Modern problems of science and education



development of search and research activities of children through games - experiments

Software developer: Uglova O.M.

Position: Educator

Program expert: O. A. Indyukova


Explanatory note

Modern society needs a person with an extraordinary, creative thinking, a broad outlook, able to set and solve extraordinary tasks. The problem of children's giftedness in our country is of national importance, therefore it is no coincidence that special attention is paid various programsaimed at developing the abilities of children, at creating conditions for the development of giftedness in preschool, school, secondary specialized institutions and universities. Realization of the creative potential of an individual is an urgent need of today, a social order of our time.

Gifted children are national pride. Identifying capable children and working with them is an urgent task kindergarten.

External manifestations of giftedness in various personal abilities are diverse. They are expressed in childhood, first of all, as a faster development (speech and thinking), as the speed and accuracy of performing mental operations, as an early passion (music, sports, drawing, etc.), as a desire for creativity, as a child's curiosity as its high cognitive activity. A gifted child is distinguished by the richness of an active vocabulary, the speed and originality of verbal associations, in terms of the level of mental development (and, above all, mental reflection), gifted children surpass not only their peers (on average by two years), but also many adults.

Distinguished by the breadth of perception, gifted children acutely feel everything that happens in the world around them and are extremely curious about how this or that object is arranged. They have the ability to perceive the connections between phenomena and objects and draw appropriate conclusions; they like to create in their imagination alternative systems.

Excellent memory, combined with early speech development and the ability to classify and categorize, help such a child accumulate a large amount of information and use it intensively.

The following features of the cognitive activity of a gifted child can be distinguished:

    Gifted children have a large vocabulary that allows them to freely and clearly express their thoughts.

    Along with the ability to perceive semantic ambiguities, to maintain a high threshold of perception for a long time, they are happy to deal with difficult and even not having a practical solution to problems, they do not tolerate when ready-made answers are imposed on them.

    They are distinguished by a long period of concentration and great persistence in solving problems.

The enthusiasm for tasks characteristic of a gifted child, combined with a lack of experience, often leads to the fact that he tries to do things that he is not yet able to do.

The Inquisitive Search Engine Program is aimed at the development of search and research activities of gifted (talented) preschoolers through games-experiments.

The development of the cognitive interests of preschoolers is one of the urgent problems pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity in young children: "The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all spheres of children's life, all children's activities, including play."

Children are researchers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, to independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered the most important features of children's behavior. Research, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is tuned in to cognition of the world, he wants to know it. To explore, to discover, to study is to take a step into the unknown. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant at the present stage, since it develops children's curiosity, inquisitiveness of the mind and forms, on their basis, stable cognitive interests through research activities.

The introduction of the program into the educational process is advisable, because promotes the development of cognitive activity, resourcefulness, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge of the world around and reflection.

Novelty of this program is that search and research activity is a condition for the manifestation of high abilities of gifted children.

In 2014, on the basis of our MADOU kindergarten "Rodnichok", a postcard club "Inquisitive search engine", the development of search and research activities of children through games - experiments.

Main target circle: Create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of search and cognitive activity in gifted children, as the basis for intellectual and personal, creative development.

Taskscup :

    Develop a cognitive interest in activities in the form of experimental actions and mastery of ways of practical interaction with the environment.

    Expanding the prospects of search and cognitive activity by including children in mental, modeling, transformative actions.

    Maintaining initiative, intelligence, independence, evaluative and critical attitude to the world in children.

Terms of implementation of additional educational program

The program is being implemented for 1 year.

Participants in the implementation of the Program: - children 4-5 years old;

Teaching staff;

Parents (legal representatives)

The program provides for the training of gifted children:

    teaching together with other gifted children (in small groups).

    form of work: play, experimental activity of the educator and children, where creative tasks, problem situations are solved.

The intended output of the program:

    Development of cognitive activity, resourcefulness, curiosity, striving for independent knowledge of the world around and thinking;

    Maintain and develop in the child an interest in search and research activities;

    Participation of children in contests and festivals of various levels.

Forms and mode of training

The educational activities of children under this program are carried out once a week after lunch for 20 minutes in the form of a circle lesson. The activity is of a developing nature, takes place in a playful way, with problem-search tasks.

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

Circle work is organized in a specially designated office equipped in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

The work is carried out in three stages:


Study of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature. Program development. (June-September)


Program approbation (October-May)


Analysis of the work done. Diagnostics (May)

II. Planning

When drawing up a long-term work plan, the following principles were observed:

· Availability of material, reliability;

· Seasonality; · Sequences;

· Presentation of material from simple to complex;

· Transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones.

Directions of search and research activities

Activity Topics

Methods and techniques for interacting with children



Experimenting with sand, clay

"Magic material"

"Why does the sand flow so well?"


