android version 2.x, 3.x or 4.x (up to 4.4) installed on your device, installing Flash Player does not provide much trouble. You only need the installer for the desired version and install it. For operating system versions 2.x-3.x, you need to download Flash Player version, and for Android 4.x version

In this case, the content you need will be displayed in all supported browsers. A regular browser will support flash playback depending on its version, firmware and settings.

Installing a flash player on Android 4.4 and higher

Since support for the player was discontinued for these versions of Android, the craftsmen created a modified version of It can also be on the download page for this mobile platform.

Unfortunately, in a standard browser the flash player will not work after that, but you can use other Internet navigators (UC Browser, Mozilla Firefox). Although they will also have to tinker with - depending on the version of Android and the browser, setting up the display of flash content can take from several seconds to tens of minutes or more.

So, for example, in Dolphin Browser you will need to go into the standard settings and enable Dolphin Jetpack there. You also need to enable the item " Flash player" in section " Web content».

Many users of personal computers are already used to the fact that most of the video on the Internet pages is played using the built-in Flash Player, which many browser-based online games also cannot do.

However, the developer company Adobe no longer produces flash players for mobile devices, so using them in normal mode is no longer possible. Instead, developers of Android mobile platforms use HTML5.

The lack of software to install Flash Player on Android is not a problem in itself, but in some cases it causes some inconvenience. However, this is not a reason to be sad - you can install this program in manual mode.

Flash player installation instructions

To do this, you do not need to be an IT specialist or a programmer - now we will figure out how to install a flash player on an android.

To do this, you need:

  • Enter the settings menu on the device by opening the "Protection" section. Near the item "Unknown sources" you need to check. This is necessary so that the device can install applications taken not from the Play Market, but from an extraneous source.
  • Then you need to enter the Adobe resource by this link through the browser of your mobile device. When the page is loaded, at the very bottom it will be possible to find the files united by the heading “Flash Player for Android 4.0 archives”. All versions of Flash Player are shown here, and they are located in the list from the oldest from the bottom to the newest at the top. The version topping the list will be the newest of all available.
  • Download flash player of a given version. In this case, the arch file will be downloaded to the on-board memory of the device.
  • After the download is complete, you can immediately install the program using.

After that, the installation will be completed, and you can watch flash on Android. As an alternative, the necessary arch files can also be downloaded through a personal computer, and then transferred to the tablet or smartphone via a USB cable.

Which flash player is best for smartphones and tablets?

Which flash player is best for android depends on which version of the mobile platform is installed on the device. For all versions from 4 and above, in most cases, versions of a flash player from 11 and above are suitable.

Who uses older versions of the system from Google, version 11 will not work - it just will not install. Therefore, in this case, you should use version 10.2.

If after installation the flash player suddenly refuses to work, you should not panic ahead of time - it is possible that you just work in the Google Chrome browser.

The fact is that the developer does not support Adobe technologies, and therefore they do not work in their browser. To avoid such problems, you should use any other. If the player does not work there, you need to check your browser settings - perhaps the necessary option has not been enabled.

How to update the player on android and not “catch” viruses?

Everything is more complicated here than on a regular computer. A full-fledged program will work on the PC, which itself will offer an update as it appears, but in the case of a mobile system this will not happen.

To do this, you need to view the Adobe resource, tracking the appearance of new versions, download and install them manually.

In no case should you be led to pop-ups with something like this: "Your Flash player is out of date, update it," which may appear on some pages, because that is how viruses spread.

A simple way to update the flash player is to simply go from the Android device to the official Adobe website using the link given above and immediately update.

The capabilities of modern touchscreen gadgets are growing, and they have long reached the level where it became possible to watch videos from YouTube or similar resources on the tablet. Sites broadcasting various television on-line channels are also widely distributed on the Internet and are popular. In order to be able to view all this on a tablet, Flash Player is required.

Purpose of Adobe Flash, general information

Adobe Flash is a universal multimedia platform created by Adobe Systems. Flash player can be used not only to view streaming video, but also use it to create presentations and web applications. Flash Player is used in many games, banner ads, it is used to create and view animations. Sometimes a flash player is also required to play audio on Internet pages. So, the importance of a flash player in the world of interactive technology is incredibly high. Tablet users should know how to install Flash Player on their touch device.

