Filled the MacBook with water does not turn on. Warranty for repairing liquid-filled MacBook, Pro, Air. The combination of a hair dryer and a towel is a great combination

Hardly anyone will argue with the fact that Apple's equipment is of high quality and reliable. It should be noted that the majority of modern and recently released notebooks from other manufacturers are much inferior to MacBooks from 2008. All available models in the line work without failures, freezes, but this does not guarantee the uninterrupted functioning of the device. Sometimes unexpected situations happen. This is what this article is about. Let's consider the reasons why the MacBook may not turn on, as well as how to eliminate them.

How to understand that MacBook does not turn on?

In order to understand that the technology does not turn on, you do not need to have skill and any special knowledge. It is enough to pay attention to what is drawn on the screen when loading. If an icon appears in the form of a gray folder, on which - exclamation pointthen there is a problem with the laptop. Don't panic right away. If not happened system failure, then laptop technology is able to protect all the data that is on the hard drive.

How do I reset the settings?

If there is a slight freeze, and you do not want to fiddle with recovery for a long time, then you can use the fast rollback of EFI memory. All data after this will not be deleted and will remain on the hard disk. What needs to be done for this? First, turn off the laptop, while holding down the Command-P-R-Option buttons, press the power key. It is worth pressing on them until the loading screen appears. This will quickly get rid of freezes, the memory will be cleared, and the MacBook will be fully restored. For the future, in order to avoid such troubles, it is better to do backup computer and place on any cloud storage... Then, in case of an unforeseen failure, it will be easy to recover all the data.

If after such manipulation the laptop still does not start, then you need to check the status hard disk, as well as what is the attachment of the cable to the motherboard.

Possible reasons

Before choosing how to solve the problem, you need to determine the reason for the freeze. The question of why the MacBook does not turn on will bother every owner who finds himself in such a situation. What caused the shutdown of the software: a system failure, an error in memory, processor, or any other problem? In addition, a breakdown could have occurred as a result of the unstable operation of the operating system. This is often the case for a laptop during the update process. Sometimes this happens when connecting incompatible device to MacBook. This problem can be solved easily - just turn off all additional equipment.

Fixing the problem: the first method

First of all, it is worth using safe way turning on the laptop - Safe Boot. What is it for? When working with it, MacBook loads only that softwarethat has been tested and installed from certified sources. In order to turn on the laptop in this mode, you must press the Shift button and then carry out the already familiar manipulations. Unfortunately, the loading process can be long, but you shouldn't rush or interrupt it, because all data should remain intact.

If the user needs to do a detailed boot in order to understand why the failure occurred, then he should start turning on the laptop in the usual way, additionally holding down the Command, Shift and V keys. Then the MacBook will boot into safe mode with the ability to see all the launch details. In other words, Verbose Mode is additionally activated. What does this mean? This method download allows you to find out all the information about the files of utilities and drivers, as well as see all the errors that occurred as a result of their work.

In the event that after such a launch the laptop functions normally, then it can be loaded as standard. But sometimes this method does not help to solve the problem, then you need to proceed to the second option for troubleshooting. If after that "MacBook Pro" does not turn on, what to do, you can understand further.

We fix the problem: the second way

Of course, the laptop may freeze and not turn on for many reasons. If you make the assumption that the problem is in the hard disk, then it is allowed to use disk program Utility to check its status.

The first step is to turn off your laptop. If the display shows a gray / blue / different color screen and you cannot do this, you will have to turn off the power forcibly. To do this, just hold down the start button for 7 seconds.

Now you can open recovery mode. It is from it that you need to run " Disk Utility". How to do it? You need to hold down the MacBook's power button, as well as Command and R at the same time. After that, the user will see a screen with the icons of the utilities installed in the operating system. You need to find the Disk Utility program and run it. Now you need to find the name of your hard drive on the screen and enable its check. After finishing it is necessary to fix all problems and restart the laptop. However, if the MacBook turns on and off, and the above methods did not help, then proceed to the next step.

Fixing the problem: the third way

If the user has made a backup copy of documents, but cannot get to it due to a failure in the MacBook, then the third method will suit him. You must enter the mode external drivecalled Target Disk Mode.

How do I start it? A second MacBook is needed. It is needed in order to connect them with one cable. Now you can turn on your own laptop. If there are any problems, it is allowed to hold down the power button for a few seconds until the logo appears. Now you need to instantly press the T key. Keep it in this state until an inscription appears on the screen in the form of Thunderbolt. Target disk mode is running. At the moment, the laptop is actually just him, and not a familiar computer. If the download is successful, a new one will appear hDD... Thanks to this, you can easily transfer the necessary data to this medium. The laptop is now allowed to recover. Even if the information is deleted from the primary disk, it will remain on the new secondary.

