What is the difference between the linux operating system and windows. Which is better Windows or Linux. What is in the box"

Linux has made significant strides over the past decade, rising from the category of "Some kind of open source operating system" to level " Wow, this thing is really needed!". Linux gradually lured certain users away from their free opportunities and you may have even thought about switching to this operating system. But is it worth doing?

From an objective point of view, there are really compelling reasons why you should switch to it, but I will not persuade you to take such a step or stay on the familiar operating system. This article is intended for those who have already made their choice or are already leaning towards switching to Linux. If you are one of them, then that's great! But you should know that upgrading to a new operating system is not like an easy walk in the park.

Here are some fundamental differences between Windows and Linux. Read about them to be absolutely sure that you are ready to put up with the learning process, because there is nothing worse than jumping headfirst into something unknown.

File structure

The file structure of the Linux operating system is fundamentally different from Windows - this is due to the fact that systems were written by different developers using different code. You won't find "Program Files" on Ubuntu and you won't find "Program Files" in Fedora. There isn't even a C: or D: drive.

Instead, a file tree exists, and all of your disks are mounted in that tree. Your home directory and your desktop directory are two parts of the same file tree. It turns out that technically you have to learn how to use its architecture as well, it is certainly not very difficult, but, nevertheless, it causes some inconvenience.

Lack of registry

Have you ever heard of the Windows Registry? Of course, you have heard, and if not, then a small introductory course especially for you: this main base all basic parameters on your computer. The registry contains information about applications, user passwords, device information, and other data you can think of. If something is not stored in files, it is most likely stored in the registry.

Linux has no registry. Applications on Linux machines store their settings in a special program with the rights above the user. It turns out that the Linux configuration is modular. You won't find a centralized database here that needs to be cleaned up periodically

Installer manager

On Windows, you often have to mess around with files called installation packages. You go to a specific site, go to the download section and click on the download link, which directs you directly to the .exe file. Next, you run this file, and the installer does its job: installs the program on your computer. And when you want, then you need to mess around again, but this time in the control panel. Right?

On most Linux systems, you won't be dealing with this sort of thing. Instead, you will be presented with a package manager, which is essentially a dedicated hub for viewing, installing and removing software packages. Instead of visiting the official Firefox website, for example, you can simply go to the package manager, find the Firefox installation package there, and simply download it.

Personally, this is my favorite difference between Linux and Windows.

Replaceable interface

The interface of the Windows operating system has not undergone dramatic changes for a long time. Of course, we have access to the Aero interface, which appeared with the arrival of Windows Vista. Until that time, XP had only a few small improvements over Windows Classic. However, the taskbar, Windows Explorer and other interface options were not fundamentally different.

In Linux, the interface is completely independent of the host system. You can switch or change your interface as you see fit, without completely reinstalling the system. Here you'll find GNOME, KDE, as well as whiter modern Unity, plus a number of lesser known titles focusing on different aspects of the interface.

Command terminal

Linux has a reputation for being an operating system for geeks and this reputation is mainly due to the use of the command terminal. What terminal are you asking? It is a black box with traditional green text that you can use to execute commands. In other words, it is analogous to command line on Windows.

If you are going to switch to Linux, then you should definitely learn how to use all the popular commands, since you will have to use the terminal regularly. I'm sure there are special graphical workarounds (such as opening config files in a text editor), but they don't outperform the power and efficiency of a terminal that does exactly what you tell it to.

Driver settings

Since Windows is the most widespread operating system in the computer market, manufacturers focus their efforts on this system. This means that companies like AMD and Nvidia prioritize Windows over Linux. This means that you may end up pulling your hair out of your head due to unsuccessful attempts for your computer.

Again, this depends on what you intend to use on Linux. If all you need is a text editor, a web browser, some communication programs like email or instant messaging, then you definitely won't be in for a headache over a lack of fresh drivers. However, if you want to play computer games, you can get into trouble. Although, again, you can play the most popular games on Linux right after installing it.

Do it yourself!

In general, the Linux operating system requires you to desire do everything yourself... The people who get the most out of the freedom and openness of Linux are men and women who love to explore, learn and experiment with what they have in their hands. Every Linux computer is uniqueand its uniqueness comes from the fact that it has a huge amount of customization and equipment personalized.

If you have read the article to the end, and you still have the desire to use Linux, then congratulations!

You overcame the biggest obstacle and stayed on track.

This means that you have the appropriate psychological preparation (Linux will not lead you by the hand) and the will to win (know that you will most likely have to reinstall Linux more than once or twice before you get a version that suits you), plus you you can get positive emotions from communicating with the Linux operating system.

What are the main differences between the two popular operating systems Windows and Linux? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail from a technical point of view.

Read more on how to choose an OS for server operation on our blog.

The first point we will look at isoperating system kernel... The kernel is the most basic and significant component of any OS. The Linux kernel is monolithic, consists of one single file, if necessary, additional functionality is expanded using special modules.

Programs communicate with the kernel using system calls. They are standardized, which means that the same software without rewriting can function on different platforms running Linux.

The drivers are built into the kernel. A large number of programs are located in user space, given the graphical shell. This kernel structure is much safer, because if you disable module support at the kernel build stage, it will be unrealistic to run your code at the kernel level.

Windows has a radically different kind of kernel. It consists of many small parts of dll libraries, each of which is responsible for its own function. System calls don't apply at all. Instead, user programs call the libraries user32.dll, gdi32.dll, kenel32.dll, advapi32.dll, which call functions from ntdll.dll (directly related to the kernel).

The hal.dll library manages drivers that connect to the kernel separately. Custom kernel mode makes it easy to adapt the system to any software. But for this you have to sacrifice system performance.

The second point is differences in file system and disks.

The linux OS differs from the windows OS in the structure of the file system and this is not at all difficult to notice. The Linux file system starts from the root, that is, from the main directory of the system partition, and all other disks will be connected there in the necessary subdirectories.

Files are sorted into directories that depend on the type: executable - in / bin /, settings - / etc /, and resources - in / usr /.

Storage devices in Linux are listed alphabetically, and partitions are numbered. The Windows operating system presents everything in an abstraction. Considering that disks and partitions have a similar classification as in Linux, but all this is hidden by the OS itself. The user sees only drives C :, D :, E :, F :, etc. Each of them is a partition on your hard drive, and detailed information is hidden, which is even better for inexperienced users. If we consider the distribution of files, then a separate program is in one folder, with all the files, settings and resources that are executed.

Storage of settings and OS data.

How are Linux settings saved? This happens on regular files on the file system. The global files are located in the / etc / folder. They apply to all users who use this PC. Settings for user programs are located in hidden subdirectories of the user's home directory.

This is quite convenient, especially when transferring files to another PC. Programs create their own configuration files, which have their own syntax and are edited manually. Settings can be made using a graphical interface, however, this is not always clear to the user, so the manual option is more acceptable and simpler.

Unlike Linux, the Windows operating system stores all the necessary settings in the Windows registry. They are divided into special branches and keys, and access to them is fast.

This method is secure and provides the function of remotely changing settings using graphics programs... This has its drawbacks: the settings are not transferred to another PC, if the centralized settings system is damaged, it harms the entire system. The software fills the registry pretty quickly and takes up a lot of space. Therefore, deciding what is more convenient linux or windows is already a matter of personal preferences of users.

Users and rights... What are the management features? Linux is a multiuser system. Three levels of access to files: user-owner, user group and others. Three access options are available: read, write, and execute. ACLs, SELinux, and AppArrmor are designed for security, although they are not very popular. Many users are afraid to use Linux due to inexperience, we tried to dispel all myths about this OS in the article.

Windows was designed and built for just one user, and this introduced security issues. Multi-user systems were added a little later. It includes, in addition to owner, group and others, detailed ACL access lists. Therefore, this difference between these two operating systems is not too significant.

