Win 10 default apps

Having become the owner of Windows 10, many users have noticed that, despite the presence of extraneous applications in the system for viewing various types of files (multimedia, graphics, text documents), they are opened using standard tools for this operating system. Let's look at how to change the default programs in Windows 10, using the VideoLAN player as an example.

A significant number of editors and so-called file viewers offer to compare all documents they support with themselves during installation. Although some of them do it automatically and without asking the user's permission. So, for example, after installing the VideoLAN player, all video files will be opened using the classic "Movies and TV" utility, if you refuse the offer to associate certain multimedia files with this player. Are you in a similar situation? This article will help you quickly get out of it.

Replacing a program using Explorer

The simplest way to associate an application with opening certain documents by double-clicking is to do the following.

1. Call the file context menu.

2. Select the menu item "Open with".

3. If the required utility is in the list, go to its icon, otherwise go to the next step.

5. Click on the program icon and check the box "Always use this application to open *** files.

The extension of the selected document will be hidden under the asterisks.

6. Click "OK".

If the software product was not found in this list (for example, you need to select a portable utility), then click "More applications", and from there select the one you need.

Don't find it again? Click "Find another application on PC" and indicate the path to it.

Replacing the program using the Control Panel

The second way to change the utility for opening any files is the Control Panel applet called "Default Programs".

1. To call it, open the Control Panel in any way and find this object or enter the name of the applet in the search bar and call it.

3. In the list of extensions, find the type of file, to open which you need to specify a different utility, and click on it.

4. In the top right corner, click on the "Change program ..." icon.

5. In the pop-up window, click on the name of the required utility or on the inscription "Find another application ..." and select it.

6. Click "OK".

Replacing the program in the "Options" menu

Another option to associate any software with a given file type is to use the corresponding function of the "Options" menu.

1. Open it, for example, using the combination Win → I.

2. Go to the "System" section.

3. Activate the "Default Applications" tab.

4. Click on the inscription "Select classic applications for file types."

5. Find the required file type and click on it.

6. To the right, we define the utility with which it is necessary to open documents with the selected extension.

Association of the utility with all types of documents that it supports

Windows 10 gives you the ability to quickly associate a specific program with all the extensions supported by it, which will save you from the routine process of choosing readable formats.

1. Open "Parameters" and go to the "System" section.

2. On the familiar "Programs by default" tab, click on the bottom link "Set the default value ...".

3. In the left frame with a list of applications found on the PC, click on the required one (in our case, this is VLC).

4. Click on the icon with one of the inscriptions:

  • "Use the default program" - in order to associate the selected utility with all supported document types;
  • "Select default values \u200b\u200b..." - to be able to select extensions for association with the specified software.

The last way to repeat the steps described below is to configure some programs, especially players and text editors. In them, you can easily select extensions, files with which this software will open by default.

The ability to switch to a dark theme has been one of the most anticipated features in Windows. Indeed, with a lack of light, such a color scheme is less tiring for the eyes. Previously, it was possible to install a black interface background for the tenth version of the OS. But the developers listened to users and in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update they finally added a simple, official way.

Opening the section "Options" → "Personalization" → "Colors", you will see at the bottom of the item "Select the default application mode." If you activate dark mode here, the background of the Windows interface will partially switch to black. The same applies to some standard and third-party programs from the Windows store.

Separately, you can enable the dark theme in the Edge browser. To do this, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the program window, then click "Options" and under "Select a theme" select "Dark".

By the way, if you prefer Google Chrome, you can download the dark theme from the Google store and even install it.

Sitting at the computer in the dark, you could notice how quickly your eyes get tired. This is because at night the display becomes too bright for a room without sunlight.

Microsoft took care of this issue and added a special monitor color mode "" in the Windows 10 Creators Update. It can be configured in the section "Settings" → "System" → "Screen".

When this mode is active, the system changes the temperature of the colors so that they do not tire the eyes in a dark room.