Long-term observation

individual and group forms of work


Encourage a comparative analysis of the properties of sand, clay. Reveal the features of interaction with water, the effect of water on their properties

Experimenting with water

"Let's find out what kind of water", "Making colored ice floes"

"We play with colors", "Tasty water",

"Colored water"

individual and group forms of work, conversation, practical activities, joint activities of an adult and children

July August. December

Facilitate the establishment of properties and qualities of water, snow and ice, their comparison. Give an idea that some substances dissolve in water; the more of this substance, the more changes the properties of water (color intensity, taste, smell). Bring to the understanding that water temperature affects its properties (the higher the temperature, the faster substances dissolve in water, the slower it freezes. To reveal the value of water for the life of plants, animals, humans

Experimenting with air

"Dance of the Peas"

"Search for air"

Rescue Bubbles,

"Sea battle"

Joint activities of an adult and children, observation, individual and group forms of work, practical activities


Contribute to the mastery of some methods of detecting air in and around oneself. To bring to an understanding of the importance of air and its temperature for the life of plants, animals and humans. To give an idea that air takes up space, under different conditions the properties of air are not the same, about some conditions in which air becomes unfavorable for breathing (smoke, vapors of toxic substances, etc.)

Observations of plant life

"What do plants like?"

"Where do the seeds live?", "Competition", "In the light, in the dark",

"In the warm, in the cold"

Conversation, group work, practical activity, long-term observation, observation


Bring to the understanding that a plant is alive, that is, it grows, changes, it has children (seeds), from which new plants grow.Allows you to compare living and inanimate objects to identify signs of living things: nutrition, respiration, growth, development

Experimenting with light

"Sunbeams", "rainbow highlights",

Paint the Rainbow, Magic Brush

Joint activities of an adult and children, observation, conversation, practical activities

October, April

Bring to the understanding that light comes from a source, that illumination depends on the intensity of the light. Expand ideas about the variety of natural and man-made light sources (sun, moon, firefly, candle, lamp, flashlight). Explain the importance of light for the life of plants and animals. Encourage to obtain new colors and shades of the same color of different saturation by mixing two colors. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rainbow, its colors and their sequence.

Experimenting with objects

"The Secret of the Pine Cone"


"Magic Mirrors",

"Wonderful matches"


"Magic mitten"

Practical activities,

Conversation, individual and group forms of work, Observation,

Joint activities of an adult and children


December, March

Create conditions for the formation of the ability to characterize an object based on the determination of color, shape, size, weight, material, purpose. Facilitate the determination of the material from which the object is made: glass, metal, plastic, porcelain, faience, polyethylene, fabric, paper. Develop the ability to identify the characteristics and properties of these materials

III. Working with parents

A well-thought-out system of cooperation with parents is of great importance in working with preschoolers.

    Visual information is drawn up in the parent corner

- Consultation on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers"

- Memo "Do's and don'ts to maintain children's interest in cognitive experimentation"

Design of the "My openings" folder

    Parents survey


    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B., Bogoyavlenskaya M.E. Psychology of giftedness: concept, types, problems. M., 2005.

    ... “Gifted children in kindergarten and school” AI Savenkov. 2000 Moscow.

    “Organization of the work of preschoolers with talented preschoolers / author - comp. Yu.A. Afonkina, O. V. Filatov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.

    Working concept of giftedness / Ed. D.B. Epiphany. 2nd ed., Ext. revised M., 2003.

    A.I. Savenkov Psychology of children's giftedness. M., 2010.

    Dybina O.V., Poddyakov N.N., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. A child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activity of preschool children / Ed. OV Dybina.-M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

    Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old: thematic planning, recommendations, class notes / author-comp. E.A. Martynov, I.M. Suchkov. -Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

    Raviz F.V. Simple experiments. M., 1997

    Sikoruk L.L. Physics for Kids, Moscow, 1983

    Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: Methodical recommendations / Under total. Ed. by L.N. Prokhorova.-3rd ed., rev. and add. - M .: ARKTI, 2008.

Attachment 1

Parents questionnaire

Goal: to reveal the attitude of parents to the search and research activity of children.

    What is your child's research activity?

    What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?

    Does it happen that the child continues the experimentation begun in kindergarten at home? If so, how often?

    How do you participate in your child's experimental activities?

    Does the child share with you the results of the experiment (discoveries)?

Of particular importance for the development of a child's personality is acquaintance with the surrounding reality, when it appears before him in all its diversity and the child becomes familiar with everything that society lives with.
The child seeks to understand how objects are arranged, to learn something new about the world, to get ideas about different sides life.

With the help of search and research activities, it is possible to maintain and develop in the child an interest in research, gaining experience of successful own research activities, development of perception, thinking, and most importantly - speech (ability to reflect, reason and analyze). We assumed that if we use, along with other techniques, methods and means of search and research, then the formation of the child as an independent, proactive personality will be more successful.