Features of program and update management.

At this point, there is a big difference between the windows and linux operating systems. Let's see why.

Linux has repositories for software packages. There is no particular need to download programs from the Web. And this is security, reliability and upgradeability. The update process takes place conveniently with one command for the entire system at a time convenient for the user.

Windows has no repositories. The required software must be downloaded and installed independently. The programs update themselves, just like the OS, sometimes at a very inconvenient time for the user. And to update, you need to reboot the system.

As you can see, the differences between these two popular operating systems are significant. But the choice of OS is a matter of taste. Some users like Linux, others can't imagine their life without Windows. The use of a particular OS depends, first of all, on the goals and objectives of the user. On our virtual servers, you can choose one of the above described operating systems. Looking for where to order Windows VDS? with server capabilities and OS versions on.

Interested in which hosting is better - Linux or Windows? The answer is in on this topic.

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Khristichenko Stanislav

This work is based on the study of two operating systems Windows and Linux. Moving to the Linux operating system eliminates the problem of software licensing, minimizes costs, helps to forget about viruses, increase fault tolerance and reduce the time for staff retraining. Research has shown that Linux is indeed a reliable, flexible and highly efficient operating system.

The paper presents data from a survey of Internet users. The result shows that 77% of users still prefer the traditional Windows system. Windows and Linux operating systems are developing in parallel, and users who have mastered the basics of working in Linux at school will choose it in the future.



Khristichenko Stanislav Vladimirovich

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Beloyarsky District, Sosnovka settlement

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the Beloyarsk region

"Comprehensive secondary (complete) school in the village of Sosnovka", grade 8


At the end of 2010, all schools that used Windows had to decide: purchase a license for the Windows operating system and all programs that run on it, or switch to free softwarei.e. Linux. Problemrelevant for the education system and the average user.

The first operating system I met was Windows. I never thought about the existence of other operating systems, because this suited me. Last year I started to get acquainted with another Linux system when it was installed in the computer class. I decided to make a comparative analysis of these two systems.

goal Research: Explore the two operating systems Windows and Linux.

An object research - the functioning of the operating systems Windows and Linux.

Subject research - development and software of Windows and Linux operating systems.

Research objectives:

  1. consider the development of operating systems;
  2. to give a comparative description of operating systems;
  3. compare software of Windows and Linux operating systems.

Fundamentalquestion : why some users prefer Linux operating system?

Hypothesis : Linux operating system is open source and is one of the most secure operating systems in the world.

Main part

Characteristics of Linux

Linux is a multitasking and multiuser operating system for education, business, and individual programming. Linux belongs to the UNIX-like family of operating systems.

Linux was originally written by Linus Torvalds and has since been improved by countless "people" around the world. One of the most interesting facts The history of Linux is that people from all over the world, from Australia to Finland, took part in its creation at the same time and continue to do so to this day.

Linux is a very powerful and stable OS. Using it on the Web pays off, and it's not that easy to hack. Linux is a little more complex than Windows, and it's not easy for everyone to switch to. At first glance, it may even seem that it is very inconvenient and difficult to customize. But this is not the case. The whole highlight of Linux is that it can be customized for yourself, configured so that you will experience great satisfaction from using this OS.

As a result of these peculiarities of its creation and development, Linux has acquired very specific "character traits". On the one hand, it is a typical UNIX system, multiuser and multitasking. On the other hand, this is a typical system of hackers, students and, in general, any people who like to continuously learn and understand everything to the smallest detail. In the flexibility of configuring and using Linux, there is probably simply no equal.

Answers to the question "What is Linux?" you can find many. Many people think that Linux is just the kernel. But the kernel alone is useless to the user. Although the kernel is undoubtedly the backbone of the Linux OS. The user has to work with application programs all the time. These programs are just as important as the kernel. Therefore, Linux is a collection of the kernel and basic application programs that are usually installed on every computer with this operating system. The unification of the kernel and application programs into a single whole is manifested in the name of the system: GNU / Linux. GNU is a project to create a complex of software, similar to that which usually accompanies a Unix-like system. General Public License (sometimes translated, such as the GNU General Public License, GNU General Public License, or GNU General Public License).

Linux has very advanced remote control facilities. Moreover, you can control a Linux machine from any other system that has a terminal emulator program. If the machine is connected to the Internet, then it can be controlled from almost any other machine also connected to the Internet. Remote management of workstations reduces network administration costs.

Unix and Linux were originally focused on the fact that several people can work with one computer at the same time. If only one person uses the computer, this approach still helps to separate user settings from system settings, i.e. those that apply to all users and to the system as a whole. This separation has a positive effect on the stability and safety of the system. Applications are initially written taking into account the fact that they can be used by several users at once, and do not require write rights to system catalogs.

The ability to update system libraries, load and unload device drivers, update almost any programs on the go, allow months to get by without rebooting the system and without interrupting the functioning of services and users. Linux reboot is only required in case of machine upgrade or kernel upgrade. Errors sometimes appear on Linux, but they rarely cause a serious system crash and, thanks to the availability of source code, are quickly fixed. The same is true for security issues, which are often fixed within hours of being discovered.

Linux cannot have only advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  1. The system is still too complex for non-professional users.
  2. Linux is developed by an international team and their language of communication is English. All documentation is also created in this language. Only a small portion of this documentation has been translated into Russian, which creates difficulties for non-English readers. The system is too complicated to be understood without documentation, and it can be very difficult to find something on a topic in Russian.

Windows characteristic

The origins of the Windows operating system should be sought in the previous operating system of the same company - DOS. All Microsoft operating systems are commercial projects. This must always be remembered, especially when you are trying to understand the origins of certain decisions, both commercial and technical.

The first OS from this family was DOS. DOS was a single-tasking, single-user operating system with a text-based interface. The first version of Windows was something unsuitable for work and did not receive distribution. Working in Windows has become possible since version 3. Windows For Workgroups 3.1 has the ability to work with the network. Winodws series 3 was a DOS-based system and was not very reliable.

In 1995 a new version was released - Windows 95: the code is partially 32-bit, partially 16-bit, embedded network. Compared to Windows Series 3, this was a major step forward. Reliability has increased, but the reliability of UNIX-like operating systems was still a long way off. As a workstation, it lacked reliability, but not as a server. Later, two more operating systems of this line were released: Windows 98 and Windows Me. After that, the line was closed.

In 1993 a new version was released - Windows NT 3.1. It was already completely 32- discharge system... It was developed from scratch and renowned experts were hired to develop it. New concepts were introduced. This raised the reliability almost to the level of reliability of UNIX-like systems. This OS could already work as a server. The continuation of this line is the operating systems Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

NT line OSs were multitasking, starting with Windows XP, it became possible to work for several users, but more limited and much less convenient than UNIX-like OS.

Comparison of Linux and Windows operating systems

Steve Ballmer, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Microsoft, said: “In 2001, Linux will pose the most serious threat to the corporation. I would really rate the Linux phenomenon as the number one threat. "

Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, stated: "I believe that Microsoft has created an objectively bad operating system, and I am interested to see how this gradually comes to people."

The conflict has been looming for a long time. It's just that such a rapid distribution of Linux could not but meet resistance on its way. Until recently, the real confrontation between Windows and Linux took place only in the server OS market - the position of Windows 9x in the sector of "home" operating systems was objectively unshakable. They are powerful now, but ... Suddenly everything changed. The efforts of numerous developers have led to the fact that the Linux environment from a gloomy UNIX-like one has gradually become more graphical and understandable to the user. Linux began to invade the desktop operating system market ... In 1993, the number of Linux users on the planet has already reached one hundred thousand.

