Scanning the energy field of a person. Detailed method for treating hands

As skills develop in palpation of energy and concentration, start practicing in the further assessment of the human energy field.

The real patient or "model" you have chosen should be in the sitting or lying position. Hands should be 5-8 cm from the surface of the patient's skin; Start, perhaps, follows from the head. Check the area to the left and compare it on the right side.

Scan from the top of the face, towards the chin. This area is within 10 seconds. Realize what you feel, changes in sensations, temperature, and so on, but do not be fixed on questions like: "I felt something, or not?" Just feel everything that passes through your hands.

Gradually move over the front of the body, then go to back. The speed of movement should be small, but constant.

When the scan is completely finished, check all the places that you seemed unusual and re-check your first impressions.

It may happen that where there is significant fluctuations of the energy field, the hands will mark the temperature changes. You can also feel change in pressure, tingling, vibration, sensations of the type of electric injection, or pulsation.

All these sensations may be important. Mark them and write down your feelings.

Start scan chakra

Relax, concentrate and then scan the body of a partner or patient. The goal is to understand whether you feel any variations or changes in the invoice and nature of the energy in the Chakra regions described by the bill (ch. 5, p. ..., Fig. 10.3).

Compare that you feel in different positions of Chakras from "normal" healthy people and people with disadvantages.

Try to understand what specific forms of illness or health are associated with specific patterns of energy fluctuations.

Mark them and write down your feelings.

Fig. 10.3. Scheme of energy fields (or chakras) of the vertebral region.

Braga Joya concepts

In addition to the book of Dr. Cyger, the beautiful and very sensible introduction into energy medicine can be found in the "Method of Joe", represented by Dr. Brah Joy, 1979. Here, much is similar to the above cryger, but much is both a unique, containing an extensive material that can help the reader both for the development of the ability to feel the emitted energy fields and serve as a guide to the methods of "energy transmission to the other".

Joy characterizes what he actually teaches, as "transformational energy" and emphasizes that first it is necessary to achieve skill in one complex of exercises and only then proceed to the next one. Its exercises are divided into the following groups:

1. Resonant circle.

2. Investigation of the sounds of music missing through a powerful amplifier.

3. Modified spiral meditation.

4. Two-element exercises.

5. Three element exercises.

6. Scan with hand.

7. Energy transmission.

Only from this list can be understood that in order to just approach the place to the place where Cyger begins, Joy recommends doing a lot of work. Joey Book - the best way Learn more instructions in the first five of the above requirements. His description of the chakra scan with hand deserves a thorough study, since it gives very accurate information on this approach:

In the body energy scanning, the consciousness of the scanning should be completely recipe, and its / his awareness must be fully concentrated on hand, or hands. The state of consciousness, known as "witness", is activated. It should be careful and not to project what it should be, according to the scanning, into space, the surrounding of the person who scans. On the contrary, the task is to study this space in order to find what is really there. The hand acting in the role of the detector should be relaxed. The fingers should be slightly diluted, you can bend a bit, about the same way as in the classic ballet pose. A solid flat palm with compressed together with your fingers will be much less effective as a detector.

He also recommends that beginners begin to work with the right hand (if a novice right-hander), because at the beginning effectively acting with two hands is quite difficult; A sufficient degree of sensitivity in both hands is developing only with time.

The speed of movement is important: too fast actions interfere with mentally register the sensory input signal, and too slow movements create an effect of reflecting its own energy scanning from the skin of the surveyed, and on both surfaces there are absolutely identical sensations. Proper speed There will be approximately 30 cm in 2 seconds (this is faster than the speed, the recommended cryger is 10 seconds only on the face).

The feeling that almost all newcomers experience is "overflow", characterized by tingling, pulsation, and even headaches, or other painful sensations. This interferes with the awareness of incoming incentives. Joy recommends to remove such a feeling of shaking with brushes, or pat them on the thighs (its own, of course). This can give a result after many attempts, and what is called the palpation of the energy field, will not happen during these attempts. It is necessary to allow the feeling to pass through you.

