Access main button form. How to create a button in Microsoft Access database. Displaying the "Main Button Form" when opening a database

Laboratory work No. 5.

Theme: Creation of button forms.

Goal: Learn to create, edit button forms.

The task

Create a main button form and additional button forms for working with the database.

Basic information

SuperstructureAccess button form manager

Access Add-ins are databases that contain procedures and their associated objects. There are three types of add-ins:

Menu add-ons



Wizards and Builders are context sensitive add-ins. They are launched when the user tries to perform certain actions. Menu add-ons are context-independent and invoked from the menu ServiceÞ Utilities.An example of a menu add-in is the Button Form Manager.

Button forms (or menu ) Are forms in the application that provide access to the components and subsystems of the application. Switching between components is done by clicking on buttons. Of course, you can build button forms in design mode by creating an event procedure for each button. Button press... But in the case where the application includes many forms and reports, this work can be very time consuming.

Button Forms Manager applies a sophisticated technique to manipulate all button forms through a single button form, creates a driver table for Button Form Elements, and allows you to create up to eight elements per button form. If more than eight buttons are required, then the missing ones are created manually by writing procedures or creating macros. When the dispatcher starts, it searches the current database for a table named SwitchboardItemsand if it's not there, it starts creating a new button form.

In the dialog box Button Forms Manager all forms are called pages. This is where the names of all button forms in the application are set.

In the dialog box, you can change the names of the forms, edit the elements of the forms (the button Edit...), delete elements (button Delete) or change the position of the element (buttons Up and Down).

In the dialog box Modifying a button form element three parameters are specified:

· Text- the name of the element that will appear on the button in the button form.

· Command Is the command that will be executed when the user clicks on the button.

· The form - the content of this field depends on the value of the Command field.

Figure: 5.1 . Creating a button to add a new customer.

After creating button forms, a table will appear on the Tables tab of the database window SwitchboardItems, and on the Forms tab - a form Switchboardwhich you can rename. But to rename the table SwitchboardItems, you need to change all references to it in the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) procedures stored with this button form.

Work technology

Cbutton form creation

1. Open the database.

2. Select the command Service® Utilities® Button Forms Manager.

Figure 5.2 Button Form Form .

3. When asked about creating a new button form, answer Yes.

4. In the window that appears Button Forms Manager press the button Create a.

5. Set the name of the additional button form - Forms... Click on OK.

6. Set the name in the same way Reports for the second additional button form and names The form Clientand The form Orders,Report Customer Report, Invoice and Exitfor others.

7. In the window Button Forms Manager select MainSwitchboard (Main Button Form) and click Edit.

8. In the window Changing the page of a button form press the button Create a.

9. In the window Modifying a button form element specify parameters:

Text: Shapes

Command: Go to button form

The form: Forms

10. Click OK.

11. Options for the button Reports set in the same way.

12. For the button Exit set the parameters:

Text: Exit

Command: Quit the application

13. Press the button Close.

14. In the window Button Forms Manager select shape Forms and press the button Edit.

15. In the window Changing the page of a button form press the button Create.

16. In the window, specify the parameters:

Text: Working with the Customer form

Command: Go to button form

Shape: Shape Client

17. Click OK.

18. Specify the parameters for working with FormOrders

19. Provide a button to return to the Main Form:

Text: Return

Command: Go to button form

The form: Main Switchboard.

20. Press Close.

21. In the window Button Forms Managerchoose shape Formsand Client and press the button Edit.

22. In the window Changing the page of a button formpush the button Create a.

23. In the window Modifying a button form element specify parameters:

Text: New customer

Command: Opening a form in add mode

The form: Client

24. Click OK.

25. In the window Changing the page of a button form press the button again Create a.

26. In the window Modifying a button form element specify parameters:

Text: Editing

Command: Opening a form in edit mode

The form: Client

27. Click OK.

28. Similarly to paragraphs 21-27, create buttons for working with the form Orders

29. Similarly to item 19, create a button to return to the previous form.

30. In the window Button Forms Manager select shape Reports, press the button Editand create button form elements Reports (view reports and return).

