What is hosting and domain in simple words

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

As promised in the last article, today we will talk about what a domain and hosting are. I will tell you where to get them, how to buy, register and start using. I will also share my experience with Cyrillic domains, because there are several pitfalls in this area. In general, if you are just about to create your first blog or website, then the information in this article will help you save time and avoid the bumps that 90% of new bloggers run into.

Guys, I'm not exaggerating, I myself was a green webmaster, I made these mistakes myself, and then I had no one to turn to for advice. I want your journey to start more smoothly than mine, so read the post carefully and until the end, let's go.

The content of the article:

What is a domain and hosting

Let's start with the terminology, that is, consider what a domain and hosting are, what they are and where they live.
Domain- this is the address of any site that the user types in the address bar to get to this resource..ru, the domain of the Google search engine google.com, and so on. That part of the domain that stands up to the point (asbseo, yandex, google) is invented and selected by the author of the site himself according to his ideas. And the part that stands after the dot exists initially and shows either a geographical or functional area. For example, the ru zone means that the site is from Russia, the ua zone - from Ukraine, the by zone - from Belarus, the com zone suggests a commercial focus, and the org zone - an organization. Although, to be honest, the last two zones do not always coincide with reality, because many bloggers are forced to take domains in them due to employment in geographic zones. That’s all for now, a little lower I’ll show you how to select and link them to your site, but for now let’s get acquainted with hosting.

Hosting is, on the one hand, the place of residence of your blog or site, and on the other hand, the service for storing your offspring provided by the host. Let's make it easier, let's agree that a hoster is a company that provides you with services for storing, protecting and technically supporting your site, and hosting is a complex of these same services. To put it even more simply, a hoster is a room in which there are huge server computers with a large number of hard drives, that's where our blogs live, as well as commercial sites, online stores, and the hoster's site itself, probably, too. Indeed, in order to order hosting as a service for storing our creation, we go to the hoster's website, which means that it must also be stored on the server. What types of hosting can we choose.

  1. Shared hosting
  2. VPS or VTS hosting
  3. Server rental

Now about each service in detail. I must say right away that the second and third versions are suitable for highly visited and promoted blogs and for commercial sites, a virtual hosting is enough for a novice blogger. Therefore, let me first briefly explain what server rental and VPS hosting are, and then we will come to grips with what is right for us.

VPS hosting- this is when a dedicated virtual server space is provided for a website or blog. That is, the disk space on the hoster's physical server is divided into several large zones, each of which is a virtual server with individual software and a personal IP address. An IP address is a website address expressed in numbers, for example, my IP looks like this: You can find out the IP of your site, just enter your domain or the domain of the site you are interested in and click the "Check" button, and in the next window you will see comprehensive information, and not only about IP.

In addition to individual IP and own software, VPS hosting has other advantages. For example, the amount of disk space starts from 10-20 GB, the load capacity is much higher than that of a site on shared hosting, high download speed, etc. But you have to pay a decent price for all this luxury. For example, on my favorite Makhost, a 10 GB dedicated virtual server costs 999 rubles per month.

Server rental- the service is even more expensive and it consists in providing an entire physical machine for the needs of the user, that is, a server in the form of a computer. Of course, there are a lot of opportunities here, and the service is already at a completely different level, but the prices are also solid. For example, at Makhost, this service costs from 10,608 rubles. As you can see, we simple bloggers can't afford it, and we don't need it, so let's deal with shared hosting.

What is virtual hosting and how to register it

Shared hosting- This is the most affordable and most common type of hosting sites and blogs on the Internet at the present time. Its main distinguishing feature is that many domains are simultaneously hosted on one IP address. If we compare this service with VPS hosting, it will turn out as if several domains were placed on one dedicated virtual server. No, I do not claim that this is the case, I just give this image for comparison and a better explanation of things. You can see who else is on the same IP with you on the linkpad service, I wrote about it in the article "".

You can host your blog on virtual hosting with any modern host, but I will tell you how to do it using the Makhost example. I have been using it for several years, why I chose it, I wrote. Attention, everyone who decides to register on Makhost after reading this article, especially for you, I have a promotion of 45 days of a free period.