Joy likes the process of learning such a thin palpation to what is happening with medical students when they learn to recognize heart noises: "First, they must learn how to concentrate their hearing awareness, because the usual hearing mechanism simply does not perceive the ranges in which these noises can be heard. This is true for a subtle feeling of touch, at least in the initial stages. "

The distance from the scanning palm to the body should be 20-30 cm, says Joy, and whose person scans should lie on a wooden couch or table face up (metal does not fit, because it gives interference with the energy field). All jewels should be removed; The same applies to metal buckles and watches. The person who scans should feel relaxed and free in the movements (if he, for example, will want to scratch, or pull out). Conversations, understandable, are not encouraged.

Joy recommends starting from determining the patient's pulse so that the scanning could adjust his consciousness to the patient. With the other hand you can start scanning over the chest, the upper part of the body and the bottom of the abdomen, since it is here that energy fields are stronger, and they are relatively easy to determine. He recommends starting scanning outside the body, beyond its borders, then enter the area over the body, and then again go beyond its limits to feel the contrast. As soon as a person becomes familiar in this "feeling" of the energy field, this sequence ceases to be necessary. When this kind of type, Joy advises to close the eyes (like with palpation of the skin and muscles, in order to better concentrate consciousness).

The most valuable indication in his lips sounds as follows: "The field you will not feel if you just keep your hand over it, it is felt when hand passes through it. This principle is fundamental. During scanning, the hand should be in constant motion. She must enter the fields and leave them»,

Thus, the "section" through the energy fields at different levels allows them to determine their shape, the distance from the surface, the density and the degree of "health" of the field.

Joey notes that upon reaching his own many years of experience, he could recognize the field at a distance from the body two or three times greater than at the time when he was a newcomer. At first, this was simple registration of the fact that the energy elevation is felt above the chakra, and it was (and it will be for others) a huge step forward. Such elevations above the crotch and scaling of the head recognize relatively simple. As the hand is moving from chakras to chakra, the intensity variations should be marked.

The Region Over The Throat Chakra Requires That The Patient Hold Their Breath for A Short While, So That It Does Not Confuse the Scanning Process. Practise In A Group, If Possible, So That The Differences One From Another Are Available to Reinforce The Learning Process. After Scanning The Front of the Body, The Patient Turns Over and The Back Is Assed in Much The Same Manner.

Similar information.

To date, biometric protection systems are increasingly used by developing new mathematical authentication algorithms. The range of tasks that is solved with the help of new technologies is quite extensive:

  • Protection of law and order and criminalistics;
  • Throughput system (SKUD) and restriction of access to public and commercial buildings, private housing (smart home);
  • Transfer and receipt confidential information personal and commercial nature;
  • Implementation of trade, financial and banking electronic operations;
  • Entry to electronic remote and / or local workplace;
  • Blocking work modern gadgets and protection of electronic data (cryptation keys);
  • Maintaining and accessing government resources;

Conditionally, biometric authentication algorithms can be divided into two main types:

  • Static - Dactyloscopy, Rainbow Eye Shell; measurement of the shape of the brush, lines of palms, placement of blood vessels, measurement of the face form in 2D and 3D algorithms;
  • Dynamic - handwriting and rhythm of the text set; gait, voice, etc.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a capable installation of measuring the biological parameter of any type, you should pay attention to two parameters:

  • FAR - determines the mathematical probability of coincidence of key biological parameters of two different people;
  • FRR - determines the degree of probability of failure to access the face that has the right.

If manufacturers have missed these characteristics when presenting their product, it means their system is incapable and lags behind competitors on functionality and fault tolerance.

Also important parameters for comfortable operation are:

  • Easy use and the ability to perform identification without stopping in front of the device;
  • The read speed of the parameter, processing the information received and the volume of the database of biological reference indicators.

It should be remembered that biological indicators, static at least, and the dynamic are greater, are parameters that are subject to constant changes. The worst indicators for the static system are FAR ~ 0.1%, FRR ~ 6%. If a biometric system It has indicators of failures below these values, it is ineffective and incapacitated.