31. Edit the Button Form in design mode.

1. Topic of laboratory work.

2. The purpose of the laboratory work.

3. Technology of creating a button form.

Hello! In this article I will explain how to create a button in Microsoft Access database.

The creation of buttons on a form is independent of which version of Access you have installed (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2016). In this article, I will show you 2 ways to create buttons on a form in the Acceess database: using a wizard and using a macro.

How to do it?

Step 1. Create the form

If you don't have a form, you need to create one. You can see in more detail how the forms are created. Go to the "Create" tab, the "Form Wizard" item. Next, select a table or query on the basis of which the form will be created. Next, select the required fields and click "Next".

Choosing the appearance of the form.

Set the name of the form and click "Finish".

Open the form in design mode. How to create a button in Microsoft Access database will be described in the second step.

Step 2. Create a button using the wizard

On the toolbar, select the "Button" item and place it on the form. The Button Wizard window appears. Here you need to select the required category and set a specific action. Select "Previous entry" and click "Next".

Choose what is displayed on the button: text or image. We leave the picture by default and click "Next".

Give the button a name and click Finish.

Now let's create a button with text. Let's go to the master of buttons again, select "Next entry".

Step 3. Creating a button using a macro

On the toolbar, select the "Button" item and place it on the form. The Button Wizard window appears. Click "Cancel".

Double click on the created button to open the properties window. Go to the tab "Events" item "Pressing the button". Press the button with three dots.

Select "Macros", click OK.

A button form is a standard way of organizing an interface in applications created with MS ACCESS. A button form is a page that contains buttons that allow you to open other pages, queries, dialog boxes, and forms, view and print reports, and more. You can create a button form manually (using the constructor) or use the function Button Forms Manager .

To create a button form for working with a database Computer_mag through Button Form Manager :

1. Call Button Forms Manager menu command ... In the request to create a button form, click the button Yes ... A dialog box will open Button Forms Manager (Fig. 64).

Fig. 64. Request to Create a Button Form Button Form Manager Dialog Box

2.With a highlighted line Main Button Form (Default) click on the button Edit ... In the opened window in field Button form name instead Main button form Enter your name - Computer store (Fig. 65) and click the button Close ... Button form Computer store is now master for the database Computer_mag.

Fig. 65. Window Changing the page of a button form

3. In the window Button Form Manager click on the button Create a ... A dialog box will open Creature (Fig. 66), in which you need to assign names to new pages added to the button form.

Figure: 66. Dialog window Creaturenew button form page

4. Enter Formsto replace the contents of the field and click the button OK ... Click the button again Create a , enter Inquiries as the name of the new page and click the button OK ... Create the page in the same way Reports... In the dialog box Button Forms Manager now three new pages will be displayed (Fig. 67).

Figure: 67. Button Form Pages

5.With the page highlighted, click the button Edit ... In the opened window Changing the page of a button form click on the button Create a ... A dialog box will open to create buttons on the form (Fig. 68).

Figure: 68. Dialog window Modifying a button form element

First fieldis intended for entering an inscription on a button. In second field the command is entered to be executed when the button is clicked, and in third field- information (parameters) that is required to execute the command. All this information is stored in the table of elements of the button form.

6. In the field Text: enter - Forms, in the second field Command: leave the value - Go to button form... In the third field Button form: click on list pointer, select value - Forms and click on the button OK .


The text and contents of the list in the third field depend on the command selected in the second field.

7. Click the button again. Create a ... In field Text: enter - Inquiries, in the field list Button form: select a value from the list Inquiries and click on the button OK ... Similarly, create a button on a button form - Reports and click on the button OK .

8. Now in the dialog box Changing a button form the names of the three created buttons will appear (Fig. 69).

Figure: 69. Button names on the button form Computer store

9. Click the button Close to return to the window Button Form Manager .

Now your task is create buttons to open forms, requests and reports (they must have already been built earlier) using a button form.

