How to permanently delete twitter from mobile. How to log out of Twitter? Uninstall twitter from android

Twitter is a popular social network where users communicate by exchanging short messages. But for many people, communication on social networks quickly gets bored, they lose interest in small texts. If you have not visited your Twitter page for a long time and do not want to communicate through this social network, delete it, because confidential information may become available to hackers.

How to quickly delete a page on Twitter

First go to your profile. Click the "Login" tab on the official page of the social network and enter your login with a password. Study the page interface carefully - you will not see the "delete" button anywhere. But this tab exists! Your next steps are:

  • go to the "Settings" section. The button for this section is located in the upper right corner;
  • you will be taken to the personal account settings page. Here is the information specified by the user during registration;
  • scroll down the settings page. You will see the "Delete Account" tab;
  • click on the above button. First, a warning will appear that the account will be deleted. Confirm deletion;
  • A window appears asking you to enter your username and password. This is necessary to confirm that it is you who want to delete the account, and not the attackers. Enter your details and confirm that you want to delete the page on Twitter. That's it, you are no longer a user of this social network!

After deleting an account, recordings from it may still be broadcast for some time. This is normal.

Delete a page on Twitter using reference materials

Have you not figured out how to use the resource correctly? Please read the information provided in the Help Desk carefully. Find the "Help" menu - this is the second inscription on the left side on the personal page. Click the tab and the help center will appear. A multi-year account may bring you some benefits, and you will change your mind about deleting it. The help center has answers to all your questions.

In the "Search" field, enter the desired question and get the answer. If you want to delete your account - enter the appropriate question. The center will tell you in detail how to do this. The entry is automatically queued for deletion. But from mobile devices, this method will not delete an account.

We delete a page on Twitter using special services

To permanently disappear from Twitter, use special services - or They are presented in English. Use an electronic translator to work with services. Read the instructions for deleting your account and do everything as you are prompted. This method allows you to delete the page forever and no information will remain on it.

What to do if a page on Twitter is deleted in vain?

You deleted your Twitter account and have never regretted it. A deleted account is restored within thirty days of its deletion. The page is available for restoration in its original form. Just log in to your account with your previous username and password. But do it within the above time, after 30 days the entry is permanently deleted and there is no return.

If you want to change your username or email address, don't delete your account. Do it through the settings. All subscribers and subscriptions on the page will remain.

Use any of the above methods to delete your personal Twitter page. But when using the first two methods, the page will be deleted after a while. The third method will allow you to immediately get rid of the annoying account.

Deleting your account is easy enough. But this can only be done in the full version of the site. Therefore, if you finally decide to leave, you will need a computer or laptop.

It is not possible to delete your account in the microblogging service on the website or mobile applications. When you try to open the full version of the site from mobile devices (including tablets), the site automatically changes to a reduced mobile version.

What to do if you do not have the opportunity to log in from a computer or laptop? You can, for example, use the mobile version of the Google Chrome browser, where there is an option to "go to the full version of the site."

So, you somehow ended up on the full version of the site Now you have very little left.

You need to click on the "hexagon" icon in the upper right corner of the screen (between the envelope and the feather) and in the drop-down menu click on the "Settings" button. The page that opens must be scrolled to the end, after which at the very bottom of the screen you will see the "Delete my account" button.

It remains only to press the confirmation button on the page that opens and that's it. You have been removed from twitter.

After deleting your account, you will lose all your followers!

Features of deleting from twitter

Your data will be stored for another 30 days. That is, if within a month you change your mind about deleting from Twitter, you just need to go to the site using your old account - and it will be restored. After 30 days, it will no longer be possible to restore the account.

If you want to change your username or your address, then for this you should not delete your account and register again. It is enough just to change this data on the settings page. In this case, all your mentions and subscribers will remain with you.

Some of your tweets may be saved in search engines. Twitter itself has no control over the information that search engines index.

Until your account is completely deleted (that is, another 30 days), you will not be able to use the email address or username assigned to it. To, you should either get a new mailbox or wait until the old profile is permanently deleted.

Many users are wondering how to delete their Twitter account. Twitter is a fairly popular social network, but not everyone uses it, so after a while they decide to delete it. Twitter gets deleted for various reasons. In this article, we will look at how to do it right.

Delete twitter from computer

To delete, you need to log into your account - enter your username and password. This will give us access to the settings. At the top right we see the avatar, you need to click on it and select "Settings". This menu contains all information about the user, page settings, access of other users to the page. At the bottom of the page there is an item called "Deactivate my account". This item will lead you to the final deletion of account data in this social network.