Adobe Flash Destination List

In general, Flash is an interactive web animation technology developed by Macromedia. Adobe Flash is designed for the following tasks:

  • Watching videos on the Internet;
  • Listening to music on some web pages;
  • Work with raster, vector and 3D graphics;
  • Running SWF files;
  • Launching Flash movies (FLV);
  • Running games on web pages.

Adobe Flash Installation Process

The process of installing a flash player does not require programming knowledge or any other technical knowledge! If you follow the instructions, the installation will complete successfully. So, to start, open the tablet’s settings, and then visit the “Protection” section, where check the box next to: “Unknown sources”. By this action, the user makes it clear to the Android device that he allows the device to download and install any applications from the Internet freely (if the checkbox is not checked, the tablet will block attempts to install all Internet applications except for programs from the “Play Market”).

Next, go here, scroll to the very end, and there you will find files for Android devices. Click on the top file below the heading: “Flash Player for Android 4.0 archives”. Since versions are constantly being updated, new items may appear on this list over time. Immediately after the click, the apk application starts loading.

When the download reaches its completion, run the file you downloaded. In the window displayed on the screen of your gadget by the Android system, confirm your consent to the installation by clicking the "Install" button. Installation on any modern tablet, as a rule, does not take much time. Installation speed depends on the processor power of your tablet.

Attention: if the Internet does not work on your tablet, then the file must be downloaded via a desktop computer!

In order to download the necessary file via a desktop computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site from a desktop computer;
  2. Download the necessary apk-file on your PC;
  3. Copy this file to the tablet’s memory card using a card reader, or via a USB connection;
  4. Open the file on the tablet and install it (if the built-in file manager of the tablet does not suit you, you can download another file manager,

After the installation is successfully completed, the user will be able to appreciate all the benefits of Adobe Flash on the tablet.

Pay special attention: in Google Chrome, the flash player will not work, because Google no longer supports it; also in some browsers to work with "flash" you will need to enable this option in the settings after installation.

You can use any browser except Google Chrome. Mobile browsers and their advantages are indicated in the table.

Browser name Benefits disadvantages
Opera High speed, excellent navigation, similarity to the `PC version` (Opera for desktop computers today is one of the most stable and fast browsers) Some users believe that the interface of this browser is too simplified, and many functions that could be useful to an "advanced" user are simply cut from the mobile version of the browser
Uc browser Ergonomically located interface elements; convenient navigation; acceptable speed Negative feedback about the browser: users indicate problems in the work (tabs do not open; it is impossible to switch from one web page to another)
Firefox Bookmark sync support Overly simplified interface, therefore, many useful functions are missing
Dolphin More versatile than competitors; has a nice color scheme (green) Many users complain that in recent years they began to load pages for a long time; there is a problem: the keyboard does not open where it is needed; because of this, you have to close the tab

So, the installation process for Flash Player is really straightforward. Any novice user can handle this.

Alternative download sources

The player can also be downloaded from alternative resources. Follow the link, click on the “Download” button, and on the page that opens under the inscription “Download Adobe Flash Player 11”, click on: “Source 2 (APK file)”. Download will begin instantly.

The second alternative resource offering to download the player for free: After clicking on the link, click the "Android 4.0+ v11.1.115.34" button, located under the caption "Download the Adobe Flash Player." You will be redirected to the page - there, after confirming the download, the player will begin to download.

Download from the second resource

Download and install Flash Player

Program availability Adobeflashplayer On a phone or tablet with newer versions of Android, starting with Android 4.1, Jelly Bean is completely optional. The developer company itself stopped supporting Adobe flash player for this operating system some time ago, saying that it was not going to return to the development of new official versions for the Android platform, and that future versions of the flash player would be considered unofficial. The latest version of Android OS, for which Adobe flash player was officially released, was Android4.0.

