Effective instagram promotion. How to promote Instagram: a step-by-step guide to promotion

If you enter the query "how to promote instagram", "instagram promotion" into the search, then you will find 100500 ways to honestly take your money, as well as banality like - you need to learn how to take pictures for instagram just like National Geographic photographers, well, or to start becoming celebrity so that thousands, hundreds of thousands of fans like your photos.

How to promote instagram?

Brief instructions for independent and free promotion of instagram.

Let's start with the photo itself

We take the most ordinary photo, not a super colorful picture with bright representatives of the flora and fauna of exotic countries, but the most ordinary photo of the most ordinary Moscow seagull, taken in dull gray Moscow not far from Red October, and not at beach sunny resorts. This photo is ordinary in every sense, except for the color palette, which can make it stand out from the rest of the photos on Instagram.

We define a theme for this photo, as described in my article "". Topics for this photo include: birds(bird, oiseaux, vögel, 鳥類), color(color, couleur, farbe, カラー) and nature(nature, nature, 自然). The languages ​​I have used are English, French, German and Japanese. Thus, including Russian and foreign phrases, we have already managed to collect 14 main hashtags for this photo on three selected topics. If desired, the number of topics and languages ​​can be expanded.

Compiling a list of hashtags to post

Posting a photo to Instagram

There is a photo, tags are collected, you can start publishing the photo itself on Instagram. We copy the first ones from the Excel table and place our photo (hashtags are meant, the popularity of which is in the hundreds and tens of millions). As soon as this is done, follow the activity in the event feed. Usually there is an instant reaction to the most popular hashtags and people start liking your photo - this is the first wave, it is important not to yawn here! The first wave gives the fastest and shortest portion of likes for a fresh photo. In the first 2 minutes you can get from 20 to 100 likes, then this activity declines and after 4-5 minutes it stops altogether.

Secret #2

Users of the first wave are the most loyal of all users who like your photos. As practice has shown, they are very willing to follow each other. In other words, it is necessary to track everyone in the event feed in these 2-3 minutes and have time to put 1-2 likes and follow each one. The reciprocity response sometimes reaches 60-70%!

As soon as the flow of the first wave goes down, this happens after 2-3 minutes after the publication of the photo, it is immediately necessary to remove the first 30 hashtags from the description under the photo and publish the second 30 hashtags in the comments under the photo, not in the description, but in the comments under your own photo.

And after that, the third portion of 30 hashtags must be inserted into the description under the photo, editing the publication for the second time. As soon as you finish editing, the second wave of likes will immediately go, not like the first, more measured and calm, a little less loyal, but still. Here you can already take your time and choose who to like and follow, and who to skip and not waste time. Users of the second wave are more picky and selective, they can reciprocate your likes, but not everyone will be made of them in return follow.

Secret #3

With the second wave of users, there is one psychological feature, if you choose those who do not have many friends, and they themselves strive to make friends with many, then such users are more willing to make mutual contact than those who have more friends. It is also important to take into account the very number of friends, with their growth, the probability of a mutual follow-up decreases. The best option is when the user has 200 to 2000 friends.

Let's go to the top of Instagram

So, you have worked out the first wave of 30 hashtags at the “A” chart point, collected a part of the likes that will be useful for displaying the best Instagram photos in the TOP and received 60 hashtags at the “B” and “C” chart points, by which the photo can get into TOP in the presence of 100 to 800 likes.

Now we are getting the remnants of the second wave, building mutual friendship with new users in parallel and checking the TOP for the weakest hashtags of the "C" point - these are the last 5-7 hashes from the third batch. After 20-30 minutes from the moment the photo was published and 150-200 likes were collected, the photo should already be in the TOP of the best for the weakest hashtags.

Secret #4

If you are unable to get the required number of likes to get into the TOP of the best photos even for the weakest hashtags, then turn on the "Insta Cats" plan and go to pump through the very mi-mi-bear audience. We go into the cat photo zone and, according to the tactics of "Secret No. 3", we begin to like all the fresh photos of cat lovers. They will easily get the missing likes for you in 15-20 minutes, but do not forget that the photos must be fresh, there is no point in liking old photos, the author may not be online, and also do not forget about Secret No. 3, among there are picky people too!

