What is SEO optimization. What is SEO? Seo in simple words

You have decided that without search promotion, further development of the project is impossible. We found a specialist, gave him access. After a while, you get a weighty list of recommendations for implementation - at the level of the site structure, texts, and even the most sacred - design.

How to understand that all this is really necessary, and what exactly does an SEO specialist do to optimize your resource?

Regardless of whether you are engaged in site promotion in Russia, Ukraine or the USA, and, accordingly, focus on Yandex or Google, the promotion process as a whole does not change. Of course, as in other areas, there are no clear restrictions and much depends on the specifics. But still there are about a dozen mandatory stages of work.

1. Analysis of the site, topics and competitors

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Boards of announcements.
  5. Corporate sites.
  6. Forums.

When an SEO specialist gets all access to project analytics and webmaster panels(or adds a site there on his own), he begins to analyze the goods and services of the project, and also gives an overall assessment of the site in order to understand what work needs to be done first.

It is at this stage that a project promotion strategy and a detailed work plan are formed.

What exactly does a specialist do?

  1. It analyzes the overall visibility of the site not only for high-frequency queries, but also for medium- and low-frequency ones.
  2. Conducts an analysis of competitors, market leaders, in order to understand what to focus on in this topic, what is better on competitors' websites.
  3. Analyzes the structure of leading sites in a niche, their link profile.
  4. Marks requests for which landing pages need to be created and optimized on the client's website.
  5. Conducts both regular analytics based on search results and system analytics, for example, using Serpstat.

Why is all this necessary? An SEO specialist determines whether it is necessary to immediately carry out global changes on the site. For example, change the CMS (content management system), adapt the site for mobile devices, change protocol from http to https etc.

A competent specialist notifies the need for global changes in advance in order to clarify with the programmers how much it is possible, for example, to refine the current version of the CMS.

It also allows you to clarify the entire budget for website promotion - the cost of content, links, other expenses.

It is better to make global changes in advance, otherwise, after 3-4 months of work on implementing an SEO audit, you will find yourself at a dead end - you will encounter the fact that it is technically impossible to optimize filters, add new tags or categories.

2. Formation of the primary core of search queries

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.
  7. Forums.

Now you have in your hands a promotion strategy, a work plan, a preliminary analysis of the site and sites of market leaders. At a new stage, an SEO specialist, using Serpstat, Wordstat and other tools for collecting search queries, collects, clusters into groups, breaks through the frequency semantic core.

It will be useful for:

  • formation of the site structure;
  • compiling templates for generating and forming meta tags manually (Title, Description, Keywords), headings H1, H2;
  • writing texts on landing pages;
  • creating a competent linking;
  • external site optimization;
  • site visibility analysis.

The semantic core can consist of both several hundred search queries (for small business card sites) and several hundred thousand (for online stores).

The process of compiling the core is long and, depending on the size of the site, can take several months. That is why it is divided into sections and categories so as not to slow down progress and expand the semantic core in parallel with other works.

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3. Formation of a broad site structure

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Sites of services and products, except for some projects with a narrow focus.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.
  7. Forums.

Search engines are constantly improving their algorithms and show the most relevant pages for user queries. If you type “laptops with backlit keyboards” into the search engine, you will see the pages most relevant to these queries in the first places.

If you want to see your project in these positions, you cannot do without the formation of a broad site structure. For each group of search queries, you need to create and optimize your landing page.

At the same time, it is important to remember that it is better to optimize specific product cards for super-low-frequency queries, since they will only interfere with the promotion of important pages, taking away some of their internal static weight.

A request that was entered no more than 5 times a month is considered super-low-frequency.

Category pages are created for high-frequency queries, and static filter/filter intersection pages are created for medium and low-frequency queries.

Where do you get ideas for creating new landing pages?

  1. Issuance analysis.
  2. Analysis of competitors.
  3. Internal site search.
  4. Analysis of the product range / range of services.

For large stores with distribution centers in different cities, as well as bulletin boards, marketplaces, companies with branches, the number of landing pages in the structure is multiplied by the number of cities. At the same time, it is important that the content of such pages is unique.

This is a long process, and in large projects, new filter pages for specific categories are created even two years after the start of promotion of the site. But still, the bulk of the work to expand the structure of landing pages should be carried out much earlier - in order to quickly get the desired effect.

4. Formation of a task for internal optimization

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.
  7. Forums.

The specialist corrects errors in the internal optimization of the site, works with landing pages for groups of queries, removes duplicate pages. To do this, a technical SEO audit of the site is carried out, on the basis of which a task for internal optimization is formed.

