Why a copy of ICloud is not created. Error solving "ICLOUD Copy Failure is not enough

Users of mobile devices often have to face a problem when the iPhone does not backup. As a result, various messages appear in the iTunes program, which indicate various malfunctions.

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It is important to remember that before conducting any operations it is better to save an existing backup copy that will allow you to restore the device if necessary.

Possible causes and their elimination

1. Backup files were blocked or damaged. To correct the error, it will be initially necessary to restart the PC, which will allow you to solve the problem during temporary blocking files. If the reboot does not bring results, you will have to repeat the following algorithm:

  • Delete an existing backup in iTunes settings (Settings -\u003e Device Tab) or transfer it to another folder.
  • After that, connect the iPhone to iTunes again to create a new backup.
  • If the manipulations did not help, it will require the creation of a new user who will have administrator rights. Subsequently, the backup must be made from his behalf.

2. It happens that the iPhone does not create a backup due to outdated iTunes, Mac or iOS. To correct the error, it is enough to download the latest version and install the necessary updates.

3. Impossible reserve copy It may be due to various time zones that are installed on a PC and iPhone. Eliminate the problem is quite simple - it is enough to put a tick opposite the line "Automatic transition for the summer time."

4. When backing up with using icloud.The error may occur if it is impossible to check the password authentication to the account, for example, after resetting the password by the user. To solve the problem, it is enough to go to your account again.

5. There are cases when an error is related to security settings. To eliminate, you will have to install updates or time to disable the system, after which you again repeat the attempt.

6. The inability to create a backup can be associated with a disadvantage. free space.

If nothing helped, then it is better to contact Apple support staff.

While creating a backup copies iPhone Or iPad in iCloud may occur multiple typical errors. The most strange one is related to the fact that the process of creating a copy is not completed, while IOS does not give any recommendations to correct the problem. About how to get rid of such an error told in this instruction.

Method 1. Delete the previous backup

Step 1. Go to the menu " Settings» → icloud. → « Storage».

Step 2. Select " Control", And after a backup of your device, which was created earlier.

Step 3. On the page that opens, click " Delete a copy" Note that the button appears after a short loading.

Step 4. Confirm the deletion.

Immediately after that try to create a new backup in the menu. Settings» → icloud. → « Backup copy».

Method 2. Create a backup to iTunes

An error associated with the inability to create a new backup in iCloud is quite often solved by copying a copy via iTunes and subsequent backup activation in ICloud.

Step 1. Connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer and run iTunes.

Step 2. In the iTunes window, select your device.

Step 3. On the tab " Overview"Check the checkbox" This computer" and press " Apply».

Step 4. Click " Create a copy now"And wait for the end of the backup process.

Step 5. On the mobile device, go to the menu " Settings» → icloud → « Backup copy"And activate the switch" Backup in ICloud».

After turning on the backup function, the problem with the impossibility of creating a backup should disappear.

During the backup copy of the iPhone or iPad in ICloud, several typical errors may occur. The most strange one is related to the fact that the process of creating a copy is not completed, while IOS does not give any recommendations to correct the problem. About how to get rid of such an error told in this instruction.

Method 1. Delete the previous backup

Step 1. Go to the menu " Settings» → icloud. → « Storage».

Step 2. Select " Control", And after a backup of your device, which was created earlier.

Step 3. On the page that opens, click " Delete a copy" Note that the button appears after a short loading.

Step 4. Confirm the deletion.

Immediately after that try to create a new backup in the menu. Settings» → icloud. → « Backup copy».

Method 2. Create a backup to iTunes

An error associated with the inability to create a new backup in iCloud is quite often solved by copying a copy via iTunes and subsequent backup activation in ICloud.

Step 1. Connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer and run iTunes.

Step 2. In the iTunes window, select your device.

Step 3. On the tab " Overview"Check the checkbox" This computer" and press " Apply».

Step 4. Click " Create a copy now"And wait for the end of the backup process.

Step 5. On the mobile device, go to the menu " Settings» → icloud → « Backup copy"And activate the switch" Backup in ICloud».

After turning on the backup function, the problem with the impossibility of creating a backup should disappear.

When you create a backup copy of the data on the iPhone, iPad or recovery from a backup in iTunes, warnings may arise, reporting on the impossibility or recovery from it. The reasons indicated at the same time may be of different contents:

  • "... since the error occurred";
  • "... since an unknown error -1 happened";
  • "... since it was not possible to save a backup on this computer";
  • "... since the backup session fails";
  • "... since the session could not be launched."
  • "... since the request is rejected iPhone";
  • "... as not enough free space."
Before performing further procedures, we recommend that you save the previously created backup of the data just in case.

