How to add a font to the system. How to install a new font in Word

If you often work in Word, Photoshop or other programs where you need to deal with text, then it is likely that you will need different types of fonts. This article will show you how to install them and where.

First, a couple of tips:

1. Fonts have the extension .TTF (the last three letters after the name). Any other file is not a font, always check what you download and install.

2. Even if you find a beautiful font, do not rush to install it, because it may simply not suit you. The point is that fonts may not be suitable for Cyrillic, i.e. for writing Russian letters. Yes, they look great with English ones, but alas, they only work with them.

How to install a font on a computer

The font installation method is suitable for Windows users XP, for other operating systems, in particular "seven", 8 and vista - in principle, everything is the same. How to install a font on Linux and others like it Unix-like systems - no idea. Let's get started.

Having found suitable fonts, so that they appear in the computer, in particular, in the programs you need, do TWO operations.

Go to the Windows folder (usually on system disk C: \), open the fonts folder there and drop your fonts there.

Control Panel -> Fonts. Click on the File menu, click "Install fonts", in the menu that opens, look for them, and install.

For a faster and simpler installation process, if there are more than one fonts, you can install them all at once by holding down the Ctrl key.

For the convenience of working with fonts, there is a special software that will help you view them, select new ones and install them. It's about by Fontonizer.

How to install a new font

In this tutorial:

Installing Windows XP fonts

Installing fonts in Windows 7

How to download Russian fonts

Installing Windows XP fonts.

If you have a font on your computer that you want to use, then all you need to do is install the font in Windows. After that, it will be available in any program, be it Photoshop, Sony Vegas or any other program that uses fonts.

To install the font, you need to click "Start / Control Panel". If you entered the control panel for the first time, the window will look like this (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Panel Windows management XP.

Now in the "Control Panel" window (classic view), find the "Fonts" icon (Fig. 2) and click on it. A window will open in which all the fonts installed in Windows are located.

Figure 2. Fonts in Control Panel Windows XP Control Panel.

However, an easier way is to simply copy the required fonts to the "Fonts" folder using the explorer (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Installing a new font in Windows XP.

Installing fonts in Windows 7.

Installing fonts in Windows 7 is almost no different from installing in Windows XP, except that appearance... As in the first case, we need to click "Start / Control Panel". In the window that opens, you need to click "Category" (Fig. 4) and select "Large icons".

Figure 4. Windows 7 Control Panel.

After that, find the "Fonts" icon (Fig. 5), open it, and by simply copying the fonts into this folder, install new fonts in Windows 7.

Figure 5. Installing a new font in Windows 7.

How to download Russian fonts

And so in order to install new fonts on your computer, you first need to get them somewhere. There are many fonts on the Internet, but to find those that support the Russian language, the request should look like this: "Russian fonts" (you can add the word download), or " cyrillic fonts».

While searching for fonts, you can find sites where you can see what it looks like before downloading a font. I think this option is the most convenient and I advise you to search for just such sites (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Font preview before downloading

But there is another option, it is to download fonts in whole collections, for example "2000 Russian fonts in one archive". It seems that this option is much more convenient since you do not need to search for fonts one at a time. However, as practice shows, having downloaded such a package of fonts, most users “do not bother” and install all these fonts into the system.

Thus, firstly, they create additional load on the system, which can significantly affect overall performance.

Secondly, it becomes much more difficult to search for the required font, among so many.

And thirdly, I personally doubt that anyone will use all these fonts in their work.

Therefore, if you download so many fonts, then it is better to install only those of them that you definitely need.

To see what the font looks like before installing it, you need to open it with notepad, which takes a lot of time. That is why I once again advise you to download the fonts one at a time, carefully choosing only the ones you need.

Well, and most importantly, do not forget that the font, first of all, must be "readable", and then beautiful.

This article will discuss how to install a font on your computer.

  • Where to download a beautiful font
  • How to install a font

If you are looking for how to install a font, then most likely you know why you need it. Let's assume you're making a wedding card and you want the greeting to look exotic and not in the standard Times New Roman (or worse, Comic Sans) font. Or maybe you are filling out your resume and you need to highlight the heading in a special font. One way or another, two questions arise in connection with fonts:

  • Where to download a beautiful font;
  • How to install a font.

