How to clear cache (temporary files) in Firefox. How to clear cache in a moss quickly and permanently

If you encounter problems with the Mozilla Firefox browser, the easiest and most affordable solution is to clear the browser. This article will show you how to perform a comprehensive cleaning of your Mozilla Firefox web browser.

If you need to clean to solve problems, for example, if performance has dropped significantly, it is important to perform it comprehensively, i.e. the case should apply to the downloaded information, and installed add-ons and themes, and settings and other components of the web browser.

Stage 1: using the Mozilla Firefox cleanup feature

To perform cleaning in Mozilla Firefox, a special tool is provided, the task of which is to remove the following browser elements:

1. Saved settings;

2. Installed extensions;

3. Download log;

4. Settings for sites.

To use this method, click on the web browser menu button and click on the icon with a question mark.

Another menu will appear here, in which you need to open the item .

In the upper right corner of the displayed page, click on the button Refresh Firefox .

A window will appear on the screen in which you must confirm your intention to clean Firefox.

Stage 2: cleaning up the accumulated information

Now the stage has come to delete the information that Mozilla Firefox accumulates over time - this is the cache, cookies and browsing history.

Click on the web browser menu button and open the section "Magazine" .

An additional menu will appear in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe window, in which you need to select the item "Delete history" .

In the window that opens near the item "Delete" set the parameter "All" , and then check all the options. Complete the removal by clicking on the button Delete Now .

Stage 3: deleting bookmarks

Click on the bookmarks icon in the upper right corner of the web browser and in the window that appears Show All Bookmarks .

The bookmark management window will appear on the screen. The left pane contains folders with bookmarks (both standard and custom), and the right pane will display the contents of a particular folder. Delete all custom folders as well as the contents of the standard folders.

Stage 4: remove passwords

Using the function of saving passwords, you do not need to enter your username and password again every time you go to a web resource.

To delete the passwords saved in the browser, click on the menu button of the web browser and go to the section "Settings" .

In the left pane of the window, go to the tab "Protection" , and in the right click on the button "Saved Logins" .

"Delete everything" .

Complete the process of removing passwords, confirming your intention to permanently delete this information.

Stage 5: cleaning up the dictionary

Mozilla Firefox has a built-in dictionary that allows you to underline errors when typing in your browser.

However, if you disagree with the Firefox dictionary, you can add a particular word to the dictionary, thereby forming a custom dictionary.

In order to reset saved words in Mozilla Firefox, click on the browser menu button and open the icon with a question mark. In the window that appears, click on the button "Information for problem solving" .

In the window that opens, click on the button Show folder .

Close your browser completely, then go back to your profile folder and find the persdict.dat file in it. Open this file using any text editor, for example, standard WordPad.

All words saved in Mozilla Firefox will be displayed on a separate line. Delete all the words and then save the changes you made to the file. Close the profile folder and start Firefox.

And finally

Of course, the above method for cleaning Firefox is not the fastest. The fastest way to deal with it is to create a new profile or reinstall Firefox on your computer.

In order to create a new Firefox profile and delete the old one, close Mozilla Firefox completely, and then bring up the window "Run" key combination Win + R .

In the window that opens, you will need to enter the following command and press the Enter key:

firefox.exe -P

A window for working with Firefox profiles will appear on the screen. Before deleting the old profile (s), we need to create a new one. To do this, click on the button "Create" .

In the window for creating a new profile, if necessary, change the original name of the profile to your own, so that in the case of creating several profiles, it would be easier for you to navigate. Below you can change the location of the profile folder, but if this is not necessary, then it is better to leave this item as it is.

When a new profile is created, you can start deleting unnecessary ones. To do this, click on the unnecessary profile once with the left mouse button to select it, and then click on the button "Delete" .

In the next window, click on the button "Delete files" if you want all the accumulated information stored in the profile folder to be deleted along with the profile from Firefox.

When you have only the profile you need, select it with one click and select "Start Firefox" .

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Recently, users of FireFox, and indeed all browsers in general, have been wondering how to work with the cache in browsers. In order to understand how to work with a cache, you should understand what a cache is.

So, cache Is the data that the browser " caches“, That is, it saves them on the local computer so that they will not be downloaded again in the future. The files that the browser usually caches include images, scripts, styles, Flash elements, etc. Perhaps the caching system allows everything that uses it to work faster. The browser is no exception, which also effectively uses the caching system.

