How to call the police through a single number? Medical facility visit

Each person is obliged to remember by heart the numbers of emergency services - ambulance, police and the Ministry of Emergencies. First of all, his life and the life of his loved ones may depend on this. Before, when there were no cell phones, everything was simple - everyone knew the numbers 03, 02, 01 from childhood. Now you won't be able to call the Police from your mobile phone at 02, no matter how hard you try. From a mobile phone, you can call at least three-digit numbers. And until recently, these three-digit emergency numbers had their own special look for different mobile operators. But fortunately, things are changing ... Do not forget to write down the emergency numbers below, or better remember them!

Single emergency telephone numbers

It is important to remember the numbers by which you can call emergency services from a SIM card of any mobile operator. They look like this:

  • Fire brigade (Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescuers) - 101
  • Police (police) - 102
  • Ambulance - 103
  • Gas service - 104
  • Information - 109

Calls to emergency services are completely free and are available not only with a zero balance, but even if the SIM card is blocked or it is completely absent from the phone.

Calling the Police from your mobile through the 112 service

Save these numbers to your phone so that in an emergency you will have them at your fingertips.In addition to the above phones, there is a single emergency number 112. It allows you to quickly apply for the necessary assistance through a dispatcher to several services at once - this is the Russian analogue of the 911 service. In order to call the Police on this number directly, you must perform the following steps:
  • Dial 112 and wait to enter the voice menu.
  • Press the number "2" on the phone keypad.
  • Wait for the connection with the dispatcher of the Police Department.

Calling the Police from a mobile phone at 112 is completely free, even when the account balance is zero, when the phone is blocked and if there is no SIM card in it. You can also call this number free of charge from any other phone - city, payphone on the street, at a train station or at the airport. As a rule, the connection time with the dispatcher depends on the load on the network and does not exceed a few minutes.

If this number did not help you, then you can call the Police from a mobile phone using other numbers listed below.

Telephone numbers to call the Police

In the case when you cannot make a call to 112 or listed in the table above, you can use alternative phones that still work. Each mobile operator used to set its own emergency numbers for its subscribers, so they are different. So, you can call the Police from your mobile by numbers:

  • For subscribers of operators MTS, Megafon, Rostelecom, Tele2 and Motiv - 020.
  • For subscribers of the Beeline operator, the phone number of the Police is 002.

Using similar numbers, you can call the fire brigade, ambulance, gas service or information center - instead of 2, dialing 1, 3, 4 or 9.

During the illness, when the patient himself is not able to visit the clinic, he has the right to invite the doctor to him. The patient can call a general practitioner at home if he thinks that he will harm other visitors to the medical facility.

When can I invite a doctor?

It is possible to call a therapist if there is:

  • acute illness;
  • relapse of chronic pathology, as a result of which the patient's well-being has significantly deteriorated;
  • an infection that will cause an epidemic.

A specialist can be invited by people who, due to health problems, are being observed at home: the disabled, non-walking patients. The doctor has no right to ignore a call to an elderly person.

Reference! It is allowed to call a doctor at home free of charge in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.15.2012 No. 543 of the city of Moscow.

In addition to the therapist, you can invite a narrowly focused specialist home. Before that, the district police officer will come anyway, who, if he considers it necessary, will offer hospitalization, and if he refuses, he will invite a specialized doctor.

Important! Disabled and bedridden people can immediately invite a narrow-profile specialist home, bypassing the examination of a therapist.

But to call a doctor from the clinic, you need to have the following documents:

  • identity card (passport);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • SNILS and a document granting the right to benefits (if any).

The reason for the refusal to visit the therapist at home is the incomplete package of documents.

Ways to call a therapist to yourself

There are several methods for calling a local doctor at home:

  • by calling the polyclinic registry by phone;
  • visiting the hospital with friends and leaving them an application;
  • via the Internet, if the medical institution has a website where they provide such a service.

If you call the registry, the specialist will ask the surname, name, patronymic of the patient, home address, contact phone number, clinical manifestations of pathology that bother the person.

Helpful! Anyone who comes to the clinic and applies to the registry can call a therapist to the patient's home. Moreover, it does not have to be a relative, you just need to provide the patient's data and his residence address.

Calling a doctor via the Internet

It is possible to make an appointment or invite a specialist to your place via the Internet, for this you need to register on the portal. After registration, you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to your personal account by entering the data specified during registration (phone number) and password.
  2. Select the section "My health" in the service catalog.
  3. After that, choose the service to call a specialist at home.
  4. After choosing a service, you need to fill in the patient's personal data.

Likewise, through the portal, you can make an appointment with yourself or another person by filling out personal information about him.

If you have any difficulties, the site has a support service, contacting which you can get help. Before writing a feedback, it is recommended to look for answers to your questions. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Support" section. Here you can find how to work with the portal and answers to popular questions.
    You can read how to use the site.
  2. Going to the "Topics of questions" section, select the "Healthcare" item and read the answers to frequently asked questions.
    You can choose a topic of interest.
  3. By clicking on a question of interest, you can get an answer to it.

Calling a doctor without registration

There are times when a patient does not know from which clinic to call a doctor at home, since he is not registered in the apartment.

If a person is attached to a medical facility outside the place of residence, then it is also possible to invite a doctor to himself, but a specialist from the clinic that serves this address will come. Even if you find yourself in a foreign city, but having a compulsory medical insurance policy and an identity card, a person can use the service of calling a therapist at home. To find out which number to call a doctor at home is possible via the Internet, for this you need to know the number of the clinic that serves the patient's address. Find the contacts of a medical institution of interest through any search engine.

You can find out the registration phone number through a single round-the-clock help desk 09 (call is possible only from a landline phone). If you call from a mobile phone, then you need to dial the 8-area code-99-09-111. The area code is dialed only in the first 3 digits, for example, if the Kazan code is 843, then it is dialed in full.

