Sample class schedule. Lesson timetable template to fill in on the computer. How to download and fill out a lesson schedule template on a computer

We bring to your attention 4 lesson schedule templates for the school in Word format, convenient to fill out on a computer. More precisely, these templates from Microsoft are specially designed with the ability to edit to your liking, plus the items fit on the lines in the picture, which is very convenient and will not take you much time.

Timetable for elementary school

Colorful lesson timetable template with sun, bird and green meadow. Template for younger students. You can change the illustrations and background in the template: right-click on the picture and select "Change picture" to select a new picture from the file, or insert a picture from the gallery.

Lesson timetable with airplane and hot air balloon

School timetable template. You can change the illustrations and background in the template: right-click on the picture and select "Change picture" to select a new picture from the file, or insert a picture from the picture gallery. The template contains a call schedule.

School timetable (for 8 lessons)

School timetable template. You can change the illustrations and background in the template: right-click on the picture and select "Change picture" to select a new picture from the file, or insert a picture of your choice. The template contains a call schedule.

Lesson timetable with ruler, pencil and pen

Lesson timetable with ruler, pencil and pen, which has the ability to specify a bell schedule.

The educational mode of the school should correspond to the functional capabilities of the students. The volume, content and organization of the educational process should ensure such a state of the body in which fatigue would completely disappear during the rest period.

The main criteria for evaluating lessons in terms of the functional capabilities of students are difficulty and tediousness. Tiredness is characterized by a change in working capacity, and the difficulty of the subject is characterized by the level of academic performance, that is, the degree of assimilation of educational material. Therefore, when scheduling, both factors must be taken into account equally.

When scheduling lessons, the following factors should be considered:

  • performance (characteristics of labor, i.e., the quality and quantity of acquired knowledge or actions at a certain time) depends on the age of a person, his individual biorhythm, time of day, day of the week, season, etc .;
  • the degree of fatigue depends on social, psychological, biological causes.

To reduce the fatigue of students and teachers during one day, it is necessary to correctly distribute lessons in productive and unproductive hours and days.

Subjects that require a lot of time for home preparation should not be grouped on the same day of the school schedule. During the most unproductive hours (from 11.30 to 14.30), lessons should be built from the standpoint of health saving, which implies a valeological approach to organizing a lesson, choosing forms, methods, lesson techniques, changing the types of activities of students and types of teacher teaching (every 5–7 minutes).

When scheduling, you can use the scales of difficulty of educational subjects developed by I.G. Sivkov (for elementary school) and employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents M.I. Stepanova, I.E. Alexandrova, A.S. Sedova (for students in grades 5–9)
Using the data in the tables above, it is possible to assess whether the lesson schedule of any class is correctly drawn up.

The schedule is correct if:

  • the school has a single timetable for classes in the first and second half of the day (for students and teachers);
  • the highest number of points per day in the sum of all subjects is for grades 8-11 - on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; for grades 1-7 - on Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday is a somewhat easier day);
  • during the school day, lessons “difficult” and “easy” alternate;
  • the lessons of one subject alternate with the lessons of another subject, and are not doubled (the exception is modular learning technology);
  • the main subjects for younger students are held in 2-3 lessons, and for middle and older children - in 2-4 lessons;
  • the names of the subjects in the timetable and curriculum are the same.

The schedule is incorrect if:

  • the highest number of points per day falls on the last days of the week or when it is the same on all days of the week;
  • "difficult" lessons are doubled;
  • “difficult” lessons are in the schedule in a row;
  • “difficult” lessons in the schedule at the first or last lesson;
  • the number of home preparations is equal to the number of lessons.

For optimal load distribution, the following are not allowed:

  • zero lessons;
  • breaks lasting 5 minutes;
  • double lessons in grades 1-5, exceeding 8 points on the scale of difficulty, if the lesson planning does not provide for a second hour of practical or laboratory work;
  • grouping in one day items that require a lot of home preparation;
  • discrepancy in the schedule of the first and second half of the day;
  • discrepancy between the names of subjects in the schedule grid and the school curriculum.

Thus, when scheduling classes, it is necessary to take into account:

  • distribution of the study load by day of the week;
  • distribution of the study load during each day separately;
  • alternation of subjects of different types of activity;
  • observance of hygienic requirements for the lesson schedule.

To do this, the schedule is analyzed and, based on the results, an analytical report is compiled.