Therefore, in the kindergarten MDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten" Skazka "in Abakan, a city problem group was organized to study the organization of search and research activities of preschoolers.

The group set itself the following tasks:

  1. to reveal the content of search and research methods in kindergarten;
  2. determine the place and significance of search and research activities in kindergarten;
  3. to ensure the organization of search and research activities in kindergarten.

And I went through several stages:

  1. 2006 - 2007 academic year:
    a) preparatory - defining the goals and objectives of the problem group;
    b) diagnostic - collection of the necessary information.
  2. 2007 - 2008 academic year:
    a) analysis of the information received and the creation of a methodological base and a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, participants in a problem group;
    b) formative - work to familiarize and establish links with other kindergartens in the city, a teacher of a teacher training college (Vasilyeva I.G.) through consultations, business games (see Appendix 1). Seminars - workshops, for example, a seminar - workshop "Journey into the past". The seminar was held jointly with kindergarten teachers in the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  3. 2008 - 2009 academic year:
    a) final - generalization of work experience and formulation of conclusions.

To help educators, memoranda were developed that guide educators to a creative approach to organizing search and research activities, long-term planning for the cognitive and research activities of a preschooler was drawn up.

For the formation of a culture of thinking and the development of skills and abilities of research behavior, different methods can be used. We examined the methods offered by AI Savenkov in his article "Research methods of teaching in children's education." One of the techniques that AI Savenkov uses in working with works of art is the use of simple graphical schemes. This makes it possible to identify the logical structure of the text. I have used one diagram to present research teaching methods. The scheme is called "Spider". It was suggested by the English teacher D. Hamblin.

The main goal of our study is the search and research activity of the preschooler. What methods and techniques can be used in working with children? I presented them in the scheme "Spider - 2" (see Appendix 2). In the center of the diagram are research teaching methods, these are

  • Level 1 - the body of the spider.
  • Level 2 - the legs of the spider - the main components of the method (there are ten of them) - facts confirming and revealing.
  • Level 3 is “spider-legged shoes”. They give our spider stability. Level 3 contains information on definitions, questions and classification.

Using research methods in kindergarten, we fulfill the main requirement of the programs, namely, the entire upbringing and educational process should be built on the game and play techniques and partnerships.

The kindergarten works according to the Childhood program, after carefully studying it, we came to the conclusion: the authors of the program singled out experimental activity as the main type of research activity. Although the search and research activity of the child begins from early childhood. The child tastes everything, to the touch, determines the shape, color, purpose, and so on. Before starting work with children, we introduced parents to this problem. During the whole time worked

  • consultation point,
  • poster presentation on the topic,
  • photo exhibitions, where we covered the problems of search and research activities of a preschooler.

Cognitive activities are held once a week. By using the exploratory method, we have moved away from the traditional teaching activity of an adult teaching and a child learning. But AI Savenkov emphasizes that "the dominance of the research method in teaching does not exclude other methods and techniques, it only presupposes its predominance." To achieve results, we used the following forms of work: experiments in the research corner, "Traveling along the river of time", implementation of research projects, collecting, observation, experiments in animate and inanimate nature. And necessarily work according to the plan, where in thematic, constructive, visual, speech activity we develop the child's cognitive initiative. We organize classes in such a way that children consolidate old knowledge and receive new ones, applying research methods of teaching in kindergarten. When organizing search and research activities, we turned to the recommendations of N. A. Korotkova in the book “ Educational process in older groups ”.

The group in which I work is speech therapy. Therefore, the lessons of the cognitive cycle correspond to the thematic material offered to us by the speech therapist. For example, the theme "seasons" (seasons) is divided by us into four sub-themes: winter, spring, summer, autumn. You can also compare it with another just beginning at the end of one season.

We have developed our own version of perspective thematic planning of classes, taking into account search and research activities (see Appendix 3).

The results of diagnostics at the time of admission of children to the group showed (2006 - 2007 academic year, senior group) that 80% of children have (conditionally) low interest in search and research activities. By the end of training in preparatory group the diagnostic results showed that, using the methods of research teaching, we got a higher (conditional) result. Only 40% of children have (conditionally) low interest in search and research activities.

The children have increased cognitive activity, interest in the world. They have become more self-confident, strive to get results when achieving their goals. The speech of children has improved (it is understandable to others). Children express their thoughts clearly, make the right assumptions, make coherent creative stories. The children have the preconditions for further education.

The results of the questionnaire survey of parents (see Appendix 4) at the beginning of the education of children in a group (2006-2007 academic year) showed that 88% of parents did not know what a child's exploratory behavior was. Accepted at the level of tactile research, experimental activity.