Together with 1995, the era beginsWindows 95 ... Commercial applications for new platform fill store shelves. Games, office packages, tools for programmers, artists and musicians - all this is being developed in huge volumes under Windows 95. There are, of course, drawbacks in this OS. Compared to previous Microsoft products, Windows 95 clearly shows flaws and vulnerabilities. The user is attracted by the graphical tools for managing the system.

Its intuitiveness is really at its best - not in vain windows development 95 huge investments were made. The new OS confidently takes pride of place on almost every home and office computer. Undoubted flaws of the system seem to the end user insignificant in comparison with its power and richest potential. But this is the main thing for the market. Microsoft is celebrating success.

So what can the Linux community (1.5 million people in 1995) oppose to the massive invasion of the user market by Windows 95? By the mid-90s. With the efforts of companies and active users, Linux is gaining significant weight in the field of supporting Web-servers. Moreover, its “onslaught” on the Internet service area is becoming extremely aggressive. If in August 1995 Linux accounted for about 5% of active servers on the Web, then a year later this figure reaches 40%. Much of the secret lies in the fact that a free Apache web server is included in the standard Linux distribution - quite competitive compared to evenMicrosoft IIS 2000 year of release, which costs quite a lot of money. Thus, now every permanently connected machine with a version of Linux installed on it is capable of operating in the mode of a Web server. Bottom line: the service of the Web is becoming the domain of non-profit systems. It is estimated that only 20% of Internet sites currently have Microsoft software Web servers installed.

1. “Of course, windows alternatives there is. But if you want to do business, you cannot do without MS Word, Excel, etc. ", -Kim Cartney, a browser for the MSNBC site.

In the Linux world, there are at least 4 projects with the goal of creating office applications... These are Applixware Office, GNOME Workshop, KOffice and StarOffice. All of them are already capable of working with ready-made RTF and DOC files, as well as saving documents in more reasonable, compact formats without losing functionality.

2. "Linux does not pose a threat to Windows, since a modern operating system needs to support business-oriented applications, and Linux does not have such applications", -Ed Mut, manager of one of the divisions of Microsoft.

3. “Under Linux there is no way to run windows applications, such as Word and Excel, and I cannot live without them ”- hundreds of thousands of users.

There are many Windows emulators in Linux: Citrix MetaFrame, Mainsoft's MainWin, TreLOS Win4Lin, VMWare, WINE ... They differ in functionality: some provide the operation of applications for Windows 9x; others are also capable of running products for Windows NT / 2000 There is, however, a difficulty in this direction - the lack of support for DirectX.And although games under OpenGL run perfectly under Linux, most of the most modern games that are released with the expectation of DirectX, Linux users are still only dreaming. However, according to the developers, this problem may soon be overcome.

4. “There are very few or no viruses under Linux because this system is not widespread. Once it reaches the level of at least 10% of the prevalence of Windows, and we will see a lot of malware for Linux! " - a lot of frightened users. The results of my survey (Appendix 1) do not confirm this.

The fundamental difference between Linux and Windows in terms of working with user accounts is that in Linux, each file has an ownership attribute. That is, each file belongs to a specific user registered in the system and one group of users: say, the user vasya of the students group. At the same time, the system is managed by programs belonging mainly to the superuser - root and his group root. Thus, even if vasya uploads a hypothetical malicious code to his home directory and tries to execute it, such code will be executed with the privileges of the user vasya. And therefore it will not be able to damage or replace files belonging to root, i.e., damage the functionality of the system as a whole. This is, of course, a simplified explanation, but on the whole it reflects the picture correctly. Of course, seeing that the application launched by him displays messages about the impossibility of doing something there, vasya can (if the computer belongs to him) switch to root mode and execute the code as superuser.

Until a few years ago, Linux could not be called a system for beginners. Even installing the distribution kit required some knowledge, and therefore not everyone could install Linux on their computer. And that's - not to mention that just now installed system required configuration and editing of various scripts, and this requires deeper knowledge.

Today, things have changed a lot, and Linux OS has become much more friendly to novice users. Now the installation of distributions has become graphical and convenient, and, most importantly, the installation program in most cases itself recognizes what is needed for the correct configuration and setup of the system! Installing Linux has become very easy. But even after launching the most basic file system viewer, you begin to understand that you are still not in the usual OS, but in a completely different world - the Unix world ... Now we come to the main idea: Linux is an operating system, very important different from Dos, Windows and generally all OS from Microsoft. So, if you have worked only in Microsoft OS all your life and want to switch to Linux, then at first it will not be difficult, but very difficult! It's not even that Linux is a very complex system - it's just a DIFFERENT system. Of course, Windows and Linux have something in common: similarities of graphical interfaces, working with files, points borrowed from Microsoft from UNIX ...

Operating system software

The world of software is divided into 2 broad categories: paid software and free software. Paid software means a fee for a license to use it.

The most famous and widely used paid software is the Windows operating system. It is also paid to use popular programs of the Microsoft Office package - Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that Windows is a closed system, and no one, except Microsoft programmers, knows what is going on inside it. Maybe they are following us (or they will be following, launching a “dormant” mechanism in the future), transmitting confidential information to the Internet, or they are performing some kind of action remotely ...

An alternative to paid software is free software. The most famous free operating system isGNU / Linux.

Linux is preferred by companies such as Intel, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Motorolla, Nokia, Oracle, Google, Raiffeisen Bank, Boeing andmany other. ABOUT neither support Linux developers and Linux software by investing hundreds of millions of dollars in development and improvement. A striking example is Privatbank, which has more than 10,000 workstations running Linux. The savings amount to tens of millions of dollars.

We can say that Linux is an OS for thinking people ... Although this OS brings a lot of problems, Linux is, first of all, predictable, and after solving another difficulty, you can be quite sure that you will not have to return to this issue anymore (which cannot be said about the same Windows). Linux is also noticeably more robust than Windows.

Linux is improving with every new version. Linux requires much more modest hardware to run than Windows. Moreover, the likelihood of running Linux without restarts for weeks or even months is significantly higher than that of Windows.

Programs created under Linux, with the same functionality, on average take5 - 50 times less space (e.g. Photoshop CS3 - 500MB, Gimp - 15MB). Many outdated and not so old PCs can no longer work normally on modern Windows Vista, but they will work fine on Linux Ubuntu. It's all about the collusion of equipment manufacturers with software giants such as Microsoft, interested in the fact that users regularly change their computers, and their (equipment manufacturers) increase production volumes.

Remote control

Linux was originally adapted to remote controlbecause it comes from UNIX. The earliest UNIX machines were expensive minicomputers to which multiple terminals were connected via serial ports. The only difference between local and remote connections was the higher local communication speed (4800 bps to 19,200 bps) compared to the dial-up speed (110, 300, or 1200 bps). In this case, in both cases, the same communication software was used, regardless of whether the terminal was connected directly or through a pair of modems and a telephone line. Thus, if to manage a Linux computer located in another country, you just need to connect to it using the telnet program, then to solve the same problem with a Windows server, you will have to go to that country.


I believe Linux:

- much more reliable, secure and stableWindows. There is no vulnerability in it, as in Windows, because of which you have to download updates, install third-party firewalls. The vast majority of servers run Linux. Protection of your information from theft, both over the network and by an intruder who has directly gotten to the computer, is implemented much more reliably. The user can only have access to his own folder and not even see other files and folders, including system ones. Also of note is the protection and privacy of the Internet. On the sitetop500.org (500 supercomputers) - on different versions Linux runs 453 supercomputers out of 500 versus five Windows computers!

- less demanding on the technical parameters of the computerthan Windows. It makes better use of the hardware configuration of the computer. For work, you can use not the most powerful PCs. Linux works with a huge amount of hardware right now, suffice it to say that even exotic devices such as fingerprint scanners and video capture cards are recognized by the built-in Linux drivers.

