How to set up data synchronization in Mozilla Firefox

All the modern leaders of browser building have included settings and bookmarks sync in their products so that you have the same browser setting on any of your devices. Anyone who has a mobile version can exchange bookmarks and passwords between platforms - mobile and desktop. But, again, this is only about one browser: its desktop and mobile versions... What if you are using different browsers such as Chrome and Firefox? This problem is also being solved, with several alternative programs.


The most interesting from the point of view of the degree of coverage of browsers and platforms seems to be xMarks. This solution comes in the form of extensions and add-ons for four different browsers: Google chrome, Firefox, Opera and.

This allows xMarks not only to help negotiate all the most popular browsersbut also to unite platforms: iOs, Windows and Linux.

I tested xMarks on (it supports extensions for Google Chrome) and Firefox.

To synchronize data between different browsers registration on the xMarks service is required.

Synchronization happened without any visible problems... The bookmarks have really become the same. There was another funny bonus that I did not expect. Even the last open tabs were synced! This even in one browser on different computers it is difficult to achieve with regular means, but here are two different browsers ...

After registering with xMarks, you can also manage your bookmarks through the service's web interface.

Sync Bookmarks with iPhone

There are also highly specialized solutions among synchronization solutions. So you can sync your bookmarks on iPhone using iCloud. This can be done with the iCloud Bookmarks browser add-ons.

The add-on is available in the Chrome store and Firefox extensions.

There is also a separate control panel that allows you to configure sync settings. This is a Windows desktop application.

And at the end of the article, there is one more way to synchronize bookmarks. It claims almost complete versatility: all major desktop browsers are supported, and there are also applications for two mobile platforms: iOS and Android.

A modern person actively uses the Internet, switching from a home computer to a work computer, then to a smartphone or tablet, then back to a home computer. Pages are laid on each device, sometimes there are a lot of such bookmarks.

Steps to sync Mozila

Seek out lost information in the ocean of data, it's hard. As well as re-register personal settings, pull up extensions. Sometimes the need to save data also arises when reinstalling the operating system.

Therefore, all modern browsers have built-in systems of their own that ensure the alignment of user data when working on different gadgets. This synchronization is also provided in Mozilla. For this there is the Firefox Sync service. So how to sync the mozila. Let's divide the process into steps.

First step

To sync Mozilla Firefox you need to create an account - an account. It is he who will be the identifier, the binding of user data in the system. Using the manager's service, the user sends passwords, keys, bookmarks to the browser server for storage.

When you log in from a new device from your profile to Mozilla, in order to sync bookmarks, it automatically uploads them there. It is desirable that the latest installed on all user's devices firefox version.

We create a profile in the browser. For this:

Second step

Congratulations. We proceed directly to the process of synchronizing Mozilla bookmarks.

The browser will open a menu with the corresponding table of contents. There you can uncheck the items that are not subject to it:

  • tabs;
  • bookmarks;
  • passwords;
  • stories;
  • additions;
  • settings.

The required properties are automatically adjusted.

Third step

In order to sync Mozilla across all your devices, you need to:

To remove any of the devices, do the following.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox there is a function data synchronization... It can help you sync bookmarks, passwords, browsing history, open tabs, and even add-ons installed in your browser.
This is very convenient: let's say in Mozilla Firefox, which is installed on my work computer there are many bookmarks and saved passwords for sites. I want the same bookmarks and passwords to be on me in Firefox installed on me houses... Moreover, if I delete any bookmark at home, it will also disappear on my work computer. All of this can be done with synchronization.

By the way, recently (since version 29) the sync process in Mozilla Firefox has changed... Those who used the old version of synchronization, I think, will agree that the process was not very convenient due to the use of secret pairing codes and passwords to recover lost keys.

In the new version it will be necessary to use firefox account... Those. by entering your username and password on home computer, or a work computer - you will get access to your bookmarks, settings, etc. The same can be done on a tablet or smartphone if they are on the Android platform.

As reported on the developer's website, using both the old and the new version of synchronization will not work. Thus, to create a Firefox account and take advantage of the new sync, you will need to disconnect your current devices from the old sync.

And one more thing: although old version synchronization is still working, Mozilla is going to continue supporting it for a limited time. Therefore, my advice to you: create yourself a Firefox account and use new version synchronization.

Now more about how to do this:

1) Launch the browser Mozilla Firefox and go to the settings. Here we select “Enter Synchronization”: 2) In the next window, click the "Start" button. Further it will be offered. Enter your email address here and create a password. You will also need to select the year of birth. Then click the "Next" button: 3) After that, we will be informed that a link has been sent to the specified mail to confirm the account:
4) Now we go to our mail - there a new letter is already waiting for us. In it, click the "Confirm" button:
5) Back to our open tab and we see a message that the account is confirmed!

Now on another computer (or android device) launch the browser Mozilla Firefox.

1) Go to settings - click “Enter Synchronization”. Then we press the button "Start".

2) Further, at the very bottom of the window that opens, click on the link: “ Already have an account? To come in”:
3) Next, enter our email address and password - click "Login": 4) If in the last window we click "Control", we will see that we are in our account and what exactly synchronize:
That's all! You can go to the “Bookmarks” tab in your browser and make sure that they are exactly the same as on another computer.