Fixing the problem: the fourth method

If none of the above methods could help fix the problem and its results, and the MacBook screen does not turn on, then the last option remains - reinstalling the operating system. In order to carry out everything correctly and not get a failure as a result, you need to enable the laptop recovery mode. How to do this is indicated above in the article: you should click on the MacBook launch button while holding down the R and Command keys.

After that it will turn on operating system... You need to find the Reinstall menu. A dialog box will open. You must follow all the instructions that are described in it. Now the question of what to do if the MacBook does not turn on should be decided by itself.

Liquid spillage - it doesn't matter whether it's coffee, tea, lemonade or just water - onto the surface of a MacBook is probably one of the most common reasons customers contact service center... In most cases, repairing such a MacBook in a service center is possible, but ultimately it depends on the user's actions after the trouble has happened.

Note that in most cases, liquid gets into the MacBook due to careless handling and spilling of this very liquid or on the laptop keyboard (if MacBook flooded open), or on its case and charging connectors and peripherals... Of course, there are times when the MacBook was literally bathed in water (that is, the computer was completely submerged in water), but, as a rule, in such situations, the probability of a successful recovery is extremely small.

Filled up the MacBook. What to do?

If you spill coffee, tea, or any other liquid on your MacBook, firstly it is imperative that you turn off your MacBook, if it was turned on, and disconnect it from the power adapter (if at that moment the computer was connected to a charger). Also disconnect any peripheral accessories if any are connected to the laptop.

If there is a lot of liquid on the surface of the computer, gently remove it with a dry cloth or towel. Then, if you flooded your MacBook in an open state and the liquid spills on the keyboard or trackpad, spread a towel on a flat surface, open the laptop and place it with the keyboard down on the towel for 7-10 minutes. In this state, some of the liquid that has got inside can be removed.

Do not completely "wrap" your MacBook in a towel and leave it there for a long time! Also, do not use drying with a hair dryer or other heating devices. This can only aggravate the situation and make it much worse - the condensate formed as a result of such actions will make the area of \u200b\u200boxidation of internal components even larger.

For older MacBooks with a removable battery, it is imperative to disconnect the battery. For MacBook with non-removable battery to disable it, you will need to unscrew the bottom case cover and disconnect the battery cable from the connector on the motherboard. If you have necessary tool and confident in your abilities, be sure to do it. Turning off the power will stop the oxidation processes of the internal components of the laptop that have begun after the ingress of liquid.

This is the end of the list of must-have recommendations on what to do if your MacBook is flooded with liquid. Then you need to contact the service center, where you can eliminate the consequences of moisture ingress. Note that this should not be postponed - the sooner quality service is provided, the more chances that your MacBook will work stably for a long time.

If you spill any liquid on your MacBook, do not succumb to the misconception that the computer continues to work after it has been flooded, then there will be no further consequences. As a rule, such cases end sadly, and the cost of repairs increases significantly compared to if the call to the service center after the MacBook was flooded was done in a timely manner.

Filled up the MacBook. What are the consequences?

One of the most common consequences of liquid ingress is the sticking of the keyboard buttons, or its incorrect operation or complete inoperability. The trackpad of a MacBook also often suffers, which may stop working, spontaneously work or emit a characteristic crunch when pressed. And in fact, and in another case, all defects appear when liquid enters the turned on computer in the open state.

If you flooded the MacBook and after that the laptop keyboard does not work as it should, or does not work at all, then in most cases, it must be replaced. If there are any problems with the trackpad, then most likely, in addition to performing general cleaning and removing oxidation, the trackpad controller will need to be repaired or replaced.

If the liquid has seeped inside the case on the internal elements of the MacBook (motherboard components, cables and peripheral components), then the consequences can be very different: from freezing of the computer or arbitrary reboots to problems with receiving charge and the complete inoperability of the computer. In any case, it will hardly be possible to do without contacting a service center.

At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the service center for repairing the MacBook after tea, coffee or any other liquid has been spilled on it should be chosen correctly. We have repeatedly had cases of clients who tried to repair their laptops in other services, where the masters either did not have enough qualifications and experience, or did not have the necessary components or equipment.

Fill expensive Macbook Air / Pro You won't even wish the enemy with water or other liquid, nevertheless, this happens no less often than with other, less cheap laptops. Surely, in the unspoken statistics of calls to service centers Apple, this problem follows immediately after another, no less frequent nuisance - the fall of the iPhon into the toilet. And there is little funny here, let's see what we can do to save our apple laptop, or to minimize possible damage from liquid getting inside.

