How to write to a person with a closed personal. How to write a message in VK if access is limited

In social Vkontakte networks, and in many others, there is a lot of useful functionality, but some users are not aware of. There are flaws and bugs that are used by certain individuals for their own purposes. In this article we will analyze the function, the work of which is that any user can write yourself a message in VK.

Why is this needed? In the news feed and Vkontakte groups there is a lot of useful material, a user who is interested in her, most likely, wants to save it for the future. For example, this is a selection of books or articles, films, and so on. Of course, it is possible to save a record on the wall () or to throw it to a friend in messages, however, in the first case everyone will see your saved records, and in the second you will distract your friend with useless messages.

The desktop and mobile versions of Vkontakte have undergone large-scale processing and many features have been moved to other blocks or have been removed altogether (read :), nevertheless, sending a message to yourself in VK remained and you can also use it from your phone.

Use the Vkontakte messaging function

This method is the simplest, but provided that you log in from the desktop version of the social network, although below you will find a way to write yourself a message from your phone.

  1. Go to your page from your computer and go to your private messages.
  2. The top will be search field, where we enter our first and last name.
  3. The result will appear with your page, click on it.
  4. An empty dialog will open, where you can write one message to begin with, so that it later appears next to other dialogues in private messages.
  5. Done. Now you can send yourself publications from VK.

We are looking for ourselves in friends

Any person has at least one friend in VK. Go to his page and look for yourself in the list. Below the profile there will be a link "To write a message".

A window with a field for entering messages will be highlighted. Let's write something and send. The dialogue will appear immediately.

Write a message to yourself in VK using ID

In the address bar of your browser on the main page of your profile, you will see your ID, but it may differ if you have not changed it yourself. But the text version of the ID will not work, only in the form of numbers.

If you have not numbers, but words, then go to the Vkontakte settings and in the section "Are common" find subsection "Page address"... If there are numbers, then copy only them, and if different, then click next to the link "Change"... The line "Page number" will appear below. We copy it.

Press Enter to open a dialogue with you.

How to write to yourself in VK from a phone on Android or iOS

Since there are official Vkontakte clients on smartphones for Android and iOS, it is also possible to create a dialogue with oneself there.

Official Vkontakte application

  1. Log in from the official client to your VK page.
  2. Click on messages.
  3. Click on the search icon in the upper right (Android).
  4. In the search, enter your first or last name.
  5. If your profile appears, click on the result.
  6. We write a message to ourselves and send.
  7. The dialogue will appear immediately.

You can do the same on iOS.

Good afternoon everyone. In this article we will talk about one of the main functions of the VKontakte social network - sending messages to other users. And also at the same time we will learn about some of the nuances associated with sending messages, find out what features and functionality they have, figure out how to manage correspondence and much more.

VKontakte messages are a pretty powerful tool. Let's find out about everything in order ...

VKontakte messages. What, how and why?

Message alert. New messages "VKontakte"

When a message comes from another user, the site notifies you about it. There are several types:

  • instant notification on the site;
  • sMS notification to your phone number;
  • e-mail notification;

The second and third types of notifications work when you have set the appropriate settings in the “Notifications” section. Instant alert on the site is configured by default. When someone writes to you, the number “1” appears in the main menu of the page opposite the “Messages” item.

How to find out the number of new messages on VKontakte? Everything is very simple. On the main page you can see what number is in the main menu opposite the "Messages" item. If, for example, there is a number 3 there, it means that three people wrote to you.

It should be remembered that on the main page this counter indicates exactly the number of people who wrote to you (and each of them could write more than one message). If 4 people have written to you, 6 messages each, then the number “4” will be displayed here, not “24”! And when we go to the dialogs section, we can see how many messages a particular person wrote.

Sending text messages and sending settings

There are three ways to send text messages on the site:

  1. through the “Messages” menu item (through the “VKontakte” dialogues);
  2. from the page of the user you want to write to;
  3. via quick chat;

1. Let's consider the first option - communication through the VKontakte dialog page. This is the most common and most convenient way to communicate. In the main menu, select item "Messages", after which you will be taken to a page with a list of dialogs. Here you can select any interlocutor with whom you have already communicated or use the search in the list of dialogues.

I would like to note such a moment. Until you have written a text in the input field, the button for entering a voice message is available (microphone icon to the right of the field). As soon as you start typing, the button for sending a voice message changes to a button for sending a regular message. This means that you can send either such or such a message (you cannot send a combined text-voice message). How to send voice messages will be discussed in the next article.