The following items must be completed (in order of importance):

  1. Setting up automatic generation of Title, Description and H1 headers based on templates for categories, products, filters, filter intersections, pages created for geoqueries, and the like.
  2. Formation of page addresses on the site (bringing them to a human-readable form).
  3. Filter optimization: creating rules for generating URLs for filters and their intersections, meta tags, visibility of links to filters).
  4. Increasing the speed of server response, loading site pages.
  5. Removing duplicates with permanent redirects, canonical URLs, noindex follow.
  6. Create an XML sitemap.
  7. Multilingual setup (if language versions are available).
  8. Optimization of pagination pages.
  9. Optimization of server response code and page headers.
  10. Setting up micro-markup of reviews, information on the pages of product cards.

5. Organization of internal linking

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Boards of announcements.
  5. Corporate sites.
  6. Forums.

Often the reason for poor site ranking is the problem with filling promoted pages with static weight. What are we talking about?

It is important not only to create landing pages, but also to organize internal linking so that users and the search robot can easily get to other pages. Otherwise, they may not appear in the search engine index.

This problem usually occurs with pages of optimized filters - the user can get to such pages by selecting a filter, but the search robot does not see it.

Also, at the site promotion stage, an SEO specialist builds a linking of menu categories using developed scripts, where he adds previously collected and clustered queries, transfers static weight from pages with low competition (for example, from product cards, filter intersections) to pages of a higher level of nesting.

6. Content optimization

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.

The optimizer manually generates unique meta tags (Title, Description, Keywords) and H1 headers based on the "long tail" of search queries for those pages where it is needed. Also, for the promoted pages of the site, texts are formed that include previously collected key queries, of course, taking into account the current requirements of search engines.

Texts affect both the ranking of pages for high-frequency queries and the display for long-tail queries.

7. Working with the crawl budget

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Sites of services and products, where it is possible to filter the search results, sort them.
  3. Boards of announcements.

The crawl budget of a search robot is the number of pages that it can crawl at one time on the site.

Often, site owners, after reading 1-2 articles on website promotion with the help of filter and tag optimization, create hundreds of pages of useless filters for which there are no requests or there are very few of them. Moreover, pages of intersections of two filters from one block (for example, two brands), intersections of four or more filters are not closed for the robot. They do not hide pages of various sortings: by price, rating, number of products per page. These are all gross errors.

As a result, the search robot can index only a part of the filter pages and leave the site. Even if you do everything else competently, this is what will cause the pages to not be included in the index. Moreover, the static weight of category pages will be greatly reduced.

Great case for working with filters: “How to save a project and increase organic traffic by 109% in 6 months”.

It is recommended to work with the crawling budget only for specialists with experience. Specialists will competently close "junk pages" for indexing, created only for the convenience of users, leave only the necessary filters, prohibit robots from bypassing "junk pages" and close links to them.

8. Improving site usability

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.
  7. Forums.

Do search engine algorithms take into account behavioral factors - how the user interacts with the site? Yes, take into account.

SEO specialists work on:

  • non-return of the user to the search results;
  • decrease in the bounce rate;
  • increasing the duration of stay on the page.

Adapting a site for mobile devices will significantly increase the visibility of the site in mobile search results, and conversions from mobile devices will also increase. Simplifying navigation reduces the bounce rate. A well-designed “About us” page will increase the trust of visitors and search engines.

9. External website optimization

For whom is this relevant? For all types of sites in highly competitive topics.

Yes, in a number of topics with low competition, you can do without building up an external link mass, but in general, external optimization is necessary. The more high-quality thematic sites link to you, the more authoritative you become in the eyes of search engines.

There are many parameters by which you need to build a link profile and select donors. SEO specialists can use permalink exchanges, add natural links from forums, Q/A services, and directly post through webmasters of sites that do not sell links.

10. Increase conversion from visitors to customers

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Business card sites (not one-page sites).
  5. Boards of announcements.
  6. Corporate sites.

Conversions are not necessarily sales. This can be either an order for services or a subscription to a newsletter.

In fact, this is a complex stage that requires design knowledge, usability, email marketing, and even quality content creation skills.

What does the specialist do in the first place?

  1. Fixes order forms.
  2. Adds ways to communicate with managers through the site.
  3. Changes the colors of page elements.
  4. Works with reviews.
  5. Sets up triggered personalized mailings.

And this is only a hundredth of the improvements that increase the conversion of the site.

11. Staged page optimization

For which projects this stage is relevant:

  1. Internet shops.
  2. Websites for services and products.
  3. News sites.
  4. Boards of announcements.
  5. Corporate sites.
  6. Forums.

Based on the ranking of pages by queries and traffic analysis by category, SEO specialists constantly work with the site structure, expand it, make changes to texts, meta tags, internal linking, external link mass of pages. This is a long process.

Everything is complicated by the constant updating of search engine algorithms, and therefore it is often necessary to make changes to the website promotion strategy and constantly improve it for users and search engines.