45 days of free hosting

To take advantage of this promotion, for the tariff plans below, you must take a promotional code (depending on the selected tariff) and enter (paste) it into the appropriate field when registering an account.

Mac-4 (5 sites and MySQL databases each, 4Gb of disk space) — promo code for 45 days of free hosting ASBSEO-MCHOST-4GB

Mac-8 (15 sites and MySQL databases each, 8Gb of disk space) — promo code for 45 days of free hosting ASBSEO-MCHOST-8GB

Mac-15 (40 sites and MySQL databases each, 15Gb of disk space) — promo code for 45 days of free hosting ASBSEO-MCHOST-15GB


Registration is very simple: choose a tariff from the link and click "Order" under the selected tariff.

At the second step of registration, specify your e-mail and promo code to receive 45 days of free hosting.

To activate your account, you need to replenish the balance by 100 rubles.

Well, now the actual steps that you need to go through to register.

1. We go to the Makhost website using this link, and click on the "Order" button

2. In the next window, select "Virtual hosting" and click on this link

3. Next, in the “Your email address” edit field, enter your work email address, an email with a username and password will be sent to it, and all important messages will also be sent. Then we mark the radio button, whether you are an individual or a legal entity, and below in the appropriate field enter the promotional code, if you have one, and click the "Next" button.

4. In the next window, select the appropriate tariff and placement period. And also, by pressing the buttons, we indicate whether we will register a new domain, transfer our own, or take a free domain from the hosting. In the last two cases, a free trial period of 10 days is available. I think that this is quite enough to get acquainted with the work of "Makhost" and decide whether it suits you.

5. Enter the domain in the editor field, located just below the buttons, and click the "Next" button.

6. On the next page, fill in your details: full name, passport number and series, date of birth, etc. and click the "Next" button to proceed to the final stage.

7. At the next stage, we check all the entered data, agree to the terms of use of the hoster's services and click the "Agree" button and get to the page where the login and password are indicated.

These data must be recorded and stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized people. Also, a letter with your registration data will be sent to the email address you specified, save it as well.

That's all, congratulations, the job is done, you can install or transfer your site here and use all the services of Makhost.

For clarity, I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to buy hosting and register a domain:

If you still do not know how to create your own website, then use my free course "". And we go further, deal with the registration and binding of the domain.

How to choose and register a domain name

As I said above, the domain, or rather the part up to the point, is invented by the owner himself, and the zones (ru, com, org, net) provide a service for registering domain names. These services are called domain registrars. There are quite a lot of them on the network and, as a rule, all (or almost all) hostings are equipped with them. Makhost is no exception in this regard, but I know a domain registrar with a more affordable price, from 99 rubles. for domains in the zone ru and RF. Although I do not recommend taking domains in the Cyrillic zone, but more on that below.

The registrar I want to recommend to you lives at 2domains.ru and is an official partner of the reg.ru registrar. But on reg.ru domains cost several hundred, now I don’t remember the exact price, but on 2domains from 99 rubles, so we will work with it.

So, let's say that the required amount is already in our account, let's finally buy and register our domain. To do this, go to the control panel and under the inscription "Order a new service" click on the link "Domain". On the next page, in the edit field, enter our domain along with the desired zone, remove all available checkboxes and click on the “Check. If everything is in order, then this will be said by the result of the check, and the selected domain will be in the basket. We will be prompted to check again if we entered the domain name correctly, they will ask if we want to enable auto-renewal and they will offer to change the DNS. I recommend checking the auto-renewal box so that the system notifies us of the expiration of the domain, and we replenish our balance in time to renew it. If the required amount is already on the account, then the validity period will be extended automatically. But I would not touch DNS yet, but check the box “Leave the DNS of the registrar”, we will change them when we link the domain to the hosting.

