Word program and excel training for beginners. A detailed guide to using Microsoft Word

Video lessons Word for those who want to professionally understand the interface of Word and make the most of all the features of this office program... I wandered around on YouTube and found a selection of good lessons.

It's not that Word is so difficult that you have to learn it. But sometimes, for example, I have different plugs with a Word, changing the case of letters (from small to large) causes difficulties. Other little things. So I think Word learning can be useful to everyone. Of course, the main thing is to be able to type quickly, and still be literate. Word helps in this matter, for example, spell check, very useful function.

This playlist contains 39 MS Word lessons. The lessons go from simple to complex, here is a whole video course, I have never seen anything like it before. Anyway in free access definitely not.

Watch video lessons Word

It may also be interesting to see This program is a rather complicated thing and it is not always easy to figure it out by typing it, let's say Excel always bothered me.

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I will tell you how to work in the Word program included in the package Microsoft Office... In that office suite includes:

  • text editor Microsoft Word. Typing and editing software text documents;
  • electronic microsoft table Excel. Program for calculations, including using complex mathematical formulas, output of results in the form of diagrams;
  • Microsoft PowerPoint. Program for creating presentations;
  • Microsoft Outlook. Mail program, and a few other programs.

The most commonly used are a text editor and spreadsheets... In this lesson we will learn how to create, beautifully draw up documents in microsoft editor Word.

Before we start, a few words about text document formats. On, in the section "File types" we examined what the file extension is, what it is for. Text documents have the extensions txt, rtf, doc, docx.

  • .txt - simple text documents, no formatting elements. To create a document in this format, there is standard program Notepad, you can change the font size or type, but the font of the entire document changes. You cannot change the font or the size of an individual word.
  • .rtf - from English Rich Text Format, translated as "rich text format". Main feature this format - transfer of text documents between different operating systems... You can open text typed on a Windows computer on a Mac computer. In the rtf file, you can use various fonts, apply formatting, insert pictures, tables, diagrams into the text of the document. In OS "Windows" for opening, creating or editing documents in rtf format, there is a standard program "WordPad".
  • .doc (from English document - document) - a format that has become the de facto standard for text documents, Microsoft Word (read by Microsoft Word) included in the Microsoft Office package (Microsoft Office). Rich possibilities for text formatting, the ability to use a variety of fonts, indents, paragraphs, bulleted and numbered lists, the use of multi-column text, insert images, tables, charts. In 2007 with the emergence microsoft versions Office 2007 introduced the .docx format, which is a further development of the .doc format.

Microsoft Office is paid program... If you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer, it will be easier for you. If not, there are some pretty good alternative free packages. In terms of functionality, they are very close to the Microsoft Office package, and often even in appearance, it is difficult to distinguish the interface of these programs. These are Apache OpenOffice and WPS Office packages. At the end of this tutorial, I'll show you how to download and install one of these packages.

Starting Microsoft Word

To start the Microsoft Word program, click the "Start" button, then "All Programs", "Microsoft Office", "Microsoft Word".

A blank page of a new document opens. Depending on the version of the package, there will be a difference in the interface, but the main points that we will consider will be present everywhere. I will use Microsoft Office 10 as an example.

At the top we see a tabbed menu with many items. Simply describing them will do little. Therefore, we will type text and get acquainted with them in the process. For example, we want to type a statement. Some points will be artificial, but this is solely in order to show the capabilities of the package.

Fig. 1 To enlarge - left-click, return back - click again

First, let's choose a font. When we move the cursor over the icon on the menu ribbon and hold it, a hint about the purpose of the icon appears. The frame in Fig. 1, number 1, shows the area where the font is selected. Where is the number 2, click on the triangle, the font selection menu opens. Number 3 - font - "Times New Roman".

Let's choose the font size. The frame in Fig. 2, number 1, shows the area where the font size is selected. Also where the number 2, click on the triangle, the font size menu opens. Number 3 - size 14.

The frame in Fig. 3 marks the text alignment area. It has 4 options.

  1. Align text to the left;
  2. Align Center;
  3. Align text to the right;
  4. Align Width.

Click item 3 - "Align text to the right".

We start to recruit. After typing "Head of office" press the "Enter" key. The cursor moves to next line, we continue to type. After we have typed "To" and "From whom" press "Enter" and in the text alignment area click on the 2 icon - "Align Center". We type "Statement" - again "Enter", in the alignment area - item 4 "Align to width" - "Enter".

We start to write a paragraph, press the "Tab" key to indent. We begin to write the text. Do not press the "Enter" key within the paragraph; as you type the text, it is evenly distributed across the width, aligning both on the left and right edges, adding additional spacing between words.

Press "Enter" for the next paragraph, or as in our example to insert a table.