It is conditionally possible to distinguish 11 main stages of the work of an SEO specialist:

  1. Analysis of the client's website, topics and competitors. Formation of strategy and work plan. Relevant for all types of sites.
  2. Collection and clustering of semantics, formation of the primary core of search queries. Relevant for all types of sites.
  3. Creation of a broad site structure. Irrelevant for specific products and niche services that solve specific goals.
  4. Conducting an audit, the formation of a task for the technical optimization of the site. Relevant for all types of sites.
  5. Internal linking, increasing the internal weight of important pages for promotion. Relevant for everyone, except for small business card sites and specific products.
  6. Content optimization. Relevant for all types of sites.
  7. Working with crawl budget. Relevant for online stores, bulletin boards, services where it is possible to filter the results and sort by various parameters.
  8. Website usability improvement. Relevant for all types of sites.
  9. External optimization, working with a link profile. Not relevant for topics with low competition.
  10. Increasing the conversion rate from visitors to customers. Relevant for all types of sites, except forums.
  11. Step-by-step optimization of pages by sections, categories, implementation of improvements based on data analysis. May be irrelevant for small business card sites.

Almost all stages are not applicable to one-page sites.

Of course, there are many nuances that are beyond the scope of this review. For example, the correct transfer of the site when changing the CMS, working with the mobile version. Articles with a detailed description of these works will appear in the blog soon.

Even if you do not understand anything about the Internet business, you have definitely heard such a thing as SEO website promotion. That's just what it means in practice, what is the point of promoting your site, how to get on the first lines of search robots and what search engine optimization means, you probably do not know. Let's try to answer all these questions and find out what SEO website promotion means in the modern Internet market.

What's happenedSEO?

First of all, you need to understand what SEO promotion means. The abbreviation SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. this is the optimization of the site, pages and categories for proper display in search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo and others.

How is optimization performed? Often this is not just link building, or spamming directories and message boards. Moreover, it is worth noting that search robots are not particularly friendly to such promotion methods. If we are talking about site optimization, then we understand that the site is being prepared by making up the semantic core, or in simple words, each page has its own keywords that are pre-formed by those who perform SEO promotion. Thus, a properly composed sematic core will help you to be on the first lines in the search.

What do you needSEO promotion?

More recently, the Internet was not as widespread as it is today. Almost everything has changed in just 10 years. If earlier people came to Internet clubs to find the necessary information, today we can not only find something, we can communicate with each other or even buy goods.

If the Internet used to be a luxury, now it is a necessity. Now it is difficult to find that person who does not have access to the Internet, no matter from the phone or computer. In view of this, the Internet provides an opportunity to promote your business, sell goods or services, place relevant advertisements, and much more.

Today, a real boom in online stores can be noted, the owners of which earn millions, but the truth is not all, but only those who use SEO promotion. Businesses are interested in snatching a piece of the market, so huge money is being poured in so that simple queries like “buy an iPhone” or “sell a raccoon” are in the first positions of the desired site, crowding out weaker ones.

Here it is important not to miss your chance to take your place under the sun. Anyone who thinks about SEO promotion earlier will get a good flow of customers, which will bring significant profit. I want to believe that you understand the essence and are already thinking about promotion. But let's not rush and discuss a few more questions.

How to get to the first positions in the search?

Quite a popular question. The top position in the search is not just an opportunity to get a good office in your city. As a rule, the first place is the prestige of the company, the income of the company and the rating among buyers. If you are on the first lines, most likely buyers will appreciate you.

The higher the position in the search, the higher the user loyalty. It's not a rule, it's an axiom.

In addition, the first places in the search will increase traffic (the number of people who go to your site for the target query). This, in turn, will significantly increase the turnover of the company.

SEO promotion is bringing your site to the first positions in Google, Yandex and others.

95% of people don't go beyond the first page of the search results, so it makes sense to promote the site to the first 10 positions in the search results. If your site registers on the 20th position, you will most likely receive about 4% of visitors and, accordingly, the same number of buyers.

Do you need to make a list of requests in advance?

Yes! To get a really good result, you need to make every effort. You must think over the promotion strategy in advance, as well as write out search keys for your site. For example, if you are selling PVC windows, you need to collect about 1,500 keywords and use them to promote your site.

Inept use of SEO will result in a BAN in the search engine

Do I need to explain what the ban will mean for the site? Most often, this is the complete exclusion of the site from the search results, which guarantees the rapid death of the project. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE SPECIALIST, and not the student, is engaged in SEO PROMOTION. This is the only way to get a decent result.

What if they already know about you, do you need SEO promotion for your site?

It is important to understand that what worked before is not relevant today. Even if the client knows about you, most likely he will try to find you on the Internet according to his request. And then he will stumble upon competitor sites that have been optimized for a long time and are successfully promoted by SEO specialists. As a result, you will lose the client forever.

SEO Website optimization is the most important tool of internet marketing!

Increasing the position of your site in search engines is the result of professional optimization and website promotion.