The results of a questionnaire survey of parents at the beginning of the 2007-2008 academic year showed that 73% of parents know what objects and materials children like to experiment with and call them. Often they continue their research at home, take part in them. Parents note that their children have become more open and independent. Children can observe, compare, analyze, combine. We managed to acquire interested, understanding partners in the person of parents.

Attachment 1
Business game
"Test your abilities"
Purpose: to expand your own horizons, development of attention, memory, organizational, creative and logical abilities.
Participants: teachers of the urban problem group.
Jury: kindergarten administration.
Condition: division into two teams, coming up with a name.
Job options:
1. "Warm-up". Teams provide ideas and answers to each question:
2. What does it take to become a millionaire?
3. What should be done to prevent children from falling asleep during class?
4. Is there a key to a woman's heart? If so, which one?
5. What if some are plotting, while others are castles in the air?
6. "Become a poet." Participants are encouraged to come up with a rhyme for an unfinished sentence.
Suggestions for team # 1:
1. There was a cow on the moon ...
2. Let's cook soup from an ax ...
3. Torn off the dog's tail ...
Suggestions for team # 2:
1. Sprat swam in tomato ...
2. A dragonfly sat on a hat ...
3. We asked a parrot ...

Competition "Remember the figures". Chalk and rag are required for this competition.
Six shapes are drawn (in turn). First one, then it is erased and another is drawn in its place. Each of them is shown for seven seconds. All participants try to restore all the figures in sequence.
Shapes: triangle, square, circle in a square, cross in a square, cross, oblique stick with a dot in the middle.
Contest "Think of a Model". Come up with and describe a new model.

"House for birds" - team number 1
"Sports equipment" - team number 2
1.Questions for savvy. A point is awarded to the one who first answers the question:
1) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one).
2) What will happen to the crow when she turns three? (the fourth will go).
3) Have seven brothers in a sister. How many sisters are there? (one).
4) Who is upside down above us? (fly).
5) What does half an apple look like? (for the second half).
6) Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (ostriches don't fly).
7) What bird consists of the letter and the name of the river? (oriole).
8) How much hard egg should you boil: two, three or five? (no matter how much, it is already cooked).
1. "Draw without an object." Each participant is invited to portray an object or action, the opponents guess. The jury in this case evaluates the artistry and originality.
1) Threads the needle;
2) Sew on a button;
3) Toss and catch the ball;
4) Chop wood;
5) Sharpen the pencil;
6) Transfer an item from one place to another;
7) Toss the ball with a friend;
8) Expand and fold the newspaper;
9) Take in hands alternately very cold, warm and hot objects.
10) Pour water from one glass to another several times.
11) Smell an apple, orange, rose, onion, ammonia;
12) Place several plates one on top of the other without making the slightest noise.
1. Game "Good - bad". Educators call positive and negative bride games.
Team # 1 is good, team # 2 is bad.
Scoring. Awarding the winners with playful prizes.

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Advanced thematic planning

Month / week
Real events in the environment
Study types

"Our garden-vegetable garden"
(vegetables fruits)
"The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries"

Leaf fall
Experiences (amazing fruits)

"Migratory birds"
First snow
Collecting, classification
Map travel

A family
Time travel
Experiments with water
Wintering birds
Wild animals of our forests
New Year

New Year
Experiments with water,
Travel on the map
Time travel
Winter fun
Animals of cold and hot countries
New Year
Experiments ("skier", colorful icicles)
Time travel
Travel on the map
February 23
Defender of the Fatherland Day

Travel on the map
Time travel
8th March
Water and aquatic life
Indoor flowers
International Women's Day

Travel on the map
Our town
Traffic Laws
Cosmonautics Day
Time travel
Travel on the map
Experiments (jet planes, sailing races)
Spring and Labour Day
Spring and Labour Day

Time travel
Experiments (sun hat)
Appendix 4

Parents questionnaire

Purpose: to reveal the attitude of parents to the search and research activities of the child.

1. What is your child's exploratory activity?

2. What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with?

3. Does it happen that the child continues the study begun in kindergarten at home? If so, how often? (Often, rarely, always, never).

4. How do you participate in the child's research activities?

5. Does the child share with you the research results (their discoveries)?

Natalia Korshunova

Child preschool age - a natural explorer of the surrounding world. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal feelings, actions, experiences. “The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, under other equal conditions, will be his creative, research activity"- wrote Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

Development cognitive interests preschoolers is one of the urgent problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. Play in research often develops into real creativity. And then, it doesn't matter at all whether the child discovered something fundamentally new or did something that everyone has known for a long time. The scientist problem solver at the forefront of science, and a kid discovering a world still little known to him, uses the same mechanisms of creative thinking. Cognitive research activities in preschool institution allows you not only to maintain the existing interest, but also to excite, for some reason, faded, which is the key to successful learning in the future.