1. Safety first! It's about personal safety, of course. Therefore, if the laptop was powered by the network and you flooded it with tea / water / etc .. urgently de-energize not only the adapter, but also, if possible, the entire room, and only then grab the device itself. Water and electricity are extremely dangerous combinations, even if you haven't tipped a bucket of liquid onto your poppy.

2. Turn off your laptop immediately, as soon as water gets on any of its surfaces, if it does not turn off on its own (MacBooks of the latest models have corresponding moisture sensors). This can be done by long pressing the Power button.

3. Disconnect all peripherals from the MacBook... We are talking literally about everything, including: external monitors, flash drives, printers / scanners and even a mouse, if there is one. in the event of a short circuit, the periphery can also get.

Remove the battery from the laptop if possible.
This advice should be one of the first, but in view of its extremely low relevance at the moment, it has been made a separate subparagraph, since it will be useful only for owners of rather old Macbook Pro models, it is impossible to get a battery from relatively fresh poppies with your own hands.

4. Wipe off any liquid you can reach. For this, it is best to use a cotton towel or microfiber napkins, but if nothing like this is at hand, toilet paper will also work quite well. Pay special attention to all kinds of ports and of course the keyboard.

5. As a rule, liquid enters the inside of the laptop through the keyboard, therefore, as soon as water gets into this area immediately flip the MacBook keyboard down, it is best to lay it on a towel.

6. Next, we can collect a fairly simple, but very effective drying plant... To do this, we need some kind of box or chair, all the same towel and a fan, but due to the lack of it, a hairdryer is also suitable, but only in cold mode. What should turn out as a result is shown in the picture from our western colleagues.

7. We leave the whole thing to a minimum for 48 hoursto dry for sure, even in the most inaccessible places.

8. The moment of truth has come, trying to turn on our macbook, exclusively on battery power, no power outlets! And if there was not much water, or you did everything extremely quickly and correctly, then the laptop will simply work as if nothing had happened. But let's be realistic, although such cases do occur, they are still extremely rare, therefore, most likely your next step will be a trip to a service center to assess internal damage and subsequent repair. In any case, all these steps will at least reduce the damage done to your Mac and, as a result, your wallet.

What about sachets of silicone gel and rice?

That's right, gel and rice are extremely useful in such cases, we, how with their help, you can save a wet iPhone, is no exception and the MacBook. The only thing is that you really need a lot of bags or a whole bag of rice :) Otherwise, everything is exactly the same, just change points 6 and 7 to the procedure for immersing the laptop in gel / rice, then wait all the same 48 hours and check the performance.

If you have any additional questions, or there are additions and clarifications, or maybe even your own, more effective method - welcome to comments!

It is not easy, but realistic - to quickly cope with the feeling of panic at the sight of a puddle spreading over an expensive gadget. Let's not be hopeful, saving a laptop is not at all guaranteed, but why not give it a try? At the very least, there is a chance to sacrifice the keyboard, but to stop the advancement of the liquid deep into the case and save the valuable electronic filling. MacBook.

In contact with

If you suddenly have to dive into the ocean abyss, a village lake or a backyard pool in an embrace with a laptop, it is better to surface without unnecessary load. The chances of restoring the device after such a bath are measured only in fractions of a percent, and even not always. Serial MacBooklike other laptops, no one ever planned to release them in waterproof cases, unlike the same iPhone and from the market. It's not particularly cost-effective from a marketing point of view, but has anyone been wondering how many mugs of coffee and glasses of juice are dropped on a glossy surface per year? The problem exists, but there is no optimal solution prescribed in the user manual - you will have to resort to "folk methods". Anyway, the trouble has already happened and before rushing to, it's worth trying to do at least something - it certainly won't get any worse.

1. Human safety comes first

Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, but the human body is not very good, so it is better not to contact them. Recharged and suddenly wet MacBook first of all, it must be de-energized, you should not hesitate and hesitate in funds. Hit the switch on the electrical panel, pull the wire, and if it happens in an office or hotel, urgently find a responsible person and explain the situation in a nutshell. This is not the time to save an expensive laptop, people's health is immeasurably more important - if it is completely unclear what to do, then it is better to at least stay away, especially if sparks are flying in all directions and smoke is blowing.

2. Turn off your laptop

Suppose the puddle is not large or the laptop is running on a built-in battery and there is no threat of electric shock - we proceed to the second most important phase. Namely, we save the piece of hardware itself, deliberately sacrificing unsaved documents. If you can't turn off MacBook Pro or MacBook Air programmatically, that we have the strength to press. And we pray that in open application autosave worked.

