What is hosting and domain, in simple words and their classification. What is a domain and hosting: why you need it and how to choose the right one

Hosting and domain are concepts that determine the place of residence of a site on the Internet. Hosting provides the necessary space to store your site on the Internet, and the domain is responsible for its online address.

And therefore, as soon as you have a problem with hosting a site, information about hosting and domain becomes simply vital. The site needs to live somewhere - it's an undeniable fact.

After all, if it simply exists on your computer, then no one except you and your friends will see it. Therefore, you need to look for new fields in which you can beautifully position your creation.

What would you like to note first of all, hosting and domain are leased concepts, that is, you cannot buy them forever, you must periodically pay a certain amount for them. For example, the minimum term for ordering a domain is one year, and hosting is one month. But let's delve into the consideration of these values, so that everything becomes clear to you.

Hosting- it's like an apartment for the site. That is, you turn to some kind of hosting provider (online landowner), he offers you certain conditions (virtual or dedicated server, support for scripts and programming languages, the necessary space), and you decide whether they suit you.

After consent you are given the ordered space on your hard drive, this is your cozy apartment. The hard drive itself is part of the provider's server, all servers are stored in specially organized buildings, which are called data centers. Here, everything is conditioned to ensure that all equipment is in continuous communication with the Internet. Accordingly, your site, stored on the hard of one of the servers, is also located on the Virtual Web.

But this is not the end of the process.. After all, hosting, that is, your web product has an apartment, but there is no registration. And no one knows at what address your resource is located. That is why you need to choose an appropriate name for it. As a rule, the domain consists of two parts.

First part, that is, the first level of the domain, reports in which country the site is “registered” or to what activity it belongs. That is, it can be a .ru or .rf zone, indicating the “Russian” citizenship of the project, a .com zone, indicating the site’s commercial affiliation, etc.

And the second part is the main, that is, the main name of the domain. It carries with it how you want to express your project. For example, look at the domain of this site: service-joomla. The full domain looks like this:

Website (.ru is a domain zone).

Domains of the third level and above also have the right to exist, but usually they are not quoted as main addresses.

Well, now you have enough knowledge about hosting and domain!

Choosing the right hosting for your website

Hosting service advertisement occurs more and more frequently. An inexperienced user can easily get lost in these bowels of promotional offers. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this issue scrupulously, so as not to bite your elbows later.

Wide spectrum choosing a host to host a site can be a little confusing for a beginner. There are many aspects to consider and compare. Some hosts have a lot of technical details that may be completely incomprehensible to beginners. In this case, it is impossible to determine whether some functions are needed or whether their purpose is generally unknown.

In most cases, promotional offers contain some marketing tricks. Therefore, one should not be deceived by tempting offers. You need to specifically understand for what purposes the site is needed and, accordingly, build the requirements for hosting. A site with personal materials or hobbies, a business card site does not need a huge amount of disk space, and hence expensive hosting. You can spend money only on registering a domain name, which you can then attach to any hosting you like.

A possible use case for inexpensive hosting, which immediately offers and it is better to exclude domain registration. When dealing with low-cost and free hosting, you need to understand all the risks and problems that may arise. Free hosting owners, in some cases, may place their ads on your site without warning.

If the site will generate income, or it is a company site, a corporate site, then of course it is better not to be greedy.

The money spent on hosting will pay for itself in the form of stable operation and reliable protection against site hacking, spam and many other troubles.

When working on a serious profitable project, one should not neglect the choice of hosting. Quality hosting is not free, so you need to carefully evaluate all the features of the hosting packages offered.

Our marathon continues! In the last post, we took important steps with you, namely:

  • made a firm decision to finally start their online business and build a profitable online project - a blog or an information site
  • chose a topic (niche) for our project.

You can make a decision and choose a niche for a very long time, but in this case, the moment of inspiration will be missed and the realization of the dream may be delayed for several more years.