As you use Windows, it accumulates residual files and other debris, which clogs the hard disk and slows down the OS. There are many third-party utilities that can solve these problems. But until recently, there was no standard solution.

After updating to Windows 10 Creators Update, the system appears, which clears the device memory. You can activate and configure it in the section "Settings" → "System" → "Storage" under the item "Memory control".

Windows 10 has a set of standard applications that you can use to work with music, videos, web pages and other files without third-party software. For each file type, the system defaults to one of these preinstalled programs (or warns that it is not supported). That's why, for example, when you click on a downloaded music track, Windows immediately plays it in Groove.

But if you want to replace the standard player, browser and other programs with third parties, it is most convenient to do this in a special section of settings. Go to Settings → Applications → Default Applications and select here the programs you installed that Windows should use by default for various tasks.

The password assigned to the Windows account protects personal data and user settings. This function will be relevant for you if unauthorized persons have physical access to the computer. Of course, if you try hard, this protection can be bypassed. But in most situations, it will be enough.

You can put it, remove it or reset it, if you suddenly forget, in the section "Settings" → "Accounts" → "Login Options".

By default, when you launch File Explorer in Windows 10, a quick access window opens to frequently visited folders and last viewed files. Perhaps this option suits you entirely. But in previous versions of the OS, "Explorer" immediately opened the section "This computer", and there are users who are used to it.

If you are one of them, or if you just find it more convenient to see local drives in Explorer right away, you can return the old view. To do this, open "File Explorer", click "View" → "Options" and in the item "Open Explorer for" select "This computer".

Windows has long allowed you to hide files and folders, making them invisible. Thus, it is convenient to hide directories with important contents, so as not to accidentally delete anything you need. You can make an object visible or hidden through the context menu: just right-click on a folder or file, click "Properties" and check or uncheck the box next to the "Hidden" item.

In addition, for convenience, the system can display its extension at the end of the name of each file: .exe, .png, .docx or a letter designation of any other format.

By default, Windows 10 does not show items that were hidden by developers or the user, just like file extensions. But you may need to display them. For example, to get into a hidden folder or view the format of a photo.

To turn on the display of hidden objects or file extensions, open "Explorer", click "View" and check the necessary items: "Hidden items" or "File name extensions".

Windows 10 displays notifications on the screen like a typical mobile OS. In order not to be distracted by anything unnecessary, you can configure them in the section "Settings" → "System" → "Notifications and actions". Here you can choose what type of messages will be sent to the screen and set the notification settings separately for each application.

In this section, you can also choose buttons for quick actions that will appear on the notification panel. They allow, for example, to instantly activate the night mode of the display, adjust its brightness or add notes to OneNote.

Errors in the system or third-party software, as well as incorrect user actions, may cause Windows to malfunction.

Fortunately, there is a mechanism that returns the OS to its normal state. This is a recovery service. It makes a copy of important system components every time you update Windows, a driver, or install a new program, and saves it to your hard drive. In most cases, you will be able to restore normal system operation from such backups (restore points).

To go to the service settings, enter "Recovery" in the Windows search, click on the result and click "System recovery settings" in the window that opens.

Once on the "System Protection" tab, select your system drive (usually drive C), then click on the "Configure" button and enable system protection. After that, specify the amount of disk space that will be allocated for storing backups. The more space, the more restore points you will have at your disposal. When it ends, the new points will replace the old ones. After all, click OK.

Now, if the need arises, you can return to the "System Protection" tab. To do this, there is a "Restore" button here.

But keep in mind that the backups do not contain a complete Windows image, but only important system files.

10. Screen Calibration

Windows has a built-in display calibrator that you can use to improve color quality. The program will display simple step-by-step instructions. Having done everything as she tells you, you are in the optimal way. No special knowledge is required for this.

To start the calibrator, type the word "calibration" in the system search and click on the found item. Then follow the prompts of the system.