However, users who believe that they need an Adobe flash player on their Android mobile device can download and install it themselves from the official Adobe archive. In this article, we will tell you, dear readers, how to install Adobe flash player on a phone or tablet with the Android operating system.

How to install Adobe flash player in Android

The first thing a user needs to do before installing Adobe flash player is allow installation of programs from unknown sources. It is very simple to do this: go to the "Settings" menu on your phone or tablet and find the "Security" (or "Protection" item in some firmware) there. Enter this menu item and check the box "Unknown sources". This will allow you to install applications downloaded not from the Google Play Market.

After that, you need to go to the official Adobe website in the plug-in archive and find the latest versions of the Adobe flash player there, by scrolling down the page. Look for "Flash Player for Android 4.0 archives" or "Flash Player for Android2.x and 3.x archives", depending on the version of Android installed on your phone or tablet. The application comes in the form of a regular * .apk installation file, and you just need to download it to your device and run it like any other program. You can also download the installation file via the link using a computer, and then copy it to the memory of your mobile device.

If you need additional information on this issue, in more detail about how to install applications in the Android operating system, you can find out from our article in our knowledge base:

For the laziest users, direct links to the current versions of the Adobe flash player are provided below, but keep in mind: it’s better to check on the Adobe website if there have been more recent versions of the player since the publication of our article.

Support for Adobe flash player in browsers

After you have installed Adobe flash player, it should work automatically. But if you have a later version of Android than officially having support for a flash player, you may need to enable it in your browser settings. Go to its settings and activate this option.

Note, Adobe flash player does not work in all internet browsers, and if you use one that does not have built-in support for a flash player, installing it will be useless. It is known that Adobe flash player does not work on Android 4.1 and older in the Google Chrome and Opera Classic browsers. For full flash support, you can download one of the browsers with flash support to your mobile device, for example, Dolphin Browser for Android or the popular Firefox.

Users managed to get Adobe Flash player up and running with these browsers even on Android 4.4.x.

To check if the flash player option is activated on your phone or tablet with OC Android, go to the test site from your mobile device using this link and scroll down the page. If you see an animation with a blossoming tree and clouds floating across the sky, then everything is in order, Adobe flash player works correctly.

As you can see, despite all the efforts of the developers :), it is possible to install and use Adobe flash player even on a phone or tablet with new versions of the Android OS. We hope that our instruction helped you answer the question "How to install Adobe flash player for Android", and your flash player works like ours.

Adobe Flash Player   for phones and tablets, Android is a program that, like on a regular computer, allows our devices to play Flash files. The program contains an extended list of supported files, which allows you to play online video in your device’s browser. Flash Player for Android   is not a powerful tool that reproduces many formats. Rather, Adobe Flash Player on Android is a useful plug-in that plays video in a browser and the user can watch video directly from web sites. PC users are well acquainted with the program, since all the video that he watches on a particular site requires the installation of Adobe Flash Player.

Mobile version of Adobe Flash Player on Android

The mobile version of the plugin includes its own 3D accelerator, with the help of which there is a faster loading of web resource pages and smooth video playback. The 3D accelerator contributes to faster rendering of complex graphics elements, so the video is launched and broadcast without interruption.

Another important feature of the plugin is that it helps to save traffic, this is made possible thanks to a complex compression system. As a result, the application will be useful not only for playing videos and watching them on web resources, but also for saving traffic. The video quality does not suffer. You can also update your phone, without registration and SMS payment.

Important! Adobe Flash Player for Android will not function in Opera Mini, for viewing online clips you will need Opera Mobile. To view the list of officially supported devices, it is recommended to visit the resource, which is located at the following web address:

  • Normal version (Android 2.2 and higher) - 11.1.111X
  • Android 4 X and not lower - 11.1.111X.
  • Install Flash Player on Android

There is an opinion among Android owners that Adobe Flash Player   not supported by this version of the mobile device. However, the program is still a success with a large number of users. And some even think about updating the old version. To install, we need to download the program and copy the file to your phone or tablet, then the program itself is installed and we launch the browser. In the browser settings we find the Flash Player option, and put a checkmark in front of the program. At this point, the installation completes.

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