Therefore, if you are not mature in choosing a niche, you can start building your trial project. Moreover, this trial site will not be lost, but will be useful to you in the future for publishing announcements of articles on your main site on it. This is necessary to promote the site by increasing the number of external links to it.

So don't be afraid! Treat this work like your first attempt at writing. If you are not afraid, everything will work out! Beginners are always lucky!

What is hosting? In simple terms, this is a house on the Internet in which your site “lives”. This is a folder on a large computer (server) where your website files are located.

Hosting can be compared to renting real estate. You pay the hoster for renting a place on his computer (server) where your site files are located. As you understand, the constant availability of your site depends on the reliability of hosting.

How to choose reliable hosting? You need to pay attention to these criteria:

  • hosting company reputation
  • support work

This information can be searched on forums or services with hosting reviews (here is an example of such a site - Hosting Ninja). You can also peep what kind of hosting famous bloggers and webmasters use. I used these two methods and chose hosting SprintHost.

How much does hosting cost? I paid Springhost 110 rubles a month. When paying for hosting a year in advance - the price is more profitable - 1176 rubles. I also bought a domain name here. Pay attention to the fact that on some hosting a domain name is given free of charge for the 1st year when buying a hosting.

The domain name is the name of your website. For example, the domain name of my site site. As you can see, it consists of 2 parts - the actual name and the domain zone (.com).

How to choose a name? If you choose to blog, it's best to have your blog name linked to and associated with your name. If you decide to create an information site and do not plan to talk about yourself as an author, then you need to apply such basic naming rules:

  • The name is easy to remember
  • There is an association with the topic
  • The name is short and does not contain a hyphen
  • Unambiguously entered in Latin (no hissing sounds such as "ch" = "ch")
  • Contains no more than 15 characters.

How to choose a domain zone. This affects the display speed in search results. If you plan to create a project only in Russian, then you can choose the .ru domain zone. There are also zones without reference to a country. If you want to expand your audience, you can choose one of these domain zones: .net, .biz, .info, .com.

How much does a domain name cost? The price depends on the domain zone. For zone .ru on Springhost the price is 140 rubles per year, for .com I paid 690 rubles for the year.


  • It is important to check that the given name is not taken
  • You also need to check the history of the domain name

You will check that the name is not taken on the site where you will buy a domain name. Domain name history (name history is important for website promotion) you can check on these resources whois.vu, whoistory.com, archive.org/web.

How to choose the right domain name for the site and how to check that it is not busy, see this video tutorial:

How to check the history of a domain name and why it is important, see the video below:

When you have thought up and checked a domain name and have chosen a hosting, you can start registration of the domain and purchase of a hosting. How to do it technically, see 3 video tutorials published below:

Video lesson "Setting up an account in sprinthost.ru":

Video lesson "Payment for hosting"

Video lesson "Domain registration"

P.S. If you are not yet sure whether you will enjoy blogging or website, you can “try” yourself in this business on free hosting(services for blogging). This livejournal.com, blogger.com(blog service from Google), ucoz.ru. I ran my first blog on blogger.com and was very pleased - I found a free very beautiful minimalistic and modern template for blogspot.

But keep in mind the fact that in order to create a serious project for making money, sooner or later you will still have to move on to registering a first-level domain name, as described in this section (on free blog services you will have a second-level domain, promote it much more difficult).

Choosing an engine for a blog or website

Like hosting, the engine for the blog or website you create can be paid or free.

One of the popular engines is DataLife Engine. He is paid. It has a wide variety of basic functions.

But for beginners, experienced webmasters are usually advised to choose a popular and versatile WordPress engine. What's more, it's free. Currently, over 50% of websites use WordPress. Another important advantage of WordPress is the largest number of design templates and plugins. And also it is very easy to learn - the admin panel has an intuitive interface.

Another popular engine is Joomla. It "weighs" less than WordPress. But in terms of functionality, Joomla is not superior to WordPress. At the same time, for some reason, many webmasters really like this engine. About 10% of sites work on it.

