Remote control diagram for light music. Do-it-yourself color music. Various schemes of color music machines. Color music at work

Structurally, any color-music (light-music) installation consists of three elements. Control unit, power amplification unit and output optical device.

You can use garlands as an output optical device, you can arrange it in the form of a screen (classic version), or use directional electric lamps - searchlights, headlights.
That is, any means are suitable that allow you to create a certain set of colorful lighting effects.

The power amplification unit is a transistor amplifier (amplifiers) with thyristor regulators at the output. The voltage and power of the light sources of the output optical device depend on the parameters of the elements used in it.

The control unit controls the light intensity and color alternation. In complex special installations designed to decorate the stage during various types of shows - circus, theatrical and variety performances, this unit is manually controlled.
Accordingly, the participation of at least one, and maximum - a group of lighting operators is required.

If the control unit is controlled directly by music, it works according to any given program, then the color music installation is considered automatic.
It is this kind of "color music" that novice designers - radio amateurs usually assemble with their own hands over the past 50 years.

The simplest (and most popular) scheme of "color music" based on KU202N thyristors.

This is the simplest and perhaps the most popular scheme for a color-music console, based on thyristors.
Thirty years ago I saw for the first time a full-fledged working "light music" up close. It was collected by my classmate, with the help of my older brother. This was exactly this scheme. Its undoubted advantage is its simplicity, with a fairly clear separation of the operating modes of all three channels. The lamps do not flash at the same time, the red channel of low frequencies blinks steadily in rhythm with percussion, the middle - green responds in the range of a human voice, high-frequency blue responds to everything else subtle - ringing and squeaking.

There is only one drawback - a 1-2 watt pre-amplifier is required. My friend had to turn on his "Electronics" almost to the full in order to achieve a fairly stable operation of the device. A step-down transformer from a radio point was used as an input transformer. Any small-sized downstream network trans can be used instead. For example, from 220 to 12 volts. Only you need to connect it the other way around - with a low-voltage winding to the amplifier input. Any resistors, with a power of 0.5 watts. Capacitors are also any, instead of thyristors KU202N, you can take KU202M.

The scheme of "color music" on thyristors KU202N, with active frequency filters and a current amplifier.

The circuit is designed to operate from a linear audio output (the brightness of the lamps does not depend on the volume level).
Let's take a closer look at how it works.
The audio signal is fed from the line output to the primary winding of the isolation transformer. From the secondary winding of the transformer, the signal goes to active filters, through resistors R1, R2, R3, which regulate its level.
Separate adjustment is necessary to adjust the high-quality operation of the device by equalizing the brightness level of each of the three channels.

With the help of filters, signals are separated by frequency - into three channels. The lowest frequency component of the signal goes through the first channel - the filter cuts off all frequencies above 800 Hz. The filter is adjusted using a trimmer resistor R9. The ratings of capacitors C2 and C4 are indicated in the diagram - 1 μF, but as practice has shown, their capacity should be increased, at least, to 5 μF.

The filter of the second channel is tuned to the middle frequency - from about 500 to 2000 Hz. The filter is adjusted using a trimmer resistor R15. The ratings of capacitors C5 and C7 in the diagram are indicated - 0.015 μF, but their capacitance should be increased, up to 0.33 - 0.47 μF.

Anything above 1500 (up to 5000) Hz passes through the third, high-frequency channel. The filter is adjusted using a trimmer resistor R22. The ratings of the capacitors C8 and C10 in the diagram are indicated - 1000pF, but their capacitance should be increased to 0.01 μF.

Further, the signals of each channel are individually detected (germanium transistors of the d9 series are used), amplified and fed to the final stage.
The final stage is performed using powerful transistors or thyristors. In this case, these are KU202N thyristors.

Next, there is an optical device, the design and appearance of which depends on the designer's imagination, and the filling (lamps, LEDs) - on the operating voltage and the maximum power of the output stage.
In our case, these are incandescent lamps 220V, 60W (if you install thyristors on radiators - up to 10 pcs per channel).

