Interesting ideas for making money. Bank loan. Accessories and furniture for pets

Hello! Today you will learn how to make money for a beginner at home and not only.

In this article I will give you many different ways to make money. All the methods listed below are working, verified by me personally.

Reselling items on message boards

This way of making money really works because many people do not know the real value of goods or simply sell cheap in order to quickly get rid of this or that product.

Many collectors are looking for unique items in this way and are ready to offer good money for them. Believe it or not, things lying in your grandmother's closet can benefit someone else, and thereby get rid of trash and bring you a good profit. Soberly evaluate the old things in your pantry and you will certainly make money selling them. Perhaps, somewhere in the bins lies the first Soviet camera, a Singer typewriter, a tablecloth with unique embroidery or a turntable.

Some photographic studios, as well as theaters and even hand-maders are looking for goods in this way and are happy to buy interesting retrospectives.

On Avito you can find many things that are sold at a reduced price. You just need to buy and sell them at a higher price, and the difference in price is your earnings!

I will give an example from my own life, because I am talking about proven methods.

Once I accidentally saw how much elk antlers cost, the average price was 5,000 rubles. Then I found horns on Avito for 3000 rubles, bought them and after 4-5 days they bought them from me for 5000 on the same Avito. I just made a better photo and description. Net profit 2000 rub. in 5 days. I agree that it is not enough, but if you do it fully, you can sell more.

Also, I tried to buy MacBooks in Moscow with Avito, and sell in my city, because in our city there are few ads and they are more expensive, and in Moscow there are many and prices are cheaper;) The conclusion is simple - you can make money!

Shipping and payment:

  • In your city, you can make a sale through a personal meeting. To send orders to other cities by agreement. But most often by Russian Post. Shipping costs are usually borne by the purchaser. But again, as you agree.
  • Payment can be accepted either by transferring funds to a bank card or to an electronic wallet.

Sale of goods from abroad

It is also a great option, which I have been doing and continue to do, but on a more formal and large scale. Now there are opportunities to buy goods with Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688 etc.

Almost everything is cheaper there. You can simply buy there and sell on the same message boards in your city. With Ebay and Aliexpress, you can order absolutely to any city and any country, so this type of earnings is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now I am dealing with bags from China, but more on that later.

My acquaintances sell phone cases, other acquaintances sell unusual gifts and home furnishings, and still others sell iPhones and other Apple appliances. So try you too;)


All of us are good at something and these skills can be easily sold. If you know foreign languages, then you can teach it to others. Or, for example, you know how to repair plumbing, so why not do it for the money.

Today more and more girls prefer flexible working hours. What could be better than not to regulate your working day yourself. In the service sector, you can make good money on hairdressing and visage. After completing special courses, more and more of my friends girls earn money on manicure, depilation, hairstyles and make-up, preparing girls for important events (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc.). Providing your services is a great way to make money fast.

How to make money on this? Easily! Just start telling everyone about your services, create your own website, place an ad wherever possible and everything will go uphill;) Although what am I telling ...

For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article on how to get started. Read it, everything is described step by step there! I also provided services for website development, customization contextual advertising and much more.

How to make money on a website or blog

It's easy to make money on the Internet, the main thing is to decide on your niche: your website, blog, online store, sale of goods from a one-page etc. But about everything in more detail.

This is one of my favorite activities and for me it is not only earning, but also my favorite hobby. This blog site, where you are now, I am happy to conduct and write articles for you, this is really my hobby. Also, I had and still have blogs for earnings, on which I earn money from advertising, affiliate programs, and so on.

A blog differs from a website in that most often it is tied to the personality of the author, his worldview and position in life. It is worth noting that it is these blogs that are more popular. But not the last place in their promotion is taken by SEO optimization. Read more about this in the "Business Promotion" section.

Blog is an informational site where you write interesting and useful articles on topics of interest to people. If your articles are well written, search engines show them in search results, thereby giving you visitors. But you can also promote your blog yourself.

When you have a lot of readers on your blog, you can easily make money from ads, affiliate programs or from posting links and paid articles. This is a working way to make money online.

Additional part-time jobs

If you are working or studying and your schedule allows you to take additional part-time work, do not miss this opportunity. I, too, when I was a schoolboy and student and also worked part-time to make money.

You can sit with your kids or work in a store loading and unloading at the end of the day, or you can do work in your main business. Roughly speaking, "lend", but not steal, but lend, serve any clients on your own, and not in the company in which you officially work. There are also many options for courier and all sorts of handymen positions.

  • If you are a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then your knowledge is quite enough to give additional lessons to schoolchildren. A modern approach to teaching foreign languages ​​through Skype lessons is an excellent opportunity to recruit a group of students not only in your city, but also in other localities.

You can package your knowledge into a training course and thus sell it for good money. If the information you collect helps someone, it will quickly spread among potential customers.

  • As an additional income for prosperous people, during a financial recession, you can organize the sale of seasonal goods: "frost-free" in the autumn-spring period or flowers, on the eve of spring holidays, as well as live and artificial Christmas trees a couple of weeks before the New Year.
  • If you inherited an apartment from your granny, then in order to earn money to repair it, you can, at first, rent it out daily or monthly.
  • If you live in a resort area, then organize a business for tourists. Tents with souvenirs and goods of local origin (honey, fish, sweets) will allow you to make decent and real money during the period of the influx of tourists.
  • And if you are the owner of a luxurious premium car, then why not offer your services to the newlyweds to accompany them on a significant day to the registry office or the banquet hall.

Receiving dividends or interest on deposits also refers to additional earnings. But first, they require some investment.

Open your online store

After I started doing sales from China, I soon opened my own online store. Thus, the second point of this article can be legalized and made a full-fledged business out of it. An online store is quite a profitable business, it pays off quickly, requires a small start-up investment and is quite simple to organize. All in all, you can make a lot of money! At the start, you can work alone or with a spouse, as I did. When turnovers increase, you might consider hiring employees (call center, driver, loader).

Now everyone is very active in buying on the Internet, in addition, you can test a niche on any goods, having previously purchased a small batch and selling it on Avito (point 1).

I already wrote an article on how. You can sell almost anything in the online store!

Sell ​​products from one page sites

Through sales through Landing page you will be able to make a lot of money faster than with an online store. The whole point of earning is that you analyze demand, choose a product for sale, test it for sales, create a landing page and sell it all over Russia. This type of business is trending now!


In the continuation of sales in online stores and on message boards, it is worth saying that you can make various goods with your own hands and sell. There is a project called "Fair of Craftsmen", where they sell similar goods and buy them very well.

You can also sell your homemade products online, on social media, and on message boards. A lot of people like something out of the ordinary and this theme works really well. Therefore, if you know how to tinker with something or are even a jack of all trades, then this is your way of making money!

How to make money freelancing

How you can't make money

Well, now I will tell you about the ways in which you will never make money.

Be careful! If you are looking on the Internet for ways to make money, then you often come across an advertisement for some quick earnings money such as pyramids, MLM, get-rich-quick schemes and so on. Don't believe this! In many of them, you are asked to invest a little money, then invite friends and acquaintances and earn for everyone who comes. To a greater extent, these are deceivers, in some cases you will sell crazy goods at high prices (in MLM they often do this), the pyramids will collapse and you and your friends will be left without money.

Also, all sorts of sites offering gold trading work, but all this is a lie and there is no earnings from gold, but also from invited people. In general, where you are asked to pay money for joining somewhere, then invite people, then most often it is a scam. Just remember one thing ... there are no get-rich-quick schemes, they simply do not exist and that's it, it's cheating!

You can't make money by risking your health... This includes making money by donating blood, donating cut hair and other absurdities and experiments that can offer you for money. None of this is worth it. You will receive little money, but the consequences can be very different.

Earnings on computer games ... If you are a schoolboy or a bum, then of course you can try to make money on it. But it is important to understand that you can spend a lot of time on this, and you may not achieve the result.


Perhaps I have not listed all the ways to make money, but I have listed what I am really sure of and tested on myself, what helped me out in difficult times, except for hand-made. But what's more important, I warned you about all kinds of scammers in the last paragraph.

We turn on the brains! Only your ingenuity will help you quickly and easily make money! Therefore, we turn on the imagination and go! In due time sellers of "sea air" and "medicinal" mud earned decent money on tourists. Good razvodilovo - good money!

It's never too late to learn! If your career has come to a standstill, you feel hopeless, then maybe it's time to radically change your life ?! Get additional education or take refresher courses, learn something new, fortunately, today it is easy to do this, even without leaving your home, through online training.

Saving. Sometimes, in order to make money, it is enough to simply cut your expenses. Have you tried calculating your expenses per month? I advise you to do this and you will be horrified at how much you spend on unnecessary things.

What is left for you now? Try yourself in everything that is possible! The main thing is not to sit still, but to constantly move forward and do, do, do, then everything will work out for you! Think wider, take risks, create your business, test niches, generally move, and do not sit still;)

I look forward to hearing from you additions, objections and questions in the comments! Thank you for the attention!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Questions about how to make money while sitting at home (working on the Internet) or even doing a certain type of activity offline are often asked on the Internet.

In this article, we will look at four main ways making money, which is well described in his books by the American entrepreneur and business coach Robert Kiyosaki, we classify it for adults and schoolchildren, we will remove the dark veil over moneymaking on our own website.

How you can make money according to R. Kiyosaki

Conventionally, all methods of obtaining money can be divided into four large categories, presenting them as the Cash Flow Quadrant, first described in detail by Robert Kiyosaki in the books of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series.

The Quadrant, as we can see, has two sides from the horizontal section: Left (where sectors P and C are located), Right (with sectors B and I). According to statistics, on the left side, most of the world's population earns - 80-90%, but they are all representatives of the middle class or even the poor. The biggest money is earned workers on the right side - there are only 10-20 percent of them. All modern oligarchs, millionaires, billionaires and the richest people on the planet are also located here.

Consider the two left sectors - what are these people doing who want to earn their living:

  1. The first - "P" - is employed people: those who get a job under an employment contract and receive a salary. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that employment is the easiest way to earn money, because, firstly, the maximum responsibility lies not with the employee, but with the manager, and secondly, you need to follow the instructions given from “above”, there is no need for your own reflection. success in this sector, you need to get a prestigious education, be a professional in your field. Do not assume that the earnings in the “P” position are small: top managers in large companies receive a lot of money, so there are definitely certain prospects.
  2. "WITH" - self-sufficiency in work... This includes people who find work themselves, as well as freelancers and small entrepreneurs (for example). Small businesses are companies of various kinds with fewer than 500 employees.

    "C" cannot be considered a job as you do not need to be hired by anyone, but this activity cannot be regarded as a business either. Although, in our modern Russian realities, we are used to calling even small entrepreneurs who may not have any employees at all as businessmen, this is not true from the American point of view.