So, we choose as an engine for our project - a universal, functional, easy-to-use and the most popular website engine - WordPress.

How to access the site admin?

A banal problem happened to me - I forgot how to enter the admin panel of my site and panicked. Therefore, I think this small section will be useful for beginners.

As usual, everything is very simple - when you know! It is necessary to type the domain name of your site (blog) in the search bar of your browser. In my case: opinionn.ru, then put the “slash” icon and “wp-admin” - opinionn.ru/wp-admin. Press "enter".

After that, a page will appear where you need to enter a username and password.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to get a file and a notebook in which you store passwords and logins for all your programs (you will use a lot of them), including the admin panel of your site.

Click "Login" and here is the admin panel of your site (Admin panel or Console), in which you will perform all site (blog) settings and publish articles:

A fallback way to get into the admin panel (if you forgot your password, Sprinthost “recorded” it for you): you need to enter cp.sprinthost.ru in the address bar:

Enter the login and password for your hosting account (now we will write them in a separate notepad (or file)).

Click on the menu on the left on Advanced - Install applications. We go down the page, click on the Manage button and see the login and password for the admin panel of your site.

You can also see how to enter the admin panel of your site and your hosting account in this video:

Installing WordPress and robot.txt on a blog or website

Installing WordPress on a website (blog). This application is mandatory, without it the site will not be able to work. You can watch how to install WordPress in the video below:

When you install WordPress using Springhost, you will have a link to Springhost on your site (at the bottom of the screen). This link needs to be removed. You can see how to do this in the video below:

First, let's define what this text file is for? The fact is that when Yandex and Google search robots visit your site, the first thing they do is look for the robot.txt file. This file contains instructions for robots which sections and pages to watch (index) and which not. As well as other instructions.

We will talk about this in more detail later, but for now we just need to “put” the simplest robot.txt file in the root folder of our site. This file was provided by the well-known website building guru Alexander Kozlov at the training on Building your own project (website) on the Startup Internet.

You are already familiar with Alexander from video tutorials - he recorded and posted for free use video tutorials on building his site.

So, let's start installing the file on your resource. To do this, you need to download robot.txt. I saved it on Yandex disk, download link.

Have you ever downloaded files? It's simple. Click on the link and the Yandex Disk service with the robot.txt file will open in a separate window:

It is necessary to move the cursor to the robot.txt file and left-click on "Download". The file is saved in the Downloads folder on your computer.

Left-click on the File Manager button:

Then left click on domains

Then we left-click on your site, in my case, the site. The following screen opens. In it, again, click the left mouse button - on public.html. Then left-click on the Upload file icon:

An area opens into which you need to “drag” the robot.txt file from the Downloads folder (or from any other folder where you saved the robot.txt file) with the left mouse button. To do this, click on the file with the left mouse button and continue to hold it while moving it to the opened area.

Click Download. The "File uploaded successfully" window appears, click OK.

Now we need to edit this file. We find the robot.txt file in the list and click on it with the left mouse button.

The contents of the file are opened. We find the 21st line (go down below) and delete site.ru in it. And enter the name of your site. We should get: the word host, a colon, a space and the name of your domain .. Click Save and close.

And enter the name of your site. We should get: the word host, a colon, a space and the name of your domain .. Click Save and close.

Also, the installation of the robot.txt file is described in the video below:

Congratulations! You are great - you did such a piece of work. We are taking small steps towards our dreams.

In the next post, we will take a break from the technical settings and get down to some nice creative work. We learn new trends in the design of templates and websites. We will select a template for ourselves and install it on our website.

See you!

I hug everyone!

I am glad that you too will soon have your own blog or website!

Write in the comments questions and doubts that often overcome us all - we will inspire each other, support each other in the desire to change our lives, take up an interesting project.

Hello reader) If you are looking for information about hosting in the search, what is it in simple words, then you are most likely on the way to creating your site. And maybe not your own, but for a friend or customer.

In the article I will tell you not just about hosting, how to choose and register it, but also about what the site consists of in order to understand the whole chain of further actions to create your resource.