3. Disconnect all other cables and cords

Mouse, external storage, monitor, alternative keyboard, a projector and anything in general, including flash drives - it all contains electrical circuitsthat can be closed. Why Excessive Risk? Since the laptop itself has suffered, then let everything be limited to this - carefully, but quickly pull out all the wires. And, if it comes to old model with a removable battery compartment, we disconnect it too - out of harm's way.

4. Time to do the water

Armed with a terry towel, cotton cloth or at least a clean dry napkin, remove all drops and streaks. The higher the absorbency of the "tool", the better, but a handkerchief will work too. It's amazing how many little snacks and cracks there are in the smooth-looking MacBook case, into which the fluid substance strives to penetrate. If you have basic engineering skills and a couple of screwdrivers at hand, it is better to partially disassemble the laptop case, although in ordinary life this is strongly discouraged.

5. Using gravity and vibration

Turn over and shake, brush off the emerging drops, repeat - and so on until you get bored, but at least a dozen times. As a maximum, we will remove all the liquid from under the buttons and large connectors, at least - in an inverted position, under the influence of natural forces of nature, the water will flow in the other direction. And, if you're lucky, it won't even get to the sensitive electronic filling under the keyboard.

6. The combination of a hair dryer and a towel is a great combination

The essence of the procedure is to dry the moisture with a stream of warm air and absorb the drops protruding on the surface. To do this, a hairdryer or at least an ordinary fan is located at an optimal angle under the laptop, the MacBook itself is laid on a towel with the keyboard down. The duration of the procedure, in theory, is unlimited - the longer, the more reliable. Key moment in placing the entire structure away from sources of moisture and blowing dry air around the wet device. And also to prevent overheating - putting your MacBook on a radiator or in a turbo charged microwave would be too rash.

7. We are waiting, just waiting

We gain patience and start thinking about what we will have to do in the next 96 hours. Yes, yes, not a day or a couple of days - you will have to wait a long time if you want to completely eliminate the risk. You can, for example, inquire about how much it will cost to repair a laptop in a branded service, if the case is recognized as out of warranty, which is most likely. Or about what actually served as the root cause of such a blatantly absurd coincidence of circumstances and how to make it so that in the future water in MacBook was present only in the pictures.

8. Exotic remedies - silica gel and raw rice

The use of both substances is approved even by experts from iFixIt, due to their excellent hygroscopicity. If you have an orphaned bag of rice or a dozen bags of silica gel, you can try drying a soggy laptop with them. Just shoving MacBook Pro / MacBook Air in a container with rice or in a box of silica gel. Or vice versa, it doesn't matter - with smartphones and other portable gadgets, so why not try with a laptop? At least there will be something to write about on Twitter and social networks - in fact, everyone is terribly curious how true this myth is?

Repairs after spills: Spilled tea, coffee, juice, beer, or even the most common water on the MacBook can cause the laptop to simply stop turning on. But even if obvious problems are not observed, over time, hidden defects may appear, the elimination of which will cost a pretty penny. Many users postpone the repair of their MacBook after flooding or do not contact the service center at all, thinking that everything will dry up by itself. But such negligence can result in even more expensive repairs.

What to do if onMacBook spilled liquid

The first thing that laptop owners need to remember once and for all is that you should never turn on the device after water, tea or alcohol has spilled on it. If the laptop was working at this time, it must be turned off immediately, disconnected from the mains and removed the battery.

In no case should you dry the equipment with a hairdryer - it is better to let the water evaporate on its own. Using a hair dryer can cause the droplets to be pushed further into the air stream. In addition, even when operating at minimal temperature conditions A household hairdryer can melt keyboard keys, plastic parts, and MacBook mounts.

Before starting repairs after flooding, you need to turn the laptop upside down. In this position, the liquid will not be able to penetrate into the depths and flow out. This will help prevent it from getting on the motherboard. Then, at the first opportunity, contact the service center for the master to clean after flooding. If you follow all the recommendations and do not delay the trip to the repair shop, the chances of getting your MacBook back to work are very high.

The main symptoms of a laptop flooding with liquid:

  • keyboard and / or trackpad not working;
  • keys are sticky or incorrect characters are displayed when pressed;
  • the device does not charge, the battery is discharged too quickly, or the battery does not charge at all;
  • performance deteriorates, the laptop starts to freeze;
  • does not turn on or turns on, but there is no image on the Mac's screen.

The degree of damage, cost and necessary repairs after flooding will be determined by the following factors:

  • The type of fluid.