To insert a table in Fig. 4 - click on the "Insert" tab, select the "Table" item, click the arrow below, the table template opens. With the mouse, move from the upper left corner to the right, thereby choosing the number of columns, lower it down, select the number of rows, in our case 4. A table appears on the sheet. The number of selected rows is not critical, if we did not have enough of them, we can easily add in the process of filling the table. Just standing in the lower right cell of the table, press the Tab key and a new row will be added.

When we created the table, all columns are the same width. In order to change the width of the column, move the cursor to the dividing line in Fig. 5, when it takes the form of two dashes with arrows to the right and left, press left button mouse and move the line in the right direction, bring it to the place we need and release the button.

To align the text in the columns, select them - with the left mouse button in Fig. 6, on the "Home" tab in the alignment section of the 1st and 3rd columns of our table, align them in the center, the 2nd to the left. We fill in the table. After filling, to exit the table, left-click under the table and continue writing.

Our application is ready. Let's check the spelling for errors. Click the tab

"Reviewing", "Spelling". If there is an error, a window opens in Fig. 9, where the error is described,

a variant of its correction is proposed. On the right in the window you can select the button "Change", "Skip", "Skip all", "Next". When the check is complete, the Spell Check Completed window appears.

If we need to print a typed document (it is assumed that we have a printer, and it is connected and configured), click on the "File", "Print" tab.

In Figure 11, number 3 shows the layout of what the page will look like. If we have typed several sheets, number 4 shows which sheet, we look and the arrows can be used to look at other sheets. Use the number 5 to select the number of copies to print. In order to send a document to the printer, press the button with the printer, figure 6 in the figure.

In order to save the selected document to a file, click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner in Fig. 12 number 1. By the way, on the tip, number 2, you can see that by pressing the key combination +, the file save dialog window also opens, Fig. 13.

The frame with the number 1 shows where the file will be saved. The arrow in frame 2 will help you select a different folder. Box 3 is the file name suggested by the system. We can change it by naming it as it is convenient for us, after which we press the button 4 - "Save". Close the Microsoft Word program.

If we forgot to add something, we start Word again,

and no matter how long it takes to search for our document, click the "File" tab, select the "Recent" item, in the "Recent Documents" list we find the necessary one, click on it, and it opens.

Greeting card.

When creating a business document, we used a very small part of the capabilities that Microsoft Word gives us.

Let's try to create greeting card in the Word program.

Open Microsoft Word. We select fig. 15

font "Times New Roman" - (1), font size - 28 (2), bold (3), italic (4), text color (5) - press the arrow next to it - select red (6), alignment - "Align to center "(7). We write "Congratulations", press "Enter".

Click on the "Insert" tab (1) Fig. 16,

select the item "Picture" (2) and click on it. A standard file selection window opens, where we find the folder in which we previously saved beautiful picture (3). Click on it to select it and press the "Insert" key (4).

The result is in Figure 17.

Push +(to be at the end of the picture), and press .

We write "Happy birthday" ... Next is the text of the wish. If you need to change the font of any word, or change the color, select this word (how to select) and change the font or size or color, what we want. Print and save, we already know how.

As a result, we have such a postcard.

greeting card

As I promised, I will tell you how to download and install on your computer free analogue Microsoft Office, WPS Office. We follow this link. We get to the WPS Office website Fig. 18.

There are two options for downloading - paid for $ 29.99 and free "Free Download", click on this button and download the installation file. After downloading, go to the "Downloads" folder and run the file we downloaded.

The installer window (Fig. 19) opens.

Press the button "Install".

The package is being installed Fig. 20.

At the end of the installation, WPS Writer is launched, an analogue of Microsoft Word. Fig. 21.

then "Parameters (D)" (2). In the opened window Fig. 23

parameters, select the item "General and save" (1), click in the circle "New document" (2) and click "OK" (3).

Next window fig. 24

offers us three options "New blank document" (1), "Create on another template" (2), "Open" (3). Click the first item in Fig. 25 - the WPS Writer text editor window opens.

As we can see, the interface is very similar to microsoft interface Word. All those menu items and tabs with which we worked in Word are also here. We can use a free alternative to Word.

We now have three new icons on our desktop in Figure 26.

WPS Writer analogue of Microsoft Word, WPS Presentation analogue of Microsoft PowerPoint, WPS Spreadsheets analogue Microsoft Excel.

Since the programs are free, the advertisement window for the paid version (Fig. 27) opens upon launch.

The text highlighted in red (1) “You can skip ad in 5s” is translated as “You can skip the ad in 5 seconds” and the stopwatch is running. When the stopwatch has passed, Fig. 28,

there remains the inscription "Skip ad" (1) - "Skip" - click on it, the ad disappears, we can work.

