How to change the password on a wireless WiFi network. How to find out your Wi-Fi password, or what to do if you forgot your password

The majority of AKADO Telecom subscribers have long ago abandoned the use of wired modems and switched to more modern routers and Wifi routers. Definitely, broadband access has its own plus - it's speed advantage over a wireless network. On the other hand, Wi-Fi frees us from the clutter of wires in the apartment and gives us freedom of movement. I would like to tell you about a few simple ways that will help avoid speed problems when connecting via Wi-Fi.

Thomson TCW770 Router Technicolor TC7200 Multi-Service Wi-Fi Router

1. Determining a suitable place to install the router

If possible, the router is installed in the very center of the room. Thus, all rooms will be covered more or less evenly. Also, if possible, avoid multiple walls between the device and the computer. No additional equipment is needed to track the signal level, a regular smartphone will be enough.

2. Elimination of interference created by other equipment

Various appliances and electronics can interfere with and affect wi-Fi quality signal is a proven fact. Accordingly, it is not advisable to have a TV, refrigerator or microwave in his way. Rearrange the equipment or move the router, it's up to you.

3. Finding the most suitable channel

I'm sure you're not the only one in the house using a wireless network, and it can also cause interference. Routers are capable of operating on different channels, which can be changed independently in the equipment settings. For determining best channel for your apartment, you can use programs such as Wi-Fi Stumbler or Wi-Fi Analyzer.

4. Make sure that only you are using the network

Check if you forgot to set a password for connecting to the network. But even its presence does not give a complete guarantee that a stranger has not connected to your device, because passwords are cracked. And okay, if he uses the network just to check email, but if you start actively downloading from torrent trackers, you can forget about high speed. There are several ways to identify outsiders. The simplest thing is to look at the list of devices connected to the router.

5. Reboot the router periodically

As with all technology, modern routers need to be rebooted sometimes. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least once a week.

6. Using "repeaters"( repeaters)

There is special equipment designed to increase the distance network connection... They work on the principle of repeating an electrical signal "one to one", they are often called "killers of dead zones."

Hello! Every day, more and more people are abandoning the old proven way to go online by pulling a cable. Most users now have World wide web there is a router in the apartment, hence, sooner or later, the question arises, how can I change the password for Wi Fi in the router?

I want to say right away that depending on the model of your router, the sequence of actions will be slightly different, but the meaning and principle in all similar cases one. It is also worth noting here that, often, each of these installation / configuration wizard windows may not contain the Russian language. Therefore, in order not to dig a hole for yourself, do everything according to the instructions that I will give below.

So let's go!

How the password for Wi-Fi is changed

The first step is to go to the settings menu of your router, which is the transmitter of the network signal. If you do not know the name of the network, then you will need to connect via wired communication. To do this, we will have to, without disconnecting the device, connect the wire to a free connector. It is also worth noting that if there is only one connector, then you will need to disconnect it and connect yours. Pull the other end of the wire to the computer and insert it from the back into the socket that is intended for the wire cable. Thus, we get the following picture: one end of the wire goes from the router, and the other is connected to a computer or laptop.

Naturally, the scheme described above may be different for you. For example, in the picture above, there is also a provider's cable (a company that provides Internet services), which can "come" from the entrance. But as you can imagine, the meaning remains the same.

How to log into the router

Now we will learn how to go directly into the router itself. To do this, in the address bar of any browser, we will have to manually register its local IP address. If you do not know him, then there are several ways to correct this defect. Either you call your provider, provide your personal identification data, as well as the model of the router (if this device is not at your home), or we will find out the desired address manually.

To do this, we find four stripes in the lower right corner of the screen, indicating that your computer is connected to Wi - Fi. Click on the icon with the left mouse button, select the active one in currently connection and click on it already right click... In the drop-down menu, select the item: "State".

We are looking for an item in the list called: "IPv4 default gateway".

We write out the value of this line, it will be presented in the form of four numbers separated by dots. This is the same local IP address that we need now.

If you are going to change the password for wi-fi and have not been connected to it, then you can do the same operations on another computer that is currently connected to this router. It doesn't matter if it's Wi-Fi or a wired connection.

Also, the IP address can be viewed under the router or behind it.

Council. If you do not know the IP address of the router, then you can try to pick it up. For example,,,

In general, no matter what method you choose, after the address has been successfully typed in the browser address bar, press "Enter". A window will appear in front of you where you need to enter a username and password to access the settings of the router.