To date, the market of biometric authentication systems is extremely uneven. In addition, with a rare exception, the manufacturers of security systems produce and the software with closed source codewhich is suitable exclusively to their biometric readers.


Dactyloscopic analysis is the most common, technically and programmatically perfect method of biometric authentication. The main development condition is a well-developed scientific and theoretical and practical knowledge base. Methodology and system of classification of papillary lines. When scanning key points are the end of the line of the pattern, branching and single points. In particularly reliable scanners, a system of protection against latex gloves with prints is to check the relief of papillary lines and / or finger temperature.

In accordance with the number, character and placement of key points, a unique digital code is generated, which is stored in the database memory. The digitization time and typography typically does not exceed 1-1.5 sec., Depending on the size of the database. This method is one of the most reliable. Promotable authentication algorithms - Veri Finger SKD reliability indicators are FAR - 0.00% ... 0.10%, FRR- 0.30% ... 0.90%. This is enough for reliable and uninterrupted operation of the system in an organization with personnel more than 300 people.

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantages of this method are considered:

  • High accuracy;
  • Lower cost of devices and their wide choice;
  • Simple and fast scanning procedure.

Of the main disadvantages it should be noted:

  • Papillary lines on the fingers are easily damaged, causing errors in the operation of the system and blocking the passage of the employees who have the right to this;
  • Dactyloscopic scanners must have a system of protection against the detailed image: Temperature sensors, pressure detectors, etc.


Foreign companies that are engaged in the production of biometric systems, and devices for the SUD and need to note:

  • SECUGEN - Mobile compact USB scanners for access to PCs;
  • Bayometric Inc - Production of biometric scanners different types for integrated security systems;
  • DigitalPersona, Inc - release of combined lock scanners with integrated door handles.

Domestic companies producing biometric scanners and to them:

  • Biolink.
  • Sonda
  • Smartlock

Scan Eyes.

Rainbow Eye Shell is as unique as papillary lines on hand. Finally, formed in two years, it actually does not change throughout life. The exception is injured and sharp pathology of eye diseases. This is one of the most accurate user authentication methods. Devices produce scanning and primary data processing 300-500 ms, comparison of digitized information on an average power PC is made at a speed of 500,000-150000 comparisons per second. The method does not impose restrictions on maximum number users. Statistics FAR - 0.00% ... 0.10% and FRR- 0.08% ... 0.19% Casia EYR SDK based on the EYR SDK algorithm. According to these calculations, it is recommended to use such admission systems in organizations with more than 3,000 people. In modern devices, cameras with 1.3 mp matrix are widely used, which allows you to capture both eyes during scanning, it significantly increases the threshold of false or unauthorized triggers.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Benefits:
    • High statistical reliability;
    • The image capture can occur at a distance of up to several tens of centimeters, and the physical contact of the person with the outer shell of the scanning mechanism is eliminated;
    • Reliable methods eliminating fake - checking the accommodation of pupil, almost completely exclude unauthorized access.
  • Disadvantages:
    • The price of such systems is significantly higher than dactyloscopic;
    • Ready solutions are available only in the execution of large companies.

The main players in the market are: LG, Panasonic, Electronics, OKI, which are working on licenses to Iridian Technologies. The most common product with which you can encounter on russian market are ready-made solutions: BM-ET500, IRIS Access 2200, Oki Irispass. Recently, new companies that are credible AOPTIX, SRI International appeared.

Scanning retina eye

An even less common, but a more reliable method - scanning the placement of the capillary network on the retina of the eye. Such a drawing has a stable structure and is unchanged throughout life. However, the very high cost and complexity of the scanning system, as well as the need for a long time not to move, make such a biometric system available only for government agencies with an increased protection system.

Face recognition

There are two main scanning algorithm:

2D is the most inefficient method that gives multiple statistical errors. It is to measure the distance between the main bodies of the face. Does not require the use of expensive equipment, only the camera and the corresponding software is sufficient. Recently, I received significant distribution in social networks.

