Where to disable automatic windows 7 updates. Do I need to update Windows? How to activate and deactivate automatic software updates

I do not know about you, but personally I am enraged by the auto update in windows 7. By and large, not only me, but also everyone I know. In fact, there is no longer any sense from him, tk. Microsoft has stopped supporting the OS and your PC / laptop is not downloading anything important.

In addition to what has been said above, updates further deteriorate the speed of the Internet, the speed of the computer (affects only weak and old models), and you still need to wait when turning it off and on.

As you can see for yourself, there is no sense in automatic updating in windows 7, and let's see all possible images on how to disable it.

How to turn off auto-update windows 7

Or another option, thanks to our almost selfless YouTube videos

If for some reason the video above did not suit you, for example, you save traffic (is this still possible in 2018?), Let's take a look using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the start menu, click on the control panel, then click on the update center.
  1. Settings. Find this option on the left side as shown in the picture.

  1. In the drop-down menu, you should click “Do not check for updates (not recommended)”, do not be afraid, even if they do not recommend, the main thing is that we will no longer be enraged by this. I almost forgot, you need to remove the jackdaws as in the screenshot and click OK.

That's all, such an easy way to disable updates, and how many nerves are saved).

How to disable updating via the command line

Dedicated to those who don't need a graphical front end, he thinks he is a hacker and a fan of Ubuntu. Come on, I'm kidding. This is the fastest and easiest way you can think of.

At the command prompt, enter - net stop wuauserv

And that's it! Just in case, for those who do not know how to open it:

Click "Start" and "All programs".

Select directory "Standard".

In the list standard applications find « Command line» ... Click on this item PKM... Choose "Run as administrator".

"Command line" launched. Enter your command command:

That's it, we live in peace, we rejoice. All updates are disabled)

Updates operating system are an important component of ensuring its performance and safety. However, in certain situations it becomes necessary to temporarily disable this process... Some users generally disable updates at their own risk. We do not recommend doing this without a real need, but, nevertheless, we will consider the main ways on how you can turn off the update in Windows 7.

There are several options for disabling updates, but they can all be divided into two groups. In one of them, actions are performed through Windows Update, and in the second, in the Service Manager.

Method 1: Control Panel

First of all, let us consider the most popular solution to the problem posed by users. This method involves going to Windows Update through the Control Panel.

Method 2: Run window

But there is also a faster option to get to the section of the Control Panel we need. This can be done using the window "Run".

Method 3: Service Manager

Besides, this task we can solve by disabling the corresponding service in the Service Manager

  1. You can go to the Service Manager either through the window "Run", either through the Control Panel, as well as using the Task Manager.

    In the first case, we call the window "Run"by pressing the combination Win + R... Next, enter the command into it:

    Clicking "OK".

    In the second case, go to the Control Panel in the same way as described above, through the button "Start"... Then visit the section again "System and safety"... And here in this window we click on the name "Administration".

    The third option for going to Service Manager is to use Task Manager. To launch it, we type the combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc... Or click right click mouse on the taskbar located at the bottom of the screen. In the context list, select the option "Start Task Manager".

    After starting the Task Manager, go to the tab "Services", then click on the button with the same name at the bottom of the window.

  2. Then there is a transition to the Service Manager. In the window of this tool, we are looking for an element called Windows Update and select it. Move to the tab "Advanced"if we are in the tab "Standard"... Tab labels are located at the bottom of the window. On the left side of it, click on the inscription Stop Service.
  3. After that, the service will be completely disabled. Instead of an inscription Stop Service an inscription will appear in the appropriate place "Start service"... And the status will disappear in the object status column "Works"... But in this case, it can be automatically launched after restarting the computer.

To block its operation even after a restart, there is another option to disable it in the Service Manager.

In this case, the service will also be disabled. Moreover, only the last type of shutdown will ensure that the service does not start the next time the computer is restarted.

There are several ways to disable updates in Windows 7. But if you want to disable only automatic updates, then it is better to solve this problem through Windows Update. If the task is completely disabled, then a more reliable option would be to stop the service completely through the Service Manager by setting the appropriate startup type.

In all windows versions present important function - update. Like most programs, Microsoft uses this opportunity to make timely changes to the system, improve its performance, or fix vulnerabilities.

Despite the positive aspects of this function, for most users it is superfluous or simply interferes more than it is useful. A lot of active PC users have difficulty with updates and prefer to turn them off.