10. Highlight the page Forms , and then click the button Edit .

11.In the opened dialog box Changing the page of a button form click on the button Create a to create an element (button) on this page. Add four buttons with the following properties:

12.Now on the page Forms buttons for opening the above forms have been created (Fig. 70). Click on the button Close to return to the window Button Forms Manager .

Figure: 70. Button Form Page Forms with created buttons

13. Highlight the page Reports , click the button Edit and add four buttons to this page with the following properties:

14.Click the button Close to return to the window Button Forms Manager ... Click on the button Close to close this window.


Tables and queries are only opened in Access using macros. Therefore, to create buttons that open the queries you created earlier, you need to use a macro.

So, to create macros for opening requests in a button form, click on the object Macros in the database objects window. In the window that opens, you can see the macro you created earlier - View_Computers... To create a macro for opening a request:

1. Click on the icon Create a to open a window for building a macro. In field Macro in the dropdown list select the value - Open Request .

2. In a group Macro arguments in point Request name from the opening list of requests select - Parameter query ; in field ModeTable ; in field Data modeThe change (Fig. 71). Close the macro builder window and save the created macro under the name Macro_Query with parameter.

Figure: 71. Macro builder window for opening a query

3. Following steps 1-2 above, create macros to open all your queries and give them appropriate names.

Now you can go back to the button form and create buttons to open requests on the page Inquiries... For this:

1. Click on the object Forms in the database objects window. Start the Button Form Manager with the command Service | Utilities | Button Forms Manager ... In the opened dialog box Button Forms Manager highlight the page Inquiries and click on the button Edit to create buttons on this page to view all generated requests. In the opened window Changing the page of a button form click on the button Create a .

2. To configure a button to view a request Parameter query need in the margins of the window Modifying a button form element enter the required data (Fig. 72).

Figure: 72. Creating a button on a page Inquiries

3. Similarly create on the page Inquiries buttons to open all the requests you created earlier. Also, create a button Return to close the page Inquiries (see above). Now on the page Inquiries buttons for all requests have been created (Fig. 73). Click on the button Close to return to the window Button Forms Manager , in which also click on the button Close .

Figure: 73. Window Changing the page of a button form with created buttons

To close the button form and the database, you need to create on the main page Computer store corresponding buttons. But in the button form manager, you can close the form only using a macro, so:

1. Create a macro to close the button form and give it a name - Closing a button form (fig. 74).

Figure: 74... Creating a macro to close a button form

2. Run Button Forms Manager... In the window that opens, select the title of the main page of the button form and click on the button Create a ... In the opened window Creature (Fig. 75) set the name of the new page of the button form - Close button form and click on the button OK ... Repeat these steps one more time to create the last page of the button form - Close database.

Figure: 75. Create a page Close button form

Now the content of the main page of the button form Computer storelooks like Figure 76.

Figure: 76... Button form home page view Computer store

3. Next, with a dedicated page Computer Store (Default) click on the button Edit ... In the opened window Changing the page of a button form click on the button Create a to create a button that should be clicked to close the button form.

4. In the opened dialog box Modifying a button form element in field Text: enter - Close button form... Clicking this button should close the button form.

5. Click the arrow in the box Command: and in the list of commands that opens, select - Run Macro... The third field will be replaced by Macro ... In the list of macros of the third field, select - Closing a button form and click on the button OK to close the dialog box (Figure 77) and save your changes.

Figure: 77.Window for creating a button that closes a button form

6. Click the button Create a to create a button to close the database. In the window that opens (Fig. 78) in the field Text: enter - Close database, in field Command: enter - Quit the application and click on the button OK .

Figure: 78. Window for creating a button that closes the database

7. Now the main page of the button form Computer store will contain all the necessary buttons (Fig. 80). Click one by one on the buttons Close in the windows Changing the page of a button form and Button Forms Manager.

