Stripes and ripples appeared on the monitor - How I solved the problem! How to remove black bars on the sides of a video

If you are faced with such a situation when, while working in the Word, a strip was found in the form of a line with “mystical” properties, then we read further this instruction.

In fact, this is by no means mysticism or a glitch, but the creation of paragraph borders, which is most often used to underline a paragraph. Such a line is not highlighted as a graphical object. When you try to delete it with the Del or Backspace keys, it can jump to another place on the page. The point here is that several paragraphs can have a similar style with an underlined bottom border.

A border is created as follows: we enter three dashes “-” and press the Enter key, as a result, a line appears that is limited by the indents of the paragraph on the left and right. If you enter three "_" characters instead of dashes, we get a thicker line. To disable paragraph underlining with such keyboard shortcuts, you need to go to "Tools" - "AutoCorrect Options ..." and in the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab of the window that opens, uncheck the box next to the "boundary line". In MS Word 2007, to set up autocorrect, click on the "Office" button (located in the upper left corner of the program), select the "Word Options" button in the menu, then go to the "Spelling" tab and click the "AutoCorrect Options" button.

Now let's get rid of this line. Select the paragraph that is above this line, or the entire document, if in text file several such lines. Then we go through Top Menu word editor 2003 in "Format", select the item "Borders and Shading ...". On the "Border" tab of the window that opens, select the type - "none" and click on the OK button.

V text editor MS Word 2007 to open the "Borders and Shading" window, go to the "Page Layout" menu and click on the "Page Borders" button.

After the done actions, the strip should disappear.

There is also a way to remove this bar and other paragraph borders for the entire document using a macro. Thus it is possible to automate this process for other documents in the future.

In the 2003 Word version, go to the "Tools" menu and in the additional list of the "Macro" menu item, select the "Macros" command, in Word 2007, in the "View" menu, click on the "Macros" button. A dialog box will open in which you need to enter a name for your macro.

Click the Create button. You will be taken to the window Microsoft editor Visual Basic.

Macro code:

Sub Removing_lines() "Macro for removing a non-removable strip With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs .Borders(wdBorderTop).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone .Borders(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone .Borders(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone .Borders(wdBorderRight).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone End With End Sub

Paste the code above into the editor window. Note that this window already contains the Sub Macros() and End Sub lines, so we replace the entire code text or insert only the code that is between these lines.

After closing the Microsoft VB Editor, you are returned to Microsoft Word. To use this code, go to "Macros", select our macro by name and click on the Run button.

The appearance of stripes on the laptop screen belongs to the category of complex breakdowns. And if you hope that you will deal with this problem within a few minutes, then unfortunately you will not.

Difficulty in diagnosis

Diagnosing such a problem on a laptop is much more difficult than on regular computer. This is due primarily to the design features of laptops and their more complex device.

Stripes on a laptop screen can be horizontal, vertical, black, white and colored, and the reasons for their appearance, as a rule, lie in the plane of problems with the hardware devices of the latter.

You can also see ripples on the screen, skewed images, specular color reproduction (black - gray, red - green, etc.), displaying the image as a negative.

Reasons for the appearance of stripes on the laptop screen

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon.:

  • 1. The simplest reason in this situation is overheating of the video card.

For example, this situation was Dell laptop M5110. In the lower part, in the area of ​​​​a discrete video card (there are two of them), it heated up so much that the leatherette on which it stood began to melt and stick to it.

As a result, the periodic appearance of colored stripes on the screen and ripples. The problem was partially solved by purchasing a stand with laptop coolers. Stripes appear, but very rarely.

  • 2. Complete failure of the video card.

As a rule, the main reason for such a breakdown is also overheating or hardware failure. The power supply handles power surges well, so this reason is unlikely.

In such a situation, either stripes appear on the screen even when the OS is loaded, or the laptop does not start at all.

This problem is solved by repairing or upgrading the video card. This is not easy to do on a laptop, you need to have the skills of at least a beginner electronics engineer. But we will talk about these points further.

  • 3. The motherboard has failed.

The situation is repeatable with point 2, it is difficult to diagnose the problem, but it is possible. We will talk about this further.

  • 4. The cable is out of order.

From the system board to the matrix there is a special loop through which the signal is transmitted.

Poor contact at the junction, burnout or fracture of the loop can cause interruptions in signal transmission to the matrix, hence the appearance of stripes.

  • 5. Problems with the matrix, its failure.

The situation is critical, there is only one way out, the matrix needs to be replaced.

In this situation, it is rare that reinstalling or updating video card drivers helps, and hoping that this will help is not worth it, it is really a rare case.