Reasons and ways to disable

The main reasons for disabling updates in Windows 7 are:

  • Microsoft refused to update Windows 7, that is, updates will not be released, except for critical ones if vulnerabilities are found;
  • During the update, the computer is under a heavy load, since installing the files requires resources;
  • The Internet channel is heavily loaded, that is, during the download, the speed is significantly limited and comfortable surfing is difficult;
  • You cannot turn off your computer while installing or downloading updates;
  • If you are using pirated Windows, problems may arise as new ways to combat piracy are gradually released;
  • Limited traffic.

The probable reasons did not end there, but for clarity they are enough.

There are 4 ways to disable automatic update Windows 7:

  • Using the Update Center;
  • Through services;
  • Using the console;
  • Through a firewall.

Most of the features are standard, but a workaround can also be used (the last option).

Using the Update Center

In Windows 7, there is a special tool that is responsible for the entire update system. It is thanks to him that the difficulties in how to disable windows update 7 won't. To use it you should:

  • Click on Start and Control Panel;
  • Click on the "Windows Update" tile;

  • Go to the section "Setting parameters";
  • Select "Don't check for updates."

In addition to the radical disabling of the function, there are transitional positions when you can influence the installation of software. This is how the check takes place and, if something new appears, the user makes decisions. It is also advisable to uncheck all the boxes under the main menu.

How do I disable Windows 7 Update through services?

A special module, that is, a service, is responsible for the update procedure. It is the invisible part of the previous method. The service can also be disabled, while the result will be the same, only it is executed without a graphical interface.

  • PKM on "Computer";
  • Click on "Control";

  • Expand the Services and Applications category, then select the appropriate section;
  • At the end of the list, find "Windows Update" and double click;
  • "Startup type" - "Disabled" and "Stop".

Here you can also disable the Windows 7 update permanently, or set the "Manual" startup initiation. That is, the user will independently carry out the update with a certain frequency.

Disconnect using the console

The console always comes to the rescue in difficult situations and it is able to change some of the parameters that are deep in the system with a short command. Therefore, you cannot consider the topic of how to disable the Windows 7 update service and not mention the command line.

To disable the service, you must:

  • Press Win + R and paste cmd;
  • Add the command sc config wuauserv start \u003d disabled;

If you want to change the startup type to manual, then replace the last word with demand. All the methods above work according to the same principle, only the way of changing the parameters is different. There is also an alternative option.

Blocking updates through a firewall

The firewall itself allows you to control the traffic outgoing from the computer, so it can be filtered. It is this function that is important to us. Instead simple shutdown updates, you can install some kind of stub. All requests for a specific domain will be redirected to a local address, that is, to nowhere. The service, having not received a positive response about the availability of data on the server, will think that everything is in order with the system.

The most in a simple way stub installation is:

  • Follow in C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc;
  • RMB on hosts and open with a text editor;
  • Place the entry " https: //*.update.microsoft.com" at the end of the list.

Also, if it didn't work, add another " microsoft.com", but then even in the browser you will not be able to access the corporation's website. Also, this method works for most programs that require access to the network, to block them, just change the domain to the required one.

It should be understood that by disabling updates, you knowingly put your computer at risk, as antivirus signatures, system settings and Windows resilience are outdated. It's better to manually make at least critical updates.

First, we recommend disabling the update center using standard methods, but another way is also available. After completing the procedure, you remain the full owner of the system and no background tasks will load Windows.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to disable the update in Windows 7?", You can ask them in the comments

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How to disable Windows update - this question is asked by users who need to prevent the installation of system updates on a computer. With default settings, the operating system itself is automatic mode searches for, downloads, and installs updates released for Windows.

Microsoft releases service packs for the operating room at approximately monthly intervals. windows systems... From time to time, Microsoft makes unscheduled updates designed to solve emerging problems in the operating system, or to close the discovered gaps in the Windows security system.

The main part of the updates concerns system security. When you install updates, system fixes are applied or some new features are added.

In addition to the usual updates, so-called major updates are released in Windows 10, after the application of which, in essence, the computer is installed a new version Windows 10. These major updates are released once or twice a year.

Some users disable system updates for various reasons. Top reasons to refuse Windows updates:

  • sometimes it happens that after installing updates, the standard windows work and installed programs
  • if the user has a limited Internet connection, downloading updates affects the amount of traffic consumed
  • lack of free space on the computer disk
  • after applying the update, the user is afraid of losing the activation of the operating system

How do I turn off automatic updates? You can solve the problem using the system tools, or using third-party software... In this article we will look at 3 ways to disable updates on Windows 10 using the operating system.

Just turning off Windows Update on the top ten, as in Windows 7 or Windows 8, will no longer work. Maximum that can be done in a similar way: Pause updates for up to 35 days.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 10 (1 way)

Windows 10 Tools automatically detects, downloads, and installs updates to your computer.