Development cognitive activity in children preschool age is especially important in modern worldbecause thanks to development cognitive research activities are developing and children's curiosity, the inquisitiveness of the mind, and on their basis stable cognitive interests are formed.

Today, society is becoming new system preschool education... The role of a modern educator is not limited to delivering information to the child in a finished form. The teacher is called upon to lead the child to gain knowledge, help development creative activity of the child, his imagination. It is in the cognitive research preschooler activities gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity, to streamline his ideas about the world.

During the period preschool age, the ability to initial forms of generalization, inference is formed. However, such cognition is carried out by children not in a conceptual, but in the main visual-figurative form, in process of activity with cognizable objects, objects. Formation of intellectual abilities preschoolers should be carried out with the purposeful guidance of adults who set a specific task for the child, provide the means to solve it and control process transforming knowledge into a tool for creative mastering of the world. This development should be built as an independent creative search... Research, search engine activity is the natural state of a child, since he is tuned in to master the world around him and wants to know it. This inner urge to explore generates exploratory behavior and creates the conditions for mental the development of the child initially unfolded, as self-development process... During search and research activities preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, establish a causal relationship, observe safety rules. Experimental activity is, along with the game host preschooler activities... IN preschooler experimenting gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity (why, why, how, what will happen, if, etc., feel like a scientist, researcher, pioneer.

When organizing experimental research activities the following methods are used and tricks:

Conversations; formulation and solution of problematic issues; observation;

Working with tables, mnemonic tables, diagrams;

Observations on walks experiments;

Reading fiction

Didactic games, game educational and creative developing situations;

Labor orders, actions.

Problem development cognitive activity preschoolers extensively researched by teachers and psychologists: Sergey Leopoldovich Rubinstein, Nikolai Nikolaevich Poddyakov, Lidia Ilinichna Bozhovich, Boris Gerasimovich Ananiev, Mikhail Fedorovich Belyaev, Olga Vasilievna Afanasyeva, Leonid Abramovich Venger. Authors define preschool age as sensitive for development cognitive activity, highlighting its main stages of formation - curiosity, curiosity, cognitive interest. Currently in the system preschool education uses a variety of pedagogical technologies. One of the technologies that provides personality-oriented education and training is the project method, since it practically absorbs other modern technologies... The conceptual framework for the design methodology was developed by American scientists D.J.Dewey and W.H. Kilpatrick. The design technology is based on activity approachappropriate activities of children.

The purpose of project learning is to create conditions under which children:

They independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from various sources;

- develop research skills;

- develop systems thinking;

They acquire communication skills by working in different groups;

They learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical problems.

There are also sources for development of search and research activities of preschoolers(program by Olga Vitalievna Dybina, Nikolai Nikolaevich Poddyakov “A child in the world search: organization program search activity of preschool children»,

I. E. Kulikovskaya, N. N. Sovgir "Children's experimentation» ).

These technologies offer to organize work in such a way that children can repeat the experience shown to adults, observe and answer questions using the results of the experiments.

Using the method of targeted observation of pupils in activity selection processtalking with the children of my group on the topic of revealing knowledge about the properties of materials (water, snow, ice, sand, clay, soil, magnet, I noted what:

Children rarely show cognitive interest in, take part in planning experimental activity at the suggestion of an adult, with the help of an adult, prepare material for experiment;

Children have difficulty understanding the cause-and-effect relationships of the phenomenon under consideration,

Experiencing difficulties in independent analysis of phenomena;

They do not clearly and correctly formulate their thoughts about a given situation.

When equipping a corner experimentation the following demands:

1. safety for the life and health of children;

2. sufficiency;

3. availability of location.

The organization of work proceeds according to two interrelated directions:

1. Wildlife;

2. Inanimate nature;

For the decoration of the children's center experimentation in the kindergarten group you can use:

- natural materials: sand, stones, kinetic (alive) sand, shells, leaves, twigs, chestnuts, cones, etc.;

- food materials: cereals, flour, salt, sugar, plant seeds, peas, corn kernels, legumes, food colors;

-equipment and tools: storage containers, test tubes, magnifiers, magnets, plastic and wooden sticks, spoons, watering cans, trays, cups, mirror, hourglass, rubber pears, scales;

Literature and card-schemes;

Colored paper, paints, scissors, scraps of fabric, etc.

This material allows the child to independently conduct experiments, discuss their results with other children and the teacher, record them on cards or in an album.

IN experimentation children form not only intellectual impressions, but also develop the ability to work in a team and independently defend their own point of view, prove correctness, determine the reasons for failure experimentally - experimental activities make elementary conclusions. Integration of research work with other types of nursery activities: observations during a walk, reading, playing allows you to create conditions for consolidating ideas about natural phenomena, the properties of materials, substances.