    Self-sufficiency in work is the most risky undertaking, according to Robert Kiyosaki, because the responsibility that a representative of this sector takes on is too high in accordance with the level of income and opening prospects.

General conclusion on the two sectors of the left side quadrant - they can bring good money (even millions) and at the same time there are options to make money sitting at home. However, attempts to seriously get rich through these directions are unreasonable for several reasons.

  1. First, people on the left side of the quadrant pay most taxes, while true businessmen or investors receive a lot of benefits from the government.
  2. Second, people on the left side work to get money, and in the case of the right side, the representatives of the “B” and “I” sectors make money work for themselves. The difference in income turns out to be obvious.

If you ask yourself, for example, how right now earn 100 rubles, or how to make money quickly - the left side will open up great opportunities for you, if you want more, for example, you are looking for a method by which you can earn a million and more - you need to go to the right side.

Consider now the two right-hand sectors from the earnings options quadrant:

  1. Sector "B" - entrepreneurs employing over 500 people. They have big business and serious earnings in their hands.
  2. Sector "I" - investors who get rich only due to the circulation of capital (own or borrowed). One more important point: if employees spend their time to get money, then big entrepreneurs use other people's time, investors often they do not invest their own capital, but borrowed money - the money of other people (VDL and DDL according to Kiyosaki).

If you are asking yourself what to do to make money, and not small, but more, your first step is reading relevant literature... The best authors who will change your worldview and help you move from the left side of the quadrant to the right - R. Kiyosaki, N. Hill ("Think and Grow Rich"), R. Gage (Why are you stupid, sick, poor, and how to become smart, healthy and rich), B. Tracy and others.

Assets and liabilities - where are earnings, and where are continuous losses

Where to make a lot of money? Everywhere. In any area. You just need to learn to distinguish liabilities from assets and buy assets, then activities in almost every area will turn into a gold mine. So what's the difference? Assets Is a specific object that allows you to earn. A liability is a similar object that brings expenses instead of income.

The reason for the dire financial situation of most people is the inability to distinguish between assets and liabilities.

Here are some examples:

  1. The house you are in live(most people consider their home to be their most important asset) - a liability, because it does not bring you any income, but requires payment of receipts for utilities, repair costs and more. Note that the point is not to leave home, but simply to learn to distinguish a liability from an asset (we will return to this point a little later).
  2. The house you rent for rent- an asset if the amount exceeds the sum of utility bills and property taxes.
  3. Children- liabilities. It is very important for parents to understand this, since the main reason for the breakup of most young families is financial problems after the birth of their first child. A child is a liability that requires costs, and income does not always allow this liability to pay off.
  4. Bank account can be both a liability and an asset. If you get 5 percent per annum on your account, and inflation is 7 percent, you lose 2 percent of your capital annually. If the income is greater than inflation, the account can be considered to be classified as an asset (similarly, if you store capital not in foreign currency, but, for example, in precious metals, which are weakly subject to depreciation).

Your own home and children are what a huge number of people dream of. The thesis “These are liabilities” does not mean that you should stop striving for these values, it only encourages you to think: can existing assets provide the content of these liabilities? If not, purchasing them will make you bankrupt and deeply unhappy.

How can you make money? On assets... Think about what assets you are able to acquire (buy or create) and start translating ideas into reality.

Those people are mistaken who think that buying an asset is an unusually expensive investment: placing an article on earlier is also creating an asset. It will not bring a lot of money at all, but you can create it in half an hour. If you place them, there will be more assets, earnings, respectively, will increase.

The same can be said about (you first invest in attracting referrals, and then “skim the cream off” in the form of passive income). this is also the acquisition of assets, because in the long term it will begin to generate income with the proper approach. In general, I am a supporter of creating assets, and not plugging holes in the budget with a one-time job for my uncle.

How to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren and adults

The theoretical answers to the questions "How to make money" given above should have formed in you the correct idea of ​​the successful laying of a financial foundation. Now let's turn to practice - how can you make money online, is it possible, for example, earn 100 rubles right now- after reading this article? Yes, absolutely.

Where to raise money

First, you need to get used to the Internet in general - to understand how and what functions here (read about this in the article ""). Acquaintance fits perfectly into the framework of the so-called simple freelance:

  1. - pay mainly for installing applications (programs, games). Examples:,.
  2. - monetary compensation is paid for the time you spent (examples: Questionnaire, Myiyo, EM)
  3. - writing small texts (examples:,,)
  4. B - likes, reposts, subscriptions and similar actions performed for money (examples:, CashBox, Smmok)
  5. On - leave a review or comment about a service, product and the like, having received payment in return (examples:,
  6. - for those who like solving puzzles (captchas). It’s boring, but you don’t need to think.
  7. - a service from Yandex with very good reviews. The tasks that need to be completed there are available to anyone (from schoolchildren to pensioners).
  8. - this is generally background system hanging as an application in your browser.
  9. - mostly pay simply to visit their sites. A little, but you don't need to do anything either. Examples:,.

You can register on the site from each category right now and try your hand. It is most realistic to earn one hundred rubles in a few hours on text exchanges, however, you will need knowledge of the Russian language and command of the word. But using everything together, you can get much more significant amounts.

Many people, coming to the Internet, stop at this stage - they are satisfied with a small salary and moving forward creates fear and anxiety. In fact, you should not be afraid to go forward.

Of course, as an opportunity to make money on maternity leave or a simple freelance (the methods of which were just described above) may be enough, but for those seeking serious money, it is definitely not enough. So let's talk about it.

How to start earning more

  1. Next stage - . For a start, you can look for work, for example, or exhibit. It may be that you have to take courses in a certain direction or simply prove that you are a highly qualified specialist in your field, for example, you can write gorgeous texts on popular topics, have good programming skills, and so on. The payment, respectively, will be ten to twenty times higher than in the case of a regular freelance.

    For example, on text exchanges, the average cost of a thousand characters of an article is 15-20 rubles, while the UTMagazine trading portal (a division of United Traders) paid $ 2 per 1000 characters for filling the dictionary of economic terms (the minimum rate for a writer; since April, the administration suspended work in this direction).

    If you are looking to make money at home, professional freelancing is a great solution. It will provide you with not a penny earnings, but very good incomes, will allow you to fulfill the dream of many people on the Internet - to earn a million and more.

  2. The next component is or. Robert Kiyosaki wrote: "Wealth is just an idea", the site, in principle, is exactly the idea - the set of texts is a generalization of thoughts on various issues. If you decide to create a website, you need to be prepared for the following:
    1. Invest to your project: pay for domain and hosting, promotion (approximately 2,000 - 3,000 per month will be enough at the first stages), purchase of texts, if you do not plan to write on your own;
    2. Devote to the site time(several hours a day for content filling, optimization, internal work);
    3. Work no profit for a certain time (I do not want to scare in advance, but something tangible began to peck at me only, probably, after a couple of years, and before that everything was kept on sheer enthusiasm, well, and also on the fact that I had the main offline work ).
    Source of income - visitors, which are not recruited immediately. For at least a few months you will have to invest in your project and get absolutely no return (this often becomes the reason for the blog to be "thrown" by inexperienced novice web projectors).
  3. We will describe the main ways to make money on a blog below, and now we will mention the next possible stage - trading on the currency exchange... Its advantage is the ability to receive huge money in a short period of time, its disadvantage is that start-up capital is required.

    Traders do not recommend starting trading if you have less than a thousand dollars on your account, but if you make minimum bets, then 200 dollars will be enough to start. I personally like it in general, because there is a very low entry threshold and everything is quite simply organized (for beginners, this is the very thing).

    The thesis “trading involves risk” is true only in part for several reasons:

    1. You can trade short and long deals... Short ones (dollar-ruble exchange rate, Gazprom shares) are designed for constant fluctuations - they can bring good profits in a short time, but they are fraught with risk. Long trades can also generate huge returns, but not in the short term. To successfully close long deals, you need to be guided by a detailed analysis and be able to wait. The result of such a trade will be tangible only when investing a lot of money.
    2. There are services that offer beginners to trade with expert support: you give the broker 40-50 percent of the profit, but you rarely lose money: the expert will tell you in which direction it is better to open deals (buy / sell), which securities it is advisable to get rid of if the rate suddenly began to decline (albeit with losses) , and which ones are still worth keeping.
    3. To conduct successful trading, you need to be able to analyze the market rather than making deals relying on intuition... According to Anton Klevtsov, a day trading specialist, a trader needs to analyze about a hundred indices in order to make the correct conclusion: buy or sell.
    can be the final stage for those who really want to get rich and make a lot of money online. It is not worth starting to trade if you do not have enough capital.

We examined the four main stages of online promotion for all those who are looking for ways to make money on the Internet: first without investments, then with investments. By the way, you will find much at the link provided.

How to make money on your own website

  1. For views;
  2. For clicks on banners / links;
  3. For activity on the advertiser's website;
  4. For making purchases on the advertiser's website.

Pay per view beneficial if the site is visited by a large number of people - a thousand or more. Many resources on the Internet advertise of this type because they created a colossal user audience. Often in this way they build relationships with direct advertisers when they estimate the monthly traffic to your site and.

Pay per clicks beneficial when there is a large conversion on the site. For example, if the project is about buying real estate and has thematic banners, then the percentage of clicks will be high. If credits are advertised on a cooking blog, hardly anyone will click. Attendance, of course, also plays a role: the more people view the pages, the more income.

You can also create your own website for this business(blog, group or public on a social network), establish yourself as a specialist and thus get the world's best customers - hot. They will only want advice or other services from you and no one else. It really works. Take a look at some blogs and you will realize that they are created for this purpose only.

Suppose, if you are a lawyer, you can start with free answers to questions from Internet users, then set a fixed cost of consultation, for example, from 800 rubles per hour or more. If you have proven that you are professionals, people will strive to communicate with you, even if you have to pay money for it.

The advantage of making money online through consultations: you do not need to learn practically anything new, you feel like a fish in water, still working in your field. You can devote time to consulting when it is convenient for you, there is no fixed schedule.

At first you won't get millions, but if you want to make money while sitting at home, then this direction will be the best. And if everything is developed correctly, then it will be possible to constantly recruit new groups for training and "raise" already very serious sums.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Workzilla is an affordable freelance exchange or remote work for everyone

There is always not enough money. If there are enough of them for going to a cafe, you want to go to a restaurant. The income allows you to buy a car, and your eyes have already lit up in the photo of interiors in prestigious new buildings. And the more expensive and such alluring temptations appear, the more often the question arises of how you can make money to satisfy all these desires. In principle, there is no need to talk about those who save even on the most essential: for them this problem is urgent every minute.