Where to download a beautiful font

Here are several services where you can download a variety of fonts:

Conveniently, on these services you can immediately see what the font looks like.

How to install a font

In fact, installing a font is a simple matter. In general, fonts are stored in the C: / Windows / Fonts folder (which is hidden by default). But, the system provides standard way installing fonts through the interface.

The control panel has a separate section "Fonts". By dragging any downloaded font (file in ttf format) into this "folder" you will see it in the list of fonts, for example, in Photoshop. Below I showed this whole "process" in the screenshots.

Download the font file in ttf format
This is what the font file looks like
A list of all font files can be seen in the Control Panel, section "Fonts"
Drag the font here and immediately see it in the list And as you can see, our font successfully appeared in the font list. Microsoft Word

How to install new fonts on your computer without unnecessary problems?

Working with text files, you quickly start to get bored of the monotonous design using standard fonts like Times New Roman. You come across them at work, and in school, and in personal correspondence, and wherever possible. Boredom and nothing else! So why not add originality to your day-to-day computing experience? Why not bring a touch of personality to your text projects? In this case, the only thing that is required is to pay attention to how to install new fonts for documents on your Windows PC.

Method number 1: Install "on demand"

For those who decided to please their text documents fresh fonts, you just can't help but offer this original selection, which contains more than 175 original font design options and "weighs" only about 5 MB. How can I use it? Simple enough! You just need to download the archive with fonts, unpack it on your computer or on external storage, and then double-click on the shortcut of the appropriate file and click the "Install" button in the opened document:

In addition, you can install the font "on demand" through the administrator. In this case, the procedure will be slightly different: after downloading and unpacking the archive, click on the appropriate font file with the right mouse button, and then click on the "Install" item in the list that appears:

As a result, the selected file will be installed on our computer in a matter of seconds.

Method number 2: System of "hot" keys

Both novice users and those who have long since said goodbye to the teapot shortcut simply cannot refuse the pleasure of installing fonts on their computer using hot keys. In this case, however, it is also worth stocking up in advance with a set of suitable font files. If you want - download the proposed package; if you do not want to - choose the appropriate options on the Internet. One way or another, after downloading the font files to your PC, you will have to act like this:

In principle, this completes the installation of the fonts, since with the last action in less than a couple of seconds, the selected font files will be successfully installed on the PC. Moreover, if the font suddenly did not meet the expectations, it will be just as easy to remove it. You just need to reopen the Fonts folder, select the unnecessary option and press Shift + Del, and then Enter:

Not difficult, right?

Method number 3: Software "tricks"

Answering the question how to install new font for Windows, one cannot but pay attention to the program method: fortunately, there are plenty of all kinds of utilities today.

In particular, such a program as FontMassive Light is designed to transform the font design of documents. What is it good for? For example, the fact that this utility is absolutely free, easy to use, Russian-speaking and at the same time does not require installation on HDD... At the same time, the program allows you to view the installed fonts, install new ones and, if desired, remove them from the PC:

So, to install a new font using FMLight, simply drag and drop a font file from a folder or explorer into the central field of the utility.

Another one free program undoubtedly noteworthy is FonTemp.

What's so special about her? For example, the fact that with its help you can install the necessary fonts on your PC temporarily. So, while the program is open, all fonts added to it through the Edit tab are available in all applications, but as soon as you close it, all temporary files will disappear without a trace.

Of course, if you wish, pluses can also be found in such utilities for installing fonts as NexusFont, Font Expert, FontLister, etc. The choice is in any case only yours!

How to install fonts on Windows

Many users are faced with situations when a familiar document on a monitor screen or in a picture has little to do with the document that the user opens on his screen. Some graphic files or documents may use special fonts that are not available by default in Windows. Sometimes you just need to install a new font to customize the display of text elements of the graphical shell of the OS.

What fonts are installed on the operating system?

Sometimes a user needs to find out if the desired font is in the windows of his computer. Some design programs use the fonts installed in the OS in addition to the built-in fonts. And I’m just wondering what typeface options are available to the user. Find out the list installed fonts and their number is very simple. It is enough to go to the control panel, and then to the "Fonts" folder.