SEO website promotion consists of the following steps:

  1. Full site check for errors
  2. Checking a domain for sanctions from search engines
  3. Compilation of the semantic core (selection of keywords that are evenly distributed throughout the site)
  4. Working with tags
  5. Creating and editing a sitemap
  6. Editing the robot.txt file (this is a document that shows the search robot what should be indexed and what should not)
  7. Content creation, copywriting
  8. Checking finished content for uniqueness
  9. Adding pages and categories with descriptions for search queries
  10. Work with the exchange of articles and links (carefully so as not to harm the site).

Behavioral factors

At the moment, search robots analyze the behavior of the user who has clicked on your site. If it turns out that the client did not get what he was looking for, your site will be lowered in the search results. If you are selling a raccoon on the page, then you should not also include iPhones, iPads, and other things that are not related to the topic in the keywords.

If a client logs out of your site within a few seconds after entering, your site will fall in the search results

What should be the site for successful SEO promotion?

In addition to the above, you should think about the usability of your site or, in the words of experts, usability. Is navigation easy? Are sections of the site easily accessible? Is the site adapted to work with tablets or mobile phones?

Also pay attention to the speed of loading sites. It seems that comments are unnecessary here. If the site when connecting to 50 megabits per second. It takes 5 seconds to load - this is a cross for your site.

The content itself deserves special mention. Make sure that, in addition to goods or services, the site has content, articles that will help the client make a choice. Almost all major stores on the Internet maintain their own blogs.

And the Snippet... Don't forget to check what information is displayed under the title in the SERP. It must be attractive so that the client wants to come to you. Ideally, the snippet should contain a keyword.

By the way, SEO promotion can change over the years. For example, in 2013, SEO promotion with key phrases in the description was still relevant. Over time, search engines have changed the principles of ranking. Now, the main trend for 2017-2018 has become a behavioral factor. So, if a person stays on the site for a short time, less than 2 minutes, or leaves the page quickly, this will negatively affect the site.

Behavioral factor in SEO promotion

As mentioned above, in 2017-2018 the main focus should be on people's behavior. For example, by going to your site, a person should not only open the page, but also read it, perhaps leaving a comment, like you did to this article.

What can be done to improve the "behavioral factor" in SEO promotion?

  • Social buttons and calls to activity. Try to write a call to like and repost on the pages of your site. This will show that your material is useful and people are willing to use it. it is logical that if the site is interesting, it should be shown above the rest.

Good day, dear readers. You should have heard about seo promotion at least once in your life, even if it’s not, in any case, like most people, you use search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.) in order to find on the Internet answers to your requests, for example, “buy an apartment”, “order pizza” and the like. It is SEO promotion that affects where your site will be located for a particular request. Everyone is trying to get on the first page of the search engine (as they say - in the TOP), because a very small percentage of people go to 2, 3 and subsequent pages.

For understanding, let's define "what is SEO"

Search engine optimization (from English search engine optimization, SEO) is a set of actions for internal and external optimization of the site to increase the position of the site in search engines for the necessary queries to increase resource traffic and further sales.

Application for SEO promotion from professionals

35 000 rub. 50 000 rub. 100 000 rub.


Search results and site positions

In the screenshot you see the Yandex search results for the query "buy iphone"

Separate blocks:

  1. Advertising
  2. Organic issuance, contains, as a rule, 10 results
  3. Advertising
  4. Search suggestions, switching between pages and the region for which the issue is generated

Search queries and TOP10

Using search engine optimization, you get high positions of your site for phrases from your subject. These queries bring you targeted traffic every month, thanks to which your site begins to "earn" money.

Traffic and its dynamics

Targeted traffic is what, as a rule, SEO is done on the Internet for. It is tracked in Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics. This is how, for example, part of the report on visits for search phrases from PS looks like.

Also, it is very important to constantly ensure that traffic on your site grows from year to year. And this is possible only with constant SEO promotion of your resource, because your competitors are on your heels.

A vivid example of how traffic is growing year by year.

What else do you need to know about queries?

There are several relevant rules:

  1. You can not take a place in the TOP for a single high-frequency request. Your site must fully comply with all topics during SEO promotion, respectively, you need to make a resource that covers all the requests of your business area as much as possible. For example, for the query “repair of washing machines”, you are unlikely to be able to reach the top if you do not provide repair services for all household appliances.
  2. If you consider some request important for site promotion, this does not mean at all that it will bring traffic and visitors to your site. It is quite possible that from your point of view, some request is more profitable for promotion, but only a specialist or a number of his tools can give an accurate answer to this.
  3. Really good traffic in seo does not bring only 2-3 requests. It is necessary to study the topic as deeply as possible, then many thousands of low-frequency queries will bring more traffic than a few high-frequency ones. Most likely there are hundreds and thousands of requests in your subject, you just need .

It is important to understand that for search engine optimization to assemble a really high-quality core, and then carry out skillful clustering, is a very important, and most importantly, painstaking and complex work that takes a lot of time.