We will also be asked to select or create a new tariff, this is necessary for the system to authenticate our identity. You yourself know how many fraudsters, villains and terrorists are now divorced, creating all sorts of extremist sites on the net. In general, click on the "Create" link, select the "Individual" button, fill in all the fields and click on the "Register" button. We wait a few seconds and see that our domain is registered. To verify this, go to the control panel in your account and see our domain in the "Domains and Services" section. Of course, everyone will have their own, so I can’t give your domain as an example here, but I have my site. Click on the "Go to management" link and in the next window you will see that it can be managed as you wish, namely:

  • Renew a domain for one year
  • Enable or disable auto-renewal
  • Set or remove the status of "Private person"
  • Change Domain DNS Servers/Delegation (this is what binding a domain to a hosting is)
  • Transfer to another user if you decide to sell your domain

And now attention! Guys, do not buy domains in the Russian Federation zone, they are categorically not suitable for personal blogs, and here's why. Cyrillic domains are almost impossible to connect with a feedburner, search engines index them terribly badly, and in general, it is extremely difficult to promote them. I myself did not use such a domain, but my friend suffered with the Cyrillic domain for 2 years, never reaching a traffic of more than 20 uniques per day, after which she gave up on the whole thing and bought a domain in the ru zone. In short, do not repeat her bitter experience, but do everything right right away. And now we will link our domain to the hosting.

How to link a domain to hosting

This procedure is very simple. We go to our hosting account, select the site for which we need to change the free domain from the hoster to the purchased one and click the button or link (on each hosting in its own way) "Change domain". In the window that opens, you will be shown the DNS servers that you will need to enter instead of the DNS servers of the domain registrar. You remember that when buying a domain on 2domains, we left the “Leave the registrar’s DNS servers” checkbox there, and we need to replace these same DNS servers.

Open a new window in the browser and go to your account on 2domains, to the section where you looked at your domains, and click on the "Go to management" link. We got to the section my domains, which contains all the domain names we bought. You only have 1 domain so far, but I have several because I have other sites. By the way, advice for the future, create at least 2 sites, 1 main, and the second test. This way you can experiment with different features without the fear of messing up something on the main site.

Check the box for the domain that you are going to link to the hosting, in the combo box below, select the item "Change DNS servers of the domain / Delegation" and click the "Apply" button. In the window that opens, uncheck the box "Use registrar servers - FREE" to activate editing DNS servers. Next, copy the DNS servers provided by the hosting one by one and paste them into the edit fields on 2domains. And when all DNS servers are entered, click the "Change" button.

If everything is done correctly, then on the next page you will be congratulated on the successful binding and asked to wait until servers around the world are notified about the binding of the new domain. This procedure can take from several hours to 3 days. On this, the domain registrar window can be closed, and on the hosting account, in the window where the DNS servers were taken, click the "Change domain" button. After some time, servers around the world will be notified about the new domain, and your site will be available at the address you have chosen and attached, for which I congratulate you.

Alexander, hello!

I got acquainted by running, I don’t have much time, but at first glance it’s very, very good. Probably, given that you offer your help, I’ll move here.

Well, until then, all the best!!!

I gave the entire technical part of my blog to specialists. She only chose the domain name and design. I think that everyone should mind their own business. But for a general understanding, it is useful for every blogger to read such information.

Hello, Alexander! I read you like a primer, because I decided to make my blog. Did something fail or get boring?

Thanks for the article, now I seem to understand, I just took hosting from Handyhost, we will work)

Hello, I don’t know which package to choose for 4 8 or 15 and why do I need 45 bases? planning a blog site

Good day readers of my blog! Roman Chueshov is in touch again and I have very bad news for you. If you have made an excellent site with a great design, but have not contacted the provider and have no idea about hosting and domain, the chance that Internet users will find out about it is zero.

“What is hosting and domain in simple words?” - this is the question we will consider in our today's article. It will be very informative, so read to the end.

What is all this for?

Speaking very simply, a domain and hosting is where exactly yours will “live” on the World Wide Web.

Hosting allows you to store your computer data in a specific place on the Internet, in turn, the domain assigns the desired address to this space.

Think for yourself, if the site is just on your "computer", who except you, friends or colleagues will be able to see it? That is why, for him, you should definitely find a virtual space.

It must be said right away that both hosting and a domain cannot be bought once and for all. They can only be rented. Usually, the first is rented for a year, the second - for one month. After that, you should periodically pay for them the required amount. This amount is individual depending on the provider.