For Almetyevsk: To call the information service from a mobile phone, dial 8-855-99-09-111. Also, each mobile operator has its own help desk, for example, for MTS it is number 0987.

Calling the doctor on duty

Sometimes medical assistance is urgently required when the district police officer has completed the appointment or on weekends and then the question arises of how to call the doctor on duty at home. In order to leave a request, you need to call the reception and clarify whether it is possible to invite the doctor on duty. Due to the lack of staff, this is not possible in all hospitals. In this case, you can call an ambulance, which will come to the call and provide assistance, and if required, will take you to the hospital.

Seeking medical attention by a woman in a position

A woman expecting a baby can invite a doctor to her place. In order for him to come faster, it is better to call the registry immediately, it is important to inform about your pregnancy, then the district police officer will visit you first.

Attention! If the state of health of a pregnant patient has deteriorated sharply, then you should not wait for the doctor to come, but you should immediately call an ambulance. It is recommended to call an "ambulance" if there are abdominal pains, bleeding from the genital tract, loss of consciousness, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms that may affect the child's condition.

What to do if there are no documents

Calling a doctor from a polyclinic in the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy or a passport will not work. In this case, you can call the ambulance, which must come. But there are several possible events:

  1. If, upon arrival, the ambulance specialist decides that the patient needs emergency help, without it a person can die, then the health worker has no right not to provide it even in the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy.
  2. When, upon the arrival of the ambulance team, it is discovered that there is no threat to the patient's life, then it will be necessary to present the compulsory medical insurance policy and identity card. If this is not possible, then the medical worker examines the patient and decides on his hospitalization (when the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply) or refuses to take him to the hospital (if there is no threat to the patient's life). If hospitalization is refused, information about the patient is transferred to the polyclinic at the place of residence so that a therapist can visit him. In this case, the patient must present the compulsory medical insurance policy and a document confirming his identity.

In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, you can call a doctor from a private clinic to your place. In this case, it is possible to visit not only a therapist, but also a specialist of a narrow profile. Moreover, he will arrive at the most convenient time for the patient. To do this, you need to find the address of the clinic on the Internet, leave a request on the website and an employee of the medical institution will contact the patient. Some medical centers work only on a prepaid basis, but there are also those in which it is possible to pay for the service after visiting a specialist. In a private clinic, if required, they can also issue a sick leave.

How to call the police from a mobile - this question often confuses citizens who are faced with a crime or other violation of the law. There are several solutions to this problem. We will talk about them in our article.

How do I call the police from a cell phone?

Since Soviet times, everyone remembers the phrase: "Police phone - 02". Although the police have long since become the police, this rule will remain in effect until at least 2017. However, now people are increasingly using mobile phones rather than wired ones. How to call the police from them?

Don't know your rights?

There may be several options for calling:

  1. A single emergency number. This option is somewhat slower than the usual one (you need to wait for the voice menu to work, after which you will have to select an item relating specifically to the police), but you can make a call from any mobile phone.
  2. By the number set by the cellular company.
  3. Finally, by the city number of the police station on duty.

How to call the police through a single number?

The single number for all emergency services in Russia is 112. It was introduced in 2013. It is characteristic that the same number is valid in the countries of the European Union. You can call this number from any SIM card (even a blocked one), as well as without it at all. After waiting for an answer, to call the police, you need to select item 2.

How to call the police from a mobile using the operator's number?

Cellular companies in Russia often set their own emergency numbers for the police. Today there are 3 options:

  • 102 - installed by all operators;
  • 020 - for Beeline subscribers;
  • 002 - for Tele2 subscribers and some other operators.

How to call the police on a city number from a cell phone?

Finally, there is another option. Each police station has a duty unit - a unit that directly receives messages from citizens. There is a wired telephone that you can call from your cell phone. Such a call, of course, will not be free of charge, but you can contact exactly the department from which the outfit will arrive. In situations where help is needed immediately, this can be crucial. The numbers of the units on duty can be found on the official websites of the police.

Power outages occur quite often (even in a city). Moreover, the most common emergency situations are in the winter period, when there is a large number of powerful consumers. Such a massive load leads to the fact that electrical networks simply do not withstand.

If necessary, you can call the emergency service. Each city has its own telephone, which is indicated in any telephone directory. By the indicated phone number, you can make sure whether there is a major accident on the line, or the cause of the power failure lies in the apartment.

In the latter case, it is recommended to call private traders. Let you have to pay, but the work will be done efficiently and quickly. Thanks to the site, an electrician can be called at home in the shortest possible time. The specialist is ready to establish electricity supply for housing.

Strictly speaking, this is a very common situation. You are calling to urgently call electricians, but you will not be able to leave the call, since the handset does not pick up. A similar situation occurs when there has been a major accident, and everyone starts to cut off the phone.

Meanwhile, private traders can not solve all the issues. Of course, if we are talking about an apartment or a private country house, everything is very simple - you call specialists, they come and restore the power supply.

However, there are some breakdowns where only emergency gangways are allowed. An example is a transformer substation, which is installed in almost every yard.

A specialist, albeit a high-class one, who does not have the appropriate permit for working with high voltage, is not allowed to enter the transformer substation.

Quite often there are problems with the power supply of the apartment for people who have just moved into secondary housing. Naturally, they placed a large number of household appliances in residential premises, the power of which does not allow the existing electrical wiring to be operated.

In a normal situation, when an overload occurs, the machine in the dashboard will work.

However, situations are likely when the protective device is selected incorrectly and part of the wiring that is in the wall burns out. And in this case, it is hardly possible to do without specialists.

Professionals can quickly find damage in the wall and repair it with minimal damage.

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