  1. The total load at the beginning and end of the week should be the smallest (according to the rank scale of difficulty).
  2. Examinations should be carried out at 2-4 lessons in the middle of the school week.
  3. The main teaching load during the day in the senior and middle grades should fall on the 2nd-4th lessons.
  4. On Monday and Friday it is not recommended to schedule two-hour lessons.
  5. In elementary school, it is unacceptable to conduct double lessons in the same subject. In this case, the degree of fatigue of children increases by 7 times.
  6. In the 5th grade, double lessons in one subject are allowed only in exceptional cases and on condition that they alternate with easier lessons (or a lesson).
  7. In the middle and senior grades, double lessons against the background of the modular technology of building the educational process, on the contrary, contribute to the preservation of the health of students.
  8. Lessons that require a lot of mental stress (mathematics, Russian, physics, chemistry) are recommended to be taught first or second. Lessons on art, the world around, artistic work should be held after a dynamic pause (the third lesson), and lessons with a predominance of the motor component (rhythm, physical culture) should be the last.
  9. Classes in the second half of the day should be held no earlier than 45 minutes after the end of the last lesson in the first half of the day.
  10. When arranging lessons during one school day, one should take into account the predominant activities of students in this lesson (reading, looking at, writing, active motor activity, practical work, listening, speaking, etc.) and try to alternate them.
  11. Every day, the number of home preparations should be less than the number of lessons in the schedule.
  12. Zero lessons are not allowed!
  13. Subjects that require a lot of time for homework (history, algebra) should not be grouped on the same day of the school schedule.
  14. It should be remembered that when scheduling lessons, you need to take into account the number of hours allotted by the basic curriculum for the implementation

Create a class schedule that inspires you to study and work in minutes.

To achieve success in learning, it is important not only to make maximum efforts, but also to organize the process correctly. You can create a stylish schedule quickly and effortlessly in free. In this article, we show you how. Here you will find 25 class timetable templates for teachers and students that can be easily edited, downloaded and printed. And you will find even more designs for school.

Class timetable

The schedule of lessons for the week is a basic school document. This schedule can be printed for each student in the class:

How to create your own lesson schedule

To quickly create a lesson schedule and arrange it in the form that will be convenient for you, open . Go through a quick registration or log in if you already have an account on the site. In the template search bar, enter "lesson schedule":

Step one. Ask a query "schedule of lessons"

From the options presented, choose the one that suits you and will meet your needs. Add it to your worksheet with a single click of the left mouse button.

Step two. Select the desired template

Enter the desired text, if necessary, change the font type, size, color, and spacing between letters and lines in the text. Try the League Spartan, Peace Sans, Kollektif, Raleway, Quando, or Arimo fonts.

To learn more about the principles of choosing fonts in design, read.

Step three. Edit the text

At this stage, you can already print the schedule form and enter information into it manually. Or you can go ahead and do it in the editor. To add new text quickly, copy the text field from the existing ones and move it to the desired location in the table. Please note that the editor will "help" you determine the best location for the new text field: red dotted lines will appear on the sheet for centering.

Step four. Add text

With further filling of the table with text, it will be more convenient to change the view of the working field: hide the left task, increase the scale.

In the editor, you can change the scale and presentation of the working field

So, our schedule is ready. You can download and send to print.

Save the finished schedule for printing

In the Canva editor, you can change not only text, but also colors, add images and create new layouts until you achieve the desired result.

Use this template

To choose a new successful color scheme for the layout, use . Here's what the previous class schedule template looks like in the new color combination:

Use this template

Read also about how to work with color combinations. You can change the width of the columns in ready-made templates and add the required number of new cells. For example, if the school week does not consist of five, but of six or seven days.

Use this template

For convenience when working with objects, you can group them and ungroup them. This will allow you to move objects around the workspace as a group or one at a time.

Use this template

Remove the parts you don't need and add the ones you need. For example, you can add a school crest or club emblem. Any JPEG, PNG or SVG file can be placed in your new lesson schedule.

Use this template

You can create a simple and concise schedule on a white background:

Use this template

Or you can use graphic images and illustrations as a background. They can be selected in the left menu of the editor, in the "Background" and "Elements" tabs.

Use this template

Download to your phone so you don't forget anything and don't be late anywhere.


time table

A beautiful and intuitive school life management application. You can enter the schedule, homework, exams and even holidays. The app can sync with all your Android devices, and will automatically go into silent mode during class.

