Install third-party grease software. How to install unsigned add-ons in Firefox

Hello. I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to imagine my Internet browser without Yandex Elements. Let them not belong to functions without which you cannot do without, but you must agree - Yandex elements make our stay on the Internet more comfortable. Visual bookmarks, quotes, fast access to social networks and mail, weather forecast, road conditions save time and make life easier.

In general, I need them and points. So - taking up the planned reinstalling Windows 7, I downloaded fresh drivers for PC, video codecs, new versions of my favorite programs, installed Yandex Browser and the latest version Mozilla Firefox... Immediately launched Firefox with the aim of installing Yandex Elements, but the trouble is - by going to the office. site elements and habitually clicking on the "install" button, I received a connection error and reset the installation.

I checked the connection, tried it a couple more times - Yandex elements for Mozilla Firefox are not installed, even if you crack it, I did not suffer for long, I remembered how to solve this problem ...

Why Yandex Elements is not installed
for Firefox and how to install.

Honestly - why the Yandex elements extension in firefox was not installed in the usual way today, with the wording - "the add-on cannot be loaded due to an error connecting with", I was too lazy to delve into, because the installation method shown below worked the first time, that's all it worked and I lost interest in the developers' graters.

So, how to get around the error and install Yandex Elements for Mozilla Firefox. We open the official page - YandexElement , the browser should be detected automatically and you will see the inscription "A set of useful extensions for Mozilla Firefox" above the button. Right button mouse click on the "Install" button, in the menu that opens, select - "Save object as ...".

In the explorer window that opens, specify the folder (the one that you can easily find, the working one that you use for downloads), remember the name of the downloaded file, Yandex elements - YandexElement.xpi. We look up, in the browser menu, click on "Tools", in the drop-down submenu, click on "Add-ons".

In the add-ons window, select "Get add-ons", in the upper right corner we find the gear, if you hover the mouse, a prompt "Tools for all add-ons" pops up, left-click, select "Install add-on from file" in the submenu.

In the explorer that opens, find the folder with the saved Yandex Elements for Firefox, select "YandexElement.xpi", click open. A standard warning window will appear, with a request to install add-ons from "honest authors", with this we are all right - we downloaded the extension from official page Yashki, we press - "Install now".

We are talking about a multiprocess firefox 42, where an error is observed when automatic installation - incl. from

In theory, you just need to download the .xpi file and then drag it to opened window additions, but firefox writes that

This add-on could not be installed because it has not been verified

People suggest this solution:
about: config\u003e xpinstall.signatures.required \u003d false
but in my case, the fox still answers:

Firefox Developer Edition has blocked an install request software to your computer from this site.


The easiest way is to add

in the list of sites to which the check is not applied, for this we go in the address bar of the browser to:

about: preferences

Select the Security section on the left and click on the exclusions button on the right and add a new address.

Now you can install directly from the site, firefox will still throw a warning, but now there is an opportunity to agree with the installation - and voila - firebug 3 alpha (still alpha) is installed!

Add-ons stopped working in the new version of Firefox?

I recently installed updated version LastPass 4.0 for Firefox browser, and today this extension stopped working. Several other add-ons were disabled along with it, including Kaspersky Protection... The point is that in Firefox 43, all add-ons must be verified by Mozilla.

This is done for safety, but anything new often creates inconveniences. How do I make unverified applications that you trust work in Firefox?

Enter in the address bar about: config

Find in search bar value xpinstall.signatures.required and click on this line twice. Value true should change to false... Your favorite add-ons will now work again.

In the latest versions of the web browser Mozilla Firefoxalmost all plugins are disabled by default.