There are never too many cats! They took over the whole instagram :)

Cats are endless, but if you are allergic to them or you are already tired of them, then you can switch to dogs and other animals.

Secret #5

But seriously, do not try to look for support and reciprocity among users in those categories and topics where you yourself apply for the TOP, people are envious everywhere. If your photo is objectively of high quality, then the fastest way to get the missing TOP likes is in neighboring topics, since you do not compete with them, but help each other.

What is mass following and how does it affect the promotion of an Instagram account? What are the programs for promoting on Instagram? How to promote an online store on Instagram yourself?

Instagram - modern, effective and almost free business promotion tool. With the help of promoted accounts, people advertise and sell goods and services, introduce new brands, find the target audience and increase the profitability of their commercial projects.

If you are a businessman, freelancer, online store owner, designer, photographer or artist looking to promote your products on Instagram but don't know where to start, then this article is for you.

This is Denis Kuderin, an expert on financial issues at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, what is promotion on instagram, which ways to promote the page are the most effective, and I will give advice on how to make your profile popular in a short time.

1. Promotion on Instagram - new opportunities for your business

Instagram has long ceased to be just an application for processing and storing photos. Now it is a full-fledged social network where people socialize, have fun, make friends.

And the most enterprising ones make a stable profit from Instagram. They promote goods, services, commercial products through accounts as well as their own knowledge and skills. A promoted profile on Insta is a useful and promising tool if used wisely.

Instagram is half a billion users, thousands of new photos and videos every day, free and paid advertising, modern and convenient options and applications for processing files. It is the fastest growing, youngest and most engaged network.

A post on Instagram engages 5-7 times more users than a post, even with pictures, on other resources.

Instagram promotion in 2019 involves many nuances. The promotion is no longer working, with the growth of the subscriber, the real coverage is falling, the competition is getting higher.

The material is devoted to how to promote Instagram on your own and almost for free. In this material, we will consider in detail all the stages of promotion from A to Z.

  • How to create and design a profile for a business, personal blog or public.
  • How to create content for posts and stories, as well as write texts.
  • How to use advertising for promotion.
  • How to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of promotion.
  • What services and programs for Instagram promotion to choose.

You will learn all this by reading the article to the end, and at the end of the article you will find a small bonus.

How to promote Instagram: step by step instructions

In this article, we will describe the main steps that you need to follow at the very beginning of promoting your business on Instagram.

Creating an account and connecting a business profile

If you are starting from scratch, then the first step is. You can do this both from your phone and computer.

The next step is the transition to a commercial profile. To do this, create, go to the "Settings" section of your Instagram account and switch to the organization's business profile. The process is described in more detail in the article: how to connect.

Why do you need this business account? And then, that he has pronounced advantages, relative to the normal profile:

  • availability of statistics (views, likes, comments, engagement, coverage, etc.);
  • communication buttons (phone, e-mail and directions);
  • category indication (a special block in which you can indicate the scope of activity);
  • showing the actual address of the operation of the enterprise (by clicking on it, the client immediately goes to the page with the map).


Therefore, no matter what you will promote - a business, a personal blog or a public one, the first thing to do is switch to a company account.

Filling out the profile header on Instagram

The description (profile header) is the first thing a user sees when they visit your page. It is necessary to correctly fill this section in order to keep the attention of visitors. In the header, you need to fill in 5 main points: nickname, account name, description, photo and contact information.


This is a unique set of characters in Latin, as well as a url by which you can be found.

In the nickname, you should use the name of the company, a keyword or a reference to the region. In a compound nickname, use an underscore to separate words. Dot is allowed.

Examples: adidas, design_interior, sushi_spb.

Company name

The name is allowed to be written both in Latin and using Russian letters. Here you can also enter the brand name, a keyword by which potential customers can search for you, or the name of the product. For personal blogs, it is better to use catchy, provocative names or a real name / surname.