Figure: 80. Button Form Main Page Computer store

8. The created button form can be edited, like any other form, in design mode (change the title, color, font, background, add a picture, etc.). To do this, on the Access toolbar, click on the button View to display the button form in design mode. Edit the created form (Fig. 81) and close the window.

Figure: 81. Form designer window for editing a button form

9. Next, in the object pane of the database window, click Forms, and then in the list of forms, double-click Button form... The main button form window will open Computer store(Fig. 82).

Figure: 82. Button form window Computer store

10. Check the operation of all buttons on the button form. Open the pages one by one Forms, Queries, Reports and check if all database objects are open correctly. In case of failures or errors, edit the content of the button form.

11. Close the button form window.


The button form can be modified by opening Button Forms Manager to add pages and commands, or use design mode to add pictures and other objects. Since everything necessary for the functioning of the button form is stored in it and in the corresponding table of elements, you can copy or import the button form and table of elements into any database where a similar button form is required, modifying it, if necessary, using the button form manager.

Providing button forms in the application helps users find the tasks they need. This article describes how to create and remove button forms in Access, and how to add and modify items in a button form.

Note: Access also provides a feature called the Navigation Pane that you can use in place of button forms to enable users of your application to navigate the application.

In this article

Creating a button form

Before creating a button form, consider how users should find the various forms and reports in the database, and plan the navigation structure accordingly. If you need to make changes after creating the button form, you can change the structure of the button form at any time.

When you create a button form using the Button Form Manager, Access creates a Button Form Elements table that describes the buttons on the form and the actions they perform. If you change your button form manually, the application may stop working.

Since the Button Form Manager only supports eight command buttons on a button form, you may need additional button forms that the user can navigate to from the main button form.

When you start Access 2010, the Button Form Manager is not available on the Ribbon, so you must first add the command to quick access bar... The first steps here show you how to add this command to quick access bar.

    Click the down arrow on the Quick Access Toolbar and select other teams... Access will open the " Access options "with a highlighted item" quick access bar ".

    In combo box Select teams from select item all teams.

    Please select Button forms manager and press the button Add to... Click the button OK to save your changes and close the dialog Access options .

    On quick access panelspress the button Button Forms Manager to open the tool.

    Microsoft Access asks if you want to create a button form, click Yes... Will be created Main button form... You can add all of the button form commands to the main button form, or create additional button forms.

    To create additional button forms, click to create.

    Note: If you are creating additional button forms, make sure that each button form has a command to return to the main button form.

    A dialog box will open Creating a new .

    Enter a name for the new button form and click OK.

    Microsoft Access will add a button form to the list box in the box button form pages .

    At this point, you can add additional names for the button forms.

    Repeat steps 5 - 6 for each additional button form you want to create, and then click Close.

Adding Elements to a Button Form

After creating a button form, you need to add menu items or commands that perform various tasks, such as opening forms and reports in the database. Items that you add to a button form appear as command buttons.

    In the dialog box Button forms managerselect the button form and click the button change.

    A dialog box will open.

    Click the button Create a.

    The " changing an element of a button form ".

    Enter the name of the command item in text field and select the appropriate command from the list teams .

    For example, if the element is customer data, check the box Open the form in add mode.

    Note: To create a button form that will connect to other button forms, click Go to button form in field command , and then select a button form from the list, or type the name of another button form.

    Click the button OK.

    Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have added all the required commands for the button form.


Action being performed

Go to button form

Opens a helper button form.

Opening a form in add mode

Opening the form in a mode in which you can add new records.

Opening a form in edit mode

Opening the form in a mode that allows you to add or modify any records.

Opening a report

Opens a report in preview mode.

Application design

Opens the Button Form Manager.

Exit the application

Closes the current database.

Running a macro

Runs a macro.

Running the code

Starts a Visual Basic function.

You can add buttons and embedded macros to start the database components, and then customize the form to display at startup. For information on how to create embedded macros, see Macro Overview. For information on how to create a form, see the article Introducing Forms.