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How to master Word on your own?

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Today we will talk about the basic rules for working with a Microsoft Word document. To become a skilled copywriter, you first need to master at least the very basics of a word document.

All copywriters, even beginners, should be able to use such a program.

In addition to skillful and competent presentation, it is also important to learn how to correctly design the material. Then the text will be easy to read and look beautiful. How to learn Word on your own? Understand the most basic operations in the program, and then you will get comfortable very quickly.

How to create a Microsoft Word document?

There is the easiest way to quickly create word document... To do this, we will need to click anywhere on the desktop right click mice.

A small action bar will appear. The penultimate of them will be the word “create”. Hover over this word and see a new panel in which is located microsoft document Word (with icon). Click on it and create the desired document.

Everything is very simple and straightforward. Now you can start getting started.

Text formatting

Before or after writing, the text needs formatting. That is, it needs to be given a good and easily readable look. How to master a Word on your own?

To master Word on your own, you need to learn a few basic tools.

  1. text alignment (width, center, left or right);
  2. font size (number);
  3. font name. Times New Roman is usually used;
  4. typeface (bold, italic, underlined);
  5. if there are lists, then you can use bulleted or numbered;
  6. padding (bottom, top and sides). You need to select the text and move it using the linear panels that are located on the top and side of all text;

Perhaps these are the basic rules or requirements that every copywriter should be able to use when writing and designing their works.

How do I change the keyboard layout?

If you look at the bottom right edge of your monitor, you can see a row of icons there. One of them shows the printing language - RU or EN (Russian or English).

Click on it with the right mouse button and see the next window, which is called "Parameters". We click on it with the left button.

A panel with the name "Languages \u200b\u200band text input services" is highlighted. On it we find another panel "Keyboard Options". Click on it.

If there is Alt to the left + Shift markup, it means that when you press these letters on the keyboard, the language will change.

To return it back, you need to press these keys again.

If you want to change Alt + Shift to Ctrl + Shift, then on the panel “ Extra options keyboard "we will click on the button called" Change keyboard shortcut ".

Next to it there will be another panel with the words "Switch input languages". Under it, left-click next to the word Ctrl. Mission accomplished.

Thus, we have changed the keyboard layout. We will only have to confirm and save this action by clicking on the word "ok".

As you can see, learning the Word yourself is not at all difficult.

How to count the number of characters in the text?

After finishing work, you always need to make sure that you have typed a sufficient number of characters. To do this, we select all the printed text, find the word "service" on the panel (at the top) and click on it with the left mouse button.

There we see the word statistics, which we also left-click on. A small window appears where you can find the number of typed characters with or without spaces, as well as the number of lines, pages, words and paragraphs.

This function is very easy and convenient to use. It helps to instantly count the characters and immediately displays their number on the monitor.

Well, congratulations! So you were able to learn the Word yourself for free.

Alena (tellat), copywriter at Etxt.ru

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This article introduces the basic concepts used in Microsoft Word to help new users get started creating complex, professional-looking documents.

Heading 1

On the panel quick access 2 Preservation, Canceland Return

File tab 3 New, Open, Preservation, Printing and Close.

Tape 4

Edit window 5

Scroll bar 6

Status bar 7


In Word, you need to save the document to exit the program without losing data. When you save a document, it is stored as a file on local computer or in network folder... A later version can open the file, edit it, and print it.

    Open File Explorer and select documents... A list of documents will appear.

    If the document you want to work on is listed, click the file name to open the document. If the document is not listed, navigate to the location where the file is stored and double-click the file. The Word splash screen appears, and then the document is displayed.

Advice: file and choosing the command Open... To open a recently saved document, click the last.

Most of the text formatters can be found by clicking on the tab home, and then, choosing in the group " Font ».

1 it's on the tab home.

2 this group " Font "on the tab" home ".

3 Font ».

Change the font.

Font size

Change the size of the text.

Increase the font

Increase the size of the text.

Decrease the font

Decrease the size of the text.

Change case

Change the selected text to uppercase, lowercase, or other common word styles.

Removes all formatting from the selected text, leaving only plain text.


Make the selected text bold.

Italicizes the selected text.


Draws a line below the selected text. Click the drop-down arrow to select the type of underline.

Crossed out

Draws a line centered over the selected text.


Creates subscript characters.


Creates superscript characters.

Text Effects

Apply to selected text such as shadows, glow and reflection visual effects.

Text highlight color

Turn text attractively marked with a highlighter.

Font color

Change the color of the text.

Using styles

Styles allow you to quickly format basic elements in your document, such as headings, headings, and subheadings. Follow these steps to apply styles to text in your document.

    Highlight the text you want to change.