By using a unique name or title, you are building brand awareness. When choosing a keyword, your profile will be more demand-driven.

Description (section about yourself)

The description should contain the basic characteristics of your activity: the types of products offered, the benefits of working with you, work experience, and so on. You can also provide a link to a website. If it is missing, post links to communities on social networks.

Profile photo

When choosing Images remember two nuances: the final version of the picture will be presented to the audience in the form of a circle, which means that the original version will be cut off at the edges; The avatar must necessarily evoke an associative array associated with the services you provide (or with the brand in general).

Contact details

Go to profile settings and specify: phone, email, address and website. If there is no site, put a link to the messenger.

Also, you can duplicate the phone number in the profile description.

An example of filling out a profile header

As an example, let's take a look at filling in the profile header of a beauty salon. What should we put in the header? What information should be posted there? It is best to indicate a list of basic services, a phone number (because not everyone pays attention to the "Call" button), a call to action (write in direct for an appointment or go to the site). In addition, fill in the information in the header using a PC, as this will allow you to break the description into lines, and use emoji to highlight the lines.

Filling content

Instagram promotion is primarily based on creating attractive visual content. It is it that encourages subscribers to get acquainted with the text support of the trade offer. Non-standard photo work exhaustive selling text first calls, messages from potential customers.

Characteristics of graphic content for Instagram:

A perfect example of well-crafted and designed content from @soloma.studio

Texts for posts

In order for the visual content to be delivered to the end user, care must be taken to form an appropriate textual explanation. You can do this by posting hashtags.

Hashtags greatly simplify the process of finding the desired product. Recommendations for their use are outlined below: you should not include the most popular hashtags in the promotion algorithm, as they will be lost in the general flow of distribution tags (solution:

  • develop your own tag structure (e.g. create your own corporate hashtag), so you can not only increase brand awareness, but also influence the promotion of the product as a whole);
  • do not place too many words in hashtags (no more than 3);
  • separate items in labels with underscores (alternative: merging).

Instagram promotion hashtags

How to use geolocation for posts

Geolocation is a tool that allows you to mark the place where a particular picture was taken. In order to “enable” the function in a post, you must click the “Add Place” button in the block where the signature is put, and then enter the required geolocation data.

As a geolocation, you can use not only the place where your organization is located, but also popular places in your city (shopping and entertainment centers, places of cultural recreation, parks and squares, museums, etc.), which will allow you to cover an even larger number of audiences. If the search does not give the desired geotag, you can .

Cheat subscribers

One of the most common ways to promote Instagram is to buy followers. Just don't buy followers, because 100 times out of 100 they are bots that will never buy anything. To attract new subscribers, it is better to use automated services that will independently:

  • subscribe to those who follow your competitors or by geolocation (you can reach up to 1000 people daily);
  • subscribe to those who like or comment (work with the most active audience);
  • massively leave comments under posts (one of the best ways to attract attention);
  • launch (in this way you can remind your subscribers about yourself);
  • unsubscribe from those who have not subscribed to your account.

Services for cheating followers on Instagram:

  • instaplus.me
  • pmgrm.com
  • instamaxi.com
  • instapromo.pro
  • socialKit.ru

Let's look at a few services.

Editor's Choice: Instapromo.pro Instagram promotion service with an intuitively simple interface, but performing a lot of tasks:

  1. Masliking, -following, -commenting - here the program for you, observing the limits, pays attention to your target audience (by competitors, by geo, by hashtags or by your ID list)
  2. delayed posting
  3. The service works in the cloud, you are not tied to a computer, and it may not work for you for days, as with stationary software
  4. Responsive technical support is a separate like, because they will advise you on any issue, they will also help you set up and audit your profile
  5. Newsletters in Direct
  6. Working with comments
  7. Cool partnership and franchise

You can try all the functions of the service for free and see for yourself how Instapromo will become your indispensable assistant.

In fact, there are many more services, you can just go to the search and find the one that suits you. The main thing when using such services is to observe the limits (for example, no more than 1000 subscriptions per day) so as not to get a block from the social. networks, and also do not use young accounts under the age of 1 month for promotion. Take a look at the stats to see what kind of reach you can achieve using mass following.