Schematic assembly order.

About the details of the prefix.
KT315 transistors can be replaced by other silicon n-p-n transistors with a static gain of at least 50. Fixed resistors - MLT-0.5, variable and trimmer - SP-1, SPO-0.5. Capacitors - any type.
Transformer T1 with a ratio of 1: 1, so any one with a suitable number of turns can be used. In case of self-production, you can use the Ш10x10 magnetic circuit, and wind the windings with a wire PEV-1 0.1-0.15, 150-300 turns each.

The diode bridge for thyristor power supply (220V) is selected based on the expected load power, at least 2A. If the number of lamps per channel is increased, the current consumption will increase accordingly.
To power transistors (12V), you can use any stabilized power supply designed for an operating current of at least 250 mA (or better, more).

First, each color music channel is assembled separately on a breadboard.
Moreover, the assembly begins with the output stage. Having assembled the output stage, they check its operability by supplying a signal of a sufficient level to its input.
If this cascade operates normally, an active filter is assembled. Next, they check again the performance of what happened.
As a result, after testing we have a really working channel.

Similarly, it is necessary to collect and rebuild all three channels. Such tediousness guarantees the unconditional operability of the device after the "final" assembly on the circuit board, if the work was carried out without errors and using "tested" parts.

Possible option of printed wiring (for PCB with one-sided foil). If you use a larger capacitor in the lowest frequency channel, the distances between the holes and the conductors will have to be changed. The use of PCB with double-sided foil can be a more technologically advanced option - it will help to get rid of overhead jumper wires.

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To assemble color music on LEDs with your own hands, you must have basic knowledge of electronics, be able to read circuits and work with a soldering iron. In the article, we will look at how color music on LEDs works, the main working diagrams, on the basis of which you can assemble your own ready-made devices, and at the end we will assemble the finished device step by step using an example.

What is the principle of color music

At the heart of color music installations, a method of frequency conversion of music and its transmission, through separate channels, is used to control light sources. As a result, it turns out that depending on the basic musical parameters, the work of the color system will correspond to it. This trailer is based on the scheme according to which do-it-yourself color music on LEDs is assembled.

Typically, at least three different colors are used to create color effects. It can be blue, green and red. Mixing in different combinations, with different durations, they can create an amazing atmosphere of fun.

The LC and RC filters are capable of separating the signal into low, medium and high purities, they are installed and tuned into the color-music system using LEDs.

Filter settings are set to the following parameters:

  • up to 300 Hz for a low-pass filter, as a rule, its color is red;
  • 250-2500 Hz for medium, green color;
  • anything above 2000 Hz is converted by a high-pass filter, as a rule, the blue LED's operation depends on it.

The division into frequencies is carried out with a slight overlap, this is necessary to obtain different color shades during the operation of the device.

The choice of color, in this color music scheme, is not fundamental, and if you wish, you can use LEDs of different colors at your discretion, change places and experiment, no one can forbid. Various frequency fluctuations in combination with the use of a non-standard color scheme can significantly affect the quality of the result.

The circuit parameters such as the number of channels and their frequency are also available for adjustment, from which it can be concluded that color music can use a large number of LEDs of different colors, and it is possible to individually adjust each of them in frequency and channel width.

What is needed for making color music

Resistors for a color music installation, of our own production, can only be used constant ones, with a power of 0.25-0.125. Suitable resistors can be seen in the figure below. The stripes on the body indicate the amount of resistance.

Also in the circuit, R3 resistors are used, and the trimmer R - 10, 14, 7 and R 18, regardless of the type. The main requirement is the ability to install on a board used during assembly. The first version of LED color music was assembled using a variable-type resistor with the designation SPZ-4VM and imported - trimming ones.

As for capacitors, you need to use parts with an operating voltage of 16 volts, no less. The type can be any. If you find it difficult to find a capacitor C7, you can connect in parallel, two smaller in capacity, to obtain the required parameters.