As mentioned above, you can send a message with the "Enter" key. But we remember that usually this key is used to wrap lines in a text editor. "VKontakte" line break is carried out by pressing the key combinations "Shift + Enter". If you are not satisfied with this option, then there is another one. In the second case, line break is carried out with the “Enter” key, and sending - with the “Ctrl + Enter” key combination. To select this option, you need to move the mouse cursor over the "Send" button and in the window that opens, put a checkmark in front of the second option.

2. The second sending option is from user page... To do this, we are looking for the right person among friends (or through search) and go to his page. Under the avatar, click on "Write a message" and start a dialogue with a new interlocutor.

3. And the third option for sending is via quick chat. If you look at the bottom right corner of your screen, you will see a small window with the number of users and a thumbnail of the avatar of one of your friends. This is the quick chat access window. The counter displays the number of online friends. If you click on the box, a list of dialogs will open. Correspondence can be conducted directly from here - choose the right interlocutor and start communicating.

In this case, messages sent via quick chat are also displayed in the list of dialogs on the “Messages” page. You can close the chat at any time and go to the regular dialogue with the interlocutor, while the history of the correspondence will be saved.

How do you know if the other person has read the message?

To find out whether the interlocutor has read your message or not, just look at its color in the correspondence. Unread is highlighted in light blue, and after being read, its background turns white, like the background of the rest of the correspondence.

It often happens that VKontakte shows unread messages, but there are none. This is a site glitch (and it happens too). You should refresh the page, and sometimes clear your browser cache. As a rule, the counter is then reset to zero. Often such a jamb happens in the mobile version of "VK". Typically, in this case, you have to close and reopen the application. But sometimes it doesn't help either, and you have to restart the phone. Apparently, this glitch appears on weaker phone models.

How to find out, being in the list of dialogs, whether the interlocutor has read your messages or not? Your unread messages are always on top and have not a light, but a slightly bluish tint. In addition, there is a counter of unread messages near them, displaying their number.

Attachments to messages "VKontakte"

The possibilities of correspondence would be severely limited if it were not possible to attach media files and other documents to your text messages. But the creators of the social network have thought and foreseen everything, so you can not only communicate with friends, but also exchange photos and videos, attach music, documents in dialogs and even transfer money.

Photos, videos, music

Let's take a look at all the possible attachments to messages. Since the most common and frequently used attachment is a photo, attaching photos implemented with a separate button. It looks like a camera icon at the end of the text field.

Moreover, this function is implemented to attach photos only from the hard disk of the computer. If you want to attach a photo from your personal photo album, select the first item in the attachment menu.

In the window that opens, you can:

  • choose a photo from the photo album;
  • upload a photo from your computer through the “Upload photo” tab;
  • take a snapshot from the installed webcam through the “Take Snapshot” tab;

Similarly, you can attach a video to the correspondence. We select the second item in the "Video" attachment menu, and in the window that opens, you can either select a video from the list of your videos, or use the search for all videos in the social network database. Music is attached in the same way - either from its own list of records, or through a global search in the VKontakte music database.

Attachment of documents

You can attach a document to the correspondence - for example, an estimate in Excel format or a text document, a PDF file, etc. For this there is an attachment "Document". We select it and download the required file from the computer.

It is worth remembering that VKontakte cannot attach execution files or scripts - with the extension .exe, .apk or.js. Thus, the site limits the distribution of pirated programs and viruses. Moreover, these files are recognized even when they are archived.

If you have already sent any files, then they are automatically saved to “Documents”. If you decide to send them again to someone, you just need to select them from the list of documents that opens when the attachment type is “Documents”.

Card attachment

You can attach a map to any message on which you can mark a point or place. This is also done through the attachment menu. We select the item "Map", and open the window with the world map. There are not so many settings here - you can change the scale, change the type of the map (scheme, satellite or hybrid), or use the map search. In addition, there is a mark on the map that can be moved anywhere, thereby indicating an object or location, which can then be sent to the interlocutor.

As a rule, it is always more convenient to use the search on the map. For example, I need to mention the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. I type in “Nizhny Novgorod” in the search, then move the mark to the Kremlin - and you can send the map by clicking on the button “Attach location”.

Gifts and money transfers

Through messages "VK" you can also send gifts to friends or transfer money to them. How to send a gift to a friend or, we will talk in the corresponding articles.