"Search and research activities"

Fedotova Galina Ivanovna,

teacher of the middle group of kindergarten No. 12 in Tashtagol, Kemerovo region.

The development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers by means of search and research activities

Experimenting as a means of learning about the world

Currently, we are witnessing how another one is being formed in the preschool education system. effective method cognition of the laws and phenomena of the surrounding world - a method of experimentation.

1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity, in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personality motives that underlie self-movement and self-development of preschoolers are most pronounced.

2. In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (a cognitive form of experimentation), at obtaining products of children's creativity - new buildings, drawings of fairy tales, etc. (a productive form of experimentation).

3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.

4. The activity of experimentation, taken in all its completeness and universality, is a universal way of functioning of the psyche.

The main advantage of using the experimenting method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

Children get real ideas about different aspects of the studied object, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment.

The child's memory is being enriched, his thought processes are activated, since the need constantly arises to perform the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation.

The child's speech develops, since he needs to give an account of what he saw, to formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions.

There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations, which are considered as mental skills.

Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena to achieve a certain result.

In the process of experimental activity, the child's emotional sphere, creative abilities are developed, labor skills are formed, health is strengthened due to an increase in the general level of physical activity.

Children love to experiment. This is due to the fact that visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking is inherent in them, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age characteristics. In preschool age, he is the leading, and in the first three years - practically the only way to learn about the world. Experimentation is rooted in the manipulation of objects.

When forming the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal.

The knowledge gained not from books, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more solid. The use of this teaching method was advocated by such classics of pedagogy as Ya.A. Komensky, I. G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, K.D. Ushinsky and many others.

Summarizing his own rich factual material, N.N. Poddyakov formulated the hypothesis that in childhood, the leading activity is not play, as is commonly believed, but experimentation. To substantiate this conclusion, he provides evidence.

1. Play activities require stimulation and a certain organization on the part of adults; the game must be taught. In the activity of experimentation, the child independently acts in various ways on the objects and phenomena around him (including on other people) with the aim of a more complete knowledge of them. This activity is not assigned to an adult child, but is built by the children themselves.

2. In experimentation, the moment of self-development is quite clearly presented: the transformations of the object made by the child reveal new aspects and properties of the object to him, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows new, more complex and perfect transformations to be made.

3. Some children don't like to play; they prefer to do something; but their mental development proceeds normally. With the deprivation of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them through experimentation, the child's mental development is inhibited.

4. Finally, fundamental proof is the fact that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children's life, including play.

N.N. Poddyakov singles out experimentation as the main type of orientation - research (search) activity. The more varied and more intense search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. At one time, I.M.Sechenov wrote about the innate and precious property of the neuropsychic organization of a child - an unconscious desire to understand the surrounding life. Search and research activity develops and consolidates the child's cognitive attitude to the world around him. With the mastery of speech, the cognitive activity of the preschooler rises to a new qualitative level. In speech, the knowledge of children is generalized, the ability for analytical and synthetic activity is formed not only in relation to directly perceived objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

In preschool education, experimentation is a teaching method that allows a child to simulate in his creation a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, establishing interdependencies, patterns, etc.

After three years, the child goes into a period of curiosity, which, subject to the correct upbringing of the child, goes into a period of curiosity (after 5 years). It was during this period that experimental activity acquired its typical features, now experimentation is becoming an independent activity. The older preschool child acquires the ability

experimenting, i.e. he acquires the following set of skills in this activity: to see and highlight a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and connections, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses and assumptions, select funds and materials for independent activity, carry out experiment, draw conclusions, record stages of actions and results graphically.

The acquisition of these skills requires systematic, purposeful work of the teacher, aimed at developing the activities of children's experimentation.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.

At the place of the experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.

By the number of children: individual, group, collective.

For the reason of their implementation: random, planned, posed in response to a child's question.

By the nature of their inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (carried out from case to case), systematic.

By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

By the number of observations for the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing one to see one state of an object or one phenomenon out of connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing one to see the dynamics of a process or note changes in the state of an object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns are traced the process studied earlier in separate stages).

By the nature of the children's cognitive activity: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

By the method of application in the audience: demo, frontal.

Each of the types of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

In everyday life, children themselves often experiment with various substances, trying to learn something new. They disassemble toys, observe objects falling into the water (sinking - not sinking), taste metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such "amateur performance" is that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules. The experiment, specially organized by the teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time acquaints him with the various properties of the surrounding objects, with the laws of the life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. In this regard, in a preschool educational institution, an experiment must meet the following conditions: the maximum simplicity of the design of devices and the rules for handling them, the reliability of the operation of the devices and the unambiguity of the results obtained, showing only the essential aspects of the phenomenon or process,

clear visibility of the phenomenon under study, the possibility of the child's participation in the repeated demonstration of the experiment. As psychologists emphasize, for the development of a child, it is not the abundance of knowledge that is decisive, but the type of their assimilation, determined by the type of activity in which knowledge is acquired.