If you do not know the password, you can look again on the device itself. In the image above, this data is usually indicated under IP. If they are not there, then try to enter the login admin or administrator, the password may be the same as the login or not at all.

Change password

Then the settings open and your eyes naturally scatter in all directions. I cannot write specific instructions on what exactly needs to be done next, since everything depends only on the manufacturer of your router. However, I will still explain the basic principles that guide developers when creating such settings.

First, you will have a small menu anyway. Either at the top of the window or on the left. They usually do not do it differently. In it you need to find an item that will be called "Interface Setup" or "Basic", i.e. item name on english language may be called something different, but very similar to these options that I gave as an example.

When I can't immediately determine where the settings are for wireless, I just go through the whole menu and look for what I need. For example, the word "Wireless". So in any case, you will definitely find this tab.

This section will contain many fields for input and selection of settings. For example, "SSID", where you can set a name for wi-Fi points... Above I gave instructions on how to enter the settings of the router, if you do not know the SSID, now you can give a name that suits you.

But still, how to change the password for Wi Fi? We are looking for here the field in which the parameter responsible for the type of protection is set. There should be WPA2-PSK. In the "Pre-Shared Key" field, enter the desired combination of Latin characters - this is your password for Wi-Fi.

After that, click on the button to save, for example, "OK", "Save" or "Submit". By the way, the blog has articles that can help you with other questions about Wi Fi:

Now you can disconnect the cable, if it was connected, and put it on the far shelf;). Some routers sometimes fail, if you do not see your SSID through the laptop, wait 2-3 minutes or reboot it - turn it off and on again. Then you connect to Wi-Fi with a new password.

Thank you for your attention, I sincerely hope this article helped you understand all the complexities associated with a WiFi password.

To consolidate the material, watch the video on setting up D-link:

Access to wireless network, especially to a network with "shared" resources is usually limited to protection. This is a necessary security measure taken to ensure that outsiders and intruders cannot damage the system or steal valuable personal information, such as authorization data for web wallets, bank cards, etc.

The router is protected in two ways - one password is provided to protect the router itself - the same one that is entered when entering the router configuration tool (the initial value is admin). The other protects the wireless network itself and its resources. If the second password is not set, then the network becomes public. Naturally within her physical reach. Such networks exist not only through an oversight of their creators, some WiFi resources were originally conceived in this way. The purpose of our post is to figure out how to change the current WiFi authorization scheme on a computer.

Change of authorization components can be caused, for example, by the fact that the existing password was cracked. Or simply because it does not have sufficient reliability, and the network owner decided to increase the degree of protection. And also for other reasons.

Router password

You can change the password on the router only in one place - in the settings of this device. The settings can be accessed through the router's web interface. This requires:

  • Launch any browser on a computer connected to the router.
  • In the address bar of the browser, enter the value 192.168.01 or (depending on the model).
  • Enter the settings menu after specifying the username and password for the device itself.
  • Go to the corresponding section of the settings (right menu panel). Different routers have different names for it, but it's always something like: "Advanced settings" \u003d\u003e "WiFi" \u003d\u003e "Security settings". Modern routers may have a tab bar at the bottom or top instead of the right menu bar. The principle is still the same.
  • On the panel that opens on the left, find the fields responsible for authentication. In the field describing the type of protection, enter, for example: WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed.
  • In the field titled "Password" enter text that meets well-known security criteria.
  • Do not forget to save the changes made with the "Ok" button (or "Save", in the localized version it can be called "Save" or "Apply").
  • Reboot.

That's the whole science of how to change the protection for wi-fi, that is, how to change the password on the router itself.

Laptop password

We figured out how to change the password on a WiFi router.

But there is one more similar task. It is well known that another device - the same laptop - can act as an access point to a wireless network.

More or less modern laptops have this capability. In this situation, we will act differently:

In the system tray of the Windows operating system installed on the laptop, we find the icon for the wireless network connection.

  • Click on the icon with the right mouse button and select the item "Manage wireless networks".
  • In the list that appears visible networks select the required one, and again click on it with the right mouse button.
  • In the emerging context menu select the item "Properties".
  • In the window that appears, go to the "Security" tab.
  • We set the switch "Display input characters". This is done for convenience, so that we ourselves can see what exactly we are typing.
  • Enter a new password in the "Security Key" field.
  • We save by clicking the "Ok" button.