Why do I need additional fonts?

Microsoft made it possible for users to install custom fonts in the OS, expanding the design options for the operating system's shell. In addition, various unofficial assemblies and distributions of Windows OS may already contain installed packages with all kinds of fonts. Designers and graphic workers often use non-standard fonts for the graphic elements of posters, flyers, brochures, business cards, and other products. There may be a problem with the display of inscriptions made with such fonts if these fonts are not available on the Windows system.

How do I install a font in Windows XP?

First, you need to download the .ttf font file to your computer. If the font files were in the archive, then unpack the archive. Next, open the computer control panel and open the "Fonts" item. In the folder menu bar, select "File", "Install Font". In the window that opens, select the font files in the folder where you downloaded and unpacked them. Make sure the "Copy fonts to Fonts folder" checkbox is checked and click OK. If everything is done correctly, then new fonts will be installed on the system.

How do I install a font in Windows 7?

Installing fonts in Windows 7 is almost the same as in Windows XP. Everything is very simple. You can simply drag the desired font from the folder where it was downloaded to the Windows fonts folder with the mouse.

You can select several font files at once and install them in batches by dragging them into the font folder. If the system already contains one of the fonts that you want to install, then Windows 7 will display a dialog box asking you to replace the existing file.

Alternative way to add fonts to Windows 7

There is a way that is even simpler than those described above. Open the folder with the downloaded fonts, select the desired fonts, click on one of the selected font files right click mouse, select "Install". The process of installing the font in Windows 7 will begin.

Installing fonts in Windows 8 and Windows 10

The procedure for adding new fonts to a Windows 8 or Windows 10 computer is the same. Click on the new fonts, select "Install" or drag them to the font folder opened from the control panel.

That's all. I hope that this operation adding fonts to Windows did not become difficult for you. Adding fonts to Unix-based operating systems, as well as MacOS - in one of the following articles.

Font Is a graphical form of signs of the alphabetical writing system. That is, the font is not the letters themselves, but their design. It can be bold, oblique, elongated, handwritten, square, rounded, and whatever else it cannot be. Do not confuse with. In the latter case, it is a means of drawing letters and editing them.

By installing on your computer operating system(OS), it already has a whole arsenal of fonts. Basically, these are those that the OS itself uses for its design, as well as a number of standard ones that have become generally accepted, such as Times New Roman and Arial. If you have used any product from Adobe, then a large set of fonts from that company will be automatically installed. Any other computer applications can add to your font library as well.

In the end, what the OS offered is not enough, especially when dealing with design and graphics. Here you are, if you have installed Photoshop, this already means that you need to search and install new fonts. And now I will teach you how to do it.

When looking for new fonts, it is important to pay attention to the fact that they support Cyrillic, i.e. Russian language. Difficulties and disappointments will arise here, because the situation has developed in such a way that the number of Russian speakers is ten times less. And among the English ones there are such cool ones that they just drool, but they cannot be used for a Russian-language text.

Installation instructions for fonts

In general, they are not installed in a specific program. For example, Photoshop has access to a shared font library. This means that those that are installed in the OS itself, they will also be displayed in Photoshop. Therefore, the main task is to be able to open the library and add the fonts you like there..

Let's assume you've found a suitable one. It must be in otf or ttf format and has the following design:

Please note, if it supports the Cyrillic alphabet, then the preview will show three Russian letters "Abf". Also, by letter you can understand what its style looks like.

So, here's how to install:


Right-click on the file and select Copy from the drop-down menu.


Open the font library. It is in the folder Windows - Fonts... Typically, the address bar looks like this: C: \ Windows \ Fonts.


Click on any free space within open window right-click and select Paste from the drop-down list. A short installation will start.


Everything is installed. Open any program, be it photoshop, or, for example, a text editor. The main thing is to remember the name of the font in order to find it from the list.

If you spot an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thanks!

What is a font?

Font Is a graphical representation of a set of characters (numbers, letters, and signs). The operating system installs fonts that are compatible with various printers and programs.

