What does label mean. Shortcut: what is it in different operating systems

In general, users have a very clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a shortcut is in an operating system of any type. The question is different: to what extent do they understand what properties objects of this type have and what actions can be performed with them. But sometimes it may depend on this, for example, the removal of viruses or the launch of the associated program with additional rights or privileges.

What is a shortcut in Windows: general concepts

But let's start with the simplest. Most often, users think that shortcuts in Windows are some kind of icons depicting a reduced logo of programs or files. On the whole, it is true, but not quite.

Here you need to clearly understand that the shortcut itself is a regular file ranging in size from ten to one hundred kilobytes, which contains information on binding to a program, file or any other object for which it was created so that you can get maximum access to them fast way (this is usually a double click if the default open setting has not been changed). But what information is there in this file?

Work shortcuts and their types

Here you need to distinguish between the types of labels. For example, standard shortcuts created in Windows systems for files (including executable program objects) have the LNK extension, which is derived from the English word link, that is, "link".

When opening its properties, such a file contains information related to specifying the full path of the location of the object to which it is attached. In this case, to call the file, you do not need to enter the specified path in the same "Explorer" or in another file manager.

There are other types of such objects. Depending on the operating system, the extensions can be completely different. But for Internet pages, for example, those saved on the Desktop, uniform standards have been adopted, and the shortcut itself has a URL extension.

What a shortcut is is a little clear. But how to determine its type, because in the same Windows systems the extension is hidden by default?

First, you should use the view settings tool file manager and set to show hidden directories and files, as well as uncheck the option to hide extensions for registered file types. After that, in the "Explorer", in the "Desktop", in any other place, it will not be difficult to determine the type of shortcut and the object of work associated with it.

Creating shortcuts with the simplest methods

Let's look at the question of how to create a shortcut using any version of Windows as an example. To do this, in the "Explorer" on the selected object (file), RMB is made with the choice from the menu of the line "Send ..." with the transition to the item of creating a shortcut on the "Desktop".

For Internet pages, the question of how to create a shortcut to the desired resource is solved by highlighting the address in the browser and dragging it into the free space of the "Desktop" or "Explorer". Sometimes for such manipulations it may be necessary to simultaneously use the held down Ctrl key.

File mapping and basic options

As for the parameters, here the main emphasis is, of course, on fast access to the desired object without physically searching and launching it.

An interesting feature in the latest windows versions is to set the run as administrator parameter so that you do not use the RMB menu every time. You can also perform some additional actions on the properties tab. For example, it is no secret that many computer games can be launched in the mode of using the console to enter special commands (for example, to enable the so-called god mode, to obtain additional weapons or bonuses). In this case, after specifying a link to the final executable file of the program, an additional command is written.

Using shortcut properties to eliminate virus threats

All this is good, but many viruses (especially adware) exploit this particular vulnerability. Even complete removal threats in the form of a software applet that can replace search enginesused by default, and start pagesdoes not always work. Why? Yes, only because in the link to the browser file there was a postscript indicating the link of the page to which the virus originally referred.

To fix the problem, look at the properties of the browser shortcut and make sure there is nothing more after the name of the browser executable file with the extension .exe. In the case of using most browsers (say, "Chrome"), the line of the object type link must end with Chrome.exe, and for "Opera" it can be the launch file Launcher.exe. By deleting the additional postscript and saving the changes, the situation can be corrected quite simply.

Brief summary

What a shortcut is, I think, is already clear to any user. But as for the actions performed with such objects or the settings used, be careful, because the link to the searched openable object may not always refer specifically to the viral effect. Such links can be created even when installed on the system virtual machine... Of course, ordinary users are software products they are unlikely to be used, however, such situations cannot be discounted.

To summarize, it can be noted that shortcuts are not mandatory objects in the sense of being present in the operating system. It is rather a means of accelerating access, because initially you can simply open desired file or a service through a file manager. And in this situation, you simply do not need to search for the file, since the link to it is exactly indicated in the shortcut to which the file or even the page on the Internet is associated.

