How to pay for games in the app store. How, with what and by whom purchases in the App Store are paid

Recently deleted the application, and now it is needed again? Are you wondering how many games and programs you have downloaded in your life? All this can be found in the download history App Store. But how do you get access to it? Now we'll tell you.

In contact with

Apple has made it easier for its users to view their purchase history. Now you can find out what and when you purchased in the App Store and iTunes directly in the Settings app on your iOS device.

Previously, you could only view your purchase history in iTunes on Mac or PC.

To view your purchase history in the Settings app on your iOS device:

1. Go to "Settings""iTunes and the App Store".

2. Enter your Apple ID (or click on E-mail (Apple ID) if it is displayed at the top) and select the item "View Apple ID", after which the system will ask you to enter a password or use Touch ID or Face ID.

If you are using the function "Family Sharing", you will only see your purchase history and will not be able to see what other members of your family have bought. In order to view their purchase history, you need to log in with their Apple ID.

3. Scroll to "Purchase History" and click on it.

In the Purchase History section, purchases are sorted by the date they were charged. Clicking on the button "The Last 90 Days", you can change the output of the list of completed purchases by year.

Items for which payment has not yet been processed by the bank will be marked as "Pending". By clicking on a product listed in the history, you can find out the date of its purchase / download and the name of the device from which the purchase was made. If you notice any inconsistencies, click on the button "Report an issue".

If you accidentally deleted your purchase confirmation email, you can request a new one by clicking the button "Resend".

How to See All the Apps You've Ever Downloaded on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

1. Open Settings → iTunes Store and App Store and sign in to your account.

2. Open the app App Store.

3. Click on your profile icon at the top right.

4. Select Shopping → My shopping.

Collected here are all the apps you've ever downloaded to this device with your Apple ID, both paid and free games and programs. They are divided into two groups - Everything and Not on this iPhone/iPad/iPod. The second group displays applications that are this moment not on your device. In addition, a search function by name is available.

Please note - if your device is running under iOS control 11 and later, you will not be able to download 32-bit applications from the My Purchases section - first, their developer must modify the application or game so that they become 64-bit (this is a new requirement of iOS since version 11). You can’t download applications that have been removed from the App Store for one reason or another, although they will still be on the list.

Live and learn.

Sooner or later, every lover of "apple" technology thinks about purchasing paid programs and games. Some immediately bind bank card to an iTunes account and spend money, others start with free apps.

Most often, purchases start with a small game for 15 rubles, and end with thousands of rubles spent monthly.

To get the maximum benefit when buying programs and games in the App Store, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions. I will not talk about how to link a bank card or top up your iTunes account. The easiest way to do this is to buy an iTunes gift card at no extra cost.

1. Read the review on the site :)

Before buying a program or game, it is advisable to read the review and the opinions of other people about it. Cult games like or will definitely receive a separate review, not the most iconic applications can be found in or in.

Of course, we cannot cover all the programs and games that come out, sometimes you have to trust your intuition.

2. Explore the app page on the App Store

Do you remember that unforgettable feeling when you open the box with your iPhone, iPad or Mac? Jobs himself for many years sought to unpack Apple technology delighted the user. The same should happen when opening the application page in the App Store.

The game or program should have a charismatic icon, a selling video and bright high quality screenshots. For example, you can look at applications from Supercell or Days Of Wonder. These studios produce games that are downloaded by millions of players around the world with great success.

Always look at the full list of apps to get an idea of ​​what each studio is capable of. If you see dozens of clones of the same type, you can safely skip such developers.

When examining a page in the App Store, you should understand:

  • how seriously the developer approached the presentation of the game (video, icon, screenshots);
  • what successes the developer has already achieved (what programs and games he has released);
  • what in-app purchases are provided (sometimes in paid game will have to buy levels);
  • how often the application is updated (whether the developer will drop support for the game).

3. Try the demo

Unfortunately, there is no mechanism in the App Store that allows you to release trial versions of applications. However, some developers release two versions of the game: one is paid and the other is free or with a symbolic price tag of 15 rubles.

To track the full schedule of price changes, you should use one of the.

  • download AppZapp for iPhone or iPad;
  • find the application we are interested in in the search;
  • see how often the authors offer a discount.

Evaluate the "greed" of the developers and wait for the next price reduction.

5. Get cashback

When you finally decided on the application and waited for the coveted discount, do not rush to part with the money. Can get 3.5% cashback from any iTunes and App Store purchases.