3D - this method is radically different from the previous one. It is more accurate, to identify the object, even there is no need to stop in front of the camera. Comparison with information listed in the database is made through serial shooting, which is made on the go. To prepare the data on the client, the object turns the head in front of the camera and the program forms a 3D image with which the original merges.

The main manufacturers of software and specialized equipment on the market are: Geometrix, Inc., Genex Technologies, Cognitec Systems GmbH, BioScrypt. From Russian manufacturers, Artec Group, Vocord, ITV can be noted.

Scanning hands

Also divided into two drastically different methods:

  • Scanning a brush patterns under infrared radiation;
  • The geometry of the hands - the method occurred from forensic and recently goes into the past. It consists in measuring the distance between the joints of the fingers.

The choice of a suitable biometric system and its integration into a skid depends on the specific requirements of the organization's security system. For the most part, the level of protection against fake biometric systems is quite high, so for organizations with an average level of admission (secrecy), there are enough budget dactylocopic authentication systems.

For those who practice treatment with their hands or want to learn this strong practice, I developed a detailed learning methodology. I have been using this system for no first year and has achieved stunning results - remission is already the next day, and you can treat any heavy diseases and illness (even oncology), including damage, curse and other negative impacts. "Methods of Nazar" is based on my personal research using Chinese practices. Read, stay and practice for humanity!

The development of the sensitivity of the hands

The exercise on the development of the sensitivity of the hands should be started with the heating of palms and fingers. They need to smoke a little and rub to cause a tide of blood. The sensitivity of the hands is necessary for scanning of space and earth energies, a man's biofield, auras of animals, plants and other energy manifestations. The method of scanning the biological field of a person can establish a disease and proceed with treatment, but about it a little later.

Hand warming, follow the following exercise. Straighten your left hand, the remaining fingers squeeze. The hand is in a horizontal position, approximately at the chest level. Do also with your right hand. Start rotating clockwise index finger of the right hand around the index finger left. With the rotation of the phalanx of the finger of the right hand comes to the phalanx left. Rotate until light tingling appears on the most end of your fingertips. Exercise can take from 30 rotations or more. If you do not feel tingling, increase the speed of rotation. To enhance the effect of sensitivity, you can visualize, as a lightning beaten between the tips of the fingers. If after rotational movements you do not feel tingling, the exercise should be repeated until the need for the necessary effect.

Feeling tingling, finish rotational movements and start climbing fingertips. Tingling should increase. After that, repeat the rotational exercise with two next fingers of the left hand in turn. The little finger and thumb exist should not, however, according to your desire.

Change the focus of the exercise by starting to rotate the index finger of the left hand around the index finger right before the effect of tingling the fingertips. Divide the tips of your fingers and twist, feeling the strengthened effect. Repeat the procedure with the following two fingers.

Having finished the exercise, twist the palms and feel tingling at the tips of all your fingers. Hands should be straight, fingers are relaxed.

Start the rotational movements of the palm of the right hand, relatively left, which remains fixed. Then rotate the left relative to the right. Having finished the movement, replete your fingers again, tingling should be tangible.

Repeat the exercise as often as possible at home and at work. When you work out sensitivity to perfection, tingling in the tips of the fingers will be felt in the usual convergence of palms without prior rotations. Performing exercises can be visualized to the chakras of the fingers and palms. Drying sensitivity can take from a couple of weeks to several months. I felt tingling on the tips of my fingers on the first day of workout, and my spouse was only two or three weeks later.

The next important exercise is the aura scanning.

C.auri tanning man

To scan Aura, you should start, having mastered the exercise on the development of the sensitivity of the hands and receiving a positive result. If at present the development of hand sensitivity is not working to properly, I advise you to skip the chapters on scanning, cleaning and treating the body. They should be read when the topic becomes relevant. However, to obtain and accumulate theoritical knowledge, it will not be more superfluous to familiarize themselves with a very useful material.