Accessing the button form

Here's how you can access the generated button form to validate the accuracy of commands and design elements.

    In the navigation pane, double-click the form push-buttonthe form.

    If you don't like the name provided for accessing the button form, you can change its name.

Changing items in a button form

You may need to change the elements on a button form for several reasons, such as changing the label of a command or changing the way a command is executed.

    Button forms manager .

    In the dialog box Button forms manager select the button shape you want to change and click the button change.

    Click the item on the button bar that you want to change and do one of the following:

    • To change the text of an item, the command executed by the item, or the object that opens or starts when the item is clicked, click change.


      To move the order in which the item is displayed, press the up button or down.

    When you are done editing the button form elements, click Close.

Removing a Button Form or Button Form Element

You can use the Button Form Manager to remove an unwanted button form or button form element. However, deleting a button form will also remove any elements assigned to that button form.

    On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Button forms manager .

    In the dialog box Button forms manager select the button shape you want to remove or containing the element you want to remove.

    To remove the button form, go to step 6.

    To remove an item, click the button change.

    The " changing the page of a button form "

    Select the items you want to remove.

    Click the button Delete.

    Click the button Close.

Displaying the main button form at startup

You can change the access settings so that the Main Button Form looks automatically when you open the database.

    In the tab File select item Optionsto open the dialog Access options.

    Select item Current database.

    Please select push-button drop-down form View form .

    Click the button OK.

    Close and reopen the database.

    The button form will open automatically.

Selection and justification of the structure of the database

Microsoft Access has all the features of a classic database management system (DBMS). Access is not only a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use database management system, but also a system for developing database applications. Some of the most powerful tools in Access are object design tools — wizards that you can use to create tables, queries, various types of forms, and reports. Microsoft Access includes wizards to help you analyze your data structure, import spreadsheets and text data, improve application performance, and create and customize one of over twenty types of applications using built-in templates. To fully automate your application, you can use macros to bind data to forms and reports. Most applications can be built without writing a single line of code. However, if you need to build a really complex application, you can use the programming language - Visual Basic for Applications.

To design a database, it is necessary to have a description of the selected subject area, which should cover real objects and processes, determine all the necessary sources of information to ensure the expected user requests and tasks solved in the application. It should be noted that most often databases are created by means of a DBMS in the field of organizational and economic management.

This course work consists of five tables. One - parent and four auxiliary. This is due to the fact that when calculating the wages of an enterprise, it is necessary to separately calculate the amount of funds to be paid to off-budget funds, deduction from wages (including personal income tax (13%), the amount of alimony, if any, fines for defective products and other deductions).

Creating tables

The table contains data on a specific topic, for example, about the organization, its employees, industry. Each record in the table includes data about one element, for example, about a specific company. The record consists of fields and includes information such as the name of the company, the industry, the name of the manager, and the number of employees. Also, a record is usually called a row and a field is usually called a column.

A database can include many tables that store data on various topics. Each table can contain many different types of fields, including text, numbers, dates, and pictures.

When you create a new database, a new file is created on the computer that is used as a container for all objects in the database, including tables.

Access uses three methods of creating tables: by entering data, using the Table Designer (in Design view), and using the Table Wizard (by using wizard). For each of these methods, there is a special label for new objects in the list of tables (Fig. 1).

Picture 1

For more efficient work, it is recommended to use the dedicated table wizard. This wizard allows you to build fields that meet a wide variety of requirements. With it, you can create the basic structure of a table. For this you need:

1. Double-click the Create Tables Using Wizard link in the Tables section of the Database window. As in most cases, the wizard will ask you to enter - certain information and will provide several panels for this purpose. Each such panel displays the contents of the wizard window, and the Back and Next buttons are used to navigate between the panels.

2. In the first panel of the wizard, select the Business radio button and the Mailing list sample table (these options are initially selected). You can see that there are many other tables in the scrolling list. Typically, you select a table whose structure is similar to the structure of the table you are creating.