Of course, when buying simple applications, you will get a penny, but if you spend a lot of money, you can save a lot.

This is the simple way we recommend buying apps for iPhone and iPad. Of course, here a certain time will pass between the desire to purchase and pressing the “buy” button, but this can also be a plus. You will not make a series of impulse purchases that you will regret.

site Live and learn. Sooner or later, every lover of "apple" technology thinks about purchasing paid programs and games. Some immediately link a bank card to their iTunes account and spend money, others start with free apps. Most often, purchases start with a small game for 15 rubles, and end with thousands of rubles spent monthly. To extract the maximum...

Each of us bought something “wrong” on the market: rotten eggs, sour milk, tights with arrows, etc. And when a deceived buyer wants to return an item in order to get a replacement or their money back, how many sellers agree to an exchange ? Fortunately, the world is gradually digitizing, each product now has identifiers, so it is not difficult to prove that the transaction went between you and a certain seller. And this, in turn, makes it easier to cancel the transaction, which is provided for by consumer protection.

When to Roll Back an App Store Purchase

In fact, you can seek a refund if:

  • the product you bought does not meet the declared quality;
  • the application or media file does not work or does not start;
  • you bought the wrong product.

The first case is the easiest to prove you're right. Let's say the developer in the application description says that the program "turns the camera into a real X-ray machine for spying on anyone." In fact, you get some kind of image deformer or worse. At the same time, the description does not indicate that the application is "comic". In this case, you can contact support and return the purchase price. But if it is noted in the description that the application does not imply any of the above, then you will not be able to return funds for a low-quality product.

App Store policy is that you can't just roll back a purchase. However, in case of fraud, you can expect to pay off the costs of a low-quality application.

If the application does not work or does not start, it is much more difficult to return the money. Often, technical support sends the buyer to the manufacturer to indicate the poor quality of the product. According to the App Store, this will force application providers to work more efficiently. Whether it will be possible to return the funds depends on how correctly and unemotionally you present the facts in your appeal.

Be careful when making a purchase in the App Store: make sure you choose the right app for your device

If you purchased the wrong app and can prove that you simply made a mistake when purchasing, since the store is replete with duplicate products with similar names and icons, it is easiest to return. For example, the Draw Pad and Drawing Pad applications: both are in the same section, have almost the same name and have similar icons. In this situation, you can safely contact the support service and count on a successful resolution of the problem. Slightly less likely to get a refund when one application is featured, but for different devices, for example, regular version and HD. Be polite when telling support workers that you have an iPhone, not an iPad, and there was a misunderstanding.

How to cancel or cancel an App Store purchase and get a refund

There are only two ways to get a refund:

  1. Contacting App Store support.
  2. Direct appeal to the consumer protection court.

As for the second point, you should understand how problematic and costly this method is (consultations with lawyers, legal costs, and much more).

Writing to technical support is not so difficult:

Appeals are considered from a few hours to two to three days, after which an Apple specialist will contact you by e-mail with a refusal or confirmation of the cancellation of the purchase, or with clarifying questions. It is recommended to respond to such a letter without delay.

Video: App Store Purchase Refund

Possible problems with a refund

The difficulty with the return of money is that the decision to level the transaction is made by a person, not a machine. Therefore, in your appeal, you must refrain from possible emotions, be extremely tactful and polite. In many ways, the result depends on this. You also need to be patient: some applications can be considered up to a week. In no case should you threaten the technical support workers. A refund is a concession and any errors made during the purchase are attributable to the buyer. Perhaps you didn't read the reviews or the abstract well.

Before buying the app, it is recommended to study user reviews

You can only create one ticket per application. Therefore, when applying, consider yourself a sapper who works with an active mine.

Remember that the refund is made to the card with which the payment was made. Banking troubles can also extend the refund time.

If you make an accidental or poor-quality purchase from the App Store, don't despair. The comfort of the buyer and the security of commercial transactions are the basis of modern marketing. By following simple instructions, you can easily return money for an unintentional or erroneous purchase.

The information contained in this article is freely available in Apple Help, but I want to explain everything to you in a simple and accessible way.

This article is about in-app purchases in the app store for free. What are in-app purchases? How to transfer them? What are they needed for?

In-app purchases are those purchases that are inside applications from the App Store. For example, cards, bonus levels, purchase of the full version of the application, money in the game, etc.
Which apps have in-app purchases in the app store?