Attaching emoticons

Emoticons are needed to express emotions that cannot be conveyed in a text message. To attach a smiley, you need to hover over the icon with a face after the text field.

Next, select the desired emoticon in the drop-down list or use the scroll bar, and select the desired symbol from several sets available on the social network. Those smilies that you regularly use in messages are displayed at the top in the "Frequently used" section.

Actions with messages

Why can't I send a message to the user?

It's all about the privacy settings. Most likely, the person you are trying to write to has posted that only friends can write to him. If you are not a friend of this person, then the function of sending a message will not be available to you. Some thus limit themselves from all sorts of spam and left-wing correspondence so that they are not disturbed by strangers.

In order to write to this person, you will have to send him a request to add you as a friend. Only after he confirms that you are his friend, you will be able to write to him.

Also, the person could have blacklisted you. However, you also cannot write to him. (For more details on why it is impossible to write to the user, see)

By the way, you can make the same settings on your own, if you don't want to be disturbed by strangers.

How to edit the message "VKontakte"

To the great joy of users of the social network, it appeared not so long ago. You can make changes within 24 hours after sending it. If you hover your mouse over it, a checkmark will appear on the left, and on the right you will see a pencil icon. All you need to edit is to click on it and editing will become available.

In the window that opens, you can change the text part, as well as add new attachments or emoticons. After completing editing, you must click on the checkmark icon. If you change your mind about making edits, you can quickly close the editing window with a cross.

Deleting individual messages

How to delete a VKontakte message? Sometimes it is necessary to "remove" from the dialogue some part of the correspondence. If you hover over any message, a checkmark appears on the left. If you activate it, an action bar with a dialog appears at the top. Select the trash can icon and click on it. A window will open where we will be asked to confirm the action (“Do you really want to delete the message?”) Click on the “Delete” button and get rid of the message.

Remember - deleted messages "VKontakte" can be restored until you refresh or reload the page. Until then, a restore operation will be available. After refreshing the page or closing the site, it is impossible to recover the deleted message! Also, you cannot cancel an already sent message.

Personal messages "VKontakte". How to clear your chat history

You may have some private, intimate messages that you don't want to show to anyone at all. You never know - they forgot to close the page on a personal computer, or left the phone, and someone (parents, friends, wife / husband) took and read the correspondence. In these cases, clearing the chat history will help you, since it deletes not only all messages, but also the dialog itself from the list of dialogs.

To delete the correspondence, go to the dialogue menu (icon with three dots) and select the "Clear correspondence history" item. After that, you will be asked whether you really want to clear the history and will be warned that it will be impossible to undo this action. To complete the action, press the "Delete" button.

As we wrote above, it is impossible to undo this action! So think carefully before deleting your chat history.

How to forward a message

In order to forward a message, you need to select it (as in the delete action). After that two buttons “Reply” and “Forward” will become available above the dialog. The difference between them is that the first one works only in this dialog (you kind of quote the interlocutor's message, as in a forum), while using the “Forward” button, you can forward any message from one dialog to another.

Next, we go to the general list of dialogs and select the one where we need to forward the message. The forwarded message is now displayed as an attachment. You can also add something in the text box, attach an attachment, or add an emoticon. You can also undo the attachment action by clicking on the cross.

A very convenient function, with its help you can quickly transfer news or the desired attachment from one dialogue to another.

Important messages on VKontakte

Some messages can be marked with a special importance icon, after which they are saved to a section. Imagine, you are thrown off some important information. You can, of course, put it in your notebook, but VK has provided a convenient tool for storing important information.

Go to any dialog and hover over the message. An asterisk icon will appear on the right with a prompt “Mark as important”. We mark!

After that, it appears in the “Important Messages” section (upper right corner of the page).

If you go to the section, then there we will see the entire list of the "importance" we marked. Here we can uncheck the importance, see the date of the message, or go to the dialog itself (arrow icon). By the way, the importance can be removed in the dialogue itself, and not only in the section with marked messages.

Well that's all for today. I wish you interesting correspondence and acquaintances!

We write a message to a friend through dialogues

Let's take a look at the first way to send VKontakte messages. We go to our page, and open the "Messages" section. Let's imagine that you have the desired user in your friends (see). We find it in the general list of dialogues, or enter the name in the search bar, and find it using this criterion (see).