Problem Diagnosis

The most important task in all this is to correctly diagnose the cause of the problem.

A complete diagnosis of the causes of the appearance of stripes on the laptop screen can only be carried out in service centers using special equipment.

But the initial diagnosis, which can also tell us a lot, is also possible at home.

With an optional monitor

An additional monitor can be connected to a laptop via a connector VGA.

There can be two results:

  1. Everything will be displayed normally on an additional monitor;
  2. Similar stripes will be displayed as on the laptop screen.

The result of paragraph 1 tells us that the laptop's video card is working, problems should be looked for in the matrix and laptop cable.

Result 2 tells us that there are problems with system board and video card. In both cases, repairs are indispensable.

Checking the matrix

  • Checking the matrix at home is possible by the method of its partial deformation.
  • Try not to push the monitor screen hard in places with the most stripes.
  • Then gently, with both hands, try to slightly bend the screen in a horizontal plane.
  • Note in both cases how the colors of the stripes change, their contrast and brightness.
  • If the changes are visible, then the causes of the breakdown are in the matrix or loop.

When do you need to change the laptop matrix?

We replace the laptop matrix in cases:

  • Provided that a monitor is connected in parallel. If, when the matrix is ​​deformed in the horizontal and vertical planes, its surface is pressed inward, the color rendering of the stripes changes, the stripes disappear and reappear.
  • The presence of bands is observed at all stages of computer boot - BIOS, WINDOWS.
  • Ripples appeared on the screen, wide white or multi-colored stripes are visible.

  • The matrix gives the image in a negative or there is a substitution of colors, for example, it should be red, but green is displayed, blue is yellow, black is light gray, etc.

Checking the loop

  • The cable is flexible and this is understandable, because the laptop screen cannot be in the “stowed” position all the time, and this is not a computer. The deformation of the loop occurs constantly, respectively, the probability of its failure is high.
  • Slowly opening and quickly closing the lid and vice versa, unload according to how the stripes “behave”. Any changes on the monitor screen indicate that the cable is the source of the problem.

What does the matrix plume look like for Asus laptop X51RL.

When do you need to "deal" with the loop?

Condition - a parallel connected monitor shows a clear picture.

  • It is necessary to repair, and it is better to change the matrix cable in cases where the image on the screen is fuzzy, ripples, periodically flickers, a large number of colored and white lines.
  • During the boot and operation of the laptop on the screen there are vertical columns white pixels.
  • Opening and closing the lid "revives" all these errors on the screen.

video card

The video card requires attention if the screen of a laptop and a monitor connected in parallel give a picture with multi-colored lines, and other errors in the image are also duplicated.

  • At the very beginning of the computer boot, there are no horizontal, vertical, black, white and colored bars, but at the Windows boot stage, the bars appear.
  • At the stage of loading Windows, the image disappears and a black screen appears.
  • Strong heating of the laptop in the area where the video card is located (the motherboard can also get warm).


  • The motherboard requires attention in the same cases as the video card (see above).
  • If the replacement of the cable, video card and matrix did not correct the situation.
  • Now let's look at ways to solve the problem with stripes on the laptop screen.

Ways to solve the problem


Problems with the cable going to the matrix most often occur in older laptop models. In new models, manufacturers are already using more advanced design solutions, thanks to which the cables last a very long time.

This is the complexity of the repair, to find such a loop to old model laptop will be difficult, but possible.

Before you go to the radio market or electronics flea market, write down the model of the matrix, without it, no way.

In the service, they are unlikely to want to sell you such a rare “spare part”, and no one wants to lose a client, and suddenly you decide to give the laptop for repair to them.

If you find the right train, you are lucky, if not, then you can try to do everything yourself.

To do this, you will need minor electronics skills, a soldering iron, solder, rosin, a tester, and most importantly, an MGTF-type wire.

To ring the loop with a tester, you will have to get to both ends of it. The repair technology is simple, to the point of "disgrace".

We call, we find a break (if there is one), instead of a broken wire, we solder a backup wire parallel to it.

If there is no break, then the problem lies in more expensive components.


The motherboard may not fail completely. As a result of overheating of its individual section, the microchip or bus responsible for exchanging data with the video card may fail.

Also pay attention to the PCMCIA slot where the video card is inserted, if there are any burnt or oxidized contacts there. After all, they pour tea and coffee on laptops.

But in any case, without repair can not do. But first, order diagnostics, and if you are offered to re-solder any chip, you can still agree to clean the contacts.