Ordinary water will do the least harm to the MacBook, but even it can cause corrosion and rotting of elements on the motherboard, if not cleaned in time. Sugary juices, solvents, adhesives and paints pose a much greater threat. increase the rate of failure of laptop elements.

  • The degree of its penetration.

Minimal repairs after flooding include cleaning the keyboard and treating metal surfaces that have been in contact with the liquid to prevent corrosion. If the liquid has managed to penetrate deeply, you will need full cleaning, which involves disassembling the laptop and removing all parts, followed by their repair and restoration, if necessary.

Why you shouldn't clean your MacBook after filling it yourself

1. Difficult disassembly.

A liquid-filled laptop will need to be disassembled and inspected to make sure the water, tea, or juice has not penetrated deeper. For this, the master uses special tools. Carrying out such a manipulation at home, you risk damaging the case mounts, tearing component cables and causing even more damage to the MacBook.

2. Use of special tools.

Today, special formulations are available in the form of liquids and sprays for cleaning after flooding. In this case, you need to choose the right solution that is suitable for a specific repair. It is better to entrust this work to the master of the service center.

3. Equipment and spare parts.

If cleaning the MacBook did not help, then you will have to repair and restore the damaged elements, and this will require special equipment, such as a microscope, oscilloscope, and soldering Station... Of course, the repair will not do without the use of spare parts and the necessary microcircuits. In the process of repairing a laptop after flooding, craftsmen often have to replace the northern and south bridges, video card chip, restore power circuits on the motherboard.

4. Sterile conditions.

Repairs after flooding, as in the case of other types of work, must be done in a dust-free room. A special level of humidity is maintained in service centers, and the air is purified from small particles. It is almost impossible to create such conditions at home.

If you have filled your MacBook with liquid - contact us! We will help you restore your laptop to work quickly and efficiently.

Cost of services:

Cleaning ~ Alexander ~ 10-06-2018

Hello! Alcohol got on part of the screen and now there are stains under the glass of the screen. What to do?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, in this case it is necessary to change the display

Soda ~ Sofia ~ 13-01-2018

Hello, I spilled soda on 4 keys: left shift, control, option and fn, after that I removed all the liquid from under the keys, everything except fn works fine, fn sticks a little, but it works. There are no other problems. Will just cleaning be enough?

Macsave Center's answer:Sophia, good afternoon!
In this case, it is necessary to change the keyboard.

MacBook Air ~ Anna ~ 11/18/2017

I spilled some sweet milk on the touchpad, immediately wiped it off with a napkin, after that, the touchpad stopped clicking well, but it worked, in the morning, pressing the touchpad a couple of times in some places emits a normal click, in others a soft click, what do you recommend?

Macsave Center's answer:Anna, good afternoon!
Initially, you need to disassemble the laptop and carry out diagnostics. Cleaning may be enough to fix the problem. Bring, we'll see, diagnostics are free.

Poppy pouring ~ AS ~ 10/23/2017

Good night, I flooded the poppy, I turned it over right away, maybe I didn't know what to do, I didn't turn it off (I used the old trick with rice), like it absorbed something, after I wiped it, the screen floated and the poppy turned off, made sounds (three beeps ), but did not turn on, maybe I do not live in Moscow, I can apply only tomorrow, tell me, will he live? Or is it easier to buy a new one?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon!
There are always chances. It all depends on how quickly you contact the service center and carry out the cleaning.

Spilled juice ~ Maxim ~ 06/25/2017

Spilled juice on the keyboard, did not know the rescue instructions, just turned the MacBook over and wiped the keys right away. Then I continued to work with him again, the keys gradually stopped working, then only the off button worked, I turned it off, closed it by putting a towel on the keyboard and turned it over. It didn't even turn on in the morning. How serious can the problem be, and how much will the repair cost?

Macsave Center's answer:Maxim, good afternoon!
Initial cleaning is necessary after flooding. Most likely, moisture got on system board... The keyboard is not cleaned, it only changes. Bring it in and see. Diagnostics is free.

Tea ~ Anastasia Cheremisina ~ 04-04-2017

Good afternoon. What if, after tea and an instant flip and drying, the poppy AIR sees the keyboard when you turn it on and enter the password and loses it after it is fully launched ???

Macsave Center's answer:Anastasia, good afternoon!
The keyboard needs to be changed. Unfortunately, there is no post-flood cleaning.

Breakdown ~ Light ~ 03/14/2017

I poured the MacBook about tea, immediately turned it off, put it with the keyboard down on a towel. He then turned on and worked. But before turning on it burned black screen and there is a folder with a question on it. Then everything worked fine. I closed it for the night, and in the morning there were drops of water on the keyboard and after the poppy did not turn on, the indicator was on that the battery was dead. I plugged it in, then unplugged it, nothing happened. And right now When you turn it on, there is a system startup sound, but a black screen is on. Is it possible to fix it?