- he is not afraid of such "popular" among usersWindows viruses! It cannot be infected if antivirus software for Linux and exist, it is only in order to check the files transferred in transit to another computer running Windows. Linux itself doesn't need an antivirus.

Uses the file system,not needing defragmentation.

Is different flexibility in customization, scalability and capable of working from a netbook to a super computer.

Using Linux open source software is your competitive advantage!

The Linux operating system is perfect for organizing workflow, networking and specialized activities.

Electronic document management includes office activities (preparation of various decrees and reports, drawing up plans, etc.), and bookkeeping (financial documents, enterprise balance sheets, personnel issues, etc.). Linux has a fairly powerful package OpenOffice (an alternative to Microsoft Office) is able to satisfy any request.

What are the requirements for those planning to migrate to Linux?

1. To remove the problem of software licensing in the organization.

2. Spend the minimum amount of funds.

3. Forget about viruses, Trojans. When working on Linux, there is no need to buy antivirus software.

4. Increase resiliency.

5. Select software so that retraining of personnel takes a minimum amount of time and nerves.

The answer to the fundamental question is received: why choose the Linux operating system. Many organizations choose Linux for facts rather than tables that compare two operating systems (Appendix 3). Returning to the topic of facts about Linux, it should be said that Linux is indeed a reliable, flexible and highly efficient OS. The hypothesis turned out to be correct.

Literature and Resources

  1. Ed. A. Pasechnik Red Hat Linux 6.2: training course - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2000.
  2. Craig and Colette Wizurspoon Master Linux on Your Own in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition: Per. from English: - M .: Williams Publishing House, 2001.
  3. Linux operating system: a course of lectures. Tutorial / G.V. Kuryachiy, K.A. Maslinsky - M .: ALT Linux; DMK Press Publishing House, 2010.
  4. http://ru.wikipedia.org
  5. http://linux.armd.ru
  6. http://www.linuxschool.ru
  7. http://pro-spo.ru/rabota-v-linux/linux-ili-windows/sravnenie-linux-i-windows
  8. http://habrahabr.ru/post/62811/

Scientific and educational conference of students "Continuity of generations, Shatura-2009" Area of \u200b\u200bexpertise: "Information technology" Topic: "Comparison of OS Windows and Linux"

Work supervisor: Voronin Igor Vadimovich, head of Information Technology Department, IPLITRAN

year 2009


A computer cannot function without an operating system (OS). OS is a basic set of programs that control computer hardware, work with files, input and output information, as well as the execution of application programs and utilities. The OS also includes programs and user interface. There are many operating systems for a PDA, for a computer, as well as special operating systems (for controlling units and mechanisms). The most popular PC operating systems are Linux, Windows, Unix, GNU, Mac OS, Amiga OS. This work compares Windows and Linux operating systems because they are the most popular in the world and in Russia.

Objectives of the work

The objectives of the work are to compare the operating systems Windows and Linux and identify their advantages and disadvantages.

The history of the creation of Windows and Linux

Objectives: To review the history of OS data creation

Microsoft Windows was first introduced at Comdex on November 10, 1983, when it was positioned as a graphical extension for MS-DOS. Even the well-known Microsoft Windows 3.x and Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.x were not pure operating systems, but were add-ons or extensions to the MS-DOS operating system. The main innovations implemented in Microsoft Windows are the emergence of a graphical user interface and the use of another device along with the keyboard - the graphical mouse manipulator, without which it is now difficult to imagine any modern personal computer. Windows 1.0 included native drivers for video cards, mice, keyboards, printers, and serial ports.

By 1990, the GNU Project had developed and continuously developed free software that constitutes the main toolkit for developing C programs: the Emacs text editor, the C compiler gcc, the gdb program debugger, the Bash shell, the library of essential functions for C programs libc ... All of these programs have been written for operating systems similar to UNIX. This means that they used the standard UNIX mechanism for requesting computer resources required by the program - system callswhich are executed core operating system. Using system calls, programs gain access to RAM, the file system, input and output devices. Because system calls looked more or less standard across all UNIX implementations, GNU programs could run (with minimal or no change) on any UNIX-like operating system.

With the available GNU tools, one could write C programs using only free software products, however free UNIX-compatible kernelson the basis of which all these tools could work did not exist. In such a situation, the GNU developers were forced to use one of the proprietary UNIX implementations, that is, they were forced to follow the architectural decisions and technologies adopted in these operating systems and base their own developments on them. Stallman's ideal of scientific software development, free of commercial solutions, was unavailable as long as free development was based on proprietary UNIX-compliant core, the source code of which remained a mystery to the developers.

Linux-OC of the UNIX family. Linux does not have a geographic development center. There is no organization that owns this system; there is not even a single focal point. It is being developed by many companies in different countries... Two such development companies are located in Russia: ASP Linux and Alt Linux. Linux software is the result of thousands of projects.

Differences in OS

Windows is proprietary. Sold pre-installed on computers or in a boxed version. The cost is approximately 3000 rubles. Linux is open source. It is distributed freely i.e. free. The GNU General Public License (GPL) confers and protects these rights, but only allows you to redistribute and modify programs under the same license.

Windows installation takes at least 1 hour. At the same time, an administrator is constantly required to configure the OS during installation.

Linux first asks questions about settings (there are about 15 of them). The further presence of the administrator is not required. Placed within 15 minutes.

File system difference

Windows has NTFS and FAT32 file systems. The downside to Windows is that it doesn't distinguish between other file systems. FAT32 is the latest version of the FAT file system and an improvement on the previous version known as FAT16. It was created to overcome the FAT16 volume size limitations, while still allowing legacy MS-DOS code to be used while maintaining the format. FAT32 uses 32-bit cluster addressing. FAT32 was introduced with Windows 95 OSR2.

Linux has over a hundred different file systems. The most popular are EXT3, reiserfs and others. Recognizes Windows file systems. The reiserfs file system was developed by MSU staff. Files of all users in Linux are stored separately, each user has his own home directoryin which he can store his data. Other users' access to the user's home directory may be restricted. Information about the home directory must be present in the account, because it is with it that the user who has registered in the system starts working. The file system not only organizes data, but is also the core of the Linux "workplace" metaphor. Each executable program "runs" in a strictly defined directory of the file system. This directory is called current directory, you can imagine that the program is "located" in this directory during operation, this is its "workplace". Depending on the current directory, the behavior of the program can change: often the program will work by default with files located in the current directory - it will "reach" them first. Any program has the current directory, including the user's shell. Since the user's interaction with the system is necessarily mediated by the command shell, we can say that the user is "located" in the directory that is currently the current directory of its shell.

Windows and Linux are similar in Internet connectivity, the only difference is that early versions of Windows did not have TCP IP. Goes to the Internet via TCP IP. Internet connection in both operating systems is usually by default via DHCP. In this case, if a server is found in the local network that distributes DHCP addresses, then the configuration of the IP address and access to the Internet occurs automatically. At the same time, it is possible to manually configure the connection, for this you need to have knowledge of what an IP address, DNS server, mask, gateway are.

Custom software

Windows has a meager set of programs after installation: Notepad, Paint, Calculator, Internet Explorer, and a music player that cannot play files without installing codecs. Other programs such as watching DVD, burning discs: they all need to be installed.

Linux has: Open Office, Gimp, Media players, programs for burning DVD discs and over 100 different programs.