Typically, the cache is refreshed when the files expire. In this case, old files are deleted and new ones are cached. This is done so that in the event of an update of a particular site, the user opens the updated version, and not the cached one.

The caching system is very important because it greatly speeds up the browser, both on slow computers and with a weak Internet connection. Also, the caching system is used wherever possible. Thus, the famous social network FaceBook is the most active user of the MemCache system, which caches data requested from the database.

Due to this, the interval of database access is significantly reduced, thereby reducing the load on the Facebook servers, and the user gets the requested page faster. no exception, it also uses a caching system to achieve the fastest possible performance.

Clear cache in Mozilla Firefox

FireFox provides some tools for working with the cache, that's what we'll talk about. To get into fireFox cache control panelYou need to open the main settings panel.

To do this, click on the button located at the top left. In the context menu that appears, select " Settings", And then go to the settings tab" Additionally«.

As we can see, this shows how much the FireFox cache is currently taking. Sometimes the cache size exceeds 500-1000MB, which indicates that the browser is actively caching files. That is, in fact, if the cache is about 500MB, this means that FireFox has cached 500MB from different sites.

Now, when visiting the relevant sites, the load on the computer and on the Internet connection will be much less due to the use of cached data.

By clicking on the "Clear cache" button, you clear the entire cache of the FireFox browser. Also, you can configure the method of managing the cache, namely, the method of allocating disk space. To be more precise, you can limit FireFox in the use of disk space, for example, defining only 350MB for the cache.

Congratulations, now you can work with cache in FireFox.

In Mozile

It's the 21st century. The Internet has become very important in the life of any modern person. Search engines process billions of different queries every day. People search for information on the Internet, download it to their computers, and work with multimedia. Over time, the browser gradually builds up a cache that needs to be cleared regularly. This article describes in detail how to clear the cache in Mozil, as well as what it is for, and what the cache is in general.

The meaning of the concept

A cache is a certain amount of memory on a computer or device with Internet access, containing information and links to the World Wide Web, which can be requested by the user with a higher probability than others. For example, a user connected to the network, visited several sites and watched a video. After that, he exited the browser. When he turns on the Internet again and visits the same sites, they load a little faster, because information about them is stored in the cache. Despite the fact that this is very convenient, you need to regularly clean your browser cache for certain reasons.

Why you need to clear the cache in Firefox

First, it takes up a lot of computer memory. Especially if the user does not just read news on the Internet, but actively correspond on social networks, watch photos, listen to music, watch video clips. So, for one such session with an average duration of about two hours, more than 300 megabytes of temporary files can accumulate. But people of the 21st century are very uncomfortable in information isolation, and there can be not one or not two such sessions a day, but much more, respectively, and more occupied memory. A huge amount of temporary files in the browser folder can significantly slow down its performance on new sites that are not yet cached. This is the first reason why it should still be cleaned.

Overloaded cache can be a problem

There is another unpleasant situation with the cache. Suppose a user has a favorite site that absolutely needs to be updated every 20 minutes. However, upon entering it, the news does not appear. And the problem here is not that the project administrators have run out of information, but that the browser cache is full, it's time to clean it up.

How to clear the cache in Mazil

We came to the conclusion that the procedure for clearing temporary files is still extremely important and even necessary. Let's consider it using the example of a well-known browser. So how do you clear the cache in Mozil? To do this, find the "Firefox" button on the top bar, click "Settings". Next, click on the "Advanced" button, then select "Network". Here we activate "Cached Web Content", then - "Clear Now". Congratulations, you did it! However, this whole process takes a certain amount of time, which is completely unprofitable in the age of high-speed technology. Therefore, you can configure the browser so that the procedure is performed automatically.

How to clear the cache in Mozile in an automatic way?

You need to click on the same button "Firefox", then "Settings", then select "Privacy". In the "History" section, you must specify "Use the settings for storing your history". Finally, check "Clear history on close" and the cache will be cleared every time you exit the Mozilla browser.

Existing browsers are specific software packages that help users to receive and use the information contained on websites. Modern web browsers are free, they are part of the software for a computer, tablet, or programs that work with any operating system. So, Mozilla Firefox functions successfully on its own or comes with Linux. To configure your own parameters, you need to know how to clear cookies in Mozilla, delete your web surfing history and other features of the program.