When scanning aura, which is a human energy body, it is useful to learn to feel the size of the external aura and health auras. Then you should proceed to scanning the inner aura. This will help your hands become sensitive, as the external aura and health aura is more "thin" than internal. In the treatment of the patient, the location of patients is determined by the method of scanning internal aura. Scanning aura with hands, you should concentrate on the centers of the palms and fingers. Concentration at the centers of palms and fingers activates the chakras of the hands, giving the ability to feel thin energies and matter. Let's start the exercise from scanning an external aura.

External Aura. Standing at a distance of about four meters from the partner, pull out your hands and turn the palm to it. Slowly approaching the partner, try to feel your outer aura. Focus on sensations in the center of the palms and on the tips of the fingers, visualizing the active chakras. When you feel warm, lightweight resistance or tingling in the palm or fingers area, it will mean that you feel aura. Try to feel the size of the aura in front and rear, bypassing the partner. An important factor in the feeling is the pressure on the hand, which allows you to accurately determine the width of the external and internal AUR, as well as health auras. The approximate width of the external aura is about one meter within a radius, but sometimes it can be about two meters. Rare people can reach three meters. Now about aura of health.

Aura health. Determining the size and shape of an external aura, slowly move forward, keeping the position of the hands. Feeling resistance or light painful tingling of fingertips, stop. Feelings may be a bit intense previous. Now you feel aura of health. Try to feel its size and shape. Usually health aura has a width of about sixty centimeters, but when a person is sick, it decreases, having a width of thirty centimeters and less. It can be completely healthy in the physical and spiritual plan of man can reach more than one meter. Next, scan the inner aura.

Inner aura. It can be scanned with one hand or two, producing smooth movements of the hands forward and back. The thickness of the inner aura is about fifteen centimeters. Scan by activating the chakras of the palms and fingers, by the method of visualization. It will help you feel thin energies.

Scan the patient in front and rear, from head to feet. Feel the rose and left ear aura, then right and left kidney. The inner aura of both parts of the body should have about equal thickness. The sign of the unhealthy part of the body is a decrease or an increase in the thickness of the aura. It can vary greatly, for example, the thickness of the healthy kidney can be fourteen centimeters, and the patient is about five - six.

Chakram and spine should be paid to special attention. In most cases, the spine departments have an excess of energy, or disadvantage. It happens that the patient does not complain about the disease of the back, because he does not feel pain.

If when scanning you find the failure of the aura or thickening - this indicates the presence of a disease.

Aura failure is exhaustion and signals the insufficient amount of energy and the blockage of the chakra. If the chakra is clogged, it is deactivated, becoming a dystrophic without a flow of fresh energy. At the same time, it remains part of the negative, stagnant energy. The sick body in the area of \u200b\u200bthe responsibility of the Chakra also suffers from receiving the energy feeding. The consequence of energy hunger can become a disease.

Thickening Aura testifies to excess energy. The consequence of the oversaturation of energy may be blockage. Excess prevents free energy exchange, forming stagnation. Over time, the gaping energy without revenue becomes inactive and lifeless, paralyzing the work of the chakra and the internal organ.

Also, the patient of the body is able to have a failure and thickening of the aura at the same time. This suggests that the body operates with a violation, having a disadvantage in one of its part, and in another excess energy. The disadvantage and excess indicate a disease and the brighter they are expressed by the thickening or failure of the aura, the hard disease.

Aura failures and thickening may be temporary, and this does not indicate the disease. Temporary detects of aura arise as a result of a surge of negative emotions, which are scandals, hatred, irritability, resentment and other destructive manifestations. Such defects are normalized a few hours after occurrence. As a rule, diseases of the energy body begin to manifest the disease in the physical plan, so timely scanning and treatment will help to save the patient from the development of physical body disease.