A complex repair of a burnt motherboard does not justify itself, it is easier to replace it with a new one.

video card

With a video card, the situation is similar. A video chip is soldered on it, which, as a result of overheating, can fail.

There are three ways to go here. Consider them in descending order, in relation to the high cost and reliability of work.

  1. Immediately replace this chip (expensive, but reliable);
  2. Dismantle and reinstall the same chip - Rebowling (in most cases it gives a result);
  3. Warming up the chip (pay less, but in 99% of cases the problem will recur after a while).

Which method to use, everyone decides for himself.


Do not forget, before leaving your laptop in the service, agree with the master on the prices for all types of work performed, and it is better to sag their contract.

Also, do not forget about the certificate of completion, which indicates the date of repair, what has changed or what has been repaired, as well as the warranty.


Of course, it is impossible to describe all the situations when stripes appear on the laptop screen.

The problem is so specific and individual that in each case it requires a separate study.

It all depends on the laptop model, matrix type, design features and analysis, how often such problems appear on this particular model.

But if we take in percentage terms what was most often repaired and changed in this situation, then the cases with the replacement of the matrix - about 40%, the replacement or repair of the cable - about 20%, the video card - about 20%, the motherboard - approximately 20% (with taking into account the failure of the integrated video card).

As we can see, in most cases it is necessary to change the matrix, but this event is not cheap, if the cost of replacing it exceeds 50% of the price of a new laptop, then there is no point in such a repair, it’s easier to buy a new one.

But everyone decides for himself. We wish that the screens of your laptops always delight you with clear and bright images. Good luck.

First, it is worth mentioning that stripes may not occur in the following cases: if there is a malfunction in the operation of the video card, if the matrix or its cable fails. Unfortunately, if in your particular case it turns out that the reason is directly in the matrix of the laptop, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. There are no other solutions to this problem in this case. Repairs should be carried out with the help of specialists in the appropriate service center, and it is highly undesirable to do this on your own, since you can also damage the new matrix. In order to find out the cause of the problem, you should pay attention to what interference occurs on the screen.

How to troubleshoot?

If the malfunction is in the matrix cable, then you will see multi-colored vertical lines, and if you connect the computer to the monitor via special cable, then these bands will disappear. The following display parameters indicate a matrix malfunction: vertical white stripes, the appearance of a black stripe with ripples, as well as the inversion of the image on the screen. In addition, the appearance of black bars indicates a malfunction of the matrix, they are often translucent, and if the netbook takes a certain position, the screen may turn completely black. The malfunction of the video chip is indicated by: interference (artifacts) appeared on the screen in the form of red, blue horizontal lines, or in the form of colored squares, dashes all over the display, and also if, with similar images, the image on the external monitor appears without any distortion, and a change in position screen and its curvature do not affect the picture.

Black bars may appear on the screen if your device is equipped with two video cards, for example, nvidia optimus, which have automatic switching, and there is no scaling item in the video card settings. Accordingly, the absence of this item and the scaling itself is the reason for the appearance of black bars. If black bars do not appear while working on a computer or playing games, but only appear when you play a video, then this means that the problem lies with your playback device (video player). Also, if black bars occur when loading operating system and during its operation, then you should reset the settings in the BIOS to the standard ones.

Users personal computers often faced with the appearance of a black screen during operation. It occurs for various reasons, such as hardware problems or problems within some applications.


Make sure the video card is properly installed on the computer motherboard. Also check if the monitor is securely connected by checking the connectors on the system unit and the device itself. If the problem is in the video card or monitor, most likely, when you turn on the computer, you will hear the usual system boot sounds, but there will be no image on the display.

Install latest versions drivers for the monitor and video card. If they are missing, you may see a complete absence of the image, as well as an image that is too blurry or dark. Also try adjusting the monitor image with function keys located on its front panel. It is possible that the brightness and contrast settings have gone wrong, as a result of which the image on the monitor is too dark.

If it occurs when you start an application, such as a computer game, it may not be suitable for your system requirements at start. Try to click Windows key or the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination to end the program that caused the system to freeze, or click on the Reset button located on the system unit.

A black screen can also occur as a valid feature of the system in certain cases. For example, during the installation of drivers for the video adapter, the screen may turn black for a while. The reason for this is the auto-tuning of the system and setting the appropriate video parameters. After a while, the image appears on the monitor again. Also some computer games do not have a boot screen, as a result of which, after starting them, the user may experience a black screen for several minutes. Then the image appears, and the game itself begins directly.

The appearance of a vertical stripe on the monitor is a common problem. It can be provoked by various reasons, which can be detected by carrying out some manipulations. It is worth considering the color of the strip, which can be black, white or colored.