In this review, we'll take a closer look at:

  • what you can earn in your free time;
  • what business does not require start-up investments;
  • how to turn a hobby into cash;
  • how much money is on the Internet and how to “download” it into the wallet.

The main criteria for choosing methods for consideration were legality and availability. That is, "earnings" on slot machines and proposals to open their own restaurant were immediately swept aside. To implement the described ideas will only take time and desire.

TOP-1 way to make money on the Internet

I want to note right away that this method is a purely personal experience. This method already helped I earn more than $ 3048And this is in 3 months! Thus, a little over $ 1000 per month.
Yes money not the largest but make it much easier to manage family budget.

He advised me this way, Sergey is my childhood friend. At that time, he had already earned more than $ 7453.
And so, let's get down to business. The first thing you need to do is register with the BINTRADER broker.

After registering on the platform, be sure to learn these basic strategies:

Turning point

Resistance force

After learning the strategies, you can start practicing. To do this, open a trading account.
Please note that IMMEDIATELY, not everyone succeeds, the main thing here is practice! After 2-3 weeks of training, you will begin to receive a stable profit. And to withdraw your financial savings into a more tangible currency:

Successful trading and big profit!

Services as a way to make money in your free time!

Finding part-time jobs is not as difficult as it sounds. A banal move is to use the skills of the main specialty. You will have to step over only after one psychological moment: you need to learn how to sell yourself. Unfortunately, it is this factor that prevents many from receiving decent additional money, without even changing their profession and doing what they love: a teacher who is accustomed to receiving his modest remuneration 2 times a month often falls into a stupor when it is necessary to advertise on tutoring services. This option is perfect for making money:

It is quite simple to organize such a part-time job.

  • First, it is necessary to provide a minimum technical base, for example, to agree on the rental of a welding machine or to allocate a room for classes with the future Paganini and Picasso.
  • Secondly, place an ad in all available resources from a banal Avito or a city site with private advertisements to leaflets pasted on poles.

Additionally, the client base will be provided with business cards handed out in all directions by relatives and advertising on social networks.

They help to find customers and intermediary resources: Internet sites for a modest fee will bring a specialist into their database and provide minimal advertising in a particular city. Of such large-scale search services becomes more and more, and it is worth expecting that the peak of their popularity is still ahead.

Even the lack of education does not interfere with making the sphere of consumer services additional earnings... A lot of work does not require professional skills:

  • taxi services, including under a name already promoted in a particular city;
  • cargo transportation and services of loaders, if appropriate transport is available;
  • work as a “husband for an hour” and as a housekeeper;
  • patronage, care for the elderly and children;
  • walking pets and overexposing pets;
  • work on the phone with advertising calls or “cold” questionnaires;
  • participation in promotions, distribution of promotional materials, posting ads and other part-time employment.

An interesting and profitable occupation can be a part-time job as a “mystery shopper”: unfortunately, in small towns where the “agent” will be calculated too quickly, offers of such work are irregular.

And, nevertheless, it is enough to seriously think about the question of how you can make money in order to find something to do for your soul and abilities. Holders of a confident vote can look at the ads of collection agencies about the recruitment of employees for negotiations with non-payers. A graduate of "In.yazyk" will certainly be able to find several students both among the youths preparing for the Unified State Exam and among the housewives going abroad for shopping. The main condition is desire.

An obvious minus one - it is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly change your financial situation in this way. Although, it is possible that employment will reduce the costs that are usually associated with leisure: there will simply not be time to rest in the presence of a main job and a part-time job.

Business with minimal investment: liquid ideas!

Any business requires investment. But financial investments are not always meant. A small enterprise that produces a product in demand can be opened practically from scratch and right in your own apartment. The resources that drive this machine will be their own labor and business acumen.

What can be done at home, having allocated no more than one room for work:

  • unusual bouquets of sweets and diaper cakes;
  • author's and personalized soft toys, small pillows, textile rattles with natural fillings, educational games;
  • felted accessories and toys;
  • natural soap and bath bombs;
  • exclusive jewelry made of blanks and polymer masses;
  • wedding clasps, glasses, wedding invitations and other accessories;
  • ready-mix tiles;
  • wicker furniture and ornaments made of vine and straw;
  • scarves and small textiles using batik or embroidery techniques;
  • pies, dumplings, business lunches for offices;
  • dried mushrooms and herbal mixtures;
  • curly caramel and candy on a stick;
  • souvenir lotto and chess with corporate and personal logos;
  • albums for newborns and panel frames for young parents.

Thinking well, you can find more exotic ideas, although it is not a fact that they will be in demand among potential customers. In one of the towns near Moscow, a creative entrepreneur organized the production of coffins for pets. Alas, even with fairly wide advertising, the product turned out to be illiquid. The boxes for deceased pets, richly decorated with ribbons and black lace, did not wait for buyers: pugs and toy terriers, loved during life and indulged in expensive outfits, as it turned out, cease to interest their mistresses as soon as the opportunity to brag about them disappears. As a result, a business woman near Moscow retrained and began to sew berets and hats with veils on the same pugs. Thanks to the spectacular outings to the dog playground with its own Louis-Maris-Fidel and on-time business cards, the demand exceeds the production capacity.

The moral is simple: business should be based not only on a “brilliant” idea, but also on cold calculation. It is necessary to evaluate:

  • consumer demand;
  • costs and price levels;
  • the time allocated for this activity;
  • possible volumes and prospects for their increase;
  • competitive environment and its level;
  • the opportunity to invest in advertising;
  • probable risks.

Hobby monetization: double pleasure!

Your favorite pastime can also become an additional income: in this case, mercantile interests will be perfectly combined with the pleasure of the process. To understand what you can make money on, just remember what you like to do the most or what you would like to devote more time to.

To start such a business, almost nothing is required: it is enough to expand the volume of materials and, making one copy for yourself, do not forget to take a photo to advertise your masterpieces.

It should be noted right away that very often fraudsters are hiding behind advertisements offering this way of making money. We need to soberly assess the real cost of services: assembling fountain pens or cutting labels cannot bring significant income, like any unskilled and unclaimed labor in the age of mechanization and electronics. Tempting offers for huge earnings, including a deposit for beads, paper, or an employment contract, are a common “divorce”. Even the first payments should not lull the vigilance: it is the “hook” swallowed by the victim, forcing her to transfer the next installment.

How you can make money online: “revealing” popular methods of making money on the Internet!

The entire business is gradually moving into the network. Accordingly, financial flows are concentrated on the Internet. That is why, the maximum variety of earnings can be found online. The presence of a stable Internet opens up endless possibilities. The fact that the reader studies this review in a browser only reinforces his thoughts: the question of how you can make money online is worth dwelling on in detail. We will analyze in detail what prospects each of the methods gives and how honest the advertising promises are.

Watching videos and clicks: how much can you earn?

Watching commercials, surfing and making money from clicks is advertised as income without effort and investment. Indeed, running adware programs on your own computer or clicking on links can earn you a few cents a day. To be convinced of this, it is enough to try: hours of transitions, subscriptions and minimizing windows will bring income comparable to the cost of travel on public transport. Withdrawals are usually limited to amounts that most people lack the patience to reach.

Small tasks: feasible work in your free time!

Completing tasks of freelance exchanges is an excellent part-time job for schoolchildren and retirees. Popular orders: joining groups, subscriptions, reposts, likes on social networks. The income, of course, is appropriate: 5-10 cents are offered for 10-15 minutes of work. That is, to earn even a couple of dollars, you will have to spend half a day at the computer. Having calculated the cost of electricity and services of the provider, one has to admit the utopian nature of the idea.

Earnings on captcha: is it really paid for?

Captcha input is not a hoax, but a really popular service. CAPTCHA is an alphanumeric code used by the user to confirm that he is not a bot. Naturally, systems that produce automatic mailing really need real people who can count and drive in these characters. A platform offering to make money on captcha input provides such services. The customer signs the contract, the system shows the earner a picture, and his response immediately goes to the client. Pictures flicker at a speed of 10-20 per minute, in addition to the skills of blind typing in Cyrillic and Latin, the “beater” requires remarkable perseverance, patience and strong nerves.

It is really possible to make money: personal experience in the time of stormy youth made it possible to receive almost 50 dollars for a month of continuous 3-4 hours of work a day and the invaluable skill of quick blind typing. Unfortunately, the bonus was the loss of 1.5 diopters of vision.

Spam mailings: money for the database!

Sending letters to your own address database Skype, Glopart or email can also bring a small income. Alas, it is not as large as advertised. The payment directly depends on the number of subscribers or subscribers, which are difficult to find, but very easy to lose. Several waves of spam will force even real friends to leave the friend list. Some services also provide bans for spammers.

Earning money from games with monetization: can you get rich playfully?

Withdrawal games are a trendy trend. The promises are fabulous: play and earn. Virtual pancakes or painted chickens in a play farm, when sold, must bring real income according to the announced price list. Tempting advertising does not even let you think that the pixels of the “product” do not correspond to real money in any way, this scheme is just a carefully disguised financial pyramid. It is not difficult to check this: we open the rules and carefully read the terms of payments. Surely there are points about withdrawal only after a certain amount on the account and with the obligatory replenishment of your own with real money.

The form of earnings can be considered the implementation of the game drop, that is, artifacts or modifiers obtained during the game. But the extraction of the demanded product is possible only when good level"Pumping", and until then you will have to spend many hours in the game. Theoretically, you can sell the accounts themselves, but before that you should make sure that there are no prohibitions on such actions in the project rules, which is rather an exception. Seriously referring to games as making money is possible only if you create and promote your own project, which requires quite serious financial investments and time costs: the market is densely occupied by large corporations.

Self-help wallets and other pyramid schemes

The event that made a deep impression on me personally was the reincarnation of MMM. It would seem that after the high-profile case there are no people who have not realized the utopian nature of the idea of ​​getting money out of nothing. Nevertheless, there are hundreds of offers on the Internet to connect to such schemes. It's easy to find them out:

Questioning and writing reviews: who pays for the opinion?

Writing reviews does not require special skills and costs, except for time. It seems that there is nothing easier than leaving reviews on everything that is at hand and ticking off consumer questionnaires. There is some truth in this. Your humble servant even conducted an experiment and is ready to report: writing 10 reviews for a moderately demanded and rarely described product, often requested on the web, and the creation of copyright photos took almost 3 days. It is required to explain that banal admiration sites will not accept reviews, the described subject will really have to be held in your hands and tried. You also need your own photos. Bottom line: on the most “generous” site out of analogues, these 10 reviews bring up to 60 kopecks per day for 3 months already. In another six months, I will be able to withdraw the minimum withdrawal amount of 150 rubles, unless, of course, the administration of the site finds a reason to block the account for difficult to prove reasons for “cheating” or “contract views”.

