How to wind browsing in telegrams. How to make money on the promoted channel and a group in telegrams. Free Methods Promotion Telegram Channel

Last Visitors in Telegram - an important indicator of involvement

Last Visitors in Telegram One of the most important indicators giving an assessment of the quality of the channel - and therefore its audience. Since the appearance of projects in the field of telegraph, the owners of the channels greedily seek to dial maximum amount. In essence, the statistics of the channels are directly related to the indicator of the involvement of the audience. Accordingly, the higher the views, the higher the% involvement, the higher the value of the channel in terms of advertising sales.

Canal statistics You can get the channel in our catalog -

On the other hand, there is no direct parallel between the cost of advertising and the number of views, it is impossible to say that if the channel has 3,000 views on 1 post, then the advertisement in such a telegram canal will be around 6000 rubles. No, everything is resting in a temporary factor. If a person did not enter the channel for more than 2 days, and did not read posts. Then his next arrival will be considered as a unique view, and it will add the eyebill to the Channel piggy bank.

How are the views of posts

In Telegraph, a fairly interesting mechanic displaying views from posts, the logic of their mappings and counting has some features. Knowing that you can ease your life of the author telegrams. Consider the main of them:

Eyes for watching one post

As we have already said earlier, after 2 days of the absence of a user on the channel, his appearance will be considered very unique. From here we have the following - Channels Publishing long saturated posts are gaining a lot of views due to the reason for the navigation of old subscribers and watching old posts.

How do watching long posts

How it works - Suppose we have a channel with alive 2000 subscribers, we publish a long post today. Resting 2 days - we collect the material. We publish the second post, the subscribers again coming to get acquainted with the new post, throw eyes into the piggy bank of the old post. Thus, we have a channel with a high indicator of involvement. There is one nuance. When placing advertising on such a channel, some subscribers can simply unsubscribe.

Entry from different devices

Another feature of the display of unique eyes from posts is and counting with different devices Users. We again simulate the situation, you have 3 devices - tablet, telephone, laptop. When entering the channel from each of them, under the same account, you will have +1 viewing from each.

How to increase views of posts in channels telegrams

Ryurn, we wrote about how services are used to publish tasks like in which channel owners give assignments to the spam newsletter and even on a subscription to their channels. But such services do not always turn out to be useful, so we have several tips, following which the indicators of the involvement (post views) can be left afloat:

  • People love change, but not always. Perhaps on your channel there were no changes long ago that the subscribers scared. You probably changed the avatar, a description, or issuing not required content.
  • Boring content. Experiment, add new design, feed. Change the type of published content. Think that lacking your audience.
  • Regular publications. With a regular publication, your subscribers are already waiting for your posts per hour X. It is clear that the wait will come in a week or two after the schedule is introduced, but still.
  • Make your attention to you. Do not forget that your subscriber has private messages for sure to be clogged with tons of messages from other channels. Therefore, there is a bright screaming avatar that will allow you to highlight your channel against the background of others during the time of mass publications. But do not forget that the avatar must contain a maximum of the meaning of "read" in any amount.

Did the Telegram block influenced views

The question is quite controversial, due to the lack of a single opinion from different sources. Some refers to the fact that a day and 2-3 days after, the activity of users has grown, the medial has declared a decline of views by 70%. After that, the largest channels declared the inaccuracy of the data provided. The statement states that the approach of the income indicators was 2 dates, on April 16 - attendance peak due to a rapid telegram, under the Block Sauce, and April 23 that day, the indicators returned to a natural state. The difference was obvious, that is why the medial has decided to catch "Haip".

Statement of the largest telegrams of channels on the Echo of Moscow

the site spent its small study, interviewing several channels from various subjects. Whether the indicators of the activity of their audience have changed after blocking. The answer was comforting, the indicators and in the truth for several days have experienced a maximum, but then everything returned to their former positions. So the owner of the telegram of the channel @CryptoSliva, just glad was the events that happened on April 16th.

How effective is the cheating of views

The title itself is already foolish enough. The cheating cannot be effective. These are the figures that you get here and now. It may be worthwhile to talk about its utility from the point of view of the sale of the channel. But again, by this you deceive not only yourself, but also your buyer.

The practical use of the cheating is still there, it can be used in the first stages of promotion when it is necessary to attract the audience. It is very difficult to make people subscribe to an empty channel. Therefore, in reasonable volumes, the cheating in the telegrams has a place to be.