The capacitors C1, C6 used in the LED color music circuit must be capable of operating at 10 volts, respectively C9-16V, C8-25V. If instead of old Soviet capacitors, it is planned to use new, imported ones, then it is worth remembering that they have a difference in designation, you need to determine in advance the polarity of the capacitors that will be installed, otherwise you can confuse and spoil the circuit.

For the manufacture of color music, a diode bridge is required, with a voltage of 50V and an operating current of about 200 milliamperes. In the case where it is not possible to install a ready-made diode bridge, you can make it from several rectifier diodes, for convenience they can be removed from the board and mounted separately using a smaller board.

The parameters of the diodes are selected similarly to those used in the factory version of the bridge, diodes.

LEDs should be red, blue and green. For one channel, you need six of them.

Another necessary element is a voltage regulator. A five-volt stabilizer is used, imported, with the article number 7805. You can also use 7809 (nine-volt), but then you need to exclude resistor R22 from the circuit, and instead put a jumper connecting the negative bus and the middle terminal.

It is possible to connect color music to the music center using a three-pin jack connector.

And the last thing you need to have for assembly is a transformer with suitable voltage parameters.

The general scheme for the assembly of color music, which uses the described details in the photo below.

Several working schemes

Below will be offered several working schemes of color music on LEDs.

Option number 1

Any type of LED can be used for this circuit. The main thing is that they are super bright and different in glow. The circuit works according to the following principle, the signal from the source is transmitted to the input, where the channel signals are summed and then sent to a variable resistance. (R6, R7, R8) With this resistance, the signal level for each channel is regulated, and then goes to the filters. The difference between filters is in the capacitance of the capacitors used to assemble them. Their meaning, as in other devices, is to transform and refine the sound range within certain limits. These are the high, mid and low frequencies. For adjustment in the color music scheme, adjustment resistors are installed. After going through all this, the signal goes to the microcircuit, which allows you to install various LEDs.

Option number 2

The second version of LED color music is distinguished by its simplicity and is suitable for beginners. The circuit includes an amplifier and three channels for frequency processing. A transformer is installed, which can be dispensed with if the signal at the input is sufficient to open the LEDs. As in similar circuits, adjusting resistors are used, designated as R4 - 6. Any transistors can be used, the main thing is to transmit more than 50% of the current. Essentially, nothing else is required. The scheme, if desired, can be improved to obtain a more powerful color-musical setup.

Step-by-step assembly of the simplest color music model

To assemble a simple LED color music, you will need the following materials:

  • lEDs measuring five millimeters;
  • wire from old headphones;
  • original or analogue of the KT817 transistor;
  • 12 volt power supply;
  • several wires;
  • a piece of plexiglass;
  • glue gun.

The first thing to start with is to make the body of the future color music from plexiglass. To do this, it is cut to size and glued with a glue gun. It is better to make a box of rectangular shape. The sizes can be adjusted for yourself.

To calculate the number of LEDs, divide the adapter voltage (12V) by the working LEDs (3V). It turns out that we need to install 4 LEDs in the box.

We strip the headphone cable, there are three wires in it, we will use one left or right channel, and one common.

We do not need one wire and it can be insulated.

The diagram of a simple LED color music is as follows:

Before assembly, we lay the cable inside the box.

lEDs have polarity, respectively, when connecting, it must be taken into account.

During assembly, you need to try not to heat the transistor, since this can lead to its breakdown, and take into account the markings on the legs. The emitter is designated as (E), base and collector, respectively (B) and (K). After assembly and inspection, you can install the top cover.

Ready-made version of color music on LEDs

In conclusion, I would like to say that assembling color music on LEDs is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Of course, if you need a device with a beautiful design, then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But for the manufacture of simple color music for informational or entertainment purposes, it is enough to assemble one of the schemes presented in the article.

Almost all color music devices of sufficient power are designed for the use of conventional incandescent lamps. There are CMU circuits on the Internet and on LEDs, but they are usually under low-power LEDs. How to connect 50-100 watt LEDs to such a device? You can take as a basis one very good color music scheme (besides, with sound control through a microphone) and slightly modifying the output part - to get the desired result.