Bookmakers: the pitfalls of legal excitement!

Bookmakers and sports betting are the only legal way to legally make money on gambling. The system is simple: having predicted the outcome of a match or competition, you can increase your bet by the coefficient declared by an expert. By understanding the event better than this professional, you can outplay the office, but haphazard bets cannot lead to a win: the experts who make up the so-called “line” are rarely mistaken. The ratio will clearly reflect the chance of making a profit. Bets multiplied by 1.01 or 1.05 work almost win-win, giving a penny of profit. The first bet that has not been played by accident will “eat up” all the income: in case of a miss, the player is not entitled to anything.

Writing: secrets of a demanded modern specialty!

Filling other people's sites with content can become a source of permanent income. Advertising with referral links often characterizes this type of activity as a sought-after question, where you can make money without investment and start-up capital. When embarking on this path, you should seriously assess your capabilities:

  • writing posts and comments won't make a lot of money;
  • Synonymizing machines have long been engaged in simple incoherent rewriting for the sake of uniqueness, so the service is unclaimed and poorly paid;
  • serious resources are ready to acquire only ideally competent material from professionals.

Accordingly, to count on easy, as they say in advertising slogans, money for compositions "for a C" is not necessary. To gain a serious clientele, you will have to prove your competence for years.

Photobanks: how much money can a camera bring:

Selling pictures is akin to writing, only unique photographs are used as goods. Special photo banks accept works from photographers, including self-taught ones, and after the sale pay a fee to the author. The speed of sale directly depends on the quality of the image and the relevance of the topic: only authors with good technology and the ability to make content that are really interesting to buyers have a chance to briskly trade images. However, perhaps someone will be interested in the image of a yawning cat or a view of an architectural monument from a beginner: you can get 2-3 dollars for a picture.

Opening an online store: stages of development of a serious online business!

Online shopping is popular modern shape sales of goods. Unlike a real retail point of sale, there is no need to rent premises or hire employees. Even an inexperienced user can cope with an online store template. Depending on the financial condition, you can purchase an assortment in advance or have a contract for deliveries to order, which significantly reduces the risks of being left with illiquid assets. However, you need to think carefully into the abyss of online commerce: a highly competitive environment is not loyal to newcomers. It will take quite a long time to get up and running, and the trade turnover, sufficient for a comfortable existence, may take several years. At the same time, it will not work to be limited to being busy in a few hours: a client who has not received an answer from the manager within a few minutes will not wait, but will find a more efficient alternative.

Organization of joint purchases: shopping with double benefits!

Co-op purchases have emerged as an alternative to online shopping. The organizer negotiates the purchase of any product from the manufacturer at a wholesale price, and then looks for those willing to join the purchase. His interest is in a substantial discount from retail and a small percentage of his work. There are a lot of responsibilities: even if the subject of the purchase is in great demand, time is eaten up by the registration, receipt, packing and distribution of parts of the order to the end consumer.

The organizer is responsible not only for the entire process, but also for the inevitable unredeemed balances. Often they are the ones who “eat up” the profit. That is why experienced organizers do not recommend getting involved with purchases that are not of personal interest: it is possible that the income will only come from stock balances.

Creation and promotion of sites: profit or investment?

The demand for virtual business cards and online stores is growing every day. Website development is a profitable business if certain conditions are met:

  • the design must be unique and effective;
  • finding a client base takes time or money for advertising;
  • to create a quality website, you will need both graphics and code skills.

Competition in this area does not make it possible to break through to good earnings amateurs and beginners. The same can be said about the monetization of your own resource: the competition is too high to count on serious income in the foreseeable future.

Forex and Binary Options: Secrets of Fishing in Cash Flow!

It is foolish to expect a bite in a lake where there are no fish, isn't it? Therefore, consideration of ideas on how to make money on the Internet will invariably lead to the bank of the most “fishy” river - the Forex financial market.

I will immediately put in place those who are ready to classify activities related to this resource as financial pyramids on the basis of lack of goods. The product is the most in demand here - the money itself. 25 billion in US dollars is sold and bought weekly only in the Russian segment of the exchange. Even a tiny share in this global money pipeline is a serious amount for a particular ordinary bidder.

The main difference from trading with any other resource is a permanently profitable situation: a trader can be in the black both when prices for a particular option go up or when prices go down. In practice, it looks like this:

  • the trader chooses a pair for work, for example, euro / dollar;
  • if there are all the prerequisites for a fall in the dollar exchange rate, that is, the euro is growing, we buy it;
  • after waiting for a decent “swelling” of the purchased currency and a reversal of the chart, we sell;
  • income from a transaction in which we did not even hold the goods in our hands, withdraw or re-invest in the business.

Profit in this technique is limited by the amount of the initial capital: history knows cases when the dollar grew several times in a week, but these precedents are still rare. Usually the trader has a fairly modest percentage of the growth of the chosen base currency. The issue is solved with a thick wallet, having a serious account, you can live even on this percentage.

But we initially agreed to analyze only those types of earnings that do not require a lot of money in stock. There is such a way of getting involved in the world of serious business on Forex. Working with binary options allows you to get a fixed profit, that is, the size of the jump in the rate does not matter. Income depends on the correctly chosen vector and purchase volume. Some of the risk that naturally accompanies transactions in the turbulent sea of ​​the economy is offset by a serious percentage of the profit in case of a successful choice: a trader can afford a few blunders. In order for losses from them to be minimal and quickly covered by profits, several simple rules must be followed:

  1. Do not gamble the entire amount, no matter how small, leaving yourself "insurance".
  2. Study the theory of work on the stock exchange and practical master classes from professionals. Successful traders, unlike combiners of all stripes, share their knowledge and experience for free.
  3. Practice at the lowest rates, determine the optimal nature of the work and develop a personal strategy.

You can switch to serious trading after you become confident in your abilities and already with a substantial deposit. Where can I get it ?! A modest starting amount of $ 200 can increase dramatically over several weeks of careful and thoughtful work. A bet of $ 5, which is not scary to risk, turns into 30 in 3 correct clicks! Perhaps, after a week of work, the answer to the question of how you can make money will become obvious, and the army of successful traders will be replenished with one more name.

For those who are looking for a way to make money, business ideas can be very different, ranging from options in which you do not need to invest and ending with serious projects with impressive investments.

On what only people do not go to ensure a comfortable existence. Considering that in our time not everyone is eager to work for a penny in government work or to bend their backs for 15 hours a day for individual entrepreneurs, many are trying to open their own business. But not everyone has sufficient start-up capital in addition to a brilliant idea. However, in this case, you can find a suitable idea that will bring good money. For example, with minimal investment, you can make good money on a seasonal business. These earning ideas have helped many entrepreneurs get on their feet. People have been able to achieve great success.

Seasoned businessmen find seasonal business a great option for newbies who are wondering how they can make money. This does not require large investments, and the return, as a rule, is quite large. But one should not think that the seasonal business is reduced only to the sale of ice cream and pasties. In fact, there are much more options for earning money. In this case, it all depends on the fantasy and financial capabilities of the businessman. You can earn money in each of the seasons, but it is easier to organize a business in the warm season, although a lot depends on the region of residence of the entrepreneur.

It is very important to remember that any type of business, even a small one of your own, requires serious preparation.

Where it is necessary to take into account all financial expenses, which must match the capabilities of a businessman.

In addition, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure with the tax authority and obtain all permits from the SES and the fire service, if they are related to business. Only after that, you can safely start organizing your own business, without fear of fines and other types of punishment.

Summer business

Of course, the most profitable season is summer. At this time, the simplest business ideas from scratch are cold trading in the heat or photos with famous people. Ice cream, milkshakes and cold kvass for bottling are very popular during the season and bring considerable profit to the owners of outlets. Here you can act according to a simple and proven scheme. That is, rent land for a refrigerator in a crowded place in a park or on the embankment, purchase a consignment of goods and sell them at a significant mark-up. Even despite the fact that the cost of products will be significantly higher than in ordinary stores, there is always a demand for cold drinks and ice cream in the walking areas.

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As for how to make money, some people are in no hurry to invest and make a profit from scratch, that is, they do not even organize a business. As a vivid example of this, you can call making money on a photo with a celebrity. That is, a person simply changes clothes and makes up for a famous person, after which he goes out onto a busy walking street and offers to capture this moment. You can get yourself a partner who will take quick photos.

This idea instant earnings could be called ingenious, since here with minimal investment there will be a serious profit. Some businessmen will receive up to 500 thousand rubles over the summer. However, this type of business has one drawback, namely, oversaturation of offers. The niche is so densely occupied that it is already difficult to settle down here.

For those who are thinking about how to make money in the summer, it is worth paying attention to water skiing, jet skis and catamarans, which bring good profits. If an entrepreneur lives in a resort town, he will have no problem organizing such a summer business. The main thing is competition, or rather its absence.

Another great idea how to make money, there will be a summer gardening business. House owners do not always have the opportunity to tidy up their local area, so it is easier for them to hire a professional for these purposes. For such work, not a lot of financial investments are required, but special skills in working with the land are required. If a person has never even dealt with his own garden, he should take courses in landscape design, and only then try to make money on it.

Even mowing grass will be in demand in the summer. If in urban areas this is done by housing and communal services employees, then in the private sector, the problems with rapidly growing grass must be solved by the owners of the houses themselves. Often they hire people to remove unnecessary thickets from the surrounding area. Decent money is paid for this work, but the entrepreneur will have to purchase a lawn mower or, in extreme cases, a trimmer.

More serious work, for example, planting flowers or an English lawn, will be in demand and well paid, but such work requires certain knowledge. In addition, you will need to purchase planting material and garden tools.

It is not difficult to open a small business in the summer, since there can be a lot of options. Much depends on the region of residence of the entrepreneur. For example, some try to use local attractions for their own purposes. Excursions, including extreme ones, are in demand. It should also be noted that those who love to tickle their nerves rarely deny themselves the pleasure of jumping from an incredible height, climbing into a dangerous cave and the like. The organization of such events is not only profitable, but also inexpensive.

Seasonal business

If a person has some knowledge of the effectiveness of medicinal herbs, it is possible to organize a business on this. Plants are harvested at a certain period of the year, that is, such an enterprise can be called seasonal. Then the products need to be dried and sold. The sale can be done independently or through wholesale buyers. The latter option will be less profitable, but this way the earnings will turn out to be faster.

You can make a profit from collecting plants, but here you need some knowledge, since for the work the collector must know the nuances of growing, storing and processing products. Such a business could be called ingenious, since it is an opportunity to make good money with absolutely no initial investment. In this case, of course, you won't be able to make a million quickly, but the profit will be tangible if the entrepreneur manages to find good buyers. The collection of medicinal plants is usually export-oriented, since foreign buyers pay much more for such products than domestic ones.