Why do vertical stripes appear on the monitor screen?

To get a picture on the display, you need a graphics chip, which is placed separately on a video card or integrated into the central processor. Information from it is transmitted through a cable to the screen, and the motherboard controls the system. Based on this, we can identify the reasons why vertical stripes appear on the monitor:

  1. Rarely the problem is a malfunction motherboard, since this part is practically not subject to damage. The board fails more often due to an existing marriage, after short circuits, a power surge, and due to other problems. In addition, it is worth noting that when the motherboard breaks, only stripes rarely appear, since other failures are also observed.
  2. If vertical stripes appear on the monitor, then often the reason lies in the video card, the breakdowns of which are associated with the degradation of the chip crystal due to overheating.
  3. To transfer the image in laptops, a cable or cable is used that is connected to the motherboard and to the display. If this part is pinched or damaged, streaks will appear on the monitor.
  4. The most common cause concerns matrix failures. It should be borne in mind that the screen on a laptop is very fragile and if you close the device carelessly, you can damage the matrix.
  5. It is rare, but it is possible for stripes to appear on the monitor due to drivers, so the first thing to do when stripes occur is to reinstall the “firewood”.

Vertical pink stripe on monitor

In most cases, multi-colored stripes on the screen are associated with a breakdown of the monitor matrix. This can happen as a result of failures in the power supply system, falls, shocks and other similar impacts or wear of parts. If a vertical stripe appears on the monitor, which is colored pink or purple, then this most often indicates a malfunction of the scaler. The appearance of such a defect can also be observed on new monitors, and it's all about a factory defect.

Vertical white line on the monitor

White, like any other color of the stripes, often indicates problems in the operation of the matrix. If, with a slight pressure or other influences on this part, the interference disappears and reappears, then this indicates the need to replace the part, since it has already failed. When vertical stripes appear on the computer monitor screen that are barely visible and flickering, then this may be due to a faulty VGA wire or network filter powering the monitor.

Vertical blue stripes on the monitor

Many users after a long game, when the equipment overheats or the video card is worn out, notice that vertical stripes have appeared on the monitor screen of blue color. In this case, if the warranty remains, then the video card should be replaced. There is another reason that vertical blue or light blue stripes appeared - possible damage to one of the contacts of the matrix cable or detachment of video processor solder balls from the BGA substrate due to overheating.

Yellow vertical bar on monitor

To determine the cause of the failure, you need to carry out some manipulations. If a vertical stripe appears on the LCD monitor, then disconnect it from the system unit and connect it to the network. If the strip has disappeared - there are problems in the operation of the video card, so it is necessary to check the cooling system and install new drivers. If the stripes remain, then most likely the defect is related to the display. When a vertical stripe of yellow or another shade appears on the monitor, you should look for swollen capacitors on the video card and replace them.

Vertical red bar on monitor screen

There are users who complain that distortions periodically appear on the screen. If you are interested in why vertical red stripes appear on the monitor, then you should know that often it's all about poor contact of the matrix cable. Rarely, the problem can be triggered by the combustion of elements. Rectangular areas consisting of vertical stripes are a signal of dust or damage to the cable connection connectors. Other reasons: a track has detached on the control board, or the video controller cable or VGA wire is damaged.

black vertical line on monitor

According to reviews, black stripes are sometimes visible on the screen, which can be located in different sides and even in the middle. A thin vertical stripe on the monitor occurs if there has been a malfunction or breakdown in the operation of the video card, matrix or its cable. If, nevertheless, it was determined that the whole thing was a malfunction in the matrix, then it would not be possible to fix the problem and the only solution is to replace the part.

Vertical stripes appear on the monitor - what should I do?

Actions when stripes are detected will be directly related to the cause that triggered the failure:

  1. First, let's figure out how to remove the vertical bar on the monitor if the video card is faulty. First, check the quality of the cooling system, for example, run special program that determines the temperature. Disassemble the computer and remove the accumulated dust and change the thermal paste. For laptops, use a stand with additional fans.
  2. If the problem arose due to a faulty motherboard or cable, then it’s better not to experiment and try to fix the breakdown yourself so as not to aggravate the situation, so take the monitor or computer for diagnostics to service center.

The laptop is a one-piece design, which combines system unit and monitor, as well as peripherals. This is convenient in terms of portability of the device, but any malfunction makes it almost impossible to use it. Such malfunctions include a very common laptop problem - the appearance of stripes on the screen. It becomes almost impossible to work at a computer when there are horizontal or vertical stripes on the output image. The stripes may be black, white, or multi-colored, depending on the cause of the malfunction. In this article, we will consider what to do if stripes appear on the laptop screen, and what malfunctions most often lead to the problem in question.