Stages of SEO promotion

The work consists of and external optimization

These are the main typical works, but in fact, each project is individual and the list may change.

Terms of obtaining the first results on SEO promotion

The average time for obtaining some kind of dynamics for a project or result is 4 months. This period may vary depending on many factors, here are a few of them:

  • Site (domain) age
  • The number of competitors in your niche in seo promotion
  • Search traffic on the site
  • Brand popularity (i.e. direct visits and visits from brand queries)
  • The number and quality of sites linking to your resource
  • The number of pages and unique content on the site that matches your theme
  • The presence of filters from search engines on the site

SEO promotion cost

If we talk about the subscriber payment system, the prices are approximately as follows:

  • 20,000 rubles/month– the minimum budget for site promotion. Only small regional companies or freelancers can give a normal result for this money. Problems that you may encounter: it is very difficult to choose a good contractor, there are few sites that can be fully promoted for such a budget.
  • 50,000 rubles/month- the average price on the market for large cities. With such a budget for search engine optimization, you can easily promote most typical sites.
  • 100,000 rubles/month and more - budgets for large brands. At this price, you get additional bonuses: increased attention, more people in the contractor's team, extra. analytics, expensive press releases and much more.

What is the cost of SEO promotion

The price consists of many things, I will try to describe the maximum average prices and factors of one project for one month.

Factor Price A comment
SEO specialist salary 2 000 rub. With an average salary of 40,000 rubles / month and 20 projects
Link budget 10 000 rub.
Content 5 000 rub. At the cost of one seo-text with pictures 300 rubles. and writing 16 pages a month
Simple layout work 5 000 rub. Creation of pages, placement of texts. Development and programming - not included
Office, workplace, legal face etc. . 5 000 rub.
SEO Organization Margin ???*
Total 27 000 rub. *No margin

Even though I described only average indicators, this table should answer the question “Why is it so expensive?” :).

In other words, if you are offered search engine optimization for 10,000 - 15,000 rubles / month, you should understand that your contractors will save on something: they will not buy links, they will write 2 texts per month, etc., which will certainly affect the result.

Most importantly, the “right” SEO companies work precisely for the long term, because. if you provide a really high-quality service, then quite often the company does not earn money from the client for the first six months, but works to zero.

Types of SEO promotion

There are several well-established types of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Payment for positions

With such a KPI, the following are selected: a wide core of requests is selected, divided into competitive / non-competitive and low-, medium- and high-frequency ones.

Payment for the most “simple” requests for promotion starts from 150 rubles / month. for the presence of a request in the TOP 10, the cost for the most high-frequency and competitive requests for SEO promotion can reach up to 50,000 rubles / month. for a request in the TOP 10.

It is important to understand that with such a system of payment for positions, it is necessary to collect them every day throughout the core, and preferably for several services. Then calculate, for example, in Excel, the percentage of visibility for the SEO of each request.

Example for one week:

Phrase Jan 01 Jan 02 Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan 05 Jan 06 Jan 07
iphone 20 15 30 8 14 40 6
buy iphone 2 18 9 24 4 8 6
iphone price

Then, for the phrase "iphone" the site was in the top 2 days out of 7, for the phrase "buy iphone" - 5/7, and "iphone price" - 0/7. Accordingly, you need to calculate the percentage and find out the actual cost of paying for SEO for the reporting month.

Also, many SEO companies, at the request of the customer, add different cost of requests when they are in the TOP10, TOP5 and TOP3

Payment for traffic

The pay-per-traffic search engine optimization model is a kind of interpretation of contextual advertising and is ideal as a KPI for online stores. You pay a fixed price per visitor from an organic channel. There are also options where you only pay for visitors over a certain number. For example, if the site came with a traffic of 2000 visitors / month, you can agree to pay each visitor over 2000.

There is a practice of reducing the cost of one visitor at a certain threshold, for example, 15 rubles if there are up to 2000 visitors / month, 12 rubles - 2000-4000 / month, 10 rubles - 4000 or more / month.

Pay for results

In SEO promotion, this KPI is now very popular. As a rule, this model is used in the “Pay for Leads” format, where a lead is any targeted request from an organic traffic channel. For successful work on this type of conditions, you need to set the number substitution (or even better, set the call tracking) when entering from the SEO channel and double-check all the forms on the site.

Target appeal, as a rule, is not considered - promotional offers, erroneous calls, calls not related to the subject of the organization.

Also note that this type of SEO promotion is best for service sites.

Approximate prices for topics per lead:

Result Tracking

Tracking the results is sometimes difficult, but one thing can be said with certainty.

When SEO-promotion of a site on the Internet, you must have constant traffic growth(when comparing year to year!) or steady increase in visibility on demand(preferably in TOP10, TOP30, TOP50, TOP100).