Treatment by cleaning the body

The patient and stagnant energy should be removed from the body by cleaning. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the negative energy extracted from the body has the ability to continue and subsequently return to the patient. Also, it can partially convert to the Mago cleaning. In some books, I read that the deactivation of sick energy should be carried out with the help of salt dissolved in water, sand, meat and other organic matter. For example, negative energy is reset with hands in a bowl with sand or salt dissolved in water. When the energy is removed from the hand, you should express our intention so that it dissolves and disappeared. I in no way doubt effectiveness this methodBut I want to offer you a visualization method familiar to you. To destroy negative energy, I propose to dump it into the fire. Visualize a powerful flame and reset the energy into it, watching it flashes and burns. After cleaning, the visual flame should be paid off. In the invisible world it is real. Do not forget to wash your hands, can be visual method. Cleaning the body should be carried out by compressing the fingers into the handy, but permissible and with open fingers. Powder is more effective for extracting the sick energy, and the position with open fingers is effectively for freeing the aura. Using cleaning, you remove the patient, stagnant energy and open the clogged energy channels. The cleaning process normalizes the energy exchange in the body and accelerates treatment. After cleaning, you should fill the body, fresh energy and make the cleaning, which will distribute excessive energy in the body and burst trobs in an external aura, preventing energy leakage. The process of filling the body with fresh energy I will describe a little later.

Cleaning the patient organ

Concentrate attention on the sick organ and your hand. Squeeze your fingers in a handful and grinding movements, make cleaning repeatedly, as if you are crushing the dirt. Cleaning should be performed several tens of times. Visualize the process of accumulation of dirt in the palm of the palm and from time to time discard the negative energy into the fire. Visualize the cleansing of the organ or chakra, it should be perfectly clean. I recommend visualizing the purified body in the golden light. Extrameal movements can be carried out in any direction. Some esoterics recommend increasing the number of sweeping movements to a hundred times, and with a serious illness to five hundred. I am not a commitment to the quantity and I suppose that in the treatment, as in magic, as a whole, a qualitative concentration and visualization plays a decisive role.

Total cleaning of the body

The overall cleaning should be carried out by sweeping movements from head to feet feet. The patient's body should be about five centimeters. Do not forget to shake the negative energy into the fire. After cleaning, performing the resulting fingers of the hands. When removing the sick energy, use the visualization, making the efforts of the will. Reset the negative energy into the fire, watching it flashes and burns. Visualize the full cleansing of the body in the golden light. After completion of the procedure, do not forget to extinguish the fire and thoroughly wash your hands.

Filling the body energy

This procedure is not important, besides, the process of filling patients with fresh energy is creative in the full sense of the word. For the treatment of the patient, I recommend using the cosmos energy, without wasteful one. To obtain space energy, chakras of one hand are used, and the chakras are different for its transfer to the patient. To absorb and transmit the energy of the space is capable of both the right and left hand, who is more convenient. To work with energies, as always is used concentration, visualization and will. Concentrated on sick bodies and on the chakras of the hands, but the hands require significantly greater concentrations than organs. In the future, I'm going to call a hand in which the energy of the cosmos host, and the hand that is treated transfer.

Fright palm. Feel the energy sensations in the tips of the fingers and the center of the palm. Turn the taking palm to the hand, transmitting palm down. Concentrate on the host palm and activate its chakras using visualization. Place the hand over the patient part of the body at an altitude of five to ten centimeters, activate its chakras. Visualize the intake of the cosmos energy in the form of a gold flow into the receiving palm. Raise the energy stream up hand, drive it through the body at the shoulder level into the transmitting hand. When the cosmos energy reaches the palm of the transmission hand, direct it into the body of the patient, stabilizing the constant stream of energy. Concentration on chakras of the transmission arm and patient patient organ. Visualize as an organ or patient chakra, filled with fresh energy, purchasing a gold color. If you feel fatigue in your hands, they should be shaken and continue to work. The filling of the patient's energy should be carried out until you feel the reverse stream in the form of a slight repulsion of the palm or a strong seal of the aura.

The quality of the recharging can be checked by re-scanning the patient of the body. If you feel the failure - it means that the energy is not enough and the filling process should be continued, and if you feel the overflow - do it with your fingers, distributing the energy over the body.