Seasonal types of business include picking mushrooms and berries; this can be done in the fall, and in some regions even throughout the winter. In summer, those who live near the sea sometimes earn extra money by catching rapanas and mussels, but such activities on a large scale will be illegal.

As for the idea of ​​a quick seasonal income, growing and selling worms would be a good option. At the right approach and solving marketing problems, you can turn a small vermi farm into a large enterprise for the cultivation of worms and the production of environmentally friendly fertilizers. The advantage of this type of business is that it requires a minimum investment, and the return on the enterprise can be very good.

A. Milyukov's note:
Of course, this article was written not for those who still have "small pearls", but for those who really have financial difficulties and somehow want to increase their income. I ask you not to pay attention to the numbers and prices - since they are differentiated for different regions, their order in this case is purely conditional.
I would be glad if any of the examples below are suitable for people interested in improving their financial situation - or maybe the article will lead readers to some of their own ideas - in a word, it would be very nice if the article turns out to be someone useful.

It doesn't matter if after the first acquaintance with the mass of ways to make money, presented in this chapter, you get into a state of some confusion. Believe me, this is not even bad. Sections that are clearly inappropriate for you will be rejected by you, but there will remain a significant range of those activities that you can do. Many types of work can be started without any start-up capital. The authors tried to pay as much attention as possible to the search for such works.

A significant number of available jobs can be performed at home, regardless of place of residence - in a city apartment or in the near Moscow region. In the list of tips, the authors also included some work that can only be performed in rural areas. However, these works may also be of interest to city dwellers: many spend the warm season at their dachas or with relatives in the village.

It must be said that many of those involved in earning extra money for retirement are not limited to any one type of activity.

And this is absolutely correct. Growing seedlings that the village grandmothers make money from is a seasonal job. This type of work, like pouring a skating rink, is also. It is important to correctly alternate the types available to you.

When we give examples of major business successes, we sometimes forget that both difficulties and temporary failures are often encountered on the way to success. Therefore, after doing something and not getting the expected result, do not be discouraged. Look in your actions weak sides, think of other ways to solve the problem. And if your already changed plans still do not work, take up the new task resolutely. After all, it is after the first failure that many stop fighting for survival, but in vain! It is not for nothing that labor psychologists advise - than waste time mourning a failed project, you just need to change it to a new type of activity.

It only remains to add that for convenience, the authors have arranged the tips in alphabetical order, and the approximate prices of goods, works and services are indicated in dollars, which can always be converted into rubles.

AUTOMALAR... Not a very difficult job. It is not at all necessary to do this work as part of a company and completely repaint car bodies. Having a minimal set of tools, equipment and a catalog of colors, it is possible to paint individual parts of cars on-site.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR ... The work is connected with the organization of the clear work of the auxiliary services of the company and its technical means - a multichannel telephone exchange, faxes, computers, modem communication, copiers, the Internet. Employees who speak a foreign language are especially valuable. Some firms offer training. Jobs can be found in free classifieds newspapers.

ADMINISTRATIVE AND STAFF WORK ... When inviting for this job, the firm usually interviews applicants for the position. Preference is given to former employees of HR departments with experience in working with people and with documents.

REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT or an intermediary. Selling just one apartment or house through your intermediary will give you a decent amount of commission. If you become aware that someone nearby intends to sell their home, do not remain a mere observer of this transaction. One way or another, the house will be sold, and the commission will be received by someone else. For example, a two-room apartment costs $ 20,000. With a commission of 0.5%, the reward will be $ 100. Find a buyer or sell your information to a real estate firm.
There are about a hundred real estate firms in Moscow, that is, firms engaged in the design of real estate transactions. Their addresses and telephone numbers can be found in the newspapers Iz Ruk v Ruki, Center Plus and other periodicals.

CONTRACTING AGENT ... There are many professions and specialties, the owners of which are in great need of the services of agents. Musicians, videographers, artists, photographers, designers, alarm installers - there is simply no mention of them all. For the contract received with your help, they will gladly deduct up to 5-10% of the order value.

ACTOR... Few people in our time need actors, but such announcements are still found in Moscow. As a rule, these works are one-time, they are ordered by organizations and firms on the days of exhibitions, presentations and are well paid. Thousands of Muscovites will surely remember the international exhibition in Krasnaya Presnya, where the sketches skillfully played out on the stage with the scenery "Hunters at Rest" were a huge success.
Non-professional actors can always contact a film studio and take part in extras.

AVIATION MODELISM AND SHIP MODELISM ... For some people, their youthful hobby has become a good addition to retirement. And if you are confident that you can do the job, parents of teenagers who want to do modeling will gladly respond to your ad. There is no shortage of materials for models, semi-finished structures. If working even with one teenager goes well, and your parents like your models, then at home you can arrange something like an aircraft modeling circle.

ROAD TRANSPORTATION ... If you own a car, operating it skillfully can be very profitable.

You can conclude an agreement with a company, you can serve traders in the markets. Ask the tax office what documents you need to issue, since for the transport of some goods, such as meat, you need to have a sanitary passport for the car.

ADVERTISING AGENT ... Many firms need agents to advertise their products and services. The agent can sell and distribute promotional products - branded fountain pens, calendars, T-shirts, caps with advertising or a trademark.

ACCOUNTANT AT HOME ... The demand for accountants continues unabated. Many small and medium-sized firms make good savings by not providing the accountant with space in the form of office space, a table and a chair. The accountant has all this at home. If your specialty before retirement was associated with this work, do not lose your knowledge - search free places... There are cases when some people specifically graduate from short-term accounting courses in order to have a stable and high income. Addresses and phone numbers of courses can be found in the weekly "We invite you to work" sold on newspaper trays.

WACHTER- traditional work for older people, which many combine with knitting, if, of course, it is possible. It happens that employers take on one rate of two people with a half-day job.

Dog Walking ... This type of service is not common, but may be required by people living near you. Finding orders is easy - you can ask the owners of the dogs or advertise in the newspaper of your area.

GROWING AQUARIUM FISH OF RARE BREEDS ... A very profitable business. And if it is still unfamiliar to you, consult with experts, where to start and whether there will be a demand for your "live products". It is better to sell fish in the market, since the store usually only accepts a commission.

CULTIVATION OF SEEDLINGS OF GARDEN AND GARDEN CROPS ... Provides a good income, however, greenhouses and greenhouses are required to produce seedlings. Oddly enough, but within the boundaries of Moscow you can find enterprises, institutes and organizations that have large empty areas in greenhouses, including those with heating.

GARBAGE REMOVAL - a well-paid job that can be found by submitting an ad. This work is good to do together or in a group with your own car.

VIDEO SHOOTING ... An increasingly popular type of service. Better, of course, if the camcorder belongs to you and you don't have to pay for its rent. Avoid only dubious customers - shooting objects remote from the city and the like. Most often, orders can be obtained at graduation parties in schools and other educational institutions, at ceremonial events held by companies, at weddings, anniversaries.

"I WILL FULFILL YOUR ORDERS IN THE CITY ..." Advertisements of this nature are increasingly common in newspapers, which is understandable. The high cost of travel makes people turn to the providers of such services for help. Avoid only dubious orders and criminals. Having received payment for the completed order, do not lose touch with the client - as a rule, new orders will follow in the future.

GROWING FOR SALE OF PETS ... The price of a thoroughbred puppy reaches hundreds of dollars. The demand for good dogs and cats is constantly high. Professional dog breeders, for example, know families that have been doing this work for many years and do not think about other activities.

GROWING FLOWERS FOR SALE ... This simple work is suitable for those who have summer cottages in the Moscow region. Some citizens have mastered the secrets of floriculture to such an extent that they set up heated greenhouses on their plots and earn more from growing flowers than they did before retirement.

GROWING MUSHROOMS ... This work can only be done if there is sufficient space and conditions. It is best to start with a small team, carefully calculating costs and benefits.

DRIVER TO THE COMPANY WITH YOUR CAR ... As a rule, the company is not responsible for the technical condition of the car, therefore, considering this type of work, think over the content of the contract with the employer, avoiding criminal proposals.

KNITTING WITH SPOKES AND A HOOK ... Proposals for the production of clothing models from new fashion magazines are in special demand.

GENERAL TREE RESTORATION ... The identification of their ancestors is becoming more and more interesting for the mass of wealthy people who order these works and pay them well. The work is related to searches archival documents Moscow, trips to the archives of other cities. Fulfillment of one large order takes more than one month. The documents can be several volumes, and the pay for the work can exceed the amount of your pension for several years.

WARDROBE ... Perhaps the easiest job. When signing the contract, ask the employer to have a sign at your workplace “Please do not leave money, documents and valuables in your outerwear. The administration is not responsible for their safety. "

ENGRAVING WORKS - simple work for people who know the technology of working with metal, ceramics, porcelain and other materials.

HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS ... Wealthy people are often very busy and need to take care of their sick pets - dogs, cats, parrots. Moreover, the owners are ready to pay big money for the treatment. And if you can find a common language with wordless patients, feel free to announce. And how to carry out the procedures - the veterinarian will explain.

HOTEL FOR ANIMALS AND BIRDS ... The same wealthy people are very grateful and pay well for looking after their pets during the holidays or business trips. If you accepted the first such order, then try to make the client like your work. Surely he will have friends who also need to attach animals for a short time.

HOTEL AT HOME ... In many cities near railway stations in the evening you can meet people standing by trains with signs: "Room for the night" or: "Room for 3 days." If you have a spare room for visitors, you yourself can find many ways to find guests. Their stay for up to three days does not require registration with the police. There are times when, for some reason, you have to immediately refuse a client who does not inspire confidence - do it politely, having in advance come up with a reason why the client is not suitable.
If this occupation becomes a permanent one for you, be prepared to speak with the tax inspector.

HOUSEKEEPER ... The demand for this well-known type of work is growing. In order to avoid misunderstandings, discuss with the employer the scope of your duties, or, better, state them in writing.

DESIGN WORKS ... Requires professional knowledge. The work is suitable only for specialists, since the requirements for projects and execution of the decoration of offices and apartments are high. But the earnings are correspondingly also high - the customers belong to the money people.

DISINSECTION , or fighting insects - mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches - is a well-paid job, which, however, requires special care - daily contact with pesticides can affect health. Also ask what documents we need to stock up on - from the sanitary and epidemiological station, patent, etc.

HOME PHONE CONTROLLER ... Your phone is not just a means of communication, it is your tool of work. You can advertise "Home phone dispatcher" or ring through the advertisements given by car drivers. For collecting orders to carriers, you will be deducted up to 10%. You can get other work related to the use of your phone.

DESKTOP ON TELEMONITORS ... This work belongs to one of the positions of the security services of banks, enterprises, firms that use video cameras for outdoor and indoor surveillance.