How to quickly promote Instagram from scratch

By this, we mean the starting point is 0, and 100 is the maximum you can get from Instagram. And the effect, given that this is a social network can be viral and easily scalable, which is very important for business. And here is a list of additional recommendations, using which you can take your maximum and even more.

  1. Keep track of all the latest changes and trends.
  2. Stay tuned for updates - some can only be cosmetic additions, others can seriously affect the whole work.
  3. Experiment - make various hypotheses and test them for viability.
  4. Do end-to-end analytics - count how much profit you have brought from customers attracted through Instagram.
  5. Do not do everything by hand - use special programs and services, delegate routine tasks to your subordinates.

Analysis of the effectiveness of promoting an account on Instagram

Analyzing the effectiveness of promoting a business account on Instagram involves studying the following indicators:

  • coverage(number of subscribers who read the content of the post); display (number of views of publications);
  • profile views - the number of users who visited the profile page;
  • involvement users (we are talking about "measuring" the interest of the audience in the content of a certain type, the calculation formula: likes comments reposts the number of subscribers 100%);
  • number of clicks(people who went to your site via the link in the header of the account);
  • user actions (daily time spent by followers on Instagram).

The analysis helps to find weaknesses in the promotion of Instagram, draw appropriate conclusions and plan the necessary actions to eliminate them.

For example, small coverage Posts indicates that you create uninteresting content that gets few likes and comments, which is why the Instagram posting system shows your posts to an ever smaller number of users. Exit: Based on the statistics, identify the posts with the largest coverage and make the rest of the posts according to the same principle.

Another situation: low profile views. The way out will be to launch mass following or, if it is already working, to revise the conditions for selecting the audience to which the subscription is made. Has the entire possible audience been worked out? .

No matter how hard we tried, we managed to cover only a small part of the entire array of information regarding how to promote Instagram. Therefore, follow our new materials, in which we will tell you even more about promotion in one of the most popular social networks.

How to independently promote a page on Instagram for sales? What are the bots for promoting a store on Instagram? How to attract new followers for free when promoting an account from scratch?

Instagram for an enterprising and energetic person is not only a convenient application for storing and displaying photos, but also an enrichment tool. A promoted Instagram account brings its owner a stable income through sales of their own and other people's goods, advertising and high popularity.

With you is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober publication on financial issues. I will tell, how to promote instagram and attract new subscribers on your own as well as with professional help.

We read to the end - in the final you will find life hacks for keeping followers on your page, as well as an overview of popular paid services for Instagram promotion.

1. Instagram promotion - we expand the client audience for our business

Social networks are a territory of unlimited possibilities. Instagram is no exception. The resource was originally created as mobile application for shooting, storing and distributing photographic materials, but gradually the site expanded its functions and became a full-fledged platform for exchanging impressions, comments, news and likes.

The service's popularity skyrocketed in 2012 when Facebook acquired it from its original owners for $1 billion . A lot of new features immediately appeared here, including the option for recording and posting videos.

Today Instagram is hundreds of millions of registered users, a huge viewing audience, thousands of new pictures and videos every day. And unlimited opportunities for earning.

Here are the main ways to make money online:

  • sale of own and other people's goods and services through a promoted account;
  • companies, products, events and everything that can be sold and advertised;
  • promotion of accounts on a professional basis;
  • make money selling photos.

The most profitable option is to own your own business. It doesn’t matter what you do – any products and services can be beautifully presented, shown and sold.

Instagram does not charge money for registering on the network and using all the functions of Instagram. All that is required for success is free time and desire. And a well-promoted popular account.

Page boost - an indispensable condition for monetization. Popular accounts are visited by thousands of users a day, and with the number of visitors, the volume of sales inevitably grows.

What is promotion from a technical point of view? This is the intentional and purposeful promotion of your profile using various methods. Promotion is natural and artificial.

The first option is when the popularity of the page increases due to really unique and interesting content, non-trivial design and other features. Artificial promotion means use of specialized programs, applications and services. Both methods are used for maximum efficiency.