11. Action log settings

The Windows 10 April 2018 Update added the Activity Log feature to the system. With its help, you can at any time see what documents and web pages you have interacted with in the last days, and return to work on them. Moreover, the log can display actions not only from the current computer, but also from all other devices connected to your Microsoft account.

To customize your activity history, go to Start → Settings → Privacy → Activity Log. Check the box "Allow Windows to collect actions from this computer" if it was not enabled by default. Then select the checkbox "Let Windows sync my activities from this computer to the cloud" if you want information about the current computer to appear on other devices connected to it.

When done, click on the icon next to the Start icon on the taskbar. A timeline will appear where you can see previously opened documents.

12. System update options

Windows can get bored with offers to upgrade at the most inopportune moment. And sometimes it restarts the computer when you are not expecting it at all. To insure yourself against such cases, set up the so-called "Active period". This is the time of day during which you usually work at the computer. Windows will not update during the specified hours.

To configure the "Active Hour", go to "Start" → "Settings" → "Windows Update" and click "Change Active Hour". Specify the work schedule at the computer and save the changes.

In this article, we'll walk you through the process of setting any program in Windows 10 as the default step by step. This will allow you to launch certain types of files (images, music, video) immediately in the required application with a double click of the mouse.

Assigning a default for programs via the context menu

The most obvious and easiest way set any program as default - do this through the context menu of the file itself that you want to open at the moment. For example, we will take an mp3 music file. By default, in Windows 10, these objects open in the latest Groove Music metro app. Let's say we don't like it and we want to replace this program with the good old Winamp. For this you need:

  1. Click on the file with the RIGHT mouse button. A context menu will open.
  2. Select the item " To open with". Here we already see Winamp in the list, but if you select it right away, the file will simply open in this application, but it will not be assigned by the program by default. Therefore, here it is necessary ...
  3. Click on the item " Choose another app».
  4. In the newly opened window "How do you want to open this file?" mark the name of the programwhich we now want to use as the default (in this case Winamp).
  5. We put a tick on the item "Always use this application to open ... files".
  6. Click OK.

In some cases, the list box with the title "How do you want to open this file?" the required program is not found. Then you need to scroll the contents of the window to the bottom and click the "More applications" link. And, if the program you are looking for is there, repeat the steps already described: select it, check the box and OK.

In some, very rare cases, the program required for the default assignment is not found under the "More applications" spoiler. Then you need to find it manually. For this you need:

  1. Click at the very bottom on the link "Find another application on this computer."
  2. File Explorer will open. In it you need to find the required program (Winamp). It can be located in just one of two folders on the system drive C - Program Files or Program Files (x86). Inside you need to find a folder with the name of your program (or less often the name of the company that released it - for example, Adobe), open and mark the startup file.

After that, a window will open in which the desired program can already be assigned by default.

Perhaps the file will simply open in the program of your choice (Winamp) instead. Don't think that everything went wrong. Now you just need to repeat the steps described at the very beginning of the article and the program will appear in the list of the window "How do you want to open this file?"

For greater clarity, we present another diagram-picture demonstrating how make Windows 10 the default program Free PhotoScape Photo Editor:

Another way to install default programs in Windows 10 is to make changes to the operating system settings through Settings. For this you need:

  1. Open the Options menu (Win + i or the gear icon in the Start menu).
  2. Select "Applications".
  3. Click on "Default Applications" in the left column.

Here you can quickly and easily change the most basic default programs: for viewing videos or photos, listening to music, as well as a web browser. All that is needed for this is to click on the name of the program under the desired heading and change it to the required one. There is no need to save the changes in any way.