A final tip for those with the old version of synchronization is already in use: Before starting all the steps described above, go to your browser settings and in the “Synchronization” tab, do not forget to click “Disconnect this device”. Thus, you will save yourself from possible problems:
If something in the article was not clear to you - ask your questions in the comments!

Hello))) If you need to reinstall Mozila, do not forget to save the bookmarks before doing this, as they may be lost. This is especially true if you have decided completely.

Fortunately, we don't have to save each bookmarked site separately. For these purposes there is convenient function, which in a couple of clicks will save all bookmarks to a safe place.

Save bookmarks in Mozilla

So, to save bookmarks in Mozilla, we first need to open the browser and hold down the key Alt... After holding down the Alt key, we will have menu items. Going to Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks... You can also use Ctr + Shift + B.

In the window that opens, to save bookmarks to separate file, we need to go through the points Import and backups Create a backup.

We indicate on the computer the place where the Mozilla bookmarks file should be saved, then, if desired, give it a name and click Save.

Restore bookmarks in Mozile

After you've deleted and over again, it's time to restore your bookmarks. Recovering bookmarks in Mozilla is no more difficult than saving them. Launch the browser and hold down again alt key go to the Bookmarks menu - Show all bookmarks.

We indicate where the saved mozily bookmarks file.

We confirm the replacement of existing bookmarks by clicking OK.

Okay. I congratulate you, you found out how you can save and restore bookmarks in Mozile, but that's not all for me. Next, I will tell you how you can have the same bookmarks on any of your computer or laptop and not worry that they will be lost when you reinstall your browser or system.

Sync Firefox bookmarks
Cloud storage for bookmarks

Recently, a very convenient function has appeared in the Mozila browser - this is sync bookmarks... By using this function, we do not have to worry about losing bookmarks, since they will be stored on the browser's servers and, if necessary, we can easily access them. It remains only to create an account.

In order to register, you need to fill out simple form on the official website: We literally indicate our mail address, date of birth and come up with a password. Then press the Register button.

They ask us right away confirm your email the address.

We go to the mail and find fresh there letter from Mozila... Click there the big blue Confirm button.

Excellent! Now we can use sync in Mozile... After holding down the Alt key, go to the Tools - Options menu.

In the window that opens, we need the Synchronization tab. There we will see that the login to our Firefox account has been completed automatically and all data is already synchronized. We can remove the check marks from the items that should not participate in this function.

If you try to enter the section Synchronization right after, then of course the login to the account will NOT be performed and we will need to do it manually. There we will see the Login link.

By clicking on it, the official website of Mozila will start, where you will need enter your account detailsthat were used during registration.

Once signed in, sync will be enabled.

So use sync in Mozile on all your devices (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) in order to have fresh versions of bookmarks, passwords and other data everywhere.

In addition, it is very convenient, because before we do not need to save bookmarks in Mozil, since they are constantly stored on Firefox servers and they can be restored simple input account data!

The development of technology allows you to get up with your digital devices just incredible things. Just remember how a few years ago, when buying a new phone, you had to frantically copy data to flash cards, and phone numbers to SIM. However, now it is enough just to log in with your account on a new gadget to access your information again.

These " cloud technologies», In which the data is not stored locally, but on a remote secure service, are reflected in the work of Internet browsers. The most useful innovation in Firefox is bookmark sync, so you can open your favorite sites on any computer, phone or tablet without having to remember its address. All the content of your favorites is transmitted over the Internet to all devices that are signed in with the same account.

Thanks to some third-party services, you can perform the same operation not only between browsers of the same manufacturer, however, first things first.

Synchronization between Firefox

To begin with, I will naturally tell you how to synchronize firefox bookmarks... First, you need to create a special account, and then log into it, after which the system will automatically transfer your links to the server over an encrypted connection. So, to create an account you need:

  1. Launch browser.
  2. Click on the menu button on the toolbar.
  3. Click on the "Enter synchronization" button.
  4. Read welcome message and click on the "Start" button.

After that, a standard registration form will be displayed, in which you will need to specify email, password and year of birth of the user. By clicking on the "Register" button, a confirmation letter will be sent to the specified address, the link from which you need to follow, which is a standard and widespread procedure.

Important! Once the account creation is complete, simply sign in to the created account on another computer or other device, and Mozilla will automatically sync your bookmarks. You can log in from the main browser menu by clicking on the above-mentioned button "Enter synchronization".

Other browsers

It so happened that many users prefer to view their favorite sites alternately in multiple browsers. For example, your work computer might have a browser installed, and your home computer might have Firefox. This circumstance requires any one-stop solution, and its name is Xmarks.

This extension is present in the directories of almost all modern browsers, including Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, and others, less popular programs... You just need to install this extension in each of the programs and log in under one account (having previously created it) in order to resolve the issue of how Firefox and other browsers synchronize bookmarks in Firefox.

Just open the main menu of the fox browser and go to the Add-ons menu and then search for the name "Xmarks".

Using these methods, you should no longer have problems accessing your favorite sites - and this is all thanks to the development of cloud tools that everyone modern man should be able to use.

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