What is website hosting?

Shared hosting is a place on the Internet where your site files are stored and from where they are loaded in order to show the final picture, that is, the site as we see it.

That's it That's what hosting means in simple words. Let's now take a look at a bit more.

To understand exactly how we see the site as a result on the Internet, we need to analyze two more terms, these are domain, Site Files, MySQL Database.

Domain is the name of your site, with which it can be found on the Internet. For example, my site has a site

Site files- what it consists of. These are files with the resolution of html, css, php, etc., also pictures and sometimes fonts.

MySQL database– when the site is multi-page and with regularly updated content (blog, online store), then a database is also added to the set, where all texts (articles, pages, product descriptions, etc.) are stored. Database not created for landing pages and small sites.

It turns out the formula: hosting space + site files + domain name + mysql database = site that we see on the Internet.

What is the best hosting for a website?

There are a lot of them on the Internet, but there are definitely large hosters that have already proven themselves to be the best and most reliable. One of these I can advise you - this is Timeweb hosting. I've been using it for over 5 years now and it has never let me down.

A hoster is a company that provides hosting services and sometimes domain registration.

Many users make a serious mistake by choosing hosting at the lowest price, and then suffer with it. When you can pay a little extra and use the services of a quality host.

We conclude that first rule- do not buy cheap, low-quality hosting, but choose an acceptable price for good quality.

3rd rule - zone

At the moment, there are a lot of domain zones, there are plenty to choose from. But the most common so far are the .com zone and the country zone, for example, for Russia.ru

Here, too, there are no clear restrictions, choose which one suits you best and which one will be free.

Where to buy a domain and hosting for a website?

After choosing a hosting and domain, you need to register them. I am a cap

I choose the same timeweb for these purposes, because it allows me to register everything in one place and I don’t need to waste time later transferring the domain, changing data, waiting. Brrr ... sorry for the time and why do unnecessary actions.

People meet new words. The first two concepts that usually come across are “hosting” and “domain”. You will not be able to pass them by, because without hosting and a domain it is impossible to place a site on the Internet.

Site location

Hosting- this is a dedicated space on the server or a separate physical server on which your site is located. If we draw a clear analogy, then this is a leased land plot on which you are building a house, that is, a website. Hosting cannot be owned: you can only rent a server space and renew your hosting and support agreement every year.

A website, like a house, consists of many parts. On hosting, you collect all these parts into a single building that can receive visitors. You can also create a site on your computer, but then no one will get into it, therefore, without choosing a good hosting for placing a site on it, you will not receive visitors to the web resource - people for whom everything was started.

What's in a name?

Domain name- this is the address of your site where users will find it on the Internet. Continuing the analogy, you built a house on a plot of land and hung a sign with an address on it so that friends could come to visit you.

Unfortunately, this address plate, that is, the domain name, also has to be rented from special services. The lease term can vary in duration and can vary from 1 month to 10 years. Before the expiration date, you must renew or retire the domain. When you give up the domain, it again comes into free access, that is, anyone can buy it and link it to their site.

Let's take a look at the address example, what a domain name consists of:

    HTTP (HTTPS, FTP, etc.) are different data transfer protocols. Protocol HTTPS means that a secure connection is used when transferring data from your site.

    konstruktorysajtov- site domain name. You set it yourself, checking if such a name is taken by another web resource. It is this part of the address that is most significant for ease of remembering.

    .COM- the domain zone in which the site is located. Domain zones are different - territorial, corporate, thematic. Russian sites are usually registered in zones .RU And .RF, but there are no hard limits.

Some time ago, a lot of sites added before their name www. This prefix meant that this site is located on the World Wide Web. However, today in the instruction www is no longer necessary, therefore it is recommended to indicate the site address everywhere without this designation, that is, simply - website.

Good day readers of my blog! Roman Chueshov is in touch again and I have very bad news for you. If you have made an excellent site with a great design, but have not contacted the provider and have no idea about hosting and domain, the chance that Internet users will find out about it is zero.