An example of traffic growth year on year

This graph shows search traffic with SEO for half a year, compared to the same period of the previous year.

Position Growth Example

This graph shows a stable monthly growth of positions in the TOP10 and TOP30

With specific KPI models, which I wrote about above: payment for results, positions, traffic, you track accordingly: the growth of applications, positions, traffic.

Services for tracking the result of SEO promotion

There are many different tools, the most-most necessary:

Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics for traffic tracking

It is recommended to set a metric counter and an analyst counter to track traffic. You don’t need to set anything else, these tools are enough to effectively track the results of website promotion and further analytics.

Position Tracking

There are a large number of services, all of them are paid, the average cost is 3 kopecks for renting a position for one request. I will not advertise any particular service.

This must be done by all means, but still there are exceptional cases where it is not necessary to remove positions.

Website promotion yourself

This is a difficult job that requires a lot of knowledge, effort, a team, and most importantly, experience and constant study of information in order to "be in the know."

What works today won't work tomorrow. This phrase is not an exaggeration at all.

It is independent seo-promotion of the site that really makes sense in several cases:

  1. Do you want to become an SEO specialist or are you already?
  2. You do it for fun
  3. Do you have a non-commercial website?
  4. You are not going to use the organic traffic channel to sell your products and services

Website promotion in the company

This is the right decision if you really want to increase sales, brand awareness, etc.

This advertising channel is one of the most traffic and inexpensive to attract new customers, and, sooner or later, most companies come to the conclusion that they simply need seo, and here, the sooner you start, the better the result will be.

Does my website need promotion at all?

In 99% of cases, you can say "Yes". But many refuse this service, I described 7 main reasons. Under what circumstances does this make little sense:

  1. Unique new product/service, which is basically unknown to people. You will not be able to promote all startups and innovations in SEO, because search demand is absent in principle. However, there are exceptions: if you are promoting a unique technology, for example, eye treatment, then you can get traffic for general queries such as “eye treatment”, “vision correction” thanks to seo promotion.
  2. Short term business: i.e. today you sell wood, tomorrow you provide legal services, and the day after tomorrow you repair phones. However, if your business is seasonal, i.e. every year in July you offer language courses in Malta and in August in Germany, this applies here.

The main problems of my site before SEO promotion

There are a number of difficulties that hinder specialists, sometimes they are such serious problems that sometimes it is better to make the site anew. Here are a few of them:

  1. One page website(or landing). You can promote such a site only by brand requests, for example, a one-page site of some residential complex. You will not be able to display the bulk of all requests. Therefore, for seo, you need a full-fledged website.
  2. Site on the constructor. Even if your resource is located on a "flexible" site builder, sooner or later you will simply need to transfer the site to (content management system), because. current realities in promotion require the implementation of unique functionality for each site.
  3. Site on an outdated, unsupported CMS. It often happens that a site made 10-15 years ago is written on such an old CMS that all the necessary modules for site promotion are missing in the current realities, and their development will cost more and take longer than creating a new site.
  4. Website on self-written CMS. A very common occurrence. Many organizations, when creating a site for a customer, write it on a system of their own design. And many people make this system complicated and incomprehensible so that the customer has less desire to change the contractor for website support or search engine optimization. If the system is difficult to understand and there is no clarity on how to deal with the main modules, it is better to immediately transfer the site to a modern CMS.

However, you should not worry about the development of the site, a competent contractor for SEO promotion on the Internet will transfer your site to one of the popular, supported CMS.

If you are reading this article, then my SEO works :) Sooner or later, any blogger comes across the terrible word SEO. The first thought is that if I don’t know what SEO is, then I shouldn’t pay attention to it, this beast is tough only for the most seasoned “website promoters”! But the more often the word SEO flashes before your eyes, the faster the realization comes that if right now you don’t start SEO-optimizing your texts, then your own and such a cool blog will NEVER even be able to look at the first page of Yandex search results. And you start looking for instructions "SEO for dummies."

I've been looking for it too, to no avail! The Internet offers mainly paid services for SEO promotion, and "budget bloggers" can only collect precious information bit by bit. Today I will share sacred knowledge with you and tell you how to SEO-optimize your texts, if you don’t know what SEO is at all.

What is SEO?

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - search engine optimization.

Search engines are robots. They can't read texts and it's hard for them to appreciate your high writing style. Therefore, you should optimize your texts in such a way that search engines (on the Russian market, this is mainly Yandex) understand what you wrote about in general and decide whether to display your article in the search results or not.

Many people think that SEO is just a selection of keywords. But in reality, keywords are just one piece of the pie. On the whole text SEO optimization- these are keywords + competent writing and text design + image settings + high-quality content.

If something is missing, the pie is no longer complete. And who will display a bitten pie on the window? That's why search robots don't want to.

If we are talking about SEO optimization of the entire blog, then we must also add internal and external optimization of the entire site to the optimization of texts. And this, and loading speed, and the elimination of all internal errors in the site, and an increase in the number of links to your site from other resources, and more.