How much does it cost to buy views in Telegram

The black market does not cease to surprise with its suggestions, now it's easy to meet the craftsmen who will cover the views for a penny, as if your channel was shown in a straight line with Putin. However, the price tags differ from 500 rubles for 50 views. It is worth noting that often the channels are increasing in unscrupulous acts, (and the cheating to such belongs) often fall under the blocking of the messenger itself.

Do on white promotion methods, and you will be happy

  • How to wind browsing in telegrams for free and independently;
  • At what prices, you can buy views in telegrams on sites;
  • Free cheating of views in Telegram using programs;
  • What they give and for what you need viewing for channels and groups;
  • How to make money on the channel Telegram with views.

Is it possible to wind browsing in telegrams for free without programs

Now, if you look at any social networks on accounts of rather popular personalities, almost everywhere you can meet a mention of an additional page in Telegraph and inviting it. And this is not surprising, since this social network has become simply great popularity. And all because of the fact that, like all new, it remains rather loyal, and most importantly - not scored by suggestions. Respectively, people They try to raise a free thematic niche quickly. And if everything is clear with popular bloggers and stars - they are quite easy to dial a new audience and other resources, what to do to ordinary users? In this case, you will help the windwatch of the Telegram views. And about how to get it and what it can be useful, we will talk further.

Most frequent question With regard to increasing resources on the network, there are many users who are just beginning to master such a process as cheating. And it is most often connected with the possibility of performing independent actions, without any investments. In other words, we think many will be wondering how to wind browsing in Telegram for free. Therefore, we give a few simple and efficient ways:

    Probably the most efficient and frequently used method of replenishment is an advertisement for your account or community. Unfortunately, telegrams are not equipped with ratings and channel search system, as in other social networks. Therefore, users have to talk about themselves. Make it you can absolutely on any sites to which you have access. These may be comments with references or posts in your own accounts, for example, in VK or Instagram (prices for Instagram comments). Just always remember that with such an advertisement it is not worth it at all, otherwise you will be considered for an ordinary and obsessive spammer. And this may lead to serious consequences;

    But there is such a resource where it is not only not reborn, but even welcomed. We are talking about the so-called "Telegraph catalogs". As we said, in the network you do not find the top of any communities. Therefore, users have come up with a separate service for this, where the most popular channels and groups of telegrams are placed. It is here that you can leave links to your communities and accounts. Moreover, such comments automatically occupy the first places. Accordingly, there are practically no risks for the risks, but the audience is not as big as in the other social networks;

    If you are still worried about the spammer's reputation on the Internet, we advise you to make you several accounts and have to make a newsletter, both comments and messages. And this is another way how to wind viewing in teligra. To do this, you need to have several SIM cards, which will be recorded by new accounts. Then, constantly changing pages, write promotional posts, leave comments and send messages to users;

    In addition to advertising, you can use the help of subscribers (inexpensive cheating of channel telegrams). To do this, you will need to acquire a lively audience that will add you to add views. It can be your friends, relatives and acquaintances, but still you will get constant activity in the community that will not remain unnoticed;

    Well last method - creation of unique interesting content. No matter how tired of hearing such statements, but this is the basis of any promotion in social networks. If you have nothing to offer users, then you will not get the returns from them in the form of views and subscriptions. Therefore, in order to interest the audience, choose an interesting not trivial topics and constantly work on your publications. Remember that the main topics that are popular in Telegrams are humor, news review and erotic, so you can take the basis of these ideas and develop them individually.

These are the options for free cheating of views in Telegrams you can use to develop your account and community. All the options described by us, one way or another, suggest quite hard work and permanent stay in this social network. Therefore, you must be prepared for this provision of things. However, in return, you will get a pretty weighty experience with this site, which can later bring you benefit.

How much does it cost to buy views by telegrams from sellers

Well, those who do not suit a waste of time and effort, but to raise your community on the network somehow it is necessary to take advantage of alternative options. And the most efficient and reliable of them is the acquisition of a resource on specialized commercial sites. Such sites are created by SMM specialists who already have experience in the development of social networks. Accordingly, here you will already receive professional assistance, which will allow you not only to quite easily and quickly get the desired resource, but also safely for your account or community.