When the page opens, it will contain the inscription “So we say goodbye?”, As well as information on deletion - the timing of deletion and the consequences. At the very bottom you can see "Delete account" and "Cancel". If you want to delete all entries, personal information, settings, then you must click the first option. Next, you will have to enter your username and password again (this is done for security purposes). The twitter has now been deleted.

It is worth considering that after deletion, the page can be restored within a month. To restore the page, you need to go through authorization, so if you deleted the page, then you should not forget your username and password so that you can restore it later. Also, the contents of the account will be displayed for several days - these are the features of this social network.


Only delete your account if you really won't be using it. The fact is that the features of the social network mean that you can make an account only once for one email address and one login. Or, before deleting the account, you can change the email address in the settings in order to create an account in your main email box in the future.

Today, no one is surprised by applications in a mobile phone. Therefore, it is worth considering how to delete Twitter from a mobile phone. The interface of the social network is adapted to the phone so that users can easily use the application. The application allows you to write notes, read news, share photos, subscribe to pages - in principle, everything is the same as on a computer, only adapted to the phone.

Can I delete twitter on my phone?

It is not possible to delete an account through the official application. To delete a twitter, you need to go to the settings, find the twitter. Select your account and select "Delete account" at the bottom. Click on this button to delete your account.

Delete twitter on phone

In fact, after the above deletion, the account will still exist, because. only the application will be deleted. If you want to delete the account completely, then you will need to do this only through a computer.


As you noticed from this article, deleting a twitter is quite simple through the settings. But keep in mind that you can completely delete your account only through a computer. You can't delete it on your phone. Only the application is deleted on the phone, and the account remains. Follow our instructions and you will be fine.

How to delete a twitter account

How to leave Twitter

Hello friends. Today I want to tell you about how to delete a page on Twitter in a simple way and permanently. If you suddenly have such a task, or you no longer want to spend your time on this social network, then it's time to use my instructions and solve the problem. But, before deleting your account, I advise you to seriously weigh the pros and cons of your decision. So, after deleting your account, all your data will be lost - a completed profile, followers, tweets, etc. You will no longer be able to communicate in the old account, and you will have to register a new one. But if the decision to delete is firmly made, then let's look at the full procedure for this process.

Removing a personal page from Twitter

We follow this link, and we see an interesting window called: “So we say goodbye?” I recommend that before deleting a page on Twitter, read the information provided there, so that later there are no unnecessary questions.

Click the Delete account @username button.

A pop-up window will appear in which you need to enter the password for your account and click the Delete account button.

The next window will inform you that your Twitter page has been successfully deleted.

I want to remind you once again that after confirming the deletion, your data will be stored for another 30 days, after which it will become permanently inaccessible. If during this time you change your mind about deleting your account, simply log in to your account.

That's all friends, now you know how to delete a page on Twitter and do it yourself without any problems.

It happens that it becomes necessary to delete your Twitter account. The reason can be either too much time spent on the microblogging service, or the desire to focus on working with another social network.

The motive as a whole does not matter. The main thing is that the developers of Twitter allow us to delete our account without any problems.

Let's be clear right away: deactivating a Twitter account using an application on your smartphone is not possible. No mobile Twitter client allows you to delete your account.

As the developers themselves warn, the account deactivation function is available only in the browser version of the service and only on the website.

Deleting a Twitter account from a computer

The procedure for deactivating a Twitter account is absolutely nothing complicated. At the same time, as in other social networks, account deletion does not occur immediately. First, it is suggested to turn it off.

The microblogging service continues to store user data for another 30 days after account deactivation. During this time, your Twitter profile can be restored without any problems in a couple of clicks. After 30 days from the date of deactivation of the account, the process of its permanent deletion will begin.

So, we got acquainted with the principle of deleting a Twitter account. Now let's proceed to the description of the process itself.

  1. First of all, we, of course, must log in to Twitter using the login and password that correspond to the “account” we are deleting.

  2. Next, click on our profile icon. It is located next to the button. "Tweet" at the top right of the service's home page. And then in the drop-down menu, select the item "Settings and Privacy".
  3. Here in the tab "Account", go to the bottom of the page. To start the process of deleting a Twitter account, click on the link "Deactivate your account".

  4. We are asked to confirm our intention to delete our profile. We are ready, so we press the button "Delete".

  5. Of course, such an action is unacceptable without specifying a password, so enter the coveted combination and click "Delete your account".

  6. As a result, we get a message that our Twitter account is disabled.

As a result of the above actions, the Twitter account, as well as all related data, will be deleted only after 30 days. Thus, if desired, the account can be easily restored before the end of the specified period.

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