Experimentation stimulates the search for new actions and promotes courage and flexibility in thinking.

What should a teacher remember when organizing experimental activities?

  • Criticism is the enemy of creativity. It is necessary to avoid a negative assessment of children's ideas, the use of directive techniques.
  • Show a sincere interest in any child's activity, be able to see the work of thoughts behind his mistakes, the search for his own solution.
  • Foster a child's confidence in their own strengths by expressing an assessment that anticipates success.
  • To cultivate persistence in completing the task, bringing the experiment to the end.
  • End the discussion on the problem being solved before signs of loss of interest in children appear.
  • Summing up the results of the experiment, the teacher can ask leading questions, but the children themselves name the problem posed, remember all the proposed hypotheses, formulate the correct conclusion and evaluate their work.

Children, first with the help of adults, and then independently, go beyond the limits of knowledge and skills. This is how the experiment connects the child's creative manifestations with his aesthetic development.

A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is what the active introduction of children's experimentation into the practice of preschool educational institutions is based on.

The developmental environment plays an important role in the development of the child.

It is necessary that it be directed to the development of cognitive abilities, to the development of the search and research activities of children.

"Sand, clay, water", "Sound", "Magnets", "Paper", "Light", "Glass", "Rubber";

In our time, in the issue of upbringing and teaching children, the social order has changed: yesterday you needed a "performer", and today - a creative person with an active life position, with his own logical thinking. Learning should be “problematic”, ie. must contain exploratory search elements. It should be organized according to the laws of scientific research and built as an independent creative search. The work of a teacher in problem learning is to create a cognitive task, situation and provide children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills.


« Value search - research

activities in development baby »

“Preschool age is unique,

that's why it's important not to miss

this period for disclosure

creativity of everyone child ".

S. Gin

"Children'ssearch- researchactivityfor the development of the surrounding world is a type of activitybabyaimed atsearchobjective information about the structure of the surrounding world through personal practical experimentation with the object of research "

Study researchactivitiesas a holistic education of the personality made it possible to identify its psychological basis, consisting of interrelated processes. These include, according to A.I. Savenkov:

Intelligent processes associated withdevelopment of thinking operations(analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification, which G.I.Schukina calls"The core of the cognitive process" , the focus of children's questions on the essential properties and characteristics of the object under study,searchnew ways of solving cognitive tasks;

Emotional processes, characterized by a positive attitude towards the object and most clearly manifested during interaction with another person (providing assistance, manifestation of responsiveness, empathy, positive emotions from jointactivitieswith adults and peers). Researchactivitiesthe emotional beginning, as noted by Yu. N. Kuljutkin, contains powerful energy resources that reinforce it, make it more stable, thereby ensuring its development into an inherent personality trait;

Strong-willed(regulatory) processes. Aspiration, purposefulness, overcoming difficulties, decision-making, focusing attention, attitude to process and resultsactivities, developmentreflective abilities - all this regulates anddevelops research activities.

In the studies of L. S. Vygotsky, A. K. Dusavitsky, V. N. Myasishchev, N. G. Morozova, A. I. Sorokina and others, it has been proved that the researchactivityis an incentive fordevelopmentvolitional personality traits;

Creative processes are expressed in the independent transfer of previously learned methodsactivities in a new situation, by combining previously known methodsactivities into new activities, a manifestation of the ability for original thinkingactivities... Researchactivityserves as a basis for improving abilities and inclinationsbabyto various types of creativeactivities... Creativity through collaborativeactivities of an adult and a childpromotes reflection inactivitiesimpressions from past experiencebaby... Influenced by researchactivitiesimagination, fantasy, anticipation, creation of new images, models and more are activated.

Thus, thoughts, emotions, will and creativity - in the aggregate, form the basis of researchactivities... The presence of all the variety of processes included in the researchactivity, is a condition of intellectual and creativepersonality development, herself-development.

Preschoolers are born researchers, which confirms their curiosity, constant desire for experiment, desire to independently find a solution to a problem situation. The task of preschool teachers is to ensure that thisactivitychildren are actively encouraged.

Design and researchactivityfits organically into the system of educational work of the kindergarten. She actively weaves into all kindsactivitiesand makes a single whole with them. The content of the experimentalactivitiesimplemented in the following formsactivities:

1) educationalactivity, carried out in the process of organizing various types of children'sactivities(play, communicative, OOD, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

2) educationalactivity, carried out during the regime moments;

3) interaction with families of children.

The main organizedactivity(OOD) the cognitive cycle is complemented by the experimental,search activity, which allows you to enrich the tasks of cognitivedevelopment and enhance the developmental effect.