“What is hosting and domain in simple terms?” - this is the question we will consider in our today's article. It will be very informative, so read to the end.

What is all this for?

Speaking very simply, a domain and hosting is where exactly yours will “live” on the World Wide Web.

Hosting allows you to store your computer data in a specific place on the Internet, in turn, the domain assigns the desired address to this space.

Think for yourself, if the site is just on your "computer", who except you, friends or colleagues will be able to see it? That is why, for him, you should definitely find a virtual space.

It must be said right away that both hosting and a domain cannot be bought once and for all. They can only be rented. Usually, the first is rented for a year, the second - for one month. After that, you should periodically pay for them the required amount. This amount is individual depending on the provider.

Figuratively speaking, this is the home for the site.

When contacting a provider, a specialist can advise you whether to buy a virtual or dedicated server, the amount of space for data, etc. You, in turn, can think for yourself and decide which one you need.

Next, you get the required space on the server's hard drive. In fact, this is your little house. The hard drive, which is part of the provider's server, can be compared to many buildings (data centers). All equipment is constantly online.

But even if your hosting is already online, then at the first stage it resembles a house that does not have an address. And, indeed, you will not send a letter "to the village of grandfather, Makar Ivanovich."

None of the users of the World Wide Web has any idea where exactly your site or portal is located. For this reason, it is critical that it has its own name (address). Like the house name, which includes the street name and number, the domain name also consists of 2 elements.

So, the first part (domain level or extension) describes in which country it is used ( en means Russia, en— England, jp— Japan, kg- Kyrgyzstan), etc. Also, the extension may indicate what kind of "activity" he is engaged in ( catfish- a commercial, net- network, mil military, etc.).

The second part of the domain name is its main part.

So, for example, if the site belongs to an online publication, it is presented in the following form - vesti.ru, the Moshkov library - lib.ru, the commercial site of the Google search engine - google.com, etc. (Domain zones - ru and com).

Most popular with users

To date, the most common hosting are:

  • https://mhost.ru/;
  • http://timeweb.com/;
  • https://www.beget.ru/;
  • http://www.hostinger.ru/- free;
  • https://www.nic.ru/— registrar of hosting, domain,
  • http://fastvps.ru- Fast VPS hosting,
  • and many others.

As for the cost of different providers, they vary depending on the reliability, speed and availability of special options.

On average, the amount of hosting for users ranges from 75 to 200 rubles per month and more.

Are all hosting services paid?

Not everyone. There are companies that provide free services. However, as you know, "free cheese" is only in a mousetrap.

Often, free hosting does not guarantee reliability.

Since the resources are very popular among beginners, it hosts a huge amount of a wide variety of resources. Of course, at the same time, their download speed can be very bad.

Thus, no buyer of goods and services will waste their time waiting for the site to open. It is easier for him to go to your competitor.

Another disadvantage is that most often free hostings are not responsible for the services provided.

Therefore, there will be no one to "complain" with. Also, there is no guarantee that one day it will not become paid. In addition, free Internet resources have a lot of restrictions on the support of scripts, databases, file placement, etc.

A huge amount of advertising on it can also "repel" the client. Well, and finally, the “advanced” client understands that the site hosted on indicates that the company is very, very doubtful, since it cannot afford a paid analogue. And this is a direct damage to the company's reputation.

The agony of choice

A site owner who wants to receive high-quality hosting services can be advised to use the services virtual hosting FastVPS. Which I will talk about in detail shortly.

Unlike a regular physical server, a virtual one is hosted on the network. If an ordinary "server" requires a very large payment (which includes maintenance, maintenance, depreciation), then the virtual one has great stability and speed, as well as a low price.

If you want to place your resources on such a server, then it is better to use the services of a dedicated server http://fastvps.ru, which provides great functionality at the best price. I use it myself, so I recommend it to you too. But I will tell about all the advantages of this service in another article.

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