3. Then drag the required fields from the Sample Fields list to the Fields area of \u200b\u200bthe new table. This two-window interface is common in Access. For example, buttons with which you can transfer fields from one window to another.

4. In the Fields area of \u200b\u200bthe new table, you can rename the field. To do this, select a field, then click the Rename Field button and enter a new name in the Rename Field dialog box that appears. Click the OK button.

When working with standard tables, the wizard can significantly reduce the time spent on their creation. But sometimes the database needs to create tables whose characteristics cannot be determined through the wizard. This is where the table builder comes in.

To create tables in design mode, in the database window, click the Create Table tab, then select design mode. In the Field Name column you enter the name of the new field, and in the Data Type column you define the type. The field name can contain up to 50 characters. When creating the "Companies" table, the following names were entered in the "Field Name" column: company, industry, manager, photo, number of employees. As mentioned above, each field is assigned a corresponding code. So, for the fields enterprise, industry, manager, I have chosen a text data type, for the number of employees - numeric, and for the Photo field - an OLE object field, which will allow using an image in the table and subsequent queries to it.

Picture 2

Table 2 shows the table "Enterprise" created in this course work. Likewise, the tables “Contributions to extra-budgetary funds”, “Employees”, “Deductions from wages”, “Calculation” were created.

When a link is established between tables, the values \u200b\u200bof one table are put in correspondence with the values \u200b\u200bfrom other tables. To create a relationship, two tables must have a field that has a unique value in all records. In the parent table, the link field is usually indexed (as a rule, it is the key field), and the field of the child table is assigned to it. In this case, the field of the child table is called a foreign key. Before establishing links between tables, trace through the Mode\u003e Design the presence of indexed fields in the linked tables. To establish relationships between tables, follow the steps:

Activate the database window and click on the\u003e Data Schema button to open the Data Schema window (commands\u003e Tools\u003e Data Schema or via the context menu).

Click the\u003e Show Table button on the toolbar.

In the\u003e Add Table dialog box, select the tables one by one by double-clicking on the table name from the list provided if they are not reflected in the data schema.

After all tables have been added to the data schema window, click on the\u003e Close button in the\u003e Add Table dialog box.

Click on the field of the parent table and "drag" the link from it to the field of the child table by dragging with the left mouse button released. After dragging in the fields, the\u003e Edit Links dialog box is installed, where you can add additional links.

Check the box\u003e Ensure data integrity\u003e Cascade update of linked fields and release the button\u003e Create link structures

Making requests

The Simple Select Query Wizard is used to create queries from fields defined in one or more tables or queries. Using the wizard, you can sum, recalculate, average values \u200b\u200bfor all records or specific groups of records, and find the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bin a field.

1 In the database window, go to the REQUESTS tab and click the CREATE button.

2 In the NEW REQUEST dialog box, select the SIMPLE REQUEST wizard.

3 Click the OK button.

4 Specify the name of the table or query on which the query you want to create should be based, and then select the fields from which to select data.

5 If necessary, specify additional tables or queries, and then select from them the fields to be used. Repeat these steps until you have selected all the required fields.

6 Follow the instructions in the dialog boxes of the wizard. The final dialog box prompts the user to choose whether to run the query or view its structure in design mode.

Thus, the select query "Enterprise" was created.

In a similar way, the requests “Employees”, “Deductions from wages”, “Contributions to extra-budgetary funds”, “Calculation” were created.

Form creation

To create forms in wizard mode, follow the steps:

1. Select Mode\u003e Create Forms Using Wizard Before Window\u003e Create Forms.

2. In the Tables and Queries list, select the required object

3. In the list of available fields, translate (using the "\u003e" key) the required fields into the list\u003e Selected fields

7. Go to\u003e Finish and make sure you have the form ready.

In a similar way, the requests "Deduction from wages", "Contributions to extra-budgetary funds", "Enterprises", "Calculation" were created.