How to clear cookies in Mozile browser

The term "cookie" is a concept that users of the world wide web got acquainted with a little less than twenty years ago. At the end of the last century, an employee of a well-known IT company suggested using a certain amount of information containing the necessary information for exchange between websites and programs for accessing the Internet. Since then, "Magic cookies" (from the English. Magic cookies) make it easier for us to access the network, keeping the usual settings, helping to make online purchases.

You can download most of the browsers for free from the official websites of the manufacturers: they are freely available, they are based on uniform standards of processing, visual presentation of data. Opening the desired page of the site, your web browser sends a text file containing information about individual preferences and user settings, personal parameters (passwords, addresses, phone numbers) to the web server. These are cookies.

They are responsible for authenticating the person using the network. In order to protect confidential data, there is a cleaning function in the browser - search engines Mozile, Yandex, Google Chrome, etc. - information about web surfing for a certain period of time. In addition, experts recommend performing such procedures with a frequency of at least once a month. Why and how in Mozila to clear unnecessary cookies, cache, deleting information about the browsing history through the Browser History?

Where are the cookies

A distinctive feature of Mozila is the union of all cookies into one - cookies.sqlite, located in the personal profile folder. In addition, the browser creates a copy with a .bak extension in case the original file is damaged. To clear the Mozilla browser cookies, you can:

  • If you update, or rather, reset the entire web surfing history for a certain time.
  • Perform selective deletion of cookies in Firefox.

How to open and delete all history in Mozilla Firefox

Information about the sites you visited, downloaded games, videos and photos is presented in the History list of the browser menu of the same name. To completely clear the history in Mozile of visits, searches, downloads and addresses, follow these steps:

  1. After loading the Mozilla Firefox window, in the upper right corner at the end of the search bar you will see an icon in the form of three parallel lines. Click on it.
  2. Then follow the link in the Journal menu by selecting the appropriate tab.
  3. By clicking the Delete recent history function, you need to decide which part and for what period of time to do it.
  4. Then, to find out how to erase the history, exchange data, tick the Details sub-item.
  5. In the pop-up window Mozila will ask you to choose what you want to remove.
  6. Mark the necessary lines, for example: Download history, Cookies, Cash, Active passwords and logins. After that, you just have to click Delete now and the Mozilla Firefox browser will perform all the necessary actions by itself, and the window will close.
  7. It will take a few seconds or minutes (depending on the length of the period for which you want to clear the Journal).

How to clear individual cookies

If the goal is to get rid of individual cookies through which Mozila exchanges your personal information with the servers, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Find the Tools tab, place the cursor on this menu and press the left mouse button.
  2. On the top panel, you will see the sub-items of the main menu for Mozila control. After choosing "Privacy", go to the page of this bookmark.
  3. After carefully reading the suggested options, check the Delete individual cookies link.
  4. The Cookies tab will open, and in the window below you will see a list of all the cookies stored by Mozilla on your computer.
  5. After adding the ones necessary for deletion one by one, click the Delete cookie button in the lower left corner of the pop-up window.
  6. Similarly, you can clear the computer memory of all existing cookies at the moment by clicking on the Delete all cookies button.

How to clear the cache

There are several ways to clear the cache in Mozil:

  1. By following the steps similar to deleting individual cookies through the Privacy menu.
    1. To do this, select the sub-item Clear your recent history by clicking on it.
    2. First tick the deletion period, and then in the lower window select the Cache submenu, unchecking all the other items.
    3. The final step is to click the Clear Now button. The window will close, and Mozila will perform the specified actions.
  2. By clearing the Journal by choosing the Journal menu.

Special add-ons for Mozila for cleaning

A special site for additional Mozilla features contains a variety of programs that help users manage pop-up blockers, clear cookies, cache in Mozilla by pressing one key. So, a simple program BetterPrivacy will help to remove the "traces" of web surfing: it clears all durable cookies. FEBE will save settings, passwords, cookies, and, if necessary, the whole profile at your discretion.

Video tutorial: how to clear cache and cookies in Mozilla Firefox

Visiting addresses, cookies can be stored for different times: by default, they will be reset immediately after closing the browser or become permanent, which you can delete after request. By enabling cookie opt-out, you impair your ability to visit some sites. The optimal solution would be to periodically clean the cookies and cache. Would you like to know how to reset Mozila by resetting all settings? Watch our video tutorial, which will clearly show you how to clear cache memory in Mozil, get rid of unnecessary cookies, and speed up your browser.

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