The main types of computer fonts

Font TrueType- a type of computer font that can be set to any size. Fonts TrueType clearly displayed and readable at any size, and can also be output to any printer or other output device supported by the operating system;

Font Opentype- a type of computer font that can be rotated or scaled to any size. Fonts Opentype clearly displayed and readable at any size, they can be sent to any printer or other output devices supported by the operating system;

A font that makes them appear crisp and smooth when displayed on LCD monitors;

Font PostScript- a type of computer font created by the company Adobe systems... Fonts PostScript- smooth, detailed and high quality.

Operating system Windows comes with many built-in fonts (e.g. Windows 7 with package Microsoft Office 2007 - 438 fonts; 339 MB; Windows XP with package Microsoft Office 2003- about 250; 50 MB).

It seems that there is such a huge number of fonts - for all cases of computer life, and, nevertheless, it is often necessary to install additional fonts (for example, some characters are not displayed in files or some program does not work correctly). Typically, additional fonts are installed automatically when you install a program that requires them to run. But sometimes you have to install fonts manually.

How to install a font

To install additional fonts, you must first find them (for example, on the Internet) and download.

There are several ways to install a font, for example:

Unpack the font file, if zipped;

- right-click it;

- from choose Install;

Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Fonts;

File -> Install Font ...;

- in the window Adding fonts Install;

Click on Start -> Run ... -> in field Open enter % windir% \ fonts -> OK;

- in the window that opens, select the menu File -> Install Font ...;

- in the window Adding fonts specify the location of the font, click Install;

Open the folder \ WINDOWS \ Fonts;

- select the menu File -> Install Font ...;

- in the window Adding fonts specify the location of the font, click Install.

Notes (edit)

1. Before downloading a font, make sure you can trust its source.

2. If the menu File is not displayed, press the key Alt.

3. Font files have extensions .fon(for example, courer.fon), .ttf(for example, courbd.ttf), .ttc(for example, gulim.ttc).

4. When installing a font TrueType whose name is exactly the same as set on this computer font PostScript, Windows will not be able to distinguish between them, which may lead to a change in the font type. To avoid this, you should not install different types of fonts with the same name.

How to remove a font

- open the folder \ WINDOWS \ Fonts;

- select the font you want to remove;

- right-click it, from select Delete;

- in the next window, confirm the deletion of the file.

Attention! Be careful when deleting fonts, as some fonts are required by the operating system to function. These fonts include:

Lesson topic: how to install fonts in Photoshop... The lesson is based on the example of the CS6 version, but it can be applied to CS5 and other versions.

To add fonts to the editor, you need to have them on your computer. Just download them from any site that provides such an opportunity. But be careful when choosing - not all fonts support the Cyrillic alphabet, that is, the Russian alphabet.

So that the fonts are displayed correctly in Adobe photoshop, you should choose them with the extension .ttf (TrueType) or .otf (OpenType). Of these, the first is the most common.

Methods for installing fonts

Installs fonts in system folder computer, sometimes into the program itself. There is conflicting information about where it is better to add them. Some argue that you should not add to the system folder as it will overflow and all text-enabled editors will become slow to work. Others feel that you shouldn't overload Photoshop with new presets to make it run faster. Both are right - both the editor and the OS become heavier with a large volume of files. To prevent this from happening, you can use special programs... Let everyone choose the best option for themselves.

In any case, the archive downloaded from the Internet must first be unzipped.

Custom font installer

The method works flawlessly in Windows systems and Vista.

Option 1... Open the file with the font - there is an Install button at the top. Press it - the font goes into the system folder and becomes available to all text editors.

If the button is inactive, then this font is already in the folder.

Option 2. Without opening the file, select it, and with the right mouse button call the context menu. In it, select the Install command. It will download to the system folder.

These methods are great when you need to insert 1 - 3 fonts. With a larger number of them, it is better to use other methods.

To the OS system folder

In the XP system, go to Start → Control Panel → Fonts. In the window that opens: Menu → File → Install Font. It becomes possible to find the required file on the computer. We find and install the installation.

In OS Windows library Fonts is located in the Fonts folder, which can be accessed in two ways. Along the way:

  1. Start → Control Panel → Appearance and Personalization → Fonts.
  2. My Computer -> C Drive -> Windows -> Fonts.

If your computer is running MAC OS, look for the Fonts folder in the Library directory.