School diary

In this electronic diary, you can keep a schedule, indicating the name and phone number of the teacher, as well as the location of the lesson. In order not to forget anything, the application has widgets on the main screen of the phone. It is also possible to take notes on subjects and put marks on them. But, perhaps, the most pleasant feature is the deletion of completed homework assignments.

light school

It allows you not only to keep a schedule and write down homework, but also track the time before the start or end of the lesson. Feature - the presence of theoretical materials. If you suddenly forgot how to find the sine of an angle, you can look right in the application.

To-do list

Not very colorful, but multifunctional application. In it, you can create a schedule and export it to the calendar on the device. You can view the schedule of classes for a week or several at once and display a widget with reminders on the main screen. During the lesson, the application automatically turns on the silent mode, and you can set deadlines for homework.

Schedule - school planner

The essence of the application: one user publishes the schedule of his school so that his classmates can then find a ready-made class schedule. Comfortable! Too bad there aren't many people using the service. But there is a widget and a QR code scanner.



Allows you to create a beautiful multi-colored schedule indicating the classrooms where classes will be held. It is convenient to write down tasks: you can simply take a picture of the board or dictate with your voice. And one more super-useful feature: you can enter grades for subjects and calculate the average score. The application supports the Russian language, synchronization with iCloud works.

iStudiez pro

Allows you to create a schedule with recurring lessons. Each item can be assigned its own color - so in the future it will be easier to navigate the schedule. You can add holidays and weekends to the calendar, as well as save useful information about classmates and teachers.

Class Timetable

Rainbow planner for students. The standard set of features includes a schedule with reminders and a list of homework assignments. But there is also an interesting feature: the application works not only on the iPhone and iPad, but on the Apple Watch. It is convenient if, in addition to studying, there are also sports sections and you need to keep up with everything.

Grade Hound

Calendar for schoolchildren and students with the ability to mark items by color and put down grades for subjects. The highlight: time graphs showing how much time you spend on a particular item. Minus: does not support Russian.

Class Schedule – Timetable

Another helper for students who lack organization. You can create a class schedule with recurring or alternating weeks, share it with friends, and write down homework assignments. Thanks to a handy widget, you don't even need to unlock your device to quickly check your schedule.

Foxford timetable

The class schedule of classes at the Foxford Home School and external studies is on the website in the "Educational process" section.

Select your class and click "Details". You will see on what day of the week and what time this or that lesson takes place and you will be able to add a schedule to your electronic planner.

Also, at the beginning of the school year, students receive timetables in the form of convenient pdf-tables.

All homework assignments are stored in the Student's Personal Account. All you have to do is select a course and class number.

The dashboard will remind you about new and already completed tasks. From it you can go to the task with one click.

Well, if the student forgets about some lesson or homework, he will be immediately reminded of this. More reliable than any application! :)

No matter how convenient a school diary is, it is always more comfortable to have a lesson schedule in front of your eyes. It can be hung over the table so that the child, in case of questions, raises his eyes and reads all the necessary information.

The easiest way is to buy or download ready-made schedule of lessons. Template for filling in "Word" It will also help you make your own original schedule, which can be edited or updated every year.

What should the class schedule include?

The lesson schedule is a table that indicates the days of the week and the corresponding subjects. If desired, you can add a call schedule and the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, and even the daily routine or extracurricular activities. Any student is capable of making a school schedule on their own.

You can easily create a lesson schedule yourself in Word, and then print and attach it to your desktop. However, not everyone has a color printer, and constantly seeing a black-and-white table with the names of lessons for a child is one torment. What elements can be used to dilute the school schedule, and what opportunities does Word offer?

Lesson Scheduling Tips

  • If there is color printing, then you can change the color of the text, for example, mark literature lessons in one color, mathematics in another, etc.
  • The heading "Lesson Schedule" can be highlighted in a large and beautiful font. To do this, when working with "Word" you should click the "Insert" tab, go to the "WordArt" section and select the template you like.
  • Using the same “Insert” tab, you can go to the “Shapes” section and select any element you like from there. The emoticons, asterisks, hearts, etc. offered by the program developers will make the lesson schedule more lively and bright.

If you do not want to draw up a school schedule yourself, then we suggest you download ready-made templates to fill out. Bright, beautiful, with interesting illustrations - they can be downloaded, filled out and printed. It could be a cartoon timetable for younger students, or a simpler template for older kids or college students.

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