When the required dialog is open, enter the required text in the form for creating a new message. You can also attach photos, audio and video content to the message. To do this, use the control buttons - a paperclip to attach files, and the camera icon - to add a photo (see).

When done, press the Enter button to submit. Or click the arrow icon.

There are a couple of cool features you can use as well.

Sends a message from the user's page

If the person is not on the list of your friends, then the message can be sent to him directly from his page. Go to it, and under the profile photo, click the button "Send a message".

Why can't I write to the user?

On some people's pages, there is no button to send a message. Instead, you are asked to send them a gift.

This is due to the fact that the person has limited the ability to contact him using the privacy settings (see).


Communication is one of the main functions for which people visit the Vkontakte social network. Now you know all the nuances of this process.


In contact with


When you find the user you want, take a look at his page. If there is an inscription "Send message" under the photo, it means that the owner of the account allows the possibility of correspondence with unknown persons. Click on this link, type your message, click "Send". If necessary, you can add a photo, document or musical composition. Below the link of the text resource there is an inscription "Add to friends". If you do not click it, you will have a limit on the number of sent messages, namely twenty. When the user is added as a friend, the restriction on correspondence is removed.

If there is no “Send message” under the photo, it means that you can correspond with this user only after adding him as a friend. Also, you will not be able to write to your friend if you are on his blacklist. You will be able to start communication only after he removes you from this list.

Sometimes on the Internet, on forums or on special pages, they post a proposal to use a code (or script) to bypass the privacy settings. You cannot prohibit their use, but you must understand that you take responsibility for the consequences. The VKontakte administration does not offer this kind of services, because it violates the privacy policy of users, ethical and moral standards. In addition, there is no guarantee that such a script will work and be safe.


In the social network "" in the menu on the left, find the button "My", click. On a new page, select the "Black" tab and write a name or id in the input field. If you enter a name, the next page will show list with all carriers, select one and click the button to the right of the contact ("Add to ban list").

In the social network “Facebook”, click on the top right of your photo, in the menu select the path “Account” - “Privacy settings”. Scroll down to the very bottom line and find the link “Block lists”. Follow it, then in the first line enter the one you do not want to receive from, or his email on the second line. After entering, click the “Block this User” button. Below, in the “Block app invites” paragraph, enter the username from whom you do not want to receive invites. In the “Block event invites” column, from whom you do not want to receive invitations to events. In these graphs occurs without additional confirmation.

Is it easy to find out information about what you liked man? About 20 years ago, one of the few solutions to this problem would be to contact the special services. Now modern technologies have come to our aid. But how can we use all this to gain more complete access to information about a person.


Refer to word of mouth. Let's recall the theory that all people know each other after five handshakes. It is that you not only can learn some information about a person through friends, but also with the person you are interested in personally. But if your goal is only to learn something about a person, then the actions will be as follows: ask your mutual acquaintances about him. Of course, if you have these common acquaintances.

As you remember, the VKontakte social network was originally created as a way of communicating with each other. Life does not stand still, and if earlier people had to correspond, sending letters to other cities or even countries, today there is no need for this, the main thing is the presence of the Internet.

How to write a message to a user

I'll start with the simplest, I think, for those who are just getting acquainted with the capabilities of this social network, this info will be useful. So, to send a message to a user, you must first of all open the section "My Messages". Further, on the right side, you will see the "Write a message" button, click on it. Now in the line "Recipient" start entering the name of your friend, and then select him from the list of suggestions. Enter the text itself and click "Send".

There is another way to send a text message, directly from the intended recipient's page. If you go to his profile, then under the avatar you will see the "Send message" button. Click on it, then write your message and send. By the way, to use this method, it is not necessary to have this person as a friend. Of course, if he did not restrict privacy.

By the way, it is interesting that the VK provides the function of sending a message to yourself. This is very convenient, because it happens when you need to save some documents, pictures, etc., and before you had to throw off all the information to friends, and then save conversations from the materials. Now you can go to "My messages", select, again, "Write a message" and enter your name.

How to write a message if access is restricted

On VKontakte, each user can restrict access to writing messages, that is, he deliberately narrows the circle of people who can write to him. If you are not included in this circle, and you really need to write, try adding this user as a friend. When you send an application, you can attach the text of the message to it, and even if the user rejects your application, he will definitely read the cover message.

These are the nuances of sending messages exist on the VKontakte social network. Hope you found it interesting!

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