On Linux systems, the folder with the same name is one level down - in the share directory in the usr folder. The path will be like this: / usr / share / fonts.

The folder was found. Open it up and paste in the fonts.

By dragging and dropping. Next to the Fonts folder, open the fonts folder. Select the desired file or several, hold it down with the mouse and drag it to Fonts.

By copying... Highlight required files, copy them with the keys Ctrl + C or click on the selection with the right mouse and in context menu choose Copy. You can also select the Cut command if you do not intend to leave these fonts in this folder.

Then go to the Fonts folder, right-click on the white field between the files (not on the file!), Select the Paste command.

How to install fonts in Photoshop editor

In Photoshop itself, you can insert files of other formats, not only TrueType.

You can use the copy method described above, with the difference that you need to paste them into the system folder of the editor itself. It is located along the path: drive C → Program Files → Common Files → Adobe → Fonts. They will work in Photoshop, but will remain unavailable for other programs.

Tip: after installation, the fonts in Photoshop will appear immediately. If it doesn't, restart the editor.

Using manager programs

There are various programs that make it easy to activate a large number of fonts of different, even non-standard formats, and deactivate them when they are no longer needed.

The main advantage is that they do not overload either the operating system or Photoshop. Some of them are named:

  • Adobe Type Manager;
  • Hpfonts;
  • Adobe Type Manager Deluxe
  • Fonts Expert.
Read also:

We found out where all the fonts that are used in various programs, and now we will look at how to download and how to install fonts in Windows 7... There is nothing difficult in this, but in the end you will learn how to beautifully design the typed text.

By the way, if you are interested in how to install a new font in Windows XP or Vista, then this tutorial is also suitable. fundamental differences not here, just read carefully.

Let's remember first where to install fonts... Open the Control Panel using the Start menu.

Now open the Fonts folder.

A window will appear, which shows all the fonts that are on the computer.

If you have them displayed differently, then for convenience you can change the view to the list, for this click on the triangle, as shown in the picture above. In the window that appears, click List.

Basically, you can try other points and see which view you like best.

These fonts are used in all programs in which you can print, for example, in text editors like, or in graphics editing programs like Photoshop. But it so happens that, for example, you want to print an inscription on a picture or an article title nice font, and the options available in the program do not suit you. Let's go back to our rams. So how do you install the font on your computer?

First, you need to download it from the Internet. Personally, I advise you to download fonts from the site

This site is about Photoshop, but fonts are displayed the same in all programs, so you can download from here. Moreover, the site is reliable and convenient.
Scrolling through the site and on the left we find the inscription Fonts. Click to open the list different types fonts. Let's choose, for example, Decorative Russian fonts.

So, such a page opens.

As you can see, there are also categories of fonts at the top, and below are the fonts of the category that we have chosen. Let's choose the font Chokogirl, for example.
A page with a font will open, here in the picture you can see how the font itself looks like, but just below we press "Download Font".

We save it on the Desktop for convenience.

The fonts are lightweight, so they download quickly. We find the archive with the font on the desktop. Now let's look at how to extract it from the archive and how to add a font in Windows 7 so that it can be used.

How to add a font to Word and more?

Right-click on the archive, click Open with, then select WinRAR. If you do not know how to unpack archives, then read my two articles on this topic:

Here is a picture in the archive with the image of the font and the font itself. Now, without closing the archive, open the Fonts folder in the Control Panel. Hold the file with the font with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag it to the Fonts folder and release the mouse button.

It should now appear in the Fonts folder.

If suddenly it does not appear yet, right-click on an empty space in the folder and click Update.

Now, to check, let's open it. Select the text and open the font list.

Scroll through the list and find our font. We select it.

As you can see, even the English text has changed, but this is not always the case.

Do the same in Photoshop - everything works.

So we found out how to set font to word and into other programs. Feel free to experiment and find new fonts. Surprise your friends with interesting text design. After all, it is not only the content that is important, but also the form. It is enough to understand once how to add a font. , and you will have new opportunities for text design.

If you still have questions, then watch the video tutorial, in which I explain everything in detail.

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