Where the backup copies of the iPhone or iPad are stored

  • Mac: ~ / Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /
    Here, the symbol of the Tilde (~) corresponds to the user folder and in the absence of the "Library" folder in it, click the Transition menu by holding the OPTION key.
  • Windows XP: \\ Documents and Settings \\ (username) \\ Application Data.\\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
    Or you can try to independently find the folder of the Application Data folder by opening the "Start" and choosing the "Run" command. In the input field that appears, you must enter a string% AppData% and click "OK". So you will get access to the Application Data folder from which you can do the further path \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
    \\ Users / (username) \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
    Alternative method: Open the "Start" menu, enter a% AppData% in the search string and press the Enter key. Then do the rest of the AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\ ROAMING \\ Apple

Failed to create a backup of iPhone data, iPad in iTunes

Possible options for eliminating problems associated with the inability to create a backup copy of iOS-devices data in iTunes:
  • First, reboot: Restart the computer and iPhone or iPad, after which again try backing your device data.
  • Update. Update software: Download the latest iTunes version, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check out the presence of a free disk space. Lack of free space can cause the impossibility of creating a backup.
  • Check security settings. Probably you will like to update your security software or turn it off for a while. After that, try to create a backup copy of iPhone data, iPad in iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the Lockdown folder. on relief is located. Then connect again mobile device Computer and repeat the backup procedure.
  • apple support service.

Failed to recover from backup iPhone, iPad in iTunes

Possible options for eliminating problems associated with the impossibility of recovery from the backup iPhone data, iPad in iTunes:
  • Restart the computer and iPhone or iPad, after which again try backing your device data.
  • Update software: Download the latest iTunes version, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check out availability of your iPhone or iPad. A shortage of free space from a mobile device can cause the impossibility of recovery from the backup. In this case, go to "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad and go to "Main"\u003e "Reset"\u003e "Erase Content and Settings". Then try to restore the data from the backup.
  • Check security settings. It will be possible to update your security software or disable it for a while. After that, try recovering from the backup iPhone or iPad to iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the LockDown folder. detailed instructions on relief is located. Then re-connect the mobile device to the computer and repeat the recovery procedure from the backup.
  • Try the recovery from the backup on another computer. Pre-copy the backup to the backup folder on the new computer. Where the backup copies are stored - indicated above. Also, it may be necessary to create a folder backup or mobilesync.
  • If nothing helped, contact Apple Support.

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A couple of days ago, I tried to do in ICloud, but unfortunately, unsuccessfully: in the window posted at the address "Settings" - ICloud - "backup", I met me that it was impossible to create a backup device. Why did it happen? The answer to this question remained behind the scenes, but not his solution from iDownloadBlog.

If you also encountered a similar error, first of all delete the old backup of the gadget from the cloud storage. You can do this on the iPhone or iPad in the "Settings" section - - "Storage". Click "Drive", select Backup and delete it.

It happens that for incomprehensible reasons to delete a copy from the device does not work. In this case, a computer comes to the rescue: on OS X, open the "settings" - icloud (on this is the ICloud control panel). Press "control" again and in the backup list that opens, we remove unnecessary.

Did not help? Then try to exit the iPhone or iPad, and then log in to it. Also can help reset network settings in the "Main" phone settings section.

By the way, it is quite possible that the copy is not created due to the poor quality of the Internet connection. Connect to another Wi-Fi network and run the copy process again.

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Problems when creating a backup in ICloud - solutions

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To protect yourself from losing information when the Apple device breaks, it is recommended to back up. But sometimes when performing an operation fails, and copying is not performed. To correct the error, first it is worth identifying the causes of its occurrence.

Why could not ago backup via iTunes or ICloud

Errors "Unable to create a backup", "Error in creating a backup", "Failure to create a backup" appear for the following reasons:

  • version of iTunes. outdated;
  • USB cable works faulty;
  • internet connection and speed are unstable;
  • created too many backups;
  • the problem is in the device itself.

How to fix the error in creating a backup

If you do not know the exact cause of the failure, then perform all items alternately until you solve the problem.

Restart system

Try restarting the device used. This action will restart all the processes working in background modeAnd it is likely to solve the question.

