How to delete a page in classmates altogether. What the deleted page looks like in OK. Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki through the regulations

If you decide to delete your page (account, profile) in classmates, then I have prepared detailed step-by-step instructions for you. Let's take a look at the removal methods using a computer, tablet and phone. And so I'll tell you how to delete your page if you forgot your password, mail, or even login.

How to delete your page in classmates from a laptop or computer?

After deleting the profile, the phone number and mail linked to it for another 3 months will not be able to be used in another profile on the OK.RU website.
Just wait a little, and then you will definitely be able to enter the required data in the new profile!

How to restore a page in classmates after deleting

The deleted profile is restored through registration, it is enough to indicate the phone number.

Note, deleted profile can be restored if 90 days have not passed since the moment of its deletion and the phone number has been “tied” to the profile. Unfortunately, if at least one of the conditions is not met, then the profile cannot be restored and it will be deleted forever and ever.

How to delete your page in classmates via phone

Please note that currently delete your profile via mobile version site or application OK.RU is impossible. But it is possible through the full version.

It is very inconvenient to delete a page in classmates from the phone, but if you cannot log in from a laptop or phone, you have to work a little.

How to delete a page in classmates if you forgot your username and password

We delete another profile if you are not logged in and do not know the username and password

  1. Let's first consider if you are not logged in and want to delete another profile. We indicate the category "I want to delete another profile". We indicate the profile link and mail, where messages from the support service will be sent.

  2. Click "Send Message."

  3. With you, according to the specified mailbox, the Odnoklassniki technical support service will contact. You will need to prove that this is indeed your page. Most likely you will be asked to take a picture of yourself in front of an open site in classmates.

  4. Then, respond to the received letter / message, attaching, if necessary, a photo on the background of the site.

Internet communication has become the norm in modern world, where there is access to the network from any gadget, for example, a tablet, phone or laptop. For this reason, social media has gained popularity, creating an ideal platform for communication for millions of users. For some reason, people decide to remove personal pages from these services, but this is not always easy.

OK brings together a huge number of users, many were able to find their old friends and acquaintances here, but enterprising marketers and sellers began to use the site for their own purposes. Because of annoying ads, fake accounts some people decide to delete the classmates page permanently. The reasons may be different, but there is no large and noticeable "Delete profile" button on the social network, the developer does not want to let his audience go so easily. Below will be described simple wayshow to block or completely erase an account from the site.

How to delete your page on Odnoklassniki

It is not necessary to completely destroy the profile, you can simply close access to it so that other users cannot see your personal data. If you decide to completely retire from your classmates forever, then you can use one of the options:

  • delete the page through the "regulations" section on the site;
  • using a special link through the address bar.

From computer

To leave your classmates, you will need a PC, a browser, Internet access and your username and password. It's simple and affordable waywhich can be used like this:

  1. Go to home page social networks, you need to be an authorized user, but you do not need to enter the profile itself.
  2. Use the mouse wheel to scroll down the pages until they stop. At the bottom (footer) there will be five columns with sections ( extra menu). They are designed to be comfortable and quick access users to the necessary parts of the site. You need to find in the far right column a section titled "regulations". Click on it once.
  3. A new page will open, on which a large number of rules will be written. At the moment you do not need them, but if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them. Scroll down the page.
  4. Under the text there will be two active inscriptions “contact support” and “refuse services. Click on the last link.
  5. An additional menu will be loaded, in which you will be asked the reason for your desire to delete the page. You can choose one of the proposed options or specify your own.
  6. Next, you will receive a warning from the site classmates that you will lose the ability to communicate with your friends in OK, if you do not restore the page or register a new one.
  7. After confirming the desire to delete the profile, you must enter the password.
  8. Click the delete button.

That's all it takes to delete a page in classmates. You will notice a notification that within 3 months you can still restore data on the service. In order for the page to be permanently deleted from the OK, you must forget about it for 90 days and not try to log in. This will erase it completely and irrevocably, and the phone number will be free to create a new account.