DESIGN AND PRODUCTION OF ACCESSORIES for kitchen. According to your own and magazine sketches, you can design kitchens - curtains, oilcloths, tablecloths, towels, aprons, kitchen robes - all with or without appliqués.

KINDERGARTEN AT HOME ... A very convenient activity. It is enough to negotiate with neighbors, acquaintances or advertise to find two or three babies who will be brought home to you. It is only important from the very beginning to negotiate with the parents of the children the conditions for caring for them, their nutrition.

Typically, parents provide caregivers with food, toys, other items, and childcare. Experts advise that it is better to take children of the same age into your group.

DELIVERY OF GIFTS TO HOME AND OFFICES ... This job is perfectly handled by thousands of people who find work through ads. Especially a lot of orders come for the holidays.

Before the New Year, many citizens in Santa Claus costumes serve up to a dozen customers a day and earn $ 50-70 per day.

DELIVERY OF NEW YEAR TREES TO OFFICES AND APARTMENTS ... It is best to do this seasonal job with two people and your vehicle. You can take orders from the trading platform or by an advertisement in the newspaper. In the latter case, it is best to indicate that the order will be delivered at a convenient time for the buyer.

PIZZA DELIVERY TO OFFICES AT LUNCH TIME - this type of service is spreading more and more. Convenience pizza can be bought in stores, but you can prepare it for consumption at home. It is better if you agree with the staff of some company located near you.

IF YOU DECIDE TO RENT OR SELL YOUR APARTMENT , it is worth listening to the advice of the Moscow "Babylon Company", one of the first firms to appear on the real estate market. Here are some of these tips. Most of those who call your ad will turn out to be "black" brokers. You will spend a lot of effort on paperwork, or you may encounter situations that no one will give you any guarantees in controversial issues. The "black" broker works alone, without a license, with a limited number of clients. Therefore, you will be persuaded to agree to inappropriate options. Crooks avoid renting or buying an apartment with the participation of a reputable company.

IF YOU ARE A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF CAPITALS AND COUNTRIES near or far abroad, your knowledge can bring you significant money when performing work related to consulting firms operating in the foreign market. Offer your services in a newspaper ad, call firms connected with foreign countries - more and more firms are entering the foreign market, and the probability of finding income working as a consultant is growing all the time.

JOURNALIST-PHOTOREPORTER for newspapers and magazines. Now in Moscow, several hundred titles of periodicals are published, many of which pay well for sensational materials and photographs. Hunters for sensations are successfully working abroad, and now in Russia, who never part with a camera and know very well where to take the footage that has just been taken. You can easily remember situations when someone, but not you, received a lot of money for a picture. The price of a single sensational photo can be very high.

SHARPENING OF KITCHEN KNIVES AND MEAT GRINDER KNIVES ... Simple job that brings good income. There are many options for getting orders. If you have a car, you can drive into the courtyard of multi-storey buildings, install it on the roof so that you can see the sign "Sharpening knives" from above, and ask someone from the residents of the first floor to connect your grinding machine to the mains for a fee.

Another option is to organize reception of orders in the morning at some large institute, in an institution, and in the evening to return the sharpened knives to the owners. In this case, it is necessary to post a notice in advance so that the knives will be brought to you. workplace... Or work in one place for several days. For this work, you need to take a license so as not to have problems with checking services.

FILLING RACKS AND HOCKEY AREAS ... This seasonal work is best done under a contract with the house management, having agreed on the conditions in advance. In the contract, you can include a care point for the ice rink or the site.

SKATE SHARPENING ... In winter, there is always a demand for this service. It is best to place an ad directly at the ice rinks.

REFUELING, REPLACEMENT AND SALE OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ... Each firm, enterprise, organization must have fire-fighting equipment, so everyone feels the need to have serviceable fire extinguishers. This work is best done together, on your own vehicle.

INFORMATOR OF COMPANIES ON HOME PHONE ... Many companies, wishing to free their phone numbers from congestion, will gladly take advantage of your offer to answer customer calls.

PRODUCTION OF LAYOUTS, MODELS architectural structures, other objects - a fairly highly paid type of work that will require from you not only knowledge and experience, but also a workshop. If you have the experience and knowledge of a layout designer, you can arrange a workshop at home. The supply of materials almost always remains with the customer.

MANUFACTURE OF FISHING GEAR ... An easy job for people who know this craft. Better, of course, to get a specific order and advance payment, although some craftsmen make gear for sale, being confident that the product will be sold.

PRODUCTION OF KITCHEN CUTTING BOARDS ... Many citizens are engaged in this simple work - cutting out products from a piece of board or 8-12 mm plywood for cutting bread, fish, and meat. Proven advice - do not aim to make a set of 2-3 boards - it is harder to sell than inexpensive boards cut in the shape of a fish, a pig, or a frying pan.

MAKING WOODEN BREADS will require a good tool. But the work done by a real master will be readily accepted by the store and sold for good money.

MANUFACTURE OF SIGNS ... It is enough to set aside a few square meters at home in order to arrange a real workshop. The main thing is to find clients.

PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTS FROM GYPSUM ... Simple work that can be done at home. You can master the technology of casting plaster products using special literature.

MAKING ABJURS - simple work that can be done at home.

PRODUCTION OF SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS various products at home - parts of household electrical appliances, labels, and other small items. Usually the employer provides his homeworkers with machine tools, tools for work, he himself brings raw materials, parts and takes away products. Job advertisements are published quite often.

MANUFACTURE OF CEMENT TILES FOR SIDES , sites near houses, summer cottages. This simple work can be done alone and together using colored cement and a variety of forms for pouring the mortar. When starting a business, prepare a catalog of your products and offer it to customers.

MANUFACTURE OF BENCHES AND TABLES FOR COTTAGES ... The material for them is a business slab - the cheapest lumber. Work can be carried out in the garage, workshop, in the country. The cost of one massive four-seater bench can be up to $ 70. A carved bench costs much more - over $ 100. Create a catalog of photos of your products. One bench can be made in a few days, and in the summer season - about two dozen. The demand for them among summer residents of the nearest Moscow region is stable.

PRODUCTION OF METAL GRILLES ON WINDOWS ... This work is usually ordered with installation. Having your own welding machine, a mini-workshop can be organized in a garage outside the city. Your own car, of course, is essential.

"EXECUTOR OF ONE ORDERS" ... By submitting such an ad to the newspaper, you can get interesting offers. Avoid only criminal sentences.

CORRECTOR IN THE PUBLISHING HOUSE, PRINTING, NEWSPAPER - the job most suitable for former teachers-philologists. You can work from home. Often, for the sake of saving space, employers allocate a computer to the proofreader at home. In this case, the computer can be used more widely than just for the work of the corrector.

COURIER... Despite the almost complete transition of firms to the transmission of letters and other information by fax, it is often required to urgently send packages with documents and samples of goods around the city. These jobs are usually offered by firms to couriers who work part-time or live nearby and are able to get the job done at the right time.

LUGGAGE STORAGE at the organization, enterprise. Thousands of people successfully cope with this simple job.

RECRUITMENT AGENCIES IN MOSCOW ... Their addresses and telephones can be found in the weekly "We invite you to work". Having bought it once, do not forget to occasionally contact the agency - you can get an excellent offer.

Masonry fireplaces ... The demand for this type of work is constantly growing. When discussing a contract for laying a fireplace with a customer, offer a catalog of photographs. As a rule, deciding to arrange a fireplace, the customer will not save on materials. Therefore, feel free to offer expensive bricks, marble, copper sheets, forged metal, and other related materials and products. Usually the fireplace is decorated with clocks, vases. You can also earn money by advising the customer to purchase these items.

Dwarf trees increasingly enter the interiors of offices and apartments. It is not difficult to master the skills of growing them, they take up very little space, and the cost of one tree 40-50 centimeters in size can reach $ 200 and more.

BOOK TRADE ... An uncomplicated type of earnings. Many are engaged in it. Books can be taken for sale in publishing houses, trading companies, or purchased from them at the lowest prices. It is a good idea to visit regularly held book exhibitions and fairs in order to know the most popular products.

SMOKING FISH, MEAT, LAT , if performed by a specialist, does not require large expenses. It is good to perform this type of work in the near Moscow region. It is advisable to cooperate with someone. You will need a license, a car and, of course, points of sale.

COURSE AND DIPLOMA DESIGN CONSULTANT - seasonal work, usually lasting from January to June. Most suitable for former employees of design organizations and academic institutions. Orders can be found by advertisements in the newspaper or directly at universities, in student dormitories.

MIGRATION CONSULTANT ... Hundreds of thousands of people in Moscow are migrants temporarily in the capital. Among them there are many who wish to receive qualified consultations for a fee related to obtaining the status of a refugee, forced migrant. People who have worked as lawyers will do this job well. Clients can be found by advertisement or in the migration service. Beware of only accepting strangers at home.

ROOFING ... Roofing works performed by craftsmen using galvanized iron, copper, tiles, and imported roofing materials are very expensive.

LIFTER- simple work. Some people confuse it with the job of an elevator mechanic, which is not the same thing.

"LITERARY PROCESSING OF MEMOIRS" ... By publishing such an ad, you can get a well-paid job with elderly generals, former employees of interesting professions, who are usually in no hurry to entrust the processing of their memories to the first person they meet. So try to get a strong recommendation from a publisher or writer.

A lot can depend on your ad style. Compare the text of the ad above with this: “I will consider your proposal for the literary processing of the memoir. Serious order only. Publisher's recommendations. Phone ... ”It is clear that such an announcement will be taken seriously.

MASSEUR... Despite the abundance of ads, there are not so many real professionals in therapeutic massage. And if you have a medical education and you are fluent in this work, finding and forming your own circle of clients is a matter of two to three months. There are many courses in Moscow where you can get the specialty of a massage therapist.

MACHINE EMBROIDERY ... Original products made by a real master are very expensive and do not linger on display cases. As a rule, this is the most typical home-based work. The increase in productivity is achieved through the use of programmed sewing machines.

MANY WEALTHY PEOPLE going on vacation, on a business trip, they need to look after their apartments. Of course, in order to get this job, they need to trust you or the people who recommended you. The cost of work per month is up to $ 100 and more.

CAR WASH ... If you add the service of polishing it with a special compound to a car wash, the customer may like the work so much that he will become your regular customer.

DISPLAY CASES, WINDOWS organizations, firms, apartments - a simple, well-paid occupation. Typically, a satisfied customer will want your phone to contact you next time. Do not forget that along the way, you can earn money by setting your markup on the detergent and glass cleaner you bought.

COMPUTER DRAWING TEXT (MACHINERY) ... If you do not know computer typing, you can get good preparation in short courses.