For example, instead of adobe plugin Flash Player you can contemplate the following message “This plugin is vulnerable and needs to be updated. Check for Updates ... Click here to enable the plugin Adobe Flash» :

In this case, in the left corner of the address bar of the browser, a red "cube" is displayed, clicking on which, you will see the message "For your safety, some plugins have been disabled ..."... Here you can also enable all plugins for the current web page:

If you want to disable this annoying option:

- in the address bar of the browser enter about: config, click Enter;

- in the message window "Be careful, otherwise you will lose your guarantee! .." press the button I promise I'll be careful!;

- in the next window in the text field Search (located at the top) enter plugin;

The new Mozilla Firefox 43, which appeared relatively recently, began to block undescribed extensions by default.

This solution was implemented by the developers in order to increase the level of browser security.

However, for most users. Who prefer the Mozilla browser Firefox given I didn’t like the new product, because it could cause some inconvenience. In this article, you can learn how to enable extensions. mossil.

What is an extension

An extension is a small application that enhances the functionality and usability of the browser. For example, you can install a program that will block annoying ads and spam when visiting sites, or change the standard browser look to a more creative one, etc.

Add-ons are classified into three main types:

They allow you to add additional functions for the search engine, or replace them with those available in other browsers. Add-ons allow you to block ads or sites that pose a potential threat to your PC, as well as download videos from any resources or integrate with social networks.

They allow you to change the standard background of the search engine, as well as visually change the appearance or arrangement of buttons and panels.

Allows the user to interact with the most different kinds internet content such as videos, games, music, etc.

The user can download the extension data from the Mozila search engine catalog. All programs in this directory are tested and checked for malware.

However, in latest version Mozilla, even the programs that are contained in the directory are blocked.

To install improvements, you will need to use forced way... Several push installation methods are described below.

Method number 1:

  • Go to Mozilla
  • Enter about: config in the address bar.
  • Press the button
  • After the security window pops up, agree to the terms.

Method number 2:

  • Go to the settings panel.
  • Find xpinstall.signatures.required.
  • Click LMB several times.
  • After the entry changes to false, you can install the enhancements.

After such manipulations, you can install in mozilla browser Firefox 43 various add-ons that will be relevant to the user. However, in this case, it is recommended to be careful, as such installations can pose a potential hazard.

Also, the user should take into account that when the next update of the search engine is released, all previously specified parameters will be reset.

Force installation of extensions in Mozilla Firefox

I decided to upgrade Mozilla to beta version 7.0b4

But after updating, I found that some extensions were disabled.

In Firefox, various extensions are tested for compatibility by developers and restrictions on the browser version are set to eliminate incompatibilities and glitches.

But we, the advanced ones, need everything at once. And wait until they test the next, especially the beta version of the browser, is not patient. In my case, the All-In-One Sidebar extension was disabled. IMHO - too handy extension to wait for the test, so I decided to start testing myself!

To manually install this extension, we will increase the limit on the maximum browser version. For convenience, I will break down our actions by points:

1. Let's find and download the extension itself. I downloaded from the official site As a result, I got the file “ all_in_one_sidebar-0.7.14-fx.xpi«

2. Let's unpack it. As it turned out, .xpi Is normal zip archive with a modified extension.

Change the extension to .zip and unpack it with any archiver.

3. As a result, we get a bunch of files, we are interested in the file lying in the root of the archive - " install.rdf". We open it for editing. In it we are only interested in the section “ em: targetApplication«:

4. We save the file. We pack all the unpacked files earlier in zIP archive with standard compression and change the extension back to " .xpi«.

The other day there was an update to FireFox 43 and for many blind users the Webvisum 0.9.2 add-on was automatically disabled.

The reason is that since the current browser update, increased security requirements are applied to add-ons.

Namely, all add-ons that are embedded in the browser or change the standard Firefox structure must be digitally signed.

But, despite this, the developers left the option to disable the check digital signature, but at the same time they emphasize that after this they do not accept any claims.

So, so that we can use the extension for recognizing codes in security images Webvisum 0.9.2 and further, we perform the following action.

How and what to change in hidden Firefox settings?

In hidden settings about: config

find the parameter


and switch through the context menu

from logical - true

to logical - false

Then close the tab and restart the browser.