On Win 10, you can disable updates in a way that disables the Windows Update service. This method works in all versions of Windows 10, it ensures that Windows updates are disabled permanently.

Log into the "Administration" from the Control Panel, or using more easy way: in the "Search Windows" box, enter the expression: "administration" (without quotes), and then open the "Administrative Tools" window.

In the "Administration" window, double-click the right mouse button on the "Services" shortcut.

In the "Services" window that opens, in the "Services (local)" section, find the Windows Update service.

In the Windows Update Properties window ( Local computer) ", In the" General "tab, change the" Startup type "setting to" Disabled ".

In the "Status" setting, click on the "Stop" button to stop the service windows updates 10.

After that, Windows 10 updates will stop coming to the computer.

To enable the automatic update function, in the "Properties: Windows Update (Local Computer)" window, select the preferred startup type: "Automatic (Delayed Start)", "Automatic", or "Manual".

How to disable Windows 10 updates using the Local Group Policy Editor (method 2)

Now let's see how to disable Windows 10 updates in the Local Group Policy Editor.

note that this way not suitable for Windows 10 Home (Windows 10 Home) and Windows 10 Single Language (Windows 10 Home for one language). This feature is present in older versions of the operating system: Windows 10 Pro (Windows 10 Professional) and Windows 10 Enterprise (Windows 10 Enterprise).

First you need to enter the Local Group Policy Editor. In the Windows Search box, enter gpedit.msc (without the quotes), and then start the editor.

Alternatively, you can enter the Local Group Policy Editor in the following way: press the "Win" + "R" keys, enter the expression "gpedit.msc" (without quotes) in the "Open" field, and then click on the "OK" button.

In the "Local Group Policy Editor" window, follow the path: "Computer Configuration" \u003d\u003e "Administrative Templates" \u003d\u003e " Windows components"\u003d\u003e" Windows Update ".

In the "Windows Update" section, find the item "Configure Automatic Updates", right-click on it, and in context menu select "Change".

In the "Automatic Updates Settings" window, activate the "Disabled" setting, and then click the "OK" button.

After that, the operating system will not search, download and install automatic Windows 10 updates.

Disable Windows 10 update in Registry Editor (method 3)

The third way to disable Windows 10 updates is by making changes to the Registry Editor. This method works in all versions of Windows 10.

In the Windows Search window, enter the expression “regedit” (without the quotes), and then run the command.

In the "Registry Editor" window follow the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsWindowsUpdate \\ AU

In the Registry Editor window, right-click on free space... In the context menu, select first "New" and then "DWORD Value (32 bit)". Give the parameter a name: "NoAutoUpdate" (without quotes).

Click on the parameter "NoAutoUpdate" with the right mouse button, in the context menu select "Change ...".

Enter the parameter "1" (without quotes) in the "Value" field, click the "OK" button.

To enable the update in Windows 10, you need to change the value of the parameter to "0" (without quotes), or simply delete the "NoAutoUpdate" parameter from the registry.


If necessary, the user can disable the automatic update of Windows 10 permanently using the operating system tools: by disabling the Windows Update service, in the Local Group Policy Editor, or in the Registry Editor.

Why you might need information on how to (cancel) disable automatic updates of windows 7 (maximum, XP, vista, in nod32, update center, windows update, download updates).

There are several reasons for this. First, you have limited internet and don't want to pay extra.

Second, after their installation, the operating system works worse, or even refuses altogether.

You can cancel or disable automatic updates for windows 7 (maximum), vista or XP using windows update. To do this, press start (bottom, left) see fig:

A new window will open to you, where on the left side you need to click "parameter settings". See pic:

A new window will open again, where you can safely disable (cancel) the automatic update of windows 7 (Windows) by selecting the option "do not check for updates." See figure:

I would like to note right away that you should not abuse the disabling of updates.

So for example, after canceling, you are unlikely to succeed in installing the Internet, and that's not all.

Moreover, they have a lot of necessary and useful additions.

By disabling windows center 7 (Windows update), you will definitely need to install many drivers and various packages in manual mode. All this will need to be looked for yourself.

Also, do not forget that your PC will move at risk, as most of them are aimed at protecting your computer from external intrusions.

Also, do not forget that in addition to the important ones, there are many optional ones, although for me they play a much larger role than the "important" ones.

In most cases, after installing a new operating system, on a laptop or netbook, and for portable devices, it is of no small importance.

Usually, after installing "not important", everything returns to normal, although not always. Sometimes you need to "go" to the manufacturer's website for drivers, download from there and install in manual mode.

In a word, it's up to you to keep or disable windows 7 updates.

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