If you have a problem with scanning a body, and you cannot accurately determine the depth of failures, you should take treatment, guided by the patient's pain. Just so the body will not hurt, so if the patient feels pain, offer it to carry out cleaning and recharging. Recharge the organ in any case will benefit. Cleaning and recharging can carry out self-treatment.

Stabilization of energy

The following, no less important step is to stabilize the transmitted body of the patient's energy. Fresh energy has the ability to gradually leave the body, so it should be stabilized, stopping leakage. Stabilization occurs when visually tapping a cured body portion in a blue color. After the painting, the word "Stabilizing" should pronounce, investing him by the will.

In working with energies, you should pay attention to the fact that during the treatment session, the energetic body of the healer is associated with the patient's body invisible energy thread. It is on it that a slow leakage of energy can occur, so by graduating from the session and stabilizing the energy of the healer, it is necessary to visually disseminate this thread with a knife or scissors. After that, the session can be considered completed. Do not forget to wash your hands.

04.04.2005 Source: Hi-Tech Security Solutions

Voice recognition is technologies that allows the user to apply his voice as a data entry device. Voice recognition can be used to dictate text to a computer or to feed the computer to the computer (for example, to open software applications, deployment menus or save operation).

Earlier voice recognition systems require a distinct pronunciation of each word with noticeable intervals. This allows the machine to determine where one word ends, and the following begins. These types of speech recognition programs are still applied to manage computer systems And working with such applications as web browsers or spreadsheets.

More modern applications Voice recognition Allow the user fluently dictate the text to the computer. Such new applications are capable of recognizing speech at a speed of up to 160 words per minute. Applications that allow you to recognize a continuous speech stream are mainly designed to recognize and format text, and not to control the most computer system.

In the technique of speech recognition used neural network For "learning" to recognize a human voice. While you speak, speech recognition software remembers how you utter each word. Such an individualized setting allows voice recognition, despite the fact that all people have a different pronunciation and intonation.

In addition to the "study" of how you pronounce the words, voice recognition systems also use the grammatical context and the frequency of use of individual words in order to predict what word you want to enter. Such powerful statistical means allow the program to find in the extensive language database the desired word before you say it.
But although over the past few years, the accuracy of speech recognition has improved, some users still experience the problems of inaccurate transmission of speech, associated either with some particular features of speech, or with the nature of their vote.

Rainbow Eye Recognition

This method of biometric identification of the person is based on the unique characteristic features and features of the irradiated shell of the human eye. Rainbow shell is a part of the eye, which is a color circle, most often brown or blue, barking black pupil. The scanning process of the iris starts with a photo. In a special camera, which is usually taken very close to a person, but not closer to 90 cm, infrared illumination is applied to get a photo with very high resolution. The photographing process takes place from only one to two seconds, then the resulting detailed image of the iris is converted into a schematic form, recorded and stored for later comparison / verification. The glasses and contact lenses do not affect the image quality, and the scanning systems of the iris check the living eye by measuring the permanent oscillations of the pupil size observed.

The inner edge of the iris is determined by the algorithm of the scanning system, which displays the individual pattern and the characteristic features of the iris. The algorithm is a series of instructions that direct the interpretation process by the system of a particular problem. Algorithms consist of several consecutive steps and are used by a biometric system to determine the correspondence between a biometric pattern and registered data.

The rainbow shell is formed before the birth of a person, and, except for the cases of damage to the eyeball, remains unchanged throughout the human life. The image of the iris is extremely difficult and carrying a strikingly large amount of information, and also has more than 200 unique points. The fact that the right and left eye of a person is different from each other, and that their drawings are very easy to fix in a schematic form, makes the technology of scanning a rainbow shell one of the most reliable means of identification that is not subject to false comparison and falsification.

The frequency of false recognition in iris identification systems is 1 to 1.2 million, statistically, this is much higher than the results demonstrated in the average detection systems for fingerprints. A real advantage is the frequency of non-recognition - the number of valid registered users whose personality is not recognized. Fingerprint scanners allow non-recognition errors in 3% of cases, while the scanning system of the rainbow shell differ in the frequency of non-recognition of 0%.