Outside of class, experiments in the laboratory are carried out at the request of the children independently, the teacher askschild experience goal, but does not interfere with it. The results of experiments and the output of knowledge gained in independentchildren's activities, are reflected in further conversations. Children enthusiastically talk about who did what and what they did, analyze the data obtained. This has a positive effect ondevelopment

children's speech, the ability to build complex sentences, draw conclusions. The role of the educator is to prepare key questions that will trigger and keep the pupils active. The final conclusion is formulated by the educator.

In the development of experimentalchildren's activities are of great importance... With its help, children learn not only the external parameters of natural objects (color, structure, smell, etc.), but also acquire various skills aimed at cognition or practical transformation of nature (work on caring for plants and animals, fine artactivityand observational stories of children).

During excursions and targeted walks, you get to know the diversity of the organic world, observe objects and natural phenomena at different times of the year; children learn to navigate the terrain. A walk is a wonderful time when educators can gradually introduce children to the secrets of nature - living and inanimate, talk about the life of a variety of plants and animals, and they have the opportunity to experiment in natural conditions.

It is known that no educational or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and full mutual understanding between parents and the teacher. For successful interactionnecessary :

establish partnerships with the family of each pupil and join efforts todevelopment and education of children;

create an atmosphere of common interests;

to activate and enrich parenting skills;

formation of a responsible attitude among parents for the nature of their native land through educationbaby.

In individual conversations,consultations, at parent-teacher meetings, through various types of visual agitation, we convince parents of the need for daily attention to children's joys and sorrows, encouraging aspirationsbaby learn new, independently find out the incomprehensible, delve into the essence of objects and phenomena, offer a card index of elementary experiments and experiments that can be carried out at home.

Experiments can be classified according to different principles.

1. By the nature of the objects used inexperiment :

- experiments with plants;

- experiments with animals;

- experiments with objects of inanimate nature;

- experiences, the object of which is a person.

2. At the venueexperiences :

- in a group room;

- on the site, etc.

3. By the number of children :

- individual(1-4 baby ) ;

- group(5-10 children) ;

- collective(whole group) .

4. Due to their holding :

- random. No special training is required.

-planned. Preparing for planned observations and experiments begins with defining goals and objectives.

- in response to the questionbaby... After listening to the question, the teacher does not answer it, but advisesto kidto establish the truth yourself by making a simple observation.

5. By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogicalprocess :

- episodic(conducted from time to time) ;

- systematic.

6. By duration :

- short-term(5 to 15 minutes) ;

- long(over 15 minutes) .

7. By the number of observations of the sameobject :

- single use;

- multiple, or cyclical.

8. In place in the loop :

- primary;

- repeated;

- final and final.

9. By the nature of the thinkingoperations :

- ascertaining(allowing you to see any one state of an object or one phenomenon out of connection with other objects and phenomena);

- comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or mark changes in the state of the object);

- generalizing (experiments in which the general patterns of the process previously studied in separate stages are traced).

10. By the nature of the cognitivechildren's activities:

- illustrative(children know everything, and the experiment only confirms the familiar facts) ;

- search engines(children do not know in advance what the result will be) ;

- solving experimental problems.

11. According to the method of application inaudience :

- demo;

- frontal.

Experiment structure

In each experiment, a sequence of successive stages can be distinguished.

1. Awareness that you want to know.

2. Formulation of the research task.

3. Thinking over the experimental technique.

4. Listening to instructions and criticisms.

5. Forecasting of results.

6. Execution of work.

7. Compliance with safety rules.

8. Observation of results.

9. Fixing the results.

10. Analysis of the data obtained.

11. Verbal report on what he saw.

12. Formulation of conclusions.

Experiments are accompanied in children by speaking and putting forward many hypotheses, guesses, attempts to predict expected results. Repeated repetition of the same experiments, typical of many children, develops in them a certain algorithm of actions, clarity in the performance of individual operations, accuracy in work(otherwise the experiment may fail) ... And the questions"What for?" , "How?" and"Why?" already demand from educators competence in various areas of the world around us. In a kindergarten setting, I use only elementary experiments and experiments. Their elementalityconsists :

First, in the nature of thetasks : they are unknown only to children.

Secondly, in the process of these experiments, scientific discoveries do not occur, but elementary concepts and inferences are formed.

Thirdly, they are practically safe.

Fourthly, such work uses ordinary household, gaming and non-standard equipment.

Thus, in the work on the experimental activities children need to use different forms and methods in a complex, correctly combine them with each other. The choice of methods and the need for their complex use are determined by the age capabilities of preschoolers and the nature of the educational and educational tasks that the educators solve.

Mastering systematized search-cognitive knowledge, the formation of experimental and experimental actions forms the basis of logical thinking, provides the maximum efficiency of intellectual development preschoolers and their full readiness to learn at school.

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