However, such a process, even on special sites, is quite unstable due to the actions that are taking social network in relation to the cheating. Consequently, the risks still have a place to be. This may especially be to carry out those users who believe that services on the services are unreasonably costly. Of course, you don't want anyone to pay for uncertainty. Therefore, we decided to provide you with topical information about the situation in the SMM market, namely: we will tell about how much it costs to buy views of the telegrams now and what can affect the cost of such an acquisition.

So, at the moment the sites set the following prices: from 120 rubles. up to 700 rubles. For 1000 views, to order subscribers to telegrams will need to spend from 800 to 2400 rubles per 1000 subscriptions. Here in such a price range you can meet. Accordingly, almost on each site you can see your price within the data of the values. Therefore, the user may have a logical question, the site with which cost service is best suited in order to buy views of the telegrams?

Each service establishes one or another price, most often not from its own "Wishlist", but because of a variety of factors affecting this process. And what kind of factors, we will tell further:

Such moments have a significant impact on how much it costs to buy views in telegrams. Therefore, you should not hurry and order the cheapest service option or the opposite, the most expensive. To begin with, appreciate the service itself and its work, ordering the minimum amount of resource. Only so you can understand how much the price corresponds to the quality.

FREE WORK View Telegram with programs

Despite the fact that the prices of purchasing views in Telegraph are not so high, and soon their decline is expected due to the dissemination of this social network in the country, many users still do not want to pay for the work of others and try to find the option, How to wind browsing in telegrams, which will be, if not free, then minimal on costs. In this regard, the "crafts", which they write special programs For automatic cheating.

Such software has already been used for quite a long time for the development of VC, Instagram and other old Social networks. Now it came to the telegraph. Immediately we note that finding such programs through the search is very and very difficult. Basically, they will be learned about rumors, because everyone is trying to earn money on their projects, and not to give them to everyone and everyone. In this regard, let's find out what kind of programs it can go to the telegrams at them.

First of all, the cheating program is an automatic spam newsletter. But you should not immediately worry about the fact that you can lose your account for such actions. Yes, the risk is somehow present, but since the telegrams are a new social network, it rather loyally refers to such actions. There is only a restriction on sending messages: no more than 50 pcs. per day. But this moment calmly costs professionals.

So, using a similar software, you install the required number of "letters of happiness", you make the necessary additional settings, run the process and expect backward returns. For those who want to take advantage of such an opportunity and write a program on their own, it should be remembered that from one IP address you just can not do anything. Even, given the network's extension regarding the mailings and cheating to telegrams, it should be remembered that everything can drastically change. Therefore, before you independently search for a way to write a program and use it in the future for personal purposes and not only, we advise you to provide two parameters: the presence or purchase of a proxy, as well as personal SIM cards to create a set of accounts.

The cheating itself occurs as follows: you send spam messages, the user receives such an invitation and, if it is interested in a similar offer, goes to the specified account or community. Plus, for the screwdriver, in this case, it is that even if a person, going to you, will not fit, he will somehow review several records, which will automatically increase the required resource. Therefore, this option, how to wind browsing in telegrams may not only be free, but also quite effective, taking into account the fact that in this way you can kill two hares at once: get browsing and attract an additional audience. Moreover, as the practice and opinions of specialists showed, at the moment, the return indicators in the network telegrams are much higher than in the rest social networks and messengers, where the same reception was used.

What is given for channels viewing in telegram / Telegram

So, we talked about various methods receipt of views on your account or community and found out that it is possible to do this, both paid and free with your nuances, advantages and disadvantages. Now, let's move on to such a question that may be disturbed first of all newcomers, although the regulars of this social network can also be interested in, what will the cooler visit the telegrams of the channel to your community? After all, it is known that more success brings the audience, signed on you, and not certain resources. So let's understand:

    The most important and tangible effect that we can get from the cheating of views is like and is to attract the real and live audience to the channel. The fact is that if you screw the subscribers and will no longer take any action, it will not bring any result, since such subscribers are only purchased bot accounts with minimal activity or without it. Last Visitors, attract the attention of users who came to your channel;

  • How to make money on your channel using views

    Above, we have already mentioned that there is such an opportunity as the monetization of the channel in Telegraph. This is true, and many users have already fully enjoy such a pleasant bonus. In this case, it is simply necessary to find out how you can earn on the channel, and can it affect the cheating of views in the telegrams:

      To begin with, we will analyze this option about which we have already said in the previous section - the sale of advertising on your channel. Really, this method of monetization is of great popularity among users. And this is due to the fact that advertisers rarely check all the statistics of your channel. They just just see the number of community subscribers and the average view of it on it. And depending on how much your channel is developed, promoting the placement of advertising on it. Thus, the more subscribers and Views you will pick up, the greater the fee will get;

      Another option earning on your channel is also a kind of advertising. Only advertise you will not be goods and services, but other users of this social network. That is, sell you will already have a PR. Very often, young people who have recently created their community and have no experience in this direction are treated. Accordingly, again, what kind of popularity is from your channel, will depend on how much you can offer for your services;

      If you are a representative of an online store or organization selling any product or service, you can also use telegrams to increase sales and earnings. To do this, you can lead something like a news blog, where you will share with users the latest promotions or updates of your organization;

      Also, you yourself can lead a private business from the pages of this social network. To do this, you will not need a separate site or an extensive staff of employees. You will independently be taken and process orders, wherever you are, because there is a telegram and convenient, which is a messenger for smartphones using basic useful functions This application.

    As you can see, options, how to make a lot of money in telegrams, and we clearly indicated not all possible, since the social network is constantly developing and new opportunities for working with it are constantly developing. It is also clear that the cheating of views in telegrams can also increase your chances of stable and decent income, both in active and passive condition.

And now . It can be obtained 1000 views If you combine first

1. Cheating subscribers

Everything is very simple, there is such an application as Telemember.. Represents nothing but subscription exchange service . For subscriptions we get coins. Coins can exchange on subscription. And so stock accounts. One account, you can leave the main one. Swing the program - this is android emulator For PC. Run, create emulation, and run the application. Introduce account data in telegrams, and turn on auto subscriptions And we do it all times, launching new copies of the application. Can be used any emulator or use phone but run on it a few copies of the application if your firmware allows. Actually, everything, once a day we go into the app and throw off all the earned coins, on the main account, and buy the cheating for them. Cheating is fast . And always with a plus, that is, subscriptions more than chosen. The audience is mostly Arabs, they do not enter the channel, there are unsubsions, but the minimum percentages and over time.

2. Cheating views.

Views from posts on channel General i.e., it does not matter where the record is published or its repost,all viewing are summarized . Suppose you made a repost and sent it to chat, or you created a bot and sent it to everyone who signed to the bot, or sent a repost to private messages, in all cases the counter viewer counts views and they will appear on the main channel. But few knows that there are also web widgets of posts, the views of which are also counted. And they are counted regardless of who viewed it, even from non-users telegrams. And so bend, for implementation this method We will need.HTML Hosting You can take any free, it does not matter.Open the canal, take the right post where we are going to wind the views, the button will share next to it. Click it and see the buttoncopy link , copy, for example, reference typeOpen it in the browser . We see the inscription there< > Embed Click it and receive the code

This is the widget code you need. Open HTML Page And insert it there . You can add a few code immediately . And now gonim on this page Traffic . It can be obtained free or buy on traffic exchange , you just need that a person went to this page and the views will be counted on your channel, the price for 1000 viewsstarts from 20 rubles. Total sums, for example on 5 posts will be about 4000 pieces , very cheap, 4 to views for 20 rubles. Method worker, I have already screwed up for them not one thousand views. Moreover, working through the stock exchange you can adjust the flow of visits, consequently, the graphics of the recruitment. If you combine the first method and this one, you can get a complete imitation of the live channel, free .

Thank you all for your attention.

I can't find a way as driven to the page where I have already set 5 links from my channel telegrams, help?

The main indicator of popularity in any social network is the number of subscribers. Channels in telegrams are created by analogy public pages In social networks and adopted many of their functions and features. In addition to the number of subscribers, the channels have another an important indicator - This is the average coverage of post. Under each published message, the number of views and it would seem that everything is simple and obviously, the more people - the more of the views, but sometimes these indicators are noticeable. Telegram Helps the level of these two values \u200b\u200band improve the statistics of the channel. If you need to turn off views on the telegrams, then read the next article.

For a good cheating and promotion of the channel, it is very important to pump its performance.

    Number of views under publication. Please note that the record has already 7254 views.

The number of viewed records speaks of the popularity of the channel as a whole. If the posts are typing a small number of views, then we can say that the channel is not promoted.