    In the tab home in Group Styles hover over any style; live preview is available directly in the document. To view full list styles, click the arrow Additionallyto open the area styles.

    To apply the style that best suits the text, click it.

When you're ready to apply styles to individual elements, Word lets you use a set of styles at the same time to change the look of your entire document.

    On the " Constructor " in Group Document formatting choose one of the sets of predefined style, for example Regular authentication or ordinary... Move the pointer over any style assigned to the live preview directly in the document. To see a preset style set, click the down arrow to the right of the group Document formatting.

    To apply the style set that best suits your text, click it.

Change line spacing in a document

FROM using Word you can easily change the spacing between lines and paragraphs in your document.

    On the " Constructor "select Spacing between paragraphsto see a drop-down list of paragraph spacing options. Move the pointer over any paragraph style for live preview directly in your document.

    When will you find desired view, click it.

Advice: To set your own paragraph spacing, select Custom spacing between paragraphs.

Preview and Print

Short review user interface Word

Heading 1 : Displays the file name of the document being edited and the name of the program you are using. It also includes standard minimize, restore, and close buttons.

On the Quick Access Toolbar 2 : commands that are commonly used, such as Preservation, Canceland Return Here are. At the end of the Quick Access Toolbar is a drop-down menu where you can add other commonly used or frequently used commands.

File tab 3 : Click this button to find commands that execute the document itself instead of the document content, such as New, Open, Preservation, Printing and Close.

Tape 4 : the commands that are needed to work are located here. Appearance on the tape will vary depending on the size on the monitor. Word will shrink the ribbons by reordering their controls to fit smaller monitors.

Edit window 5 : shows the content of the document you are modifying.

Scroll bar 6 : allows you to change the position of the screen you are editing your document.

Status bar 7 : The display of the document information you are changing.

View buttons 8 : allows you to change the display mode you are editing the document according to your needs.

Slide scale control 9 : allows you to change the zoom settings of the document you are resizing.

Saving and opening a document

    Specify a location to save the document in the field Save to... When you first save a document, it is pre-filled as a file name in the field file name enter the first line of text in your document. To change the filename, enter a new filename.

    The document is saved in. Change the file name in the title bar to match the name of the saved file.

You can open a Word document to continue working. To open a document, do the following:

    Click the Start button and select documents.

    Browse to the location where the file is stored and double-click the file. The Word splash screen appears, and then the document is displayed.

Advice: You can also open the document in Word by going to the tab file and choosing the command Open... To open a recently saved document, select Recent

Editing and formatting text

Before editing or formatting text, you must first select the text. Follow the steps below to select text.

    Place the cursor at the beginning of the text you want to edit or format and press the left mouse button.

    While holding down the left mouse button, move it to the right (called "dragging") to select the text. A background color will be added at the location to indicate the selection range of the selected text.

Most of the text formatters are found by clicking on the tab home, and then, choosing in the group " Font ».

1 it's on the tab home.

2 this group " Font "on the tab" home ".

3 this is the Bold button. In the table below, for the names and functions of the "" buttons in the " Font ».

Change the font.

Font size

Change the size of the text.

Word lessons for beginners is a free online video course on working with the Microsoft program Office Word, which contains the most important, carefully filtered and tested by many years personal experience information that allows, saving energy, time, and most importantly - money, to comprehend the knowledge necessary for confident work in Word - text editor number one.

Word course for beginners perfect for most users who are somehow connected with working in a text editor from Microsoft Office. In general, it is divided into several logically separated structural units:

1. Getting to know the program
2. Formatting text
3. Additional features

Thus, everyone will find for themselves what specifically interests him at a given time, without having to take a course on Word in a row. In addition, since video lessons are available online in a round-the-clock, free access, you can always study, repeat the material, or use the lessons data as a reference - an encyclopedia, to find quick answers to all questions of interest, without exception.

Moreover, you can always contact the administration through the Contact form or using the Forum, where they will always answer and help you.

To be specific, below is a list of the main questions that are encountered in the course. However, this does not mean that everything is limited to this list, no, you just need to have at least a general idea of word lessonsthat are available to you on our website:

1. How to number pages
2. How to delete a page
3. How to make a frame
4. How to make content
5. How to make footnotes
6. How to align text
7. How to make a link
8. How to make a diagram
9. How to make a table
10. How to make a paragraph

Well, now start learning directly. First, the first lesson. Next, we recommend using the navigation arrows below the video to quickly move between individual lessons. Good luck!

p / s To confirm that the author of this course is well versed in working with programs Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, was passed special test on the official Microsoft website, which gives the right, upon successful delivery in the minimum time, to consider oneself a "guru" in this area. By the way, the test was passed by me in less than 2 minutes, and here is the certificate itself:

You can verify its reality by following the link.

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