But don't be scared! Let's eat the elephant bit by bit :) Today I'll tell you right on the fingers about SEO for texts, it's not so difficult, and then we'll think further.


Well, yes, you can't do without them. Like it or not, your article can be shown to a potential visitor to your blog only if Yandex understands that it matches the user's request. And he can understand this only by key words.

The keywords are mathematics. In no case should you invent anything and assume that users can search there on the Internet. Users type specific queries in search engines, and search engines keep track of these queries.

The yandex.wordstat.ru service will help you find the right keywords. Yandex is not an evil guy who wants to drown your site in an avalanche of competitors. This is a very friendly resource that shares information to help you get to the first page in the SERPs.


You run a literary blog and want to write an article about what to read from contemporary authors. Before writing the text, you should go to wordstat and drive the query "modern authors" into the search box.

What you need to pay attention to:

How many times a month users generally enter the query “modern authors” is the first line. In our case, we see the figure of 22,368 people. This request is quite popular, and serious literary portals (online stores) that use paid promotion tools are probably in the top for this request. We should not compete with them, we will go the other way and find similar but less popular queries.

In our case, less popular queries are “authors of modern novels” or “modern Russian authors”. They are recruited by only 1-3 thousand people, so here you can already try your luck.

As we can see, there are even less popular queries here, which nevertheless fully correspond to our topic. For example, "modern novels by Russian authors" - 663 people. By this request, it will be even easier to move to the top.

Well, in order for the top to become ours for sure, we will detail the request even more. I scrolled down the page and saw this:

These queries can also be used as the main keyword (it's very easy to rank for them), or as additional keywords that will help you rank for several unpopular queries at once.

Why do we need to promote on unpopular requests? Because the chicken bites grain by grain! By optimizing the article for a few unpopular queries, you can quickly and surely climb to the top and attract several dozen visitors a month. And if your site has at least 100 properly optimized articles, then you can get several thousand new readers every month.

What to do with requests?

First of all, from all the unpopular requests, we need to choose one that will become our main key. In our example, I would take the query "Modern novels by Russian authors" or something from this "weight category". We also need to select a few additional requests and write out the whole thing on a separate piece of paper.

The next step is to go to regular Yandex and enter our queries into the search bar, paying attention to the hints that Yandex gives. For example, if you start entering the query “modern authors” into the search box, Yandex will offer a ready-made continuation of the phrase: and their works, fiction, detective stories, etc. This information can be used both as ideas for revealing the topic, and as additional keywords, because in fact, this is nothing more than frequent user requests.

Having chosen as many keywords as possible in this way, you can sit down to write an article.

Your task is to:

  • the main query should be used IN UNCHANGED FORM in the title of the article, in the first and last paragraph of the article, organically (!) Entering it into sentences.
  • additional requests can be used in any form, in any case, anywhere in the text.

What if I am a creative person and cannot write according to the query plan?

I am the same too. Therefore, I first come up with the topic of the article, then I choose the main query, then I write the text in the way that my creative nature requires.

When the first version of the text is ready, I sit down at the editorial office and, where possible, insert my keywords. Yes, the selection of synonyms is not exactly what a novice blogger dreams of, but this is SEO, baby :) What is more important for you that your masterpiece remains gathering dust in the backyard of the Internet, or that your cool article is put on the first shelf in the first line in Yandex?

No matter how hard you try to choose the right keywords, your article will never get to the TOP if it is useless. Today, to become popular, you have to be a professional in your field.

You should:

  • carefully choose the topics of articles, they should be of interest to your readers (it is better to have a plan of articles for a couple of months in advance)
  • fully open the topic
  • write long articles of 3000 characters or more (the number of characters can be checked in a regular Word editor, Review tab, Statistics section).
  • give readers more than they expect to read
  • write detailed instructions, share experience, contacts, useful resources, etc.

Try to be interesting for your readers. After all, the longer the visitor lingers on your blog, the higher Yandex will raise you next time. Yes, he does too :)

Text formatting for SEO

When our cool article is written and crammed with keywords (organically inscribed in the text!), We proceed to editing errors and formatting.

If your literacy suffers, it is better to check the text for errors on one of the appropriate online services. It's free and it matters! Only the most correct articles should be in the top, and not those where all the commas are "author's".

Also, the text should be easy to read, that is, you should:

  • break text into paragraphs (try to keep each paragraph no more than 3-4 lines)
  • spacing between paragraphs
  • use lists and tables
  • use subheadings
  • insert links to other articles on your blog into the text (this is called linking, it can be done using the special Inline Related PRO plugin)

What not to do:

  • bold and italicize all your keywords - Yandex can count this as a re-optimization and lower your site in search results,
  • do not use many different fonts and text colors - this makes it difficult to read.