INSTRUMENT ADJUSTER AND RESTORER - keyboards, strings and others - a well-paid job that does not require shops and vehicles. All of the customizer's tools fit in a small case.

FISHING CLEANER - a good source of income for those who know how to grow it. The traditional place of its sale in the markets can be supplemented by roadside trade on the main roads behind the ring road.

WALLPAPER STICKER - an uncomplicated, well-paid type of work. And if you decide to do this work, but do not own it at a good level, ask as an apprentice to an experienced master.

SOME FIRMS, PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS , as well as many parties and, of course, printed publications will willingly pay for your labor to deliver their printed products - newspapers, magazines - to shops, offices, train stations, and other places.

"HOME WORK" ... Such ads are often found in newspapers. Despite the fact that our book contains many of their varieties, call the ad - you may be offered a good option for a break-in.

GRINDED BARRELS rowan, apple, pear and especially juniper with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters and a thickness of about 20 millimeters - a beautiful and popular product for the kitchen. For several years in different parts of Moscow one can meet a pensioner, near whom there is a bag with these products and a simple sign: "Hot stand". Products are sold out very quickly. The price of one cut is $ 1.5-2.

ORGANIZER OF EXHIBITIONS, PRESENTATIONS IN FIRMS, ORGANIZATIONS ... To carry out these works, it is best to conclude an agreement with the employer, which specifies in detail the scope of work and their timing.

ORCHESTRA... Non-professional musicians can band together for street concerts. The authors know a case when elderly spouses, visiting friends in France, earned in the streets and squares in two weeks, singing Russian songs to the accompaniment of a button accordion, a much larger amount than their annual pension.

CELEBRATION ORGANIZER - weddings, picnics, anniversaries and other holidays. The work suits people who are sociable, able to create a festive atmosphere, who can not only develop a scenario for the day, but also think over its details - order a room, decorate it, take care of vehicles and much more.

BATH UPDATE - an uncomplicated high-paying job. There is a large selection of materials for work on sale. If you don't have experience, it is best to work as an apprentice with a professional for a while.

VISA PROCESSING... In this work, residents of Moscow are more fortunate than residents of the provinces. For example, hundreds of Moscow pensioners have successfully mastered the simple work of obtaining visas for organizations and firms that occasionally need to obtain visas for foreign travel. Experience comes quickly. You just need to be prepared for possible waiting for your turn in the visa services of the embassies of different countries.

REGISTRATION OF DOCUMENTS FOR EMERGERS from Russia to other countries for permanent residence. A very well paid job. The largest number of customers can be found by placing an ad in cities remote from Moscow.

DISPLAY CASES ... The work requires special training and education. Having engaged in this work, create a catalog of photographs of your work and the best works of the leading window designers - this will greatly facilitate your search for new orders.

REGISTRATION OF COPYRIGHT ... This simple work can be well paid for by writers, artists, and other creative people who do not have time to formalize the rights to their works. Before starting work, carefully work out the legislation, study where you need to apply. You should be aware of all the nuances of this work. And if this business goes well for you, in a few months you will already have your own circle of clients.

TRAINING TO DRIVE A CAR ... If you have a driving instructor certificate, you can offer your services to driving schools. You will find their addresses in the newspapers.

GLAZING OF BALCONIES AND LOGGIES ... It is better to do this work with your own car and a reliable partner. As a rule, the work is carried out on a turnkey basis - you will be responsible for the search for material, production of frames, and their installation.

LEARNING IN CUTTING AND SEWING ... If you have the ability and qualifications of a teacher, and at home - a sewing machine, you can recruit students from among those who want to learn how to sew.

PATENT... As a rule, this work is carried out by professionals who were involved in the patent business before retirement.

TRANSFER OF NECESSARY INFORMATION BY PHONE - the type of work in which many employers are interested. The job can be found from the ads.

LIVER... A rare specialty. The work is usually done outside the city, but well paid.

SELECTION AND PURCHASE OF COINS, STAMPS FOR PEOPLE collectors. For your ads in the newspapers of provincial cities, you can receive orders from numismatists who do not have the opportunity to visit Moscow often. The work is done for a commission.

ROADSIDE TRADING - a good way to earn a pension if the place of trade is outside the city, but not far from it - at the shops of building materials, household goods. Of course, the product must be hot. A license and documents for the goods are required.

PC PROGRAMMING - highly paid work performed only by specialists. To receive an order, your ad must contain at least a minimum of information about your qualifications, such ads are more trusted. The conclusion of the contract will eliminate misunderstandings.

SEWING CURTAINS, CURTAINS - easy work at home. On your ad there are companies and busy housewives who will order you this work. It is only important that your ad prompts the customer to contact you. An example of such an announcement is “Sewing curtains, curtains - quality as in a workshop, but cheaper in price”. Simple and convincing. Create a catalog of photographs of your work - when you have a choice, it is easier to talk to a new client.

REPRESENTATIVE OF FOREIGN COMPANIES IN MOSCOW ... A telephone is required for this work. In the cities of Russia, you can publish an ad “Representative of your company in Moscow”. By hiring a resident of Moscow as their representative, nonresident firms save on renting premises, tickets to Moscow and back, and on daily expenses. The authors know several Muscovites who successfully and very profitably send medicines, soft drinks, fabrics and other goods to different cities on the orders of nonresident employers.

RECRUITING HOBBY PARTNERS ... You can start building your own database of people who are passionate about collecting things, raising rare breeds of pets, sports, music, tourism, and charging for referrals from partners.

SALE OF AUTOGRAPHS famous people. Many are willing to pay well for an autograph or item belonging to a famous person, so do not miss the opportunity to make money in this little-known business.

SALE OF NEWSPAPERS, SMALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS in transport. Profitable work, which is considered, however, rather difficult, since not everyone can do it for a long time.

DRIVING CARS ... This work is best done together. Especially a lot of cars are distilled from Belarus, the Baltic countries, the Kaliningrad region. You can make good money driving cars from Germany. Usually, spare parts and tires are loaded into a car being driven, as it often happens that the cost of spare parts exceeds the cost of the delivered car.

CONNECTING WASHERS AND DISHWASHERS machines is a simple but well-paid job. Household appliances are connected to water supply, sewerage, power supply. You can find a job by submitting an advertisement or by agreeing with sellers to collect orders for connecting equipment upon purchase,

OVERVIEW BY TASKS - type of work, especially suitable for pensioners and people who are unable to go out of town for the summer. You can make money and have a good rest. The authors know an elderly woman who annually collects a large harvest of vegetables and berries from a dacha, whose owners leave for an expedition.

Sewing home slippers ... The greatest demand is for inexpensive slippers, the top of which is made in the form of a soft toy - the head of a dog and other animals.

VINE WEAVING - it is better to do this work together or organize a group. There is a lot of special literature, where not only the weaving technology is described in detail, but also advice is given on where to store the vine.

REPAIR OF HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES, AUDIO AND VIDEO EQUIPMENT ... These works are available only to specialists, and if you own these specialties, post announcements nearby - orders will go.

REALIZER OF GOODS ON STUFF AND VEGETABLE MARKETS ... Thousands of Moscow residents are engaged in this. The safest way to do this work is on the basis of an agreement with the employer. Daily earnings range from $ 10 and more.

POSTPLAYING OF ADS, POSTERS, ADVERTISING under a contract with firms - a simple type of work. The only mandatory rule is to negotiate with the employer where it is possible and where it is not allowed to post. In places where this is prohibited, you can be fined.

FURNITURE REPAIR ... The most common type of repair is the replacement of foam rubber and upholstery fabric. Create your catalog of upholstery fabrics samples. Visit furniture exhibitions - there will always be a lot to learn from them.

BRAND STYLE DEVELOPMENT ... If you have a computer, you can find orders for this type of work, which requires the skills of a designer. The computer will help you to quickly and accurately develop versions of trademarks, logos of companies and organizations, a variety of printed materials included in the concept of "corporate identity".

DISTRIBUTOR-SELLER OF FIRMS GOODS ... The goods of the firms are usually delivered to the distributor by the employer. It can be small fashionable products, household water filters, other new types household appliances and many other easily portable little things.

RARE TYPE OF WORK - CARVING IN WOOD OR BONE , is performed only by specialists or experienced amateurs. Jobs are paid quite high. There is a lot of literature on these types of work with sketches of products, rules and methods of work.

POSITIONING ADVERTISING ON BOARD YOUR car. Some firms are willing to pay you to have their name and phone numbers on your car. The costs of advertising registration are borne by the customer. You can find customers by placing an ad: "Your advertisement is on my car." The second way to find a customer is to call the phone number indicated on the board of a car and offer your vehicle for this purpose.

TUTOR- a specialist who receives, depending on the level of teaching, up to 10-15 dollars per hour. The greatest demand for tutoring services is the end of spring and summer - the period of entrance exams.

DEVELOPMENT OF CHARTERS AND REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES ... Many busy people simply have no time to do this simple job. There is a lot of literature on sale with samples of constituent documents of all kinds of LLP, LLC, CJSC.

Having passed through the instances with them once, you will gain such experience that next time it will not be difficult to do this work. Usually, the customer pays an advance to pay for the notary's work, opening a bank account, making a seal and other work. The finished job pays well.

CALCULATION AND SUBMISSION OF TAX DECLARATIONS ... There are so many busy people in Moscow that they will gladly use your services. The work, of course, requires experience and special training.

STATISTICAL DIRECTOR ... Advertisements of this kind are not common, but when selecting performers, employers are more willing to invite retirees than young people - the quality of work of retirees is always at a good level.

REPAIR OF LOCKS , both hinged and mortise, for doors, garage doors - this type of service is quite affordable for people who know plumbing. The announcement can be posted in garage cooperatives, on bulletin boards and published in newspapers in your area.

CLOTHING REPAIR, "LIGHTNING" INSERT in the studio now costs a "round" amount, so if you own this type of work, you can have a steady income.

MIRROR REPAIR ... Old and antique mirrors are in need of renovation. This work is not difficult, but it requires special knowledge and skills. Once you have mastered them, publish ads. The accompanying work is the repair and renovation of frames.

REPAIR OF SOFT TOYS ... Soft toys, especially large ones, are usually given as gifts, so people try to preserve them as a memory of a significant event. Cleaning of the product is usually required along with the repair.

CUTTING GLASS ... Well-paid job at building materials stores, selling doors. There are many effective tools and devices for cutting glass, so you can get good skills by working as a master's assistant for a while.

DEVELOPMENT OF SCENARIOS FOR TELEVISION ... There are so many television channels and TV programs on them in Moscow that your fresh, interesting ideas can be not only in demand, but also well paid.