In itself, profile promotion is one of the ways to make money on Instagram. This is done both by freelancers on exchanges and by entire agencies promoting websites on the network.

Instagram successfully integrates with Facebook and VKontakte. By linking your accounts, you will be able to automatically publish everything that you shot on Instagram on the pages of other social networks.

Businessmen, athletes, actors and other media people have Instagram accounts. A lot of people filming on the phone use this network. Such popularity has turned Instagram into a kind of cult for a whole generation.

To promote your account, it is important that the posts are regular and the pictures bright

So, a promoted page on the network is a kind of capital, an asset that you use at your own discretion. It is wiser to use the asset for the benefit of the wallet.

When your page turns into complete source of income, you no longer have to spend time on promotion. The account will promote itself or with the help of a hired administrator.

But remember a few important rules:

  • the resource was created for communication, entertainment and content publishing: take monetization as a useful side effect;
  • it will not be possible to promote an account quickly - be prepared for the cost of time;
  • the main thing in this network is unique content, everything else is secondary;
  • The topic should match the content.

What account is considered promoted? This indicator is rather conditional, but among businessmen and moneymakers it is generally accepted that real popularity starts with a few thousand followers. There are accounts on the network with hundreds of thousands of subscribers - this is really a promising platform for a stable income.

2. How to promote Instagram yourself - step by step instructions for beginners

First of all, "Insta" - friendly community, i.e. a community of people who exchange impressions, experience, observations and useful information among themselves.

Here they hold contests, organize promotions, collect likes and votes. A citizen of any country or a group of people can create their own page and use it for any purpose - within the limits of law and ethics.

I will not write about how to create a profile and what the interface is - you will figure it out yourself. The theme of the publication is the promotion and monetization of the account, keeping followers on your page.

Most of the participants try to use their pages for their intended purpose - they add pictures from life there, share observations and adequate content. Compared to VKontakte and Facebook there is less useless garbage, content is more alive and people are more open.

Act consistently and success is guaranteed!

Step 1. Create and design an Instagram profile

Your photo (avatar) or profile product image is the first thing a potential follower sees. There will also be a short text - personal data, a description of the company or product.

For many, the design and first impression of the profile is a decisive factor. Looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo casually, you will scare away the consumer audience.

The description should be concise but informative.. Indicate your location, type of activity, subject and a link to the main site, if any. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

We need a call to action - not a vague "if you want to see more, then ...", but a specific one - " click here, you will see a lot of interesting things" Or something like that.

Step 2. We prepare a content plan

Since in our case the purpose of creating an account is commercial activity, you need to think over a content plan in advance - what, when and how much we will publish.

Posts should contain high-quality images, a short accompanying text and several thematic hashtags– important keywords that will make it easier for users to find the right pages.

Do not overload your page with intrusive advertising - combine promotion with useful information for followers.

Think ahead:

  • what needs of consumers you are going to meet;
  • what audience are you targeting?
  • how best to design or present goods and services;
  • what else, besides the object of sale, can you give to the visitor.

Even the owners of business accounts, no one forbids to periodically create personal posts, share their observations, knowledge, and impressions. But don't get too far off topic and stick to your unique style.

Step 3. Publish new content

If you are promoting yourself - you want to first attract an audience, gain followers, and only after that make money on your image, then personal pictures will be the main content. If you are promoting your business, stick to a pre-selected style. The optimal frequency of posts is 1-2 per day.

For example, you cook deliciously and beautifully. Why not post photos on Instagram to increase your popularity?!

  1. Use filters and don't be afraid to create- the more creative the pictures, the more subscribers.
  2. Post only high-quality images- passing shots are of no interest to anyone.
  3. Make a story out of every photo.
  4. Post videos periodically- but not too long, no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Sign your photos Where, when and why was it taken.
  6. Use hashtags- then your photos will be easier to find.

An attractive visual range encourages the study of text content. The more interesting the photo and video content, the more comments, subscribers, transitions to the main site and calls from buyers.