How to format subheadings

This point is very important, because the subtitle is not just the title of the section in bold type.

Yandex can determine the title of the article and subtitles only if you tell it where they are located.

When you decide to format some text as a subheading, you should put the cursor on the corresponding text and find the “paragraph” section on the toolbar, inside select, for example, HEADING 2.

Accordingly, if within one heading you need to divide the text into even smaller parts, you should use Heading 3 and so on. Heading 1 in the text can only be used once!

It is also highly desirable to use keywords in subheadings, then Yandex will understand exactly what you are writing about.

Image SEO optimization

Images are another component of SEO promotion. It is highly desirable that the pictures on your site/blog are not heavy (up to 100 kb, otherwise the site will take a long time to load, which is bad for SEO) and unique, not downloaded from the Internet. Where can I find so many pictures?

  • try to use your own photos more often
  • according to the topic of the text, you can use screenshots (screenshots) instead of pictures. For example, in this article all the pictures are screenshots of my control panel
  • you can find an interesting video on the net and pause it in the right place and take a screenshot - this way you will get a unique picture :)
  • use the canva.com online editor - this resource offers a large number of free modern templates for designing pictures and photos for blogs, social networks, etc. Uploaded pictures become unique. Try it, you won't regret it.

Once you've selected an image and uploaded it to your blog, you'll need to add a title and an alt attribute to it. It is not difficult:)

  1. We write the title of the picture, preferably in Latin letters. It is perfectly acceptable that this will be your keyword.
  2. We write the alt attribute - this is a unique description of our picture on the site, here it is necessary to register the main keyword with the addition of a photo, picture, etc. It can be written in Russian.

Install the Yoast SEO Plugin

It will help you to correctly write the description and title of your article.


  1. Unless you have an online store, then the SEO title can always match the title of your article. It is very important to use your keyword unchanged in the title.
  2. The snippet is what your post looks like in the search results (photo below)
  3. A label is what is displayed in the search bar when a user lands on a page with an article. The label must be written in English letters. You can automate the process of writing a label using the Rus-to-Lat plugin. It is better if your keyword is used in the label.
  4. Meta Description - A description of what your article is about. It is extremely important to use your keyword unchanged in this description, preferably closer to the beginning of the description.

  1. Seo header
  2. Label
  3. Meta description

All together = snippet. My keyword for this article is "marry an Egyptian"


Despite the fact that the article turned out to be long, all the same SEO for texts is not scary. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  1. content quality and usefulness
  2. selection and correct use of keywords
  3. correct formatting of the text (errors, paragraphs, subheadings)
  4. linking in text
  5. correct image formatting (uniqueness, name and alt attribute)
  6. Snippet formatting.

I did not talk about this above, but I think you set thumbnails and prescribe tags for your articles without my reminders.

By the way, if you do everything right, then your article will definitely rise to the top, but not immediately. How long it takes to get to the top depends on several factors — how quickly search engines index your articles, how useful content you publish, how you do with internal and external blog optimization, and how many competitors you have for this query. On average, you can start checking for the presence of an article on the first page of search results 3-6 weeks after publication.

I hope that my article helped you understand a little about what SEO is. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments! And stay tuned to my blog, sometimes in between articles about hot countries I will tell you about blogging :)

We wish you high positions in Yandex search results!

Don't want to waste time reading?

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Most of our clients are satisfied with the result and recommend us to others, but there are also those who are not satisfied and believe that SEO is a myth. And we will not contradict them and make excuses. Website promotion in search engines I am index And G o o g l e more like Alice in Wonderland than a physics reference book. Not everyone is able to withstand all the difficulties of progress and reach the end of the chessboard.

We regret that they did not have the patience to bring the matter to a quality result and that they are no longer our customers.

And it happened because:

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We can't break the promise we made to our clients and anyone who needs quality promotion - we do the best SEO in the country.
We promised and we are doing it.

We keep our word. Your OLITs.

Website promotion up to 1000 requests

The cost is from 80 000 rubles.

Website promotion up to 3000 requests

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Website promotion for all subject requests

Cost from 200,000 rubles.


"as a rule, the budget for search marketing is an individual matter and the cost may vary
from base tariffs both up and down."

  • Contextual advertising - to improve recognition rates and increase targeted traffic

  • Targeted advertising in social media - for greater audience coverage

  • Properly configured e-mail marketing - for quick notification of customers

  • Work with the brand reputation - working off the negativity on the network by responsible persons, communicating and solving problems with customers

We hope that this article will help you decide on the choice of a company to promote your business on the Internet!

Why do you need to order website promotion from us?

website promotion from OLiT is:

  • Only white, author's methods of promotion - confidence in the future!

  • We are not trying to "cheat" search engine algorithms, we know how to improve your site!

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  • Using the synergy of Internet marketing (SEO + SMM + SERP + classifieds + geolocation services + directories + app stores)!
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