Each channel owner, deciding on the cheating, is looking for the most profitable and optimal way. Someone prefers to pay for the service, and someone exercises it yourself. Stripping from two approaches to solving the issue, all methods can be divided into two categories: paid and free cheats.

Free Methods Promotion Telegram Channel

Some users prefer to do everything alone. On the one hand, it is right, because when independent study The question appears a lot of experience in working with the messenger and its audience, but, on the other hand, it takes a lot of time and effort. Nevertheless, free methods of cheating in the telegrams are completely harmless and will not harm the channel nor the account of its owner.

Adding a channel to directories

There is no directory where you can add your own channel in the messenger. The catalog is a service that exists autonomously from the telegrams and allowing any channel owner to publish a link to his project on it. Of course, it is pointless to wait for big results, but users will periodically switch on the link and read posts, which will raise coverage. In addition, there is a possibility of an increase in subscribers, because the link will move those people who interested channel themes.

Website catalog of channels and bots

Links to the channel on social networks

Social networks are designed to follow interesting people. Each owner personal Account There is a specific circle of friends and subscribers who are followed by updates on its page. It is periodically useful to share links to your channel in Telegram, since there is a high probability that they will not remain not seen.


Reposts can be shared both in personal correspondence and on other channels, groups and chat rooms. Views are counted in total, so users just just see the message and not necessarily go to its source. Repographs need to be unobtrusively, so that they do not resonate with the topic of the conversation.

Mention of the channel on Internet resources

You can tell about my project much, especially if it is approaching its promotion with enthusiasm. There are many forums and blogs where you can place our own articles about working in the Telegram messenger and in the context of mentioning your channel. You can do it in the comments, but to share the link you need unobtrusively.

Paid ways of promotion

Many users of the messenger are primarily worried about not so much the way to wind up how much the price of the question. Used search engines You can find a lot of suggestions about the cheating of views, and the price tag ranges from 70 to 1200 rubles for ensuring that this indicator grew by 1000 units.


This method can be attributed to both paid and free category of cheating. The bottom line is that it is command gameThat is, there is a customer and performer. The first orders views, the second looks at the content and gets money for it. After accumulation of a certain amount, you can change roles.

In the picture Bot - performer. Dialogue with him.

In the picture Bot-Customer. Order Promotion and advertising.

Using programs

Specialized software is configured under certain parameters, and further windows to the telegrams are fully automated. At such a way of cheating, the price tag is not big, sometimes you can find offers to sell such programs.

Manual way

The method is not as simple as the previous, but most effective and safe. Partially the cheating process occurs under the supervision of an employee who controls the timely shift of proxy and IP addresses. The limits of safe execution are also set, and the cheating can last more than one hour. In fact, views come portion, in moderate doses, so that the growth of indicators is maximally realistic.

Several popular services where you can wind viewers in the telegrams (in the order of price increase for 1000 units):

  1. - The value for 1000 is 117 rubles. During one day, about 2,000 pieces is winding on average. You can order both for each record individually and for the ten latest posts.
  2. - 129 rubles per 1000. You can order both for a separate post and for five or ten recent records. If you wish, you can screw the views for the whole ribbon, so their number is divided by the total number of entries in the band tape.
  3. - the price is 130 rubles per 1000, this mark is achieved on average in three hours. As well as the previous service has the opportunity to wind up one, five, ten posts or on the entire tape.
  4. - 490 rubles for 1000. Selection of speed of cheating. There is an opportunity to run autotroplings.
  5. - 1000 rubles for 1000. Selection of speed of cheating from two to ten views, also there is a daily cheating service on the last notes. There is an opportunity to order a random chest, that is, each post will be added random number Views, but total it will be an ordered number.

Possible questions, problems when cheating

Channel blocking problems are hardly possible, but it is better to approach such a delicate question. Below are two most particular challenges that are possible when cheating:

  • Spam. You do not need to send links to your channel to everyone in a row with the idea that more people will go to it. In some groups and chats, advertising of other projects is prohibited, and administrators can block the sender.
  • Cheating. Ordering the service needs to be convinced of a good service reputation. Information can be found in various forums and groups on social networks, as a rule, similar sites very often have their own theme on the forums or group in telegrams.


The advantages include an increase in the indicator and improvement of statistics. Big coverage allows you to sell advertising on your channel or attract new customers.