From phone

Mobile gadgets are actively used when a person is away from home and does not want to lose touch. Major services have developed special free apps for iOS and Android. There is currently no opportunity to remove classmates via the phone. The developers simply did not provide such a function in the application. This is explained by the desire to protect their customers from malefactors who are trying to hack accounts on social networks.

If you are using modern smartphone, then you can delete it using the full version of the site classmates. To do this, you need a browser on your phone and Internet access. You go to the site without using the application, scroll down the page and click on the inscription “ Full version site ". Then you need to follow the steps that were described above, using the section "Regulations".

If you forgot your username and password

Social media developer different ways try to protect customer profiles from hacking. For this reason, without knowing the password and login, deleting the page in classmates will not work. If you forgot your data or hacked the page, you need to contact customer support with a request to recover your password and login. The administration does not answer immediately, so you have to wait. After restoring access to the profile, you can delete it as described above.

How to close your page on Odnoklassniki

You don't have to delete your profile to restrict other users' access to your data. You can use standard settings service. They allow you to erase information about you, or close from prying eyes... This does not prevent you from using the services of your classmates: watching videos, pictures, listening to music. The activity information on your page will be closed. Step-by-step instructionhow to close a page in classmates.

Many users are wondering how the page in Odnoklassniki. In fact, the answer to it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This article discusses in detail all aspects of the complete and temporary deletion of an account on a social network, as well as instructions for restoring an erased page.

Reference! As in other social networks, the OK administration closely monitors its audience, trying not only to maintain, but also to increase its number. This is why the system suggests. This allows you to protect yourself from intrusive attention without deleting your account. This option is provided on a paid basis.

If the decision to liquidate the account was still made, you need to proceed as follows:

Attention! Deleting a page can completely erase not only the profile itself, but also photos, comments, discussions, groups and achievements in games.

Recovering a deleted page

The answer to the question: "If you destroy the page, can it be restored?", Depends on several factors at once:

  • Follow the steps indicated in the instructions that appear.

These actions help to quickly and absolutely free of charge return even a page that was hacked by hackers.

What the deleted page looks like in OK

If a person has decided to leave a social network, he should know how his page will look after deletion. All personal information completely disappears from it: photos and pictures, music, videos, comments, dialogues with other users, etc. Let's list some of the differences between a deleted page and a hidden one:

  • The inscription "This page is not on the site" means that the account has been deleted permanently, and all information about it has been erased from the database. Maybe the user decided to clear the old one and create a new page. In addition, this inscription also appears in cases where the profile has not yet been registered.
  • If the username is displayed on the page, and all other data is not available, then the owner has set restrictions on viewing the profile through the section with privacy settings.

Retire from OK for a while

The algorithm described above allows you to temporarily remove from Odnoklassniki, and then restore the created page, returning all photos, groups and other files. The main thing is that not three months have passed since the deletion, and a phone with the number indicated in the profile is at hand.

Thus, if you decide to leave Odnoklassniki, you can try all the instructions described above right now. But first, assess all the risks associated with the irreversible loss of valuable information.

Social networks have filled the whole world, and already more than 70% of Internet users have their own account in any of them. However, there are also those in the Internet who are already tired of virtual communication, and they delete their profiles. So, if you decide to leave the social network, then this article will be useful for you to read.

There are several ways to delete a profile in classmates:

  • through the "Regulations" (the most common);
  • link;
  • using custom code (deprecated);
  • by phone.

How to retire from classmates completely

Before deleting your profile in classmates, think carefully, because when you delete all your friends, photos, messages, videos will be completely destroyed. If you want to return to again, you will have to create a new profile.

So, in order to retire from classmates, you first need to go to your profile by entering your username and password. After that, scroll the page to the end until the bottom is a menu in which you should select the "Regulations" item.

By clicking on it, you can familiarize yourself with the regulations, and under it you can find what you needed: the link "Refuse services".

Next, a window will appear in which you will need to select one of the reasons why you want to leave your classmates. After choosing the appropriate category, you enter your password and press the delete button.

As you can see in the picture, the deleted profile can be restored if desired, but this can be done no later than 90 days from the date of deletion.