When buying an application in iTunes, you should pay attention to the Top in-app Purchases line, located to the left of the application description. It is possible that the application itself is free, however, in in-app purchases, you can, for example, purchase the full version of the game for $5. Surely, now it has become clear to you why you need to pay attention not only to the price of the application, but also to the Top in-app Purchases line (in-app purchases).
Apple advises game and app developers to include the purpose of in-app purchases and their benefits in descriptions, but many do not follow this advice.
What are in-app purchases?
For the buyer - getting the add-ons and extensions he needs for a fee.

But for the developer, there may be several options:
- This is a way to monetize games. Everything that is possible is for sale - health, energy, play money, bonuses, etc.
 Subscription for a month, a year and beyond is possible only through in-app purchases.
 The desire of the creator to save his application from illegal use.

Many people know that JailBreak hacks the program and allows you to install it on iOS without buying. But what you buy through in-app purchases cannot be hacked and obtained for free. On hacked apps, in-app purchases lead to various internal bugs.

Types of in-app purchases in the app store:
1. Compensable - energy, health, increase in construction speed, game money, etc. They buy again every time. They cannot be transferred from one device to another, and when you reinstall the application, they automatically burn out.

2. Non-compensated - full version games, new game levels, GPS maps, etc. Buy once. They can be easily transferred to another device, in other words, re-downloaded for free. When you reinstall the game, they are also installed for free.

3. Subscriptions - daily news, online game 6 months, etc. Not everything is so transparent here. Even Apple itself does not give exact answers on this matter. To be honest, subscriptions should be like non-reimbursable purchases, that is, transfer from device to device for free, but before making such a purchase, it is better to first find out about this from the developer. Be careful!


To launch the AppStore, click on the store icon on the main screen of your device. You will see an interface with which you can search desired application.

You can find the program you are interested in by viewing the menu of categories, which are located in the central part of the screen. If you want to search for a specific application, click on the search bar at the top of the display. Enter desired query and click the search icon to carry out the operation. All results that match the query will be displayed on the screen by relevance, i.e. according to the specified parameters.

Click on the link of the program you are interested in. On the screen that appears, you will see the "Free" button or a button indicating the price for the program. Press this button finger and confirm the installation of the application, as well as the removal Money from the selected card linked to account.

If you don't have Apple account ID to make a purchase, click on the "Create Apple ID" button and enter the requested data. Accept user agreement on the use of the service and indicate your date of birth, first name, last name and other data required for registration. Pay special attention to filling out the box indicating your debit or credit card. Enter your card type, number, and CCV code located on the back of the card.

After completing the registration, follow the link from the email that will be sent from Apple to your email box to confirm account creation. As soon as this action is performed, return to the screen of the desired application and try to make a purchase again by selecting "Login" and entering the data for your account Apple records.

If the purchase was successful, the installation of the application will begin, the process of which you can watch on the main screen of your device. After completing the procedure, click on the shortcut installed application. The purchase from the AppStore has been completed.

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in the App Store and Google Play a virus was discovered, which is a spam bot designed for a smartphone. Malicious code was detected by the operator's profile services cellular communication Megafon and journalists.

The victims of the malicious application were the owners of the iPhone, as well as devices on the Android platform. The virus itself is contained in the Find and Call application. According to the annotation, the program should help users to make free calls With cell phone in , Skype, etc.

The word attracted people who did not encounter fraud in the field information technologies. After launch dangerous program there was a complete copying of the address book, then the information was sent to the server of the virus developers. After that, SMS was sent to all the phones copied from the address book with the following content: "Now I'm here and it's easier for me to call using the application (link) for free." A valid phone number was confirmed in the "Sender" line.

It is not possible to estimate the scale of the fraud. Approximately two and a half thousand messages were sent to almost eight hundred numbers. This is the data on MegaFon in the capital region. Those users who followed the link also became part of the spam network, infecting their own mobile phone virus.

Some uncertainty is caused by the fact that the developers of the program were identified. However, they deny any involvement in the creation of the spam network. According to them, everything that happened is the result of a technical failure of the beta version of the application. In addition, SMS is sent not at the expense of the deceived user, but from the equipment of the authors of the program. Formally, a dangerous application cannot even be called a virus, since the application gets access to the address book with the user's permission. Also, if you yourself enter your data for Email, social networks and PayPal, you can lose your accounts or make them available to the application.

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