Linux Programming

After a certain period of development under Linux, a number of the most important GNU utilities were already stable. A compiled Linux kernel with a small set of GNU utilities compiled already in Linux constituted a set of tools for a software developer wishing to use a free operating system on his personal computer. In this form, Linux was not only suitable for Linux development, but also represented an operating system in which it was already possible to perform some applied tasks. Of course, the first thing you could do in Linux was to write C programs. Despite the fact that with the advent of the first distributions, the installation of Linux no longer requires self-compilation of all programs from source codes, the use of Linux remained the lot of developers: the user of this operating system at that time of its development could be engaged almost exclusively in programming. At least in order to solve other everyday applied tasks in it (for example, reading e-mail, writing articles, etc.), he had to first spend some time programming and even developing the Linux system itself in order to create for himself the corresponding application programs or make them work on Linux.

Due to the prevalence of the Windows operating system in today's market, there are so many applications developed for this platform. However, the dependence of a commercial application on a specific platform (OS) may not always be convenient or beneficial. In this case, there are tools that allow programs developed for the Windows operating system to run on another operating system. One of the most advanced of these tools is WINE.

WINE ( Wine Is Not Emulator) is not an operating system emulator: that is, it does not create an isolation environment for execution and does not provide access to low-level system resources, such as direct access to hardware. The function of WINE is, on the one hand, to provide win application Win API is the standard system interface of Windows operating systems, and on the other hand, translate the requests of a win-application into the corresponding system calls (Unix API). WINE runs on a variety of Unix systems, including Linux. Thus, WINE is a kind of "layer" of compatibility between win-applications and the host-system.

Working with drivers and networks

Windows requires additional driver installation for optimal operation of all external devices. Moreover, there is a separate driver for each device. Linux already has drivers preinstalled for popular devices. However, Linux allows you not only to use already installed drivers and programs, as well as download and connect new programs and new drivers. This is done by installing packages. Packages can be installed from the graphical environment and from the command line. From a graphical environment, packages are installed using the Synaptic program. From the command line using the apt-get command

Virus protection

Windows is partially protected from viruses and an additional purchase and installation of antivirus software is required. But there is a built-in protection against malicious code "Virus Protection", which is not very reliable and is not even hacked by a serious virus attack. To help protect Windows from viruses, you need to buy and install additional software from other vendors. Also, these companies need to pay regularly to buy antivirus database updates. Linux has built-in protections in the kernel of the operating system. The kernel has the property of allowing for writing, only those commands that come from the administrator (from roota). All ordinary users who go to the Internet and use Linuxa resources never have such rights and capabilities as root. Therefore, if a Linux user never tells strangers the roota password on his machine, then it is impossible to break it.

Windows and Linux kernel

Windows has a MS DOS kernel, which consists of BIOS-basic input / output system, Io.sys-boot command file, comand.com - interpreter of information into machine code and other components.

UNIX compatibility at this point meant that the operating system must support pOSIX standard... POSIX is functional model a UNIX-compatible operating system that describes how the system should behave in a given situation, but does not provide any guidance on how to implement this programmatically. POSIX described the properties of UNIX-compatible systems that were common to different UNIX implementations at the time the standard was created. In particular, POSIX describes the system calls that must be handled by an operating system that is compliant with this standard. Linux with every new version of the OS comes a new kernel. The Linux kernel supports multitasking, dynamic link libraries, lazy loading, a powerful memory management system, and many networking protocols. Linux also has its own kernel. In 1992, the Linux kernel reached 0.95, and in 1994 version 1.0 was released, which indicates that the developers finally felt that the kernel as a whole was finished and all bugs were (theoretically) fixed. Currently, the development of the Linux kernel is already a matter for a much larger community than in the days before version 0.1, the role of Linus Torvalds himself has changed, who is no longer the main developer, but the main authority, who traditionally evaluates the sources that should be included in the kernel and gives its go-ahead for their inclusion. However, the general free development model by the community persists. Currently, two kernel variants are always being developed in parallel. A stable version that is considered reasonably reliable and usable and ends with an even number, for example, “2.4”. The corresponding experimental kernel version number ends with an odd number - “2.5”. The experimental version is addressed primarily to kernel developers testing new features.

Internet browsing

To download and upload files in Windows networks requires the installation of FTP, SSH, Samba client programs. IE is provided for the Windows HTTP protocol, but the popular opinion is to use a different browser. Because IE has vulnerabilities through which viruses can penetrate.

Everything is already preinstalled on Linux. The most convenient way to use is Konqueror because it contains many networking programs. The choice of browser does not matter. Currently the most common browser is Mozilla FireFox


On Windows you need to buy and install Microsoft Office. Or Open Office. It can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer's website. Both offices work in about the same way. Open Office is already preinstalled on Linuxe

Working in Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org

In OpenOffice.org, you can open and save documents in Microsoft Office file formats.

Opening a Microsoft Office file

  • Select Team File - Open... In OpenOffice.org, in the file open dialog box, select the Microsoft Office file.

Saving as Microsoft Office file

  1. Select Team File - Save As.
  2. In the field list File type select the Microsoft Office file format.

Saving documents in Microsoft Office default formats

  1. Select a menu item.
  2. In the area of Standard file format first select the document type and then select the file type to save.

After that, when saving the document, the selected file type... Of course, it remains possible to select a different file type in the file save dialog.

Convert many Microsoft Office files to OpenDocument format

Document Conversion Wizard will copy and convert all Microsoft Office files in the folder to OpenOffice.org documents with the OpenDocument file format. You can specify the folder to view and the folder in which the converted files should be saved.

  • Select the command to start the wizard.

Working in Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org

Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.org cannot execute the same macro codes. Microsoft Office uses a variant of the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) language, while OpenOffice.org uses Basic, which is based on the OpenOffice.org API (application programming interface). Although the programming language is the same, the objects and methods are different.

If a macro is used in one of the applications and you want to use the same functionality in another application, you need to edit this macro. To do this, download the macros to OpenOffice.org, which are contained in the Microsoft Office files, view and edit its code in the OpenOffice.org integrated development environment.

Open up microsoft document Office, which contains VBA macro code. Change only normal content (text, cells, graphics), but do not edit the macro. Save the document with the Microsoft Office file type. Open the file in Microsoft Office and the VBA macro will work as before.

You can also remove the VBA macro from the Microsoft Office file on load or save.

  • Select the command to set the options for VBA macro processing in OpenOffice.org.

On Windows, executable files have the filename.exe extension. There is no extension on Linux. There is a file type. The file types are as follows: r-read w-write x-executable. They have the following mask: User - only 1 user can view the file Group - the file can be viewed by a specific group of users All - all users

In Windowse, software is installed using setup.exe. On Linuxe, programs are installed using rpm packages. The built-in program Synaptik is used, which installs programs using the rpm package from the repository


Through these comparisons, you have found that Linux is easier install, maintain, and less time and effort required to update and maintain the system than Windows. Firstly, this is due to the absence of the need to install a diver for popular devices, it has more file systems than Windows, and is more protected from viruses. Linux is growing in popularity every year, and Windows is decreasing. You can install Linux completely legally. Having bought and installed Windows, you need to incur large financial costs for additional software.

We all love Windows, right? It is definitely a great operating system. However, what happens if I tell you Ubuntu is better? You may laugh and think that there is nothing better than your beloved Windows. But in this article, we'll take a look at 6 reasons why Ubuntu is better than Windows.

Some of you think that Ubuntu is only for smart people and that the average user won't be able to use it. Then how can she be better windows? The truth is, Ubuntu isn't that hard to use, in fact it's as easy as using Windows, in a way even easier. So, let's take a look at a few reasons why Ubuntu is better than Windows.

Imagine the situation: you sit down to do some work on your Windows PC, and as soon as you are ready to print an important document, a window pops up asking you to update Windows. As an obedient conscious user, you refresh and restart your computer.

After 10 minutes, you are ready to finish what you started, but suddenly a notification from Apple pops up that they also have an update for you. Is it annoying? Yes!

