Microsoft account login on the phone register. How to create a Microsoft account, what is an account, log in and password recovery

A Microsoft account is a tool for synchronization  your files and documents on your computer with different services, such as: Skype,, OneDrive, Windows Phone  and Xbox LIVE. With the help of the Microsoft user profile, you can always reestablish  access to these services for any problems, with virus infecting, or when breaking  computer or account. And control  your devices: phone, tablet, laptop. And in case of theft or loss, take action on protection of  personal data or to search for a stolen gadget. This is only a small part of the functions and possibilities.

Creating an account through the website

Note that the username will be your email address, if you do not have one, then, here, you can create it by using the form to create an e-mail address by following the appropriate link. The form registration  has a column for entering a phone number, it is convenient when you restore access, but not necessarily. This item can be left blank.

Create an entry in Windows 10

Create a user profile in Windows 10 during the installation phase  operating system, following the step by step  instructions of the OS installation wizard.

  • We mark out  or remove the tags from the points for improving the impressions of the product, and the advertising dispatch and again press " Further».
  • Will follow tuning, you can do this later, either immediately, following the prompts and step by step instructions  on the screen.

A profile button will appear in the window, which can now be used to log into the system. Clicking on it and on the button " Control", You will go to the Microsoft site to further customize and synchronize your account documents with applications and services.

Creating an entry in Windows 8

  • Creating a user profile in Microsoft with Windows 8 is a bit is different  from the "ten". Here you need to draw a finger from the right side of the screen, scrolling the menu to the " Options».
  • Choose the item "".

When using a computer that does not support touch input, but only work with the mouse and keyboard, you need move  mouse pointer to the bottom right  angle of the monitor and select " Options».

  • Next, you need to click on " Changing Computer Settings».
  • Then select " Accounts", And" Other accounts».
  • Click on the link «».
  • We introduce  registration data.

Here you need to enter the e-mail address, which will be used  as login to enter the Microsoft account. Or create  Follow the prompts on the monitor.

An account, or a Microsoft user account, is a profile in the system that allows you to freely operate related applications. It is required to access the Microsoft product store (including MS Office) and services such as Windows Phone and Skype, as well as the OneDrive online store in operating system  Windows 8.

How to create a Microsoft account

The procedure for creating a new account in all versions windows systems  occurs according to a similar algorithm. To begin with, how is this process going, considering it in more detail with the example of Windows 7. So, to register a Microsoft account, the user needs to perform the following manipulations:

After all the actions described, you will see a freshly created account in the account management window. If you wish, you can set a password for it or parental control, change the picture and type, or even completely delete it.

If you create an account with administrator rights and are not the only user of the PC, do not neglect the password setting  - this will protect the system from harm that can be caused by other users (intentionally or by negligence), and in the future you do not have to restore important data.

How to create an account in Windows 8

In Windows 8 there is one nuance - its developers have made every effort to ensure that the user stored data not on his own PC, but on the servers of this OSes. Therefore, Windows 8 has two account options  - local and network. The latter is convenient in the event that you have several computers with a licensed version of Windows 8 installed on them, or you plan to actively use a set of preinstalled windows applications  Live and cloud storage. In all other cases, you can choose the first option.

To create a local account in Windows 8, use the following prompts:

  1. Go to the Start menu and go to the "Computer Settings" section.
  2. Click on "Change computer settings", and then on "Accounts".
  3. In the section called "Other accounts", select the "Add account" submenu.
  4. Click on "Login without a Microsoft account", and then on "Next", then confirm the selection by clicking the "Local account" button.
  5. Enter the user name and password (optional).

In order to create a network account, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Follow steps 1-4 of the previous instructions, but instead of the local account, select the network account.
  • Enter your user name and email address. With the help of captcha, confirm your actions (captcha is used to make sure that the action is performed by a person, not a robot).
  • Confirm your email address. To do this, enter the previously specified mailbox, in the folder with incoming messages. In it there will be a letter where it is required to enter the code sent by a sms-message to your phone.
  • After completing all the required actions, click the "Confirm" button. The Microsoft Network Account is now complete.

In the future, you can change the interface of your account (set a photo, create a home group, activate the update center, etc.).

To protect against possible hacker attacks, you need to set a password. As a rule, it is represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers. To be reinsured in case you forget your password, the system will ask you  answer the security question and enter in the appropriate fields a valid phone number and a spare e-mail address. If you for some reason can not access the system, the program will send to the phone number or e-mail  code to unlock the account, after which you will be able to log into your account and set a new password.

Registering a Microsoft account on your phone

Creating an account on a Windows-based phone is greatly simplified if you are already using oneDrive or Outlook Services. In this case, you just need to enter an already registered email address.

If you have not used any of the above services, visit, where you can create new account. To do this, you need to find the site creation point new record  (most often it is called " Do not have a Microsoft account? Sign up now"), And follow further instructions. As with the methods described for the PC, you can select the name of the Microsoft account and set a password for accessing it.

To connect the account registered in this way to the smartphone, you must enter its settings and find there the item " Mail + accounts". Click Add Service and select Microsoft Account. Now enter the email address and password you specified when registering.

Mail, cloud storage  OneDrive, Windows 8, 10 - all this account  Microsoft. Not surprisingly, the loss of a Microsoft account can be a tragedy for a user. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first, the service is equipped with a convenient tool for restoring the profile, even if the user forgot his login and password.

Password recovery

Before starting the procedure for recovering a lost password from a Microsoft profile, you need to make sure of the following:

  1. When you type the password, Caps lock is disabled, that is, the uppercase entry function;
  2. The layout is set to English (it is in this language that the security code from the account is set);
  3. Check the spelling of the e-mail used to sign in.

If all the above items are met, then you can proceed to reset and restore the password. For this:

  • We go to the official Microsoft website and click the "Sign In" button in the upper right corner;
  • The user will be redirected to the login panel of the account. At the bottom click on "Forgot my Password":
  • At this step, you must select the reason why the account holder can not login. There are no global differences when recovering the password, but for your reference it should be noted:

a) "I forgot my password" - user forgot the password;

b) "I know my password, but can not sing in" - the profile owner is sure that he enters the code correctly, but can not enter;

c) "I think someone else is using my Microsoft account" - there are suspicions about the hacking of the account.

  • We choose the first option, since the code was forgotten;
  • In the next window, you must enter the email or phone to which the profile is attached:
  • After entering e-mail, the user will receive an email containing a link to reset the password. We go over it and enter a new code.

If the account owner entered a phone number, then he will receive an SMS message with a secret code. Entering these numbers will replace the lost password.

What to do in case of loss of login

An email address is used to log in to your Microsoft account. If the user has forgotten it, you will not be able to send a request for account recovery. You can find out the email to which the profile is attached in several ways:

If the email was not restored, then the only option is technical support:

To send a request to restore an account through technical support you must provide the following details:

  • Name, surname in the profile;
  • Phone number and lost email;
  • Account details: date of birth, country of residence, city and time zone, etc.

There are no specific deadlines for considering an application for account recovery. Usually the answer comes within three days. If the account information is correct, the profile will be restored.

A video with a visual guide for restoring the Microsoft profile when you lose your password or login:

Restoring a Microsoft account when you lose your login or security code is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions and correctly specify the data. To write a letter to technical support, if possible, it is recommended that english language, since this section works faster than Russian-language.

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