As you know, in a store, labels are attached to clothing in order to quickly determine the size, price, manufacturer, recommendations for washing and ironing, etc. for any garment model. If such a label is removed, then the clothes do not lose their properties and can be worn.

Similarly, you can handle shortcuts in Windows 7: use them for quick access to files, folders, programs on your computer.

What is a shortcut

Do not worry or get upset if there is any problem with the shortcuts, for example, they disappeared or, by clicking on them, you cannot open a file or program. In case of problems with shortcuts, files, folders and programs for which Win 7 shortcuts were created, as a rule, remain intact.

How can you tell a label from a regular icon?

The label has the same name as the object to which it points. The object can be a program, folder, or file. It turns out that the name usually does not distinguish between a program shortcut and the program itself.

How to understand when we have a label and when the object itself? Moreover, the label can be safely removed. And it is worth deleting the object itself, only after careful thought.

Figure: 1 The shortcut icon differs from the object icon by the presence of a jump arrow.

You can distinguish a shortcut from an object by the icons.

A shortcut icon usually has a navigation arrow in the lower left corner (Figure 1). And the object icon does not have such an arrow. In fig. 1 shows examples of three icons:

  • A shortcut icon for the Yandex.Disk program (there is a jump arrow, so this is a shortcut for the Yandex.Disk program),
  • Shortcut icon for skype programs (there is a jump arrow, so this is a shortcut for the Skype program),
  • Trash icon (no navigation arrow, this is not a shortcut).

Windows 7 shortcut properties: shortcut type, size and location

If you click on any RMB shortcut ( right click mouse), the "Properties" window will open. Click on the "General" tab (number 01 in Fig. 2), and look at the general properties of the shortcut.

Figure: 2 File type, location and file size of the Skype shortcut

The shortcut file has (or type, format) .lnk (number 1 in Fig. 2).

Labels take up little space. In fig. 2 shows that the size of the shortcut file is 2-4 Kb.

Also in fig. 2 you can see the location of the label. It can be seen that the shortcut for the Skype program is located on the Desktop, or rather, here - C: \\ Users \\ Public \\ Desktop (number 2 in Fig. 2).

How to create a shortcut: the first way

Shortcuts are useful because they can be placed in a convenient location, such as on the desktop. By clicking on the shortcut on the Desktop, you can quickly open the desired program, file or folder. Below we will consider two ways how you can create a shortcut for a program, file or folder.

1) You need to find on your computer an object (program, file or folder) for which you need to create a shortcut - number 1 in Fig. 3.

Figure: 3 How to create a shortcut in a folder and drag it to the Desktop

2) Now you need to right-click (Right Mouse Button) on the object (program, file or folder) that needs a shortcut.

3) A menu will appear in which you should select the "Create shortcut" command - number 2 in fig. 3. That's all, a brand new shortcut will appear in the same place, in the same folder where our object is located.

4) It makes no sense to store the shortcut along with the object in the same folder. Therefore, you should drag the shortcut to the desired location, for example, to the Desktop.

To do this, use one of the three buttons in the upper right corner of the window (number 3 in Fig. 3) to reduce the window so that the Desktop is visible.

Then you need to move the mouse cursor to the shortcut, click on the LMB (Left Mouse Button) and, without releasing it, drag the shortcut to the Desktop (number 4 in Fig. 3). After dragging the shortcut to the desired location, you can release the mouse button.

How to create a shortcut: method two

Create a Windows 7 shortcut right from the desktop. For some, it will be easier than the first method, but for others it will be more difficult.

1) Click on an empty space of the Desktop with RMB (right mouse button) (number 1 in Fig. 4).

Figure: 4 Create a shortcut on the Desktop

2) Select the “Create” command in the menu that appears (number 2 in Fig. 4), and then “Label” (number 3 in Fig. 4).