You see, this is because Windows handles OS and app updates separately. Therefore, you will receive pop-ups for each of the applications when they need to be updated. This makes the update process difficult, which is why a lot of people turn it off altogether.

Ubuntu is different. Everything is done using repositories of programs - repositories, she uses the update manager, for this process the OS and all installed applications... This way you manage updates from one place. It's much easier, so users generally don't turn it off, which means they're safer. By the way ...

2. Computer security

Windows has security features that you can use to keep your system secure, but you can't get away from the fact that Ubuntu is more secure than Windows.

User accounts in Ubuntu have much less default permissions than they do in Windows. This means that if you want to make changes to the system (for example, install an application), you first need to enter a password. On Windows - not needed. This makes Ubuntu more difficult to run for malware or virus.

Ubuntu is less popular than Windows. This means that the bad guys who make viruses haven't written too much malware for Ubuntu: good news for users!

Also, many bad guys use Ubuntu themselves, so while Ubuntu is susceptible to viruses, the chances of you being infected are slim. Negligible, but possible - always use antivirus software on Ubuntu.

3. Desktop decoration

Windows doesn't have a lot of desktop customization options, and while they've expanded in 10 over their predecessors, it's still a long way from Ubuntu.

You are very limited to changing the wallpaper or colors of the start menu in Windows, but in Ubuntu, any part of the desktop can be easily changed. Want a work panel on the right? No problems. Don't like the icons? Easy to fix. Maybe you want to make the Ubuntu fonts you like? Not a word more!

Below is the screenshot of my Ubuntu 16.04 desktop. The changes I made for about 5 minutes make it look very different from the standard desktop.

4. System resources

Not everyone can afford the most modern computer. So for some, the latest version of Windows is a little expensive. And Ubuntu may not be used in the newest version.

On a test computer, I installed Ubuntu and Windows 10, and as you can see below, Windows 10 uses almost twice as much RAM as Ubuntu. It doesn't matter to me, because the test computer has 8 GB of RAM.

But if your computer has 2GB of RAM, that means Ubuntu takes up 60% of your RAM and Windows 10 takes up 90%.
If your computer has even less resources than 2 GB, you can choose light versions of Ubuntu and Linux, which use fewer system resources. This will extend the life of your computer for several years.

5. Live environment

If you have not used Windows before and decide that you should try it, you will have to install the system on your computer. This means that you will waste a lot of time installing, and if you do not like it, then you will lose your data. It's different in Ubuntu.

In Ubuntu, as in many other Linux distributions, you can burn an image to a CD or USB flash drive and boot a fully working version of the operating system from that media. This means you can try Ubuntu without having to install it on your hard drive.
Didn't like the OS? No problem: just reboot the machine and you will be back to the previous version as if nothing had happened.

6. It's free

It's true, Ubuntu is 100% free. It doesn't cost a dime (but you can donate on their website). I know what you're going to say, "But Windows 10 is free too."

Windows 10 has been suggested as free update until the end of July, but the offer is no longer valid (although there is another way to update).

Windows 10 will cost you $ 119.99 for home use and $ 199.99 for the professional version, which is very expensive. So why not save that money and invest it in something else? Instead of Windows 10, you can download for free latest version Ubuntu.

Windows vs. Ubuntu: which one will you choose?

Overall, both Windows 10 and Ubuntu are great operating systems, each with strengths and weaknesses. And it's great that we have a choice.

Have you tried one of them? If so, please write in the comments below about your experience using them. If you haven't tried Ubuntu yet, what's stopping you?

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about the author

Founder and site administrator, I am fond of open source software and the Linux operating system. I am currently using Ubuntu as my main OS. Besides Linux, I am interested in everything related to information technology and modern science.


    Is Ubuntu 16.04 better than Windows 10?

    I'll go through the points.
    1.OS and software updates
    There are no difficulties with updates both in Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04
    2. Computer security
    There are no absolutely safe operating systems. And in many ways, security depends on the user.
    3. Desktop decoration
    By default, the desktop is better on Windows 10 than on Ubuntu 16.04.
    The color scheme in Ubuntu 16.04 just annoys me.
    4. System resources
    I disagree with the author, as in Windows 10 the programs run a little faster than in Ubuntu 16.04. (visually noticeable)
    (tested both systems on an old 2008 laptop with a single core processor and 4 GB RAM)
    5. Live environment
    Yes, I agree with the author. Ubuntu has an advantage here
    6. It's free.
    Well, yes Ubuntu is free, but ... if I have to pay for the product.

    Windows vs. Ubuntu: which one will you choose?
    If for work, then Windows 10 (at least for me)
    For the Internet, listening to music and watching videos, you can use Ubuntu.
    ... Although Windows can handle this just fine

    In my house, windows are used only for games, video editing / editing, photo editing. For work and everything else - Ubuntu (though a shell of KDE - I'm used to it).

    The disadvantage of Win10 is its unmanageability. Updates that she puts in whenever she wants are not ok.

    1. Eh no, don’t tell me ... With updates in Windows there has always been a complete x * pa ... At first, it starts to update itself, without even thinking to ask permission for this, but you may be playing something at this moment and you think - why did the system suddenly become so slow ... Then it starts every now and then to send you a notification - "reboot or I will reboot myself in 20 minutes." You can, of course, endlessly reset it, but in the end you will forget to reset and hop ... In the middle of the game, your computer starts to reboot by itself ... After such a mat, this Windows is not enough.
    2. Say what you like, but it cannot be denied that Linux is much safer than Windows. And by the way, I have never heard of antivirus programs on Linux. Do they even exist? 😀 It's just that they are not needed this way.
    3. Here I agree. Unity (DE by default in Ubuntu) is a monstrous twisted * avno. I can't imagine how someone can use it. She's just awful to me.
    4. By the way, I also heard that ubuntu, in principle, has higher system requirements than Windows. Another question is that there are other Linuxes and other DEs. Much more lightweight, but no less beautiful. For example Manjaro XFCE - it just flies.

    Windows vs. Ubuntu: Windows, because I basically don't like Ubuntu. Another question is Windows vs. Linux: definitely Linux, because there are much nicer systems. The same Mint or Manjaro. And yes, Linux is suitable for any kind of activity. Although I must admit that of course it's easier with games on Windows. But there are also many games for Linux, and you can also run Windows games on Linux through wine.

Administrator - sorry for off-topic question: why are you using OpenSUSE, and which de?

    I like OpenSUSE, stable system, almost no bugs, easy to install the software you want. Well, I'm already used to it. The environment is kde.

      thanks for the answer, I choose between mint with kde and opensuse, the only thing that stops opensuse from installing is that I could not find the Russian-speaking community, and on their Russian forum, it seems to me that it is empty and sad.

          Jack argue)

          For MINT because they have the most disgusting attitude towards fixing dangerous vulnerabilities

Dear Sergey, I completely agree with everything that you have written. But Win has a ton of stuff that Ubuntu does or doesn't work well for. In general, for those who only need the Internet, mail, movies and reading books, Ubuntu is definitely better than Win.

    Linux is a great thing for web development.
    GBE in Windows must be downloaded and installed, in Linux one line in the terminal and that's it.
    Plus the driver. As far as I know, links itself installs the drivers. Vmndovs seems to be the same, but in fact not.
    Plus Windows eats a lot of disk space .. What stops me from switching is that the Word is still better than the open office and that some games still can't be thrown out of my life)

      Games from Windows can be launched via Steam Play Beta via Proton

Many people are worried about the issue of surveillance in Ubuntu.

    Ahah. I got lost. Confused nothing? This is just total surveillance in Windows. Everyone already knows about it. Ubuntu is an open source system made by users. In general, Linux is the safest system in terms of surveillance.

well, this kind of texts should be placed on win resources. As a Windows user since 3.11 and just switched to mint for a couple of weeks, I can add a fly in the ointment - I managed to adjust the sound with a tambourine and I want to work, I want not. I had to abandon the mouse because the mouse does not want to work at all, I have an old CRT TV 21 "as a second monitor for children to play cartoons, I could not find the frequency to it, the chronic preference for the puntoswitch - put xneural - chronically falls off.