To check if you have retired from your classmates, go to the site again and try to log in using your username and password. Upon successful deletion, a message will appear informing about the absence of such an account.

If for some reason the first method did not help, try using the link:

The four x's highlighted in bold mean the sixth, seventh, last and penultimate (exactly in this sequence!) Digits of your ID, that is, instead of them, you will need to enter these numbers manually.

It is unlikely that everyone knows their ID by heart, so I will show you how to find it. So, on our page under your name and surname, we find the item "More". In the pop-up list, click "Settings". At the very bottom is our cherished identification number.

Third way to delete

This method is already outdated, but there is still a possibility that it will be useful again after a while. The method consists in entering the code into the address bar after the right slash: dk? cmd \u003d PopLayer & st.cmd \u003d userConfig & st.layer.cmd \u003d PopLayerDeleteUserProfile .

After entering, press Enter. A window will appear for deleting your account, where you only need to specify your password.

Removing classmates from mobile phone and tablet

There are cases that personal Computer or the laptop is broken, but you urgently need to leave the social network. Then users ask themselves the question: How to retire from classmates completely using a phone or tablet? " The answer is simple. You must also enter your page and click on the tab labeled "OK".

A menu with various options will appear on the left. You will need to scroll down this list. There, in the "Other" tab, you will find the inscription "Full site version". After selecting this item, it will be necessary to perform all the manipulations that were described above.

If you use mobile application for Odnoklassniki, then it will need to be removed, since it does not imply a refusal function. To uninstall an application, go to your phone's settings and click on "Application Manager" (Android), find Odnoklassniki and delete.

And a little lecture in the end. Yes, every social network does not want to lose its users, but it is better to lose hundreds of virtual friends than a couple of real ones. Spend more time with your friends instead of PCs and mobiles.

Psychologists have found that seeing friends is not only pleasant but also beneficial; and not for business, not for establishing communications and other material benefits, but for health - physical and mental. Exactly! The interlocutors in the process of communication "recruited" from each other positive positive emotions, painlessly erase the accumulated negative of everyday problems from their consciousness.

But what about the social. networks? Will they fit for such a recovery? Unfortunately not. At least more than 90% of their users think so: they prefer real meetings. And rightly so! If you decide to retire from Odnoklassniki, then you tend to join this majority. And, accordingly, leave the Internet channels in reserve - just in case.

Follow the instructions carefully, and your profile with personal data will safely, and most importantly, quickly disappear from the popular social network.

1. Go to your page in Odnoklassniki.
If you want to remove to PC:

2. Using the scrolling (scroll bar) again, under the long set of rules, find the link "Refuse services" and follow it (on a PC: move the cursor and press left button mouse).

3. After these actions, the Odnoklassniki website will ask you to “explain” why you decided to leave. Fill out the form as follows:

  • in the column "Specify the reason ..." - put a tick in front of the circumstance because of which you want to "leave" from "Odnoklassniki". If there is none in the list, you can choose any option - at random. After all, the user has the right to keep his true intentions secret;
  • in the "Enter password" field - type the password for your profile.

4. Having indicated all the required data, think carefully again - to leave the social Internet space or still remain in it. Does your mind not disturb the feeling of separation and regret? No, well, okay! Click the Delete Permanently button.

That's the whole procedure for destruction personal profile on Odnoklassniki! Note: it is done by you yourself and, accordingly, free of charge; without the participation of other users and even more so, IT specialists.

If the deletion is successful, the Odnoklassniki website will redirect you to the login page. To check the absence / presence of a profile in social. network try to log in with your username. Will open personal page - that means they did something wrong. The message "such an account does not exist" will appear - everything is "ok" - it turned out to be deleted; rejoice at your "disappearance" from the digital wilds of the social network.

Plus to this! Now, dear reader, you can competently help not only yourself, but also your relatives, friends and acquaintances in solving the question "How to leave Odnoklassniki forever?"

Let the feeling of comfort and user freedom on the Internet never leave you.
All the best!

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