Experimentally, the Identification Technology on the Rainbow Having Eye began to be used when working with ATMs in England, USA, Japan and Germany, since 1997. In these experimental projects, the client iris data became a means of verification to access a bank account, thus eliminating the need to enter the PIN client or password. When a client represented his eyeball to an ATM, and the verification of the person was positive, then access to a bank account was allowed. Such systems enjoyed great success, as it was not necessary to worry about forgotten or stolen passwords, respectively, popularity ratings among customers were very high.

The scanning method of the Rainbow Shell began to apply both at airports for various functions such as identification / verification of workers for passing through zones limited access, as well as for identifying passengers, the most common airline services for quick passport control. Among other applications, transfers of prisoners inside prisons can be called, as well as issuing freedom, in addition, should be transferred to projects such as verification during online purchases, online use of banking services, online voting and online trading. Identification method on a rainbow shell provides high level The security of the user, protection of private information, and simply helps to maintain calm and good customer mood.

Scanning hand shape

In this biometric method, a geometric shape of the hand is used to identify the personality. Since human hands are not unique, it is necessary to combine several specific characteristics to ensure dynamic verification. Some scanning devices measure only two fingers, others are fully measured by the entire hand. The measured characteristics include bends of fingers, thickness and length; the thickness and width of the hand; The distance between the joints and the overall structure of the bone.

It should be noted that although the structure of the bone and joints are relatively permanent signs, such impacts, like fibergiation of tissues or bruises, can distort the original structure of the hand. This can lead to a false comparison, however the number of acceptable distinguishing matches can be adjusted in accordance with the needs of a certain level of security.

To register in the scan system, the hand is placed on a smooth surface on which the reader is provided. The position of the hand is fixed with the help of five pins that help to correctly arrange the hand in the camera. The sequence of the camera creates three-dimensional images of the side sides and the back of the hand. Scanning hands is a simple and fast process. The scanning device can handle three-dimensional images for 5 or less seconds, and verification takes no more than 1 second. Software and hardware to capture and verify images can be easily integrated as part of autonomous devices. Those objects on which there are a large number of access points and users can be controlled centrally, eliminating the need for a user on each separate device at all access points.

Scope of the Identification method for hand geometry

Many international airports have already used hand shape scan devices in order to allow passengers frequently flying on international flights, do not stand in long queues for the passage of various immigration and customs procedures.
In enterprises, hand scans are used to take into account the arrival / care and recording of personnel movement, as well as for general working time accounting procedures. It can be of great importance for eliminating such a long-time problem as a "mark of another" arrival time / care time, as well as other fraudulent actions.

Combination various methods biometric identification

Scanning hands can easily be combined with other biometric methods, for example, with identification of fingerprints. A system in which the identification of fingerprints is relatively infrequently used, and the scan of the hand is often produced, is a two-level structure. Used often the component of the scanning of the hand allows you to perform identification of a person with an accuracy of 1: 1 (one to one), verifying that the user is really the one who gives himself. The identification component of fingerprints, which is used less often, confirms the identity of the user and performs identification with an accuracy of 1: n (one to the set), i.e. Comparison is made with various registration data.

Combined biometric systems

Combined (Multimodal) Biometric System uses various applications for coverage of various types of biometric data. This allows you to integrate two or more types of biometric recognition and verification systems to meet the most stringent requirements for the efficiency of the system.

The multimodal system can, for example, include a combination of identification of fingerprints, face drawing, voice - plus a smart card, or any other combination of biometric characteristics. Such an enhanced structure uses all the variety of human biometric data and can be used where it is necessary to overcome the limitations of a single biometric sign. For example, it is established that 5% of the population have indistinguishable (fuzzy) fingerprints, the voice may change from the cold, and the recognition of the face pattern depends on the illumination changes and the poses of the object. All these disadvantages can be overcome in a combined system that combines the conclusion made on the basis of several biometric indicators independent.
Multimodal systems are mostly more reliable in terms of the possibility of falsification, as it is harder to fake a number of biometric characteristics than to falsify one biometric sign.

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