Figuratively speaking, this is the home for the site.

When contacting a provider, a specialist can advise you whether to buy a virtual or dedicated server, the amount of space for data, etc. You, in turn, can think for yourself and decide which one you need.

Next, you get the required space on the server's hard drive. In fact, this is your little house. The hard drive, which is part of the provider's server, can be compared to many buildings (data centers). All equipment is constantly online.

But even if your hosting is already online, then at the first stage it resembles a house that does not have an address. And, indeed, you will not send a letter "to the village of grandfather, Makar Ivanovich."

None of the users of the World Wide Web has any idea where exactly your site or portal is located. For this reason, it is critical that it has its own name (address). Like the house name, which includes the street name and number, the domain name also consists of 2 elements.

So, the first part (domain level or extension) describes in which country it is used ( en means Russia, en— England, jp— Japan, kg- Kyrgyzstan), etc. Also, the extension may indicate what kind of "activity" he is engaged in ( catfish- a commercial, net- network, mil military, etc.).

The second part of the domain name is its main part.

So, for example, if the site belongs to an online publication, it is presented in the following form - vesti.ru, the Moshkov library - lib.ru, the commercial site of the Google search engine - google.com, etc. (Domain zones - ru and com).

Most popular with users

To date, the most common hosting are:

  • https://mhost.ru/;
  • http://timeweb.com/;
  • https://www.beget.ru/;
  • http://www.hostinger.ru/- free;
  • https://www.nic.ru/— registrar of hosting, domain,
  • http://fastvps.ru- Fast VPS hosting,
  • and many others.

As for the cost of different providers, they vary depending on the reliability, speed and availability of special options.

On average, the amount of hosting for users ranges from 75 to 200 rubles per month and more.

Are all hosting services paid?

Not everyone. There are companies that provide free services. However, as you know, "free cheese" is only in a mousetrap.

Often, free hosting does not guarantee reliability.

Since the resources are very popular among beginners, it hosts a huge amount of a wide variety of resources. Of course, at the same time, their download speed can be very bad.

Thus, no buyer of goods and services will waste their time waiting for the site to open. It is easier for him to go to your competitor.

Another disadvantage is that most often free hostings are not responsible for the services provided.

Therefore, there will be no one to "complain" with. Also, there is no guarantee that one day it will not become paid. In addition, free Internet resources have a lot of restrictions on the support of scripts, databases, file placement, etc.

A huge amount of advertising on it can also "repel" the client. Well, and finally, the “advanced” client understands that the site hosted on indicates that the company is very, very doubtful, since it cannot afford a paid analogue. And this is a direct damage to the company's reputation.

The agony of choice

A site owner who wants to receive high-quality hosting services can be advised to use the services virtual hosting FastVPS. Which I will talk about in detail shortly.

Unlike a regular physical server, a virtual one is hosted on the network. If an ordinary "server" requires a very large payment (which includes maintenance, maintenance, depreciation), then the virtual one has great stability and speed, as well as a low price.

If you want to place your resources on such a server, then it is better to use the services of a dedicated server http://fastvps.ru, which provides great functionality at the best price. I use it myself, so I recommend it to you too. But I will tell about all the advantages of this service in another article.

People meet new words. The first two concepts that usually come across are “hosting” and “domain”. You will not be able to pass them by, because without hosting and a domain it is impossible to place a site on the Internet.

Site location

Hosting- this is a dedicated space on the server or a separate physical server on which your site is located. If we draw a clear analogy, then this is a leased land plot on which you are building a house, that is, a website. Hosting cannot be owned: you can only rent a server space and renew your hosting and support agreement every year.

A website, like a house, consists of many parts. On hosting, you collect all these parts into a single building that can receive visitors. You can also create a site on your computer, but then no one will get into it, therefore, without choosing a good hosting for placing a site on it, you will not receive visitors to the web resource - people for whom everything was started.

What's in a name?

Domain name- this is the address of your site where users will find it on the Internet. Continuing the analogy, you built a house on a plot of land and hung a sign with an address on it so that friends could come to visit you.