Macsave Center's answer:Svetlana, good afternoon!
Yes of course. First of all, it is necessary to clean it after flooding. cost 3500 rub. Next, look at which elements on the board are damaged, which require replacement. Bring it, we'll see. Diagnostics is free.

Filled macbook ~ Vladislava ~ 06-03-2017

Hello, I poured some tea. It hit the touchpad and space bar. I didn't turn it off right away, because I didn't know what was needed, but turned it over for a while. After 20 minutes, the touchpad and keyboard stopped working, except for one button. We turned it off and put it on to dry. How serious is it?

Macsave Center's answer:Vladislava, good afternoon!
Clean as soon as possible ( full analysis laptop). The result of moisture getting on the board may be a complete or partial inoperability of the device (keyboard, tapad, display, as well as power supply elements). Over time, it may stop turning on.

Topic of the question ~ anton ~ 07-01-2017

kind, flooded, everything turns on, but the screen does not work, how serious is it?

Macsave Center's answer:Anton, good afternoon!
First of all it is necessary to carry out cleaning after flooding (wash, dry). If you have not done this yet, moisture could get on the parts of the board responsible for the operation of the display, and corrosion of the board elements could begin. Bring it, we'll see. Diagnostics is free. The cost of cleaning after flooding is 3500 rubles.

Matrix replacement ~ Vladimir ~ 03-11-2016

Does the cost of replacing the matrix include the cost of the (new or bush) matrix itself?

Macsave Center's answer:Vladimir, good afternoon!
We put only new original spare parts, respectively, we provide a guarantee for both spare parts and work. The price already includes the work of the replacement wizard.

Flooding ~ Ekaterina ~ 10-15-2016

Hello! I accidentally touched nail degreaser and it spilled onto the left side of the MacBook Pro keyboard.
I immediately turned it off and wiped it off, then left it to dry overnight. I turned it on not long ago, I could hardly enter the password, Half of the keyboard does not enter letters, so I decided to remove the password so that if the numbers do not work, I can enter. But in the end, having removed the password, he writes to me, enter the password, but it is not there, and I cannot enter. Tell everyone what to do with it.

Macsave Center's answer:Catherine, good afternoon!
It is necessary to clean it after flooding, and then change the keyboard and see what other zones are damaged.

Filling ~ Nina ~ 09/11/2016

Hello, I spilled tea on the right side of the Macbook Air keyboard. After that, WiFi stopped working. Writes that there is no working. What should I do?

Macsave Center's answer:Nina, good afternoon!
Maybe out of order wifi adapter, and it may be necessary to carry out cleaning after flooding, the cost is 2500 rubles. Replacing the adapter, depending on the model, 3500-4000 rubles.

Flooding ~ Ekaterina ~ 08/31/2016

Spilled coffee on my MacBook. On the one hand, you can clearly limit the area where this happens, dots appeared on the image, as if the inversion of color, or like pixels or something. Everything is as it should be on the white screen, no damage is noticeable.
What to do?

Macsave Center's answer:Catherine, good afternoon!
The matrix may need to be replaced. For more accurate information, it is necessary to clarify the equipment model.

repair ~ aaaa ~ 08/25/2016

spilled water under the poppy beech now the screen has faded, nothing is visible, but the poppy turns on, what should I do?

Macsave Center's answer:Good evening!
Difficulties in the motherboard. Bring it for diagnostics, we'll see. Diagnostics is free.

I accidentally put my laptop on a damp table and now it won't turn on! what to do ?? m ~ Ekaterina Gupta ~ 08/15/2016

I accidentally put my laptop on a wet table and now it won't even turn on!

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon. The problem is presumably in the power circuit on the motherboard, cleaning and diagnostics of the device is necessary

MacBook repair ~ Sergey ~ 07/15/2016

Hello, please tell me ...., I have such a problem: - I ran my wet fingers over the touchpad, after which the cursor began to hang, so I rebooted the Mac, but it does not turn on (the monitor lights up as usual after pressing the network button, the download line goes and before reaching the end, the poppy turns off) .... what could it be, and in general is it a serious problem?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to look / diagnose, bring to us
Diagnostics is free!