    At first it is always like this, then gradually it becomes easier. It is better to start with a mint, over time it seemed boring to me, there are more interesting things, you have to try. (currently using ROSA, Simply, Ubuntu).

    Sorry, but even Windows won't work on your rusty bucket!)

I have been using Linux since the release of Ubuntu 8. Now Ubuntu 16. Of course, now the hardware is different. The old computer is also intact. Debian is installed on it. I also turn it on sometimes. What did I do during this time from more or less large projects. Edited videos and educational films. He drew posters (interior prints, billboards, banners and large banners). He created presentations, coursework and graduation projects for students of various engineering specialties. He was engaged in 3d modeling. I drew labels, emblems, texts and cut them out using a cutting plotter. Prepared materials (audio, video, photos, texts, animation) for publication on websites. Administered the database. There is no problem that cannot be solved in Linux. All work done in Linux is legally clean. No copyright infringed. You feel independent and confident. Windows !? Most likely in Windows, when implementing long-term projects, big problems... Microsoft has repeatedly refused to support the operating system and programs inhabiting it, throwing users. I think that this will happen more than once. You can inadvertently read and interpret something incorrectly, here you have legal problems, litigation and various troubles due to violation of someone's rights. Before you get down to business, you need to hire a lawyer to protect yourself. Windows is only good for entertainment. Play for yourself and play, unfasten the loot for each occasion and you will be happy.

But if your computer has 2 GB of RAM, it means that Ubuntu takes 60% of your RAM, and Windows 10 takes 90%. Long thought.

Ubuntu is on a laptop, but on a PC - Windows. I'm a streamer))

    And the laptop is not a PC?

      laptop is a mobile device and a pc is a personal computer! Ferstein?

        A mobile device is a smartphone or tablet
        A laptop is a pc there are all components from a pc and a processor is not based on ARM

Linux Mint. I switched to it from Ubuntu 2 years ago. I won't tell you the exact reason. Something did not suit me related to Unity. 2 main disadvantages of Ubuntu: a) the default screaming orange theme, as a result of which you need to look for calmer colors, b) the need for "finishing", in particular, java, disabling aport, configuring Unity itself, the absence of a classic menu (must be set additionally). Currently switched from Cinnamon shell to XFCE (less "eats", but I need high responsiveness).

Here in the comments there is a minus to Mintu for supposedly "the most disgusting attitude to fixing dangerous vulnerabilities." But how this is expressed is not disclosed. I suspect that the author of the commentary simply read liberatum.ru, which is famous for such statements. But...
1) Mint uses the same package base as Ubuntu (with the exception of Linux Mint Debian Edition), i.e., by and large, at the level of system files Mint is the same Ubuntu;
2) but did not the author of the comment try to put a different level in the updates to start with than the default one, for example, "Always update everything"? I suspect not, because, it seems, "scary": cit. from the system warning: "Update my computer in a timely manner. If problems arise after installing updates, I will fix them myself."
And what is interesting in my system is vulnerable compared to Ubuntu? Nothing, and even slightly superior, since I use kernel 4.7, which eliminates a number of vulnerabilities in the TCP / IP protocol stack. It is unlikely that Ubuntu already offers this kernel. As for the negative attitude of developers to kernel updates, this is their IMHO, since regular user will not be able to roll back to an older kernel (what kind of knowledge is needed). But no one bothers to enable the maximum level of updates in Mint, although the 4.7 kernel is also not offered there.

    I fully support G.K .. Mint works easily and is constantly updated. In terms of memory, Ubuntu is lighter than Windows 10, but Mint is lighter than Ubuntu. I have an old PC with 2GB of RAM and an integrated video card, Ubuntu did not pull it and the card was not enough.

I think it's not worth arguing about security, Linux is used by MicroSoft itself ...

Ubuntoids, I advise you to try Manjaro, and if you have something strong, then Arch. You will be shocked by the speed of the system. Moved to Arch, very happy. (16 years of experience with Unix-like systems (muLinux, Frya 4. 6. Solaris, Mandrake, Mandriva, OpenSuse, ubuntu c 9 and its various derivatives)

I know for sure that Windows-10 is recommended for games.
The manufacturer himself writes (on the label of the new PC): "It's better to play with Windows-10."
Proprietary software cannot be completely controlled.
For serious and independent tasks, of course - open source software.

I am a simple user! Ease of use, stability and speed are important to me! At first I did not see anything better than VinHR, but then I began to think about alternatives. wines quickly got dirty and started to slow down .. I paid attention to Linux! the first experience was with ALT 4! I liked the stability and good Russification !! since then, on my PC dual block! gradually moved to OpenSUSE (the fourth sneakers were mesmerizing with their beauty), and then crawled to ubuntu, since I wanted simplicity and convenience! to this day, I'm a Ubuntu driver! I use it with pleasure !!
I am very pleased with the trend and development of the gaming industry under the tench !! All good !!))

Comparing Windows and Linux Ubuntu is relevant only in the ethical plane. Comparing these two operating systems in terms of technical parameters is like comparing in terms of technical parameters stolen Mercedes, which are given to people for free by some kind of robinoods, with absolutely free Opels, which are given to people by Opel owners.

windows are better than any Linux! faster, more reliable and no problem at all! and sooner or later Linux will fail and you will have to dig into the terminal! Linux is for programmers and those who have no money for software!

    who do not have money for software, those on torrents download it and do the right thing. Modern "programmers" have nothing to sit on, because C # JAVA and the like are mainstream, unfortunately. The wines were relatively good until the release of 8. 7 worked fine and was more or less under control. With the release of 10, the probe that they are trying to shove the user has become of such a size that any console in Linux seems to be a minor problem. Although from the point of view of stupid consumption of wines, 10 are showered because you don't need to think.

      Well, use 7, who's stopping you? Even XP is still quite possible ...

    So what? I don't see much of a problem digging into the Ubuntu terminal. And I’m never a programmer. And I don’t have money for software (at least extra money), and why should I, figuratively speaking, ride a stolen Mercedes if BMW owners give me a free BMW X6 with all the documents?

I have used both operating systems, and different distributions of both Windows and Linux. I have been using the windows for over ten years. Ever since my first computer and Windows XP SP2. Then I did not think about many things and did not even pay special attention when Winda flew. But I grew up. Received an education. I got smarter and realized that Windows is that magnet for all kinds of garbage, cache, and so on. And when Windows 10 came out, I thought it wasn't that bad. Updated and used for a week. I understood. It couldn't get any worse. Hell, I liked Vista more than 10th.
And then I remembered that someone was talking about Linux. I saw it a couple of times on laptops in stores and didn't get it. what kind of operating system is this. Then I learned more information and put it to myself. Erase all data. I put it in the blind. And I installed Ubuntu. And after the first minutes of meeting, I realized that it was she who was what I had been looking for for so long. After that, I tried a dozen linux distributions and returned all the same to Ubuntu. I fell in love with her, and I don't want to let go anymore. But still, whoever said anything, I hated Windows 7 with all my heart. Because even with the licensed version, I was uncomfortable working with it.

I have been using Windows for many years. Started with Win98. Revisited many versions of Windows. When a dozen came out and began to collect telemetric data from users, I did not like it, and I am not pleased to catch viruses that mail.ru generously sends out. I switched to Xubuntu. Xubuntu turned out to be not very stable (apparently after I screwed the Kubuntu desktop - KDE 5 Plasma on it, it is very heavy). Moved to Linux Mint - Xfce 18.2 Sonya. Mint is more stable than Ubuntu. Happy as an elephant.