The minus is that this indicator is obtained by artificial way, for this reason it is not possible to analyze the real involvement of subscribers. Thus, it will not work out to develop a faithful strategy for the development of the canal, and the cheating becomes a kind of crutch, from which it is very difficult to get rid of the statistics.

Everything should be in moderation. If you abuse the cheating of subscribers, then ultimately have to resort to the cheating of views. It is better to put your energy and finance to work on the content and promotion of the channel, which artificially overestimate views.

  • Cheap Views Telegram - where cheaper and how much costs;
  • Why it is worth choosing a cheap view in the telegram on the site;
  • How to wind the windows and not to stay without your channel;
  • How to make your publications in telegrams more attractive.

Cheap windows View Telegram: Where to take and for how much

IN lately More and more users create their own channels in telegrams. It is not surprising, since this site is perfect for the implementation of projects, as the entire necessary functionality with the lack of extra options is perfectly combined here. So, for example, the main resources in this network are subscribers and views. Accordingly, the community promotion process will depend on these indicators, which means it takes much faster.

Nevertheless, because of great competition, users often have to resort to additional funds to increase one or another resource. So, for example, one of the most popular ways is the cheating of views of telegrams. Many users at the same time appeal to various commercial services to get this service as quickly as possible and in better form. But there are two questions at once: how much will it cost and where to find performers. We will try to answer them.

  1. AVI1. - Enough in demand and popular service. Here you will find a service for cheating views, worth 130 rubles per 1000 units. As you can see, prices here are quite acceptable. In addition, on this site you can get not only profitable price suggestions, but also support for service staff. These are experienced and qualified specialists who will help you deal with you in any question related to the cheating;
  2. Doctorsmm. - Screw views in the telegrams on this service you can even cheaper - for 117 rubles you will receive 1000 units of services. This site is also one of the rating and has a positive reputation in most users who have already been its customers. This is evidenced by the reviews left on the pages of the service. Also, with any order, you receive a guarantee for full and high-quality services and protection against various unpleasant situations associated with the cheating. And this suggests that the site is really confident in their actions
  3. PRTUT is the last site in our selection, but not inferior to everyone else. Here the purchase of 1000 views will cost you 129 rubles. In addition, you can choose any suitable criteria for the service, as well as the site makes good discounts on wholesale orders. Quite often, various promotions are held here, so there is always a chance to get additional bonuses to purchase.

Such three websites of visual views Telegram We managed to find with truly acceptable conditions, as well as guaranteeing the safety of any order, which in our time it is becoming increasingly problematic. You can personally evaluate each of the services and test them. In any case, you always have the opportunity to find an even more successful option.

What is the charm of the cheating of views in the telegram through the sites

  • Of course, when commissioning and waiting for the result of its execution, you will spend much less time than with independent work in this direction. Most often, a small amount of resource can come to you already in the first day. However, do not forget to look at the statistics so that such an arrival does not look like a jump in it;
  • You will independently control the arrival of traffic. This will help you understand, in what condition is the development of the channel and content. So you will know exactly how many views are at a certain period of time;
  • Based on the previous paragraph, it is possible to conclude that with the help of a toll cheating of the Telegram views, you can not only know what the resource comes, but also plan the entire channel development process. That is, it will be possible to understand which methods among themselves can be combined to obtain a better result, and what else to add to success;
  • You do not have to worry about your actions will find spam. In other words, in this case you do not document anyone by sending and comments containing links to your channel. Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of such actions, but at times cut them - it is quite possible;
  • Also, when choosing a reliable service, it will never be about installing any additional software on the device. This means that the chances of catching some kind of virus to their PC or smartphone are zero.
  • Cheating one way or another is associated with certain risks. Therefore, you may encounter the write-offs in the resource if you notice the network filters and they will not like what you do;
  • In addition to write-off, you can also get the blocking of the community. However, such cases have not yet been observed in the network telegrams. But sometimes any loyalty comes an end. Therefore, always be on the check;
  • There is also every chance to meet an unfair artist, both a private owner and a whole organization. At the same time, you can lose not only the funds spent on the material, but also a community due to violations of the network rules;
  • You should not wait from the cheating of real customers who will be ready to buy something in your community or praise its content. Acquired views is just an enlarged indicator, which in turn can attract other users.

As you can see, even the most efficient and fast way Receiving the necessary resource can not have only positive parties. Therefore, we leave a solution for you, is it worth using a paid cheating of views in a telegram or to search for alternative options for increasing this indicator.