Unfortunately, this address plate, that is, the domain name, also has to be rented from special services. The lease term can vary in duration and can vary from 1 month to 10 years. Before the expiration date, you must renew or retire the domain. When you give up the domain, it again comes into free access, that is, anyone can buy it and link it to their site.

Let's take a look at the address example, what a domain name consists of:

    HTTP (HTTPS, FTP, etc.) are different data transfer protocols. Protocol HTTPS means that a secure connection is used when transferring data from your site.

    konstruktorysajtov- site domain name. You set it yourself, checking if such a name is taken by another web resource. It is this part of the address that is most significant for ease of remembering.

    .COM- the domain zone in which the site is located. Domain zones are different - territorial, corporate, thematic. Russian sites are usually registered in zones .RU And .RF, but there are no hard limits.

Some time ago, a lot of sites added before their name www. This prefix meant that this site is located on the World Wide Web. However, today in the instruction www is no longer necessary, therefore it is recommended to indicate the site address everywhere without this designation, that is, simply - website.

Hello reader) If you are looking for information about hosting in the search, what is it in simple words, then you are most likely on the way to creating your site. And maybe not your own, but for a friend or customer.

In the article I will tell you not just about hosting, how to choose and register it, but also about what the site consists of in order to understand the whole chain of further actions to create your resource.

What is website hosting?

Shared hosting is a place on the Internet where your site files are stored and from where they are loaded in order to show the final picture, that is, the site as we see it.

That's it That's what hosting means in simple terms. Let's now take a look at a bit more.

To understand exactly how we see the site as a result on the Internet, we need to analyze two more terms, these are domain, Site Files, MySQL Database.

Domain is the name of your site, with which it can be found on the Internet. For example, my site has a site

Site files- what it consists of. These are files with the resolution of html, css, php, etc., also pictures and sometimes fonts.

MySQL database– when the site is multi-page and with regularly updated content (blog, online store), then a database is also added to the set, where all texts (articles, pages, product descriptions, etc.) are stored. Database not created for landing pages and small sites.

It turns out the formula: hosting space + site files + domain name + mysql database = site that we see on the Internet.

What is the best hosting for a website?

There are a lot of them on the Internet, but there are definitely large hosters that have already proven themselves to be the best and most reliable. One of these I can advise you - this is Timeweb hosting. I've been using it for over 5 years now and it has never let me down.

A hoster is a company that provides hosting services and sometimes domain registration.

Many users make a serious mistake by choosing hosting at the lowest price, and then suffer with it. When you can pay a little extra and use the services of a quality host.

We conclude that first rule- do not buy cheap, low-quality hosting, but choose an acceptable price for good quality.

3rd rule - zone

At the moment, there are a lot of domain zones, there are plenty to choose from. But the most common so far are the .com zone and the country zone, for example, for Russia.ru

Here, too, there are no clear restrictions, choose which one suits you best and which one will be free.

Where to buy a domain and hosting for a website?

After choosing a hosting and domain, you need to register them. I am a cap

I choose the same timeweb for these purposes, because it allows me to register everything in one place and I don’t need to waste time later transferring the domain, changing data, waiting. Brrr ... sorry for the time and why do unnecessary actions.

Once upon a time, I also wondered what a domain and hosting are. Now these words do not cause me absolutely no misunderstanding. After all, you hardly think for more than a second when you hear the word "chair" or "table." They are always heard, and you do not need to be a special genius to know their meanings. I will try to make sure that after reading this article, you can also easily perceive words such as "hosting" and "domain". Agree, it's nice to know something that many others have not even heard of.

For example, I have such funny situations when, while communicating with my acquaintances, I pronounce these words in passing, without even thinking that they might not understand me, and only after I see eyes of five kopecks in my friends, I understand that I need to stop and explain what, in fact, we are talking about. So, enough unnecessary words - to the point! Let's start with hosting.

What is hosting

At first glance, the word "hosting" may seem more than strange, but that's just the beginning. Within a few minutes you will clearly understand its meaning. So, hosting is a service for hosting website files on a web server. A little difficult, isn't it? Simplify. Hosting is the placement of your website on a computer connected to the Internet. So, I think it will be clear to everyone. Surely you have a computer? On it you store various files and folders, use them, open them, view them, and so on. The same thing with the site. It, like any program, consists of files and folders that are stored on the hard drive.