But Windows 10 starts many times faster than Ubuntu 16.04. How to live with such a fact?

    Well, where are the facts, just blah-blah-blah, prove reasonably and you can't help but write nonsense.

Another 7th fact that the line will work quietly on a half-dead screw, and Windows will not work at all. And to compare all this is not entirely correct, try to prove that the left eye or the left hand is better than the right. I use both systems, on a PC it costs 7 and on an old laptop in 2008, where Khryusha barely drags himself, runtu xfce 16.04 flies like a jet. http://i.prntscr.com/Y_VVG1xCQhei2NOaMc3iTA.png

God ... kids write all sorts of nonsense ... Games on Windows are better - is this a game console? On Linux, you can do anything? Seriously?
And work with color profiles of the printer is also possible in linux? Pomnitsa Linux Mint could not print a normal photo for me on the Epson photo printer. There is no replacement for the Windows VISIO on the linux, just as there is no normal replacement for Photoshop. Yes, you can run it in a virtual machine, but that's a perversion. Have you tried editing video in Linux? So how is it? Did the ambulance come to you? So it turns out that Linux is ideal for simple tasks: surfing, movies, watching pictures, and that's all. For the advanced, the networking capabilities of Linux are interesting and here it has no equal, but these are a few percent, and Windows is absolutely the whole range of interests. That being said, I personally hate her ...

    Unrivaled in networking? I doubt very much! I have a home server on Linux Fedora 27, a home theater system on Linux and Windows, and a work computer with three Windows 10 systems, Linux Fedora 27 and Rosa Fresh R10. Previously used Debian 7 on a server, Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 7 on home theater... on a working Windows 8 and experimented with Linux, based on Debian (Debian 7/8/9 itself, Ubuntu, Mint, ZorinOS ...). The network was just terribly slow, especially the opening of network resources of their Linux, it took from 1 to 5 minutes to open the desired file! From Windows, the same files were opened in 0.5 - 2 seconds. Now about the Internet, I often have to download descriptions of various programs, operating systems, etc. In Linux, this is such a "hemorrhoid" !!! You poke around, poke around, spit, swear, reboot into Windows and everything turns out in one moment. Running several video files in a row from a server from Linux is a rather serious problem, but in Windows this is done once or twice. Therefore, I keep two systems on my home theater, when the stupidity of Linux gets out, I just reboot into Windows and have fun. Here on a Linux server is beyond competition, power, flexibility, undemanding resources. And when I transferred all computers to another Linux RedHat platform and the network began to work much better, the discovery of resources accelerated tenfold, no more than 2 - 3 seconds. Now I have Frdora 27 installed everywhere, I use it on the server but without a graphical environment. A little more than six months have passed, the flight is normal. And my evolution was like this (for a desktop PC) - Ubuntu -\u003e Kubuntu -\u003e Mint KDE -\u003e Rosa P7, updated to 8.1 KDE. Runtu hfs is still on the netbook, but I want to try something super-light like Papyrus or Russified SliTaz ... And I tried in live mode and virtualblx, probably several dozen distributions ... Including the free insider 10, but the last one after 6 years of Linuxism is not very perceived ...

    two systems, wines for the wife! ubuntu for myself)))))

    I agree with everything except the desktop setting. Never had a problem with this on Windows

    I've been trying to master Linux for over 10 years. I started with SOS, TRDOS, these are Sinclair Spectrum operating systems, switched to DOS, then Windows, I was indescribably delighted with OS / 2, this "half-axis" on a computer with an Intel 80386 DX40 processor (40 MGz processor clock frequency and as much as 4 megabytes of operational memory) worked in such a way that now I remember with longing, having a computer with an I7 processor and 8 Gb RAM. Worked with the unrivaled reliability of Windows 3.11. There is no system from Linux that I would not install. Now settled on Ubuntu 14.04.2 Orens Edition on home theater, Fedora 27 Plasma on work computer and Fedora 27 without graphical desktop environment on home server, but on home theater and work computer I keep Windows 10 for the soul. Debian 7 worked fine on the home server for 5 years, but it is hopelessly outdated, and with the upgrade to version 8 and 9 it turned out to be a complete bummer. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get even the third part of what I received on version 7. By trial and error, I found a stable and perfectly working system Fedora 27. I implemented everything that was in Debian 7, plus I got dozens of times faster opening speed for network resources (a few seconds, versus 2-3 minutes in Debian) and more sanely than the torrent client in Debian. However, when I can't do something in Linux for a long time, after swearing, I reboot into Windows and everything works out fine. By the way, Windows 10 is the best creation of Microsoft's campaign. I haven't seen such stability since Windows 3.11. "Piggy" (Windows XP) is not suitable for her, after installing "Piggy" it works great for a week, maximum a month, then it starts to slow down terribly, no cleaning of disks, system, registry helps, and in the end it is necessary, maximum, in a couple of months reinstall it again. In the top ten, immediately after installation, you need to disable the update (best of all, through the system registry), clean it from spy modules, for example, using the DWS utility, and configure it to your liking. For example, I completely turn off all the pretties, set the classic menu and use exclusively portable programsthat do not litter the system. "Ten" is the ONLY system that I have installed once, I have been using it for more than two years now and I see no decrease in performance. As for the price, it is better to pay once and enjoy your work than to have endless "hemorrhoids" and "dancing with a tambourine." Now about viruses, no self-respecting hacker will write a virus for a system that is used by less than 1% of computers. I'm not talking about tablets, smartphones, etc., here the percentage is higher, but there are already viruses for them! So it’s not about the system.

    It is easier to create shortcuts on Windows than on Ubuntu.

    And so, srach begins. Many people say that games cannot be played on linux. Can. Steam was released on it, wine, crossover was released. Drivers found (nvidia geforce 9600) sound using alsa. You just need to figure it out. I calmly play GTA 4, san, city, stalkers ... World of Tenx starts. And you're not talking about games? Well, that's your right ... Photoshop? Gimp is strong too, as it were. Libreoffice docs, normas too. Interface? Change, there are a bunch of them on the Internet, Download. Video? Vlc, music? The same vlc. The Internet? No chrome? What about chromium? Firefox? Opera? Something else? There are ide programmers, there are editors, there are compilers. Compile for Windows? Download mingw by running Google. Consider an OS for programmers? Nonsense. Otherwise, there would be no all this software. Writing software? Zim. C #? Mono ... Minecraft? Pfff, it's cross-platform, download Java and you're done. I agree with the drivers. Not at all, but the developers of these mice should keep in mind that Windows is not the only system. Get root for android? Google Files? Nautilus. Camera? Booth Further it makes no sense to list the software. And so, it is on a laptop and on a PC, for games. I start all the toys. What do not you like? It is not clear. (This is an appeal to the Windusians)

    The arguments are, to put it mildly, a little truthful and meaningful. Ubuntu of any version, even with its free version, cannot provide all users with the necessary tools to solve everyday tasks, most likely this OS will be suitable for narrowly focused tasks, yes, I agree, Linux repositories are rich, but they also cannot provide the required quantity and quality of programs. which is required by the average PC user. There is no point in even talking about gamers, this definitely needs Windows. And the latest version 18 of Ubuntu with a gnome desktop (instead of uniti) generally consumes more RAM than Windows. Personally, I like Linux, in my case it is mint cinnamon, but this is only because of the absolute independence of the latter and the media server, in linux it works very stable, compared to windows, but all work and game processes are only in Windows and why, I think no need to explain, take at least the Libre office, it's just some kind of hardcore - an office for masochists, there are also no decent cad systems, etc. In general, advice to novice Linuxers - don't waste your time, this wasp is not worth it , in 99%. IMHO

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