The "Create shortcut" window will appear (Fig. 5):

Figure: 5 We are looking for the folder where the object for which the shortcut is created

3) You need to fill in the field "Specify the location of the object". To do this, find the object (program or file, folder) for which the shortcut is created. To do this, you can click on the "Browse" button (Fig. 5). The "Browse files and folders" window will appear, where you need to find the necessary program or document and click on it. The field "Specify the location of the object" will be filled in, then click on "OK".

4) A new window will appear where you can enter a name for the shortcut or agree with the proposed name, after which you should click on the "Finish" button.

5) Now you can look for a brand new shortcut with an arrow in the left corner on the desktop of your computer.

How to create a Mail.ru shortcut on your Desktop?

You can create shortcuts for more than just files or programs that reside on your computer's hard drive. A shortcut can also be created for a website located on the Internet.

Consider again the above creating a shortcut on the Desktop on specific example - shortcut (icon) Mail.ru on the Desktop.

1) Right-click (right-click) on free space on the desktop.

2) In the appeared context menu choose "Shortcut" - "Create" (Fig. 4).

3) The "Create shortcut" window pops up (Fig. 5).

4) In this window, enter http://mail.ru/ (Fig. 5.1).

Figure: 5.1. How to create a shortcut Mail ru?

6) The "Create shortcut" window will appear, in which you must enter the name of the shortcut. In fig. 5.2 I have entered the name "Mail.ru", but you can enter any other name, including, in Russian, in Cyrillic.

Figure: 5.2. Enter a name for the shortcut on the Desktop

7) Click on "Finish", go to the Desktop to look at a new shortcut with the name that we just set.

How to give a shortcut a different name (rename)?

You can rename a shortcut an unlimited number of times. To rename a shortcut, you need to right-click on it (Right Mouse Button). A menu will appear in which we click on the "Rename" command (number 1 in Fig. 6).

Figure: 6 How to rename or delete a shortcut

After that, the field containing the shortcut name will become available for editing. Using the keyboard, enter a new name for the shortcut or edit the old name.

How do I remove a shortcut?

1st method. Select the shortcut and press the Delete key.

2nd method. Click on the shortcut RMB (Right Mouse Button). A menu will appear, in which click on the "Delete" command (number 2 in Fig. 6).

In the 1st and 2nd method, in order to avoid misunderstandings when removing the label, the operating room windows system will ask you to confirm your decision to remove the shortcut: "Move this shortcut to the trash?" (fig. 7)

Figure: 7 Confirm the removal of the shortcut to the Trash

If you click on the "Yes" button, the shortcut will be removed to the Trash.

If the Trash has not been cleared by the user, then the shortcut can be returned from the Trash back to its original place. To do this, you will need to go to the Trash, right-click on the previously deleted shortcut. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the "Restore" command. The shortcut will be restored to the folder and location from which it was deleted.

Windows 7 shortcut icons

Shortcut icons can be changed to others. How to do it?

Figure: 8 How to change the shortcut icon

  • To change the shortcut icon, right-click on it.
  • In the menu that appears, click the Properties command,
  • open the Label tab (number 1 in Fig. 8),
  • click the Change Icon button (number 2 in Fig. 8).

The Change Icon window appears, allowing you to select an icon from the set of icons provided. Select an icon, select it with a mouse click and click OK. The icon will change to the selected one, new icon.

Windows 7 shortcuts won't open

The appearance of the label (color, size, presence or absence of an arrow in the left corner of the label icon) does not affect its operation in any way. Moreover, appearance shortcuts can be customized to your liking.

What affects the performance of shortcuts? Viruses unsuccessful windows updates, imprudent actions of the user.

The rash actions of the user include, for example, moving the program to another folder. Alternatively: the user tidied up the computer, moved the program and forgot. Then the shortcut to the program moved to another folder will immediately stop working. The reason is simple - the old file location does not work, you should replace it with a new one.

What can you do if a shortcut stops working?

  • Check your computer for viruses.
  • It is possible to roll back the operating system to a working version if points have been made.
  • Without thinking twice, you can try to remove the shortcut. First, you should make sure that the shortcut is actually being deleted, and not the program itself for which the shortcut was created. Then create a new shortcut. It's easier than checking the properties of the shortcut, looking for the cause and fixing it.
  • Check shortcut properties. Let us consider this reason in more detail.