Now let's figure out what the processor and RAM are for. Remember what you pay attention to first of all when buying or downloading this or that game? Of course, the system requirements. And if your computer does not fit them, then the game will either freeze, or you will have to turn off a number of settings, reduce the quality of graphics, and so on. Common situation? I think a lot of people have come across it. The power of the server also directly affects the speed of the site. The more RAM and the more powerful the processor, the better. If the allocated resources for the site are not enough, it will open slowly, and sometimes even stop working for a while. Such situations are detrimental to the site, try to avoid them. Of course, if the interruptions in the operation of the site are infrequent and short, then it can be said that there is nothing terrible in this, but if they are repeated often and for a long time, then be sure to change the hoster (company providing hosting services).

Remember, the site should work stably and quickly. These are some of the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a hosting. Naturally, it is impossible to immediately understand this, since the site can work flawlessly for a day or even a week, and only then problems can begin. There are certain tricks and approaches with which you can choose a good hosting without overpaying a penny. I will definitely talk about this in the following articles, so subscribe to so as not to miss it. The only thing I wanted to say hosting is not a service worth saving on through thick and thin. It is necessary to find a golden mean, as, in fact, everywhere else. In no case do not get fooled by imaginary savings from using free hosting. Only at first glance it may seem that this is absolutely the same service as the paid one, in fact it is not. Although, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself.

I personally use hosting from Inferno Solutions. For 5-10 dollars a month, you can rent your own VPS there. What it is and how it differs from regular shared hosting will be discussed in the following articles.

I really like to draw parallels with real life when discussing topics related to the Internet. Today's post will be no exception. What can hosting be compared to? How do you think? Naturally with the house in which your site lives. The more spacious and modern the dwelling, the better he will feel there.

What is a domain?

We, then, figured out the house, but what about the address? After all, the site must somehow be found by users of the World Wide Web. That's why he needs a domain. We will not go into details, but simply say: Domain name is the address of the site on the Internet. For example, the address of my blog is wp, the address of the Yandex search engine is yandex.ru, the address of the social network Vkontakte is vk.com, and so on.

As you probably noticed, the addresses I have given have different endings (su, ru and com) - these are domain zones. They are global and geographic. For example, the domain zones ru and rf are assigned to Russia, su to the countries of the former USSR, ua to Ukraine, us to the USA, and so on. The com domain zone is intended for commercial organizations, biz for business structures, net for providers and telecommunications organizations, info for information publications, name for personal websites, etc. At the moment, many domain zones do not have any special restrictions and are available for registration to absolutely everyone. For example, if you own a company in Russia, you can register a domain for yourself both in the ru, rf and su zones, as well as in com, biz or net. At least, no sanctions will definitely follow for this.

In addition, domains are also divided into levels. Domain zones, which we have already talked about above, are first (top) level domains, they are not available for free registration. Most often, organizations and individuals use second-level domains. As an example, I will again give the address of my wp blog. There are also third-level domains (subdomains) and below. Any owner of a second-level domain can get them absolutely free of charge. For example, if I want to create a site about cats, I can allocate a third-level domain kot.wp specifically for it. But, you see, it sounds and looks somehow not very beautiful. I still believe that every site should have a second-level domain, no lower, but there are exceptions. Indeed, in fact, all blog owners on Livejournal have third-level domains like domen.livejournal.com, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Again, returning to the analogy with real life, you need to understand that the address for the site is much more important than the address for an apartment or house. I don't think it matters to you where you live. But the site still should have a memorable or at least suitable address on the subject. These conditions are, of course, optional, but still desirable. For example, the same Yandex search engine has a very memorable address yandex.ru, which is now directly associated with searching for information on the Internet, but when this word was first coined, hardly everyone could guess what it meant. As you can see the more harmonious the domain, the better.

I hope this article has opened the curtain for you in front of such concepts as domain and hosting. We will return to them again and again. Be sure to continue.

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