You can also try assigning the desired default programs using the more fine-tuning tools. To do this, there are three links at the bottom of the same page:

  • Select default apps for file types - Allows Windows 10 to change the default programs for specific file extensions. For example, for images png, jpg, gif; for audio mp3, video mp4, text documents doc, etc.
  • Selection of standard protocol applications.
  • Set default values \u200b\u200bby application - this item is perhaps the most useful in this small list. It allows you to see a list of all file formats that can potentially be opened by the selected program and assign defaults to them. For example, Paint offers the following list of file extensions to install by default: bmp, dip, emf, gif, ico, jfif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, rle, tif, tiff, wmf. Unfortunately, not all installed applications are presented in this settings item.

Assigning default programs in Windows 10 using the Options menu is currently the most modern way. However, in some cases, the applications needed by the user are simply not there. This usually applies to programs that have not been updated for a long time, the latest versions of which were released even before the appearance of Windows 10. We just took these as an example: Winamp and PhotoScape. Such programs can be made basic only through the context menu - in the way described at the very beginning of this article.

You have hundreds of different types of files on your computer, and probably several programs that can open any file. Windows makes it easy to open these files by setting default programs for each file type: image files, for example, can be opened by default in the Photos app on Windows 10.

But what if you are not a fan of the default programs on Windows 10, or have installed a program that automatically configures itself as the default program (and you want to revert it)? You will have to go to the Settings menu to change the default programs and applications for different file types and protocols.

1.To change the default programs for files and protocols, you need to open the settings menu and select "System\u003e Default Applications".

2. Here you can change the programs you want to use for your calendar, email, maps, music playback, photo viewing, video player and web browser use. Just click on the current default app to see a pop-up menu with other possible apps you can use, or links to the Windows Store.

3. To set default values \u200b\u200bfor individual file types (for example, instead of one program to open all photo files, use different programs to open JPEG and PNG files), click "Choose default application by file type". Find the file type for which you want to change the default app, click the current default app, and choose another app you want to use from the pop-up menu.

4. To set a default value for individual protocols (for example, to configure your computer so that GMail opens when you click an email address on a web page), click Select Default Application by Protocol. Select the protocol for which you want to change the default application, click on the current default application, and choose another application you want to use from the pop-up menu.

5. Changing default programs for specific file types and protocols can be tedious. Instead, you can set the program / application defaults by clicking on "Set default applications". This will open the default program control panel window. Select a program and click "Use this program as default" to set the program as the default program for all file types and protocols it can open, or click "Select defaults for this program" to pick up individual file types and protocols from the list.

We are getting used to using certain applications in Windows: a graphical editor, browser, multimedia player, etc. Our OS is configured in such a way that, by default, files are opened in familiar and convenient programs. Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when, for some reason, the settings get lost, and completely different applications are launched. Let's take a look at how to set default programs in Windows 10.

This situation is often encountered: your favorite browser starts to crash and you decide to reinstall it. After reinstalling, Windows assigns a completely different application by default. There are two ways to restore the setting.

In the Settings app

Open the "Options" system applet in the "Start" menu, go to the "Applications" section and then click on the "Default Applications" item.

In the list, we look for the section we need (in our example, "web browser"), and change the value.

In the control panel

A wider set of options for setting programs by default is in the classic one. Launch it and go to the "Default Programs" section.

We click the item "Setting default programs".

Find the required application in the list and select the "Use as default" setting.

How to change associations with individual files

If an application installs itself by default in Windows, then it associates with itself all types of files that can be opened with it. But it also happens that it is more convenient for the user when some files are launched with another program. This can be done in several ways.

In Explorer

Right-click the file, select "Open with" from the drop-down menu, then "Select another application".

We select the desired program. If it is not in the list, click "More applications", then set a mark on the item "Always use ...".

The application can be specified explicitly, for this we scroll down the list and click "Find another application ...".

In "Parameters"

We go to the familiar to us section "Default applications" of the "Options" applet, click "Select standard applications ...".

In the list we find the file of interest to us, we match the application to it.

In the control panel

In the "Programs by default" section of the control panel, go to "Mapping file types ...".

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