Alternatively, you can suggest using a console command of the form: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode \u003d allow ssid \u003d My_virtual_WiFi key \u003d password keyUsage \u003d persistent, where a new value for the network named My_virtual_WiFi is specified instead of password.


conscript April 16, 2014 at 10:51 AM

A few simple ways to improve quality Wifi signal

  • * nix,
  • .NET,
  • API

Most users have given up on wired modems a long time ago and switched to more modern routers and Wi-Fi routers. Definitely, broadband access has its own plus - it's speed advantage over a wireless network. On the other hand, Wi-Fi frees us from the clutter of wires in the apartment and gives us freedom of movement. I would like to tell you about a few simple ways that will help avoid speed problems when connecting via Wi-Fi.

Thomson TCW770 router

Technicolor TC720 Multi-Service Wi-Fi Router

1. Determining a suitable place to install the router

If possible, the router is installed in the very center of the room. Thus, all rooms will be covered more or less evenly. Also, if possible, avoid multiple walls between the device and the computer. No additional equipment is needed to track the signal level, a regular smartphone will be enough.

2. Elimination of interference created by other equipment

Various household appliances and electronics can interfere and affect the quality of the Wi-Fi signal - this is a proven fact. Accordingly, it is not advisable to have a TV, refrigerator or microwave in his way. Rearrange the equipment or move the router, it's up to you.

3. Finding the most suitable channel

I'm sure you're not the only one in the house using a wireless network, and it can also cause interference. Routers are capable of operating on different channels, which can be changed independently in the equipment settings. To determine the best channel for your apartment, you can use programs such as Wi-Fi Stumbler or Wi-Fi Analyzer.

4. Make sure that only you are using the network

Check if you forgot to set a password for connecting to the network. But even its presence does not give a complete guarantee that a stranger has not connected to your device, because passwords are cracked. And okay, if he uses the network only to check e-mail, but if he starts actively downloading from torrent trackers, then you can forget about the high speed. There are several ways to identify outsiders. The simplest thing is to look at the list of devices connected to the router.

5. Reboot the router periodically

As with all equipment, modern routers need to be rebooted sometimes. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least once a week.

6. Using "repeaters" (repeaters)

There is special equipment designed to increase the distance of a network connection. They work on the principle of repeating an electrical signal "one to one", they are often called "killers of dead zones."

Tags: internet, technology, wi-fi

A hard-to-remember password for the WiFi router has been set, which you cannot remember. It can be easily changed - in just a few minutes. Everything is very simple.

Often users use wiFi settings default router, especially when someone from our acquaintances configured it for us or received them from our operator. Usually the password for wiFi networks written on a label affixed to the bottom of the router, which is a long and complex combination of numbers and symbols. However, it can be changed.

Step 1: Find the IP address of the router and enter the device settings

To change it, we must go to the settings WiFi router... Login is carried out by entering the IP address of the router in the browser line from any device (computer, laptop) connected via network cable or WiFi. For example, depending on the model, it can be (D-Link) or (TP-Link, Zyxel, Asus). If you do not know the IP address, you can view it through the command line.

To do this, press the combination windows keys + R and introduce cmd command... To the console command line we type the ipconfig command. In the list that opens, we find the line with the wireless network adapter and the "Default Gateway" field. Actually, the IP address of the device will be registered in the default gateway - most likely, or

Open a browser and enter the router's IP address into the address bar. The first window will open where you will need to enter your username and password. You can find them in the instructions for the device (as a rule, this is a combination of admin / admin).

Step 2: Set a new password for the WiFi network

WiFi routers have different software, so it makes no sense to describe them, because for each model are offered detailed instructions... Nevertheless, all settings items are similar, only the software shell is different.

In the main settings window, we are interested in the section of the wireless network (Wireless Settings / Wireless Network Settings / Wi-Fi Settings). Go to this section and look for the "Password" or "Network key" or "WPA2 Shared Key" (WPA2-PSK) and the like. In some models of routers, the field for changing the password is located in the subsection Wireless security.

We shoot old password and enter a new one, then save the changes. After changing the password in the router, you need to change it on all devices (computers, laptops, tablets, etc.) connected to the WiFi network. You see, there is nothing difficult in changing your password. And if you notice that the Internet started working slower or you suspect that someone from the outside has connected to your home network, you can easily change it.

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