Water in the headphone jack ~ Ksenia ~ 04/16/2016

Sea water got into the headphone jack, a couple of days ago, the phone was new, I turned it off immediately. Do you only work with MacBooks?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, bring it to the repair, we'll see

cidr on pro ~ Irina ~ 03/23/2016

good afternoon! about six months ago, spilled cider on poppy pro (11.1), immediately wiped it off, turned it over, let it dry, turned off itself.
after a couple of days they tried to turn it on - it turned on. Now I got my hands on it, but I won't be able to take it to the service for a couple of weeks, everything seems to be working properly, the keyboard does not sink, it makes noise at times ... the question is: tell me honestly, do you think everything inside is already completely sad? Is it even possible that I can restore it without selling my last socks?))
thanks in advance.

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, bring it and see, we will diagnose it for free with us

Filled the MacBook with water ~ Olesya ~ 02/26/2016

Good afternoon. The laptop was on the bed, a glass of water was spilled, the water itself did not seem to get on the poppy itself, but apparently flowed under the bottom like something from which the laptop turned off and does not turn on yet. I tried to charge - the indicator is on normally.
What do you advise? Do not touch it and charge it yet, let it dry for a day?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, the cost of the repair will be clear after the diagnosis, if it is not on, it is better not to turn it on, otherwise it will completely fail.

Pouring poppy beech (~ Ilez ~ 12/29/2015

Good evening! Please tell me this is a problem. Poppy beech stood on the table, and the child released water on the table, which was in an air freshener in a flask, and water spilled all over the table and to the bottom of the poppy beech. When I picked up the poppy beech there was water under it. I wiped it from the bottom and put it on. An hour later, I saw that the poppy beech was sitting down and put it on charge, the MAC itself was working, but I noticed that it was buggy and that the charging did not charge. As a result, the charger did not charge, the small point on the charging did not turn on and the poppy beech sat down. I can't understand what the problem is in charging or the MAC has broken down? ((We don't have the nearest repair center. I don't know what to do? Tell me pliz!

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon and Happy New Year, take you to the diagnostics if you do not come to life, since while the battery is connected, the power supply quickly rot and fail

water spilled ~ Anastasia ~ 11/29/2015

spilled water a month ago on a macbook pro, all flew out and dried a couple of days on a towel. At the moment, everything is working quite well, only 3-4 buttons do not work, or rather shift, fn, ctrl and alto. The problem is that I am abroad and there is nowhere to be referred for diagnostics in the next couple of months. Will it hurt the system a lot? and would it be very expensive to fix this problem? thanks in advance

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, if the keys do not work, then you need to change the keyboard, there are no other options

Filled macbook pro ~ Chingis ~ 09/29/2015

I have a macbook pro "15 2012. About two months ago, I spilled a drop of juice on the touchpad.
I didn’t think of turning off the computer right away. played an online game.
In general, after a while the touchpad started running all over the screen and clicking on everything.
I read a lot of advice on the Internet and did, so to speak, home cleaning. I wiped the touchpad with rubbing alcohol (the Mac was off at this time).
It helped a little. In general, after two weeks, the poppy began to turn off when starting games. It's just that a black screen appears in front of me. And so far. What could be the problem?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, either you have corrosion on the motherboard, or the video chip is out of order.

Water hit the ultrabook Sony Xperia~ Elena ~ 08/30/2015

Yesterday my son accidentally knocked over a glass of ordinary (still) water on the keyboard. I turned it off immediately, but the battery cannot be removed from this model by ourselves. The power cord was not plugged in, lay in a different place.
Wipe it with napkins (it was in the hotel restaurant, there wifi works). It seemed that not a lot of water got in, the glass was not full.
After a while, I turned it on again, everything worked, but after 5-10 minutes the computer turned off and did not turn on again. And did not react to the charger (usually when connecting charger indicator lights up).
Then they dried it for a long time with a non-hot hairdryer, left it open overnight under an air conditioner, until they turned it on.

1) Can you save / fix your computer?
2) Is it possible to save the data?
3) How much can it cost?
4) What are your opening hours?

Thanks in advance.

Macsave Center's answer:Good evening, bring it for diagnostics, as a rule, everything is repaired.

flooded macbook ~ Aza ~ 08/17/2015

A year and a half ago, water got into the MacBook, can it be repaired?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to diagnose, it is quite possible that we will repair it.

Cost after filling with coffee ~ Vladislav ~ 05-08-2015

Good afternoon, poured coffee into the MacBook, the touch panel works fine, the keyboard half of the buttons works half of it, the image is distorted when the laptop is lifted and tilted .. How much does it cost to return the computer's robustness as on the day of purchase?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to carry out diagnostics, replacing the keyboard on average 5000r, according to the image it is possible for you

Filled with Mac ~ Anya ~ 07-07-2015

Hello! I poured tequila on Mac Air, but did not immediately realize it and kept it turned on for a while (about 10-15 minutes). Truth immediately wiped Mack with napkins. After a while, he passed out and I put him in my bag. Now it doesn't turn on at all. :(What to do?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to clean the entire system from flooding, including the board, the faster the better, because the decay process is fast enough. The cost of such cleaning in our service is 3500r, diagnostics are free.