How to wind viewing teligra and not stay overboard network

As we have already said, one of the shortcomings of a paid acquisition of views is the ability to violate the rules of the network and, as a result, getting a channel blocking. Of course, this is not exactly the outcome that users expect from the cheating, and probably some may have a disappearance of the desire to use this method of achieving the necessary goal. However, it is not necessary to make speaking solutions, as any process can be debugged and customized to your needs. Therefore, let's find out how to wind the views of the telegrams and not be overboard the social network, in other words - do not get the block:

  1. To begin with, be sure to bring your community to the proper look. This is especially true of those users who only recently registered on the network and created their own project. What does the proper look mean? Your channel should look alive and active. Accordingly, for this you need to perform technical settings And create a pleasant eye design. The community must create the impression that it has long been working on the network;
  2. Also an unconditional rule for safe cheating Views Telegram will be the presence of content in sufficient quantity. This should not be just one post on which you want to increase the indicators. Therefore, try to add as many meaningful interesting publications as possible, which will not only be present on the channel, but also will also be interested in users who came to you;
  3. Take care of the fact that your community has its own audience. If you just started the path of the channel development, you can add all your loved ones and acquaintances phonebook and contacts in other social networks. The main thing is that there are not less than 15-30 people. The more, the better, of course;
  4. Try to find the most honest and reliable artist. Let them spend a fairly large amount of time, but it is from the seller and will mostly depend on the security of the entire process. Evaluate not only the prices for reaching telegram subscribers and viewing, but also the rate of arrival of the resource and its quality;
  5. But even if you chose the ideal, in your opinion, the seller, do not rush to make a complete order immediately. To begin with, test the service for possible technical problems. Having ordered a small number of views, you can understand what capacity they will come to you and at what speed;
  6. Do not wait for a large amount of resource on the first day after order. Such a jump in the meter readings will not be not only not only filters, but also to other network users. And this may affect your reputation in the future - no one loves the manifestation of an explicit cheating;
  7. Plan the development of the channel. So you can clearly know when you need to stop the cheek, and when it is worth renewing. So you can achieve a completely natural traffic arrival on your channel;
  8. Do not combine a paid chest with risky free options. It can only aggravate your position and expose the community to even greater attention from the filters.

Here are a few recommendations that you can take up to turn watching telegrams without any fears and unpleasant situations. The main thing is to remember that you need to try to achieve the natural development of the community, even if using commercial services.

How to make sure the carts carts wondered

Of course, you can easily buy a certain number of views on your posts in Telegram and do not worry about how to attract the attention of users to content. However, if you want the indicators not hanging on the same level, but only grew and increased, it is necessary to think about how to make the publications really interesting to be browsing. Therefore, before trying to shut up views by telegrams, analyze your content and try it somewhat diversified. And these recommendations we can give on this:

  • Use more visual. Even if you post some clever thoughts, interesting articles, etc., do not forget that people in our time love to consider pictures. Therefore, try to add as many images as possible and video files. At the same time, pictures should be bright and cling attention;
  • Infographics will explain more than the text. In the event that you need to bring some conclusions, comparison or analysis, again, it is not necessary to open the tedious text, even if it takes two lines. All this is better to display in the image on the chart;
  • Select interesting thoughts with emoticons. And this concerns not only individual theses, but also entire paragraphs. Without emoticons in our life, just nowhere. So we give the dry text emotional color, and the user will thus can accurately understand what you meant. However, it is not worth and remarking with this, making your publication that Las Vegas at night;
  • However, not only the publications themselves can attract attention. A big role is played by the overall design of the canal. The user must be comfortable on your pages. Therefore, we note any bright and motley background, leaving muted shades. The main thing is that it should stand out on the page - post;
  • Do not forget to use various bots in a telegraph for text formatting and drawing posts. Without such assistants, just do not do. Such bots allow you to change the text font, its color and all kinds of other parameters. Some tools are at all a small designer to create a full-fledged publication from the media file, pictures and any button. It is very convenient to create promotional posts;
  • Do not forget about your subscribers. Conduct various contests, polls, and so on. That is, all those events in which other users can be involved. People really like the fact that their opinion may be important for whom they are signed, that is for you. Therefore, surveys are as much better for an interactive with an audience.
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