Navigator of educational programs for preschool education for FGOS. What is a Sample Early Childhood Education Program? Federal Institute for Educational Development »Search Results» webinar

This collection includes an overview of the programs "Kindergarten - House of Joy", "Childhood", "Kindergarten according to the Montessori system", "Inspiration", "Origins", "Paths", "Rainbow", "From birth to school", " Success "," Discovery "," Worlds of Childhood ", as well as other complex ...

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Anthology of Preschool Education is a unique project of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), implemented under the scientific supervision of Academician RAO A.G. Asmolov with the scientific and methodological support of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "FIRO". The project brings together the efforts of leading developers of modern educational programs for preschool education, developers of educational and methodological aids for preschool organizations.
The navigator of educational programs projects opens the book series and provides readers with an opportunity, first-hand - from the authors - to receive the most relevant information about new or updated educational programs for preschool education.
This collection includes an overview of the programs "Kindergarten - House of Joy", "Childhood", "Kindergarten according to the Montessori system", "Inspiration", "Origins", "Paths", "Rainbow", "From birth to school", " Success "," Discovery "," Worlds of Childhood ", as well as other complex programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.
The publication is intended for heads of preschool educational organizations, teachers, parents, as well as for everyone who is interested in the successful development of the child.


Anthology of Preschool Education. Navigator of projects of exemplary basic educational programs: collection / Avt.-comp. A.S. Rusakov. Moscow: National Education, 2015.

Anthology of Preschool Education is a unique project of scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), implemented under the scientific supervision of Academician RAO A.G. Asmolov with the scientific and methodological support of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "FIRO". The project brings together the efforts of leading developers of modern educational programs for preschool education, developers of educational and methodological aids for preschool organizations.

The navigator of projects of educational programs opens the book series and provides readers with the opportunity, first-hand - from the authors - to receive the most relevant information about new or updated projects of the Model Basic Educational Programs of Preschool Education.

This collection includes an overview of the programs "Kindergarten - House of Joy", "Childhood", "Kindergarten according to the Montessori system", "Inspiration", "Origins", "Paths", "Rainbow", "From birth to school", " Success ”,“ Discovery ”,“ Worlds of Childhood ”, as well as other complex programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

The publication is intended for heads of preschool educational organizations, teachers, parents, as well as for everyone who is interested in the successful development of the child.


Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov,
academician of the Russian Academy of Education, scientific leader of the project,
director of FGAU "Federal Institute for Education Development"

Dear friends!

Every time I see familiar and unfamiliar faces at numerous meetings with managers and preschool educators, I think about how many people are getting together today to discuss the country's most key problems - preschool projects? and understand how we move on.

All recent years I have always repeated the phrase: "When the country is difficult, preschoolers - go ahead!"
The standards of preschool education today act in relation to the standards of other levels of education not only as the first in the sense of ontogeny, but also as setting the logic for the change and transformation of all educational standards.

The standard for preschool education is a change in the entire ideology of education in Russia.
When designing a standard and basic educational programs, we clearly bring to the fore the new ideology of education: in education in Russia, ideology of development is placed at the head of ideology as a leading value. It would seem that this is a banality, but this banality has to be emphasized and affirmed.

Many of you probably remember the Soviet film "The Mystery of Two Oceans", based on the story of Grigory Adamov. There was a submarine called Pioneer. During the heroic passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, this boat fell into the ice. Ice bound her. The captain of the Pioneer had to find a way out of the ice trap. And then he gave the command to warm up everything in front of the boat by any means. The ice melted, the ice grip weakened, the boat moved forward and was again frozen in ice, the ice was warmed up again, and the boat moved forward again. And with such pulsating movements “Pioneer” began to break free from the icy jaws of the ocean.

We have the same situation in education now. Our ideology of preschool education helps Russian education to get out of the ice shackles, helps to overcome icing.
What is the image of education, so are the actions of educators, teachers and managers.
What is the image of a child, such are the actions of those teachers who work with him.

What is the image of a child in our minds?

The first image presents us with the child as a reactive being, the child as a bag full of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. The child is like Pavlov's dog. If we think of a child as a reactive creature, then we need to develop skills and reflexes. And then the main logic of the child's development will be the logic of the development of training. And who then is the educator of children? Who is the country's education minister then? Trainer.