Why did stripes appear on the laptop screen: reasons

The graphics chip is responsible for displaying the image on the laptop, which can be installed separately on the video card or integrated into the central processor. Information from the chip is transmitted to the screen through a cable, and the system as a whole is controlled by the motherboard. As you can see, not many elements are involved in the process of displaying an image on a monitor screen. Based on this, we can conclude that the following reasons can lead to the appearance of stripes on the screen:

It is worth noting that it is extremely rare that the problem with the appearance of artifacts and stripes on the screen is associated with drivers. Therefore, the first thing to do if stripes appear on the laptop screen is to download new drivers for key computer components. You can also try to "roll back" Windows if the system was updated shortly before the problem occurred.

How to determine why stripes appeared on a laptop screen

Since the symptoms of striping on a laptop screen are typical for a number of malfunctions, in order to fix the problem, you must first determine what led to it. Specialists in service centers can do this with the help of diagnostic equipment, but at home it is quite easy to find out why stripes appeared on the laptop screen. Based on the cause of the malfunction, it will be possible to conclude that it is advisable to repair the computer.

Here are some diagnostics that will help you find out what is causing the banding issue.

Checking the matrix and loop by pressing

You can make sure that the malfunction is related to a damaged matrix or a problematic cable in a fairly simple way:

It is worth noting that the incorrect display of colors on the laptop screen also indicates a malfunction of the matrix or cable. For example, when in addition to the stripes on the screen, other colors are displayed in black and white.

Testing with an external monitor

A fairly simple test if you have an external monitor that can be connected to your computer via DVI or HDMI wire. Wherein given test allows you to exclude options that stripes on the screen occur due to a faulty video card or motherboard.

To carry out diagnostics, connect an external monitor to the laptop through a wire and, based on what you see, draw the appropriate conclusions:

  • If the image on the external monitor is correct, that is, there are no stripes and artifacts, this indicates that the motherboard and there are no problems with the laptop's video card;
  • If stripes are displayed on an external monitor, then the display and cable are working, and there are problems with the motherboard or video card.

Checking the Matrix Loop

If you have come to the conclusion that the video card and motherboard are working, and the problem is in the cable or matrix, you can perform the following test. Since the cable moves when the lid is opened, accordingly, it can be pinched, which leads to the appearance of artifacts or stripes on the screen. Look at the image displayed on the display from different angles of opening the lid. If the stripes change their position or disappear at a certain tilt of the cover, this indicates a problem with the cable.

Checking the video card

It is not difficult to determine what exactly the video card is the cause of the stripes on the screen. Make sure that the stripes appear on the display immediately after turning on the computer, and not after some time. If they occur after a few minutes of working on a laptop, this indicates an overheating of the video card chip or its malfunction.

Also, most often, when stripes on the screen occur due to problems with the video card, when loading windows image the display completely disappears and a black screen remains for a while.

What to do if the laptop video card is faulty

The first thing to do if you suspect a problem with your graphics card is to make sure your computer isn't having any cooling problems. In particular, you need to do the following:

When disassembling a computer and replacing thermal paste, pay attention to the chip. If there are obvious traces of soot on it or a radiator suitable for it, this indicates that the device has failed and needs to be replaced. Often, it is not economically feasible to change the laptop video card.

What to do if the laptop motherboard is faulty

The motherboard is one of the most difficult laptop components to repair. To determine which of the motherboard blocks is out of order, you will need to take the laptop to a service center where it can be checked on diagnostic equipment.

Most often, a board malfunction is associated with oxidation or burnout of elements. Due to the technical manufacturing process of the motherboard, it is almost impossible to restore it if it fails.

What to do if there are problems with the matrix cable on a laptop

The simplest malfunction that can lead to the appearance of stripes on the laptop screen. If it was possible to establish that it was the cable that was to blame for the problem, it is necessary to disassemble the computer case and inspect the cable for twisting, kinks, breaks or burnouts. Sometimes the cable is simply unsuccessfully clamped when the lid is opened, which causes artifacts on the screen. In this case, if it is not damaged, it is enough just to correct its position in the computer case.

However, if the image output cable on the laptop is burned out, frayed, or has other mechanical damage, you need to change it. On sale you can find cables for almost all modern laptops. If found suitable model if it doesn’t work, you can contact specialists in the field of radio electronics, who can use a tester to determine which part of the loop is faulty and replace it using MGTF wires.

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