If in the Properties of the shortcut the location of the program is different from its real location on the computer, then, of course, the shortcut will not work.

Where can I find it? RMB on the shortcut - Properties - Tab "Shortcut" - button "File location" (number 5 in Fig. 8). If after clicking on this button, the file is not found, then you should look at in the "Object" window (number 6 in Fig. 8). Compare this path with the actual location of the file on the computer and, if necessary, correct it, especially since the field indicated by the number 6 in Fig. 8 is available for editing.

Exercises for computer literacy:

  1. Find a photo (or program) on your computer and create a shortcut for the photo on your Desktop. Click on the shortcut on the Desktop, make sure that it works.
  2. Get trending computer literacy articles straight to your mailbox .
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For example, let's display the shortcut of the Word program on the desktop.

Press the Start button 1. Then move the cursor (without clicking the mouse buttons) over the All Programs menu 2. A list of programs installed on your computer opens. Follow the arrow to go to this list and hover the cursor over the folder you need - Microsoft Office 3 .

A list of programs included in Microsoft Office will open. Move the cursor to the program we need:
Microsoft Office Word 2003 4

Now, hovering over Microsoft Office Word 2003, press the right mouse button.

A context menu will open in front of you.

Releasing the right mouse button, move the cursor to the Send 5 item, a submenu will open on the right, in which you select Desktop ( create shortcut) 6 and press left button mouse.

That's it, now you can admire the program shortcut that appears on the desktop and run Microsoft Office Word with it.

If you do not find the program you need in the Windows Main Menu

But sometimes you can't find the program you need in the main menu (someone accidentally or deliberately removed the shortcut). Do not despair, it is fixable. If the program is on the computer, then you need to find the launching file of the program and display a shortcut from it on the desktop.

For text editor Word the way will be. Through windows explorer or file manager Total Commander find the Program Files folder, in it - microsoft folder Office, then
open the OFFICE11 folder and find the WINWORD.exe file in it

On the found file, right-click the context menu, and then proceed
in an already proven way. Do the same with any other program.
Find its folder in Program Files, then find the file that launches the program in the folder
(most often it has the .exe extension, but there are others). If you don't immediately understand which file is launching, double-click to try to launch it. If the program starts, then everything is correct, this is the main file. Display a shortcut from it to the desktop using the method,
shown above.

Note: You cannot delete anything in the Program Files folder with the Delete button. Otherwise, the program
which is in this folder will stop working!

How to rename a desktop icon

If the name assigned to the label windows programyou don't like, for example, Shortcut forWord, you can change it.

To do this, hover the cursor over the shortcut (icon), right-click the context menu and select the item Rename... Immediately the text of the signature under the label is highlighted and you can delete the words "Label for", or completely rename the label. After that, be sure to press the Enter key - only then your name will be saved.

Paying attentionthat such actions (rename, delete) can be performed only with labels (they have a little black arrow in the lower left corner of the label). Files
programs located in their folders in Program Files cannot be renamed! Otherwise, they will stop working. You can only deduce labels from them, but with labels, do whatever you want!

How to display a site shortcut on the desktop

A site visitor asked me a question: " How to display a site shortcut on the desktop?". At first I thought that it makes no sense, because links can be placed in Favorites. But after trying this option, I was convinced that this method of opening a site has the right to exist. After clicking on the shortcut, the web browser is launched, and at the same time the site opens (two steps at the same time) How do you create a shortcut to your favorite site on your desktop that you open every day? Internet Explorer installed along with Windows on any computer, create a shortcut using it.

So, open Internet Explorer, open the desired site in it. Now, in the File menu, move the cursor to the Send link, then to the right and click the link Desktop shortcut... Everything, shortcut ( icon) is already on the desktop. You can check!

Is an icon designed to launch a file, folder or page from the Internet.