COLLECTION OF GLASS CONTAINERS ... It is not at all necessary to lift and load heavy crates of empty bottles. You can conclude a contract with a collection point for glass containers, which will regularly bring empty boxes to your house. Your task is to sit next to you and give out money to your neighbors, who will put the glass containers in the boxes themselves. At the appointed time, they will drive up to you from the collection point, load and take away full boxes. Of course, this work is seasonal - only for the warm season.

SECRETARY ON HOME PHONE ... The demand for these services continues to be strong. It is only necessary to discuss in detail the working conditions with the employer.

SUPPORT OF PATIENTS AND DISABLED on a trip - a service well-paid by wealthy people. You can place an ad in a newspaper in two ways. The first one is “I accompany the sick and disabled from Moscow to the cities of Russia and the CIS and to Moscow”. The second - "I accompany the sick and disabled from Moscow to such and such a city." In this case, you can specify the city where your relatives and friends live so that you can visit them at the expense of the client.

ACCOMPANYING CARGOES ... As a rule, this work is combined with the security of the cargo and can only be performed by people who have a license for security activities and whose health allows them to do it.

SUPPORT FOR TOURIST GROUPS ABROAD ... There are hundreds of travel agencies and agencies operating in Moscow. Many of them require escort personnel. As a rule, knowledge of the language of the country where the group is sent is compulsory.

DRAFTING A SUMMARY ... A resume is a clearly and competently written description for job seekers. Typically, this work is combined with sending a resume to employers by fax.

CREATING ICE FIGURES FOR COMPETITIONS - seasonal work that requires some preparation. And although the work will melt in the spring, you can find customers who will pay for your work. In addition, you can get an award for prizes in the ice figure competition.

SCRAP COLLECTION is an activity not only for schoolchildren. Scrap of non-ferrous metals is highly valued, and if you are able to organize the collection and delivery of scrap to collection points, you can get a decent income. Of course, criminal proposals should be avoided.

WAREHOUSE SERVICES ... Many small shuttle traders need temporary storage of their goods and belongings and are willing to pay well for the safety of their cargo. It is better if the people who entrusted you with the storage of their belongings will be well known to you. Then you don't have to worry about keeping prohibited items at home.

SALTING AND MARINATING VEGETABLES - tomatoes, cucumbers for sale - a very simple form of earning. You just need to agree in advance on the terms of sale of your products in the nearest cafes.

GARDENER- a profession with which older people cope better than young people. Many Moscow firms strive to create an exemplary look and comfort on the territory adjacent to their buildings. Earnings per month can reach about $ 300.

SERVICE DOG ... With the appropriate training, you can take orders for dog training.

INSURANCE AGENT ... The job requires quite a lot of movement around the city, but many of the experienced insurance agents continue to work after retirement. Typically, the employer sets the salary plus a percentage of the contracts. The insurance business is now developing, many insurance companies have appeared in Moscow, so take a closer look at their offers - you can find a job with a free schedule and part-time.

ASSEMBLING SMALL PRODUCTS AT HOME ... You can post an ad and offer your services in the assembly of clothespins, sockets, switches, hairpins and a host of other products.

FURNITURE ASSEMBLY AT HOME AND OFFICE ... This work is best done together, having your own various tools, including an electric drill. Usually people are very happy with such a large purchase as furniture that transforms an apartment or office. Therefore, the client can often entrust you with some other work. It is worth asking about this yourself, since excessive shyness will deprive you of earning money.

SUPPLIER- a job to which older people are willingly invited with relevant experience and good knowledge of the economic geography of Moscow, Russia and abroad.

CAR MAINTENANCE - work usually done in warm garages. The scope of work - cleaning, lubrication, replacement of units, parts, anti-corrosion insulation, etc., are quite highly paid. Work on the engine and electrical equipment is even more expensive. This type of work is best done with someone else. It's good if your workplace will be in one of the boxes of the garage cooperative - information about the high quality of your work will be distributed very quickly.

THE PHONE AT YOUR HOME CAN BRING YOU MONEY ... Nearby you will probably find someone who wants to rent your phone number for a time (or at certain hours of the day). These can be, for example, small private firms. The safest thing is to hand over the phone, having previously submitted an application to the telephone exchange, so that your number would be disconnected from access to long-distance calls for a certain period of time. And call in Moscow - please.

SALES REPRESENTATIVE ... This work related to the activities of stores can be done by people who know customer demand, who are able to find profitable partners. Usually a percentage of the amount of profit earned by the employer is paid.

TRADE IN ALL POSSIBLE CARDS, SCHEMES , tourist maps, road atlases of Moscow and the Moscow region. Best of all is trade at the points of entry to Moscow, at gas stations, and other places where tourists and motorists gather. If the prices for your product are reasonable, printed materials can be offered near large garage cooperatives.

CARE OF AQUARIUMS ... More and more companies are decorating their interiors with large aquariums. Of course, you need to have skills and special knowledge. However, this does not take long to learn. You can find literature on aquarium, fish and algae care at pet stores.

DANCE TEACHER - an old, but always in demand job. The easiest way to find students is to advertise in educational institutions and in newspapers. Don't miss the military academies and military schools in Moscow - there are many thousands of potential students.

DRAWING TEACHER ... Usually, an art teacher is invited by wealthy parents to visit their children. Of course, the customer will want his child to be taught by a professional. And if you are a capable and experienced teacher, feel free to submit an ad, indicating in it which school you graduated from.

ASSESSMENT AND REVALUATION SERVICES FOR FIXED ASSETS ... Not every firm has accountants owning this job. And if you are an expert in this field, orders can go to your ads. Do not lose touch with clients, soon they may need your services.

DIRECT MAIL SERVICES - mailing of advertisements of firms by mail. Many firms doing this work will gladly commission you to seal envelopes at home, saving you the cost of organizing your workplace. Job can be found by submitting an ad.

CARE OF THE PATIENT (SEATS) ... Many working people, whose loved ones are sick and unable to serve themselves, need such services. The service can be at the patient's home or at medical institution... When making a decision, you need to think carefully about whether you can cope with such a job. It is very important that you have an emergency telephone next to you when you look after a patient. Finding such a job is easy - publish an ad in the newspapers.

CLEANING OF APARTMENTS, OFFICES, INDUSTRIAL SPACES - a very simple job, especially suitable for retirees. You just need to agree with the customer what exactly needs to be done. It is better if the list of requirements is written down. Then, upon acceptance of the work, there will be no complaints against you.

WARMING OF APARTMENTS FOR WINTER ... Everyone needs this work - both in apartments and in offices. Before the start of the winter season, advertise in the newspaper, on a bulletin board or go through with your proposal to nearby firms and organizations. Insulation material is usually provided by the customer.

INSTALLATION OF DOOR EYES, VIDEO EYES - simple work. It's good if you offer your customer a catalog with a large selection of devices, their photos and prices.

INSTALLATION OF SECURITY AND FIRE FIGHTING alarms in apartments, offices and vehicles. The tools and equipment offered for sale are not very complicated, and by offering its catalog to your potential customers, you will be able to receive orders for installation.

PACKING COMPANY'S PRODUCTS AT HOME ... By concluding an agreement with a company that produces small-sized goods, you can pack them at home on a small area. The customer usually supplies everything he needs with his own transport.

PLANT CARE ... This simple job is well paid by firms trying to plant live plants in their offices. This job is easy to learn. As in the previous advice, draw up an agreement with the customer on what, how and when to do - purchase of plants, their pruning, watering, fertilization, etc. You can find literature on growing ornamental plant species in almost every bookstore.

DOCUMENT COPYING SERVICES - a good type of work, requiring only 2-3 square meters of area. The authors know a case when even a not very wealthy pensioner decided to buy his own copying machine and agreed with the store director to rent three square meters. The location turned out to be so successful that the owner's earnings for half a day's work were twice as high as the shop assistants working full-time nearby.

GLASS TINTING SERVICES ... They are not only used by motorists. Shops, offices of firms, production premises of enterprises need glass tinting.

DEVICE AND CARE OF LAWS ... Making and maintaining lawns is a science. However, having comprehended it, one can count on the fact that constant and high care is provided. There is a lot of literature on this topic. Firms that have ordered work for you will supply you with tools, grass seeds, a lawn mower.

PHOTOGRAPHY - a form of earnings loved by many citizens. For example, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh) this summer one could see a modest charming pensioner approaching seated visitors in a small street cafe, offering to take an instant photo with a Polaroid camera. He leisurely chose the shooting point, complimented the ladies. In one day of such work, you can earn at least $ 50. And you can find orders in a variety of ways - to advertise in newspapers, attend conferences, congresses, and presentations that are often held in Moscow. A lot of orders can be fulfilled in the park. Gorky, at exhibitions in Sokolniki and Krasnaya Presnya, where business people are ready to give good money for a photo of the desired exhibit or a frame during business negotiations. The schedule of exhibitions can be found in Moscow newspapers.

CHOIR SINGING IN CHURCHES ... For pensioners, this is a significant addition to their pension, which can be at least $ 100 per month.

ARTIST-DESIGNER - a widespread job, the demand for which is constantly growing. Unusual and rare types of creativity are especially well paid. Welded metal products and forged products are highly valued.

PRIVATE SURVEY - high-paying job, most suitable for people who have experience of similar work in the police or other law enforcement agencies. To perform it, you must have an appropriate license or enter the staff of a detective agency that has such a license.

PRIVATE DISTRIBUTOR - SELLER OF NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES ... This work can generate about $ 20 profit per day. Usually, the distributor purchases printed materials from the editorial office or from the points indicated by it at low wholesale prices. Some editions set discounts.

CLEANING AND REPAIR OF HUNTING WEAPONS - a rare but well-paid type of work suitable for specialists with experience and special knowledge.

ANTIQUES EXPERT ... This work is suitable only for those who know the intricacies of antiques. Orders can be found by ad or through antique stores.

GUIDE ... Almost every day a retired Muscovite comes up to middle-aged married couples of foreign tourists on Red Square and in perfect English offers them a walking tour of the center of Moscow, tells the guests how and what “ordinary Muscovites” live. Such an offer is almost never turned down. The approximate price of such a service is at least $ 10-15 per hour. And if you know the language - use your knowledge in places of walking tourists, publish an ad "Excursion around Moscow in such and such a language."

ELECTRIC WELDING AND GAS WELDING - a well-paid type of work. To perform them, you need to have your own equipment and the appropriate admission to these works. The work is easier to carry out together.

JEWELER- a specialty loved by some citizens, especially pensioners. It is not at all necessary to have the talent of an artist. It is enough just to conscientiously and carefully carry out technological operations. You can learn how to work as a jeweler in courses. Since the jeweler's workplace is a desk or a small workshop, you can work from home.

© 2004 A. Zakhvatov, O. Mustafin
2004Edited by A. Milyukov

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