Step 4. Attract subscribers

The first subscribers will be your friends, acquaintances, and sometimes strangers who came to your page by accident. If you synchronize your profile with other social networks, the audience will be recruited quickly.

Further promotion depends on your activity and creativity. The more time you spend on promoting the page, the more you will achieve. If there is no time, but there are free funds, use paid ways to promote your account. About them - in the following sections.

Step 5. Analyze page traffic and make changes to the strategy

Performance analysis is the study of indicators of audience coverage (how many subscribers), engagement (likes, comments), number of clicks (how many people followed the link).

If you are not satisfied with the indicators, it is time to make changes to the strategy - slightly adjust the subject matter of the posts, make the page more "hooligan" or, conversely, academic.

3. How to attract new subscribers - useful tips and tricks

Free Instagram promotion methods require free time. But they also need to be managed wisely.

If you follow the helpful tips, things will go faster.

Hashtags are a useful thing: they help users find publications of interest to them. Tags will attract the target audience and new subscribers to your page. But do not use common and popular keywords - otherwise your posts will be lost in hundreds of others.

General rules:

  • come up with your own label - it will increase the recognition of your brand;
  • do not make labels too long: 3 words in a hashtag is the maximum;
  • separate elements in hashtags with underscores;
  • put labels not only in the explanatory text, but also in the comments.

The app remembers all the hash marks you've entered before - as soon as you enter the first letters, a list of words will drop out that you can use. The maximum number of tags for one photo or video is 30.

Anyone can promote an Instagram account on their own and for free, but this will require preliminary preparation, a little imagination and a lot of patience. You can easily and effortlessly get thousands of subscribers by paying money to a third-party specialist or an SMM agency. True, and here you can expect unpleasant surprises in addition to considerable expenses. If you have free time, the best option would be to figure it out on your own and become a pro in Instagram promotion.

Does your theme fit?

Before you start promoting, you need to understand whether Instagram is suitable for your topic. Jurisprudence, accounting, medical services (except for plastic surgery) will be difficult to imagine on a social network. Interesting photos and bright pictures, that's what is expected of you, and if you are limited in choosing visual content, difficulties will arise. Of course, there are craftsmen who can promote any topic, but this requires a more professional approach and considerable funds for advertising.

The most popular topics on Instagram are beauty, fashion, clothes, sports, food, and travel. If you have an online clothing store, your own culinary channel on Youtube or an interesting life, don't even think about it. Welcome to Instagram.

What will you get?

Today, Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting a business, brand, personality, or creating a thematic community for further earnings. However, it is worth considering some features that photo hosting users face:

You can create an account and arrange it according to all the rules in the web version of the service or through the desktop application. The application is available in the Windows Store and can be found in the latest versions of the operating system.

Everything seems to be clear, only it is worth clarifying about the link. It can lead not only to the site, but also to any page on the Internet. Often, account administrators add the address of their VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page, where the main activity takes place.

Step two. Posting photos, videos and stories

  • photos;
  • photo galleries;
  • video;
  • stories.

All this is complemented by all sorts of filters, stickers and augmented photos. There is where to run. By using all the tools, you can stand out very well. Most stop at some pictures downloaded from the Internet.

How can I post photos

  1. The best option is a phone or tablet. Take high-quality pictures on the camera, add effects, come up with hashtags and let's go. You can also download pictures and videos to your smartphone and then publish them to Instagram.
  2. Third Party Services. If it's much more convenient to work through a computer, this is the option for you. Here are some services that allow you to work with Instagram accounts:

Register, link your account (in kuku.io you still need to install their application on your phone) and start posting photos and videos. One caveat: start working with such services only if you have all the logins and passwords with which you can restore access to the page. Instagram does not like such sites and can easily reset the password if it suspects a hacking attempt.

You can also publish photos and videos from a computer without third-party services, read here how to do it:

Adding hashtags to photos and videos

All searches for posts on Instagram are based on hashtags. Perhaps this is the only social network in which their importance is difficult to overestimate. Be sure to add.