Let's say you have a Music folder on your Local D drive. It contains many folders with the names of music groups and artists, among which there is your favorite band. This means that every time you want to listen to your favorite band, you have to open "Computer", then " Local disk D ", then the" Music "folder, then look for the folder with the name of your favorite band.

In order to open the necessary files and folders faster, shortcuts were invented. We can put a special icon on the Desktop (computer screen) on the folder with our favorite music. And when we double-click on it with the left mouse button, the computer will receive a command to go to the place where this folder is located and open it. That is, when you open the shortcut, the computer will execute a series of commands: open "Computer", open "Local D drive" in it, open the "Music" folder, open the folder with your favorite band.

A shortcut is not a file or folder itself, or an Internet page! It's just a command for the computer. And if we remove the shortcut from the computer, then the file or folder to which it refers will remain.

What does the label look like

An arrow is drawn on the label below:

A normal file or folder does not have this arrow:

If you see an arrow on a file icon or folder, be aware that this is a shortcut. This means that if you delete it, the file or folder it opens will remain on your computer. And it also means that if you write this icon to a USB flash drive or disk, it will not open on another computer. Because a label is nothing, an empty space. It's just that it's easy to use such icons on a computer.

By the way, they can be without an arrow. Rarely. How, then, can you tell if it's a label? Click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties". If there is a "Shortcut" tab, it means that this is a real shortcut.

How to find out where the file or folder that a shortcut opens is

Hover and hold the left mouse button over the shortcut. A small window should appear that shows where the file or folder that this icon opens is located.

In this case, the computer shows that this folder is located on Local Drive D, in the "Money" folder. That is, to open this folder without a shortcut, you need to open "Computer", open "Local drive D", then open the "Money" folder, and open the "Work" folder in it.

If suddenly, when you hold the cursor over the icon, nothing appears, right-click on it and select "Properties". In the "Shortcut" tab it is written where the file or folder that it opens on the computer is located.

How to create a shortcut and place it on the Desktop

In order to send the desired file (folder) as a shortcut to the "Desktop", right-click on it. A list will open from which you need to select "Send" and then "Desktop (create shortcut)".

A new icon will appear on the Desktop, that is, on the screen, which will open this file (folder).

The desktop appears immediately after loading the operating system. The user can customize the look of the desktop at his own discretion by arranging various elements and shortcuts to applications and folders in the desired quantity and order.


  • It is customary to call a shortcut an icon-link to a program or folder located on one of the local drives, which helps to quickly access a resource.

    Creating a shortcut does not change the directory in which the file is saved. There are two kinds of shortcuts on the desktop.

  • The first view is the standard desktop elements. These include folders "My Computer", "My Documents", "Network Neighborhood", "Trash". When the operating system is installed, these items are created automatically.
  • If you accidentally deleted them, you can customize their display as follows: click on the "Start" or windows key, open the "Control Panel", in the "Appearance and Themes" category, left-click on the "Display" icon.
  • Another way: being on the desktop, right-click in any free place on the desktop, select "Properties" in the context menu. A new "Display Properties" dialog box will open. Go to the "Desktop" tab in it.
  • In the lower part of the window, click on the "Desktop settings" button to open the additional "Desktop Elements" window. Open the General tab and mark with a marker in the Desktop Icons group the items you want to see on your desktop.
  • Click the OK button, apply the new settings and close the properties window. You cannot customize the display of the cart icon in this way. To do this, you need to edit the registry or use a special program.
  • The second type of desktop shortcuts are those that the user has placed themselves. If you do not see such shortcuts, then you have removed them. They do not disappear by themselves. To create a shortcut to the desired folder or program on the desktop, follow these steps.
  • Go to the directory where the file you want is located. Click on its icon with the right mouse button and select "Send" from the drop-down menu, and "Desktop (create shortcut)" in the submenu.
  • After you finish placing the shortcuts, right-click in any free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop and select the "Refresh" item in the drop-down menu, so that the next time you start the computer, you can find the shortcuts exactly in the place of the desktop where they were placed.
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