Internet connection check

Maybe the problem lies in connecting to the Internet, so try to connect to another wi-Fi point, restart the router or check the status of the mobile network.

Update application

If you use iTunes, make sure that the latest version of the program is installed:

IOS update and programs

Make sure that the applications installed on the phone or tablet are updated, and the firmware version corresponds to latest version IOS:


Probably there is no place on the computer's disk, so it is impossible to save the backup. Then open the conductor and clean the memory.

Login to Apple ID

Exit Apple ID account and go to it again. On iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. This is possible through the settings:

On Mac OS and Windows with using iTunes. It is enough to click on the name of the account, then on the "Exit" button, and then later logged in the program.

Users inform that their iPhone8 / x cannot restore the steering copy from the last backup for various reasons. In this article, we listed the reasons and appropriate solutions when you could not restore a backup from iTunes or ICloud.

Part 1: Fix iTunes could not restore iPhone

When you have problems with iPhone, not restored from the backup copies iTunes.Below you can find useful tips.

ITunes backup is damaged or incompatible

When you are in this situation, removal damaged files Backups - good way To correct the error - the iPhone cannot restore the backup.

1. First, you must find backups of your iPhone8.

On PC with Windows 7.8 and 10:

To find a list of backups, sequentially select \\ Users \\ (username) \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\

You can also perform the following steps.
Find the search string:

In Windows 7, click the Start button.
In Windows 8, click the Loupeca icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
In Windows 10, go to the search string next to the "Start" button.

Enter% APPDATA% in the search bar and press the Enter key, then click these folders: Apple Computer\u003e MobileSync\u003e Backup.

On Mac:

Step 1. Click on the search in the menu bar.
Step 2. Enter or copy and paste the following text: ~ / Library / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /
Step 3. Press the Enter key.

To find a specific backup, follow these steps:

Open program iTunes.. In the menu bar, click iTunes and select "Settings".
Select "Devices".

Hold down the Control key, click the desired backup and select "Show to Finder".

2. Copy iOS backups to another place, for example, on your desktop or on an external disk.

3. Open iTunes on your computer and select "Devices".

4. Select all backup files and click Delete Backup.

5. Copy all previous backup files back to the Backup folder.

6. Try to restore iTunes again.

If this does not help, you can consider the possibility of deleting all backup copies and create a new backup if the new iPhone sees the backup of iTunes.

Error recovering backup

If the message says unknown errorYou cannot recover iPhone 8 from iTunes backup, you can contact the Tenorshare Tunescare. Instead of trying to use each time possible solutions, Tenorshare Tunescare offers the final solution to correct various iTunes synchronization / backup / recovery errors.

iPhone is disabled or not recognized iTunes

Make sure that a new version iTunes updated.
Check out uSB cable and connections.
Restart the computer and iPhone 8.
Place the iPhone in recovery mode with free, which will be detected.

Password backup is incorrect

If you have turned on an encrypted backup and accidentally forgotten backup passwordno way restore iTunes backup to your iPhone 8 if you don't delete a password using third-party software, such as. For details on how to remove the backup password iPhone ,.

Part 2: New iPhone 8/8 Plus cannot restore data from the backup iCloud

In another situation, if you use iCloud backup and you cannot restore the iPhone from icloud ios. 11, everything is different. Most of the backup errors with iCloud are called:

Not enough space for iPhone 8

If the previous backup file is large enough in size, you may be prompted to specify that for recovery from the backup iCloud is not enough space. In this case, it is proposed to clean some space on iOS device. - good tool To restore limited storage space.

ICLOUD recovery ends too long

The problem in which the iPhone will not complete the recovery from the iCloud backup, is mainly caused by slow network connection, as well as big size file. Make sure your device is connected to reliable and stable. wi-Fi networkAnd then wait patiently.

Or you can try the alternative to the backup copy iTunes. -. Supporting both backup copies of iTunes and ICloud, UltData processes are restored at an incredible speed. You just need to enter your account Apple ID and select a backup file.

Some elements cannot recover or restoring iCloud is incomplete

When your backups contain purchases made from more than one Apple ID, you will be prompted to send a message requiring you to sign your Apple ID, otherwise the iPhone cannot be restored from the backup. Click "Skip this step" and log in later.

I hope that these proposals will work for you. Share them if this article will help when resolving your iPhone 8/8 plus / x will not be recovered from iTunes / ICloud backup.

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