Filled poppy air with mineral water ~ Yura ~ 05/14/2015

Turned on everything works fine, do I need to include diagnostics.
If you need to take the laptop apart for diagnostics?
How is the diagnosis done in general?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, if you have spilled a lot of liquid, then you need to give it to clean it from flooding, first we take it apart, look at the traces of flooding and corrosion. If we clean a lot of liquid, dry it.

the sound does not work ~ maria ~ 04-24-2015

good evening! I flooded the MacBook with water, now everything works, but the sound disappeared. At the same time, when you reboot the MacBook, there is sound, but only when you reboot. What to do? wait? dry?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to clean the motherboard, perhaps the problem is in the connectors or the microcontroller, the cost of repair is from 2000r, you need to diagnose your MacBook, it is free.

Filled the keyboard with mac air ~ Maria ~ 07-04-2015

I accidentally splashed a sweet protein shake on the poppy, quite a bit: it hit the screen and the right side of the keyboard. Everything works, everything shows, nothing is buggy, BUT, those buttons that have been flooded are on the right side, lift there is no backlight! the rest of the keyboard is lit, and those buttons are barely.

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, in your case, you need to clean or change the keyboard backlight, the cost is 2500r, cleaning the shopping mall you need to remove the board, and if you need to change it - 3500r replace the keyboard backlight of the macbook.

MacBook keyboard is flooded ~ Christina ~ 02/25/2015

After flooding the laptop keyboard with water: The delete key does not work for me. Instead, other symbols are highlighted. Can you fix this? You just need to clean it?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, you need to change the entire keyboard of your macbook

liquid got inside MacBook Air ~ Lily ~ 02/10/2015

good afternoon. spilled wine on the keyboard, tried to dry it (pulled out the liquid with a vacuum cleaner, turned it over ..) turned it on after 2 days: the keyboard works, the backlight on the keyboard works, the backlight brightness on the screen can also be adjusted, but the screen is in gray, green and blue stripes. please tell me so that it could be? and how much can such a repair cost? thanks.

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, apparently hit either on the matrix or on the screen loop, you need to do detailed diagnostics

MacBook Pro got water. ~ Maria ~ 01/26/2015

Hello. A small amount of water has entered the touchpad area. After that, he stopped responding to pressing. The night has passed, the water has apparently dried up, and now everything is working fine. Is it worth taking a laptop to service after such an incident?

Macsave Center's answer:Good day, it's a good idea to refer to diagnostics in any case, for many it is free. There is often a slight flooding of the MacBook, which appears later and with more serious consequences.

water got inside the MacBookAir display ~ Elena ~ 12/26/2014

Good afternoon! The computer and I got caught in a light rain, and now I see dark wet spots on the display. The rest of the computer seems to be working fine. Is it possible to remove these stains? Can the laptop dry itself over time? Thanks!

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, if the display does not dry out, then you need to disassemble the top cover and clean the matrix or change the films on your MacBook Air.

flooded poppy beech retina ~ Anna ~ 09/26/2014

good afternoon. I have such a situation. the poppy beech was filled with a 15-inch retina, it completely works except for the screen, but the image is visible through the apple, that is, the backlight does not work. I gave it to a service center and was told that I needed to change the entire display module. is such a situation possible or is it just a money scam?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, Anna, first you need to make diagnostics (we have it for free), often the problem of backlight failure on MacBook Retina be on the motherboard, but the motherboard also fails (Very rarely). We usually change only the matrix and the lid remains native, the cost of such work is 13500R. But in the beginning, be sure to make the correct diagnosis.

macbook ~ Irina ~ 09/16/2014

Good afternoon! Spilled unsweetened tea on the MacBook, shook out the water, everything works well, except for wi-fi, writes that there is no hardware. Can my MacBook be repaired within a day and how much will such a repair cost? If it's under warranty, how will your repair affect it?

Macsave Center's answer:Good afternoon, if your MacBook is flooded, then you usually lose the warranty, because there are special indicators on the MacBooks. Regarding your problem with Weifai: the first thing to do is to inspect the transmitter itself, perhaps it will only be enough to clean it from being flooded with liquid, or you may have to replace it.
Drive up to see everything with you, diagnostics are free of charge.

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