CMU circuit for high-power LEDs

Schematic diagram of the CMU for 220V
Schematic diagram of the CMU for 12V

The power supply of the input part of the frequency processing is done on a piece of the universal board. The transformer is filmed from some kind of radio. It is ideal because it is symmetrical and has a 10 V winding. BT151 / 600 thyristors were used as powerful switches, with a margin so that they would not burn out from high currents.

The circuit can be made completely isolated from the network, if you apply the executive part on triacs and optocouplers.

When testing, temporarily mount resistors of rated resistance and power from 10 W instead of LEDs.

CMU with 12 V LED strips

If you want to use 12 V DC LED strips in the CMU, then you can power the entire circuit with the same 12 volts from a pulsed network driver, and assemble the output part on field-effect transistors.

A variant of the scheme is shown above. Here the resistor R2 sets the current limitation of the LED strip (or a powerful single LED).

By the way, when installing individual high-power LEDs, for example, 100 watts (32 V at 3 A) - supply the supply voltage from the driver through the LED to the drain of the field-effect transistor (making sure from the datasheet that it can withstand such U / I parameters), and the specified set the required current level above the resistor.

The body is made of wood (easier to find material and easier to handle). Holes for lamps are drilled with large cutters. Naturally, the front has all the necessary knobs for adjusting the signal levels and HF-MF-LF channels and a power button.

Beginner radio amateurs competition
"My radio amateur design"

Competitive design of a novice radio amateur
"Five-channel LED color music"

Hello dear friends and guests of the site!
I present to your attention the third competitive work (the second competition of the site) of a novice radio amateur. Design author: Morozas Igor Anatolievich:

Five-channel LED color music

Hello radio amateurs!

Like many newbies, the main problem was where to start, what would be my first product. I started by saying that I wanted to buy a home first. The first is color music, the second is a high quality headphone amplifier. I started from the first. Color music on thyristors seems to be a hackneyed version, I decided to collect color music for LED RGB strips. I am giving you my first job.

The color music scheme is taken from the Internet. Color music is simple, 5 channels (one channel - white background). An LED strip can be connected to each channel, but a low-power signal amplifier is required for its operation at the input. The author suggests using an amplifier from computer speakers. I went from a complex one, to assemble an amplifier circuit using a datasheet on a TDA2005 2x10 W microcircuit. This power seems to me enough, even with a margin. I diligently redraw all the schemes in the sPLAN 7.0 program

Fig.1 Color music scheme with an input signal amplifier.

In the color music circuit, all capacitors are electrolytic, with a voltage of 16-25v. Where it is necessary to observe the polarity there is a "+" sign, in other cases, the polarity change does not affect the blinking of the LEDs. At least I didn't notice it. KT819 transistors can be replaced with KT815. 0.25 W resistors.

In the amplifier circuit, the microcircuit must be placed on the radiator at least 100 cm2. Electrolytic capacitors with voltage 16-25v. Capacitors C8, C9, C12 film, voltage 63v. Resistors R6, R7 with a power of 1 W, the rest 0.25 W. Variable resistor R0 - double, resistance 10-50 kΩ.

I took the power supply with a factory pulse power of 100W, 2x12v, 7A

On a day off, as befits a trip to the radio market to purchase radio components. The next task is to draw the circuit board. For this I chose Sprint-Layout 6.0. It is recommended by radio specialists for beginners. It is easy to study, I was convinced of this.

Fig 2. Board for color music.

Fig 3. Power amplifier board.

The boards were manufactured according to LUT technology. There is a lot of information about this technology on the Internet. I like it when it looks like the factory one, so LUT made it from the side of the details too.

Fig 3.4 Assembling radio components on a board

Fig 5. Checking performance after assembly

As always, the most "difficult" thing when assembling a radio circuit is to assemble everything into a case. I bought the case ready-made in a radio store.