If you hear the usual message about the connected Webvisum when you start FireFox, then you did everything right.

Until a signature is added to the Webvisum extension, we will use this solution.

While it's likely just disabling signature verification, it will help revive your other add-ons that have failed verification.

Whether the current change will be saved in hidden configurations, after the next update I don't know, but you can try to get account on the Firefox cloud storage and synchronize all settings and add-ons.

Based on material from the support site

P.S. Who does not know how to get into hidden settings Firefox, open the address bar by pressing “Control + L” or “F6” and enter the phrase “About: config” without the quotes.

Where can I download the signed version of Webvisum?

Attention! The WebVisum service has released a signed extension for version 0.9.5, to install it, go to the page with go to the headings at the very end of the article and download the signed version of WebVisum

Then install new version Webvisum 0.9.5 top previous version 0.9.2.

WebVisum 0.9.5 stopped working, what should I do?

Recently, the new signed version of the WebVisum 0.9.5 extension began to display a message about the impossibility to connect to the server.

We solve this problem By simply reinstalling the extension, namely without removing the signed version 0.9.5, install the previous version 0.9.2.

Thus, WebVisum will remain signed and will be able to work on firefox browsers 50.0 and higher without downgrading Firefox to previous versions.

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43rd mozilla version Firefox on Stable and Beta channels blocks installation of unsigned extensions.

To cancel signature verification for extensions, you can change the settings:

  • enter about: config in the address bar and go to the page;
  • click the "I promise I'll be careful" button on the warning page;
  • in the "Search" field enter the name of the parameter: xpinstall.signatures.require;
  • find it in the list and double click on it so that the value "true" changes to "false"

Disable signature verification via custom scripts

In Firefox 48 for Stable and Beta feeds, Mozilla has removed the xpinstall.signatures.require parameter. On Dev, Nightly and ESR channels, as well as in the Firefox Unbranded build, which is a stable version, the parameter is still available.

All extensions provided in the main Mozilla repository are signed, rather than extensions from third-party sources.

Today, there are many app-provided extensions on the Github and Bitbucket development platforms, as well as older extensions that are no longer supported by the developers and cannot be signed. All of them cannot be installed in Firefox Stable or Beta by standard means.

This method involves creating two files in the main directory from where Firefox starts.

1. The config.js file

1.1. Create text file;
1.2. Paste the code into it:

try (
Components.utils.import ("resource: //gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", ())
.eval ("SIGNED_TYPES.clear ()");
catch (ex) ()

1.3. Rename it to "config.js". Make sure it's called config.js and not config.js.txt;
1.4. Move it to your Firefox installation directory:

  • Windows - " C: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox \\" or " C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Mozilla Firefox \\";
  • Linux - " / usr / lib / firefox-<версия> " or " / usr / lib64 / firefox-<версия> ";
  • OSX - "/Applications/".

These are directories firefox installations default. They may differ depending on your installation settings or linux distribution... It is important that the file is in the root directory of the program.

2. The config-prefs.js file

2.1. Create a second text file;
2.2. Paste the code into it:

pref ("general.config.obscure_value", 0);
pref ("general.config.filename", "config.js");

2.3. Rename to config-prefs.js;
2.4. Move to " <корневая директория Firefox>\\ defaults \\ pref \\"
eg " C: \\ Program Files \\ Mozilla Firefox \\ defaults \\ pref \\";
2.5 Restart Firefox.

You can now install signed and unsigned extensions in Firefox Stable or Beta.

What happens when this happens

The code in config.js, loads one of the config firefox files and removes information from the "Signed_Types" constant in this file. This constant defines the types of add-ons and extensions that must be signed for installation.

Some extensions, such as themes, do not need to be signed. Thus, the code clears the constant from all types of additions, so installing any of them does not require a signature.

The code in the second file tells Firefox to load the config.js file on startup.

It's weird that this is so easy considering that mandatory extension signatures are used to improve security.

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