How to choose hashtags:

  1. The easiest way is to go to Instagram from a computer. In the search bar, start typing words that you think might be popular. Next, you will see how many materials with the same hashtag are currently in Instagram search. This method is simple, but it is not the most efficient.
  2. Using the websta.me service will reduce the search time and will also allow you to find more hashtags you need.

Proper use of hashtags will increase the reach of your publications at the same time attract an interested audience who will like and subscribe to the channel.

Cheat subscribers

Many will skip this point, because cheating is a risky business. The account can be blocked, and the administration is unlikely to make concessions to you and restore the page. However, if the promotion is successful, you will get an excellent base that will help you in further promotion.

What will cheat give you:

  • for a small amount, make the appearance of the popularity of the account;
  • page guests will be more willing to subscribe to the channel;
  • massfollowing will work much more efficiently.

Not thick, but at the initial stage, an excellent base. Here are some services where you can order followers on Instagram inexpensive.

If more fine-tuning is required, you can buy subscribers through exchanges
. Here you can specify the gender, the number of subscribers, subscriptions, and more. The price will be more expensive, you have to pay extra for quality.

Mass liking, mass following and mass commenting

The idea is simple - you do good to others and some in return do good to you. Put likes, subscribe to channels, communicate in the comments and your account will be noticed, and those interested in content or product may subscribe. It sounds simple, but in practice it turns out to be much more difficult, or rather dreary. In order to earn at least some kind of feedback in this way, you will have to work hard.

To automate and thereby facilitate affixing likes and cheating subscriptions, you can turn to the help of services

Be vigilant, such an automated promotion method is also punishable on Instagram and your account can be blocked. By far the most reliable thing is to do everything manually, but many simply do not have time for this.

Also, at the initial stages, do not forget about hashtags for mutual likes, subscriptions and comments:

To get subscriptions:

#follow #followme #follow4follow #followforfollow #follow #followme #follow_me #followme #follow #followme #followforfollow and others

To get likes:

#likes #likesforlikes #likes4likes #likesforfollow, #likes #likes mutually #likes #likesforlikes #likes #likesforfollow and others

For comments:

#comment #commentback #comments #commentforcomment #review #reviews #comment #comments #comments and others

Order advertising posts from bloggers

By the time you get to paid advertising, you should already have a good start: 10-20 posts, feedback (likes, comments) subscribers (more than subscriptions). When interested users come to visit you, they should see that you are popular and they join a well-known community. Few people like to be first.


  • choose communities with similar topics;
  • experiment with promotional materials;
  • use bright and clear photographs;
  • add interesting and concise descriptions;
  • do not forget to put a link in the description to your Instagram account (others will not work).

Targeted advertising

One of the main features of targeted advertising is that you can put an active link not only to your account on a social network, but also to any other page on the Internet.

What formats are available:

  • photo;
  • carousel;
  • video.
  • geographic targeting;
  • age targeting;
  • you can set ads only for women or only for men;
  • the ability to enable and disable ads at any time;
  • audience coverage depends on your desires and budget.

Despite the apparent advantages, setting up high-quality advertising is much more difficult than ordering it from a popular blogger. This format is for those who are ready to experiment, clearly set goals and know their audience.

Contests and sweepstakes

A tempting format that, with the right approach, can help a lot in page promotion. Despite its promise, many refuse such promotion due to some difficulties:

  1. You need to come up with a competition or draw. Without a bright idea, it will be difficult to draw attention to the event. Typical pictures with the word “DRAW” do not work well and may simply not live up to expectations.
  2. We need a big prize. It is very difficult to interest Instagram users to post photos that are not related to them on their page. Therefore, the prize must be rare, original or expensive. Better all together.
  3. You need to follow the drawing, respond to comments, and at the end give a prize to the winner. It's true, for many this prospect is simply frightening.
  4. The competition needs to be promoted. Many organizations run large-scale advertising campaigns with banners on the streets, flyers in stores and online support. True, most often the organizers limit themselves to targeted advertising and ordering posts from bloggers.

If this does not scare you, then feel free to proceed with planning and implementation.

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