I made the front panel this way. In the Photoshop program, I drew the appearance of the front panel where variable resistors, a switch and LEDs should be installed, one from each channel. The finished drawing was printed with an inkjet printer on thin glossy photo paper.

On a degreased prepared panel with holes, I stick photo paper with wood glue:

Then I put the panels under the so-called press. For a day. As a press, I have a 15 kg barbell pancake:

Final assembly:

Here's what happened:

Appendices to the article:

(2.9 MiB, 2,909 hits)

Dear friends and guests of the site!

Do not forget to express your opinion on the competitive works and take part in the voting for the design you like on the site forum. Thank you.

Some suggestions for those who will repeat the design:
1. You can connect speakers to such a powerful stereo amplifier, then you get two devices in one - color music and a high-quality low frequency amplifier.
2. Even if the polarity of the switching on of electrolytic capacitors in the color music circuit does not affect its operation, it is probably better to observe the polarity.
3. At the input of color music, it is probably better to put an input node for summing signals from the left and right channels (). The author, judging by the diagram, sends a signal from the right channel of the amplifier to the high-frequency channel of color music (blue), and the signal from the left channel of the amplifier is fed to the remaining channels of color music, but it is probably better to send a signal to all channels from the summator of audio signals.
4. Replacing the KT819 transistor with KT815 implies a reduction in the number of possible LED connections.

To make color music on LEDs with your own hands, you need to have at least elementary concepts about electronics, know how to handle a soldering iron and correctly disassemble the drawings.

Principle of operation

Such a device is based on the method of private conversion of sound and its transmission to certain channels in order to control the light source. As a result, it turns out that depending on the musical parameters, the operation of the circuit will fully respond to it. It is on these principles that the scheme for collecting is based.

Usually, three or more different colors are used to create color effects. Red, blue and green are used more often. By mixing in specific combinations with a clear duration, they create a real celebration.

The division of frequencies into high, middle, and low is due to RC and LC filters, which are mounted and tuned into a system that uses LEDs.

Filters are configured according to the following parameters:

  • For low-frequency parts, up to 300 hertz are allotted, and it, more often than usual, is red;
  • Medium - 250 - 2500Hz, green;
  • Anything above the 2000 hertz mark is converted by high-frequency filters and it is this element that determines how the blue-tinted LED will work.

In order to obtain a variety of color shades during operation, the division into frequencies should be carried out with a slight overlap. In the scheme under consideration, the choice of color is not so important, because if you wish, you can use various LEDs, rearrange their location and experiment, everything here depends on the wishes of the master. An unusual color program, coupled with fluctuations, can have a significant impact on the final result. For tuning, there are also indicators such as frequency or number of channels.

Based on this information, it can be understood that a significant number of different shades can be involved in color music, as well as the direct programming of each.

What is needed to make a color music

To create such an installation, you can use only fixed resistors, the power of which is 0.25-0.125. To find out the amount of resistance, we look at the strips located on the base.

The circuit also includes R3 resistors and trimmed R. The main condition is the ability to install them on the board on which the installation is made. If we talk about capacitors, then when working, products are taken whose operating voltage is not less than 16 volts (any type will do). If it is problematic to find capacitors C7, then parallel connection of a pair of smaller capacitances is allowed, then you will get the necessary values. The capacitors C6, as well as C1, used in the variant under study, should start at 10 volts, and the rest at 25. In the case when obsolete Soviet parts need to be replaced with imported ones, it must be understood that they are all designated differently. Therefore, take care in advance to determine the polarity of the elements that will be mounted. Otherwise, the circuit may fail.

Also, to create color music with your own hands, you will need a diode bridge, the operating current of which is 200 milliamperes, and the voltage is 50V. In a situation where the installation of a ready-made bridge is impossible, it can be created using rectifier diodes. For comfort, they can be removed from the board and mounted separately, using a smaller workspace.

To create one channel, 6 pieces of LEDs of all colors are required. If we talk about transistors, then VT2 and VT1 are quite suitable, here the index does not play a special role.

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