Today we offer a completely different way of child development: a child is a unique, competent, understanding and initially suffering creature. A child is not a bag of reflexes, as behaviorists believe. A child is a unique subject of development. What is the starting point of this development? Promotion of a child and an adult. Not an adult in itself, not a child in itself. It is the assistance of a child and an adult that is a symbiosis, this is a unique developing gestalt. When a child and an adult find themselves in the same space. When it is one integrity that cannot be broken. As we build a strategy for the relationship with the child, everything will continue to grow. Without this assistance, nothing will work.

This means that in the standard of education we bring to the fore not the child as such, not the adult as such, but together the child, adults and the space in which they exist, the organization of the relationship between the child and the adult.

Hence the next move - the construct of the space of preschool childhood. How to build a space for childhood, how to build kindergartens, how to build training programs for educators and teachers. These are incredibly important things.

One of the risks of education arising from the image of a person as a robot is reduction, reduction of education to the service sector. We must understand that education is a reality that is not reducible to the service sector.

But when it all comes down to the fact that education is not an institution for personal development, but a service sector, we lose. Not so long ago, I spoke with one of the country's leading economists, Alexei Kudrin, and he asked me the question: "What's wrong with the fact that education is only a service?"
Childhood development should not be reduced to maintenance!

When we say that the ideology of development comes from preschool, thereby we say that the ideology of DEVELOPMENT is key for all education in Russia.

And here the greatest risk is the prevalence of development control over development itself.
Education, and this is the key principle of our life, is always redundant in relation to the needs of people. The principle of redundancy of education to market demands is a key principle, and it is impossible for education to fit in with specific immediate tasks.

Education is the zone of proximal development of the country's market economy. If we do not understand this, then what kind of future awaits us? ..

We are in a zone where the key challenge is the challenge of uncertainty, and if we do not understand this, then we will lose. Management and science are not two parallel lines, they must intersect with each other and literally "fertilize each other", without this nothing will work, and this must be clearly understood and go and move in this direction and this way.

The Anthology of Preschool Education project is a navigator in the world of preschool childhood full of risks and surprises, a navigator in the new reality of preschool education, designated by the Federal State Educational Standard. Laws, standards, normative documentation, projects of Model basic educational programs, methodological and educational complexes are the basis for designing our near future.

It is necessary so that in every preschool organization you have the opportunity to competently choose the path along which we will go further. The key implementation of the principles of Russian education is laid down in the Anthology of Preschool Education. To decide something, you need to have plenty to choose from.

A special edition in this series - "Navigator of educational programs for preschool education", compiled for you by the director of the Agency for Educational Cooperation Andrey Sergeevich Rusakov, opens you a vision of modern preschool education, a vision of a new standard through the eyes of the authors of educational programs.

I want each of you to make a choice today!

Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And on how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, it decisively determines what kind of person today's baby will become.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Basic educational program of early childhood education is a regulatory and administrative document of a preschool educational organization, which characterizes the specifics of the content of education and the features of the organization of the educational process. The program is developed, approved and implemented by the educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and taking into account the approximate educational program of preschool education.

The program should ensure the construction of an integral pedagogical process aimed at the full-fledged all-round development of the child - physical, social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic. One of the provisions of the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of FGOS DO is the provision on the introduction of the Federal Register of exemplary basic educational programs used in the educational process in accordance with FGOS DO.

The site of the federal register of exemplary basic general education programs: It published the "Approximate basic general education program of preschool education", approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes of May 20, 2015 No. 2/15).

On the website of the Federal State Autonomous Institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FGAU "FIRO") a section "Navigator of educational programs for preschool education" has been created. On our site, we publish a list of these programs with links to the publishers that release them. On the websites of publishing houses, you can get acquainted with projects, program presentations, and accompanying methodological literature.

Educational programs of preschool education, corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO:

Preschool education program "Colorful planet" / Edited by E.A. Khamraeva, D.B. Yumatova (Scientific adviser E.A.Khamraeva)
Part 1 Part 2
Publishing house "Juventa":

Preschool educational program"World of Discovery" / Under the general editorship of L.G. Peterson, I.A. Lykova (Scientific adviser L.G. Peterson)
Site of the Central House of Controllers "School 2000 ...":
Tsvetnoy Mir publishing house: colored world. rf

Educational program of preschool education for preschoolers with severe speech impairments / Ed. L. V. Lopatina

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