Creating the main button form

To make the created database look like a separate program, the method of creating the Main Button Form is used. To create the Main Button Form, you must first open the database, and then perform the following operations:

1). In the menu\u003e Tools, select the command\u003e Utilities, and then\u003e Button Forms Manager.

2). If you are prompted to confirm creating a button form, click\u003e Yes.

3). Click the button\u003e Create.

4). Enter a name for the new button form and click\u003e OK.

five). The name of the new button form is added to Field\u003e Button Form Pages.

6). Select the name of the new button form and click\u003e Edit.

7). Click the button\u003e Create.

eight). In Field\u003e Text, enter text for the first button on a button form, and then select a command for it in Field\u003e Command. \u003e Open the form for modification.

To create a button form that opens other button forms, select the command\u003e Go to button form in the\u003e Command field, and then specify the button form to which you want to switch.

nine). For most of the selected commands, a new combo box opens under Field\u003e Command. If necessary, you must select the desired item in this field. For example, if you selected\u003e Open Form for Modification in step 8, select the name of the required form in the\u003e Form field and click\u003e OK.

To create the rest of the buttons on the button form, repeat steps 7 through 9.

When you create a button form using the Button Form Manager, a Switchboard Items table is created that describes the text and actions of the form buttons. If you later make changes to the button form in form design mode, the application might stop working.

Report generation

A report is a formatted representation of data that is displayed on a screen, print, or file. They allow you to extract the necessary information from the database and present it in a form that is easy to understand, and also provide ample opportunities for generalizing and analyzing data. To create reports in wizard mode, you need to perform the following operations:

1. Select the mode\u003e Create report using the wizard until the window\u003e Create reports appears.

2. Select the required object from the Tables and Queries list.

3. In the list of available fields, translate (using the "\u003e" key) the required fields into the list\u003e Selected fields.

The rest of the reports were created in the same way.


In business or personal life, you often have to work with data from different sources, each of which is associated with a specific type of activity. Some knowledge and organizational skills are required to coordinate all this data. Microsoft Access combines information from different sources in a single relational database. The generated forms, queries and reports allow you to quickly and efficiently update data, get answers to questions, search for the data you need, analyze data, print reports, charts and mailing labels.

In the database, information from each source is stored in a separate table. When working with data from multiple tables, relationships are established between tables. To search and select data that meets certain conditions, a query is created. Queries also allow you to update or delete multiple records at the same time, execute inline and custom messages.

Forms are used to view, enter or change data directly in the table. The form allows you to select data from one or more tables and display it on the screen using a standard or user-created layout.

Reports are used to analyze data or print them out in a certain way. For example, you can create a report that groups data or summarizes.

In the window of the database, you can work with all its objects. To view objects of a certain type, select the appropriate tab. Using buttons, you can open and modify existing objects and create new ones.

The developed database allows you to quickly and efficiently control the activities of the company and keep records of contracts concluded by them. The user-friendly interface of the program, on the one hand, makes it easy to navigate the program without requiring the user to have any special skills in working with electronic computers; on the other hand, it provides the user with the necessary operational information. This information makes it possible to carry out quite accurate work of the branches, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze the current position of the company among its competitors and plan further activities.

List of used literature

1. Kogalovsky M.R. Encyclopedia of Database Technologies. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 800s.

2. Kozyrev A.A. Information technology in economics and management. –SPb .: From Mikhailov V.A., 2001. –360p.

3. Gaidamakin N.A. Automated information systems, databases and data banks. Introductory course: tutorial. - M .: Helios AVR, 2002 .-- 368 p.

4. Isaev G.N. Information systems in the economy. 2nd ed., Erased. - M .: Omega-L, 2009 .-- 462p.

5. Bakarevich Yu.B., Pushkina N.V. Self-study guide Microsoft Access 2002 .-- SPb .: BHV-Petersburg, 2002 .-- 720 p.

6. Informatics. Basic course / Ed. S.V. Simonovich. - SPb .: Peter, 2001. - 640 p.

7. Information technology server: -

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